GRD Journals | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | National Conference on Advancement in Emerging Technologies (NCAET'18) | March 2018
e-ISSN: 2455-5703
Design and Analysis of 6-Slotted Multi-Band Microstrip Antenna for use in Mobile Communications 1Rajarajan.
K 2Sudarsanan. S 1,2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1,2 Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College Chennai, India Abstract In this paper, a multi - band patch antenna has been designed for mobile communication. It consis ts of 6 rectangular slots. The antenna has been designed using FR-4 substrate (Effective Permittivity 4.3 lossy tangent 0.025). The software that is used for design simulation and analysis is CST. Defective ground structure (DGS) has been used to improve the return loss characteristics. The antenna radiates at 7 desirable frequencies which are: 2G (1.8 GHz), 3G (2.1 GHz), 4G (2.3 GHz), 5G (3.3 GHz), Wi - Fi (2.4 GHz and 5.9 GHz), and Wi-Max (4.2 GHz). Keyword- Multi-Band, DGS, CST, Mobile Communication __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I. INTRODUCTION Thriving mobile communication technology imparts the need for compact, diverse and compatible antenna systems, a multi-band antenna serves this need greatly. These types of antennas are preferred because of their simple design and manufacturing procedures. This paper proposes a novel design of a multi-band antenna for mobiles. The design consists of 5 slots which are of equal length and are equally spaced from each other. And a slot of different dimensions is etched out between first two slots. Defective ground structure has been employed to improve the return loss minima. The DGS structure is of meander lines configuration. The choice of material for substrate is FR-4 epoxy with a standard thickness of 1.6 mm. Feed structure is a microstrip path line in-offset type. The obtained frequency bands are 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (Proposed for India - 3.3 GHz), Wi-Max, Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz and 5.9 GHz). Simulation tool used is Computer Simulation Technology Studio. The main objective of this paper is to design an antenna which operates in all the existing mobile communication frequency bands (bands used in India only) and upcoming 5G band that has been recently allocated by the Government of India and Telecom Regulating Authority of India.
II. ANTENNA DESIGN The antenna consists of a patch along with the feed at the top layer, substrate at the middle and a ground plane at the bottom. The feed, patch and the ground plane are made of copper of standard thickness 0.035mm. The dielectric constant of the substrate is 4.3. Total area of the proposed antenna is 62.255 x 62.255. Equations The width of the patch is given by,
The length of the patch antenna is given by,
The effective dielectric constant is given by,
Where c = velocity of light
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Design and Analysis of 6-Slotted Multi-Band Microstrip Antenna for use in Mobile Communications (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / NCAET - 2018 / 007)
f0 = desired frequency (1.8 GHz) h = height of substrate W = width of the patch ƐR and Ɛr = dielectric constant of substrate Ɛeff = effective dielectric constant (due to fringing fields) The required frequency bands are obtained by etching slots and using the offset feed. The slots are arbitrarily aligned and placed equidistant to each other. The dimensions of the 5 slots are chosen arbitrarily and studied through parametric sweep analysis. An additional slot of slightly different dimension is introduced to obtain 3G frequency which was absent previously. The structure is progressively designed from an initial micro strip patch antenna designed for 1.8 GHz. A. Structure and Parameters The dimensions of the antenna are,
The DGS structure in the ground plane,
Parameters Lp Wp Lf Wf L W
(mm) 34.79 51.00 22.43 3.11 62.255 62.255
III. SIMULATION RESULTS The simulated results of the Return Loss, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), and Radiation Pattern are shown below.
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Design and Analysis of 6-Slotted Multi-Band Microstrip Antenna for use in Mobile Communications (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / NCAET - 2018 / 007)
A. Return Loss The simulated return loss at the frequencies 1.8 GHz, 2.1 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 3.3 GHz, 4.2 GHz and 5.2 to 5.9 GHz.
B. VSWR The simulated VSWR values are less than 2 for the desired frequencies.
C. Radiation Pattern
Fig. 1: 1.8 GHz
Fig. 2: 2.1 GHz
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Design and Analysis of 6-Slotted Multi-Band Microstrip Antenna for use in Mobile Communications (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / NCAET - 2018 / 007)
Fig. 3: 2.3 GHz
Fig. 5: 3.3 GHz
Fig. 7: 5 GHz
Fig. 4: 2.4 GHz
Fig. 6: 3.3 GHz
Fig. 8: 5.9 GHz
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Design and Analysis of 6-Slotted Multi-Band Microstrip Antenna for use in Mobile Communications (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / NCAET - 2018 / 007)
IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, a rectangular microstrip patch antenna has been designed to provide multi band functionality across most of mobile communication frequency bands. The 6-slotted patch along with meander line DGS provides an excellent configuration for a mobile antenna. The desired frequencies obtained are 1.8 GHz, 2.1 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 3.3 GHz, 4.2 GHz and 5.2 to 5.9 GHz which have return losses of -18 dB, -12 dB, -23 dB, -15 dB, -22 dB, -25 dB and -10 to -15 dB respectively. The design is inclusive of the upcoming 5G technology for mobiles, so that it can be relevant and applicable for the future.
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