Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing..

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 5 | Issue 11 | October 2020 ISSN- 2455-5703

Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security Mohammad Hesamzadeh Department of Computer Engineering Khayyam Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran

Abstract The goal of this paper is to explore how to realize a mobile city guide using the Android Innovation platform, including a prototype of the city guide. The project in our paper consists of entire details of those locations or how to reach the locations as well as other emergency amenities like hospital, institutes, bus stops etc. but it provides the basic information to decide the places to visit. This paper and its new idea of it, mainly beneficial for the tourists having no idea about the places to visit, by providing a geographically based information management system the tourists and people shifting to new cities can get a better guidance of places they want to visit. Keywords- Tourism Management System, Intelligent Application, Security

I. INTRODUCTION Because Dhofar governorate is rich in attractive tourist places and archeological locations, it needs to provide tourist guides who give the real image of that places and tourist attractions for tourists which provides the tourist with city map depending on the location entered by the Android Innovation phone user where this information helps the tourists to find the required locations to visit, and include many details of those locations and how to reach the location, moreover amenities such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. One of the benefits of using this application is reducing the time required to search for a place also leads to quicker decision making with respect to places to visit. A. Project Aims This project Android Innovation tourist guide provides the tourist with city map depending on its current location entered by the Android Innovation phone user. This information helps the tourists to find the desired location to visit. B. Main Tasks of the Project The main tasks that we discuss in the project: – This proposed application does require an internet access. – By making the application GIS-based, it includes many advantages as the user can view the required location in the map. – The management system gives the basic details that will be required such as an image of that place along with basic details like the address, contact no etc. C. Value of the Project The principal value of the project is to offer a complete knowledge of the way to understand city guide through Android. The final prototype includes fundamental functionalities of city guide such as how to reach the location as well as emergency amenities in the city etc. D. How is the Project Structured? A prototype of an Android Innovation tourist guide in our project is planned to consist of the following component: – Discuss the objective and main tasks need to be achieved through the project. – Break down the project hardware and/or software into sub-systems. – Discuss and develop a timetable (milestone) of the sub-system. – Performing a literature survey, problem definition, data collection, and formulation of requirements.

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