Update Newsletter
Our Mission: Advance and promote the prosperity of its members and enhance the quality of life in the greater Rochester area.
Your Chamber will present a “Shoot for the Stars” Annual Dinner & Awards Banquet on Friday, April 12, 2019. Underwritten by Eversource and Service Credit Union, this event will take place from 6:00 to 9:30 pm at The Red Barn at the Links at Outlook Golf Club in South Berwick, Maine. Corporate sponsors for the event include Access Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics, Daystar, Inc., Laars Heating Systems Company, Profile Bank and Waste Management. The evening begins with a Social Hour, sponsored by Eastern Propane & Oil, registration sponsored by Urban Tree Service and complimentary photos, provided by Tanya Lee Hervey Photography.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN $1,500 Click on the image below to purchase your chance to win $1,500 at our Annual Dinner and Awards Banquet!
The evening will include a fabulous dinner by The Red Barn, the presentation of the Business of the Year and Non-Profit of the Year Awards, sponsored by Index Packaging and Atlantic Broadband and the Citizen of the Year award presentation. Programs are sponsored by Polychronis Financial Group. Musical entertainment is provided by the Nate Therrien Trio, sponsored by Hervey’s Tire Co., Holy Rosary Credit Union and Norman Vetter Foundations. Dessert provided by The Potter’s House Bakery & Café, is sponsored by HBL Group LLC, Monarch School of New England and Rochester Truck. Attendees will enjoy a festive event throughout the evening, provided by the Nate Therrien Trio. A grand prize raffle will take place where one lucky winner will take home $1,500, sponsored by Federal Savings Bank. Some great raffles will also take place for attendees including a Dining Package, donated by several local restaurants, 4 tickets to the Sammy Hagar concert Meadowbrook donated by Eastern Propane & Oil, and a Techie Package that includes a wireless speaker and headphones, donated by Daystar, Inc. Décor and centerpieces are sponsored by Lydall, Inc. and Bank of New Hampshire. See information enclosed or visit www.rochesternh.org.
Membership Benefits Community Information Center Post your job vacancies on the Chamber’s website at NO CHARGE!
Bring your business brochures and business cards to display at the Chamber Information Center at the Chamber office. We also have a members-only community board where you can submit flyers to be posted promoting upcoming events and more!
Simply log in to your Member Portal and select Job Postings on the left side! The Chamber’s website receives thousands of visits each month. If you have job vacancies to fill, post them! Visit www.rochesternh.org/Jobs to see a current list of job postings. For assistance logging in, call 603.332.5080.
Be a Champion! Help Fund a Scholarship Scholarship Champion! New members and seasoned members welcome! Learn about what’s new and how the Chamber can assist YOU! April Sessions: Tuesday, April 23 8-9:30am Wednesday, April 24 3-4:30pm
Each Session is Limited to 20 Attendees! Call the Chamber at 332.5080 or email events@rochesternh.org!
YourchamberwillbelaunchingtheApril sessionsofChamber101notedabove! Spon-
Chamber 101 is designed to show both seasoned and new members the various benefits included in their membership, and how to navigate through the members-only information center! Each month we will be hosting two sessions of Chamber 101, where members can walk through how to register for events, post job vacancies, upload events, press releases, change business contact information, download flyers for upcoming events, and more! Sign up today as spots are limited. These sessions will also explain the various sponsorship and advertising
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Business Referrals
The Chamber receives many information inquiries from members of the community, visitors, and those doing business in the area. At the Chamber, we only refer members!
Upcoming Chamber Events
$100 each
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 5:00-7:00 pm Hosted by
See enclosed flyer for additional details! Call the Chamber Office now 603-332-5080 to reserve your lucky ticket number for the Chamber Raffle that will be taking place this summer. Tickets will go on sale this month.
Profile Bank (Somersworth)
160 NH-108, Somersworth NH 03878 Register at http://www.dovernh.org/trichamber Join the Greater Rochester Young Professionals Group for our ƵƉĐŽŵŝŶŐ ϮϬϭϵ ŵĞĞƟŶŐƐ͊ dŚĞ zŽƵŶŐ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů ' ƌŽƵƉ ŵĞĞƚƐ on the 3rd Tuesdays of every month, unless otherwise indicated. ĂĐŚ ŵĞĞƟŶŐ LJŽƵ ĂƩ ĞŶĚ LJŽƵ ǁ ŝůů ŚĂǀ Ğ Ă ĐŚĂŶĐĞ ƚŽ ďĞĐŽŵĞ ŽƵƌ monthly Young Professional on the Move!
