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La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
Texas Voyageur News
2023 Grand Promenade
JUNE 23-24-25, 2023
Registration Form
Please fill in the following information to register for the Grand Promenade
Name: Title or Highest Office held: Voiture or Cabane #:
Name: Title or Highest Office held: Voiture or Cabane #:
Number Registration X $30.00 = $
Advance registration is $ 30 per person
Advance registration must be received by June 3 rd , 2023.
Late Registration fee is $3 5 per person
Pay Via Cash App Or Venmo
A Friday Night Dinner can be personally picked from the VFW Menu (Attachment 1) and eaten in Hummer Hall or the Canteen at the VFW Post 8577. The Saturday Night Banquet will include BBQ Brisket, Ribs, Sausage, Green Beans, Potato Salad.
Program Book Ads
Full page Ad - $30 Half page Ad - $20 Business Card - $10
Paying by check: Make check payable to Voiture 266 Send to Keith Reiss, 2920 Post Office Road, Copperas Cove, TX 76522