Vol. 3 #13 - February 18, 2010 Grand Bend Strip

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Vol. 3, No. 13

Thursday, February 18, 2010

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THE HORSE WHISPERER Julie Forrest discusses her amazing gift for communicating telepathically with animals COVER PHOTO BY CASEY LESSARD ADVICE FROM MOM & KEEPING THE PEACE P.11 - LIVING IN BALANCE & FIDO... COME... SIT P.13 - JAMES EDDINGTON P. 16

Wondering how you can help Haitians?

HELP THEM REBUILD. Rachel and Jessica Michielsen are raising money to honour their late father, the namesake for The House That Jack Built. Full details on page 14.

Strip VIPs

2 • Thursday, February 18, 2010


The art of animal conversation Crediton area rancher Julie Forrest is an animal communicator, which means she speaks with animals, expressing their thoughts to the people who take care of them. Forrest speaks to the animals – large or small – telepathically, and says they have a lot to say. She has used this skill to train the many horses and cattle on her farm, which are used as professional athletes on rodeo tours across Eastern Canada. Casey Lessard sat down with Julie Forrest, and invites you to sit back, open your mind and hear what she has to say about her work.

As told to Casey Lessard Photos by Casey Lessard


have communicated with animals since I was a kid, and I always thought everyone did. I didn’t realize it was a special gift or that I was different from anyone else. I always heard their voices. I’ve always heard them talk. People would say, I wonder what they’re saying and I’d say what they were saying. Everyone would laugh and I thought they heard it too, that it was no big deal. Then a friend of mine and I went away for the weekend to a course about 16 years ago, and it ended up being a telepathy course. I thought, I do that, but I didn’t know that was what it was called. I had always done it for family and friends, but from there I started doing it for other people. I came out of the closet. It was a very big social issue. People asked me, what makes you so special that you think you can talk to animals. But what I get from the conversations, it’s definitely a validation to the owners that that is their animal. They say one in 10 people can talk telepathically if they choose to focus. I can do people, but I choose not to for the simple fact that people are so hung up on themselves and the social or religious whatever. People are more critical. Animals say what they need to say. They don’t sugarcoat anything and they tell you like you need to hear it. End of subject. It’s not usually opinionated things. They’re telling the truth because animals show our truths. I always ask the animals to describe their essence, to tell me something that the owner knows they always do. It’s not like I go and tell them that they like to roll over and have

their bellies scratched. Every animal’s different. Their response validates to the owner that it is their animal. Then we ask them their problems and what’s going on.

An ongoing conversation They can hear you all the time. Animals speak telepathically, so whatever you picture, they’re also able to pick that up. People say dogs can always sense when you’re afraid of them. Chances are pretty good that when you walk away from that dog that you’re thinking in your mind, please don’t bite me. You’re picturing this dog coming from behind and grabbing you, so you have actually given that dog permission to do that. You’re giving him that visual image. The level of a conversation from an animal is so much higher than we can imagine. They have so much more knowledge of the universe than we do. Some can be extremely deep. The owners will write up a list of questions they want to ask the animal and I sit down and write out the conversation so they have a copy of it and I always have a copy. I’ll read it back to the person and see if there are any other questions from that. It’s important that the animal is able to convey what they want their owner/guardian to know or understand about their problems. I always read it back first to be sure it’s explained on that proper level, the way they want it. You could put out a piece of paper and 10 different people could read it 10 different ways. That’s why I always want to interpret it the way it is meant to be interpreted.

Every animal has its own voice. Some have accents. I did a horse that had a really strong English accent with ye and thee, and it’s important to put that in the conversation as I hear it because it means something to the owner. He ended up being shipped here from England. They all have different personalities the same as we do, so of course, they’re going

to have different voices the same as we do. They speak English. I’ve done some from Quebec that are raised French and I ask them to come to me in a universal language that I can understand. There may still be the odd French word in there and I write it down as it sounds because I don’t understand French, but the owner will know what it means.




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Strip VIPs

Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 3

They’re thrilled to be able to talk: ‘I can finally be heard.’ ing competitively since I was seven. When Ed and I got together, he decided he wanted to do a more manly thing, so that was the rodeo and we’ve been together for 16 years now. We started off just competing in steer wrestling, barrel racing, and roping events, and it’s been about nine or 10 years now that we’ve been the stock contractors for the rodeos for Eastern Canada. We supply the stock (steers and calves) for the rodeos for steer wrestling, team roping, breakaway roping, tie-down roping and junior steer riding. That covers five of the seven mandatory events. We have always integrated the two businesses, communicating and rodeo. With the average calf-roping horse, it typically takes a full two years to train them to do that. I can do it in three to six months because I can talk to them and tell them, “This is what I want you to do. This is your job. Do you understand?” If I can’t explain what I want verbally, I show them a picture. I show them an image of, for example, “I want you to do a sliding stop when the rope becomes tight Communication and rodeo I’ve been riding since I was three and show- on that calf, and you have to face up to that There’s none that are ever too shy to talk. As soon as you’ve given them that opportunity, it’s like, ‘Oh my God, I can finally be heard. Yes! They’re getting it. I can convey what I want them to know.’ Animals all already speak on that level, and that’s why we have so much more to learn from them than from each other. The only animals that are really hard to work with are chickens and emus. I’ve done every other animal and they’re thrilled to be able to talk. I’ve done seven or eight pages of a conversation. Small animals like a cat or dog can take anywhere from 30 or 45 minutes to an hour. Some conversations with horses and dogs can take from two to four hours. I did a conversation with one horse that had hopes of being a Pan-Am horse racer and heading to the Olympics, and we talked for four and a half hours. That was almost a whole notebook. We wanted to make sure everything was covered.

