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COVERAGE Bland County Fair................................38 Kentucky Celebration..........................18 Money Tree Fall Classic......................32 National Spotted Show.......................41 PC Splash Classic.................................. 4 SCHWHA...............................................28 Warren County Fair..............................23


....................................A Classic Action .................................Tommy Lee Jones ..................................... The Jazz Player .....................................................Pitbull


News..........................................................22 Places To Be.............................................52 Whos who ................................................53

OUR ADVERTISERS Abirene �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Bonus Attraction ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Busted At Tijuana ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Calvin Klein Pushin Time �����������������������������������������������������������������������������45 Chewbacca ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 Color Me With Honors ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������50 Conspicious ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Country & Famous ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9 Cowboy On Parole ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Cross Fit ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Dominick ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Don’s Angel ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 El Capitan �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Epic �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 I’m Deuce �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 I’m Lawless ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46 I’m The Alamo �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 I’m Smokin’ Hot ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 JFK’s Battle Colors ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 John Boy’s Just A Swinging �������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Jose Line Dancer ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45 Just Gettin’ Started ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 Lady On Parole ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Lester H Burns ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Parole Watch ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47 PC Splash Thank You Ad �����������������������������������������������������������������������������30 Pepe’s Stormy Night ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Petal Pushin Jazz ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 47 Plea Bargain �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Repeat’s Colors By Grace ����������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Repeat’s Encore Performer ������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Santana’s Got Colors �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������50 Shadow Of Shadow ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 She’s Major Money ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Starjet �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Starry Eyes �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46 Steve Fuller Stables �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 The Magic Button �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45 Throw Me A Curve �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Trouble Rising �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42 Page 2 / The Scoop

VOLUME 21 ISSUE 18 OCTOBER 2, 2017 The Scoop, Inc. 409 Elm Street, P. O. Box 1658, Shelbyville, TN 37162-1658 931-680-5696 • 931-680-2860 (fax) www.thescooponline.com


Jacquelyn Elliott Way

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Michelle Schoenvogel

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Jeffrey McGee Sally Reiley Michelle Schoenvogel

GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Crystal Carter Vanessa Hook

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PC Splash Horse Show

Friends from Formac Stables join Jimmy McConnell and PC Splash Classic Walking Horse Stake Champion BeeBee King for a victory picture following their blue ribbon ride.


HELBYVILLE, TN- Show officials of the PC Splash Classic decided to make a change this year and host their annual show in Shelbyville, Tennessee. The event took place on Saturday, September 23, 2017 under the Champions Arena at the Celebration grounds. The PC Splash Classic was affiliated with SHOW HIO. Show officials were as follows: Manager, Dee Cantrell; Ringmaster, Robbie Spiller; Organist, Chase Williams; Farrier, Mack Deckle; Photographer, Barr Studios; and Announcer, Bobby Sands. Serving as judges over the 37 classes were

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Frankie Jo Bradley, Smokey Carswell, and Johnny Puckett. This event showcased some of the industry’s finest Tennessee Walking Horses. The young stallions never disappoint and on this night, they continued to represent the breed in a positive way. Claiming the Riders’ Cup Two Year Old Stallions was Pitbull and Rico Bravo for owner Diana Cruse. The Riders’ Cup Three Year Old Stallions class was claimed by Coltrane and Herbert Derickson for owners Zamora & Nales. The blue ribbon winner in the Riders’ Cup Four Year Old

Stallions class was The Memphis Blues and Clay Sanderson for owners Rowland & Bell. As the final class was called to enter the ring, one entry answered the call. Jimmy McConnell made a blue ribbon exhibition ride aboard BeeBee King claiming the Walking Horse Stake Championship for owner Bob Medina. The Scoop was honored to be present to capture candid pictures in the winners’ circle and around the grounds. To view these pictures, visit our FREE website at www.thescooponline.com or like us on Facebook.

PC Splash Horse Show

WEANLINGS Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 152 152 152 152 162 162 162 162 151 151 151 151 OH SUSANNAH Lynn Womack WALKIN & JAMMIN CTF Hunter Fikes CROSSROADS John Dorris RIDER’S CUP MODEL Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 174 174 174 174 155 128 155 155 128 155 128 128 THROW ME A CURVE Robert Nelms HES RED HOT JAZZ Justus Carter A KINGS WAY Lynn Womack YEARLINGS Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 413 413 413 413 IM JOHNNY RINGO Chris Richards FINE HARNESS Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 103 129 214 129 129 103 129 103 214 214 130 214 130 130 103 130 IM SKY KING Rollie Beard LEAVENWORTH Donald Robinson JOSES TREASURE CHEST Donna Kay Head IN TEDS IMAGE Sam McLaughlin AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 125 125 104 125 104 104 125 104 210 102 210 210 131 210 131 131 102 131 102 102 JOSES FLASHY WAYS Kayla Baucom AIRBORNE HERO Heidi McWilliams A GOOD TIME CHARLIE Cassi Slagle SHES CITY LIGHTS Dr Jim Baum IM DANDY DON Debbie Marbry AMATEUR TRAIL PLEASURE Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 200 200 198 200 198 198 200 198 LA LA BAMBA Harold Roberts THE GREAT SENSATION Bob Lawrence PARK PLEASURE SPECIALTY Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 117 117 117 117 THE QUEEN LOVES JAZZ Betty Denton MARES & GELDINGS YOUTH 17 & UNDER Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 132 201 132 132 101 132 101 101 209 101 201 201 201 209 157 209 157 141 141 157 141 157 209 141 SPRINGFIELD Jada Cassidy TOMMY LEE JONES BiBi Beasley FABLES BROKEN PROMISE Riley Long ME AND MY WORLD Cali Mason LONGINES Gabriel Humiston COMMAND AT SUNRISE Mary Francis Way THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS & WHTA RIDERS CUP 2017 Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 179 179 179 179 169 169 169 169

Jones & Richards Mark & Sharon Thomas John Dorris

Rushing Creek Walkers Carmen Vaughn Les Howell Family

Jones & Richards

Raymond & Jane Stiles Donald Robinson Bert Head Ron Lawrence

Brian & Allison Stacey McWilliams Farm Cassi Slagle Lisa Baum Chester & Debbie Marbry

Harold Roberts Bob Lawrence

Betty Denton

Lloyd Cassidy Beth Beasley Andi Long Buddy & Lynn Wilhelm Gabriel Humiston Fisher & Way

COLTRANE Herbert Derickson Zamora & Nales SWISH THE NET Blaise Broccard Civils & Coffey YOUTH TRAIL PLEASURE Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 188 188 188 188 FRAGGLE ROCK Svanah Martin Flippo & Martin & Shetters AMATEUR MARES & GELDINGS Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 221 153 221 221 153 221 153 153 195 195 195 195 216 216 216 216 IM DEUCE Marla Lovett Rick & Marla Lovett C EST LA VIE LaRue McWaters LaRue McWaters XFINITY David Armour David Armour SAN QUENTIN Larry McLaughlin Margaret McLaughlin RIDER’S CUP TRAIL PLEASURE FOUR & UNDER Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 111 177 177 177 177 191 180 369 369 369 191 191 180 180 111 180 178 178 369 111 147 147 178 178 191 111 147 147 LEGEND OF ZELDA Justus Carter Susan Paul A MAJOR JOSE Bailey Momb Phyllis Langley MISS MOVIN ON Jessica Hlebak Dana & Madison Drew JOSE FANCY Lindy Holt Lindy Holt OLIVE OR TWIST Joe Lester Leek & Moore ABIRENE Crystal Deputy CCJK Enterprise GREY CAT Shelli MeHaffey Nicki Wall YOUTH SHOW PLEASURE Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 231 142 142 142 142 231 231 231 NINE DANGEROUS YARDS Elaina Fisher Elaina Fisher DOMINICK Jayden Jackson Jack Heffington RIDER’S CUP TWO YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 226 182 173 173 173 173 226 226 182 148 182 182 148 226 148 148 JAZZ KINGS DIAMOND LADY Blaise Broccard Linda Stewart BUTTA FLY Jimmy McConnell Bob Medina BEIGA CHEVAL Herbert Derickson McGee & Dickerson PROMISED BY DIXIE Jackie Byrom Julia Cole AMATEUR SHOW PLEASURE Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 167 176 167 167 176 167 176 176 136 196 105 136 105 136 136 105 196 197 196 196 197 105 143 197 143 143 218 143 109 109 197 109 APOLLO JOSE Joel Stewart Linda Stewart HES A JAILBIRD JA Sherry Bonner Joe Bertram THE AMERICAN CHOICE Linda Garrard Dr Linda Garrard JOHNNY FOOTBALL Kim Arnold Kim Arnold BLACK HAWKS BOOGIE MA N Linda Imler Linda Imler IM A JAZZ MASTER Lee Ann Deaton Terry & Lee Ann Deaton PLAIN JAZZ Diana Bowers Kelly Peevy DOLLAR OVERDUE Kennan Reynolds The Reynolds Family AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 208 208 208 208 163 163 163 163

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PC Splash Horse Show

IM BAT MASTERSON Lucky Collins Donald Collins BRAVE AMERICAN EAGLE Claudia Gribble Sherry Roberts RIDER’S CUP THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 122 122 172 122 224 183 122 172 172 172 224 224 183 192 241 183 241 241 183 241 192 224 192 192 HES COOL BLUE Danny Burks Lackey Properties Inc MS SO AND SO Blaise Broccard Ashley Rea PUMA Sam Martin Bob Medina ICLOUD Herbert Derickson Danielle Ricker DUMAS DUSK Chad Way Marion Cass NINOS POWER OUTAGE Jeff Green Daniel Miller YOUTH COUNTRY PLEASURE Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 112 112 112 112 144 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 188 188 188 188 IM 100 PROOF JOSE Carter Gleghorn Gleghorn & Dempsey COOKIES AND CREAM Caroline Westley Way Caroline Westley Way ARMED JAZZ Katie Marie Fisher Katie Marie Fisher FRAGGLE ROCK Svanah Martin Flippo & Martin & Shetters AMATEUR 50 & OVER SPECIALTY Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 228 228 228 228 159 159 159 159 106 106 106 106 114 154 154 154 154 114 114 114 217 217 217 217 MR HEISMAN Robin MacDonald Bruce & Robin MacDonald LINED WITH POISON Lucky Collins Donald Collins INTIMIDATORS BOOGIEMAN Donald Robinson Donald Robinson STEMWINDER LaRue McWaters LaRue McWaters SWING BATTER BATTER SWING Beth Beasley Beth Beasley APPALACHIAN OUTLAW Larry McLaughlin Margaret McLaughlin RIDER’S CUP OPEN SPECIALTY Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 137 137 137 137 168 168 168 168 THE LONESTAR LEGEND Charlie Green Sister Milligan JIMMY JOHNSON Blaise Broccard Sherry Roberts AMATEUR TWO YEAR OLD MARE & GELDING Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 109 124 149 109 149 109 124 124 124 149 109 149 184 184 184 184 JOSES SECURED WITH CASH Susan Hatmaker Susan Hatmaker MR RUMOR HAS IT Kayla Baucom Russell & Misseldine BYE FELICIA Kathy Lewis Kathy Lewis THE POWER OF DIXIE Sister Milligan Sister Milligan AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 113 113 113 113 171 171 171 171 161 161 161 161 SIDE LINED Harold Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Harold Roberts SMOOTH TALKER Carmen Vaughn Carmen Vaughn JOSE GREAT THREAT BJ Campbell B J Campbell AMATEUR TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 175 175 175 175 115 185 115 115 207 207 185 185

