GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | December 2020 ISSN- 2455-5703
An Efficient Comparison Neural Network Methods to Evaluate Student Performance Dr. V. S. R. Kumari Principal ( Professor) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Mittapalli Institute of Technology for Women /JNTU Kakinada Suresh Veesa Associate Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Mittapalli Institute of Technology for Women /JNTU Kakinada
Srinivasa Rao Chevala Assistant Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Mittapalli Institute of Technology for Women /JNTU Kakinada
Abstract In present educational frameworks, student performance prediction be getting worsen step by step. Predicting student performance ahead of time can support students as well as to their instructor for monitor progress of a student. Numerous organizations have adopt persistent assessment framework today. Such frameworks are advantageous to the students in improving performance about student studies. This cause about continuous evolutional work toward helped to regular students. As of late, Neural Networks have seen far reaching and effective usage in a wide scope of information mining applications, frequently surpassing different classifiers. This investigation means to explore if Neural Networks are a fitting classifier to predict student performance from Learning Management System information with regards to Educational Data Mining. To survey the applicable of Neural Networks, we think about their predictive performance against six other classifiers on this dataset. These classifiers are Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbours, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression and will be prepared on information acquired during each course. The features utilized for preparing originated through LMS information acquired while performing every course, as well as range from utilization information like time spent on each course page, to grades got for course tasks and tests. Subsequent to preparing, the Neural System beats every one of the six classifiers as far as precision and is comparable to the best classifiers regarding review. We can infer that Neural Networks beat the six different calculations tried on this dataset and could be effectively utilized toward predicting the student Performance. Keywords- Neural Networks, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression
I. INTRODUCTION Predicting student performance is a valuable application for school, instructor and understudies. School can concede high caliber understudies concurring understudies' scholastic presentation. For the teacher, it can assist them with checking understudies' presentation what's more, give better training techniques. For understudies, they can improve and change execution in time. There are numerous investigations have talked about this comparable point. Amirah et al. [1] found that the combined evaluation point average was a significant characteristic and had been regularly been utilized. They investigated a few forecast models, counting Decision Tree, Neural Network, NaĂŻve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine. The outcome was that Neural Network can have the most noteworthy exactness, and coming up next is Decision Tree. Moreover, these days, there is a ton of separation training, which understudies regularly feel secluded because of absence of correspondence. Training is not, at this point a one-time occasion yet a deep rooted understanding. One explanation is that working lives are currently so long what's more, quick changing that individuals need to continue learning all through their professions [3]. While the great model of training isn't scaling to meet these evolving needs, the more extensive market is developing to empower laborers to learn in new manners. Gigantic open online courses (MOOCs), offered by organizations, for example, Udacity and Coursera, are currently centering a lot all the more legitimately on courses that make their understudies more employable. At Coursera and Udacity, understudies pay for short programs that present micro credentials and Nano degrees in innovation centered subjects, for example, self-driving vehicles and Android. Additionally, colleges are offering on the web degrees to make it simpler for experts to get to chances to build up their aptitudes (e.g., Georgia Tech's Computer Science Graduate degree). Nonetheless, widening admittance to front line professional subjects doesn't normally ensure understudy achievement [2]1 . In a great study hall, where understudy numbers are restricted, different elements of cooperationâ€&#x;s empower the educator to very adequately survey an individual understudy's degree of commitment and foresee their learning results (e.g., effective finish of a course, course withdrawals, last grades). In the universe of MOOCs, the noteworthy increment in understudy numbers makes it All rights reserved by