GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | February (2019) ISSN: 2455-5703
Design and Implementation of an Advanced Security System for Farm Protection from Wild Animals Mr. Vikram M. Kakade Assistant Professor Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering PRMCEAM, Badnera / SGB Amravati University
Abstract Crops are vulnerable to wild animals the conservation of crop field has become now a days a complex issue. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the presence of animals which may affect the crop on wider level. The animals from the protected area are continuously attacking the crop field over the years and the protection of this crop field has become a main concern`. The issue has been addressed in such way that already being used is ineffective, in this paper we propose a method to protect farms from wild animals so creating a system which in accordance of the animals like (deer, nilgai, wild boar, etc.). To detect the animal and creates the different sound that irritates the animal and animal will run away and also alerts the authorized person by sending a message. The proposed monitoring scheme is to provide an early warning about possible intrusion and damage by wild animals. We also provides way of identification animal so that in accordance with particular geographical area it has been monitored that which types of animal are present mostly in concern area. Keywords- Raspberry Pi, Ultrasonic Sensor, GSM Modem, Camera, and Power Supply __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I. INTRODUCTION In this world, food is the most important requirement for living beings. The main products of our food come directly or indirectly from agriculture. Now a day’s security of agricultural field is very important. Crop damage by wild animals is a burning problem in most of the areas all over India. But because of animal interference in agricultural land, there will be huge loss of crops. Crop will be totally destroyed. There will be large amount of loss of farmer. Field surveys showed that on an average 36% of the crop were damaged by wild animals. The incident of damage was very high in crop fields adjacent to forest areas; this resulted into direct conflict between people and wild boar. To avoid his financial losses it is very important to protect agricultural field or farms form animal. To overcome this problem in our proposed work to develop an automated system to prevent the wild animals entering into the agricultural field. The protection system include image processing technique to capture the particular animal using Raspberry Pi image processing technique the captured image of particular animal is informed to the microprocessor to create the irritation sounds of particular animal. Also GSM technology, if the animal crosses specified limit the message will be sent to the owner of the farm. The develop system will not harmful and injuries to animal as well as human being. Our main purpose is to develop an advance security system of farms and to avoid losses due to animals.
II. LITERATURE SURVEY In the authors demonstrated the several reasons for crop-raiding, including the destruction and fragmentation of habitats due to development projects. Defence methods are actions taken by farmers to deter wildlife from attacking crops. Coping strategies are specific actions taken by farmers to overcome the effects of crop raiding as well as to avoid crop raids on their farms. Automated animal monitoring system with energy efficient wireless devices mounted on the animals can improve efficiency of farming industry and increase its profitability. We discuss the practical deployment of delay tolerant store and forward cattle monitoring architecture that provides data retention, detecting custom events, notification issuing, remote and in-situ queries answering. The core of this architecture, a novel energy efficient, disruption tolerant, Mobile Ad Hoc Network routing protocol , provides offloading data for long term storage by sending data to farm servers via sinks that are a part of a MANET and handles in-situ queries issued by users collocated with the animals. The energy efficiency is achieved by dynamic adaptation to the current behaviour of the animals carrying the monitoring devices. Fig. shows Monkey destroying the farm. Farmers are facing a lot of difficulties because of the increasing monkey menace in the Indian Agricultural land. The massive fruit and vegetable crops worth cores of rupees were fully damaged and destroyed by the monkeys and other animals. In an opinion survey that was conducted based on the wild animals menace, it was discovered that animals are becoming a threat for public health, crop and property. Most people in the monkey menace prone zones are convinced that these monkeys should be trapped and moved to some other place. The existing detection systems such as Light and Camera Option, Infra sound and Seismic
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Design and Implementation of an Advanced Security System for Farm Protection from Wild Animals (GRDJE/ Volume 4 / Issue 3 / 003)
Communication Option are very highly expensive and very less effective. The proposed detection system comprises of wireless sensor network which is coupled with ultrasonic sound generator to ward of wild animals. The sensor node senses the movement of the wild animals into the land and notifies the sink node by broadcasting alarm tones using our application specific flooding algorithm. The Sink node triggers the attached ultrasonic sound generator which produces ultrasonic sound in the range of more than 20 kHz which irritates wild animals and forces them away from the field. We evaluate the performance of our flooding approach using ns2.35 simulator and show that our algorithms performs better in terms of number of broadcasts, end to end latency and battery life of sensor nodes. A. Plan of Work of Our System The aim of our project is to protection of farms from wild animals using image processing on Raspberry Pi board and sends an alert to the authorized person via GSM module. The capturing/sample of image compared using image processing system. The Raspberry pi based wild animal’s detection system. Our project system can be capture the image and which is used for identifying or comparing the images in the database. Camera module: Camera module is interfacing to the raspberry pi module. It is used for captures an image and send captured image to the Raspberry pi modul. 1) Raspberry Pi Module Raspberry pi B+ module is small computer board. When image taken by the raspberry pi it is compared with database image. After comparing images output is positive/negative then it gives commands to GSM module 2) GSM module GSM module is used to sending a message to the authorities after comparison output is positive or negative. If output is positive then wild animals detected then message send to the authority person using GSM. The audio unit consists of a microcontroller, audio player, memory to store tracks and the speakers. The microcontroller will be programmed such that when the camera detects an animal and send an image, a MOSFET will close a normal open circuit for a particular amount of time (say 35-45 seconds). GSM used to send the message to the owner of the farm if the animals cross the specified limit.
