Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing..

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 5 | Issue 11 | October 2020 ISSN- 2455-5703

Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security Mohammad Hesamzadeh Department of Computer Engineering Khayyam Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran

Abstract The goal of this paper is to explore how to realize a mobile city guide using the Android Innovation platform, including a prototype of the city guide. The project in our paper consists of entire details of those locations or how to reach the locations as well as other emergency amenities like hospital, institutes, bus stops etc. but it provides the basic information to decide the places to visit. This paper and its new idea of it, mainly beneficial for the tourists having no idea about the places to visit, by providing a geographically based information management system the tourists and people shifting to new cities can get a better guidance of places they want to visit. Keywords- Tourism Management System, Intelligent Application, Security

I. INTRODUCTION Because Dhofar governorate is rich in attractive tourist places and archeological locations, it needs to provide tourist guides who give the real image of that places and tourist attractions for tourists which provides the tourist with city map depending on the location entered by the Android Innovation phone user where this information helps the tourists to find the required locations to visit, and include many details of those locations and how to reach the location, moreover amenities such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. One of the benefits of using this application is reducing the time required to search for a place also leads to quicker decision making with respect to places to visit. A. Project Aims This project Android Innovation tourist guide provides the tourist with city map depending on its current location entered by the Android Innovation phone user. This information helps the tourists to find the desired location to visit. B. Main Tasks of the Project The main tasks that we discuss in the project: – This proposed application does require an internet access. – By making the application GIS-based, it includes many advantages as the user can view the required location in the map. – The management system gives the basic details that will be required such as an image of that place along with basic details like the address, contact no etc. C. Value of the Project The principal value of the project is to offer a complete knowledge of the way to understand city guide through Android. The final prototype includes fundamental functionalities of city guide such as how to reach the location as well as emergency amenities in the city etc. D. How is the Project Structured? A prototype of an Android Innovation tourist guide in our project is planned to consist of the following component: – Discuss the objective and main tasks need to be achieved through the project. – Break down the project hardware and/or software into sub-systems. – Discuss and develop a timetable (milestone) of the sub-system. – Performing a literature survey, problem definition, data collection, and formulation of requirements.

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Technology Evolution In Fig shows the development of some innovative components in portable direction applications. The IrDA-based limitation was trailed by RFID and Bluetooth-based confinement. GPS has been utilized in1997 as an outside restriction strategy. In 2007 there was a critical spike in the utilization of cell phones as customer gadgets for versatile aides, and that was trailed by the presence of iPhone and Android Innovation portable aides two years after the fact. Travel website in English e-tourism is a gathering of tourism administrations identified with and the Internet. E-tourism constitutes the majority of the volume of e-business where the wage of this segment surpassed 89 billion dollars on the planet in 2004, in France and touched base in e-tourism proportion to 45% in 2005 from the measure of e-trade.

Fig. 1: First used technology and trends in the mobile guide

B. History of Android Innovation System Android Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, the United States by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears & Chris White in Oct 2003. Google acquired Android Inc17th Aug 2005. The Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies was formed 5th Nov 2007[1]. C. Android Version History The version history of the Android mobile operating management system began with the release of the Android beta in November 2007. The first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008. Android is under ongoing development by Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), and has seen a number of updates to its base operating management system since its initial release.[2] There are different versions of Android as shown below:

Fig. 2: Show Android Version

In our project we use version 1.0, which released on September 23, 2008. It is the first Android phone in the world (sometimes called as the T-Mobile G1). It enabled camera support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, folders, a web browser, notifications, voice dialing, YouTube, alarm clock, gallery, instant messaging, media player, and the whole Google apps array and Android Market [3].

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

III. SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A. Software Unit The main principle software in our project is Android Innovation Studio which is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android Innovation app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA as shown in figure 3.We have programmed our phone using Android Innovation software (Layout) to design our project [4].

Fig. 3: Hardware/ software management system

The flowchart below shows the main structure design of our project.

