2014 July HammockBeachLiving

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J U LY 2 0 1 4

MEM BERSHIP E V E N T S 7.1 | M embers vs. Managers Softball Tourney 7.4 | R ed, White, & Blue Golf Tourney 7.5 | Fireworks Display 7.15 | Wine Tasting 7.20 | C ouples Golf



Dear Members, Things are heating up for summer at Hammock Beach. As we enter July, we’re gearing up for a star-spangled Fourth of July weekend. Join us for fun Independence Day weekend activities that include a Texas-style picnic & BBQ and a family fun extravaganza on the Champion’s Event Lawn. July also brings us lots of other exciting family activities. See how big of a splash you can make with our family belly flop contest at the indoor pool or build a family campfire on the Champion’s Event Lawn. For more information about our July events, please contact your membership office. Our public relations team has also been hard at work getting the coverage for Hammock Beach and our sister properties. We are excited to share these great stories about our properties: Grand Golf Resorts of Florida offers Ultimate Sportsman’s Package, WorldGolf.com Best Golf Courses in Florida, Part 2, 3Balls Golf Championship Holes and Beautiful Views Define Ocean Course at Hammock Beach, Florida’s First Coast Golf 10 Relaxing Weekend Getaways in Florida, VacationIdea On Course for a Successful Meeting, cVent Blog Dinner Cruises Near St. Augustine, eHow.com Travel

Here’s to a happy summer! Yours in Hospitality,

S H E ILA C. J OH NSON Founder & CEO, Salamander Hotels & Resorts


General M a n a g e r ’s

C O R N E R At Yacht Harbor Village, the pool deck has been pressure washed and in coordination with the Yacht Harbor HOA, additional security cameras have been added around the property. New directional parking limits and shuttle location signage for Sundancer patrons is forthcoming to better define their parking.

DEAR MEMBERS: The “Clean It and Fix It” Program Update:

At the Conservatory, the pool deck has been pressure washed and plans are underway to pressure wash the entire clubhouse.

The Fantasy Pool Complex repairs continue with the installation of new partitions in the lower ladies bathroom

In the main tower, the entire center Courtyard has been pressure washed and the tile and grout on all elevator landings in Phase 1 have been deep cleaned.

and progress is being made to replace all other partitions! A foot-wash station between the Sandy Beach Pool and

Additional planned projects include expanding the Member’s Only area at the Fantasy Pool which will add 25-30 chaise lounges! The Indoor Pool decking will be cleaned and re-painted and plans are underway to repair, clean and detail both the Spa & Fitness areas and the Hammock House.

the upper pool deck has also been installed! Three pool heaters have been replaced at the Fantasy Pool, one heater replaced at the Indoor pool and a new heater will

We will keep you posted as projects are completed and new projects are planned.

be installed in the South Tower pool shortly. A “Member’s Only” area at the Lodge pool has been created, adding 11

and shower. New awnings at the Fantasy pool entrance

New Lodge Proposal Update : The Salamander team continues to work with Cooper Carry, the Architects, on details necessary to complete the Application that will be submitted to the Flagler County Commission. We are hopeful to have this completed in a few weeks and be ready to take the next steps.

and the beach walkover have been added which has


greatly improved the arrival experience.


chaise loungers, 5 umbrellas, 2 side tables, a dining table and 4 dining chairs as well as a dedicated towel display

General Manager 3

Advisory Board of Governors ( A B O G ) U P D A T E

Ambassador Program are primarily related to a lack of promotion. The ABOG has proposed that all new members will be assigned to the Ambassador Program and the Ambassador members will include ABOG Committee members and other members who would be good representatives. With permission of the new member, a brief bio would be eblasted or published in the monthly newsletter. We intend to initiate a 30-60-90 Day Follow Up Program where the Membership Sales Manager will call the new members to offer assistance and find out how they are enjoying the Club.

b y Char l es Ker r, Pr e si d e n t As is customary this time of year, it’s time to provide the members with a synopsis of the 2014 Member Survey. As I’ve mentioned before, the Survey provides the Club and the ABOG not only membership demographics, it provides a better understanding of how the Club is performing currently and in comparison to previous surveys. After the survey responses were calculated and collated, I asked the Chairs of each ABOG Committee to put together a list of the five most pressing issues related to their Committee. The ABOG then had a meeting on May 22nd to develop a list of solutions and recommendations to use in improving the areas in question.