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185 115 207 207 HONOR AND OBEY Howard Eastridge Mr. & Mrs. Howard Eastridge POISON SUPRISE Jack Smith Smith & Fleming DIXIE WHITE SOCKS Linda Garrard Dr Linda Garrard A FREE DEAL Kim Bailey Rising Star Ranch FOUR YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS CANTER Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 107 107 107 107 133 133 133 133 212 150 212 212 150 212 150 150 IM IN THE CASH Scott Beaty Michael Chandler LINE UP JOSE Charlie Green Bill Webb A BACKUP DEAL Dick Peebles Rising Star Ranch SHE SIPS ON GIN Jackie Byrom Ty Irby AMATEUR PARK PERFORMANCE Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 123 123 123 123 215 215 215 215 PLEA BARGAIN Joanne Davis Morga J W & Joanne Morgan ITS GAMETIME Donna Kay Head Donna Kay Head AMATEUR TRAIL PLEASURE FOUR & UNDER Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 199 199 199 199 181 166 181 181 166 181 166 166 HANDSOME ROB Ashley Wadsworth Ashley Wadsworth GRANTED PAROLE Harold Roberts Harold Roberts JOSE MANDALAY BAY Donna Hill Donna Hill AMATEUR STALLIONS SPECIALTY Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 165 165 165 165 186 203 203 203 126 186 186 186 203 126 126 126 ALL ABOUT THAT JOSE Harold Roberts Sherry Roberts THE LEGAL TENDER Sherry Bonner Brad Bertram TITLESTS GRAND SLAM Joyce Myers Meadows & Myers IM RITZ AND DANGEROUS Thad Way PCB Partners 15.2 & UNDER OPEN SPECIALTY Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 118 223 223 223 223 118 146 118 146 193 193 146 193 146 118 193 THE JAZZ PLAYER Jimmy McConnell Jimmy & Edith Dilday IM KING OF HEARTS Sam Perkins Bruce MacDonald JAZZ ON THE RAIL Wesley Williams PC Beach Partners JOSES RITZY HAWK Jeff Green Evergreen Walking Horse Farm AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS SPECIALTY Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 170 230 164 164 164 164 230 230 230 170 138 170 138 138 170 138 232 232 232 232 MISS DIXIE CARTER Taylor Walters Taylor Walters CROSS FIT Jack Heffington Jack Heffington KINFOKE Derek Price Hess & Price DIXIE MAJORETTE Sister Milligan Sister Milligan ROLL TITLEIST ROLL Brandon Bell Brandon Bell RIDERS CUP TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 220 220 220 220 108 204 108 108 222 222 222 222 204 187 211 204 211 211 187 211 187 108 204 187

PC Splash Horse Show

Throw Me A Curve and Robert Nelms claimed their second blue of the September weekend by winning the Riders’ Cup Model class unanimously. Rushing Creek Walkers own the champion.

Jose’s Flashy Ways and Kayla Baucom performed their way to the top of the judges’ cards in the Amateur Three Year Old Mares/Geldings class.

Riders’ Cup Three Year Old Stallions champion was Coltrane and Herbert Derickson. This win was a unanimous blue.

Marla Lovett directed I’m Deuce to the blue ribbon winners’ circle after claiming top honors in the Amateur Mares/Geldings Specialty class.

Elaina Fisher and Nine Dangerous Yards had the crowd cheering after winning the Show Pleasure Youth class.

World Champions Apollo Jose and Joel Stewart added another blue to their collection following their Show Pleasure Amateur win.

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PC Splash Horse Show

PITBULL Rico Bravo Diana Cruse YS SILVER EAGLE Scott Beaty Margaret McLaughlin SICARIO Jimmy McConnell Taylor & Floyd MY ROCKSTAR Scotty Brooks Bob Roach BE REAL Dick Peebles Rising Star Ranch MR FOR REAL Herbert Derickson Meadows & Myers AMATEUR PONY SPECIALTY Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 139 139 134 139 134 134 139 134 229 156 121 229 156 194 229 156 121 229 194 121 194 121 156 194 245 245 245 245 PAROLED FROM HARDTIME Sister Milligan Sister Milligan MUCHO PAVO Kim Leonard Scott & Kim Leonard A BIT OF CHANGE Dee Broom Yoder Charles Yoder BONJOUR LaRue McWaters LaRue McWaters FIELD OF DREAMS Sharon Griffin Fletcher & Sharon Griffin MISS SPLASHY CASH Jennifer Pendleton Evergreen Walking Horse Farm HEAD OF THE LINE Reese Reynolds Kennan Reynolds AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS SPECIALTY Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 140 140 140 140 116 116 116 116 GENS NOT KID N Sister Milligan Sister Milligan BOLERO Amelia Haselden Amelia Haselden FOUR YEAR OLD STALLIONS (CANTER) & WHTA RIDERS CUP 2017 Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 233 233 233 233 119 119 119 119 THE MEMPHIS BLUES Clay Sanderson Rowland & Bell JAZZS KINGPIN Sam Perkins Ray Crabtree AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD STALLIONS SPECIALTY Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 127 127 127 127 135 135 135 135 ITS HIGH MAINTENANCE Sister Milligan Sister Milligan WELL ARMED AMERICAN Barbara Corbett Ridgemont Farm 15.2 & UNDER AMATEUR SPECIALTY Carswell Puckett Bradley Final 110 110 110 110 205 227 227 227 227 234 205 205 236 205 236 236 234 236 234 234 SIEGE Tina Graves Allred & Graves JOSES FULL THROTTLE Lisa Enfinger Wayne & Gail Putman SOX APPEAL Megan Peebles Megan Peebles CLEMENTE Michelle Schoenvogel Michelle Schoenvogel HES THE WHOLE SHABANG Kyle Bailey 3B Partners AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD STALLION SPECIALTY Puckett Bradley Carswell Final 206 160 206 206 160 206 160 160 KINGS SILVER COMMAND Lucky Collins Donald Collins PGA MASTERS Denise Maples Denise Maples TWHNC WALKING HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP & WHTA RIDERS CUP 2017 Bradley Carswell Puckett Final 225 225 225 225 BEEBEE KING Jimmy McConnell Bob Medina

The Jazz Player and Jimmy McConnell claimed the win in the Riders’ Cup 15.2 & Under Open Specialty division.

In one of the largest classes of the evening, Rico Bravo directed his young stallion, Pitbull, to a unanimous win in the Riders’ Cup Two Year Old Stallions class.

Claiming the 15.2 & Under Amateur Specialty victory and a unanimous win was Siege and Tina Graves.

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PC Splash Horse Show

In a competitive class, the Riders’ Cup Three Year Old Mares/Geldings, He’s Cool Blue and Danny Burks won top honors.

The Amateur 50 & Over Specialty Champions were Mr. Heisman and Robin MacDonald. This duo won a unanimous blue.

Susan Hatmaker was all smiles after she directed Jose’s Secured With Cash to the Two Year Old Amateur Mares/Geldings win.

Unanimous Country Pleasure Amateur champions were Side Lined and Harold Roberts. He also won blues in the Trail Pleasure Amateur class with La La Bamba, and in the Amateur Stallions Specialty class with All About That Jose.

Happy family and friends join newly crowned Park Performance Amateur Specialty champions Plea Bargain and Joanne Davis Morgan in the winners’ circle. The duo scored top marks on all three judges’ cards.

Winning a unanimous blue were Trail Pleasure Four & Under Amateur champions Handsome Rob and Ashley Wadsworth.

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PC Splash Horse Show

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The Bluegrass State Hosts Blue Ribbon Celebration H

ARRODSBURG, KY—On September 14-16, 2017 the Kentucky Walking Horse Association hosted the Kentucky Celebration. The event took place at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Harrodsburg. After making a return in 2016, the Kentucky Celebration proved to be a strong show this year with over 300 entries and 74 classes. The three-day show offered classes for walking, racking and pleasure horses, as well as a couple of mule classes. Judging the event were Kemp Martin, Jamie Wiley and Randy Young. Some of the industry’s finest were showcased, and on Saturday evening, spectators were treated to two exhibitions. Dalia Smith Harr showed her 2017 TWHNC World Champion I’m Tom Thumb. The second exhibition ride was provided by Harper Grider with her 2017 TWHNC World Champion Be Cool. Claiming the Kentucky Celebration Championship was World Grand Champion Lester H. Burns and Ryan Blackburn. Martin Cox of Corbin, Kentucky owns the champion. Claiming the Reserve Championship was Scott Beaty aboard Intimidator’s Boogieman for owner Donald Robinson of Cookeville, Tennessee. The Scoop congratulates the Kentucky Walking Horse Association on hosting a successful Celebration. For more information on this show, visit our FREE website at www.thescooponline.com or like us on Facebook.