Tuesday, April 16– WŽƩ ĞƌLJ >ĞƐƐŽŶ Ăƚ dŚĞ WŽƩ ĞƌLJ WĂĚĚŽĐŬ -135 Ten Rod Road, Rochester NH Tuesday, May 21– PAINT NIGHT! at RiverStones Custom Framing -33 North Main St, Rochester NH Wednesday, June 18— Photography Class at Tanya Lee Hervey Photography -24 Union Street, Rochester NH NO MEETING IN JULY To register for these events, visit www.rochesternh.org We hope you will consider joining this dynamic group! s ŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁ ĞďƐŝƚĞ ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ Žƌ ĐĂůů ŽƵƌ Žĸ ĐĞ dŽƌŝ D ĂƌƟŶ Ăƚ ŽƵƌ Žĸ ĐĞ ϲϬϯ -332-5080!
Membership Update Congratulations!
Member Anniversary Recognitions The Chamber wants to recognize and thank the following members that have 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years of Chamber membership in January!
5 Years
Regency Mortgage Elm Grove Companies Compass Home Inspections, LLC.
10 Years
Positively Creative Solutions, LLC.
15 Years Strafford/Lake Winnipesaukee KOA 20 Years Somersworth Festival Association Those celebrating 10 or 25 years of membership are presented with a special Chamber anniversary plaque for their support. Those celebrating 20 years of membership are presented with a special anniversary plate for their continued support.
Member Renewals The Board of Directors and Staff wish to thank the Members listed for renewing their Chamber investments! Atlantic Broadband Brady Sullivan Properties Branyen Insurance Agency City of Rochester Country Brook Apartments Eversource Jack and Jill School Keystone Dental Arts Lilac Printing & Graphic Design MLC Catering New Hampshire Farm Museum Norman R. Gagnon Construction Rochester Crimeline Rochester Crossing– The Wilder Companies Rochester Youth Soccer Association (RYSA) Rte. 125 RV & Marine Seacoast SCORE Somersworth Festival Association Spaulding Avenue Industrial Complex Subways of Rochester Tritech Engineering Corporation Wayne Chick
New Members! The Board of Directors and Staff Welcome New Members! Accommodations & Restaurant Wolfeboro Inn & Wolfe’s Tavern (603) 569-3016 Laura Leslie 90 North Main Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894 http://www.wolfeboroinn.com
Burrito Banditos (603) 948-1881 Diane Forsman or Josh Ross 667 Columbus Ave Rochester, NH 03867 http://www.burritobanditosrestaurant.com
Health & Human Services Hope on Haven Hill (603) 841-5353 Carey Johnson 361 Route 108, Unit 2 Somersworth, NH 03878 http://www.hopeonhavenhill.org
Family, Community and Civic Organization American Cancer Society/Relay For Life Rochester (603) 472-3410 Pamela Ritchie 2 Commerce Drive Bedford, NH 03101 http://www.relayforlife.org/rochesternh
Lawyer Shaheen & Gordon (603) 749-5000 Christopher Ratte 353 Central Ave, Suite 200 Dover, NH 03821 http://www.shaheengordon.com
Committee News Ambassador Committee
Are you looking to get involved or get your employees more involved?! There are several Chamber committee that always welcome new faces! These committees meet monthly or bi-monthly and provide committee members an opportunity to reach out and connect with other Chamber members, network, stay informed on local and State legislative issues and plan events.
Volunteers are needed to join the Ambassador Committee! This is a great committee to get involved in as Chamber Ambassadors are members who volunteer their time to assist the Chamber with member retention efforts. Benefits of becoming involved: Increased name & business recognition Increased networking opportunities Opportunity to connect with new and existing Chamber members. Increased referral opportunities through other Ambassadors and contacts with members. Opportunity to be named Ambassador of the Year (based on a point system) and receive a plaque at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting and be featured in the Chamber “Update” newsletter.
Ambassador meetings are held on the second Wednesday, every other month at 8:00 am in the Chamber conference room. Come join us!
Young Professional
On the Move Each month, the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce will feature a local Young Professional On the Move!
