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Clubs & Groups
Anwell Veterinary Centre
At Anwell Veterinary Centre, we pride ourselves on our kind, caring, friendly and personal service for all our clients pets
NOW OPEN Our new Veterinary Clinic at Freer Kennels, Godstone.
For more information please contact us on 01883 744461 anwellvets@btconnect.com Opening times Monday - Friday 9.00am - 10.00am and 4.00pm - 6.00pm Saturday 9.00am 10.00am We work on an appointment system Monday - Saturday from 8.00am We can offer home visits on request. Full medical, surgical and dental facilities on site. Puppy and kitten health checks. Convenient location with on site parking. 24 hour emergency service. 41 Brighton Road, Coulsdon CR5 2BF Tel 020 8668 6151 Monday - Friday 8.00am - 7.00pm • Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm email: anwellvets@btconnect.com www.anwellvets.co.uk
1st St Mary's Scouts 01883 340680 2nd Purley Brownies brownies@2ndpurley.org.uk 3rd Caterham St John's Scout Group 01883 348629 3rd Kenley Brownies 3rdkenleybrownies@gmail.com 21st Purley Scouts www.21stpurley.uk Aikido at The Arc, Caterham Self Defence Classes www.thearcaikido.com All Saints' Warlingham Handbellringers 07749 190910 Aquarius Swimming Club 01883 344 662 Caterham & District Horticultural Society catdisthortisoc@gmail.com Caterham & District U3A www.u3asites.org.uk/caterham Caterham Army Cadet Force 07973 386343 Caterham Art Group secretary@caterhamartgroup.org.uk Caterham Bowls Club 01883 340014 Caterham Bridge Club 01883 730304 Caterham Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets www.sea-cadets.org/caterham Caterham Community Choir 01883 345678 Caterham Craft Club 01737 643191 Caterham Cricket Club 07568 717733 Caterham Croquet Club www.caterham-croquet.org.uk Caterham District Scouts 07956 801008 Caterham Festival 01883 340000 Caterham Food Bank 07523 983122 Caterham Hill Badinton Club 01342 832702
Caterham Hill & Chaldon Girlguiding chcdistrictguiding@gmail.com Caterham Hill WI caterhamhillwi@gmail.com Caterham Owners Club www.caterhamownersclub.co.uk Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions Club 01883 335945 Caterham Rotary Club caterhamrotary2@gmail.com Caterham Round Table caterhamroundtable@gmail.com Caterham WI caterhamwi@hotmail.com Caterham Youth Centre 01883 344678 Croydon Active Paddlers www.croydonactivepaddlers.org Croydon Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association nhw@cbnwa.com Croyden Rifle & Pistol Club 020 8684 4260 Croydon Voluntary Action 020 8253 7070 Douglas Brunton Centre 01883 347230 East Surrey Choral Society secretary@escs.org.uk Guild of Friends of St Lawrence’s Ancient Church Caterham pattersons@caterhamsurrey.co.uk Kenley Bridge Club www.bridgewebs.com/kenley Kenley Hockey Club www.kenleyhockeyclub.clubbuzz.co.uk Kenley Ladies Badminton 020 8668 1154 Kenley Sports Club 020 8660 4572 Kenley Scouts enquiries@7thpurleyscouts.org.uk Kenley Valley WI 020 8660 3810 Marie Curie Caterham 01883832621 North Downs Drummers Community Drumming Group 01883 622118
Old Caterhamians Club 01883 343488 Old Coulsdon Bowling Club 01737 552580 Pantaloons Amateur Dramatic Society www.pantoloons.com Probus Club of Caterham probusenquiries@wmanor.co.uk Probus Club of Purley 020 8660 0404 Purley & Kenley District Guides bradshaw.joanne@sky.com Purley Bowls Club 020 8660 0608 Purley Bridge Club www.bridgewebs.com/purley Purley Food Hub 07546 635295 Purley John Fisher Rugby Club 01737 553042 Purley Sports Club 020 8660 0608 Purley Youth Centre 020 8668 7259 Reading Aloud Group 01883 722593 Royal British Legion 01883 712476 Skaterham Skatepark for Scooterers, BMX'rs, Skateboarders & Inline Skaters 01883 348184 South Croydon Sports Club 020 8688 1782 South London Harriers 020 8398 1548 St Catherine's Hospice 01293 447333 Tandridge Befriending Scheme 07796 307286 Tandridge Club for the Visually Impaired diana.drysdale@godstone.net Tandridge Photographic Society 01883 626463 Tandridge Voluntary Action 01883 722593 The Bourne Society 01883 349745 The Royal British Legion 01883 343492 Warlingham Archery Club 01883 347301
y Re-Roofing and Re-Slating y Chimney Stacks y Leadwork y Guttering y Built-up Flat Roofing Systems y PVC Fascia Soffits y Loft Conversions y Porches Renovated y FREE estimates
slimmingwor 0344 897 800 slimmingworld.co.uk 0344 897 8000 with Slimming World MONDAY # #(#&"' (' (# # !%&(($!%& #&&'(%$$! (%(% TUESDAY '"#(#( "&'" ('#"'& !%&(($!%& #&&'(%$$! (%(% THURSDAY #"(' ('#"'& !%'& '#(%$$(!$( "( "&'"( '#"'& !%&(($!%& '#(%$$(!$( SATURDAY "( "&'"( '#"'& $!%'&(( !%'& '#(%$$(!$(
Dave was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.
He knew that he would inherit a fortune once his elderly father died.
Dave wanted two things: - to learn how to invest his inheritance and, - to find a wife to share his fortune.
One evening at an investment meeting, he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Her natural beauty took his breath away.
"I may look like just an ordinary man," he said to her, "but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit 20 million dollars."
Impressed, the woman took his business card.
Two weeks later, she became his stepmother.
The moral of the story is: women are so much better at estate planning than men . . . !!
Evening class Every Wednesday 8-9pm Audley School, CATERHAM
Daytime class Every Tuesday 9.45am Warlingham Church Hall ( from 25 th
For more info or to book a space call Nicky - 07802 894556 E-mail: admin@dancezing.co.uk www.dancezing.co.uk Friendly classes suitable for all. No experience required. Easy to follow instruction. Dancing without a partner to pop, rock, Latin, Irish & country music Good exercise & lots of fun!
Never make assumptions!!
His request approved, a CNN News photographer quickly called the local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin-engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport.
Arriving at the airfield, he spotted a plane warming up outside a hanger. He jumped in with his bag, slammed the door shut, and shouted "Let's go!"
The pilot taxied out, swung the plane into the wind and took off.
Once in the air, the photographer said to the pilot "Fly over the valley and make low passes so I can take pictures of the fires on the hillsides."
"Why?!" asked the pilot.
"Because I'm a photographer for CNN." he responded, "I need to get some close-up shots!"