Flowchart 1: Android Innovation Tourist Guide

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

Flowchart 2: Sub Flowchart of Experiences

Flowchart 3: Sub Flowchart of Accommodation

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Flowchart 4: Sub Flowchart of Transportation

Flowchart 5: Sub Flowchart of Restaurants and Cafes

Flowchart 6: Sub Flowchart of Multimedia

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

Flowchart 7: Sub Flowchart of Emergency

Flowchart 8: Sub Flowchart of Shopping

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

The project structure contains: – Manifests.XML: App metadata file – Java: java class files containing app logic – res: Contains all non-code resources, such as XML layouts, UI strings, and images. – build.gradle: Build related settings

Fig. 4: The project files view

B. What is Android Android is the world’s most popular mobile operating management system. It is based on Linux kernel 3.4/3.10 (depending on device) and is open-source (with proprietary bits). It runs on a wide variety of hardware, including smartphones, smartwatches, cars, televisions, digital cameras, game consoles etc.... It was founded by Andy Rubin and three others in October 2003 and got acquired by Google in August 2005. C. Why We Chose Android Innovation Studio for our Application Is gigantic: Over 1B users Over 1.5M activations per day Over 200M smartphones running Android sold annually Over 1.43M apps available Over 76% smartphone operating management system market share is freedom Free Software Development Kit (SDK), IDE and emulator No restrictions Faster access to new form factors and hardware Distribute your app anywhere (Play store, Amazon Appstore, …) [5] Table 1: Specifications of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 5.7-inch Super AMOLED Display 2560 x 1440 resolution Processor Exynos 7420 RAM 4GB (LPDDR4) Storage 32/64 GB 16 MP rear camera with OIS Camera 5 MP front-facing camera WiFi a/b/g/n/ac Connectivity Bluetooth 4.1, NFC, GPS + GLONASS Networks LTE cat 6 300/50 3,000 mAh Battery Fast charging WPC and PMA-compatible wireless charging Software Android 5.1 Lollipop with Touch Wiz Dimensions 153.2 x 76.1 x 7.6mm, 171g Colors black sapphire, white pearl, gold platinum

D. Main Activity Is a component that provides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something, so our main activity shows login and signup button screen by using Google account. Android developers integrate google sign-in into Android Innovation apps this feature makes things much easier for users.

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Fig. 5: Main Activity

1) Main Activity.XML 1) Add Sign-in button:

2) Add Signup button:

3) Add Login button:

2) Main We activate this feature in the Android Innovation studio by selecting File > Open > google-services, and then open Googleservices/android/signin. Also, configuration googles API console project. After we get the configuration file we add the google services in grade fromgoogle-services.json file.

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

1) To save data while the application runs, we using (Bundle savedInstanceState) function. The data is saved in the object type Bundle, which is a Data Structure for Android Innovation is used to save data

2) In Main Activity on create method, create a GoogleSignInOptions object with the DEFAULT_SIGN_IN parameter. To request users' email addresses as well, create the GoogleSignInOptions object with the request Email option.

3) In Main Activity on create method, create a GoogleApiClient object with access to the Google Sign-In API and the options you specified.

4) In Main Activity on Click method, sign-in button taps by creating sign-in intent with the get Sign In Intent method, and starting the intent with start Activity For Result.

5) In Main Activity in the activity's on Activity Result method, retrieve the sign-in result with getSignInResultFromIntent.

After we retrieve the sign-in result, we can check if sign-in succeeded with the isSuccess method. If sign-in succeeded, you can call the getSignInAccount method to get a GoogleSignInAccount object that contains information about the signed-in user.

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

6) In MainActivityonClick method, signup button taps by creating a signup intent with set data intent for the browser (Url parse).

E. Options Activity Is a component of options that the user selects the desired option such as, Map, Restaurant, Shopping, etc.?

Fig. 6: Options Activity

1) OptionsActivity.XML 1) Add Image button for map:

2) Add Image button for experience:

The Remaining button is the same. 2) In OptionsActivity onClick method, Image button taps by creating a restaurant intent, and starting the intent with startActivityForResult.

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Remaining the same for other buttons. F. Map Activity To Activate google maps we have to install google play services SDK, also get google maps API key to access google maps servers this key is free we get it from Google API Console. 1) MapActivity.XML

2) 1) In java Activity we Initialize google play services:

2) Get location current latitude and longitude:

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

G. Multimedia Options Is a component of options that the user selects the desired option such as Video, Pictures, and Posters?

Fig. 7: Multimedia Options Activity

1) MultimediaOptions.XML 1) Add Video button:

We repeat same XML code for Pictures and Posters button. 2) The basic function in Multimedia Options on Click method, Button taps by creating mu1_1 intent and starting the intent with startActivityforResult.

H. YouTube Player Fragment Activity In YouTube player activity we used YouTube Android Player API in Android Studio, and Copy YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar file to /libs folder in our project. 1) YouTubePlayerFragmentActivity.XML

2) 1) Add API from Google APIs:

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

2) Add video ID, we get itfrom YouTube: 3) initializing and adding YouTubePlayerFragment

4) Use this function to show if YouTube initialization result if successful or failure.