Name: Macie Hatch Hometown: Rochester, NH Education: AS– Great Bay Community College Employer: Profile Bank– Rochester Branch How Long Have You Worked Here: 4 years What is Your Role: Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator Tell Us Why You Love Your Job: I love working at a community bank. Profile is very family oriented, passionate about being part of the community and encourages professional development. Within my role I am able to interact with others through different networking opportunities, community events and financial literacy programs. I also get the chance to utilize my creativity by designing advertisements, marketing materials and displays. Tell Us What You Like About GRYP: Young Professionals has provided the opportunity to connect with many people in the surrounding area. We discuss various topics including careers, experiences and hobbies. I also enjoy learning about the different places and businesses in town by attending the monthly meetings. It’s a great way to showcase what Rochester has to offer.
Member News Bonney Staffing has job openings: Apply online today at www.bonneystaffing.com, walk-in to their Portsmouth office at 767 Islington Street in Portsmouth, NH or call 603-430-2121. Children’s Museum of Dover will present various upcoming events. Visit www.childrens-museum.org/calendar/2019-01 for a complete list of events. The City of Rochester is pleased to announce that Wings and Wheels Returns to Rochester's Skyhaven Airport, June 1st from 10:00 am- 3:00 pm. The event accepts suggested donations in lieu of a cost of admission. For more information please visit www.wingsandwheelsrochesternh.com. The City of Rochester City Manager Blaine Cox is pleased to invite residents to attend a free presentation on urban development by Strong Towns President Chuck Marohn on April 1, 2019 at 6:30 at the Rochester Performance & Arts Center. For more information, visit http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/ register/event?llr=a5gogocab&oeidk=a07eg6kf2o560e5df19 Get Your Flu Shot!!! ConvenientMD Urgent Care offers high-quality, fast and affordable medical care for illness and injury, 7 days a week, from 8am to 8pm. The link to website Free Flu Shot info is: convenientmd.com/patient-services/ flu-shots/ or visit www.convenientmd.com. Dover Adult Learning Center is pleased to be offering Buying and Selling Homes and Discovering Your Business Story Classes at Dover Adult Learning Center, Tips on Selling Your Home" on Monday, April 8, 6-8pm. On the flip side, "Home Buyers Seminar", Monday, April 15, 6-8pm. $10 registration fee per class. "Discovering Your Why and Sharing Your Business Story" will take place Wednesday, April 17, 6-8pm, tuition $30. Preregistration is required for all classes. Visit www.doveradultlearning.org or call 603-742-1030 for information or to register. Edward Jones– Megan Stewart will be hosting the April meeting of the Women’s Networking Group on Tuesday, April 2nd from 9:00-10:00 am at her office located at 120 Washington St. For more information call Megan at 603-332-9584 or email her at Megan.Stewart@edwardjones.com. Farmington High School will be presenting the student movie, "You Never Really Knew My Name". Rochester Opera House will screening the movie, on April 4, 2019. Screening Time: 7pm, doors open at 6. Screening Location: Rochester Opera House - 31 Wakefield Street, Rochester, NH Admission/ Suggested Donation: Free bring non-perishable food item. This event is open to the public. For additional information, please contact Brian Chagnon BChagnon@sau61.org. Frisbie Memorial Hospital will be presenting a Wellness and Independence Health Fair on April 19, 2019 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Free of charge. No Cost. Sign in at door and meet our staff. For more information, contact Jean Corvinus at j.corvinus@FMHospital.com. Granite State Choral Society will be presenting Mozart's "Requiem" in collaboration with Symphony NH and the Nashua Choral Society. Concerts are scheduled for May 5, 2019 in Nashua and May 18 & 19, 2019 in Rochester. For more information, visit www.gschoralsociety.org. Great Bay Community College is pleased to present WorkReadyNH. For more information and to view the full schedule visit, http://www.greatbay.edu/ courses/business-training/workreadynh-0 or email WorkReadyGBCC@ccsnh.edu. HAVEN New Hampshire is pleased to present the 8th Annual Kids Are Our Business Breakfast and the Sign in the Spring Concert benefiting HAVEN. For more information, and to register visit https://havennh.org/kids-are-ourbusiness-breakfast/ and for the Sing in the Spring Concert, https:// theafternotes.com/2019/03/07/sing-in-the-spring-sunday-april-7-in-exeter-nh/? fbclid=IwAR2d4fl4blLZclHPbqIGP0xEVO4Efc2gWfh5nzsG86jcXszM1ewh6Ds0HtU Holy Rosary Credit Union- It's been twelve years since HRCU opened a branch at Spaulding High School, part of the R.W. Creteau Technology Center. The partnership between HRCU and Spaulding High School gives students real-world, hands-on training as they learn how to work within a financial institution. For more information visit https://www.hrcu.org/about/about-us/around-ourcommunity/twelve-years-counting-for-hrcu-program-at-shs-/ Leone, McDonnell & Roberts is pleased to welcome two new employees to their team, Elizabeth Conner and Joe Payne. Joseph Quinn Jr. was also recently promoted to Principal! To view the full write up, and for more information, visit http://www.lmrpa.com/ New Hampshire Employment Security is sponsoring Job & Resource Fairs across the state. These events are free of charge and open to the public. If you are interested in participating in any of the job fairs, visit: https:// www.nhes.nh.gov/media/job-fairs/index.htm. Once the registration form is completed, you will send it to: JobFair@nhes.nh.gov. New Hampshire Travel Council is pleased to present the 2019 Governor's Conference on Tourism April 22-24, 2019. The conference takes place at the Hanover Inn Dartmouth. Call 800-443-7024.Learn More: http:// www.nhtravelcouncil.com/2019-conference