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Kentucky Celebration

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KOOL FORTUNE Shawntae Burton Turner Burton & Grider COACHES STRIKE Julie George Julie George COMMANDING THE COACH Regina Fritsch Regina Fritsch GATSBY WCS Sydney Benedict Robby Bradley A STROKE OF MALIBU Cloia Collins Darrell Collins RACKING FLAT SHOD MR JINGLES Glen Farmer Glenn Farmer DANDYS SUNDAY GOLD Jennifer Lambert Jennifer Lambert 15.2 & UNDER AMATEUR SPECIALTY HOLYFIELD Sherry Bonner Marla Bertram HE MERITS CASH David Hampton Denny Hornbeck DIAMOND EAGLE Darrell Collins Peggy Bramerloh MIDNIGHT EXCAPE Holly Parrish Wally Parrish A GREY GOOSE Kim Back Kim Back SKY PILOT COMMANDER Louis Judd Louis Judd STYLE RACKING FLEETS BAD MAMA JAMA Jody Smallwood Fleetwod & Johnson OPEN SPECIALTY COACH NEYLAND Brent Grider Ronnie Grider PRIVATE LINE R M Kellett Jamie Hillis COACH CAL Wesley Allen Lonnie Allen I AM WELLS FARGO Doug Stephens Chris Adkins GENS BLACK SKY Rocky McCoy Bonnie McCoy CASHS LITE DOC Donald Stamper Robin Webb COUNTRY PLEASURE KEG SHOD KOOL FORTUNE Shawntae Burton Turner Burton & Grider IRISH Jennifer Zeller Jennifer Zeller JAZZ DOLLAR Jared Scott Jared Scott COACHES STRIKE Julie George Julie George A STROKE OF MALIBU Cloia Collins Darrell Collins A TOUCH OF SANGRIA Tish Winkler Tish Winkler TWO YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS TOUCHLINED Larry George Beverly Sherman JAZZS LADY ANNE Todd Claborn Kevin & Courtney Luttrell JUSTY NUFF GIN Charles Tooley Mark Frodge WASABIS UNFORGETTABLE Carroll Doyle Carroll Doyle ELENOR ON THE LINE Rocky McCoy Lloyd Cassidy WAITIN ON A WOMAN R M Kellett Benedict & Callicu RACKING TRAIL PLEASURE SHEEZA SILVER SENSATION Julie George Julie George EBS OVERCHARGED Shelley Oldham Shelley Oldham GENS MIDNIGHT EXPRESS Mariah Hubbard Jeff Hubbard Family GENS MATCHMAKER Paige Porter Paige Porter PONCHOS MR DELIGHT Jamison Woods Jamison Woods COUNTRY PLEASURE LADIES KOOL FORTUNE Shawntae Burton Turner Burton & Grider IRISH Jennifer Zeller Jennifer Zeller A STROKE OF MALIBU Cloia Collins Darrell Collins ROCKIN RITA Emily Scott W T Congleton BLACK AND STORMY Paige Porter Paige Porter COTTONS MR GQ Monita Potter Scott Potter KWHA LADIES AUXILIARY JAZZ PRINCE Tina Moss Bill Collins SUPERS SURVIVOR T ammy Alexander Alexander & May STOCKS RED MAN Debbie Civils Kenny & Debbie Civils YOUTH 12-17 SPECIALTY JOSES PUSHY LADY Coby McWhoster Coby McWhoster 9 IN THE SKY Tyra Brown Tabitha Brown RACKING PLEASURE OPEN A CASH CONNECTION Julie George Julie George RED BARRON Shannon Cobb Shannon Cobb STEVES DELIGHT Shelley Oldham Shelley Oldham RACKING COUNTRY PLEASURE JAZZMANS DOING TIME Mariah Hubbard Mariah Hubbard COUNTRY PLEASURE FOUR & UNDER GATSBY WCS Sydney Benedict Robby Bradley COACHES STRIKE Julie George Julie George ROCKIN RITA Emily Scott W T Congleton THE CITADEL Aaron Legg Fred & Aaron Legg COTTONS MR GQ Monita Potter Scott Potter SHOW PLEASURE AMATEUR JOSES PRETTY PENNY Kent McGary Kent McGary DIAMONDS OUT OF TOUCH Ginny Clark Ray Crank SEC Alexis Grant Grider & Curry BLACK GINS BOOTLEGGER Tina Moss JoAnne Collins HES A JAILBIRD JA Floyd Ray Jones ronda mccoy MISTER BLOCKBUSTER Jennifer Zeller Bishop & Winstead & Zeller PLANTATION PLEASURE FOUR & UNDER ARMED FOR WALL STREET Darrell Collins Darrell Collins AMATEUR SPECIALTY JON SNOW Carrie Benedict Carrie Benedict ANY GIVEN SATURDAY Terry Logan Lunsford Terry Logan Lunsford OUR AMERICAN SENSATION Kace Legg Kace Legg AMATEUR PONY SPECIALTY TONY TANGO Beth Alagna Beth Alagna IM BOB MARLEY Dalia Smith Harr Kenny Smith JOSES PINA COLADA Jenny Funk Jim & Jenny Funk THE REAL JOSE Floyd Ray Jones Floyd Ray Jones

Kentucky Celebration

TRAIL PLEASURE ENGLISH OR WESTERN MY GIRL KITTY Darrell Collins Cloia Collins KING ARTHUR W Hannah Varney Hannah Varney LAST LADY OF JAZZ Emily Scott Emily Scott EBONYS PRIZE Julie George Julie George HE OWNS THE NIGHT Debbie Smothers Debbie Smothers SPOTTED TRAIL PLEASURE YOUTH GO BOYS ROCKY TOP Kyra Gray Melody Clary WEANLINGS SIR WALTER Joe Fraley C L Kline Farms A SPECIAL POWER Julie George Julie George TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS OPEN IM THE ALAMO Ryan Blackburn Ronnie & Brenda Corey HOT N GOLD Clayton Davis Tina Moss JOYS COMMANDER Scotty Brooks Donald Hendrick COUNTRY PLEASURE YOUTH 11 & UNDER KOOL FORTUNE Harper Grider Burton & Grider UPTOWN FUNK Davany Bullock Davany Bullock A STROKE OF MALIBU Shane Smith Darrell Collins ROCKIN RITA Allie Congleton W T Congleton COMMANDING THE COACH Lindsey Bennett Regina Fritsch TRAIL PLEASURE FOUR & UNDER ATTAWAY JOSE Robby Bradley George Crawford KING ARTHUR W Hannah Varney Hannah Varney JOSES TOP SHELF Charlie Roach Paul (Chris) & Wendy Payton SAWGRASS Jared Scott Jared Scott YEARLINGS WALK AWAY CHARLIE Julie George Julie George THE LADY GODIVA Ella Kline C L Kline Farms HOLE IN MY POCKET Robby Bradley Dr David Bullock AMATEUR LADIES SPECIALTY BLACK GINS BOOTLEGGER Tina Moss JoAnne Collins WITH IN THE LINE Dalia Smith Harr Kenny Smith HOT DOLLAR Sherri Ward Sherri Ward RIDGETOP Ginny Clark Spencer Williams IM PRIMO RED Alexis Grant Al Leonardo JAIL BIRD ON PAROLE Regina Fritsch Carolyn Atkins PARK PERFORMANCE OPEN IM ROGER CLEMONS Scott Beaty Billy & Jacqueline Ball ACAPULCO BAY Doug Stephens Gary Doss SHANGHAI RITZ Allen McQuerry Laurie Herchenroeder BABY LOVES CASH R M Kellett Carrie Benedict AN EX CON Terry Doyle Bill & Georgia Harvey AOT SPECIALTY COPPEROPOLIS Chris Schneider Chris Schneider IM BOB MARLEY Dalia Smith Harr Kenny Smith DOUBLE BOGEY BLUES David Hampton Denny Hornbeck WATCH DELIGHT Darrell Collins Darrell Collins MORE OF THE DOLLAR Louis Judd Louis Judd MAGGIE MAY OF GRASSLAND Tom Olds Tom Olds SPOTTED TRAIL PLEASURE BOOT SCOOTIN BOOGIE Brian Stigers Larry Stigers SHOUT IT OUT LOUD Larry Stigers Brian Stigers HE OWNS THE NIGHT Debbie Smothers Debbie Smothers GO BOYS ROCKY TOP Melody Clary Melody Clary SPIRITS OUTLAW HUEY Gene Palka Gene Palka RACKING SPECIALTY ACTION YOUTH EVIL KATRINA Belle Brown Shofner Farms YOUTH 11 & UNDER BLUE RAY Alexis Nichols Alexis Nichols IM A TITLE ONE Harper Grider Myatt & Grider SIDE ARM Carl Zackary Mabry Carl Zachary Mabry KISS ME NOW Thomas Arnold Tonya Cummings PLANTATION PLEASURE OPEN SPECIALTY IM A BIG PUSHOVER Jason Joseph Joseph & Collins SPOTTED ALLENS PATCHES ES Jennifer Lambert Jennifer Lambert THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS IM ALRITE ALRITE ALRITE R M Kellett Carrie Benedict CASH IS FINE A Charles Tooley Lisa Newson IM FREE AT LAST Scotty Brooks Charles Mosley THATS ALL IT IS Billy Young Beverly Sherman OPEN PONY SPECIALTY HANNITY Scott Beaty Allred & Webb TEDS BEAMING HELLCAT Doug Stephens Kellie Magaw ORIENT EXPRESS Bill Carmichael Shannon Broderick POGOS CASH Mike Oney Roxanne Malone NIKE 9 R M Kellett Gay Dempsey DLDES Allen McQuerry MR. & MRS John Gillispie PLANTATION PLEASURE LITE SHOD ARMED FOR WALL STREET Darrell Collins Darrell Collins SPOTTED ALLENS PATCHES ES Jennifer Lambert Jennifer Lambert BRIDEN Allen McQuerry Lily Herchenroeder SPOTTED OPEN SHOD Spotted Open Shod GO BOYS PRIDE OF JFK Rob Gray Melody Clary SPOTTED ALLENS PATCHES ES Jennifer Lambert Jennifer Lambert COUNTRY PLEASURE AMATEUR GI GIS LUNCH MONEY Claire Hankins Hankins & Vaughn

Kentucky KentuckyCelebration Celebration

HOT DOLLAR Sherri Ward Sherri Ward ALL LOUD N PROUD Gerald Childers Gerald Childers THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS BLACK GINS ROMEO Charles Tooley Ennis & Grant CALL NINE ONE ONE Scotty Brooks Ken Stirn Estate JOSES GEN Bill Carmichael Connie Deweese JOSES TOMBOY Larry George Beverly Sherman CAROLINA CON R M Kellett LD & Tammy Austin DOCS ALL AMERICAN Ryan Blackburn Brack Slate TRAIL PLEASURE YOUTH ATTAWAY JOSE Libby Renner George Crawford KING ARTHUR W Hannah Varney Hannah Varney DIRTY PEARL Alex D Angelo Alex D Angelo WALKING ON SUNSHINE Jackson Hardin Emily Scott PONCHOS MR DELIGHT N/A N/A FOUR YEAR OLD OPEN TITLE GOLD Charles Tooley Mr. & Mrs. Howard Eastridge I LIKE GIN Scott Beaty Christopher Stivers JOSES LOST TREASURE Travis Caudill Christopher Stivers PARK PERFORMANCE AMATEUR BABY LOVES CASH Carrie Benedict Carrie Benedict BUSTERS FINAL EDITION Jennifer Zeller Jennifer Zeller TIME FOR CASH Trista Brown Trista Brown PUTTIN IT ON THE LINE Sherry Bonner Barry Bonner AN EX CON Bill Harvey Bill & Georgia Harvey KWHA MEMBERS ONLY SPECIALTY ROYAL LUCK Heather Caudill Allen & Caudill JOSES DON JULIO Tracy Bottoms Bradley Bottoms I AM INVICTUS Kace Legg Wayne Legg COUNTRY PLEASURE GENTLEMEN JAZZ DOLLAR Jared Scott Jared Scott MISTER JFK Aaron Legg Fred & Aaron Legg SANTANAS PUSHIN GIN Evan Alexander Clint & Regina Jainey DIALED IN Ronnie Ross Donnie & Ronnie Ross (twh) BLACK AND STORMY Matt Porter Paige Porter AMATEUR NOVICE SPECIALTY SMOKESTACK LIGHTENING Shannon Harr Shannon Harr A JIGGER OF GIN Jeremy Powell Jeremy Powell SPIRITED HEARTBEAT Charlene Wilson Mike Wilson RIDGETOP Ginny Clark Spencer Williams NO MORE JAZZ Billy Selby Billy Selby MITCH MILLER Candy Pugh Candy Pugh PLANTATION PLEASURE LITE SHOD SPECIALTY IM A BIG PUSHOVER Darrell Collins Joseph & Collins SPEED RACKING FOUR & UNDER FLEETS MAD MAX Tracey Sizemore Fleetwod & Johnson 15.2 & UNDER OPEN SPECIALTY DON JULIO Brandon Stout Cindy Napier DOLLARS LUCK OF THE DRAW Donald Stamper Dana Yeager STACY JACKS Mike Oney Carroll Doyle NIKE 9 R M Kellett Gay Dempsey ITS GIN AGAIN Terry Doyle Virgil Dryden TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR ATTAWAY JOSE N/A George Crawford KING ARTHUR W Hannah Varney Hannah Varney COWBOY LADY Jennifer Zeller Jennifer Zeller EBONYS PRIZE Julie George Julie George LAST LADY OF JAZZ Emily Scott Emily Scott JOSE LOCO Erica Heaster Erica Heaster PLANTATION PLEASURE AMATEUR IM A BIG PUSHOVER Jason Joseph Joseph & Collins TRAIL PLEASURE YOUTH 11 & UNDER ATTAWAY JOSE Zane Bullock George Crawford LUCKY GRAND Lindsey Bennett Regina Fritsch WALKING ON SUNSHINE Jackson Hardin Emily Scott PONCHOS MR DELIGHT Jamison Woods Jamison Woods TWO YEAR OLD AMATEUR COMMANDS PRIME TIME Alexis Grant Martha Caldwell HOT N GOLD Tina Moss Tina Moss EVERYTHING DIXIE Sherry Bonner Phillip Bertram BIG CITY SMOKIN JOE Regina Fritsch Jesse Burton MR DONALD TRUMP Clayton Gray Richard Gray= PRO AM SPECIALTY DIMAGGIO Larry George & Louis Judd Louis Judd Family THE NIGHT PUSHER Steve Swinford & Regina Fritsch Regina Fritsch JOSES PINA COLADA Jenny Funk & Todd Claborn Jim & Jenny Funk LAKESHORE DRIVE Jessica Davis & Clayton Davis Donna Byard COUNTRY PLEASURE YOUTH GI GIS HALBERD Claire Hankins Logan Hankins COMMANDING THE COACH Lexi Grabenski Regina Fritsch ROCKIN RITA Allie Congleton W T Congleton A STROKE OF MALIBU Shane Smith Darrell Collins A RED BALL JET Lily Herchenroeder Lily Herchenroeder HES CHILLY WILLIE Hannah Varney Hannah Varney RACKING TRAIL PLEASURE WESTERN SHEEZA SILVER SENSATION Julie George Julie George EBS OVERCHARGED Shelley Oldham Shelley Oldham HES SIMPLY SOUTHERN Colton Caudill Heather Caudill