calf and be in control.” Then I’ll ask them, “What’s the best time for your rider to get off ? When you’re squatted or just as you go to stop? That rider has to come off and you’ve got to help send him off. Do you like the rope where we have it positioned on your face? ‘No, I don’t like it there, I want it lower.’” Then it hooks underneath instead of coming by his eye. Different things like that. We can really tell him, “When the gate cracks, you’ve got to follow that calf out.” Other people have to keep drilling it and drilling it, whereas I can talk to him and tell him what we need him to do, “Now what do you need us to do to make it better for you?” It makes for a better relationship and a faster training process. It makes everyone happier. Not all horses want to do that type of job. You could spend a full two years on a horse and it’d never be able to step up to the plate to be that champion horse or do the job to the best of its ability because it doesn’t want to do that. We’ve had some like that. That’s fine. We change their career or we sell them to somebody who’s going to be compatible

with that animal. All our stock has to be trained prior to going to the rodeo. You can’t just pull a cow out of the field and say, you’re going to go and do this, so they’re trained so their muscles are stretched equally as well to ensure they don’t get hurt. It’s inevitable that at some point, some of them may get hurt, but we’ve had a really good record of not many getting hurt. You lose more from a sickness in a barn; we look after our rodeo stock very well. It’s our livelihood. It’s mandatory that they are looked after; it’s no different than our horses. They are athletes, so they need the best care and upkeep because we’re traveling. It’s nothing for us to travel 2100 km in a weekend. We leave on a Thursday, go to Quebec for an 18 hour drive, show there, travel all night another 12 hours to another rodeo, and from there another 10 hours home. I get lots of emails saying, “If you’re an animal communicator, how come you’re promoting the sport of rodeo? That’s cruelty to animals.” It’s not. It gives them a career. (Continued on page 4)

4 • Thursday, February 18, 2010

Strip VIPs


Wanted MUSICIANS The Band in You Music School has a few openings for young musicians to join a couple of existing rock bands as well as a new band. Ages 12-14: Bass Player • Keyboardist • Guitar Player (ideally lead guitar) (for a new band starting next week, Saturday classes) Some experience required.

Ages 14-18: Lead Singer • Keyboardist • Bass player (for an experienced rock band, Tuesday classes) Some experience required.

Ages 12-14: Guitar Player (for a young developing rock band, Saturday classes) Minimal experience required. The Band in You Show will perform at different venues throughout the summer. All prepared bands will perform at the concerts.

For further information please contact us at: thebandinyou@hay.net


Please support these bands today so that they can provide the community with many years of amazing music. My personal goal is to make the Grand Bend area known for its bands and musicians and for local businesses to have easy access to plenty of quality local entertainment without having to bring it in from elsewhere. Our bands performed last year to great reviews. Over the winter, the bands have been working very hard to provide an even better show for you this year. If you would like to book our bands to perform for your event this summer, please contact us at: thebandinyou@hay.net. For more information please call or email:

The Band in You 519-851-7013 thebandinyou@hay.net

‘There’s so much that animals have to offer.’ It’s no different than us having a career or the horses having a career. If those cattle are not used for rodeo, their only other option in life is to be in our freezer. These animals have a career for two or three – and some even four or five – years depending on what they’re doing. They follow the ranks up, starting with calf tie-down, then breakaway, then steer wrestling and team roping, and then to junior steer riding. If they’re good and like what they’re doing, they keep on going. Otherwise, most of them are butchered before they’re two years of age. Now they have a career. Being longhorns, they’re extremely smart animals.

We can learn so much I don’t believe there’s any such thing as a stupid animal. Animals are the same as people. You can be an old soul or a young soul. If you get a dog that doesn’t listen, it’s because their either don’t associate with their name, or because they’re a very young soul and it’s your job to teach them the ways of the world. You get some, that old soul that picks up things so quickly and is so intelligent and that’s because they’ve been here many times. An animal’s purpose in life is to be taught and to teach. To help us along the way. There’s so much that animals have to offer. Beavers build a dam that we have to blow up with dynamite. Why couldn’t we learn how to build something that strong? Birds build nests that can withstand tornadoes. Spiders’ webs are the strongest substance in the world. Ants build colonies that don’t destroy our land. People are destroying our natural resources and destroying different animal species for our own selfish, ignorant purposes. People are using monkeys for their gall bladders and eating their brains for a delicacy. They show us so much, like unconditional love, responsibility, not to be so endeavoured into ourselves and to think of others. Animals are a huge part of our lives. Our kids can grow up and move out, but our animals are still here. I’ve always been the type of person who gets along bet-

ter with animals than I do with people. I always believe that animals have so much more to share with us than the average person does with each other. They’ve proven that a lot of animals – for example, gorillas – can speak by hand language. Animals whose owners are hearing or speech impaired learn those hand signals and know what they mean. Most people only use eight to 10 per cent of our brains. A lot of people are so caught up in our social and cultural structures that we’re not open enough to accept other forms of communication. Telepathy can be done through audio, pictures, feelings, or colours. When I first started, there were a lot of skeptics. People would say, ‘I’m going to let you talk to my horse just to prove that you’re wrong.’ And I did that in the beginning to prove that I was talking to their animal. I did that for the first two years, but now I don’t have to prove myself to anybody. If you want my services, you’ll ask for it. These days, there are a lot of people who do believe in it, and are looking for methods to help their animals other than pharmaceuticals.

Lessons from furry friends It’s just kept me very humble and not judgmental. Through the eyes of the beholder, it has made me realize that I’m equal with everybody. I don’t ever think I’m better than any one else. We’re all equal, and we have to be equal to coincide with everybody. I am not my dogs’ master. I may be their guardian and I am looking after them, but we are all equal. We have to learn from each other and teach each other. Every conversation with an animal is new and fresh. It never gets old. I love my life and I love what I’m doing. Julie Forrest offers animal communication sessions for $75 for small animals (cats/dogs, etc.) and $125 for large animals (horses/ cows, etc.). To learn more, visit http://www.julieforrest.com or call 519-234-6130.