Fig. 1: Functional Block Diagram of the project
A. Proposed Work The aim of our project is to detect the wild animals using image processing on Raspberry Pi board and send an alert to the authorized person via GSM module. In above figure show the basic block diagram of the Raspberry pi based wild animal’s detection system. Our project system can be capture the image and which is used for identifying or comparing the images in the database. 1) Power Supply Power supply given by solar panel or from regulated power supply. 2) Camera module Camera module is interfacing to the raspberry pi module. It is used for captures an image and send captured image to the Raspberry pi module. 3) Raspberry pi module
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Design and Implementation of an Advanced Security System for Farm Protection from Wild Animals (GRDJE/ Volume 4 / Issue 3 / 003)
Raspberry pi module is small computer board. When image taken by the raspberry pi it is compared with database image. After comparing images output is positive/negative then it gives commands to GSM module. 4) Ultrasonic Sensor Its work is to ward off the animals from fields. As this is an ultrasonic buzzer, it’s inaudible to humans but is totally audible to animals. Thus without crating any noise pollution, animals are driven off the fields. The buzzer switched on automatically only after animals are detected in the farm. 5) GSM module GSM module is used to sending a message to the owner of farm after comparison output is positive or negative. If output is positive then wild animal detected then message send to the owner of farm using GSM. The audio unit consists of a microcontroller, audio player, memory to store tracks and the speakers. The microcontroller will be programmed such that when the camera detects an animal and send an image, a MOSFET will close a normal open circuit for a particular amount of time (say 35-45 seconds). GSM used to send the message to the owner of the farm if the animals cross the specified limit. B. Raspberry Pi Technology Raspberry pi Technology is used in this system. A small credit-card sized computer capable of performing various functionalities such as in surveillance systems, military applications, etc. The various functionalities of the components are given below the various components of Raspberry- Pi is as – SD Card Slot is used to install OS/booting/long term storage. The total memory of the SD card is about 8GB. • Micro USB Power Port provides 700mA at 5A. RCA Video Out is connected to display if HDMI output is not used. It is mainly used to carry audio and video signals. They are otherwise called as A/V jacks. – Audio out Digital audio is obtained if HDMI is used to obtain stereo audio. Here analogue RCA connection is used. – Ethernet Port is used to connect to the Internet. It also plays a role in updating, getting new software easier. – HDMI OUT (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is used with HDTVs and monitors with HDMI input. Also HDMIHDMI is used here. – BROADCOM BCM 2835: It is otherwise defined as System on chip .It is a 700 MHz Processor. It has a Video core IV GPU. GPIO allows us to control and interact with real world. 1) USB Camera USB Camera captures the image and sends it to the USB port of the Raspberry Pi board. The camera model used here is USB Camera model 2.0. B. 2) GSM Modem A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. Computer information is stored digitally whereas information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts between these two forms [10]. C. – – – – –
Exact Outcome of the System To design a security system for farm protection. Prohibit the entry of animal into the farm. Use GSM module for altering us. Design a system that sounds when animal tries to enter into the farm. If in case any animal try to entering in the farm message can be send to the owner of the farm.
D. Flowchart and Working As per following flowchart the system is going to be work, here first whenever any animal try to cross the boundaries of farm PIR Sensor automatically detects it through certain range by using ultrasonic sensor. Once the animal is identified its image has been taken with the help of Camera module interface with raspberry pie and image is going to be stored in SD Card Module .after this image is processed through different stages for getting in desired form and ultimately send to user for information. Parallel to capturing of image the buzzer has been initiated by controller which sends unwanted noise to animal due to which animal gets disturbed and they hold themselves from entering into farm.
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Design and Implementation of an Advanced Security System for Farm Protection from Wild Animals (GRDJE/ Volume 4 / Issue 3 / 003)
Fig. 2: Flowchart of System
Advantages Continuous monitoring can be done. Mini appearance. Device can be implemented in large scale. Simple Circuit. Low cost maintenance. Automatic operation Long life time.
B. – – – –
Application Main application is to protect the farmer and wild animals. This can also be implemented in forest range for preventing the animal reaching the road. It can be used for security system for houses. This unit can be used in area where human movement is minimal. It can be placed near agricultural lands to prevent the entry of wild animals from nearby forest.
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE The problem of damaging crops by wild animals has become a major social problem in the current time. It requires urgent attention and an effective solution. Thus this project carries a great social relevance as it aims to address this problem. The proposed system
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Design and Implementation of an Advanced Security System for Farm Protection from Wild Animals (GRDJE/ Volume 4 / Issue 3 / 003)
based on Raspberry pi is found to be more compact, user friendly and less complex, which can readily be used in order to perform.. In this project the process is fully automated and it does not cause any hurt to animal during repellent. Future scope in this project is to detect the location of the animals by using RFID injector and GPS. From this it is concluded that the design system is very useful and affordable to the farmer. The design system will not be dangerous to animal and human being, and it protects farm. In the future, there will be very large scope, this project can be made based on Image processing in which wild animal can detect by cameras and if it comes towards farm then system will be directly activated through wireless networks. Wild animals can also be detected by using wireless networks such as laser wireless sensors and by sensing this laser or sensor’s security system will be activated. Cost of the system is near about Ten thousand. So it is affordable to farmer or any home security.
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