When compared to 2013, the food and beverage outlets remained satisfactory. Unfortunately, Loggerheads and the afternoon teas both received lower rating over the previous year. On the plus side, the Sushi Bar and the Member Mixers improved over last year. In order to improve the food and beverage numbers, we have asked for more frequent menu changes in the restaurants, possibly including an occasional ethnic dish. We are working with Jeffrey Sacchet, the Food and Beverage Manager, to add chicken wings and nachos to the Sand Trap Bar menu. Additionally, in order to expedite bar service, we have asked F&B to add an additional bar at the Mixers and Member-Manager events. Hand held tablets are being researched as a way to expedite the payment process in lieu of leafing through a list of member names. This option would require members to present their cards. The Survey was helpful in reminding the ABOG and Social Committee of the occasional issues that are experienced at the Socials and Member-Manager events. I think the most pressing of those issues is overcrowding. It’s important that the kitchen and planning staff have an idea of how many members to expect at each event. Without an approximate number of attendees to work with, running out of food or lack of seating will be the result. Marianne and the ABOG have started asking, both at the events and through eblasts, that everyone planning to attend an event send an RSVP. The membership has really responded positively to the request and the staff appreciates it. The Membership Office is working to improve communication with members by providing a printed quarterly activity booklet which will be available for pick up at the office and eblasted to all members. The first issue is planned for the 3rd quarter. It should provide a ready reference to all the events within that time frame.

From a demographics perspective, there was a nice increase in the number of respondents living 6 to 12 months in Hammock Beach. The number went from 48.4% in 2013 to 54.2% in 2014. Those living in Hammock Beach less than 6 months per year dropped to 45.7%. For visual evidence, all you have to do is attend a couple of the Member-Manger events. The respondent numbers changed slightly for golf, also. Taking into account the Exchange Full Golf and Conservatory Golf memberships, we saw a very modest increase of only 1.5% over last year. On the Club amenity and outlet portion of the Survey, again, there were no surprises. In comparison to 2013, the numbers are very similar. From an overall Club experience perspective, the numbers were exactly the same. Drilling down into the Club Experience section, there were no significant jumps in satisfaction and only a couple of areas, such as the Ambassador Program, that indicated more work needs to be done. The lower marks for the

The Sports and Leisure Committee has been working with Thor Holm, Director of Spa, Fitness and Recreation on a variety of member issues. The primary concern of the members who participate in the fitness classes is overcrowding. Several solutions are now either in place or being planned to


remedy this problem. Currently, members can use an online signup sheet to make a class reservation. This is working fairly well. However, there have been problems with people signing up and then not cancelling if they have a conflict and can’t attend. By forgetting to cancel, they leave an unfilled spot in the class that could have gone to someone on the waiting list. This is happening way too often. The Committee is discussing several options to communicate to the offending members how important it is to cancel if they can’t attend a class. New rules at the Fantasy Pool complex have been put into effect. Members and Guests will be limited to two towels upon entry. This should cut down on people saving many of the chairs for hours before their return. A pool Manager will be hired to enforce the rules at the Adult Experience Pool and police the unattended chairs saved with towels. There is now a 30 minute rule on unattended chairs. As Jeff Porter, Director of Operations, mentioned at the June Member-Manager, the Members area at the Fantasy Pool will be expanded to accommodate 25 to 30 more chairs. This work will start immediately. In response to the request for more activities, the ABOG has brought Bocce Ball to the Club. The artificial turf area of the South Tower pool deck has been picked for the courts. New Bocce sets have been purchased and are available for check out at the Membership Office. We anticipate being able to lay out four courts on the lawn with eight players per court. We are currently soliciting ideas from members for a material to temporarily outline the court boundaries.

The Survey responses for golf were similar to last year with a few exceptions. Members saw an improvement in the service from the staff at both courses with each receiving an 89% approval rating. The other area of improvement was the restrooms at both courses. Member access to tee times and pace of play at both courses have been issues for the past couple years. As a result, the golf shop has expanded member only tee times on Thursdays and Sundays. There are now four additional times available each of those days. The golf shops will also be more proactive in pairing 2-somes together for better efficiency of the tee sheet. The pace of play issue is being handled through a new policy. Starting in the Clubhouse, all golfers will be required to sign a chit acknowledging that they are aware of and will abide by a 4 hr. 15 min pace. The golfer will also be reminded of the pace by the starters. The starters will also explain the actions available to the course in order to enforce the rule. As of the writing of this update, all of the necessary documents have been completed and signed to order the new golf carts. In preparation for the new carts, mapping for the new GPS system should start very soon. Lastly, a new Golf Professional has been hired and will start in July. More information to follow from the Golf Shop on this subject. If you have any questions regarding activities at the Club, please feel free to contact me at chaskerr@bellsouth.net or Marianne Murphy at mmurphy@hammockbeach.com.