Strip Events

Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 5

Drayton High Lance Bedard on Here comes the bridal School Musical a roll in 2010 showcase auditions are this weekend It’s already been a big year for Zurich musician Lance Bedard, most recently nominated for best Pop Artist/Group of the Year in the London Music Awards. The nomination and growing radio play are early highlights of 2010 that Bedard and his band hope to build on as the year progresses. They are currently wrapping up a six-song EP album after industry advisors recommended a better quality recording. “The last EP, Restless, got great feedback,” Bedard says. “Industry professionals told us the recording was not near up to par for prime time radio, but that the songs are good.” Taking the feedback to heart, the band recorded four new songs and was ready to press it, but decided to add two more before releasing the EP. This spring, Bedard plans to release the song “Sunday Afternoon” on iTunes, and the band is strategically planning to coordinate fan purchases in one day to draw industry attention to the song’s popularity. The band’s popularity has translated into the London Music Award nomination, but he can’t win without fans voting for him. To vote, visit the contest website at http:// www.londonmusicawards.com. Other local bands nominated include River Junction Band, Vintage Moments, and Brownsyn Jerome. In the meantime, plan to attend the band’s “Post Recording Party ” Friday, February 26 at the Zurich Bluewater Community Centre. Brownsyn Jerome is the opening act. Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door; the event starts at 9 p.m. Proceeds go to support a Performing Arts Society of Ontario scholarship for a student at South Huron District High School. To learn more about Lance Bedard, visit his website at http://www.myspace.com/lanceromance01

Area high school students will hit the stage at the Huron Country Playhouse this summer as members of the chorus of Disney’s High School Musical May 19 to June 5. Auditions for Avon Maitland, Bluewater, Huron Perth and Lambton Kent District School Boards take place this Sunday, February 21 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at South Huron District High School; London and Thames Valley District School Boards will audition from 2 to 5 p.m.. The auditions are exclusively for students in Grades 9 to 12, and 36 students will be chosen to perform in the show alongside professional actors, including Canadian Idol winner Melissa O’Neil. “Since the show is High School Musical, what better way to show that than by casting high school students to be in the show,” says Drayton executive producer Steve Roth. “We’re looking for enthusiastic high school students who can sing and dance but who also have a passion for theatre.” Other than that, no specific preparation is necessary, but students should come with a recent photo and comfortable clothes and shoes. Students cast through the auditions will be involved in five numbers. Roth says auditionees will learn the music and choreography for one of the songs they’ll be performing if chosen. Those chosen will spend one week learning their roles before joining the professional cast two days before the first show. “Getting the community more involved in Grand Bend is something we’ve talked about for years, and I hope that in the next year or two, we’ll go back to the way it used to be, where we have our professional company, but community members are invited to be part of the show.” Meaghan Forrester, 18, of Grand Bend (left) was a member of the children’s chorus in Oliver! this year at the Playhouse, and is eager to audition for a role that fits her age more appropriately. The South Huron student encourages other students to try to be part of the process. “ Tr y to have fun with it. Even if you don’t get in, it’s a really good experience. Getting to know people and doing the work is so nice. I made tonnes of friends, and Lance Bedard (middle) and his band, (from left) James I’m actually keeping in con- Debus, Marcel Gelinas, Nick Haberer, and Dereyk Goodwin. tact with the director as a reference for university.” The show premiered last year at St. Jacobs to sell-out crowds, with O’Neil, the 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday 2005 Idol winner in the starring role. David Connolly (Miss and daily during March Break (March 13–21) Saigon) returns as director after successful runs in St. Jacobs and Penetanguishene. Become a member of the Friends! For tickets to the Drayton season, call 1-888-449-4463. The Friends of Pinery Park is a Audition forms: http://www.draytonentertainment.com/ charitable organization dedicated to


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education, promotion, preservation and support of Pinery Provincial Park.

Cost: Single membership $15, Family $20, and Group $30.

Photo by Casey Lessard

Welcome Wagon is once again rolling out the red carpet for area brides, showcasing wedding vendors at their annual Bridal Showcase at the South Huron Recreation Centre this Tuesday, February 23. Brides and grooms attending the show will be treated to displays and fashion shows, and have the chance to win prizes that include a diamond pendant from Bakelaar Jewelers in Exeter, and a honeymoon sun vacation courtesy Today’s Bride magazine. The first 100 brides will receive a gift bag. Pa r t i c i p a t i n g ve n d o r s include photographers, cake makers, gown stores, and many more. Doors open at 6 p.m., and admission is free. To register, visit: http:/www.welcomewagon.ca or call 1-866-873-9941.

Grand Bend 2010 Winter Carnival

Let the games begin

6 • Thursday, February 18, 2010

With this year’s theme being the Olympics, it was appropriate that Christine Hitchen of Strathroy led the parade. Hitchen carried the Olympic torch in Stratford; Coke chose her after hearing the story of how she took up running to cope with her husband’s death. “It was amazing,” she said of running with the torch.

BRIDAL SHOWCASE Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 6 p.m. South Huron Recreation Centre 94 Victoria St. E., Exeter


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Above: Benguin helps light the torch during the opening ceremony of the 2010 Grand Bend Winter Carnival at Paddington’s Pub February 5. Carnival chair Dave Maguire helped create the flame with a salad bowl and some propane. Dinah Taylor joined the parade.

Scott Howell and Larry Mason represented Gables.

Your pet is in good hands You can leave home this March Break (or longer) knowing they’re with friends

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Visit www.grandbendstrip.com/advertising or call 519-614-3614.



Grand Bend 2010 Winter Carnival

Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 7

The cultural component

Children were invited to show off their talents at the Oakwood Inn Resort February 14. Most sang, with some performing on musical instruments. Abby Klink, 3, of Waterloo (left) got some encouragement from her aunt Jamie Metzger; Abby sang Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. Lucas Heron, 5, of Exeter (middle) sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Accompanist Ken Dinel gives Jewel Dinel, 4, of Grand Bend (right) the thumbs up as she prepares to perform You Are My Sunshine.

