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Keep Grapevine Beautiful


Contact Cindy Harris at CHarris@grapevinetexas.gov to find out the many ways you can get involved and improve the community. We have opportunities to serve within our Community Events, Lake Parks, Active Adults and Athletics Divisions. Additionally, Keep Grapevine Beautiful offers fun projects for all ages and abilities.


with Grapevine Parks & Recreation

ACTING TODAY TO PRESERVE TOMORROW. Keep Grapevine Beautiful (KGVB) is a non–profit organization whose mission is to preserve and enhance the local natural environment by strengthening citizen’s levels of commitment through educational programs and engaging volunteer–based projects.

Let’s work together to keep Grapevine beautiful! Visit KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org for more information.

“Though the word beautification makes the concept sound merely cosmetic, it involves much more: clean water, clean air, clean roadsides, safe waste disposal and preservation of valued old landmarks as well as great parks and wilderness areas…”


On the fourth Saturday of each month volunteers of all ages and abilities are invited to participate in various projects that benefit the environment and improve the appearance of our community. Projects may include painting, planting, removal of invasive plants and litter pickup. Just a few hours’ work can make a big difference. Specific location and instructions will be sent out the Monday before each event. Dates: Saturdays, June 25, July 23, August 27 Location: Grapevine Parks Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am Registration: KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org/Events


Do you have a trail, park or street near your home or office that would benefit from some extra attention and care? This impactful program allows individuals, families, community groups and businesses to take an active role in keeping our community litter-free and beautiful. “Adopters” agree to conduct at least six cleanups in their area in a calendar year. Contact Cindy Harris at CHarris@grapevinetexas.gov to learn more.


If you regularly pick up litter on your own independent of any event or program, we say thank you for your Lone Star efforts! We also ask that you contact Cindy Harris at CHarris@ grapevinetexas.gov to help KGVB more accurately capture how much litter is being removed from our community and how many hours are expended to do this important work.

Join us as we engage experts on various topics to help us understand the importance of the environment and the outdoors.


Earth’s most precious resource is water. At this free, in-person ECO Talk, our Environmental Services Division will explain stormwater and how we can protect the environment and improve water quality by managing stormwater runoff in our neighborhoods. Date: Wednesday, August 24 Location: The REC of Grapevine Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Registration: KeepGrapevineBeautiful.org/ AugLecture

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