GENS MIDNIGHT EXPRESS Mariah Hubbard Jeff Hubbard Family GENS MATCHMAKER Paige Porter Paige Porter AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD IM ALRITE ALRITE ALRITE Carrie Benedict Carrie Benedict NINE IN THE AFTERNOON Dalia Smith Harr Kenny Smith JOSES GEN Alan Deweese Connie Deweese AGED MARE & GELDING SPECIALTY MAN OF STONE Allen McQuerry Allen McQuerry GET READY Todd Claborn Evan Claborn DREAMS SPUN GOLD Clayton Davis Nell Davis NINES LITTLE DIMPLE Doug Stephens Doug Stephens SHOW PLEASURE OPEN HES A JAILBIRD JA Rocky McCoy Joe Bertram DIAMONDS OUT OF TOUCH Ginny Clark Ray Crank MARIACHI R M Kellett James & Betty Corlew CADILLACS MG Doug Stephens Larry Spry LITTLE WATZING WILLIE Donald Stamper Robin Webb YOUTH PONIES I LIKE GIN Alexis Nichols Christopher Stivers RIGHTEOUS RITZ Davany Bullock Davany Bullock PUSHERS LOOSE CASH Taylor Catron Tiffany Catron AIR FORCE ONE Rylan Hall Robin Webb AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD SONNY PERDUE Renee Lainhart Renee Lainhart KENTUCKY PROUD Dalia Smith Harr Kenny Smith THE BOGEY Kim Back Kim Back WORLD SERIES Sherry Bonner Paul Bertram COLORADO RITZ Barron Witherspoon Barron Witherspoon PRO TIME Regina Fritsch Tom Vest SPEED RACKING ONE BAD HOMBRE (R) Cliff Sullivan Cliff Sullivan SLIM PICKINS N/A N/A COUNTRY PLEASURE YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP KOOL FORTUNE Harper Grider Burton & Grider UPTOWN FUNK Davany Bullock Davany Bullock MISTER JFK Alle Legg Fred & Aaron Legg RACKING COUNTRY PLEASURE CHAMPIONSHIP THE TITLEIST HAZZ PZAZZ Brandon Grubb Willie Brown JAZZMANS DOING TIME Mariah Hubbard Mariah Hubbard YOUTH SPECIALTY CHAMPIONSHIP BLUE RAY Alexis Nichols Alexis Nichols IM A TITLE ONE Harper Grider Myatt & Grider GENS THUNDER MAKER Adam Mabry Adam Mabry JOSES PUSHY LADY Coby McWhoster Coby McWhoster 9 IN THE SKY Tyra Brown Tabitha Brown RIDGETOP Austin Williams Ginny Clark COUNTRY PLEASURE CHAMPIONSHIP KOOL FORTUNE Shawntae BurtonTurner Burton & Grider COMMANDING THE COACH Regina Fritsch Regina Fritsch JAZZ DOLLAR Jared Scott Jared Scott IRISH Jennifer Zeller Jennifer Zeller COACHES STRIKE Julie George Julie George BLACK AND STORMY Matt Porter Paige Porter AMATEUR SPECIALTY CHAMPIONSHIP COACH NEYLAND Ronnie Grider Ronnie Grider PRIVATE LINE Jamie Hillis Jamie Hillis HOLYFIELD Sherry Bonner Marla Bertram IM BOB MARLEY Dalia Smith Harr Kenny Smith TITLE ART Alan Deweese Alan Deweese ANY GIVEN SATURDAY Terry Logan Lunsford Terry Logan Lunsford PLANTATION PLEASURE CHAMPIONSHIP SKYDOCTOR Darrell Collins Darrell Collins TRAIL PLEASURE CHAMPIONSHIP MY GIRL KITTY Darrell Collins Cloia Collins KING ARTHUR W Hannah Varney Hannah Varney EBONYS PRIZE Julie George Julie George DIRTY PEARL Alex D Angelo Alex D Angelo RACKING CHAIN CHAMPIONSHIP TARHEELS ARMED Roger Byrd Johnny Byrd PUSHERS GENERAL Brandon Grubb Tina Brown GOLD COINS PUSHIN RADAR Tina Byrd Johnny Byrd GROOMS CLASS SHOW BOAT CHAPARRAL Timmy Fitzgerald Mosley & Brooks OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP CANTER LESTER H BURNS Ryan Blackburn Martin Cox INTIMIDATORS BOOGIEMAN Scott Beaty Donald Robinson THE LEGAL TENDER Scotty Brooks Brad Bertram JOSES CHATTERBOX Bill Carmichael Connie Deweese D WADE Doug Stephens Doug Stephens

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The Scoop For The Walking Horse Industry CANDID OF THE WEEK Lindsey Wright gives her daughter, Emma a big congratulatory hug following her Money Tree Fall Classic win. Proud dad and trainer, Casey Wright is pictured in the background.

CELEBRATION RELEASES TUNICA NEWS The Tunica Fall Classic Horse Show will be held November 2-4, 2017 at the Paul Battle Jr. Arena in Tunica, Mississippi. Celebration officials have announced that the Gold Strike Resort and Casino, an MGM hotel, will once again serve as the host hotel. This hotel offers first class amenities, along with special horse show rates. To reserve a room call 1-888-245-7529 and use event code 1710TUNICA. Judges for this event have also been announced by the Celebration. They are Sam Sorrell, Robbie Spiller and Leigh Stuart. Sorrell is a five-time Celebration judge, while Stuart has judged the Celebration three times. Although a seasoned judge, this will be Spiller’s first Celebration event to mark the cards.

FALL BREEDING COMING SOON Love is in the air for your mare so let The Scoop help guide you to the winners’ circle. Our Fall Breeders’ Guide will be part of our next publication. If you have a breeding stallion that you would like showcased, please contact any of our advertising representatives listed in the front of this issue.

THE 2016 RACKING WORLD GRAND CHAMPION UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Tears, the 2016 Racking Horse Association Breeders and Exhibitors World Grand Champion, has a new owner. Tears won the Championship title with trainer Jamie Lawrence for owners Kimberly and Perry Walden. The World Grand Champion was purchased prior to this year’s Racking World Championship show by The Roy Wester Family. Roy directed Tears to a World Championship title already in 2017 remaining under the direction of Jamie Lawrence. The Scoop congratulates the Westers for their purchase!

NCCWHS ADDS CLASS ` The NCCWHS has added Class 71A - Experienced Trainers 36 & Over Specialty to the October 7 show schedule.

OBITUARY- HOWARD CREED Mr. Howard Creed, 83, of Springfield, Missouri passed away on September 19, 2017. Mr. Creed was born July 29, 1934 in Springfield to parents Harvey and Pearl Creed. He served in the United States Army. It was there where he learned his lifetime trade of horse shoeing. He practiced in this business for over 57 years. He also showed walking and gaited horses for over 20 years. His parents precede him in death. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Barbara; brother, Leon; daughter, Teresa (Don) Jarvis; granddaughter, Monica (Eric) Fawcett; grandson, Tom (Kelsey) Myers; step-grandchildren, Erin, Heather and Chris Jarvis; and great-grandchildren, Finley, Landon, and Amelia Fawcett; along with many other family and friends. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be given to Phoenix Hospice and the American Heart Association. The Scoop sends our sympathy to the Creed Family.

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OBITUARY- BOB NELMS Mr. James Robert “Bob” Nelms, age 67, of College Grove, Tennessee, passed from this life on Monday, September 18, 2017 at his home in College Grove. A Marshall County native, Mr. Nelms was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was an equipment operator in the construction industry. He was a great supporter of the Tennessee Walking Horse Industry and an avid horseman. Mr. Nelms was preceded in death by his father, James Thurman Nelms. Survivors include his wife of 39 years, Becky Nelms, College Grove, Tennessee; sons, Robert (Amanda) Nelms, College Grove, TN, Jesse (Megan) Nelms, Chapel Hill, TN; mother, Martha Nelms, College Grove, TN; sister, Cindy (Mike) Dill, Franklin, TN; grandchildren, Kayrin, Riley, Peyton, Savannah, and Allie; great grandchildren, Adley Rae, and Walker; niece, Dawn Dill (Jimmy), Kentucky. Bob, as he was affectionately known, was laid to rest on Thursday, September 21, 2017 in the Triune Cemetery following a service held in the chapel of the Lawrence Funeral Home in Chapel Hill, Tennessee. The Scoop sends our condolences to the Nelms Family.