Photos by Casey Lessard

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8 • Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grand Bend 2010 Winter Carnival


Joey Forrester of Grand Bend tosses his ice bowling ball, crafted by IceCulture of Hensall, in the Riverbend Olympics February 6.

Chasing down an Olympic dream

Amanda Given and Team Cuba pull in the tug of war at the Riverbend, but come up short of victory.

Carrie Orenchuk tees off in the snow golf event at the Oakwood Inn February 6. Teams played 18 holes.


Grand Bend 2010 Winter Carnival

Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 9

Mooch Hussain fumbles the catch during a game of sno-pitch February 13 at the Grand Bend diamonds. Still, his team went on to beat Paddington’s in preliminary play.

Paddington’s owner Jen Gaukroger pitches during their game against the Black Shire pub.

Pauline Moss gets a hit for the Black Shire pub.

Mark Redman of Grand Bend, representing the Riverbend, almost loses his tray in the time honoured Waiters’ Race at the Colonial February 14.

Carly Simonse of Grand Bend brings the torch home for the Colonial Hotel.

Melany Regier of Grand Bend aims for a hole in one for Aunt Gussie’s.

Photos by Casey Lessard


Strip Thoughts

10 • Thursday, February 18, 2010

Proud to be... View from the Strip By Casey Lessard I’m not a sports fanatic, so I think it was a surprise to Anjhela to see how excited I get watching the Olympics. I have to admit that I get a little carried away when a Canadian is competing, and perhaps talk too much during the process. I act like I can predict who’s going to win and too often I’m proven wrong when someone crashes or another person comes from behind to take gold. But I think even she would admit she gets a thrill from the process, especially if a Canadian is involved. What is it about cheering for someone we don’t know, someone who we may never meet, and someone who is apparently representing us as a fellow Canadian? Where does national pride come from? For that matter, where does community pride come from? Why can’t we be happy for someone from another country, even at the cost of our fellow Canadians? It comes down to national pride, a separation of shared values between us and them, the Canadians and the Americans, the Western world and the Eastern world, demo-

cratic nations and Communist nations. As slam poet Shane Koyczan told us in the opening ceremonies, “Some say what defines us is something as simple as please and thank you.” The cheers erupted when he said that we say zed instead of zee. These things are so simple and, dare I say, trivial. But apparently it makes us Canadian. And we’re proud of that. But to be Canadian now is to be multicultural. Our families and communities are merging culturally, and someday we’ll all be a big mix of north, south, east and west. To be Canadian is to be un-Canadian. That’s what truly defines us. Perhaps that’s what is attractive about Canada. You don’t have to be from here to know what Canada is about. Canada is, in theory, the every state. It’s not, of course, but we wish it were so. Our dream is for everyone to want to be Canadian, to like us. Whether that will ever be reality, I don’t know. It is, after all, a dream. And for a few weeks this February, our dream is our job. We have to pretend we’re the greatest, the most interesting and attractive. Sometimes that requires being humble and accepting defeat, and other times rejoicing in our victories. If that’s the dream, I accept it. If we can accomplish that, I’m in. And I think no matter what country you live in, it’s a dream everyone wishes could come true.

The big question Which school should the AMDSB close? Survey results (online votes):


- Usborne Central PS (10 votes)


- Zurich PS (6 votes)


- Hensall PS (4 votes)


- Stephen Central PS (4 votes)


- Exeter PS (1 vote)

Submitted by Tim Cumming, Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Tickets to the Conservation Dinner usually sell out quickly but now there is extra reason to purchase tickets early, according to the volunteer dinner committee. Patrons who purchase their gala dinner tickets before February 22 will be eligible for an ‘early-bird’ prize draw where they may win a limited edition print by artist Gary Corcoran. The print is of a beautiful nature painting entitled Winter Sylvan – Downy Woodpecker. The 21st Conservation Dinner is a local success story with donors, patrons and volunteers working together to support environmental health through accessible trails, commemorative woods, fish stocking for

youth, conservation education and other conservation initiatives. This year’s gala charitable dinner and art auction takes place on Thursday, April 15, 2010 at the South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter. Tickets are $50 per person and patrons received an charitable gift receipt for half that amount. For tickets, talk to a Conservation Dinner committee member or phone 519235-2610 or 1-888-286-2610. The gala Conservation Dinner includes a live auction of art and other unique items, a silent auction, special raffles and general raffles. Local individuals and businesses wishing to sponsor auction items or contribute donations to the event are encouraged to contact Ausable Bayfield Conservation. For information on the Conservation Dinner visit conservationdinner.com


Thank you from the Bluewater Shrine Fire Brigade to those who bought tickets for our painting draw. Todd Andrews of Whitby won the painting, valued at $3,800. Andrews bought the ticket in Blyth. The draw raised for $4,800 for telemedicare at the Children’s Hospital of London.

Hello everyone, Just letting you know of our little fundraiser to raise dollars for the Rotary Relief Program for Haiti. We, as a family, have been making cloth bags which are very handy if you scrapbook, quilt, sew, knit or crochet - or even play bingo. You’ll see in the picture that the bag is held in place with a cloth weight filled with sand. The weight can be used as a pin If you would like to order one please concushion as well! The bag can be used to hold scraps of paper or bits of thread and yarn. It is tact Joan Love at 519-238-2644 or lovenest@ hay.net environmentally friendly too! Thanks! The cost for these bags is only $12.00, with All the best from, the Loves all funds going to the Haiti Relief Program.

