Headlines Grange Unplugged
The Grange Factor Final 2015 Following on from their success in last year’s event, Moore Primary School were crowned champions in the 2015 Grange Factor Final for the second successive year. The record number of spectators in attendance and an outstanding performance before the event from our school choir contributed to the creation of a wonderful atmosphere for this year’s competition. Bursting with excitement the students from Astmoor, Gorsewood, Woodside and The Grange primary schools went head to head in a series of both physical and mental challenges, with many outstanding individual and team performances on show. At the end of a hard fought and gripping contest Moore were victorious and following a nail biting tie break round, Gorsewood Primary School finished as runners up. All of the contestants should be commended for their exemplary attitude and application throughout the evening.
An ensemble of talented students took to the stage for the first ever Grange Unplugged Introducing. The two nights provided the opportunity for some of our newest students to show off their musical talent- and what talent they have! The night showcased a variety of acts from soloists to groups, singers to drummers. For many of our year 7 students, this was their first opportunity to perform publicly since they joined the school in September and performing acoustically, without any microphones is a great accomplishment. Our year 9 GCSE students also had the opportunity to perform some of the songs they will be using for their GCSE assessment. They set a great example for the younger students, performing to the best of their ability and behaving perfectly back stage. The audience were given the opportunity to write down their comments throughout the performance. Here is what some of them had to say:
Thanks to all who attended and contributed to making the evening such a big success. The #TAG Team were at the event to record and report on the proceedings, so keep a look out for their updates.
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
‘Outstanding, Amazing, Brilliant… The night was a huge success. Beyond expectations WOW!!!’ ‘Every member of staff, students and parents should be very proud of the wealth of talent on display at The Grange tonight. Well done everyone.’ ‘All the student are so talented, well done to everyone in the show.’
Help us, help you and your child In every class, with every student, staff at The Grange work tirelessly to support students in reaching their full potential. As you walk in the building you cannot help but see ASPIRE displayed on the walls to reinforce our core values. We work toward achieving these values with your children every minute of the day. We have a long history of students going on to exceptional futures and we are very confident that, with your help this will continue. The first and most important thing you can do to help is to ensure your child’s attendance is as high as possible. Statistics show that students who attend more, achieve more.
For most students the problem is not long illnesses, although this does happen and school will help to support with catch up work, the problem for many children is the ‘broken weeks’. The odd day off here and there for a sniffle or a headache can impact significantly on your child’s progress and achievement. When they return they are often one lesson behind and so need extra support to catch up. Of course sometimes children are genuinely ill and cannot attend school, however if your child can make it to school and get through the day, we urge you to send them in. The more they are here, in lessons, the better chance they have of being successful at The Grange. Thank you for your continued support.
Nationally, of those students who miss more than 50% of school, only 3% manage to achieve 5 A*-C including English and maths; 73% of students who have over 95% attendance achieve 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*-C (Improving Attendance at School, 2012). Low attendance is particularly a problem for children as they move up through the school system. Clearly, we need our children in school to give them the best opportunity to succeed. You can see how many lessons your child will miss when they are off for the odd day or more during the year. Days Off 1 5 10 30
Lessons Missed 5 25 50 150
The Monthly Newslet-
Prink Triangle Theatre Group Visit As part of the current year 10s PSCHEE curriculum students are studying homophobia and LGBT issues. To complement this work, the school were lucky to secure a second visit from the Pink Triangle Theatre Group. Their performance last year made a significant impact and raised awareness of equal rights for our students. This year the Pink Triangle group performed their ‘Show One’, with the same integrity, passion and impact as the previous year. Nearly 200 students were able to watch the show and complete comments cards afterwards. After the show the group were then interviewed by two of the school’s #Tag team, Rachel Hunt and Thomas Basson, also demonstrated great maturity through their questions. Both the performance and the interview were filmed and will soon be edited by the #Tag team.
