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La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas TEXAS VOYAGEUR NEWS
Minutes Of The Grand Du Texas Grand Cheminot 2023
March 18, 2023
1. The Grand Cheminot was called to order by the Grand Chef de Gare Roger Folmar according to ritual and the Manual of Ceremonies at 1:00 pm, March 18, 2023, Renslar R. Keagle, Grand Correspondant.
2. Grand Call (Correspondant): By order of the Grand Chef de Gare du Texas, the 2023 Grand Cheminot will be held, Saturday, March 18th in Killeen, Texas hosted by Bell County V-1031. Committee meetings at the host hotel, Shilo Inn, 3701 S W Young Dr., Killeen, TX, with Grand Cheminot and banquet being held at American Legion Post 223, 208 S. Park St, Killeen, TX. (Copy of full Grand Call, attached).
3. Roll Call of Officers: Thirteen elected officers present, two appointed officers present, eleven Directeurs present.
4. Roll Call of Locales: Present – V-175, V-266, V-542, V-605, V-1031, and V-1055. Six locales present. Correspondant reported that a quorum was present.
5. Grand Chefs de Gare Passe and National Officers recognized.
6. Reading of the Minutes of the Grand Promenade – Approved as posted in the TVN – Texas Voyageur News.
7. Reading of Bulletins and Correspondence – Correspondant mentioned flyer received by VM Frank Campo for Chef de Chemin de Fer.
8. Reports of Officers: a. Grand Chef de Train John Rodgers: Grand du Texas is at 88.31% needing 21 for 100%. Congratulations to V-175, V-266, V-689, V-1031 for achieving 100% or better. b. Grand Commissaire Intendant Renslar Keagle: Wells Fargo Account - $11,029.24; Money Market Accounts $3,437.29; checking account total - $14,466.53. Currents investments totaling $45,798.88. Grand total all funds$60,265.88. Expenses covered in detail in Finance Committee meeting, but Grand is presently $2,699.08 under budget for 2023. Item by item transaction in checking account covered in finance committee meeting and finance report attached to minutes. Finance report approved as read and submitted subject to audit. Budget comments made by Grand Chef de Gare. c. Grand Avocat Dave Knutson: Written report submitted by Grand Avocat David Knutson. Charters were pulled at Promenade Nationale for V-231, V-312 and V-1185 leaving ten locales in Grande du Texas. The majority of members from these locales transferred to other locales within Grand, some decided to discontinue their membership. i. Revised or amended Constitutions submitted to Nationale Grand Avocat for review – V-163, V-175, V689 and Grande Voiture du Texas ii. Copies of Constitutions for V-266, V-542, V-605, V-980, V-1055 and V-1134 should be submitted to Grand Avocat to complete his records. iii. Tax Exempt Status – Current with IRS – V-163, V-266, V-605, V-1031 and V-1134 – commended for keeping or getting their status current. Locales in the process of getting reinstated: V175, V-542, V-980. Status unknown for V-689 and V-1055. d. Grand Aumonier J. Sean Habina: Information needs to be passed on to the Aumonier on sick or TAPS so cards may be sent to Voyageur or family. e. Cheminot Nationale Renslar Keagle: Detailed report from Promenade Nationale in fall 2022 TVN. Promenade 2023 will be held in Sandusky Ohio, registration is available online. Will need delegate lists, etc. NLT August 1st will be on the agenda for the Grand Promenade.
9. Program Reports (Reported by Directeur or a representative) a. Americanism – Directeur Mike Hall reported 10 schools completed so far this year FFFGs with others being planned or scheduled. Time to work on Americanism report, be sure to get individual input from members. b. Boxcar – Directeur John Rodgers reported he has pins and cards available.