Structural Behaviour of Concrete with Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coa

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 1 | Issue 4 | March 2016 ISSN: 2455-5703

Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate Mr. S. Southamirajan Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering K.S.R College Of Engineering Mr. S. Deenadhayalan UG Student Department of Civil Engineering K.S.R College Of Engineering

Mr. A. Elangovan UG Student Department of Civil Engineering K.S.R College Of Engineering

Mr. A. G. Natarajan UG Student Department of Civil Engineering K.S.R College Of Engineering

Mr. S. Premkumar UG Student Department of Civil Engineering K.S.R College Of Engineering

Abstract In this experiment the studies, the strength characteristics of M30 grade concrete are using manufactured plastic coarse aggregate as a replacement of natural coarse aggregate is conducted along with the use of quarry dust as a partial replacement of conventional natural river sand. Mix design for plastic coarse aggregate concrete is done by calculating the specific gravity of the manufactured plastic aggregate, fly ash and quarry dust. Cubes, beams and cylinders were casted by fly ash is 20% in cement, partial replacement of quarry dust in sand and natural coarse aggregate by 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of manufactured plastic coarse aggregate. The experimental studies give the final strength parameters such as compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength of the casted cubes, beams and cylinders were tested respectively. Keywords- Quarry Dust, Fly Ash, Plastic Coarse Aggregate

I. INTRODUCTION A. General Concrete is a constitute made essentially of Portland cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water. The mixture of the materials will undergo in a chemical reaction called hydration and this process will result in a change of mixture from plastic state to a solid occurs over a period of time. By reducing the weight and cost of constituent's materials in concrete, the cost and weight of concrete can be reduced. B. Advantages The cost reduction can be achieved by the usage of locally available alternative materials, instead of conventional materials and the weight of the concrete can be reduced by using manufactured plastic coarse aggregate, fly ash instead of cement. C. Future Need/Demand The consumption of fine aggregate in concrete production is very high throughout the world , and several developing countries have facing difficulties in meeting the supply of natural fine aggregate in order to satisfy the increasing needs of infrastructural development in recent years. To the solution for the stress and demand for river fine aggregate, researches have being conducted and an alternative materials such as fly ash, slag, limestone powder and siliceous stone powder is been made used. D. Execution The attempts for the replacement of river sand by quarry dust have been made in India. Quarry dust, the waste material that causes disposal problem is made as a valuable resource by the successful utilization of this quarry dust as a fine aggregate and this will also overcome the strain on supply of river sand as fine aggregate and also the cost will be reduced. To evaluate the possibilities of replacement of plastic coarse aggregate with the replacement of quarry dust and flyash as a replacement of fine aggregate and cement.

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Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 4 / 006)

E. Curing The compression, flexural and split strengths were found after 7 and 28 days of curing.

II. PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS A. Cement The cement used for this project work is KCP 53-grade Portland pozzolana cement. The various properties of cement are tabulated in Table I. Table 1: Properties of Cement S. No. Description Value 1 Normal consistency 33% 2 Initial setting time 30min 3 Final setting time 420min 4 Specific gravity 3.18 5 Fineness 6%

B. Fly Ash Fly ash used for this collected from Mettur thermal power plant. Table 2: Properties of Fly Ash S.No. Properties Value 1 Specific gravity 2.27 2 Fineness 6.79

C. Fine Aggregate 1) Sand: Sand collected from nearby river is used for this project. Natural sand was tested as per IS: 2386 (Part 1 and 3) - 1963 and IS: 383 – 1970.The properties of sand are tabulated in Table III. 2) Quarry dust: Quarry dust an alternative for sand is collected from nearby quarry. Quarry dust was tested as per IS: 2386 (Part 1 and 3) - 1963 and IS: 383 - 1970.The properties of quarry dust are tabulated in Table III.

Fig. 1: Quarry Dust Table 3: Properties of Sand and Quarry Dust S. No. Properties Sand Quarry dust 1 Specific gravity 2.6 2.67 2 Fineness modulus 3.36 2.90 3

Sieve Analysis

Zone III

Zone III

D. Coarse Aggregate 1) Natural Coarse Aggregate (N.C.A.) Natural coarse aggregate was tested as per IS: 2386 (Part 1and 3) – 1963 and IS: 383 – 1970.The properties ofnatural coarse aggregate are tabulated in Table IV.

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Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 4 / 006)

2) Plastic Coarse Aggregate (P.C.A.) Plastics collected from the disposal area were sorted to get the superior one. These were crushed into small fraction and washed to remove the foreign particles. Then it was heated at a particular temperature so that the necessary brittleness was obtained. After extrusion the molten plastic was cooled down and collected in boulders of 100 mm size approximately. These plastic boulders were crushed down to the size of aggregates. Plastic aggregate was tested as per IS: 2386 (Part 1and 3) – 1963 and IS: 383 – 1970.The properties of plastic aggregate are tabulated in Table IV.

