4 minute read
VE Day Anniversay Picnic
Common Blue - photo courtesy of Jon Hawkins

Grow a secret garden for BUTTERFLIES!

Inspired by the dazzling new film adaptation of the Frances Hodgson Burnett classic, The Secret Garden, The Wildlife Trusts and Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) are calling on gardeners to help the UK’s falling numbers of butterflies and moths with their Wild About Gardens campaign. In Surrey 44% of butterflies are either extinct or in decline.* Starring Colin Firth, Julie Walters and newcomer Dixie Egerickx as Mary Lennox, The Secret Garden film brings the magic of wildlife, childhood and gardening to the big screen, and reminds us how important it is to connect with nature for our wellbeing. Gardening for wildlife is a perfect way to do this.
An ideal butterfly garden has a wide variety of flowers throughout the year to support their life cycles – for butterflies and moths emerging from hibernation, egg laying females, caterpillars and then adults.
April flowering native Common Dog-violet, Primrose and Blackthorn provide an early source of nectar and pollen to entice butterflies and moths. But by planting or sowing Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Red Clover, Common Knapweed, Field Scabious and Wild Marjoram on bare ground in April gardeners can experience a boost in summer flowers that will encourage more butterflies to use their gardens later in the year.
Catering for hungry caterpillars is easy too; just leave grasses, Common Nettle, Common Ivy, Bramble and Dandelion to grow wild around the compost area. Common Sorrel is great for the Small Copper and thistle species are good for the Painted Lady, whilst
Common Birds-foot Trefoil - photo courtesy of Philip Precey

Wild Teasel is attractive to the adult Red Admiral and Peacock.
Enter the Wildlife Gardening Awards! Entering the 2020 Surrey Wildlife Garden Awards is a perfect way to make a difference and connect with nature on your doorstep. It’s free to enter and there are categories for small, medium and large private gardens, school grounds, business grounds, allotments, community garden and new for this year churchyards. Open for entries from April 1st to July 31st. For top tips and advice on making your garden wildlife friendly visit surreywildlifetrust.org/gardening
*Source: The State of Surrey’s Nature report; Surrey Nature Partnership 2017.

Wild things to do in April!
With the Easter holiday looming, why not get out with your family to explore Surrey’s wonderful wildlife reserves, dig a pond or do plant some nectar rich flowers for butterflies and moths. There are plenty of outdoor children’s activities going on too. Or you could join one of our walks or courses this month.
Woodland Birds Date: Friday 3rd April Time: 6.30am to 11.00am Enjoy an early morning walk listening to the local birdsong before learning more about woodland birds in the classroom at Nower Wood Education Centre, Leatherhead. Booking essential: members £35/nonmembers £47
Wild Rangers Conservation Club Date: Wednesday 8th April Time: 9.30am to 4pm Focus your teenager’s wild side on nature! Re-activate their sense of adventure spending their Easter holidays in the woods with friends at Nower Wood Education Centre, Leatherhead. Booking Essential: Members £35/Nonmembers £40
Wildlife Gardening for Beginners Date: Thursday 23rd April 2020 Time: 10am to 3pm Before you start digging, find out how to plan and create the perfect wildlife garden at the Bay Pond Educational Reserve, Godstone High Street, Godstone. Booking essential: members £45, nonmembers £57
Nower Wood Bluebell Open Day Date: Sunday 26th April Time: 10am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 4pm Bring your family to explore the beautiful bluebell woodland at Nower Wood Education Centre, Leatherhead. Booking essential: £5 per parking space
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Level 2 Award for Forest School Assistants training course, Guildford Date: Monday 27th to Thursday 30th April Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm Learn the skills and knowledge to become a Forest School Assistant and gain a nationally recognised qualification. Booking essential: £490 / £100 deposit is required to confirm a place on this course.
How to set up a Forest School Business Date: Tuesday 28th April Time: 6.30pm to 9pm This workshop will cover the basics you need to consider setting up your own business if you are a trained Forest School Leader. Location: Pucks Oak Barn & McAlmont Reserves, Compton GU3 1EG Booking essential: £20
To book all courses and events go to: www.surreywildlifetrust.org/whats-on

Join Surrey Wildlife Trust! Surrey Wildlife Trust is the only charity solely concerned with the conservation of wildlife in the county – you can support its work by becoming a member. For further information call 01483 795440 or visit www.surreywildlifetrust.org

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