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Volume 9 Issue 3 June 2014 SHOW RING TIMES



Aubrey Behnke Feature


Meet McGee Bosworth


Jon Walker Stable & Riding Academy






Candids of the Week


Lynn Via Dedication




Our Advertisers: Front Cover Inside Front Cover Back Cover Inside Back Cover A Royal Promise Alexandra Percoco Spotlight

Cloverleaf Freedom Writer Nashville Cat Double Black Diamond Only’s Gnash Rambler 30 3

Magical Attraction


Manhatten’s Troy


Anna Schultice


Mercedes Bohigian


Anne Ster


National Academy Finals


Ariana Varveris


Native Kiss


Audrey Crites



Bryant Park


Rayann Schaffer


Callaway’s Take a Chance On Me






Roseridge’s All My Heart


Roseridge’s No Regrets


Celebrity Son

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RWCC Make Mine Black


CH Global Scene


(SA) SJ The Smart Lady


CH Reggie’s Indigo Jim


SeamairDear Sir






Emma Phelan


Smokin’ Joe Frasier


Floris fan de Hofpleats




Gossip Girl


Spooling Up


Highpoint’s Royal Flame






Teresa James




Tia Margarita


Ingleside Champions


WC CH I’m Something Wicked


Irresistible Design

37 WC Moonlight Memories 5

Liz Bolton Stables


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WCC CH Let’s Talk

consulting EDITOR Kelley Reason

Bookkeeping/ SUBSCRIPTIONS Michelle Schoenvogel (931) 680-5696 graphic designers Crystal Davis Caitlin Reason Erica Faulkner National Rep At Large callawaysquickfix@gmail.com Jamie LaFortune California jla4tune@yahoo.com

Amanda Dickerson National Rep At Large showringtimes@gmail.com Jennifer Alexandra King Midwest Representative jenniferalexandraking@gmail.com Christy Stovall Virginia/North Carolina/South Carolina ac_stovall@yahoo.com Shutter Buddies Morgan Hylton Joann Humble Robin Quinton Brooke Simpson Emma Mae Utoft


CH Callaway’s Ariel

It’s Mr. Personality

a division of The Scoop, inc. 409 Elm St - Shelbyville, TN 37160 P.O. Box 1658 - Shelbyville, TN 37162-1658 showringtimes@gmail.com (931) 680-5696 (office) (931) 680-4331 (office) (615) 775-6245 (931) 680-2860 (fax)

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DEADLINE for advertising is Thursday at noon of each week. Allow advanced notice for special requests such as custom design, logo design, special positions, etc. SHOW RING TIMES is published by The Scoop, Inc., and is printed at the Tennessean, 1100 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203. It is published weekly the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November (except the last week of August due to the World’s Championship Horse Show in Louisville, Kentucky and the last week of November due to Thanksgiving). It is published every other week December, January, February, and March. Show Ring Times ISSN # 2150-3575. Periodical’s postage paid at Shelbyville, TN and at additional mailing offices. Publication # 025-266. Subscription rates Contact us for our latest subscription offers. Call 931-680-5696 or www.showringtimes.com. Add $10 for all subscriptions outside the U.S. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Show Ring Times, P.O. Box 1658, Shelbyville, TN 37162. Change of address requests must be made in writing one month in advance. Please include the subscription label on your last issue and make a note as to when you would like the change to take place. All preparatory work such as sketches, copy, art design, logo design, and formats created or furnished by Show Ring Times shall remain the business property unless otherwise agreed in writing. Show Ring Times claims no responsibility for any misrepresentations that may occur as a result of submitted materials. These materials may include photographs, text, suggestions, ideas, and editorials, but are not limited to this listing. Any party submitting to Show Ring Times agrees to dismiss Show Ring Times from any and all liability in the case that a conflict arises as a result of that materials publication.

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Calendar O n l i n e a t w w w. s h o w r i n g t i m e s . c o m