Fig. 2: Plastic Coarse Aggregate Table 4: Properties of Natural Aggregate and Plastic Aggregate S. No. Properties N.C.A. P.C.A. 1

Specific gravity




Fineness modulus




Water absorption




Crushing value




Impact value



E. Water Water used for mixing and curing was clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that are deleterious to concrete or steel. Potable water with pH value 7 is used for mixing and curing throughout the experiment.

III. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS A. Mix Proportioning The M30 mix proportion used by weight and w/c ratio is fixed according to the slump of 25 to 50mm. For this concrete mix, quarry dust is added for replacement of sand at 50%, fly ash replacement of cement 20% and plastic aggregate replacement in natural coarse aggregate by step of 5%. Table 5: Mix Proportions Cement

Fly Ash









Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4

358.4 358.4 358.4 358.4

89.6 89.6 89.6 89.6

817 817 817 817

839 839 839 839

River sand Kg/m3

Quarry dust Kg/m3










887 841 794 747

15.5 31.0 46.5 62.0

203 203 203 203

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Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 4 / 006)

Table 6: Percentage of Replacement of Mixes S. No


Fly Ash

Quarry Dust



Mix 1





Mix 2





Mix 3









B. Casting of Specimen S. No. 1 2 3

Table 7: Properties of Specimen Size Specimen No. of specimen (mm) Cube 150x150x150 30 Cylinder 150x300 30 Prism 500x100x100 30

IV. TESTING PROCEDURE A. Compression Test The cube specimen was tested for compressive strength at the end of 7 days and 28 days. The specimen was tested after the surface gets dried. The load was applied on the smooth sides without shock and increased continuously till the specimen failed. The mean compressive strength is calculated and tabulated in Table VIII. Table 8: Mean Compressive Strength of Concrete M30 Mix 7 days (Mpa) 28 days (Mpa) Control Mix 21.3 33.1 Mix 1 21.7 33.2 Mix 2 24.3 38.3 Mix 3 21.4 33.7 Mix 4



Fig. 3: Variation in Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes for Various Mix

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Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 4 / 006)

Fig. 4: Test Setup for Compression Test

B. Split Tensile Test Split tensile test is also referred as “Brazilian Test”. Placing a cylindrical specimen horizontally between the loading surfaces of a compression-testing machine and the load is applied till the cylinder failed along the vertical diameter. Tensile strength = 2W / (Π DL) The mean tensile strength is calculated and tabulated in Table IX. Table 9: Mean Spilt Tensile Strength Of Concrete (Mpa) M30 Mix 7 days (Mpa) 28 days (Mpa) C.M 1.57 2.48 Mix 1 1.71 2.64 Mix 2 1.95 3.00 Mix 3 1.76 2.80 Mix 4 1.71 2.66

Fig. 5: Variation in Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders for Various Mix

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Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 4 / 006)

Fig. 6: Test Setup for Split Tensile Test

C. Flexure Test The flexural strength of the concrete was determined by using loading frame. The loading is done using hydraulic jack on the beam and the load applied is measured using the proving ring. The span of the beam adopted is 400 mm and central concentrated load was applied. Flexural strength = Pl / bd2 The mean flexural strength is calculated and tabulated in Table X. Table 10: Flexural Strength of Concrete (Mpa) M30 Mix 7 days(Mpa) 28 days(Mpa) C.M 4.27 5.96 Mix 1 5.00 7.12 Mix 2 5.84 7.96 Mix 3 5.68 7.76 Mix 4 4.92 6.96

Fig. 7: Variation in Flexural Strength of P.C.C Beam for Various Mix

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Structural Behaviour of Concrete With Partial Replacement Plastic Aggregate and Quarry Dust with Coarse and Fine Aggregate (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 4 / 006)

Fig. 8: Test Setup for Flexural Strength Test

V. CONCLUSION From the above discussion it is concluded that:  Concrete acquires maximum increase in compressive strength at 50 % sand by quarry dust, 20% of fly ash, plastic aggregate of 10%. When compared with concrete with only river sand, the amount of increase in strength is 12% and 15.8% for 7 and 28 days respectively.  Split tensile strength is maximum at 50 % replacement of natural sand by quarry dust, 20% of fly ash, plastic aggregate of 10%. The percentage of increase with control concrete is 24.2% and 20% for 7 and 28 days respectively.  Maximum flexural strength is also at 10% replacement. The percentage of increase compared with control concrete is 36.8% and 33.5% for 7 and 28 days respectively.

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