Rochester Child Care Center is pleased to be presenting the 2019 5k For Kids! 5 K Run/walk to benefit programs of Rochester Child Care Center. Saturday, May 26, 2019, 9 am registration, 10 am start at the McClelland School, 59 Brock St., Rochester. Register at www.rochesterchildcare.org or call 332-9333. Rochester Main Street will be hosting a number of upcoming events: Sat, March 28- Business Development Workshop: Social Media- City Hall Annex 9:00-10:00 Sat, April 13- Rochester Cares Clean Up Day- 9:00-2:00pm Sat, April 27- Superhero Breakfast from 9-10:00am & 10:00-11:00am at Curlie's Comedy Club. May 1- Superhero Trivia at The Revolution- 7:00-8:30pm May 4- Free Comic Book Day- 10:00am-4:00pm For more information visit http://www.rochestermainstreet.org/. The Rochester Youth Soccer Association (RYSA) is seeking various sponsorships! Youth sports is an excellent way for a business to give back to the community and, with about 600 families connected to RYSA, we believe we have something to offer back to you as well. For those interested in sponsoring our RYSA program for the 2019 spring, summer, and fall seasons, click the link for more information https://sports.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=775594 SOS Recovery Community Organization will be hosting an educational and support series for people raising grandchildren the 2nd Thursday of each month at 63 S. Main Street, Rochester. Registration is required to accommodate dinner for participants and child care. For more information, visit https:// straffordrecovery.org/locations/rochester/ SOS Recovery Community Organization will be hosting a "Get a Grip on Your Credit program". Get a Grip on Your Credit Program is a free program sponsored by NH Federal Credit Union Center for Finance and Education will be hosted at the Dover SOS Recovery Community Center, located at 4 Broadway in Dover, on Thursday, May 2nd from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-a-grip-on-your-credit-improve-your-scoreprivate-event-sos-recovery-community-organization-tickets-56508262735 Spring Village at Dover is pleased to host a Caregiver Chats group twice a month. Two Meeting Times Offered Each Month: Second Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. & fourth Thursday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, contact Jacki Brewster at 603-842-4908. The Castle on Charles is pleased to be presenting the The Sword in the Stone... Challenge for the Throne show at The Castle on Charles, 19 Charles St, Rochester NH on Fri, Apr 19, Sat, Apr 20, Fri, Apr 26, Sat, April 27 For more information and for tickets, visit https://www.brownpapertickets.com/ event/3614936 The Rochester Museum of Fine Arts, in association with The Argh Gallery, is pleased to announce a one-day-only exhibition featuring a genuine "LOVE" screen print signed by Robert Indiana. The event will take place in the Bernier Room at the Rochester Community Center on Saturday, May 4th from 1-3pm. Light refreshments will be served. Visit www.rochestermfa.org for more information. The Rochester Opera House will be presenting the following shows: Apr 6 THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR SHOW- 1:00pm- Opera House Apr 11-20 LITTLE BITS OF LIGHT-Performance and Arts Ctr (32 N. Main St.) Apr 13 & 14 CINDERELLA (SOLE CITY DANCE)- Opera House Apr 19 2019 LOTTERY COCKTAIL PARTY- 5:30 pm- Opera House Apr 26 BOYZ GONE WILD & KISS REVENGE- 7:00 pm-Opera House Apr 27 MOTOR BOOTY AFFAIR- 8:00 pm- Opera House May 2-19 FOOTLOOSE THE MUSICAL- Opera House May 23 DRAGONS LOVE TACOS & OTHER STORIES- 10am & 2pm Reserve tickets online or call the box office (603) 335-1992, W/F from 12-5 pm and 1-hours before the show. For more information, visit www.rochesteroperahouse.com. Tanya Lee Hervey Photography still has a few spots left for her April Basic Digital Photography Class! If interested, contact Tanya for the information packet and pricing through her website at www.tanyaleehervey.com. Tri-City Christian Academy is pleased to be offering a special offer for Chamber Members & Employees! For more information on this great offer, visit www.tccanh.com or call 603-692-2093. Upala Yoga & Wellness Arts is offering new student deals! Sign up now and get 30 days for just $45! There is also an introduction to yoga series Thursday's, $70 for 6 weeks of workshop style beginners classes on Thursday nights plus unlimited access to the studio during that 6 weeks. For more information on the studio and classes offered, visit https://www.upala.org/.
