COVID – 19 Virus

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | January 2021 ISSN- 2455-5703

COVID – 19 Virus Navin Dhinnesh ADC Department of Computer Applications Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu India

Neethidevan V Department of Computer Applications Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu – India

Abstract The later part of year 2019 saw a potential threat to humans in the form of covid – 19 viruses. The worry regarding this covid – 19 viruses is that it spreads so fast among humans. Spreading of this type of viruses must be detected and controlled. At present there is no medicine or treatment for this disease. It is considered as a global pandemic disease. Symptoms for this disease are mild fever, shortness of breath, and continuous dry cough. Also a person affected with this will have severe body pain. Lot of methods is involved in detecting the virus. In this paper the author explains few methods of detecting the viruses. Keywords- COVID-19, Virus, Droplets, SARS, Human

I. INTRODUCTION The pandemic caused by virus in the later part of 2019 saw a major threat among mankind. The virus named Coronavirus Disease abbreviated as COVID was a major problem concerning the health issues. It affects the respiratory organs and makes humans to breathe heavily [1]. Virus attack not only computers, but it also infect human being. Year 2019 was a nightmare for most of the human beings in the world, due to the attack of Corona Virus. Corona viruses (CoV) are nothing but family of viruses [2]. Covid – 19 is also a type of virus. Noval Corona Virus is the root cause for Covid - 19. The expansion for COVID – 19 is given in figure 1.

Fig. 1: COVID – 19 expansion

Initially the noval corona virus was originated from a city called Wuhan in China in the year 2019 and hence the name COVID -19. This virus will cause severe illness in humans. Few also suffer from severe cold and more complicated respiratory problems. More number of people was affected by this virus. The virus is called to be Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2 (CoV-2) [3]. This virus is very much deadly to humans. This virus will be affecting humans of all ages. But the most affected are the people aged above 60 and those people who have preexisting diseases. To control this virus almost the whole word was under lockdown for quite a period of time. People did not come out of their house for their daily needs. And if any human is found to be infected with this virus, then that particular person was quarantined separately for a period of 14 days. That person was given a steam healing by inhaling steam and made to drink hot water and wear mask. Even now people are very cautious in coming out of their house.

II. SPREADING OF VIRUS The virus spreads from one person to another person. The virus spreads very fast and that too by respiratory droplets. Spreading of virus [4] is shown in figure 2. The man on the left is an infected person and the man on the right side is a normal person. Once the infected person sneezes, the virus present in the droplets spread to the normal person. And once when the normal person inhales the affected droplets then he is affected by corona. It is known that the virus can spread to a distance of 2 meters.

Fig. 2: Spread of Virus

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COVID – 19 Virus (GRDJE/ Volume 6 / Issue 2 / 003)

The covid 19 virus can also be spread by touching an infected object. If a normal person touches an infected object and by mistake if he touches his nose then he gets infected with covid. One can know that a particular person is infected with covid by means of the following symptoms: a) the person will have a mid fever, ii) severe cough, iii) feeling uneasy when breathing, or, iv) in some cases a person will have symptoms of diarrhea.

III. STRUCTURE OF CORONA The structure of corona virus [5] is shown in figure 3 and consists of a variety of particles [6]. The structure is of a helical nucleocapsid.

Fig. 3: Structure of Corona

Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica The virus structure has the combination of nucleoprotein (N), and viral genomic RNA. This RNA is enclosed by a lipid bilayer. At this point, 3 to 4 kinds of structural proteins are positioned as: i) spike (S) glycoprotein, ii) Membrane (M) protein, and iii) envelope (E) small membrane protein. SARS coronavirus 2 is believed to be positive sense with single threaded RNA [7] that is bonded to a nucleoprotein and is enclosed by a capsid which is matrix protein.

IV. DETECTING COVID-19 There are numerous ways in detecting a corona virus. In [8], the authors have proposed a technique for identifying humans those who wear masks and those not wearing masks. That technique is based on computer vision combined with deep learning. Surveillance cameras are used with this model to identify the persons with and without masks. By identifying people without face mask, one can instruct them to wear a mask to avoid getting infected from the virus. In [9], the authors have come up with a new model for detecting coronavirus. The methodology used here is deep learning for identifying patients with the help of X-ray images. The person’s corona affected x-ray images are categorized by support vector machine (SVM) with the help of deep feature. This model is very useful for the physician in diagnosing patients with coronavirus. In [10], the authors have used speech recognition techniques for identifying corona patients. They use Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in combination with SVM classifiers in order to detect the patients affected by corona. They have done their work with Arabic speech signals with the recorded phone calls.

V. PREVENTION FROM COVID-19 Even though there are many methods for detecting covid-19, it is better to be cautious from not get the virus. The following are few preventive measures to avoid covid virus. 1) Wear face mask 2) Avoid touching any people 3) Inhale hot steam 4) Drink hot water 5) Wash your hands frequently 6) Keep a minimum of 3 feet distance from others 7) Avoid crowded place Apart from the above mentioned points, people need to be very careful when they are going outside their house. The people must take their own precautions to get not infected by the virus.

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VI. CONCLUSION It is a very high risk while dealing with COVID-19 for anybody, being general public or frontline workers, or physicians, or healthcare people, etc. Lot of research is going on to develop a vaccine for the virus. Lot of education is needed to prevent this deadly disease. In this paper a few techniques are highlighted for detecting the corona virus. But this virus has given the researchers a great chance to develop new technologies for preventing this disease. Lot of research must be carried out on animals to get a proper vaccine for the covid virus.

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