Can humans communicate telepathically with animals? Tell us at grandbendstrip.com


Grand Bend




Publisher/Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard


Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Distribution: Joan McCullough, Rita Lessard and Casey Lessard Contributors: Rita Lessard – my mom Tom Lessard – my dad Anjhela Michielsen – social justice Jenipher Appleton – nature/birding Lance Crossley – national affairs James Eddington – fine dining Lorette Mawson – interior design Yvonne Passmore – pet training

Advertising is accepted on condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check their ads on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Grand Bend Strip reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards and/or the law. All material herein, including advertising design, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday in the summer and monthly in the winter. For this edition, 1000 were printed with more than 600 sent directly to subscribers in the Grand Bend area, and across North America. To subscribe, use PayPal online or send a cheque: $24/year, $12 July-Oct/Nov-June Alert the Grand Bend Strip of any address changes, and to let us know if you should be but are not receiving your copy of the paper.

Locally owned and operated © Copyright 2010

2nd place Feature Series 3rd place Rural Reporting Business Writing Arts Coverage In House Ad Campaign

1st place Outstanding Reporter Initiative (Circulation up to 9,999)


Strip Thoughts

Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 11

Learning the ropes Understanding my moods Keeping the Peace By Tom Lessard, C.D. Arriving at Camp Ipperwash in 1960, I was directed to the battalion orderly room, where I was greeted and my name entered on the battalion nominal roll. After all the paperwork was completed and I was told about my assignment to headquarters company, I was directed to that office, where all the routines and paraphernalia were explained to me. After pointing out where I would be working, at the quartermaster stores, I was then told I would be living in H Block 26B. The glimpses I had of the camp as I was arriving that morning led me to think he said Stalag 26B, as I was certain that camp resembled this one. Undaunted, I stumbled around and finally found the hut that was to be my home until we left for Germany in the fall of 1962.

The voice of God My bed was located right beside a window. I dumped my gear and headed for the Q.M. stores. As I was walking across the parade square, I heard a loud voice come over the air. “Halt! Where are you going?!” I thought it was God and almost fell to my knees. “To find the Q.M. stores, sir!” I replied. “Turn right around and march off the parade ground: NOW!” he said. Of course, I obeyed, and later found out that my first thoughts were very close to the truth; the regimental sergeant major is god of the battalion and the parade square is his holy domain.

Fitting right in I found the Q.M. stores and reported in. By now, it was almost closing time, so the clerk quickly introduced me to everyone available,

gave me a quick glimpse of the stores and told me to follow him. He led me outside to the parking lot and we drove to the wet canteen without even asking if I drank or not. The canteen wasn’t open yet, but that didn’t deter him. He just dragged me around to the back door, pounded a couple of times, and we were admitted. Since the bar was legally closed, and you never knew when the orderly officer or anyone else with authority might come along, the bartender took us into the walk-in cooler where we had a couple of pints before supper. Talk about being taught the ropes; I was learning very quickly. After supper, I was asked to join two of the guys on a tour of Thedford. First stop, just inside the village, was the Legion. It was located off the main road and back in quite a piece so the residents wouldn’t complain about noise or other things that might go on in an establishment that served booze. After a glass or two, we went to the next watering hold, the Thedford Hotel, which would some time later be renamed The Pink Elephant. In those days, it was a jumping joint. You may not remember, but there was segregation in those days. Every hotel was separated into a men’s room and a ladies’ and escorts’ only room. The only way to get into the ladies’ room was to have one of the women invite you over. There were times when one of the soldiers who lived in town would go home, pick up his wife, and bring her down so we could all drink on the women’s side. To add to the fun, there were apartments above the hotel and most of the Main Street stores, and we knew many of the married couples who lived there. We had many a party up there in the days when I was stationed at Ipperwash with 1RCR. A year later, I married Rita in Germany on February 8, 1963. We celebrated 47 years last week. With love, Tom.


This is Lucy. she’s a 3½-year-old three-coloured Bernese-cross (white only on her chest) She’s been missing since Monday, January 25, 2010 from Sunnivue Farm at 27093 New Ontario Road near Ailsa Craig

If you know her whereabouts, we’d greatly appreciate a call at 519-232-9096. We can’t wait to have her home.

Advice from Mom By Rita Lessard By the time you read this article, I will have started my Lenten fast. Shrove Tuesday, better known as Pancake Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), will be the last hooray for me as I will give up the goodies until April 3, the Saturday before Easter Sunday. Forty days of sacrifice. By now my friends are accustomed to my habit of doing this and bear with me as my moods can change from the lack of sugar. Thank you to everyone for being so patient.

Chinese traditions

Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000) - Extroverted, like to learn new things, optimistic, inexhaustible. Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001) - Great intuition, wise advisor, love live, lots of youthful energy. Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) - Determined, talented, encouraging, live in the moment. Sheep (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003) - Make friends easily, creative, artistic, elegant, nurturing. Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004) - Verbal, expressive, witty, enjoy the spotlight. Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) - Outspoken, opinionated, confident, ambitious, can easily inspire people. Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) - Protective of loved ones, good with money, always lend a hand to those in need. Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) - Humble yet confident, honest, usually in the right place at the right time. Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) - Problem solver, value independence, have great people skills. Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) - Loyal friend, hate surprises, practical, tend to distrust authority

February 14 rang in the Chinese New Year, and this is the year of the tiger. To usher in luck and prosperity, the Chinese exchange money in small red envelopes. For the best karma, they hand out cash in even numbers, the number eight being the luckiest. I really enjoy reading my daily horoscope, and I usually read Casey’s as well. A few weeks ago, I was reading Casey’s and it said he would do well in pursuing a career in communications, journalism, or photography. How freaky is that? The Chinese horoscope uses animal signs based on the year the person was born. This is a fun thing; as you look at this lineup, you My fair valentine may see some traits that relate to you accordDonna: He’s so romantic, every time he ing to the year you were born. Enjoy! greets me, he starts with “Fair lady.” Joyce: Romantic, my eye! He used to be a Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, bus driver! 1986, 1998, 2010) - Passionate, powerful, love luxury, and loyal to friends and family. Happy birthday to my grandson Jonah Rabbit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, & Molly McCann (March 4), Robert Peter 1975, 1987, 1999) - Diplomatic, romantic, (February 24), and my granddaughter Abby can turn a profit, and love to try new things. (March 12).