OBITUARY- BUDDY DICK Lifetime Tennessee Walking Horse Trainers’ Association member Buddy Gene Dick passed away September 23, 2017. He was 77 years old. Buddy was born in Science Hill, Kentucky on October 7, 1939 to Columbus and Mary Dick. He was a great supporter of the Tennessee Walking Horse. He made a career of training and in 1997 moved to Columbia, Tennessee to join his son Rodney at Twin Hills Training Facility. In 2000 he won his first World Grand Championship on Steel Connection. The father/son training team moved to Finish Line Farms in Unionville, Tennessee in 2002 where he remained a familiar face until his illness. His church membership was at Ferndale Baptist Church in Liberty, Kentucky. A Memorial service will be held Saturday, September 30, 2017 at Feldhaus Memorial Chapel in Shelbyville. Brother Steve Murphree will officiate. The family will receive visitors beginning at 11:00am until time of funeral. Survivors include three sons, Rodney (Susan) Dick of Unionville, Bradley Dick, of Springhill, TN and Matthew Dick, of Gallatin; two daughters, Schella Grider, of Nicholasville, Kentucky and Wilma Jean Charles (Rodney Justice) of Pikeville, Kentucky; grandchildren, Chasity, Scottie, Amanda, David Lee, Hilary, and Shaun; great grandchildren, Jacob Hogue, Emily, Daniel, and Katie Stanley, Braxton and Bryson Johnson, Fraceska Charles, Camden Cowen, and Oakley and Makayla Dick. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to: Tennessee Walking Horse Trainers Association, P.O. Box 61, Shelbyville, TN 37162. The Scoop sends our deepest sympathy to the Dick Family.

The Golden Sovereign and Nathan Rymer Walked Their Way To The Blue Ribbon At The Warren County Fair


cMINNVILLE, TN—The Warren County A&L Fair Horse Show was held on Saturday, September 9, 2017 starting promptly at 6:30 p.m. The Honorable Johnny Puckett marked the cards for the 20 classes in both the performance and pleasure division. There were several exciting classes of the evening. The Country Pleasure was won by Mercedes Benz with Charlie Howard. The Amateur Ladies Specialty was won by Raining Gold with Ola Archer. The yearling class was won by I’m Panama Redd , handled by Chris Richards, for owners Jones and Richards. The Stake class was won by The Golden Sovereign with Nathan Rymer in the irons for owner Evergreen Walking Horse Farm. Congratulations to all of the winners from The Scoop! Be sure and check out our FREE website for the latest news and show results at www.thescooponline.com and visit us on Facebook.

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Jenny Beaty Rebecca Fults Savanah Scott Holly Baker


Roger Richards Hayley Wisehart


Brad Beard


Savanna Speakman


Joey Stembridge Rebecca Sampson

COUNTRY PLEASURE MERCEDES BENZ Charlie Howard Charlie Howard COLOR’S TORNADO Hayley Wisehart Hayley Wisehart THE NAMES TOMBSTONE Hayden Thompson Ragan Hartman MAGGIE Elizabeth Brewer Elizabeth Brewer DIAMOND’S LUCKY ACE Savanah Scott Savanah Scott YOUTH WALKING RADICAL JAZZ

Thomas Arnold

Thomas Arnold

Phillip Halcomb


Rebecca Fults

Harold Taylor


Bill Garland

Jim & Barbara


Leah Boyd


Peggy Mervine


Madison Hillis


Ola Archer Tonya Cummings Cassi Slagle

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Peggy Mervine

WALKING STAKE THE GOLDEN SOVEREIGN Nathan Rymer Evergreen Walking Horse Farm RITZIE GENERAL Brad Beard Jim & Barbara Welch

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The Scoop For The Walking Horse Industry

Wedding Announcements The Scoop congratulates Nick and Ashley Plafcan, Brandon and Ashley Buckelow, and Matthew and Whitney Parent on their recent nuptials.

Ashley Faith Latham and Brandon Chase Buckelow were united in marriage on September 9, 2017. The ceremony took place at Latham Stables in Hulaco, Alabama. The newlyweds will make their home in Hulaco.

Whitney Breedlove and Matthew Parent were united in marriage on September 10, 2017 at Burruss Mill Falls in Cumming, Georgia. The newlyweds will reside in Suwanee, Georgia.

Nick and Ashley Plafcan were married in Osage Beach, Missouri on September 9, 2017. Nick has accepted a training position with Herbert Derickson at For the Glory Farms. The newlyweds will make their home in Shelbyville.

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South Carolina Walking Horse Association Fall Horse Show

Martin Training Center Stable proudly gathered around to celebrate the Walking Horse Championship won by Gary Martin and The American Ride.

The 2nd Annual South Carolina Walking Horse Association Fall Horse Show was held on September 23, 2017. Dillon Park in Sumter, SC was the perfect venue, with the Board of Directors making a beautiful place in center ring for the officials. The Honorable Terry Givens from Tennessee was the judge, with Ron Curkendall announcing, and Jules Hesse performing the duties of the ringmaster. There were 39 classes on the

schedule, with the Show Pleasure class having 7 outstanding entries. Another big hit was the Juvenile Show Pleasure. Dylan Peter and Bustin’ With Cash made a flawless ride to the blue after their Reserve World Championship at this year’s Celebration. The American Ride and Gary Martin put on a show that brought the crowd to their feet while capturing the Walking Horse Stake Championship.

Tom Kakassy made an outstanding performance on Secrets In The Gin to win the Amateur Owned and Trained title.

Dylan Peter and Bustin’ With Cash followed up their Reserve World Championship with a win in the Juvenile Show Pleasure class. His proud family joined him to celebrate.

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South Carolina Walking Horse Association Fall Horse Show

Black Gin Glory and Ginger Hartlein made a beautiful ride in the competitive 3 Year Old class to bring home the blue ribbon.

Friends and family from Callicutt Stables joined Pat Callicutt and Parole Patrol and Pat Ireland and Miss Dixie Line after their win and reserve win, respectively, in the Amateur Country Pleasure.

Luke Callicutt and Parole Patrol made another outstanding performance in the Juvenile Country Pleasure.

Macy Woody made another winning ride aboard Down In Dixie in the Juvenile Trail Pleasure class. Owners Debbie Wells and Dr. Larry Heiden, and Bryant Norwood met them to celebrate.

Proud owner Kelly Duschel made her debut ride a winning one aboard Low On Gin in the Pro/Am class with Shane Auman.

Kathy Jamison and Hunter Jordan met MeMe Anderson and I’m Mr. Blues after their debut blue in the Lite Shod Western for Heiden and Wells, not pictured. The Scoop / Page 29

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Joe Pa fans join him, along with trainer Chad Williams and owner Tanya Strickland, following their championship win at the Money Tree Fall Classic.


HELBYVILLE, TN- The Walking Horse Trainers’ Auxiliary recently hosted the very first Money Tree Fall Classic Horse show. The inaugural show took place Friday, September 22, 2017 in the Calsonic Arena on the Celebration grounds in Shelbyville. It was a Double Riders’ Cup Event and affiliated with SHOW HIO. The Honorable Paul Robbins marked the cards for the 31 classes. Auxiliary member, Jennifer Barr served as announcer, while her husband Marty, of Barr Studios, took the official action shots. Baum Equine was on hand for veterinary services. Other show officials were organist, Dewayne Cartee and farrier, Terry Moran.

With this show being new, the very first blue ribbon champion will be a special one for generations to come. Claiming that blue ribbon and the Riders’ Cup Model Championship title was Throw Me A Curve and Robert Nelms. The Model Champion is owned by Rushing Creek Walkers, Ronnie and Angela Rushing. Winning another historical ribbon for the Money Tree Fall Classic was Joe Pa and Chad Williams for Brian and Tanya Strickland. This duo rode to top honors claiming the very first Money Tree Fall Classic Walking Horse Stake Championship. Reserve went to Magic’s Pure Ritz and Jimmy McConnell for owner Lisa McMahan. A total of 153 entries were made for this show. The Scoop congratulates the Auxiliary for a successful fall show. For more information on this show, visit our FREE website at www.thescooponline.com or like us on Facebook.

Throw Me A Curve and Robert Nelms took a trip to the winners’ circle claiming the very first ribbon at the inaugural Money Tree Fall Classic.

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Robert Nelms Justus Carter Jeff Laughlin

Rushing Creek Walkers Carmen Vaughn Doris Penick


Anet England

Patti Lund


Emma Wright Counti Green Colton Trimble Mary Kate Long Ani Drane

Bill Williams Counti Green Kent Lawrence & Trimble Tess Suiter Ani Drane


Tim Smith Jeff Laughlin Blaise Broccard Michael Wright Brad Beard

Robert Cortner Vickie Penick Linda Stewart Elliott & Gattis Ronnie & Beth Reed

TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR BLOWN AWAY Kailin Kesselring Coley & Christmas Creek Farm CONTEMPORARY JAZZ Elysse Bradford Elysse Bradford THE GREAT SENSATION Bob Lawrence Bob Lawrence HES OUTA HERE Shirley Davis Joe & Shirley Davis IM A JAYWALKER Annette England Simpson & England AMATEUR TWO YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS JAZZ KINGS DIAMOND LADY Joel Stewart Linda Stewart PARTY TRAIN Diana Cruse Diana Cruse JOSES REBEL LADY Thomas Derickson McGee & Dickerson SWEET COTTON CANDY Richard Mitch Richard Mitch TWO YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS JUST GETTIN STARTED Rico Bravo Duke Ingram KINDLE FIRE Jimmy McConnell Formac Stables THE POWER OF DIXIE Herbert Derickson Sister Milligan AMATEUR 50 & OVER SPECIALTY JOSE IT AINT SO THE LONESTAR LEGEND

Pam Russell Sister Milligan

Larry & Pam Russell Sister Milligan


Wayne & Gail Putman Jerry Myatt


Bruce MacDonald Jordon Bond Ashley Rea Nick Rippy Michael Chandler


Elysse Bradford William Bradford Harold Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Harold Roberts Carmen Vaughn Carmen Vaughn Wilsene Moody Kwok CCJK Enterprise


Meredith Thessen Meredith Thessen


Jannie Chapman Ridgemont Farm MacDonald & Harris Don Collins Terry & Lee Ann Deaton


Bill & Debbie Woods Andrew Morrison Rising Star Ranch Karen White

AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE FOUR & UNDER VETO POWER Rachel Teague Bo Teague WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE Harold Roberts Harold Roberts THE LOOSE MONGOOSE Stephanie Gordon Roy Stephanie Gordon Roy TWISTED SISTA Nicole Coffey Chris & Nicole Coffey BULLEIT Anne Frank Anne Frank AMATEUR NOVICE SPECIALTY MASTERS SHOWGIRL Bonnie Sullivan MISS MIDNIGHT RIDER Carla Brown A WAR HORSE Larry West IM JFK BOLD Marla Lovett LETHAL NIGHTSHADE Gay Pitts

Bonnie Sullivan Barrow Brown Larry West Family Rick & Marla Lovett Benton & Gay Pitts

YOUTH 12-17 SPECIALTY LONGINES Gabriel Humiston Gabriel Humiston GIN IN MOTION Drake Reynolds Kenny & Jackie Reynolds AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD STALLIONS MR TRUMP Taylor Walters THE LAND SHARK Pam Russell PGA MASTERS Denise Maples