Advisory Board of Governors ( A B O G ) U P D A T E


Team Hammock Beach Sports Day

Once again, the Conservatory was the location for this year’s Sports Day events, using the pool, the driving range, upper deck and lawn. This proved to be another fun and great team building event with 57 members in 8 teams competing against each other in fun events such as, Fruit Salad, Pool Scrabble, Slug Fest, Swinging Balls and much more! The day ended with an Awards dinner, back at the Conservatory Clubhouse with dancing to the sounds of DJ Mark.


Couples Golf Sunday, July 20 l 3pm on the Ocean Course Sign up or cancel by 5pm July 18. THESE FUN GOLF MEMBER COUPLES EVENTS FEATURE PRIZES AWARDED TO GAME WINNERS AND CLOSEST TO THE PINS. ENJOY BEER, WINE AND HORS D’OERVRES AFTER PLAY. Couples may select other couples to be paired with or the Golf Shop will pair you. Entry Fees: $45 + tax Per Couple and $15 Per Person Cart Fee, if applicable

Sign up by emailing hbmembership@hammockbeach.com or 888.252.6294 by 5pm the Friday prior. Cancellations must be received by 5pm the Friday prior to avoid a full charge.


Men’s Play with the Pro

Friday, July 25 2014 • 8 am Shotgun start The Conservatory Course Guys, come out and enjoy this fun competition with the Hammock Beach professional golf staff! The format for this event will be Two Best Balls Net of 4, with three Members and one randomly-assigned Golf Professional in each group. Prizes will be awarded for best net scores and Closest to the Pins on all par 3 holes. $40 per Member • $25 per Member with Cart Plan Includes golf, prizes and luncheon following golf; price plus service charge & tax Space for this event is limited! Sign up with the Golf Shop at 386.447.4611 or email golf@hammockbeach.com by noon Tuesday, July 22. Cancellations must be received by 5pm July 22 to avoid a full charge.



Congratulations! Robert Effner made a hole-in-one on June 19, 2014 at the Ocean Course



Hole: #12: 153 yards Club: 7 iron


TIPS TO SLIDING ON A CLAY COURT by Gene Paul Lascano, Tennis Professional

Rafael Nadal became the undisputed “King of Clay” by winning his ninth Here are a few pointers to sliding effectively on clay: French Open title on the red clay at Roland Garros. For many tennis players, 1. Slide before hitting the shot. clay is considered the most difficult surface to play on. The ball moves 2. A s you sprint for a ball, step out with your lead leg and allow it to slide slower on clay and tends to “sit up” which can lead to extended rallies from along the surface. the baseline. However, the loose surface that gives a clay court its slippery 3. It is important that you keep your weight centered as you want to nature is probably its most distinct characteristic. maintain balance as you are hitting. Learning to slide on clay can be difficult, but it is a very important in allowing 4. Use your momentum to carry you along the surface. the player to immediately recover for the next ball. If a player does not slide 5. Finish your slide at the point of contact. correctly, they will overrun or be cramped on their shot. Most importantly, remember that the slide is about recovery and changing direction. With a little practice, being able to slide effectively on clay will allow you to hit balls at the end of a run with good balance and body control.



Hammock Beach Tennis Doubles Club Championships Results!