15-19 Ohio State Fair; Columbus, OH; Contact Judy Peters, 614-402-1260 or allhorseshows@earthlink.net; visit www.ohiostatefair.com. 17-20 ASAW Summerfun; West Allis, WI; Contact Vicky Holston, 262560-9764 or vholston@msn.com. 17-19 Denver Queen City; Denver, CO; Contact Stacey Kipper-Perrelli, 303-619-8699 or stacey0975@aol.com; visit www.coloradosaddlebred.com. 18-19 Asheville Invitational; Fletcher, NC; Contact Joyce Wilson, 919-3655149 or jshowbizz@aol.com; visit www.ashevilleinvitational.com. 18-19 Rockbridge Fair; Lexington, VA; Contact Alice Martens, 540-4342557 or alice@truckequip-va.com. 18-20 ASAM Summer Spectacular; Skowhegan, ME; Contact Ricky Drew, 207-272-0082 or asamnews@yahoo.com; visit www.mainesaddlebredhorse. com. 18-22 Southwest Classic Show Series; Flagstaff, AZ; Contact Joe Husband, 602-821-4248 or jhusband3@cox.net; visit www.arizonasaddlebreds.org. 22-26 Blue Ridge Classic; Fletcher, NC; Contact Liz Holmes, 919-6723741 or lizholmes1957@gmail.com; visit www.blueridgeclassic.com. 22-26 Mercer County Fair and Horse Show; Harrodsburg, KY; Contact Brad Noel, 859-613-4503 or bdnoel@hotmail.com. 24-26 Central States Benefit; Kansas City, MO; Contact Lynn McCallister, 913-579-7709 or lmcstable@aol.com; visit www.csbhs.org. 25-27 Mid America Signature; Roscoe, IL; Contact Joy Meierhans, 630557-2575 or jm@themeierhans.com; visit www.midamericahorseshow.org. 26-27 Mid Summerfest Horse Show; Randolph, MN; Contact Jake Couch, 612-325-2381 or sofac@frontiernet.net. 28-8/2 Missouri State Fair; Sedalia, MO; Contact Lenard Davenport, 417888-0686 or lendavenport@prodigy.net. 30-8/2 Dayton Horse Show: Dayton, OH; Contact Evette Moody, blueribbonhs@sbcglobal.net or 937-623-7934 or visit www.daytonhorseshow.com. 30-8/2 Shelbyville Horse Show; Shelbyville, KY; Contact Beth Snider, 502647-0076; bethandscott@kih.net; visit www.shelbyvillehorseshow.com. 30-8/3 C-Fair Charity; Monroe, WA; Contact Renee Cairns, 206-855-9405 or rlcairns@aol.com; www.pacificnorthwestmorganhorseshows.com. 31-8/2 Connecticut Summer Classic; West Springfield, MA; Contact John Lampropoulos, 603-770-1884 or sheri2517@hotmail.com. 31-8/2 ETSA Midsummer Classic Horse Show; White Pine, TN; Contact

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Janie Hamilton, 214-478-0897 or dkhoss@aol.com; visit www.easttnsaddlebred.com.


2 Germantown, KY; Contact John Jackson, 606-301-1933. 2-3 NCASHA Summer Classic All Breed Show; Watsonville, CA; Contact Dean MacCracken, 415-455-9208 or dbmsrca@sbcglobal.net. 5-9 Illinois State Fair (Saddlebreds/Hackneys/Shetlands); Springfield, IL; Contact Mike Kirkton, 309-229-4617. 6-9 Boone Country Fair; Burlington, KY; Contact Larry Burcham, 859-3805598 or cloreburchaminc@zoomtown.com. 13-16 Illinois State Fair (Morgans/Arabs); Springfield, IL; Contact Mike Kirkton, 309-229-4617. 14-24 Kentucky State Fair; Lousiville, KY; Visit www.kentuckystatefair. org. 17-23 World’s Championship Horse Show; Contact Louisville, KY; Contact Scarlett Mattson, 270-547-2407 or scarlett@bbtel.com. 22-24 Continental Divide; Loveland, CO; Contact Farra Baker, 303-3557633 or farra@attn.net; visit www.showmetheribbons.com. 22-24 Oregon State Fair; Salem, OR; Contact Roxanne Hood, 831-6378510 or rhood@razzolink.com. 28-31 New York State Fair; Syracuse, NY; Contact Naomi Blumenthal, 315-682-1933 or nblumenthal@twcny.rr.com; visit www.naomishorseshows.com or www.nysfair.org.


2-6 All American Horse Classic; Indianapolis, IN; Contact Steve Kildow, 765-620-5779 or srkfarm@indy.net; visit www.allamericanhorseclassic.net. 4-7 Summer’s End; Ocala, FL; Contact Glenn Winograd, 813-833-2247 or glenn@cesfl.com; visit www.fmha.net. 5-6 North Carolina State Charity Classic; Raleigh, NC; Contact Bill Whitley, 919-481-4675 or whitley@ncschs.com; visit www.ncschs.com. 5-7 Iowa Fall Classic; Cedar Rapids, IA; Contact Gloria Paulsen, 319-2691194 or 319-266-3363 for show information. 6 Maysville Rotary Club Horse Show; Maysville, KY; Contact Juston Pate, 606-584-3729; stalls 606-584-8052. 6-7 Labor Day Classic; San Marcos,CA; Contact Lance Bennett or Scott Hickey, 760-724-3355 or 760-510-1111 or ranchovista@sbcglobal.net.

