A Parent's Guide to GRA

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A Parent’s Guide to GrA The Path to Graduation


IN THIS GUIDE 2 Your First Year at GRA 3 Your Son’s First Year at GRA 5 Helpful Hints for the School Year 7 Important Contact Information & Resources



Yo u r F i r st Y e a r at G RA Welcome to the GRA family! Thank you for entrusting your son to GRA’s mission in developing the total young man – academically, emotionally and socially. Your first year at GRA will be filled with many questions. From the school calendar and break schedule, to the larger concerns of your son’s educational improvements and social interactions, we encourage you to engage with GRA. Not only will you correspond with faculty and administration alike at various points throughout the school year, but you will also build relationships with your son’s advisor and your son’s head dorm master, as well as GRA’s Dean of Students, Director of Teaching & Learning, and our Headmaster. Most young men do not call home that often to chat with their parents! We can be a resource for you.


Yo u r S o n ’ s F i r st Y e a r at G RA Your son will be filled with many emotions, and just as many questions as you, during your family’s first year at GRA. Typically, a student’s first week of classes, and first week living in a dorm, are the largest and scariest transitions for each young man. Commonly, students are nervous about making new friends, living away from home and simply getting acclimated to GRA and the campus. How You Can Be Supportive While the experience differs for each student, please encourage your son that the transition is merely that, a transition. Results are not immediate, and occur at different rates. GRA is an opportunity for him. Help your son focus on this positive opportunity, and advise him to seek out a faculty or staff member if he needs to talk to someone.


In addition to settling into a rigorous class, study hall and activity schedule, your son will also be exposed to a traditional Northeastern Ohio winter. It is a cold, snowy and long season – please support your son in joining an athletic team, activity or club, particularly during the winter session. If he does not see an extracurricular that is of particular interest, he can take initiative in formalizing an activity with the assistance of faculty/staff. It’s a Journey As we work with your son to challenge him academically, to build his emotional awareness, to advocate for himself and engage socially in meaningful ways, please be reminded that his journey is truly a process. He may take five giant leaps one week, and six steps back another week. GRA is here for both you and your son throughout his personal journey on the path to Graduation.


H e l p fu l H ints f o r the S c h o o l Y e a r • Utilize your GRA Parent Handbook & Welcome Packet (A separate document that includes teacher information, dress code information, packing lists, etc.) • Connect with GRA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest campus news, student accomplishments and pictures • Watch your email for the weekly Parent Newsletter, The Eagle’s View


• Encourage your son to get involved oncampus by engaging in the dorm, in the classroom, on the field, and during trips/ activities • Enjoy the breaks/vacations with your son! He has an intense schedule at GRA – relax & enjoy this time together as a family • Visit campus for our fall and spring Family & Friends Days. Discounted hotel rates are available at the Austinburg Hampton Inn when mentioning GRA • Volunteer! Several opportunities are available including serving as an Ambassador for GRA in your hometown/region, helping with GRA’s Blue & White Fund, assisting with the Grand River Gala, etc. • Reach out to GRA with any questions - we are always a phone call, or email, away!


I m p o r ta nt C o nta c t I nf o r m ati o n & Res AMY ROth DEAN OF STUDENTS

Contact for any questions regarding your son’s social interactions in the classroom, dorm, or his student/ residence life experience. (440) 275-2811 ext 224 amy.roth@grandriver.org


Contact for academic performance, classes and scheduling, along with questions related to college admissions. If you have any questions about who to contact, he can direct you to the appropriate person. (440) 275-2811 ext 226 david.crowell@grandriver.org


Res o u r c es

Beth Hedrick, Student Services

Contact for arranging student travel during GRA breaks. (440) 275-2811 ext 221 beth.hedrick@grandriver.org

Dawn Csepegi, Nurse

Contact for all health related issues, including medication and physician appointments. (440) 275-2811 ext 227 nurse@grandriver.org

Tammy Stokes, Business Office

Contact for all student invoicing, including managing your son’s Student Center Account and spending money for GRA activities. (440) 285-2811 ext 229 tammy.stokes@grandriver.org

Tim Viands, Headmaster

If you have any concerns or questions, Headmaster Viands welcomes you to contact him personally at the below information. (440) 275-2811 ext 222 tim.viands@grandriver.org


STAY CONNECTED /Grandriveracademy



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