MIXED 3.5+


Glenna Pruitt & Connie Hertzog

WOMEN’S 3.5+

MEN’S 3.5+

Women’s 3.0 Champions: Lynne Rosewater & Lori Zibikowski Finalists: Berta Morelli & Barbara Murphy Consolation Winners: Mary Vamos & Claire Whittier

Men’s 3.5+ Champions: Charles Kerr & Sanjay Srivastava Finalists: Steve Brown & Bobby Cabaniss Consolation Winners: Alan Mandel & Paul Propis

Men’s 3.0 Jane Davidson & Marcia Hayton Champions: Alan Mandelbloom & Dave O’Bryan Finalists: Ron Kelly & John Kivi Consolation Winners: George Macko & Don Schott

Women’s 3.5+ Champions: Amanda Bailey & Muffy Runnells Finalists: Jane Davidson & Jane McFadden Consolation Winners: Jan Cullinane & Lois McDermott

Mixed 3.0 Champions: Barbara Murphy & Dave O’Bryan Finalists: Lynne Rosewater & George Macko Consolation Winners: Claire Whittier & Don Schott

Mixed 3.5+ Champions: Sylvia Whitehouse & Sanjay Srivastava Finalists: Amanda Bailey & Charles Kerr Consolation Winners: Jan Cullinane & Bobby Cabaniss


Ladies Tennis Fall Kick Off Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tennis begins at 9:30am | Lunch at 12pm

All levels of Play Welcome! $20 per Member (plus tax and service charge)

RSVP to the Hammock Beach Membership Office at 888.252.6294 or hbmembership@hammockbeach.com by 5pm August 13. Cancellations must be received by 5pm August 13 to avoid a full charge.


Save the Date For the 8

Annual Ladies Health & Beauty Retreat th

Friday-Saturday, November 7 & 8, 2014 At the Reunion Resort & Club in Orlando, FL Invite a friend and join us for a weekend of health, fitness and fun! 13

2014 Summer Programs for Juniors Junior Golf Clinics

Junior Tennis Clinics

Objective: To offer a quality 3 hour golf camp to juniors ages 8-15 years. Clinics would encompass teaching all phases of the golf game to a beginner to intermediate junior player. Teaching skills in full swing, (Drivers and irons), putting, chipping, sand shots and certain course strategies and having loads of fun.

Objective: Focus on the fundamentals of tennis for juniors’ ages 8-15 years. Juniors will be taught basic tennis skills, live ball drills, match play, competitive games and tennis etiquette.

Program includes: • 3 instructional hours by our Golf professional staff every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9am-Noon

• Ball machine usage

June 9–August 15

• Unlimited golf balls usage • Lunch will be provided for the participants after each clinic

June 12–August 7

Program includes: • 3 instructional hours by a USPTA/PTR professional every Thursday, from 9am-Noon •T wo 2-hour tennis court time for the student and one parent, additional parent or siblings at a nominal charge • Daily contests • Racquet provided if necessary

• Daily contests • Clubs provided if necessary $35 Junior Member; $45 Junior Guest 20% off for additional children in same family Register at The Ocean Course Golf Shop 386.447.4611 or email jfarrell@hammockbeach.com

$35 Junior Member; $45 Junior Guest 20% off for additional children in same family Register at the Tennis Shop 386.597.5020 or email gplascano@hammockbeach.com A minimum of 4 Juniors required per Clinic. Private lessons also available upon request.

A minimum of 4 Juniors required per Clinic.


2014 Summer Programs for Juniors (continued) Junior Surf Camp June 14–August 9

Objective: Fun, lighthearted and exhilarating instruction for ages 8-14 years. Junior must be a good swimmer. Program includes: • 2 instructional hours with staff from The Surf Station every Saturday, from 10am–Noon • S urfboard usage • W ax $40 Junior Member; $50 Junior Guest Contact Shelly at The Surf Station at 904.471.9463 or email support@surf-station.com or rachel@surfstation.com and mention Hammock Beach Resort. A minimum of 4 Juniors required per Camp; if minimum participation is not achieved, private lessons are available for an additional fee.

Marineland’s S.E.A. and T.E.E.N Camp June 9–August 7, Monday-Thursday Kids can have fun at Marineland’s S.E.A.Camp this summer! Children between 7 and 12 years old are invited for a fun-filled week of science, activities, exploration, beach combing and of course... DOLPHINS! T.E.E.N. camp is exclusively for teens interested in the marine science field. This camp is jam packed with field studies and lab experiments. Complete with a kayaking trip at Ripple Effect. Members receive 10% off AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED 9600 Oceanshore Blvd. l St. Augustine, FL 32080 Please contact Darrel Austin at Marineland with any questions 904.471.1111 ext. 103 l www.marineland.net


Kids Crew Independence Holiday Week Activities Monday, June 30 Family Lawn Games 11am-2pm

Saturday, July 5 Champions Event Lawn Family Fun Extravaganza 11am-3:30pm

Join us on the Champions Event Lawn for Bocce Ball, Football Toss, Badminton, Corn Hole, Croquet, Blongo Ball, or Horse Shoes. Bring the whole family for a fun day in the sun.