t ĂŶƚ LJŽƵƌ ŶĞǁ Ɛ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚ ŝŶ ƵƉĐŽŵŝŶŐ ŶĞǁ ƐůĞƩ ĞƌƐ͍ ŵĂŝů memberservices@rochesternh.org by the 20th of the month.
What’s Been Going on at the Chamber? Tri-Chambers Legislative Reception
State of the City Breakfast Forum
Greater Rochester Young Professionals at Lydall Performance Materials
Business After Hours at RSA Realty, LLC & TitlePro, LLC!
April 2019 Chamber Calendar
2019 Chamber Leadership Officers SUNDAY
Chairman of the Board Anne Brown Daystar, Inc. Chairman-Elect Alan Johnson Atlantic Broadband
Immediate Past Chairman Keith Newton D.F. Richard Energy
Ted Chandler Lydall Performance Materials Paul Gatehouse Independence Financial Advisors, LLC Tanya Hervey Tanya Lee Hervey Photography
16 5:30pm GRYP Mtg @ The Pottery Paddock
17 7:30am Gov’t Affairs
8-9:30 amChamber 101
3-4:30 pm Chamber 101
5-7 pm TriChamber BAH at 4:00 Banquet Profile Bank Committee (Somersworth) 21
4:00pm Chamber Raffle Comm. 12
6-9:30pm Annual Dinner & Awards Banquet
8:00 am Ambassador Committee Meeting
Directors Matt Beaulieu Service Credit Union
Vice Chair, Events & Fund Raisers Janet Oliver Unitil Treasurer Sharla Rollins Federal Savings Bank
4:00pm Banquet Committee
Vice Chair, Governmental Affairs Steve Cates Waste Management Vice Chair, Membership Mark Zoeller Keller Williams Coastal Realty
18 7:30am Board of Directors
Kerrie Landry Cornerstone VNA Kathleen Meserve Eversource Bill McGlincey Hannaford Supermarkets Kevin Miller Profile Bank Kelly Rogers Kelly Wilson Rogers, Licensed Massage Therapist
June 20 Tri-Chamber BAH at Waste Management
Join the Greater Rochester Chamber for an adventure to…
China! Trip includes:
18 South Main Street Rochester, NH 03867 www.rochesternh.org
June 18 GRYP Meeting at Tanya Lee Hervey Photography
Chamber Staff
Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce
June 4 Golf Tournament
August 16 Chamber Raffle Bash
October 19-27, 2019 Depart from Boston for only $2,499!
Member Services/Communications Tori Martin
May 21 GRYP Paint Night at RiverStones
Tatjana Simon Northeast Credit Union
President/CEO Laura Ring
May 27 OFFICE CLOSED -Memorial Day
Rod Jablonski Bean Group Real Estate Michelle Landry Frisbie Memorial Hospital
Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou! Entrance fees or attractions 3 meals each day Roundtrip international airfare & Chinese domestic airfare & tax 4 & 5-star hotel accommodations Deluxe bus tours Fluent English-speaking tour guides Please call Tori at the Chamber for details. Phone: 603-332-5080.