I feel more confident in being able to help my kids now which makes me less stressed, so the kids are happier and learn better. Family Maths
Family Learning We offer FREE Family Learning courses in partnership with West Sussex primary schools designed to help you to help your child. Are you a parent carer of primary school aged child or toddler? Or an adult (e.g. grandparent) who plays a significant part in a child’s life? Would you like to feel more confident to support a child’s development? Are the methods used in schools to teach Maths and English skills today different from those you remember? Example courses:
• Parent and Child Yoga • Family Fit
• Fun with Maths
• Going Back to School “It has helped us with helping our child read and write in a way that complements her learning at school.” – Fun with Phonics “Made me feel I’ve a positive influence and that I can share the knowledge that I’ve gained.” – Keeping up with the Children, English Have your say in our future Family Learning programme: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/AspireFamilyLearning 14
For details of courses, ask your child’s school or visit our website www.aspiresussex.org.uk