Enjoy a day of Family Fun on the Champion’s Event Lawn Water Tag • Bounce House • Giant Slip n’ Dip Slide Aqua Extreme Water Obstacle Course Admission for members is complimentary. $16 per guest participant

Tuesday, July 1 Indoor Pool Family Belly Flop Contest 1pm Belly-flop?!?! That’s right. We said it. Belly-flop. So stick out your gut and jump in, belly first. Beat your friends and family in the all-important Belly Flop Contest. Sign up to participate by 5pm June 30th by calling 386.246.5661. Complimentary family event.

Family Games including corn hole, football throw, blongo ball, horse shoes, and bocce ball. Friendly Competitions such as Pie Eating contest, Family Water Balloon Toss, Hula Hoop Contest, and Parents vs. Children Tug O War. Fireworks at approximately 9pm Glow Items Available during fireworks: Glow Necklaces $5 Glow Bracelets $4 • Light-up Swords $10 • Flashing Wand $6

Sunday, July 6 Movie on the Lawn 8:45 pm

Wednesday, July 2 Champions Event Lawn Family Campfire 8:30pm Join us roasting marshmallows and making s’mores by the fire on the Champions event lawn. Bring your guitars and join us in a jam session as well. S’more kits $5 each.

Thursday, July 3 Family Karaoke 7pm Bring the whole family down to the Ocean Bar Event Lawn to showcase the talents of all ages. From Disney Classics to Classic Hits the whole family will be singing tunes.

Come enjoy a great night on the Grand Event Lawn beside a fire watching a good movie. The Lego Movie(2014)PG

Wednesdays July 9, 16, 23, 30 Family Bingo 4pm Join the Kids Crew Staff in the Indoor Pool for a great game! Reserve your spot by calling (386)246-5661 by 5pm the day before. Space is limited. $3/per card, you may purchase multiple cards.

Teen Xtreme Scene 9pm

Friday, July 4 Grand Event Lawn Wii Mario Kart Tournament 8:30pm Sign up for the ultimate battle of the year!!! Join us on the Grand Event lawn to showcase your driving skills on a large 2 story projection screen. Come enjoy the show as drivers will be showcased in spotlights on an elevated stage. Sign up by 5pm July 2 and prove you are the best (space is limited). This will be an event no one will want to miss! Complimentary for members, $10 per guest participant


Join us on the Champions Event Lawn for the festivities! Be prompt to the Scene or else you will miss the fun! Reserve your spot by calling 386.246.5661 by 5pm the day before. (Minimum of 10 teens) July 8 Mocktail Chemistry $15 for members, $18 for guests July 22 Glow In the Dark Flag Football $15 for member, $18 for guests

Fireworks Enjoy the Fireworks Display-Saturday, July 5, 2014 Champions Event Lawn 9pm


John A. McVicker John McVicker hales from a small town just south east of Pittsburgh, PA and is a graduate of Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI. He started his professional career at Sandestin Resort in Destin, FL. John traveled to Hilton Head Island where he opened a new clubhouse at Moss Creek Plantation. After leaving Hilton Head, John worked for Beaver Creek Ski Resort, a sister company to Vail Ski Resort, at the Game Creek Club that specializes in dishes that are indigenous to the area. John moved to the Palm Coast area in 2001 as the Executive Chef of Palm Coast Golf Resort. He left the resort to open a new club house at Grand Haven Golf Club, and his experience has led him here to become the Chef de Cuisine at the Atlantic Grille.


