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Age UK
Supporting the Elderly during the Covid-19 Crisis
Age UK Hereford & Localities is responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic and our staff and volunteers are working hard to support older people in Herefordshire.
The pressure on our services is increasing daily. We have been inundated with calls from older, vulnerable and isolated people needing help. It’s a frightening time for elderly people, many of whom are finding that their normal support networks are breaking down. People are calling us because they are worried that they don’t have enough to eat and are without basic supplies.
We are having to adapt the way in which we deliver our services but older people and their health and wellbeing remain at the forefront of everything we do.
We have had to cancel all our social activities and our foot-care service. We continue to provide our Information & Advice Service by email and telephone. As well as expanding Care Call, our telephone Befriending Service, we have worked hard to increase the capacity of our Reaching You shopping service. We will do all we can to reach as many people as possible.
If you or anyone you know is in need of help please do not hesitate to contact us.
We have set up an emergency fundraising appeal and all monies raised will go to support those in need and help to keep our vital services operating. If you want to know more about the help we are offering or would like to make a donation, please contact us:
Registered Charity Number: 1093512
Thankyou for your support
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