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Celebrating Diversity, Encouraging Respect February each year is LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) History Month. As part of our on-going work as a Stonewall School Champions programme, we are celebrating LGBT History Month here at school with a variety of activities including assemblies, PSHCE lessons, quizzes, t-shirt design competitions and by inviting a number of guests in to school. We were lucky to have the Pink Triangle Theatre Company back in to school again this year to raise awareness of equal rights for our students. We also have representatives from a local LGBT youth group, and University Reps coming in to school to offer support, information and guidance to students. This work continues our excellent partnership with Stonewall, who are continually offering additional resources and training to school as part of the School Champions programme. We were also very lucky to secure a role model visit from Huma Qazi, a HR and Cultural change consultant who speaks frequently at different corporate and charity events and actively promotes raising awareness in different areas of diversity & culture both in the workplace and especially in schools for our future generations. Huma commented after her visit to school, which allowed her to present to staff and students, that “I walked away at the end of it all thinking this school has set the standard for me! This is what it means to genuinely strive to create dialogue, welcome the conversation and influence real culture change in a school�.
Our work with Stonewall links to our key school values, particularly in encouraging respect amongst all staff and students within school, and celebrating diversity within our community. We are very proud of our work with Stonewall, and we are not only enjoying celebrating LGBT History month this February, but also looking forward to further initiatives and support that we receive as part of this programme.
Social Networking Safety Advice for Parents School has been notified of a link which currently appears on Facebook. It has been advertising an app that can be downloaded onto phones. Initially it appears to be an online chat link similar to WhatsApp. Once the app has been downloaded onto a phone the user is directed to a site named MEOW. This site is in fact an adult online service. There are no security barriers on this site therefore any pictures or other media can be sent to a phone. Young people are downloading this app thinking it is a chat site that can be accessed with friends. Please find below support and information sites that you as parents can access to report any inappropriate sites or use of the internet. These sites also contain information that you can discuss with or show your children to educate them about appropriate use of Social Media Sites:
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Ashley Ocego - Take That I started at The Grange in 1999, after coming up from The Grange Juniors and began my journey in 7JHN, Mrs Johnson’s form. With Mrs Johnson being a Music Teacher, this was a rock solid partnership for the up and coming years. Within the first year of being at The Grange, I was cast as “Teen Angel” in our production of Grease in the summer of 2000. Throughout my time here, I was privileged to be a part of an array of different shows, including the Staff Pantomime and Little Jack Horner, in 2004. The amount of time and effort that used to be put into the Creative & Performing Arts at this school was incredible and The Grange led the way 100% with anything to do with performing with concerts across the North West for the Choir. I, for one, am so proud to have been part of that.
Most recently, I have made my TV Debut on ITV’s Stars In Their Eyes as Mark Owen. I had the pleasure of going through those iconic “Smokey Doors” as myself and being transformed into a superstar. This was the most incredible experience and cannot wait to do it again, if I’m so lucky. Off the back of this, I have been offered a part in a Take That Tribute band, touring the UK in various different venues as Mark Owen and cannot wait for this new adventure to start.
Alongside that, I would love to come back to the school and have some involvement in future Performing Arts projects because If it wasn’t for The Grange, I would not be the performer I am today. For that, I am eternally grateful. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you all around here soon.
Since leaving The Grange, I have continued with my singing and performing. I was a Funstar for Haven Holidays for 6 years and also worked on a Cruise Ship for Thomson Cruises as a Presenter and a Singer. Aside from this, I have been a part of a number of amateur productions across the area, including Remembering Michael in Frodsham in 2013, a Michael Jackson Tribute Show.
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Franklin goes to Halewood On Monday 9th February, the year 10 Franklin Scholars visited Halewood Academy to network with other students from Liverpool, Lancashire and Greater Manchester. The students from the Grange had been invited to lead most of this networking session as our students had started the program earlier than the other schools. During this visit, they met staff from ESSA Academy in Bolton and DAC Academy in Lancashire as well as answering questions posed by students from Halewood Academy.
Mr Willmott would like to express his thanks to the Franklin Scholars for being so positive in putting forward the issues they have encountered, ideas for resolving these issues and offering advice and support to the Halewood students and staff from Achieve Together and Franklin Scholars. Thanks also to Miss Evans and Mr Buckley for their help and support.
Four of our students were asked to direct a mock TV Talk Show with a panel comprised of a further six of our Franklin Scholars. Students from Halewood and staff from all over the country then asked them questions about their experiences with the Franklin Scholars Program. After this the Scholars were involved in a problem solving exercise which led to offering advice regarding how to move the program forward on a national level.