Kelsey Andrews Larry & Pam Russell Denise Maples

AMATEUR PARK PERFORMANCE BUSTIN JOSE Ronnie Reed Ronnie & Beth Reed PLEA BARGAIN Joanne Davis Morgan J W & Joanne Morgan THE NIGHT CRAWLER Sister Milligan Tommy & Sister Milligan PUTTIN IT ON THE LINE Sherry Bonner Barry Bonner GEORGIA FLORIDA LINE Bruce MacDonald Bruce MacDonald TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS PLAYING GIN Rico Bravo GINS SHADOW Jimmy McConnell DRAGONS GEN Chad Williams CASH US CLAY Jeff Green MUGSY Dick Peebles

Joe Barnes Taylor & Floyd Justin Harney Michael Chandler Wayne & Gail Putman

AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS WALK WITH ME WTC Kyle Bush Kyle Bush FLY GIRL Kim Leonard Scott & Kim Leonard JOSES PRECIOUS DOLLAR Sister Milligan Tommy & Sister Milligan PHANTOM MARK Debbie Murray Doug & Susan Todd AMATEUR PARK PLEASURE TOP RECRUIT Darlene Harris

Bill & Darlene Harris

AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS THE DIXIE LABEL Heather Beard Heather Beard SLAMMING SAMMY SNEAD Debbie Murray Debbie Murray EPISODE SHOWTIME Benton Pitts Benton & Gay Pitts

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Kim Leonard

Scott & Kim Leonard


Casey Wright Brad Beard

Bill & Debbie Woods Kim Widner


Stacy Blackburn Michael Chandler Hess & Price Donald Collins Phyllis Heppenstall Diana Cruse Ridgemont Farm Civils & Coffey Sister Milligan Archie Brooks Rick & Marla Lovett Denise Maples Wayne & Gail Putman Dennis Parks Kathy Lewis


Scott Beaty Chad Williams

Allred & Graves Evergreen Walking Horse

Chad Way Bobby Wood Philip Trimble Dan & Jae Crunk Chad Thompson JoAnn Dowell Beth Pippin Taylor Walters Ann Marie Couch Donald Robinson Char Johnson

Wayne & Gail Putman Kelsey Andrews Ann Marie Couch Donald Robinson Char Johnson

AMATEUR STALLIONS EPIC Meghan Davis Shamrock Farms ALL ABOUT THAT JOSE Harold Roberts Sherry Roberts PUTTIN CASH ON THE LINE Taylor Walters Kelsey Andrews INTIMIDATORS BOOGIEMAN Scott Beaty Donald Robinson RIDER’S CUP WALKING HORSE STAKE CANTER JOE PA Chad Williams Brian & Tanya Strickland MAGICS PURE RITZ Jimmy McConnell Lisa McMahan THE OLYMPIC TITLEIST Mike Dukes Mike Dukes

Epic was sporting a blue ribbon while her equine partner, Meghan Davis was sporting a beautiful smile in the winners’ circle. This duo won the Amateur Stallions class.

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I Am A Survivor and Jason Myatt were all smiles after adding another blue ribbon to their collection. This duo took top honors in the Two Year Old Amateur Stallions class.

Riding out of the ring with a blue ribbon and the Trail Pleasure Amateur title were Blown Away and Kailin Kesselring.

Joel Stewart directed Jazz Kings Diamond Lady to the top of the judge’s card and straight to the winners’ circle. This pair won the Two Year Old Mares/Geldings Amateur class.

Rico Bravo directed the Duke Ingram entry, Just Getting Started, to a Riders’ Cup Two Year Old Mares/Geldings blue ribbon victory.

Beth Pippin exhibited her equine skills as she visited the winners’ circle on two different occasions. First, she took top honors with The Mason Dixie Line in the Amateur Four Year Old Stallions class. Her second win was on A Cowboy Casanova claiming the blue in the Amateur (Canter) class.

Knock Em Ted and Jannie Chapman were all smiles as the duo won the Amateur Pony Specialty class.

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Bill and Debbie Woods were thrilled with their trainer and entries as Bonus Attraction and Casey Wright took top honors in the Riders’ Cup Three Year Old Stallions class. Wright later met the Woods in the winners’ circle after claiming the blue ribbon in the Riders’ Cup Four Year Old Open class with El Capitan.

Ronnie Reed and Bustin Jose had the crowd cheering and his wife smiling as they made a victory lap following their win in the Park Performance Amateur class.

Madeline Tew made a blue ribbon performance in the Amateur Four Year Old Mares/Geldings class with her champion She’s Busted In Tijuana.

Diana Cruse directed A Class Action to the top of the judge’s card and straight to the winners’ circle after claiming the victory in the Amateur Three Year Old Stallions division.

No strangers to the winners’ circle, Miles Irby and Country And Famous added another blue to their collection after winning the Amateur Mares/Geldings Specialty class.

Scott Beaty and Siege took the blue in a very competitive division, the Riders’ Cup Open Specialty class.

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Park Performance Walking Specialty The Shutout w/Cora Fish, Newport, TN Cora Fish and Braxton Ailshie

Another Aspen and Master’s Strutt chillin before the show.

Another Aspen w/Bailey Parsons and Jose Loco w/Erica Heaster awaiting the results in Trail Pleasure Walking Western

Farmers and The Chicken

Juvenile Walking Specialty 12-17 Winner – Lacy J Dollar w/Macy Woody Bryant Norwood, Macy Woody and Janice Woody

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Trail Pleasure Racking Western Winner Promenade Encore w/Jahlea Bumpus, Kenna, WV Jahlea and Mitzi Bumpus

Show Pleasure Walking Specialty Winner – Line Up w/ Bryant Norwood, Henderson, NC Bryant Norwood, Macy Woody and Janice Woody

Open Walking Specialty Back To Back w/Paul Livingston Paul Livingson, Emma Townley, Anne Jones and Julia Livingston

Amateur Walking Horse Specialty Winner – All Over Cash w/Dana Holt Dana Holt, Braxton Ailshie and Keith Ailshie

Amateur Walking Horse Specialty He’s Out Of Sight w/Renee Porter, Milton, WV Amanda Morrison, Gwain Wilson, Renee Porter, Dwight Porter and John Morrison

Country Pleasure Walking No Canter (Sat) Jazz King’s Pushover w/Cathy Cummings, Myrtle Beach, SC

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he National Spotted Saddle Horse Association held their 38th annual

The final class of the weekend was the National Spotted Horse Association

World Grand Championship show September 14-16, 2017. The show

World Grand Championship, Open, Open Shod, Riders age 12 & Older,

was held at the Tennessee Livestock Center located on the campus of

4 Year Old & Older Horses. For this class, the horses had to qualify in a

MTSU in Murfreesboro, TN.

previous canter class. After the saddles had been removed for confirmation

The master of ceremonies was Mike Brandon and the organist

judging and the horses took a final lap, Chewbacca and Patrick Thomas

was Eddie Hixson. The judges for the event were Derrick Campbell, Pat

claimed the title for proud owner Sherri Pollack. This champion was the

Sparkman and Tim Vance. They had the tuff job of marking the cards

2015, 2016 & 2017 World Grand Champion.

for the 96 classes. Barr Studios was on hand in center ring to capture the

The Scoop congratulates all the winners from this event. It was a

winning action shots.

fascinating sight to see all the beautiful spotted horses in the ring and the

The show started each night at 7:00pm. The show was packed

gorgeous western tack and attire for the championship show. The Scoop

with great horses and stiff competition. Lots of old and new faces were

is always proud to showcase all the wonderful breeds in our publication:

in Murfreesboro for the event. Not only were spotted horses crowned

Walking, Racking and Spotted Horses! For more information please like

champions, but there were also a few solid horses crowned.

us on Facebook or visit our FREE website at www.thescooponline.com.

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October 14- WHOA VersatilityShow Jackson, MO

October 28- WHOA Show Franklin, TN

September 29-30- WHAO Buckeye Fall Classic Jackson, OH

October 14- Northwest Georgia Charity Show Chatsworth, GA


September 29-30- Brown County Fair Horse Show Georgetown, OH

October 14- Virginia Walking/Racking Owner’s Association Fall Show Chatham, VA

September 29-30- Southern Championship Charity Horse Show Conyers, GA September 30- 5th Annual Strides Against Cancer Horse Show Broadhead, KY


October 2-7- NWHA National Championship Show Cordova, TN October 4-7- SSHBEA Championship Horse Show Shelbyville, TN October 5-7- North Carolina Championship Horse Show Fletcher, NC October 6- Heart O’ Dixie Walking Horse & Racking Fall Fling Horse Show McComb, MS October 6-7- The Appalachian Championships Cottageville, WV October 14- BPWHA Show Williamstown, KY October 14- Roger Latham Memorial Walking Horse Show Baileton, AL Page 52 / The Scoop

October 19-21- East TN Fall Classic Horse Show White Pine, TN October 20-22- Four Beats Pleasure Fall Classic Camden, SC October 20-21- HAWHA Fall Classic Springfield, MO October 21- Pleasure Walking Horse Association of Tennessee Oktoberfest Murfreesboro, TN October 21- WHOA Show Championship Franklin, KY October 22- WHOA Versatility Show Murfreesboro, TN October 27-28- SCWHA State Show Clemson, SC October 27-28- Alabama Jubilee Horse Show Priceville, AL October 27-28- SWHBA Fall Classic Athens, TX October 28- Madison County Horse Show Richmond, KY

November 2-4 Tunica Fall Classic Horse Show Tunica, MS November 4 Florence Charity Horse Show Sumter, SC November 4 SSHBEA Sport Horse Championship Shelbyville, TN November 11 Walking For The Angels Horse Show Shelbyville, TN November 11 Pine Rock Show Series #3 Kittrell, NC November 18 TWHAC Fall Festival Yucaipa, CA


ROYAL RIBBONS AND AWARDS Ribbons, trophies, back numbers and crystal awards. Located at 889 Colloredo Blvd, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Phone or fax 931-685-0110. Owned by Keith and Suzy Johnson. BED AND BREAKFAST CLEARVIEW HORSE FARM Show Arena and Bed & Breakfast. Located at 2291 Hwy. 231 South, Shelbyville TN 37160. Call 931-684-8822 or visit www.clearviewhorsefarm.com. CINNAMON RIDGE BED & BREAKFAST Serving Celebration and Shelbyville/Bedford County since 1990. Beautiful 2 story home on 1.7 acres within walking distance to Celebration Grounds. 5 Bedrooms, 5.5 Baths, meeting room, events, weddings, receptions, tea Parties. Open year round. 799 Whitthorne Street, Shelbyville, TN 37160 Please call (931) 685 – 9200. BOARDING THE MAIN GAIT FARM Boarding facility. Stall or pasture boarding available. Indoor arena and 65 acres of trails. 681 Rabbit Branch Rd., Shelbyville, TN 37160. 931-703-0153 CAMPING Come enjoy camping on a working horse farm. 20-30-50 amp hookups available with large pads. Located at Bridlewood Farm Box 140 Hwy. 82 E. Bell Buckle (Office) 931-389-9388 Drew (cell) 931-200-1923 or Larry 931-703-9388 CLOTHING/APPAREL MARSHA DeARRIAGA, LLC Equestrian riding apparel; ready made and custom western and saddle seats. “The Choice of Champions in Fine Equestrian Apparel.” Marsha Shepard. Located at 115 South Side Square, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Call 931-684-3500, fax 931-684-6544 or email marshadea@msn.com. ROY ROGERS WESTERN WEAR 20% off Carhartt Outerwear. Located at 1708 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334. Call 931-438-4052. Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8-5, Sun. 1-4. BLING TIE AFFAIR One of a Kind Swarovski Chrystal Enhanced Designer Ties. Contact Patti Pollack at 408-202-5752 or email wiphome@ aol.com. 14500 Big Basin Way Saratoga, CA 95070 EMBROIDERY/AWARDS APPALACHIAN GRAPHICS Embroidery, trophies, ribbons, awards, back numbers. The source for all your promotional items. Located in St. Paul, VA. Call 276-762-9003 or visit www.appalachiangraphic sinc.com. FARRIER SMITH FARRIER SERVICE Performance & Pleasure Horses from the show ring to the mountain trails. 980-622-9034 FEED DISTRIBUTORS ALL FEED “Whatever The Need All Feed” Bulk & Bag Sales/GMO & Non GMO Feeds Joe F. Green, Sr.