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To Do List

12 • Thursday, February 18, 2010

Community/Charity Grand Bend Nursery School is now offering 5 sessions a week of the Early Learning Program…a FREE high quality program designed to help prepare young children for school. For children 2.5 to 4 years old who reside in Lambton County. Call Grand Bend Nursery School at 519-238-8514.

TUESDAYS 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Pt. Franks Comm Ctr. Kids Matter every Tuesday. Join us as we crochet sleeping mats out of milk bags to send to the children in Africa and South America. Bring your lunch, scissors and a #7 crochet hook. Call Peggy Smith at 519-2965834 for details. 7 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

Grand Bend Women’s Institute (Please MONDAY, MARCH 1 TO WED. MARCH 31 bring item for children’d hospital). 12 p.m. – Greenway Road e. of Hwy 21 Return of the Tundra Swans. Bring your binoculars. On weekends naturalists will be SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 on-site to answer any of your questions. For 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. – Grand Bend CHC Grand Bend Community Foundation more info visit www.returnoftheswans.com. 2009 Donor and Grant Celebration. Everyone welcome. TUESDAY, MARCH 9 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. – GB Legion. Women’s Probus. Anyone interested in MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 joining is asked to call membership chair, 7 to 9 p.m. – Grand Bend Legion. Grand Bend Horticultural Society. Chris Susan Trumper, at 519-238-5516. Thompson and OPP Constable Crystal Jones. Topic: Identity Theft & Security MONDAY, MARCH 16 10 a.m. – Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Men’s Probus club. Topic: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Sailing Across the Atlantic with Brian Hall 9 to 11 a.m. – St. John’s by the Lake Anglican Church, Grand Bend Matters Meeting making mats for 3rd Arts & Entertainment world countries

5 to 7 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw


Sunset Cinema presents: Shattered Glass, drama based on a true story.

SATURDAY, MARCH 6 3 to 6 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music by Midlife Crisis

Health & Fitness MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 8 to 9 a.m. - Southcott Clubhouse Workout for your Life. To learn more, call Beth Sweeney at 519-238-5555

MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 8:45 to 10 a.m. (Mon/Fri), (to 9 a.m. Wed.) – Grand Bend Legion TGIF Exercise classes with Elinor Clarke. $3/week - all proceeds to charity.




12:30 to 3 p.m. – Schoolhouse Restaurant, Grand Bend Huron Countr y P layhouse G uild Luncheon. Guests and new members welcome. Contact Mary 519-238-5640.

1 to 3 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Golden Agers Shuffleboard 7 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Dunes Duplicate Bridge


1:30 to 2:30 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC

1 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Bridge

WEDNESDAYS 7 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Dunes Duplicate Bridge

THURSDAYS 1 to 4 p.m. - Pt. Franks Comm. Ctr. Shuffleboard

MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 6 to 7 p.m. - Precious Blood Catholic School gym Workout for your Life. To learn more, call Shelley Van Osch at 519-234-6253.

TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 9 a.m. – Pt Franks Community Centre Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. Program includes warm up, low impact aerobic workout, strength work and stretching. Sponsored in part by Healthy Living Lambton. Cost: Free!! Everyone welcome. Contact Cindy Maxfield, Health Promoter at the GBACHC, 519-238-1556 ext 6 to register.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1 to 3 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Golden Agers Shuffleboard

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Grand Bend






Quality journalism for your community. $24 gets you 16 issues of the Grand Bend Strip

7:30 p.m. - Pt. Franks Comm. Ctr. Cards 10 a.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Badminton 1 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Bridge

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ____________________ Postal Code: _______________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Send to Grand Bend Strip, P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0. Rates listed are for Canadian addresses only, for 16 issues. Your information is safe with us. It will be used exclusively for subscription purposes. For U.S. and international rates, call 519-614-3614 or visit http://www.grandbendstrip.com.

1:30 to 3:30 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Stop Smoking Program

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC. Men Can Cook. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for $5. Contact Miranda at 519-238-1556 ext 222.

1:30 to 3:30 p.m. - GB Youth Centre THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Grand Bend Drum Circle. Contact Anita 1 to 2 p.m. – Grand Bend Legion. at the Youth Centre or call 519-238-8759. Grand Bend Golden Agers Euchre 7 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Dunes Duplicate Bridge 1 to 2 p.m. – Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Golden Agers Euchre

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 10 a.m. to noon – Grand Bend CHC Mental Health Support Group. Contact Social Worker Lise Callahan at 519-2381556 ext 230 for more info.


Name: Address: Town: Phone: E-mail:



THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Yes, please send me the Grand Bend Strip! My cheque for $24 (16 issues) is enclosed. [Visa/MC/PayPal accepted online]

Grand Bend CHC Pick Up Good Food Boxes

1:30 to 2:30 p.m. – Grand Bend Legion. Grand Bend Golden Agers Euchre

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 3 to 6 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Horse Races

THURSDAY, MARCH 4 7 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC

2 to 4 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Health Screening Day. Screening is one of the best ways to detect and correct your health! Screening will be offered for Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Senior Nutrition, Occupational therapy needs, Exercise and Mental health! Refreshments and door prizes too! Contact Health Promoter Cindy Maxfield 519-238-1556 ext 231 for details.

