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Keep Grapevine Beautiful

ACTING TODAY TO PRESERVE TOMORROW. Keep Grapevine Beautiful (KGVB) is a non–profit organization whose mission is to preserve and enhance the local natural environment by strengthening citizen’s levels of commitment through educational programs and engaging volunteer–based projects. Let’s work together to keep Grapevine beautiful! Visit KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org for more information.


On the fourth Saturday of each month, volunteers of all ages and abilities are invited to participate in various projects that benefit the environment and improve the appearance of our community. Projects may include painting, planting, removal of invasive plants and litter pickup. Just a few hours’ work can make a big difference. Specific location and instructions will be sent out the Monday before each event. To sign up go to GoGrapevine.com/Volunteer. Dates: Saturday, January 22; Saturday, February 26; Saturday, March 26 Location: Grapevine Parks Time: 9:00 – 11:00 am Registration: KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org


The City of Grapevine, in association with Keep Grapevine Beautiful and America Recycles Day, will host this event for residents of Grapevine. Volunteers are needed to help receive and sort donations, please contact Dewey Stoffels, 817.410.3389 Date: Saturday, March 26 Location: Municipal Service Center, 501 Shady Brook Drive Time: 8:00 – 11:30 am


Have you ever wondered how you can help improve the Earth? Come to the Grapevine Botanical Gardens to help us kick off a month-long effort that focuses on improving our Earth through local actions. Your family can enjoy learning more about our natural environment through hands-on activities. There will be a demonstration on how to build an insect hotel that will help preserve the biodiversity of your yard. Register for our Earth Month Challenge to win awesome prizes! Date: Friday, April 1 – Saturday, April 30 Registration: KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org


We are combining the Don’t mess with Texas® Trash-Off with our Earth Day observance. On April 23 we will work together in community parks, along roadways and shoreline to collect trash and recycling. Date: Saturday, April 23 Location: Area Parks Time: 9:00 – 11:00 am Registration: KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org

Grapevine volunteers make a difference by beautifying and improving the environment and contributing to the good of the City. We have opportunities to serve within our Community Events, Lake Parks, Active Adult, and Athletics Divisions. Additionally, Keep Grapevine Beautiful offers fun projects for all ages and abilities. We hope you’ll join us! See our opportunities at GoGrapevine.com/ Volunteer or email Cindy Harris at CHarris@grapevinetexas.gov for more information.


with Grapevine Parks & Recreation


What is a pesticide? What are the benefits and problems of pesticide use? You’ll get answers to these questions and more. Experts will discuss the risks of pesticides to human health and some alternatives to pesticides along with regulations that exist. Date: Wednesday, January 26 Location: The REC of Grapevine Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Registration: GoGrapevine.com/JanLecture


Vegetable gardening provides many benefits besides ready access to nutritious food, like increased physical activity and better mental health! This session will be led by a Master Gardener who will walk you through simple steps to growing and harvesting your own vegetables. Date: Wednesday, February 23 Location: The REC of Grapevine Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Registration: GoGrapevine.com/FebLecture


If you are looking for ways to reduce the amount of food and yard waste your home generates, come to this ECO Talk. Composting is an easy and natural way to add nutrients to your garden beds while helping improve the environment. We will learn the benefits and basics of composting and how to maintain your compost pile easily. Date: Wednesday, April 27 Location: The REC of Grapevine Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Registration: GoGrapevine.com/AprilLecture


We need you! We have areas for adoption. This impactful program allows individuals, families, community groups and businesses to take an active role in keeping our community litter-free and beautiful. "Adopters" agree to conduct at least six cleanups in their area in the calendar year. See our interactive map at GoGrapevine.com/AdoptAnArea or contact us at info@keepgrapevinebeautiful.org to participate.


Planting native is a cost-effective, way to reduce pesticide use and provide shelter and food for wildlife. Experts will address which plants thrive in North Texas soil and how to care for them. Date: Wednesday, March 23 Location: The REC of Grapevine Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Registration: GoGrapevine.com/MarchLecture


You can add ease, comfort, and enjoyment to your yard or garden by using native and adapted plants regardless of what point you are starting from.


Start with the end in mind. Consider your family's needs and desires when envisioning your perfect yard. Once you have a solid idea of what you want, look critically at what you've got. What are the permanent fixtures or restrictions? What plants do you want to keep? Prioritize your needs and create a plan.


Less is more. Less turf means more time for you to enjoy your lawn, and more money in your pocket because you won't have to water as much. Add more flower beds with SmartScape plants. Add large, sweeping curves to the landscape to make it visually appealing. Add or widen pathways, and use groundcovers where it makes sense. Groundcovers under trees and on slopes can often give the look of grass, but you don't have to maintain them.


Organic matter is the key to a solid foundation to help your plants thrive. Compost helps to condition the soil, hold moisture, prevent run-off, reduce erosion, and unlocks nutrients in the soil. One way to improve water absorption is to add raised beds. Raised beds will also help improve drainage, reduce soil compaction, and reduce weeds.


The right plant in the right place. Use the SmartScape plant database to find native and adapted plants that are well suited to our environment. Native plants are naturally drought tolerant, as well as disease and pest resistant. By choosing native plants, you reduce your irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticide requirements. When planning your yard or garden, use a wide range of plants and plant with room for their mature size. When planting or transplanting, water the plant, water the hole, water the plant in the hole.


Regularly adding mulch to maintain about a 3-inch blanket is a good for beds and around trees. Mulch helps reduce evaporation and cools soils in the summer by up to 10 degrees. Mulch also helps reduce erosion, diseases, and prevents weeds from getting a foothold. Never pile mulch up around trunks or stems, instead it should be like a shallow bowl around the trunk.


Efficient irrigation will save you money. It is best to water in the early morning when evaporation rates are lowest. Water 5 to 10 minutes (or until runoff begins), then water that area again 10 minutes later for another 5 to 10 minutes (or until a total of one inch of water has been applied to that area). One inch of water a week should be enough for native plants to survive even the hottest summers. Look into using drip irrigation. Also, turn off your sprinklers when it rains, because that is just wasting water and money.


Regularity and moderation should guide your maintenance schedule. Avoid excessive pruning, as natural beauty softens the landscape. If you choose well-adapted plants for your location, maintenance should be minimal. If you do encounter problems, try cultural, organic, physical, and mechanical means of pest control instead of chemicals.

Texas SmartScape™ is helping to promote education on pollution prevention through efficient and effective water use for the benefit of all citizens. A Program of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, Regional Stormwater Management Coordinating Council.

www.nctcog.org/envir/ • info@txsmartscape.com

Let Mike take care of your roof!


After 46 years with State Farm Insurance & building a legacy in this community, Mike Davis has stepped over to partner with PROCO Roo ng & Construction as the new Director of Stategic Development. Continuing to pour back into the community, Mike says, “In my years of experience with State Farm, never have I seen a roo ng company take care of their customers at such a high level. PROCO will be my next contribution to make a di erence in my community.”

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