931-310-0063 Jgreen.allfeed@yahoo.com/www.allfeedcompany.com Pleasant Shade, TN & Hillsboro, AL EQUINE DENTSTRY THE GIFT HORSE EQUINE DENTISTRY Jenna Horne, EqDT. Bell Buckle, TN 37020, 931-312-1035. “Dentistry for the Performance Horse” INSURANCE

BARNES EQUINE INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance for any horse related coverage., including full mortality, major medical, surgical, stable fire, liability for training, instructions, boarding, etc. Located at P. O. Box 609, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868. Call Joe Barnes or Krissy Evans 877-332-2500, 865-774-2500, Joe’s cell 865654-2700, fax 865-774-1212 or visit www.barnesequine.com. JONES EQUINE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Providing all types of insurance coverage for the horseman. Full mortality, major medical, prospective foal, farm & liability and workers’ compensation. Contact Bobby Jones at 1330 Moberly Road, Richmond, KY 40475. Phone 859-893-1097, fax 859-369-7952, or email bjonesins@bellsouth.net. Whitney McConnell Davis - phone 901-292-5598, fax 615-395-4152 or email whittermac23@msn.com.

GARY THORNSBURY, EQUINE PHOTOGRAPHER Would love to cover your show or shoot individual pictures. Located at 203 Bell Harrison Rd., Evensville, TN 37332. Call 423-827-6390, email gthornsbury@msn.com or visit www. garythornsbury.com. JACK GREENE, PHOTOGRAPHER Located at P. O. Box 33, Christiana, TN 37037. Call 615-893-3993 or visit www.jackgreene.com. JAMIE MCCOY PHOTOGRAPHY Now booking for horse shows. Also, portraits, action shots or conformation shots on location or at your farm/training barn. Other photography available, including senior and family portraits. Located in Corinth, MS. Call 662-808-0323 or email jmmccoy@frontiernet.net. Portfolio at http://photosbyjamie. photoreflect.com. MOVIN’ ON UP PHOTOGRAPHY Jennifer Potts, Photographer. Horse shows, stallions, headshots and onsite shoots. Other photography available, including weddings, senior portraits, pets and family portraits. Logo and ad design. Located at 168 Amos Gammill Rd., Shelbyville, TN 37160. Call 931-205-3493, email jennpotts2007@yahoo.com or visit www.movinonupphotos.com. PHOTOGRAPHY BY DEBBIE UECKER-KEOGH Located at 338 N. Cuyamaca, El Cajun, CA 92020. Call 619440-6841, cell 619-933-2730 or visit www.photosbydebbie.com.

MARKEL INSURANCE COMPANY Providing coverage for horses and horse-related businesses for over forty years. Whether you ride for pleasure or competitively, owning a horse is a substantial commitment. The horse people at Markel can help you protect the emotional and financial investment you’ve made. Coverage’s include agreed value horse mortality with optional medical/ surgical plans, farm pack and liability only policies, independent trainer/instructor liability and excess/ umbrella liability. P.O. Box 1094 Murfreesboro, TN 37133. Contact Bill Carrington at 615-890-1163 or Holly Liddell Sanders at 931-703-0267 or visit www.horseinsurance.com.

PHOTOS BY NAT Natasha Douglas, Photographer. Offering extraordinary show horse photography in the ring and at the farm. Serving the eastern United States and beyond! Located at 2212 Frog Level Road, Ewing, VA 24248. Call 865-585-4083, email tasha@ photosbynat.com. or visit www.photosbynat.com.


SANDRA HALL PHOTOGRAPHY Located at RR 2, Box 111, Chesterfield, SC 29709. Call 843623-6652.

BEN BRANTLEY & CO. Your premier source for equine jewelry. One of a kind designs are our specialty. Over 25 years selling fine jewelry nationally & internationally. Call Ben at 931-639-7840 or 931-684-1513 or benbrantleyco@cs.com. PHOTOGRAPHY AVALON PHOTOGRAPHY Capturing the spirit. Innovative horse show photography. Creative equine portraits. Call the studio 952-922-6300, cell 952-212-3964, email jolene@avalonphotoinfo.com, or visit www.walkinghorsephotography.com.

PJ WAMBLE PHOTOGRAPHY View and order proofs online at www.pjwamble.com. Located at 1245 Cochran Cemetery Road, Lewisburg, TN 37091. Call or fax 931-359-6363 or call cell 931-993-7353.

SHANE SHIFLET PHOTOGRAPHY Located at 2767 Lazy Pine Rd., Randleman, NC 27317. Call 336-318-2116, fax 336-318-2764 or visit www.shaneshiflet.com. SID ABERNATHY PHOTOGRAPHY Specializing in equine photography, including horse shows, on the farm and stallion, family and senior portraits. Sid Abernathy, P. O. Box 12, Shannon, MS 38868. Call 662-767-8281 or 662-401-0822, email Jsid46@bellsouth.net or visit http:// www.sid.photoreflect.com.

COUNTRY REFLECTION PHOTOGRAPHY Horse shows, farm shoots, pet and action photography, Call Peggy Stewart 540-421-9612 or email cntryreflections@aol.com. COURTNEY CHURCH PHOTOGRAPHY Located at 106 Haverford Path #7, Georgetown, KY 40324. Call 502-370-4530 (home) or 651-442-0007 (cell) or visit www.courtneychurchphotography.com.

TERRY YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHY Located at P. O. Box 54911, Lexington, KY 40555. Call 859264-8579, 859-263-3623 or email terryyoung@prodigy.net.

DANA DOYLE PHOTOGRAPHY Equine Photography. Booking available for shows. Proofs can be seen at www.danadoylephotos.com. Located at P. O. Box 7173, Cynthiana, KY 41031. Call the office 859-2350400, cell 859-435-0570 or email danadoyle@yahoo.com.

TOM OAKLEY PHOTOGRAPHY Horse shows, portraits and action shots. Will transfer your home movies, photos or slides to DVD. Located at 132 Mankin St., La Vergne, TN 37086. Call 615-213-2931, 615347-3835, email tomandelaine@comcast.net or visit www.tomoakley.com.

TLC PHOTOGRAPHY Booking horse shows now! Teresa Castle, P. O. Box 176, Means, KY 40346. Call 606-768-4221, 606-768-2457 or visit castlephotography.photoreflect.com.

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WHO’S WHO DIRECTORY PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS A TO Z PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Embroidery, silk screening, caps, T-shirts, golf shirts, jackets and ad specialties. Contact Mark or Debbie Williams, Shelbyville, TN, 931-685-0200. RIDING INSTRUCTORS ALICE KLEIN EQUESTRIANS Certified Riding Instructor. Lessons for all ages and riding levels. Discounted packages available. Specializing in centered riding, show ring preparation and equitation. Will travel to you for private instruction. Lesson horses available in all disciplines. Located at Win A Few Stables in Shelbyville, TN. Call 931-205-2067. BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Full-time riding academy, boarding, and sales facility. Lessons and summer camp. Gift certificates available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. Located at 6921 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Call 919-552-3536. FIND YOUR GAIT CRI TRI CHA Certified. Find Your Gait Riding Academy has produced many accomplished competitors and champions including three USEF equitation riders. Lesson horses and flat shod training available. All breed riding and training center specializing in saddleseat. Located in Oak Grove, MO. Call 816-934-2734 or visit www.findyourgait.com. TACK BEDFORD TACK, INC. Manufacturers and importers of fine quality horse equipment at competitive prices (retail and wholesale). Large selection of English and Western attire. Call for catalog. Located 8 miles north of Shelbyville. Located at 148 Ebb Joyce Road, Bell Buckle, TN 37020. Order toll free at 1-800-523-4971, fax 931-437-221 or visit www.bedfordtack.com. WELDING/ FABRICATION/ REPAIR CLASSIC CUSTOM CYCLES AND MORE Welding, fabrication & repair (in-house and portable services, aluminum and steel) from stall doors, trailer repair, cattle gates, farm equipment to attachments, etc. Serving Rutherford, Bedford and surrounding counties. 3615 Shelbyville Hwy. (231), Murfreesboro, TN 37127. Call 615893-7458, Hours Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4. ALABAMA BRANDYE MILLS STABLES (Walking Horses) Training and Sales Facility. Brandye Mills, Trainer. Leon Averitt, Assistant Phone number 205-239-1938. Pinson, Alabama CHOOSE YOUR GAIT FARMS (Walking Horses, Friesians, Minis) Breeding & Training Facility. World Grand Champions Stallions at Backyard Stallion fees. Standing: 2xWC & WGC Outta Line, WGC John FK’s Delight, WGC Greyline, WGC Generator’s Santana, WGC Papa’s Final Choice, WC The New York Yankee, WC The Santini, Doekle Ster Stallion, Anne 340 Sport Approved FPS Friesian Stallion, Berend (Baron WC Friesian), Bennie the 29’ Leopard App Mini. Danville, AL Phone 256-410-3194 barn, 256-426-0749 Kelly Cell. Email:kellyp1153@gmail.com. Website: www.chooseyourgaitbreeding.com

DOSS FARMS Walking horse breeding, sales, broodmares, weanlings, and yearlings. Jack Doss, Owner; Morrow Doss, Manager/Certified Riding Instructor. Riding lessons available. Located at 30 Doss Road, Cullman, AL 35057. Call Jack 256-708-5005 or Morrow 256-385-0401. KELLEY RANCH Full service training facility for walking horses. Junior Wilhoite, Trainer. Located at 8971 State Highway 10 East, Shorterville, AL 36373. Call 334-441-9082 or Junior’s cell 352-435-5840. CALIFORNIA