Footloose Dinner Dance & Country Music Show Saturday, September 6, 2014 l Ocean Ballroom 6-7pm cocktails 7-10pm dinner, dancing and entertainment Enjoy a high kicking, foot stomping dance participation act and get ready to Cowboy-Up! Hear songs made famous by Dolly Parton, Faith Hill, Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, LeAnn Rimes, Billy Ray Cyrus and more! Buffet Menu: Summer Field Greens with Accompaniments Vinegar and Bacon Cole Slaw Roasted Pepper and Five Bean Salad Pre-Carved Chipotle and Molasses Rubbed Turkey Breast Texas Style BBQ Smoked Sausage Slow Smoked BBQ Brisket Baked Potatoes with All the Fixin’s Buttered Corn on the Cob Baked Beans Grilled Garlic Texas Toast Pecan Pie Jack Daniel’s spiked Bread Pudding

$25 Member: $35 Guest (+ service charge & tax)

RSVP to 888.252.6294 or hbmembership@hammockbeach.com by Tuesday, September 2. Cancellations must be received by Tuesday, September 2 to avoid full charge


Member Referral Rewards! Every time you refer a New Member who joins the Club, you will receive:

Exchange Beach Club & Full Golf: $1,000 Club Account Credit Conservatory Recallable Golf: $500 Club Account Credit Refer Now! Refer Often! Contact Marianne Heinz in the Membership Office for full details and earn your rewards today! 386.237.5926 • mheinz@hammockbeach.com


JULY BIRTHDAYS William Evans 7/01 Rhonda Roby 7/01 Richard DeMatteis 7/02 Charles Maranto 7/02 Scott McCarthy 7/02 Stefanie Robinson 7/02 Peter Wrobel 7/02 Maranda Ashkar 7/02 Patti Davis 7/03 Debra Melisi 7/03 John Keating 7/03 Jacqueline English 7/03 Bill Nix 7/04 Georgia Tedesco 7/04 Bruce Schneider 7/04 Linda McFarland 7/04 Pam Birtolo 7/04 Rachelle Klingler 7/04 Harold Albert 7/05 Ernie Freiler 7/05 Michael Beim 7/05 Patrick Cua 7/05 Ralph Sanchez 7/06 Mary Sipski 7/06 Clarice Davis 7/06 Emmanuel Acosta 7/06 Paul Sowell 7/06 John Pearce 7/06

Kelly Morton 7/06 Karen Wankelman 7/06 Eugene Manno 7/07 Jim Driscoll 7/07 Debs Sauers 7/07 Julie BernierDesRosiers 7/07 Amir Lubarsky 7/07 Steve Miller 7/07 Peter Lendrum 7/08 Anna Marinatos 7/08 Sandra Frank 7/08 Beverly Kovachik 7/08 Sal Mangano 7/09 Robert Starling 7/09 Becky Yovich 7/09 Susan Price 7/09 Nancy Cabaniss 7/09 Sheila Wysocki 7/09 Chris Kirchoff 7/09 Sharon Guasta 7/09 John Pursley 7/09 Lorraine Samuels 7/10 Charles Weiss 7/11 Jolinda Tracy 7/11 John Vandenhurk 7/12 Richard Davies 7/12

Patti Dodge 7/12 Barry Tilles 7/12 Kenneth Harris 7/12 Mike Fondell 7/12 Dawn Ginnane 7/12 Steve Carpenter 7/12 Katheryn Sarantos 7/12 Candy Peterson 7/12 Sylvia Lacey 7/13 Michelle Gulling 7/13 Michael Becker 7/14 Dan McCullough 7/15 Alcy Whisenant 7/15 Linda O’Malley 7/15 Roger Marcil 7/15 Karl Dasher 7/15 Bonnie Bolton 7/16 Nanci Carstens 7/16 Denise Doyle 7/16 Paul Smith 7/17 Erin Hanson 7/17 Mike Ussery 7/18 Ronald Martin 7/18 Brian Howard 7/19 Fred Folco 7/20 John Frank 7/20 Pam Weber 7/20 Debby Meyer 7/20


Stephanie Foster 7/20 Renee Titus 7/20 Nina Quattrock 7/21 Mary Ann Maurer 7/21 Matthew Nagorsky 7/21 John O’Brien 7/22 James Inglis 7/22 Larry Dean 7/22 Cheryl Duhig 7/22 Mike Mays 7/22 Alvaro Alvarez 7/22 Julie Eads 7/22 Karen LaBruzzo 7/22 Hilary Pontarelli 7/23 Lisa McKenzie 7/23 Bruce Kraut 7/23 Max Thacker 7/24 Chuck Herb 7/24 Brian C. Sass 7/24 Tom Naramore 7/25 Kenneth Clark 7/25 Irina Ivanov 7/25 Dick Ruhl 7/26 Joseph Stella 7/26 Hugh Peters 7/26 Thomas Pruitt 7/26 Candace Lankford 7/26 Jenny Gump 7/26