Strip Outside


Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 13

It’s easy for us to find a rough-legged hawk Living in Balance By Jenipher Appleton While cross-country skiing in the field behind our property, I have frequently been treated to the majestic sight of a soaring rough-legged hawk (Buteo lagopus). During summer, they can be regularly seen in their flight patterns over farm country and can be easily mistaken for a red-tailed hawk, golden eagle or even a turkey vulture. Unless the distinctive markings can be seen (which often depends on the light), identification can be tricky. Both the common and scientific names refer to the fact that this hawk’s legs are feathered all the way down to its toes. The only other known birds to sport this feature are the ferruginous hawk and the golden eagle. The roughlegged hawk is 19 inches in length and has a wingspan of 52 inches. The beak is hooked (handy for ripping flesh) and it has long, broad, rounded wings. In flight, the underside of the wings shows large black patches at the wrists. The broad tail is white at the base with a dark terminal band. Adult hawks occur in both dark and light phases of colour.

Durable relationships Rough-legged hawks are monogamous; pairs have been observed together over a period of many years. They breed in the Arctic tundra and taiga regions of Canada and Europe. There is one brood annually with a clutch of 2-7 eggs, depending on the availability of food for the nesting pair. Nests

are built on the edges of cliffs or in the tops of trees. Some have been found to have the bones of caribou amongst the nesting sticks. The hawk’s diet consists of small mammals, fresh roadkill, rodents, and large insects. It hovers over its prey like a kestrel, and then plummets toward it feet first. Puppies and kittens beware! The hawks love the open country and are frequently seen riding the air currents over the agricultural fields of Middlesex County. Fortunately, this species is not listed with any particular concern either in Canada or the United States. At one time, however, enormous numbers were shot in the U.S. because of the tame behaviour of the species. Numbers have increased in recent years as a result of more stringent hunting guidelines and regulations. The rough-legged hawk is also vulnerable while feeding on roadkill on local roads and highways. Just recently I was disappointed to see a red-tailed hawk that had succumbed to that same fate on county road 81.

Predator in action

The rough-legged hawk in flight (Pete Lypkie photo) and grounded (Walter Siegmund photo). The hawk is common in our area, and feeds on small animals and insects.

Recent sightings Keep your wits about you as you travel throughout the region. The bald eagle is definitely making a strong comeback. If you think you are seeing a large hawk, look again more carefully and you just may see the distinctive white head and tail of the bald eagle. I have been treated to several such sights near Ailsa Craig over the past few months.

How not to raise a family Fido... Come... Sit By Yvonne Passmore http://www.FidoComeSit.com Recently I had the great displeasure of helping a friend of mine try to find an older dog to adopt. She was concentrating on retired breeding females, which brought us to the scene of the crime. As we turn into the driveway, we encounter a beautiful private setting lush with trees. A gorgeous chalet type home leads to a pine bush. Further down the lane is a lovely building showing generous indoor/outdoor dog runs nestled in this bush. I size up and envy what seems to be a luxurious setup. This is where the fantasy ends and the nightmare begins. As the breeder greets us and leads us into her kennel, the noise is deafening and the smell is unpleasantly overwhelming. We learn

at this point that all of these dogs live fulltime, and always have and apparently always will, in these kennels. Issue One – Dogs should not live in kennels. I understand a breeder’s need to find housing solutions for dogs that are their bread and butter. As uncomfortable as I am with it, it’s there and a part of society that seems to get worse instead of better despite all the education out there. These were dogs that refused to leave their kennels, sadly because that life is the only one they are comfortable with. Once the breeder dragged the dogs out of the run, both females cowered in the corner of the viewing room refusing to make contact with us. They trembled and shivered because our presence. Issue Two – The dogs that we went to see were six-year-old females that already had five (!!!) litters. Issue Three – I don’t understand how these dogs could be so under-socialized to strangers if people are meeting them while viewing the mountains of puppies they already had.

People that are buying puppies often feel they have no need to see the mother. They are buying the puppy. In reality these puppy buyers are also buying the mother and that mother’s life experiences. Those life experiences contribute to how the mother interacts with other people. The mother’s confidence level contributes to the pup’s confidence levels. It should go without saying that these mothers had nothing mentally to give their offspring. Issue Four – None of these dogs, parents or puppies, have ever been in a house. The crucial early stages of a puppy’s mental development are barely met by being raised in a loud, cold, barking, and stressful environment such as this. Many breeders of kennel dogs manage to allow their female dogs and their litters some justice by having the whelping and puppy rearing in the house. They do this to provide the mother a stress-free environment to nurture her puppies, and for the puppies to benefit by learning the sights, sounds and smells of a home life before they reach their new forever homes.

The problem is...

That these dogs didn’t understand anything about children, about stairs, about doors, about leashes is something that careful and positive training could tackle. That these dogs didn’t understand anything at all about how to about being handled, pet, stroked, love or life is something that my friend, a mother of two young children, didn’t have the time or know-how to tackle. I know that the right person with the right circumstances could eventually teach one of these dogs how to lead a happy life, but it was best in this situation to walk away. To have to walk away because of the mental state of these dogs was heartbreaking. That this breeder made no excuses or saw no issues with how these potentially lovely dogs were in the psychological condition they were in brings me to issue numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... Visit Yvonne’s website www.f idocomesit.com for training help, column suggestions, comments and book info.

To Do List

14 • Thursday, February 18, 2010


Michielsen girls cutting hair for Haiti By Casey Lessard Sisters Rachel Michielsen-Gray and Jessica Michielsen are running two hair-cutting fundraisers this month to benefit a charity honouring their father, the late builder Jack Michielsen of Arkona. Rachel, a hairdresser at the Beauty ‘n’ the Beach salon, will be cutting hair this Saturday, February 20 at the salon’s temporary location, 20 Ontario Street South in Grand Bend (across from New Orleans

Pizza). She and Barb Speirs will be donating all proceeds from hair services bought that day to The House that Jack Built, a fund named in her father’s honour that builds homes for needy families in Haiti. In the wake of last month’s earthquake, the fund needs to be filled to help as many families as possible. The salon will offer draw prizes, refreshments (by donation) and hand massages. To book an appointment, call 519238-6520. Rachel’s sister Jessica is running a separate

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fundraiser that involves donors cutting the dreadlocks she has been growing since 2005 as part of the process of grieving their father. Each dreadlock was worth $100, and with 50 dreadlocks available, Jessica has already exceeded her $5000 goal, raising $8000 for the fund. All dreadlocks are accounted for, but those interested in donating and being part of the cutting process (if dread purchasers don’t show for the event) are invited to an open house at 27 Eastglen Drive in Arkona from

Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country!