BOUQUET CREEK FARMS Walking horse boarding, colts, colt training, lessons, pleasure horses, show horses and versatility. Wendy Shaw, Trainer. Located at 30280 Bouquet Creek Canyon Road, Saugus, CA 91350. Call the stable 661-296-3951, cell 661-296-4087 or email bcf1117@aol.com. GOLDEN WEST FARMS Walking horse training and breeding facility. Scott Benham, Trainer/Manager. Lalo Gutierrez and Manual Rodriquez, Trainers. Located at 13213 Ontario Ave., Ontario, CA 91761. Call 909-947-5870 (b) or 909-923-8128 (r). POLLACK’S SILVER SPUR RANCH (Walking Horses) Boarding, Training and Breeding Facility. Standing at Stud: Our Mr. Hollywood. Sherri & Patti Pollack, owners. Lindsey Luna, trainer. 14990 Columbet Ave. San Martin, CA • 95046. Phone number 931-205-2173 (Lindsey cell) 408-867-1080 (office) 408-867-7360 (fax) Email:rspwip@sbcglobal.net. FLORIDA HARD ROCK FARM Specializing in flat shod for show and pleasure. Sheryl SkalaCarl, Owner/Trainer. Located at 5850 NE 150th Avenue, Williston, FL 32696. Call the barn and house 352-528-5775 or visit website www.hardrockfarm.com. MONTEVERDE ACADEMY Located just 25 minutes from Orlando, we are an international, coeducational, independent college preparatory school for grades PK3-12, with our boarding program serving grades 7-12, and post-graduate studies. We are the only private school with a Tennessee Walking Horse program and offer an on-campus equestrian center with 38 stall barns, tack/locker rooms, and three all-weather riding arenas. For more information visit www.montverde.org or call 407.469.2561. GEORGIA SAWTOOTH STABLES Walking horse training and sales. Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Rogers, Owners. Brian Watson, Trainer. Located at 3730 West Ellis Rd., Griffin, GA 30223. Call Brian’s cell 770-298-5070 or Lindy’s cell 404-234-1879. KENTUCKY J & H STABLES (Walking Horses)Full-Service Training and Sales Facility. Danny & Jason Hughes. Russell Springs, Kentucky. Contact information Danny at 270-779-7550 or Jason at 270-5852294 LOID STABLES (Walking Horses) A Full-service Training facility. Specializing in sales and training. Tommy Loid, Trainer and Manager. Bowling, Kentucky 270-779-5633 (Cell)

SHANE MULLINS STABLES (Tennessee Walking Horses) Full service training, boarding and sales facility. Trainer/Manager Shane Mullins 37 Wild Turkey Lane, Brodhead, KY Cell 606-308-2900 TRAVIS WILEY STABLES Walking horse training, boarding and sales facility. Travis Wiley, Trainer. Located at 4600 Harrodsburg Road, Danville, KY. Call the barn 859-239-9607 or Travis’ cell 859-583-0024. MISSISSIPPI PIONEER STABLES Full-service training facility for walking horses. Lucy Watts, Manager. Dale Watts, Josh Watts and Jonathan Watts, Trainers. 4025 Highway 51 North, Summit, MS 39666. Call the barn and residence 601-276-2641 or Dale’s cell 601-660-6194. MISSOURI

HUFFMAN STABLES Walking horse training, boarding, and sales. Jim Huffman, Owner/Trainer. Located at 2476 State Highway W., Ozark, MO 65721. Call 417-581-6868, Jim’s cell 417-839-6890 or Brad’s cell 417-860-8012. WINDFALL STABLES Breeding, Boarding, Foaling Service, Sales, Showing, and Transportation. Standing: P.J’s Pusher by WGC The Pusher CG ex WGC Prides Jubilee Star/WC Prides Dark Spirit Mare Beams Super Stock by Prides Beam ex WGC The Super Stock show mare. Multiple mare discounts, shipped cooled semen on all stallions. Matt McWilliams, owner 4037 Springfield Rd., Bourbon, MO 65441 Barn:573-245-9202 cell:314238-6929 visit our web at www.windfall-stables.com NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY at BAYFIELD FARM Tennessee Walking Horse Training. Riding Lessons available with 3 TWH Certified Instructors. Boarding, and Sales. School and Summer Camps. Located less than one hour from Raleigh. Standing at Stud WC Allen’s Avenger & WGC Dillon’s Law and Order, both Reg. TWH & SSH. 6025 Highway 96 North, Oxford, NC 27565 Kevin Gilliam, Trainer/ Instructor, 919-691-2569 BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Walking and Spotted Saddle Horses - Full-time riding academy, boarding and sales facility. Lessons and summer camp. Gift certificates available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. Located conveniently near Raleigh, NC at 6921 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Call 919-552-3536. K & B BTWH, LLC Walking horse breeding and boarding. J. C. and Marceline Knight, Owners. Standing at stud Generator’s Sergeant Major. Located at 2750 K & B Farm Lane or P. O. Box 1700, Lenoir, NC 28645. Call the barn 828-754-0335, home 828754-6538 or visit website www.kbbtwh.com. RONALD MOSLEY STABLES, LLC Walking horse breeding and training facility. Ronald Mosley, Owner. Located at 213 Lindsay Creed Lane, Mt Airy, NC 27030. Call the barn 336-789-2024 or home 336-786-2299. SELF MADE FARM (Walking Horses) Boarding, Colt Training, Lessons, Training, Show Horses, Versatility. 6588 NC 42W MacClesfield, NC 27852. Email: Jessie@selfmadefarm.com. Jessica Hlebak (cell) 252883-5060 or Charlie Canipe (cell) 252-883-5511.

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WHO’S WHO DIRECTORY TENNESSEE DOUBLE DIAMOND STABLES Walking horse training and boarding facility. Horses for sale in all price ranges. We provide training for your pleasure horses, start to finish. Lessons available. Shelli Mehaffey, Trainer. Located at 145 Halls Mills Road, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Call 425-931-2772. FORMAC STABLES Walking horse training and sales facility. Jimmy McConnell and Dan Waddell, Trainers. Located at 2039 Walker-Tanner Road, Union City, TN. Call the barn 731-885-1768 or residence 731-536-564. FREEMAN FOALS Walking Horses - Weanlings, yearlings and broodmares for sale. Breeder of WGC Ironworks and WGC Generator’s Santana. Standing at stud: Watch Out José. Located at 529 Crowell Lane, Lebanon, TN 37087. Contact Delaine Smith at 615-444-1422, 615-347-4565 or email Freemanfoals@aol.com. GROOVER STABLES at Saddlecrest Farms Walking horse training, sales and breeding. Standing at stud: I’m Dumas Walker. Located at P560 Airport Road, P. O. Box 1435, Shelbyville, TN 37162. Call the residence 931-3899131 or cell 931-703-6127. For breeding information contact Sheila’s cell 931-224-5825 or email ImDumas1@hughes.net. HARLINSDALE FARM Walking horse breeding facility. Standing at Stud: Gold Power, The Revelation, Out On Parole, Rowdy Rev. Rocky Jones, Stallion Manager. Located at P. O. Box 280, 6611 Eudailey-Covington Road, College Grove, TN. Call 615368-3468. JEFF WILLIS STABLES Training, riding lessons and sales facility. Located at P. O. Box 133, Belfast, TN 37019. Call Jeff at 931-993-3174. Riding instructions available by Alice Klein. Call Alice’s cell 931-205-2067 for an appointment. JOE COTTEN STABLES Full-service training and sales facility. Hay and Shavings for sale at all times. Call 615-202-8429. JOE FLEMING STABLES Full service training facility for walking horses. Joe Fleming, Manager/Trainer. Justin Harris, Trainer. Located at 2003 Highway 64W, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Call the barn 931-684-0136. MIKE MCCORMICK STABLES (Walking Horses)Full service Training Facility. Mike McCormick, Owner/Trainer. Ronal Young, Trainer. Located at Highway 41-North, Shelbyville, TN. Mike’s cell (931)7035701 or Ronal’s cell (931)224-5677 MORGAN MEADOWS FARM (Walking Horses) Breeding and Sales of trail pleasure, plantation, and show horses. 1724 Meister Hills Rd., Deer Lodge, TN, 37726. Harold and Richie Flynn owners. Ph. 931-863-4791. E-mail:morganmeadows@hotmail.com, Website: MORGANMEADOWSFARM.COM PEEBLES STABLES (Walking Horses)Full-Service training facility. Training and breeding. Dick Peebles, Manager, Sharon Peebles, Trainer. 115 Holt Avenue Shelbyville, TN cell (931)224-3425 PLEASANT VALLEY FARM (Walking Horses)Training and Sales Facility. Alvis Porter, Owner; Brandon Stout, Manager/Trainer 525 Oakland Road, Rutledge, TN 37861 (931)224-2362 or (865)8285641 Quality Horses for sale at all times. Page 56 / The Scoop

QUINTESSENTIAL FARM Training, boarding, riding lessons, breeding and sales. Doug Simpkins, Owner. Pat Simpkins, Trainer. Beverly Lamp, Riding Instructor. Jazz Maniac at stud. Located at 2394 West Trimble Road, Milton, TN 37118. Call 615-4964636 Pat’s cell, 615-218-5710 Bev’s cell or 615-273-4255. TAN OAK FARMS Breeding facility. Many World Champion Stallions Standing at Stud. Jack Heffington, Owner. Call 615-390-9006. Mailing address P. O. Box 1658, Shelbyville, TN 37162. THE COLT CENTER (Walking Horses)Training, Sales and Showing. Bobby Richards, Manager/Trainer. Located at 4308 Trinity Road Franklin, TN 37067. Bobby’s cell 615-708-COLT WHITE OAK FARM Breeding, training and sales facility. Robert and Lisa Marbry, Owners. Vicki Self, Trainer. Sammy Sanders, Stallion Manager. Standing at stud: Silver Express, Stud Fee: $550. Located at 10023 Rosemark Road, Atoka, TN 38004. Call the office 901-458-4314, barn 901-829-3303, fax 901-458-9792, email lbrock9526@aol.com or visit www. whiteoakstallions.com. TONY YOKLEY & SONS Walking Horses - Specializing in two year olds, yearlings and show horses for sale year round. Tony Yokley, Trainer. Located at 490 Factory Creek Road, Ethridge, TN 38456. Call the barn 931-363-0191, residence 931-363-7981 or cell 931-629-8253. VALTON RUMMAGE STABLES Walking horse breeding, mare care and colt preparation. Standing at stud: I’m Dark Vengeance ($400 or 2 for $700). Located in Columbia, TN. Call 931-981-2210. WINDING CREEK STABLES Training, boarding, breeding, mare care. Mare and foals for sale at all times. Travis Craft, Manger/Trainer. Koda Downs, Trainer. Farm 865-376-4477. TEXAS McDODI FARM AND STABLES Training, boarding and riding instructions. Show and trail horses for sale. Dr. Jim and Dodi Speece, owners Marco Suarez, trainer Kim Lewis, riding instructor 817-614-0623 (Dodi) • 817-896-7073 (Barn) Email mcdodi@mcdodifarms.com or visit our website www.mcdodifarms.com Located in Burleson, Texas WALKERS WEST Mary Ellen Areaux, Owner -3002 FM 2728 Kaufman, TX 75142 - 214-507-6032 www.walkerswest.com - email walkersw@earthlink.net VIRGINIA DOGWOOD STABLES Walking horse breeding and sales facility. Performance, plantation, pleasure horses and colts for sale. Standing at Stud: Guilty As Charged and Hard Hearted Jose’. David, Mary Ellen and Codi Marie Wright. Located at 3001 Whispering Pines Road, Axton, VA 24054. Call 434-685-2830 or email Walkon@gamewood.net.

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