Raymond Peter 7/27 Patrick Maloney 7/27 Kimberly Jancosek 7/27 James Hilton 7/28 A Scott Noecker 7/28 Ronald Boyce 7/28 Bob Aebersold 7/29 Mary Torggler 7/29 Eileen VanFleet 7/29 Diane Robertson 7/29 Melissa Colvin 7/29 Vicky Kwasniak 7/30 Ralph Dumke 7/30 David Saliwanchik 7/30 Suzanne Giles 7/30 Luisa Ferrero 7/30 John Kennerdell 7/31 Joseph Espeso 7/31 Linda Photopulos 7/31 Joseph Chaudoin 7/31 Neil Dvores 7/31 James Harris 7/31 Mimi Winn Alfino 7/31 Sandra Hostetter 7/31 Kellie Lawley 7/31








1 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member vs. Manager Softball Tournament 3pm

2 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm

3 Member Menu Tennis Guest Day

4 Member Menu Loggerheads: Guitar Redd & the Reddhots, 9pm-12pm Red, White and Blue Golf Tournament

5 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads- the Supernatural band, 9pm-12pm Fireworks Display 9pm

6 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise

7 Member Menu

8 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Cooking w/Chef 6:15pm

9 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm Member Manager Reception 5:30-7pm Golf Guest Day Ocean

10 Member Menu

11 Member Menu Loggerheads: DJ Phil, 9pm-12pm

12 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: the Jukebox Oldies band, 9pm-12pm

13 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise

14 Member Menu

15 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Live Aroma Seminar and Tasting featuring the wines of EJ Gallo: 6pm

16 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm Tennis “Stroke of the Month” 10am

17 Member Menu

18 Member Menu Loggerheads: DJ Terrance, 9pm-12pm

19 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: the Brk Evn band, 9pm-12pm

20 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise Couples Golf, 3pm-Ocean

21 Member Menu

22 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Cooking w/Chef 6:15pm

23 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm

24 Member Menu

25 Member Menu Loggerheads- ‘Cloud 9’ band, 9pm-12pm Men’s Play w/ the Pro Cons

26 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: DJ Steve, 9pm-12pm Member Mixer 6-8pm

27 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise Golf Guest Day Cons

28 Member Menu

29 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm

30 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm

31 Member Menu











1 Member Menu Loggerheads: Jimi Graves & Co., 9pm-12pm

2 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: the Supernatural band, 9pm-12pm

3 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise

4 Member Menu

5 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm

6 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm Member Manager Reception 5:30-7pm

7 Member Menu Tennis Guest Day

8 Member Menu Loggerheads- DJ Terrance, 9pm-12pm

9 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: Sidewalk 65, 9pm-12pm

10 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise Couples Golf 3pm-Cons

11 Member Menu Aerification of Conservatory

12 Aerification of Conservatory Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Cooking w/Chef 6:15pm

13 Aerification of Conservatory Member Menu Cocktail Cruise, 6-8pm Golf Guest Day Ocean

14 Aerification of Conservatory Member Menu Ladies Play w/ the Pro Ocean

15 Aerification of Conservatory Member Menu Loggerheads-DJ Steve, 9pm-12pm

16 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: the Mix, 9pm-12pm

17 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise

18 Member Menu

19 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Ladies Tennis Kick Off

20 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm Tennis “Stroke of the Month” 10am

21 Member Menu

22 Member Menu Loggerheads- DJ Phil, 9pm-12pm

23 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: Guitar Redd & the Redhots, 9pm-12pm Member Mixer 6-8pm

24 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise Golf Guest Day Cons

25 Member Menu

26 Member Menu Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Cooking w/Chef 6:15pm

27 Member Menu Cocktail Cruise 6-8pm Stag Night Golf Ocean

28 Member Menu

29 Member Menu Loggerheads: DJ Steve, 9pm-12pm

30 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm Member Menu Loggerheads: the Total Eclipse band, 9pm-12pm

31 Member Menu Brunch & Dinner Cruise


THE CONSERVATORY (hours of operations subject to change)

HOURS OF O P E R AT I O N ATLANTIC GRILLE Breakfast: 7-11am Lunch: 11am-3pm Dinner: 5:30-10pm Bar: 11am-10pm BREEZES BOUTIQUE Daily: 8am-6pm Closes 5pm on Sundays CIGAR BAR Seasonal Hours Subject to change