3-6 p.m. on Sunday, February 28. Jessica invites interested donors to make a long-term commitment, and says fund managers, registered charity Baptist Haiti Mission Canada, will be on hand to discuss monthly withdrawals; any sized commitment is welcome. Since the earthquake of January 12, Jessica says donations The House that Jack Built fund have exceeded $16,000. Donations are collected by registered charity Baptist Haiti Mission Canada and donations over $10 are receiptable.

For more information contact

Casey Lessard: 614-3614 Your local(519) newspaper






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Strip Events


Thursday, February 18, 2010 • 15

Exeter Children’s Carnival

Area families raised $2065 (to be matched by the federal government) for Haiti during a children’s carnival at the South Huron Recreation Centre. Children were invited to dress up as a superhero (like Drew Hodge as Batman, above), pirate or princess. Amanda Glavin-Neilands organized the event on behalf of her children.

Drew Neilands, 3, of Exeter gets a race car painted on his face.


Zurich - 519-236-4989

Tracey Farquhar and Madelyn, 3, of Exeter play at the crafts table.

Marissa VanderPloeg, 7, of Seaforth catches some air in the bouncy castle.

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16 • Thursday, February 18, 2010 0

Strip in the Kitchen


Eddington’s contemporary Italian pancetta chicken Recipes: James Eddington

With sun-dried d tomato polentaa and pan roasted zucchini cchini

Eddington’s of Exeter 527 Main Street, Exeter 519-235-3030 http://www.eddingtons.ca

Photo: Casey Lessard For more of James’ recipes, look for In The Kitchen under Lifestyle at: http://www.grandbendstrip.com I am often asked, what is a supreme upreme breast of chicken? A supreme breast of chicken is boneless except for the drumstick of the wing, and the skin remains. A butcher can prepare this, or you can do it yourself with a boning knife. Feel free to use a regular chicken breast if desired. For those who prefer not to eat the skin, you can remove it during the second stage of cooking; it just adds more flavor to the dish.

Eddington’s contemporary Italian pancetta chicken

Pan-seared zucchini Ingredients One zucchini, cut into long slender strips.

Serves four

Pan sear on high heat on non stick pan for 1 minute per side moments before serving. To glaze zucchini, steal the olive oil that will have somewhat separated from grape tomato mixture that was intended for the chicken. To serve, layer polenta on center of plate, top with cooked pancetta chicken and accent with zucchini.

Ingredients: Four 6-8 oz

marinated supreme chicken breasts 8 slices pancetta or prosciutto 8 slices fresh mozzarella (two per breast) 1/2 cup grape tomatoes cut in half 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp tomato paste olive oil 8 cranks cracked pepper A dash sea salt (great alternative is a small splash of anchovy paste)

Wine pairing: Rocca delle Macìe Chianti Classico, Italy Medium bodied, plum, sweet tobacco, mushroom, and a touch of oak: complex finish.

Marinade: 1 orange 1/2 tbsp of chilies olive oil diced fresh basil, oregano and thyme (two sprigs of each) 1 clove of diced garlic Marinate chicken over night: dice orange with peel on, mix with diced herbs, garlic, chilies and olive oil. Mix well, cover and Sun dried tomato polenta refrigerate overnight. (This can be made the night before when making Roast chicken in 400°F oven for 20 min- the chicken marinade) utes. While chicken is cooking, mix olive oil, minced garlic, tomato paste, olive oil, cracked Ingredients pepper and sea salt together in small mixing 16 oz (2 cups) chicken broth bowl (this can also be done ahead of time to 1/2 cup water extract a more robust flavor). 1/2 cup milk Top each chicken breast with two slices A dash salt and pepper of pancetta or prosciutto on each breast of 1/8 tbsp cayenne pepper chicken. Drizzle half of grape tomato mix1 cup yellow cornmeal ture over pancetta, then layer two slices of 1/2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley fresh mozzarella. Drizzle remaining mixture. 1/4 cup diced sun-dried tomatoes Return to 400°F oven for another 10 minutes. Now your chicken will be ready to be layCombine chicken broth and milk in mediered and served on polenta. um sized pot and bring to a boil. Slowly mix

cornmeal, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low/medium setting. Gradually add remaining water. Cook for approximately 15 minutes. Mixture should be thick. Now add in remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour in to greased 9” spring form pan. Cover and chill for at least 2 hours. Once chilled, place on cutting board, remove from pan and cut into wedges. Will make 8-12 wedges depending on size of cut. To finish cooking, place in 400°F oven on cookie sheet for 25 minutes or until golden brown. If you want to be creative, try grating Parmesan cheese onto wedges before reheating, or drizzling olive oil and balsamic vinegar over wedges.

On a side note: I would like to thank all the readers who express interest in my recipes. I’d love to hear about your experiences with the food, recommendations, or concepts/recipes you would like me to cover. Please email me at: wine@execulink.com Most of all, I would like to thank Casey for bringing the Eddington’s food to life through photography. For those who have ever wondered when or where we do our pictures, well, we do them at the restaurant, our houses or wherever we can. Casey has been more than accommodating to drive to the restaurant with sometimes less than an hour’s notice when I call: “Hey Casey, I just got some fresh fish in, lets go to the green house,” or “Hey Casey, I am in the midst of making a chestnut soup, can you come by NOW and take some pictures? I have a great concept for the Strip.” It’s a great experience for both of us, and most of all, it’s creative fun that challenges us to strive for perfection. So, thanks Casey for all the wonderful photos. Look forward to many more great issues of the Strip! Cheers, James Eddington

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