Calendar O n l i n e a t w w w. s h o w r i n g t i m e s . c o m 10-13 North Carolina State Championship Charity; Raleigh, NC; Contact Bill Whitley, 919-481-4675 or whitley@ncschs.com; visit www.ncschs. com.

8-11 Alabama Charity Championship; Priceville, AL; Contact Janet Byron, 256-773-4594 or byronview2@aol.com.

11-14 Wisconsin Futurity Horse Festival; Madison, WI; Contact Vicky Holston 262-560-9764 or vholston@msn.com.

9-11 ASHAM; Lansing, MI; Contact Sara Ressler, 248-922-0148 or saressler@aol.com; visit www.asham.org.

12-13 UPHA Chapter 8 Horse Show; McDonald, TN; Contact Janie Hamilton, 214-478-0897 or dkhoss@aol.com; visit www.easttnsaddlebreds.org.

10-12 Blue Ribbon Fall Classic; NEW LOCATION-Wilmington, OH (Roberts Arena); Contact Steve Moody, 937-760-7935.

13 KY State Championship; Shelbyville, KY; Visit www.kaspha.com for further information.

10-12 UPHA Chapter 10 Fall; Roscoe, IL; Contact Susan Hillegonds, 815444-9485 or hillegondss@prodigy.net.

13-14 Southwest Classic Show Series; Scottsdale, AZ; Contact Joe Husband, 602-821-4284 or jhusband3@cox.net; visit www.arizonasaddlebreds. org.

10-12 Octoberfest Horse Show; Cannon Falls, MN; Contact Jacke Couch, 612-325-2381 or sofac@frontiernet.net.

17-20 Southeastern Charity; Conyers, GA; Contact Steve Hanks, 704-6575284 or shs_stvl@yahoo.com; visit www.southeasterncharity.com. 18-21 Eastern States Exposition; West Springfield, MA; Contact Carol Keller, 413-205-5016 or ckeller@thebige.com; www.thebige.com/horseshow. 24-27 ASHAV; Lexington, VA; Contact Kent Moeller, 804-363-3085 or kentamoeller@gmail.com; visit www.ashav.net. 24-27 St. Louis Invitational; St. Louis, MO; Contact Peter Fenton, 859321-9281 or janniegiles1@aol.com. 25-28 Deerfield Fair Horse Show; Deerfield, NH; Contact John Lampropoulos, 603-770-1884 or sheri2517@hotmail.com. 26-28 Paul K Field aka Springfield Charity; Springfield, Oh; Contact Jack Hawkes, 937-206-0003, jthawkes5070@gmail.com.


10-12 Salina Charity, Contact Yvonne McCarthy, 316-304-2755 or ybmccarthy@gmail.com. 16-18 Southern Saddlebred Fall Finale; Murfreesboro,TN; Contact James and Jackie Hale, 205-669-6649 (office) or 205-669-1880 (fax); visit www. southernsaddlebredsales.com. 17-18 Dallas Fall Classic; Dallas, NC; Contact Ray Cloninger, 704-4581611 or kcloninger@aol.com; visit www.raycloninger.com. 23-26 Mid America Mane Event; Springfield, IL; Contact Joy Meierhans, 630-557-2575 or 630-253-9765 (cell) or 630-557-2636 (fax) or jm@themeierhans.com; visit www.midamericahorseshow.org. 23-26 Twin State Octoberfest; West Springfield, MA; Contact John Lampropoulos, 603-770-1884 or sheri2517@hotmail.com; visit www.twinstate. org. 24-26 Arizona Futurity; Scottsdale, AZ; Kent Moeller, 804-363-3085 or kentamoeller@gmail.com; visit www.americansaddlebredassociationofarizona.com.

2-4 Kentucky Fall Classic; Lexington, KY; Contact Chuck Walker, 859333-1406 or cewalker9876@yahoo.com; visit www.kentuckyfallclassic. com.

28-11/2 Alltech National; Lexington, KY; Contact Carolyn Vincent, 516484-1865 or nationalhs@aol.com or visit www.alltechnationalhorseshow. com.

2-5 NWSA Fall Classic Futurity; Eugene, OR; Contact Martha Keck, 206399-3459 or mlkeck@aol.com; visit www.nwsaddlebreds.org.