COFFEE BAR Daily: 6:30am-12:30pm Self Service after 12:30pm LOBBY BAR Fri-Sat: 5pm-9pm CONCIERGE DESK Open 24 hours per day DELFINOS Seasonal Hours. Subject to change

Pro Shop: Daily 7am-5pm I Beverage Carts: Daily 9am-3:30pm Turn Café: Daily 8:30am-3pm, beverage service until 6pm Fitness Room: Daily 7am-6pm I Pool: Daily 8am-6pm THE OCEAN COURSE (hours of operations subject to change) Pro Shop: Daily 7am-6pm I Beverage Carts: Daily: 8:30am-3:30pm Hammock House: Daily: 8am-3:30pm

FITNESS CENTER Daily: 6am-9pm INDOOR POOL Daily: 6am-11pm LOGGERHEADS Evenings Only. Live Entertainment MEMBERSHIP OFFICE Mon.-Sat.: 9am-5pm


OCEAN BAR & CAFÉ Daily: 11am-6pm Grill Menu from 11am Weather permitting POOL PAVILION Daily: 8am-Dusk PUTTING GREEN Daily: 10am-6pm ROOM SERVICE Breakfast: 7-11am Daily Dining: 11am-10pm

THE SPA Daily: 9am-7pm SUSHI BAR Seasonal Hours No Take-out Available Subject to change TENNIS CENTER Courts: 8am-8pm daily TENNIS PRO SHOP Mon- Fri: 8am-5pm Sat-Sun: 8am-2pm

CONTACTS GENERAL MANAGER Tim Digby 386.246.5511 tdigby@hammockbeach.com ATLANTIC GRILLE 386.447.4610 BREEZES BOUTIQUE 386.246.5514 CATERING & CONFERENCE SERVICES Matt Stockman 386.246.5527 mstockman@hammockbeach.com CONCIERGE DESK 386.246.5555 DELFINOS 386.246.5650 FITNESS CENTER Jaime Knight 386.246.5589 jknight@hammockbeach.com FOOD & BEVERAGE Jeffrey Sacchet 386.246.5522 jsacchet@hammockbeach.com GOLF Brad Hauer 386.246.5435 bhauer@hammockbeach.com



GOLF TEE TIMES 386.447.4611

HOMEOWNERS ASSOC.MANAGEMENT MEMBER Club STATEMENTS Fred Annon 386.446.6333 Denise Pemberton 386.246.5497 Nancy Martin 386.597.2840 ext.103 MembershipAccounting@hammockbeach.com HOUSEKEEPING 386.246.5570 POOLS & RECREATION KIDS CREWSM Thor Holm 386.246.5233 Catrina Vargas 386.246.5661 tholm@hammockbeach.com cvargas@hammockbeach.com Brandon Millman 386.246.6572 MEMBERSHIP 888.252.6294 bmillman@hammockbeach.com Marianne Murphy 386.246.5532 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT mmurphy@hammockbeach.com Nancy Burnett 386.246.5564 Marie McManus 386.246.5533 nburnett@hammockbeach.com mmcmanus@hammockbeach.com Ganene Barnard 386.246.5526 Marianne Heinz 386.246.5437 gbarnard@hammockbeach.com mheinz@hammockbeach.com Eileen Vinnicombe 386.246.5567 Member Concierge 888.252.6294 evinnicombe@hammockbeach.com hbmembership@hammockbeach.com

RENTAL ACTIVITY STATEMENTS Barbara Barbagallo 386.246.6578 bbarbagallo@hammockbeach.com ROOM RESERVATIONS 877.825.4098 SECURITY Security Office 386.246.5550 THE SPA Jaime Knight 386.246.5580 jknight@hammockbeach.com SUNDANCER Reservations 877.446.6465 TENNIS & COURT TIMES Harry Gilbert 386.597.5020 hgilbert@hammockbeach.com YACHT HARBOR VILLAGESM/MARINA Neil Kaczmarek 386.597.5031 nkaczmarek@hammockbeach.com YH ENTRANCE 386.597.5045 MAIN Club ENTRANCE 386.246.5559


2 0 0 O C E A N C R E S T D R I V E l P A L M C O A S T, F L O R I D A 3 2 1 3 7 MEMBERSHIP: 888.252.6294 l HAMMOCKBEACH.COM


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