Smart Car Parking System

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 5 | Issue 5 | April 2020 ISSN- 2455-5703

Smart Car Parking System Shruti Sarasan Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India Yashaswini Taose Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Srishty Bam Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Avinash Bundela Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Kavita Namdev Senior Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract Now-a-days, mainly in metropolitan cities one of the major issue is availability of parking space. The reserved parking area during the busy hours gets completely full and congested which makes a lot of confusion for the car owner to look for their vehicle in the parking area. To overcome this difficulty, it is essential to modernize and improve the current parking system. For this purpose an android application is used to implement a prototype of Smart car Parking System. These allow the car owners to easily look for vehicle parking spaces with the help of IoT (Internet of Things) with slot allocation method and android application using firebase. The current available parking facilities are unable to cope with the arrival and departure frequency of large number of vehicle. To mitigate the previously mentioned issue, we proposed a Smart Parking Management System that helps drivers to automatically find a free parking space easily. Smart parking would enable vehicle occupancy, monitoring and managing to be done very effectively in real-time that would even help in reducing the environmental pollution. Proposed system provides optimized usage of parking space and gets considerable revenue generation. Keywords- Smart Parking Management, Internet of Things, Traffic Congestion, Optimize Parking

I. INTRODUCTION Parking is a major problem in today's congested, industrialized cities. There are just too many on-road vehicles and not enough parking spaces. This has resulted in the need for efficient parking management systems. Thus we demonstrate the use of IOTbased parking management system, which facilitates efficient use of parking spaces using IOT technology and android application. To illustrate the principle we use IR sensors to simulate parking slot occupancy by using servo motor as a gate opener. For internet access we have used a Wi-Fi modem and a microcontroller (Node MCU) to run the device. We have deployed a microcontroller that detects the movement of cars and it either opens the gate or not depending on whether there is any vacant spot for the cars to park. It is also possible to open a gate when another car enters the parking lot, or when a car leaves the parking lot to shut the gate. We have used GUI interface for Online Connectivity and IOT Management. Two sets of sensors exist: one at the first gate (entry gate) and one at the second gate (exit gate). The machine senses whether it uses IR sensors to fill parking spaces. It also uses IR technology to sense whether a vehicle has arrived at the gate for automatic opening of the gate. The system reads the number of available parking slots and updates data with the cloud server to allow online parking slot accessibility. Thus the microcontroller reduces the count displayed accordingly whenever a car moves out of the parking area, and also closes the gate. Thus the system solves the issue of parking for cities and provides users with an effective IOT-based parking management system and along with this we have implemented a real-time based firebase application that will help to view the availability of slots more effectively. According to a report Smart Parking could result in saving 2, 20,000 gallons of fuels till 2030 and approx. 3, 00,000 gallons of fuels by 2050 if implemented successfully. Smart Parking systems obtain information about available parking spaces in a particular geographic area. This method is for positioning of vehicles at appropriate locations in real-time and it also involves collection of data in real-time using low cost sensors.

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Smart Car Parking System (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 5 / 007)

II. LITERATURE SURVEY A. Smart Parking Reservation System using Short Message Services (SMS) It is a good parking plan that solves the problem of wasting time in finding parking space. The reservation system is designed in such a way that users can reserve their parking spaces through SMS services. The SMS sent will be processed by a wireless communication device called a micro-RTU (Remote Terminal unit). This Micro-RTU will respond to booking confirmation and will provide reservation information such as password and lot number. The program is fully automated using the Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC). This Microcontroller is able to store the details of empty parking spaces, provide passwords and allow or deny access to the parking space. B. ZigBee and GSM based Secure Vehicle Parking Management and Reservation System The main problem that the vehicle users are facing every day is finding out parking space for their vehicle and it's security. A statistical report says that most of the vehicles are stolen when parked. Security is the main issue lacking in many of the parking areas. An automated parking management system will provide a solution for these issues. Various parking system uses camera and vehicle monitoring system, which is not cost effective and also does not provide full scale security to the vehicles. The above system helps in overcoming this issue by providing two way password securities, and the system will be very much cost effective. The parking lot is provided with infrared sensors which allow continuous sense of parking. If any vehicle is detected, it will indicate it's presence to the microcontroller to which it is interfaced. The microcontroller will then send the status information to the Zigbee node. It is also interfaced with the microcontroller. Then the information is transmitted to the end Zigbee node. The end node is interfaced with a coordinator system at the entrance of the parking. With the help of the display device one can identify whether parking is available or not. This scenario works well with single level parking system. C. Smart Parking Service based on Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that allows vehicle drivers to effectively find the free parking places. The proposed scheme consists of wireless sensor networks, embedded web-server, central web-server and mobile phone application. In the system, lowcost wireless sensors networks modules are deployed into each parking slot equipped with one sensor node. The state of the parking slot is detected by sensor node and is reported periodically to embedded web-server via the deployed wireless sensor networks. This information is sent to central web-server using Wi-Fi networks in real-time, and also the vehicle driver can find vacant parking lots using standard mobile devices. D. An Intelligent Parking Guidance and Information System by using Image Processing Technique The problem of parking, especially big cities, is one of the main causes of traffic congestion. The Parking Guidance and Information System (PGIS) is considered an effective way to improve the parking situation. The conventional parking systems are designed to use different sensors such as IR or ultrasonic sensors. By using these sensors they indicate that the parking lot is free or that they already occupied. But in reality these sensors were not used to locate the vehicle and in particular they could detect anything. By using the image analysis process it identifies only the vehicle or if there is anything other than a car in the parking lot it does not show the slot to be booked. There is also an important feature in this parking system which fetches the aforementioned status of the parking slot on the web or Internet and status can updated for particular time. In this way the parking system is simple and flexible for anyone to view and book a slot from anywhere. It was done using Image Processing, Embedded Linux, ARM9, GSM. Unfortunately, only a few of the used parking lots have used the PGIS for their data transmission routes usually based on the RS485 bus. However, it is less convenient for the current parking facilities to be incorporated by an internal PGIS, because the reconstruction encumbers the operation of the parking slots. E. Smart Parking System using IoT In recent times the concept of smart cities has become very popular. Thanks to the emergence of the Internet of Things the concept of a smart city now doesn’t seem far-fetched. Ongoing efforts are being made in the IoT sector to increase the productivity and reliability of urban infrastructure. Problems such as, traffic congestion, limited car parking and road safety are being addressed by IoT. For this project, we introduce an advanced IoT-based parking system. The proposed Smart Parking system consists of deployment of the IoT module site which is used to monitor the availability status of each parking lot. The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) started with things that have communication devices. Devices can be tracked, controlled or monitored using remote computers connected to the Internet. IoT extends the use of the Internet that provides connectivity, and thus network connectivity for devices and physical objects, or 'Objects'. IoT, usually with a communication system for devices and physical objects, a number of objects can collect data in remote locations and communicate to units that manage, receive, organize and analyze information about processes and services. It provides an idea where objects (wearables, watches, alarm clocks, household items, surroundings) become smarter by communicating with embedded small devices that communicate with remote objects or people through a wireless connection. The cloud acts as a perfect IoT partner as it serves as a platform where all sensor data can be stored and accessed from remote locations. These factors led to the integration of both technologies and thus led to the development of a new technology called Cloud of Things (CoT). In CoT objects (nodes) could be accessed, viewed and managed from any remote location