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Headlines Very well done Thomas!
Accelerated Reader The Grange congratulates the first reading millionaire, Thomas Drury (07MGG). During the autumn term of 2014, year 7 English students have been working hard, engaging with an accelerated reading program designed to improve individual reading ability. The Accelerated Reader program is an online tool designed to manage independent reading whilst promoting reading for pleasure. Over the course of the academic year, student achievement is closely monitored and praise is awarded to our high achieving students. In December, an assembly was held to reward students who have, so far been working hard reading and taking book quizzes in order to improve their reading ability. A total of six students received prizes for their outstanding effort. With categories such as most words read, most book quizzes taken and highest average daily reading time. Each individual year 7 student was given an equal opportunity to receive recognition for their efforts. The final outcome was a close call as so many of our students are putting in a great effort. We predict that the next Accelerated Reader reward assembly will produce a different selection of students as a result of their increased motivation to read and improve. The English department is pleased to announce that the Accelerated Reader program is producing effective results with the year 7 students. Reading ability is improving and achievement will continue to be recognised throughout the course of the academic year. In particular, we would like to give praise to Thomas, who is our first student to achieve over 1 million words read. To be exact Thomas has read 1,092,135 words during the autumn academic term!
Thomas says “I am extremely proud and happy to have reached one million words. I am also thrilled to have done it in such a small space of time. I read the full Harry Potter series within a few weeks and each of them have at least a few thousand words. Sometimes if I had some spare time I would read a few pages�.
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Maths Puzzle Answer to last month’s teaser is shown below.
This month’s teaser:
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Headlines Inter House Competitions We have recently held two very successful competitions. Year 7 Netball
Managers of the month January 2015 House Competition ‘Kneale down to me’, managed by Melissa Kneale in 8 MLE, were the team of the month in January with 149 points. They represent BRIDGEWATER HOUSE in the competition.
Individual Competition We have a new winner in the individual competition. Mr Hutton, father of last month’s ‘Manager of the Month’ Aaron Hutton. Mr Hutton, a very keen Liverpool fan, is manager of ‘Walton Warriors’ They lead the individual competition, for January with 193 points. Meanwhile, the overall leaders are running neck and neck as we approach the half-way stage in the season. In first place, we have ‘Symes FC’. Miss Symes, from our primary phase, with 690 points. Closely followed by ‘Gasworks X1’ Mr Carney, with 689 points. Mr Hutton’s ‘Walton Warriers’ are in third place with 662 points.
On Friday 6th February, the girls of Year 7 battled it out on the netball courts in their own inter-house competition. Each house was represented by a team from their form group, with a mixture of friendship groups and abilities taking part. The competition was hard fought with all participants showing real fight and determination in all matches. All of the games where close in score, with the last match being the decider. In the end it was Castle House who reigned victorious, narrowly beating Priory in second and Brindley and Bridgewater following in third and fourth respectively.
It was lovely to see all of the Year 7 girls get into the spirit of the house competition, with the netball team showing their talent and leadership skills, coaching others throughout. Many thanks to Mrs McBride for facilitating a wonderful morning of competition.
Winning house Castle, with Head of House Miss Carroll.
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.
Year 7 and Year 8 Football
Term dates
Spring 2
Summer 1*
Monday 20th April 2015
Friday 22nd May 2015
Summer 2
Monday 1st June
Thursday 16th July 2015
February 2015
* School is closed on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2015. Event
Although the points totals would suggest a very one sided competition it was all down to the final game of the six match tournament. BRIDGEWATER HOUSE v BRINDLEY HOUSE with the winners taking the coveted trophy. Brindley went into an early lead but the determination and commitment of the ‘Bridgey Boys’ saw them through to a 3 - 1 win. A big thank you to Mr Rodriguez and Mr Vine for organising this very successful tournament. George Hough, from PRIORY HOUSE, was chosen as the player of the tournament.
Thursday 2nd April 2015
Year 8 Parents Evening
Thursday 26th February 2015
Year 10 Pathways Evening
Thursday 5th March 2015
Year 8 Pathways Evening
Thursday 12th March 2015
Year 9 Parents Evening
Thursday 19th March 2015
Follow us on @grange_school
The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.