30-11/1 California Saddle Horse Futurity and West Coast Championship; Las Vegas, NV; Contact Lawrence Witter, 661-252-0907.

3-5 Morristown Charity Horse Show; White Pine, TN; Contact Janie Hamilton, 214-478-0897 or m; visit easttnsaddlebred.com/Tennessee_futurity. html.

31-11/2 Harvest Days Horse Show; Tampa, FL; Contact Becky Buffington, 813-508-0623 or bbuffington2@verizon.net.

3-5 Minnesota Futurity; Winona, MN; Contact Sally Snyder Tesch, 763559-4896 or sstesch@juno.com. 4 Bluegrass Futurity Weanling and Two-Year-Old Classes; Lexington, KY; Contact Melissa Moore, 859-873-9129 (barn) or 859-533-6225 (cell) or mmoore8059@aol.com.

31-11/2 IASPHA Fall Show; Gurnee, IL; Contact Cindie Kozeluh, 847824-5347 or iaspha@aol.com. 31-11/2 Louisiana Fall Festival Horse Show; Baton Rouge, LA; Contact Tommy Benton, 225-938-7843 or thbjr60@aol.com; visit www.lafallfestivalhs.com.

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News MID-AMERICA SIGNATURE SET FOR JULY 25-27 Mid-America Signature Show, July 25-27, is a lovely old fashion outdoor show amid the flowers and trees at Ledges Sporting Horses Stables in Roscoe, IL. Shelley Fisher, Huber Heights, OH, will judge all classes. The Ledges outdoor arena has very good footing, and an indoor ring is available in case of uncooperative weather. All stalls are permanent, in barns with good cross ventilation. Again this year, Signature exhibitors choose whether wins earn A or B season trophy points on the Mid-America Horse Show Assn., American Saddlebred Assn. of Wisconsin and Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Assn. circuits. No choice required of Academy entries or the Illinois Horse & Pony Breeders & Exhibitors Assn. circuit season trophies, both of which get the same trophy points at A and B shows. Horses Showing for B Points Have Six Classes of Their Own Six classes are open only to horses declared for B season trophy points. “We want our exhibitors showing B to have the thrill of winning and taking a victory pass, so we’re giving them six classes of their own,” said Show Manager Joy Meierhans. “Horses declared for A points are not eligible for these six new B-only classes, but B-declared horses may also show in any other Signature class for which they qualify.” Three of the new B-only classes are in Show Pleasure Three Gaited – Adult, Junior Exhibitor and Championship, and three are in Country Pleasure Three Gaited – Adult, Junior Exhibitor and Championship. Signature offers complete divisions for Saddlebred Show, Country and Western Pleasure plus Hunt Seat, Classic Pleasure and Open Pleasure. There also are Saddlebred performance, Park, Park Pleasure, Hackney Show Pleasure Driving, Road Pony classes and equitation age groups, plus Good Hands, UPHA Cup and Pleasure Medallion qualifiers. All 16 Academy classes are on Saturday. Four TBA classes are in the schedule to accommodate class requests. If exhibitors need a class, they can sponsor a TBA class for $75 and guarantee three entries. To learn about sponsored TBA classes and get show news fast, “Like” Mid-America on Facebook (www.Facebook.com/ MidAmericaHorseShow). For information on the Mid-America Signature Show, contact Joy Meierhans, show manager, at 630/557-2575 or JM@TheMeierhans.com. Class list and entry blank are available at www.MidAmericaHorseShow.org .

changes to louisville judging panel Due to health reasons, James Nichols will not be able to judge the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show. The judging panel will now consist of Lewis Eckard, Jack Noble, Barbe Smith, and Jim Taylor. “The World’s Championship Horse Show wishes James the very best in his recovery and looks forward to seeing him at horse shows next year.” Says show manager Scarlett Mattson

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Gwendolin E. Stableford Obituary Gwendolin E. Stableford, 96, of Summit, NJ, who was honored as the 2007 New Jersey Horseperson of the Year, passed away on June 16, 2014 at Overlook Hospital in Summit, NJ. Stableford was treasurer for the New Jersey Horse Council, American Saddlebred Horse Association of New Jersey and the Middlesex Horse Show for decades. Stableford showed and won with her American saddlebreds and Hackney ponies all over the country and was founder of the American Saddlebred Horse Association of New Jersey in 1968. She also represented the American Saddlebred Horse Association of New Jersey on the New Jersey Equine Advisory Board.