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Smart Car Parking System (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 5 / 007)

through the cloud. Due to the very high temperature in the cloud any number of locations can be added or removed from the IoT system in real time. In simple terms, Physical Object + controller, Sensor and Actuators + Internet = Internet of Things One of the key issues related with urban cities is proper availability and management of parking facilities and traffic control systems. In today's cities access to parking is always difficult for drivers, and it becomes more difficult with the increase in the number of private car users. This situation can be seen as an opportunity for smart cities to take action to increase the efficiency of their parking resources and thus lead to reduced searching time, traffic congestion and road accidents. Problems with parking and traffic collisions can be solved if drivers are notified in advance about the availability of parking spaces in and around their intended destination. After following the advances in sensor technology, many modern cities have chosen to deploy various IoT systems to surrounding cities for testing purposes. The system helps the user know the availability of parking spaces in real time.

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Our Smart Car Parking System project is based on the slot allocation process, this method is implemented using IoT. IoT uses IR sensors, Servo Motor and Node MCU to do the work. In addition to this is an Android app that when downloaded by a user, shows the user the availability of parking space in real time. So the parking system makes use of the following technologies: A. Detection Technology Smart parking systems need to have geographical parking details to enable drivers to find parking. Finding a parking spot can be achieved with a variety of sensor technologies. The sensor technologies are able to determine when a parking lot is isolated or occupied. The correct detection technology varies depending on the systems objectives and scope. Detection technology can be divided into two main categories: vision based or sensor based. B. Vision Supported A vision-based acquisition capable of capturing multiple parking spaces simultaneously which would help in detecting the availability of parking space. The detection technology used can be further divided into two different ways, one way is to calculate the number of incoming and outgoing traffic and to estimate the number of available spaces, while another way is to monitor each potential parking area and to direct traffic to existing locations. C. Sensor B ased On the other hand the sensor based detection makes use of multiple sensors, a single sensor for each parking area is used that can detect each parking area individually. So we have leveraged the technology of Sensor to improve our high quality parking system. The overall performance of the program is demonstrated using the following steps: The slot allocation method follows the procedure as: Step 1: This picture shows that when a car is there at the entry and the slot is empty the gate is opened for the car to get in

Step 2: This picture shows that when the slot is filled and there is no space the red LED blinks and the gate does not get open for the next car to get parked.

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Smart Car Parking System (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 5 / 007)

Step 3: This picture shows that when the slot is filled and there is no space the red LED blinks and the gate does not get open for the next car to get parked.

Step 4: This picture shows that when the parking slot gets empty the get is opened for the next car to get park.

The application which we made for our project Smart parking: This is the UI of our application which shows the availability of car in parking area and also shows the empty places whenever the car exit from the parking area. D. FireBase Database

IV. RESULT The IOT based smart parking system has been planned such that the user can park their vehicle in less time and also the user doesn’t have to worry about getting stuck in the traffic. When the user approaches towards the parking space, he will be notified All rights reserved by


Smart Car Parking System (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 5 / 007)

on the respective application that whether the parking space is available or not. If the space isn’t available then the servo motor attached to the gate would not open the gate but if the parking space is available then the gate would be opened. The IR sensor would sense the presence of the vehicle and would update the data on the database which is our firebase. This data would be updated at real time. So the user doesn’t have to worry about the accuracy of the parking slots shown on the app.

V. CONCLUSION An efficient, cost-effective and smart parking system has been designed which provides a viable solution to various problems such as traffic congestion, excessive fuel consumption etc. The various difficulties and concerns such as safety, security etc, are taken into account and their solutions are provided. The parking system can be implemented in almost all urban locations such as railway stations, police stations, malls etc. The proposed system abolishes the need of unnecessary travelling in parking slots and hence reduces the time as well as the effective cost. This system provides the actual and desired information about the availability of parking slots in the parking system. Users can book the available slots through the use of Wise 3 IoT platform. This paper desires to improve the parking facilities of the city, and hence reduce wastage of fuel, reduce traffic jams, decrease air pollution and noise pollution thereby improving quality of life.

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