9 minute read
Eastnor Bowling Club
The Bowling Season is here again. Open Day for Eastnor Bowling Club, now in its 90th year, is on Sunday 5th April 2020 at 2.00pm.
The Club is situated in the beautiful tranquil surroundings of the Deer Park in the grounds of Eastnor Castle, just outside Ledbury. Entry to the Deer Park is opposite the entrance to Eastnor Castle.
Open Day is a very informal time to meet and greet before the start
of the bowling season. We are a friendly club and our door is always open to new members, so if you would like to give bowling a try, or freshen up old skills, you will be made very welcome. All you need is a pair of flat shoes, so come along and enjoy the hospitality at Eastnor and maybe make new friends.
On the day, you can have the help of Don our experienced coach, or have a roll up with some of the members. If you want to try something different we shall also have the game of ‘Cornhole’ which is a fun game for all ages.
There will be a BBQ, tombola, cake stall, etc. Tea and coffee will be available, or if you prefer something a little stronger, the Bar will be open.
Club Night is every Friday from 6.30pm during the bowling season. If you require more information contact Pat on 01684 833284 or Rose on 01531 633010 or check out our web site: www. eastnorbowlingclub.co.uk
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Coffee Time Puzzle page
(answers on page 70)
5 6
7 8
9 10
12 13 14 15
17 18
ACROSS 1 7 8 9 10 12 14 17 18 19 Fraught with uncertainty (7) Competing (5) Bring (pressure) to bear (5) Depended (6) At a good distance (4) Go the distance (4) Follow-up film (6) Overly modest person (5) Bird or boy's name (5) Cad, rotter (7) DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 13 15 16 Bore (a hole) (5) Seized (6) Augury (4) Ledge for ornaments (5) Snored through an alarm! (9) Astonishing (9) Rose up on the hind legs (6) Small fireworks (5) Shade of brown (5) List of courses (4)
SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that each line, each row and each 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9 without repetition.
874 72 39 9 8 761 329 2 5 824 765 3 4 91 85 357
1. What gas do all fuels need in order to burn? 2. When spoken by a police officer, what do the letters RTA stand for? 3. What is A.A. Milne most famous for? 4. Who played Basil Fawlty in `Fawlty Towers`? 5. Who had a hit single with `Crocodile Rock` in 1972? 6. Who is the author of the `Harry Potter` books? 7. What is the name of the clockwork device used by musicians to measure time? 8. In which film did Roy Scheider play a sheriff and Richard Dreyfus a marine biologist? 9. Which two colours are Dennis the Menace`s jumper? 10. T he name of which football club is an anagram of `Red Admiral`?
Militaria has been one of the most popular collecting genres in recent years with online savvy buyers from around the world more than happy to pay top prices for the ‘right’ addition to their collections. Smith’s specialist section within the February antiques sale saw many prices soar way above estimate. Not surprising really - with over seven hundred bidders registered to buy online and over £50,000 worth of commission bids left before the sale even started.
One of the top prices of the day was paid for a Distinguished Flying Medal awarded to a Coastal Command pilot in WWII for his bravery in Spitfire raids on German shipping. The lot also included a quantity of interesting photo-graphs and ephemera, including letters to his parents describing some of his operations, and notably his pride at being awarded the DFM.
Unfortunately, his bravery may have got him into trouble when he died the following year whilst test flying a Mosquito near Alconbury. Records of the accident noted that he carried out a series of very steep turns which over stressed the lightweight
wooden framed aircraft and it crashed to the ground and caught fire. It was suggested that the exaggerated maneuvers were not strictly necessary for the relevant air test!
The medal (which featured on the front of the catalogue) was consigned for sale by the pilot’s daughter and estimated at £1200 to £1800. On the sale day it was finally contested by a keen local collector bidding on the phone and an online bidder - who eventually secured it at £2,200.
Smith’s next sale is on the 15th May and entries are invited on the 7th, 9th, 14th & 16th April 10am-3pm or by appointment.
Forfurther details please visit www. smithsnewentauction. co.ukortelephone 01531 821776.
article by Rita Kearsey
Flora White Postcard Antarctic exploration stamp
Monthly Sales of Antiques & Collectables
15th May at 10am with Stamp & Postcard Sections also includes Silver, Jewellery, Gold, Ceramics, Glass, Furniture, Pictures & Collectables Viewing Day Prior 10am - 7pm and morning of sale Fully illustrated catalogues available online
Entries Invited for th, 9th, 14th & 16th April 10am to 3pm or by appointment Stamp Deadline 14th April. Coins & Notes also now invited for our specialist sale in July Home visits for larger consignments
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