Candy Mountjoy Walthers Obituary Candy Mountjoy Walthers, age 62, of Lawrenceburg, died Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Lexington. She is the daughter of Rhetta Houchin Mountjoy, Lawrenceburg, and the late William David Mountjoy, II. She was a 1970 Graduate of Anderson County High School and was a member of Lawrenceburg First Christian Church. She is survived by her husband, Dwight Walthers, Lawrenceburg; sister, Dorita Stinnett, Lawrenceburg; 2 brothers, Stephen Michael Mountjoy, Inverness, FL, and William David Mountjoy, III, Lawrenceburg.

Blue Ridge Classic Addresses The 2014 Blue Ridge Classic Horse Show will host the USEF Saddle Seat World Cup Competition. The tentative World Cup competition schedule is now available on the USEF website. The competitions will be held on Tuesday through Friday afternoons from approximately 2:30pm-3:30pm, as to not interfere with the horse show. Sunday, July 20th will be the day for World Cup Team Practice in the main arena, which will be closed from 11am-6pm. Show manager Liz Holmes wants to assure everyone that there are adequate practice rings and work areas to accommodate both the show and World Cup competition. Make your plans now to attend a world-class horse show and competition in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains this July! A comprehensive show schedule and full prize list are now available online at www.blueridgeclassic.com. For any questions, contact show manager Liz Holmes at (919) 672-3741 or lizholmes1957@gmail.com.

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NEWS NOTICE REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH EQUINE DRUGS NOTICE REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE USEF EQUINE DRUGS & MEDICATIONS PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FOR USE OF DEXAMETHASONE AND METHOCARBAMOL from the USEF Communications Department Lexington, Ky. - In 2014 a new category of rules, GR 414 Prohibited Practices, was introduced to the USEF Rule Book with an effective date of December 1, 2013. Implementation of this rule affected changes to the administration of the following quantitatively restricted therapeutic medications in competition: * Dexamethasone (Azium速)* - maximum 24 hour dose has been decreased from 20milligrams/1000lb horse to 10milligrams/1000lb horse and must be administered in accordance with GR414. * Ketoprofen (Ketofen速) - maximum 24 hour dose 1.0 gram/1000lb horse remains the same, however it must NOT be administered within 12 hours prior to competition. * Methocarbamol (Robaxin速) - maximum 24 hour dose 5.0 grams/1000lb horse remains the same, however must NOT be administered within 12 hours prior to competition. In the first half of 2014, to facilitate a compliance transition and to educate competitors regarding the appropriate therapeutic use of these medications in competition, the Chair of the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Committee (with the approval of the USEF Hearing Committee) issued a warning to the trainer if excessive levels of methocarbamol or dexamethasone were detected. However, please be advised that going forward, any sample taken on July 1, 2014 or after that results in a positive finding for excessive methocarbamol or dexamethasone will be adjudicated through the normal regulatory process which may result in issuing a penalty. For your convenience and review, recommendations for the administration of both of these medications is summarized here:

Dexamethasone: Each 24 hours, not more than 1.0 milligrams of dexamethasone injectable solution per 100 pounds of body weight should be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally. For a 1000 pound animal, the maximum daily intravenous or intramuscular dose of dexamethasone injectable solution is 10.0 milligrams, which equals 2.5 milliliters of the injectable solution (4.0 milligrams per milliliter). No part of this dose should be administered during the 12 hours prior to competing. Dexamethasone should not be administered for more than five successive days. Dexamethasone Emergency Alternative for urticaria (hives) IMPORTANT: This alternative dose for dexamethasone can only be administered by a licensed veterinarian for the treatment of hives (urticaria). A medication report form must be filed consistent with GR411. The filing of a medication report form is required to document compliance with the new 12 Hour Rule prohibiting injections in the 12 hour period prior to competing. Each 24 hours, not more than 0.5 milligrams of dexamethasone injectable solution per 100 pounds of body weight should be administered intravenously, preferably less. For a 1000 pound animal, the maximum daily intravenous dose of dexamethasone injectable solution is 5.0 milligrams, which equals 1.25 milliliters of the injectable solution (4.0 milligrams per milliliter). No part of this dose should be administered during the 6 hours prior to competing. Dexamethasone should not be administered for more than five successive days. Methocarbamol: Whenever methocarbamol is administered, the dose should be accurately calculated according to the actual weight of the horse or pony. Each 24 hours, not more than 5.0 mg per pound of body weight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 pound animal, the maximum dose each 24 hours is 5.0 grams, which equals ten 500 milligram tablets or 50 cc of the injectable (100 milligrams per milliliter). No dose should be administered during the 24 hours immediately following the prior dose.

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