I. Image Grid Activity This application of picture shows how to load large bitmaps off the main UI (user interface) thread.

Fig. 8: Pictures Activity

1) ImageGridActivity.XML This ImageGridView will fill the entire screen [6].

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

2) ImageGridActivity.Java GridView is a ViewGroup that displays items in a two-dimensional, scrollable grid. We use a TAG which of course represents the name of the class which is ImageGridActivity class. And to distinguish which activity class has logged the information [7]. To save data while the application runs, we using (Bundle savedInstanceState) function. The data is saved in the object type Bundle, which is a Data Structure for Android is used to save data [8].

Definition the function and call it in the class through the keyword super.

J. Restaurant Activity In this activity, we make a list view of the important restaurant in Salalah with a mobile number.

Fig. 9: Restaurant Activity

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1) RestaurantActivity.XML In layout activity, we defined image view for restaurant picture and text view for the name and mobile number.

2) In java file activity we first initialize a variable forthe icon, restaurant name, and mobile.

To build a list view of the restaurant we have to insert Adapter that pulls content from a resource such as an array and convert each item result into a view that's placed into the list.

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K. Experience Activity In this Activity, we tried to display information about natural and historical locations in Salalah.

Fig. 10: Experience Activity

1) ExperienceActivity.XML In XML file we add tow button for natural and attraction and history and culture.

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

2) In java file, we follow the same steps in Restaurant Activity. In addition, we add registerClickCallback object and use switch and brake to move to another activity when clicking on the item.

For the other options, we follow the same steps. L. Manifest The manifest file provides essential information about your app to the Android Innovation management system, which the system must have before it can run any of the app's code. <permission> Declares a security permission that can be used to limit access to specific components or features of this or other applications.

<application> The declaration of the application. This component contains subelements that announce each of the application's parts and has characteristics that can influence every one of the segments. Large portions of these characteristics, (for example, symbol, name, authorization, process, taskAffinity, and allowTaskReparenting) set default values for relating qualities of the part components. Others, (for example, debuggable, empowered, depiction, and allowClearUserData) set qualities for the application overall and can't be superseded by the segments.

<metadata> A name-value pair for an item of additional, arbitrary data that can be supplied to the parent component. A component element can contain any number of <meta-data> subelements. The values from all of them are collected in a single Bundle object and made available to the component asPackageItemInfo.metaData field.

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<activity> Declares an activity (an Activity subclass) that implements part of the application's visual user interface. All activities must be represented by <activity> elements in the manifest file. Any that are not declared there will not be seen by the system and will never be run.

M. Gradle Scripts

IV. HARDWARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A. Hardware System This project Android Innovation tourist guide with the aim of creating a mobile application to supply the tourist with city map that shows the location and amenities like hospitals, hotels etc. entered by the Android Innovation phone user in Salalah. We have used some hardware during our prototype of the management system such as Cell phone, Server (API Key) and data base as showed in the Figure 11 below.

Fig. 11: The architecture of hardware management system

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Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security (GRDJE/ Volume 5 / Issue 11 / 001)

B. Hardware Description of Android Innovation Tourist Guide Components (Subsystem) 1) Cellphone Tours First, the users use their Gmail account to allow login our app. This project based on the hypothesis that users use their Android phones with a wireless network and having the ability to get GPS data To can see the available tourist location in Salalah including historical and natural locations. Also, using videos and pictures by access network [9]. 2) Server The Server is responsible showing points of attention information consistency of location and name by using the API Key that’s we get it from Google API to allow us using Google maps and YouTube. Application Program Interface (API) it’s a code passed in by computer programs calling an application programming interface to identify the calling program .by this key Google can connect you to with your app. 3) Database The Database contains all the information about locations by getting the coordinates of each location in Google maps and ID address in YouTube case[10] [11].

V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS In the project, we built Android Innovation tourist guide app for Salalah city. The app covers basic functions of city guide such as Map, accommodation, restaurant, transportation, emergency, shopping, natural and historical locations. The functions of a map showing POIs on a map, showing direction, showing user’s location on the map. Moreover, we have used API key to allow us using Google the maps and YouTube. Also, we used XML layout file to design the user interface. Finally, several Activities have been built for display different user interfaces that can interact with users. In future, during the implementation of our project, we can tend focus on improving the application by adding more feature such booking hotels and cars rental. Also, we can spread the project over Oman to serve the largest number of users.

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