Driver Distraction, alcohol and Obstacle Detection through Machine Learning: A Review

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 6 | Issue 5 | April 2021 ISSN- 2455-5703

Driver Distraction, Alcohol and Obstacle Detection through Machine Learning: A Review Rupali Parte Professor Department of Computer Engineering Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering, Pune Kunal Patil UG Student Department of Computer Engineering Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering, Pune

Ajay Kulkarni UG Student Department of Computer Engineering Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering, Pune

Shubham Wadekar UG Student Department of Computer Engineering Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering, Pune

Rohit Sangamnerkar UG Student Department of Computer Engineering Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering, Pune

Abstract Driving is an inherently dangerous proposition as the vehicles are travelling at great speed which could lead to any minor inconsistencies or errors by the driver can lead to catastrophic results. To reduce such occurrences and provide a safe transport and travel for the users, there are carefully crafted rules and regulations that need to be abided. These rules are enforced by the traffic police and other regulatory authorities. But most of the time, the sheer number of vehicles on the road can overwhelm the authorities in their quest for compliance of the regulations. This leads to drunken driving and lethargic driver that is attempting to drive in that inebriated condition. This leads to unsafe conditions on the road that can lead to a mishap. There have been a multitude of approaches that are utilized for enabling the detection of drunkenness and distraction, but most of the approaches are either inaccurate or are highly intrusive. Therefore, this research proposes an effective technique for driver distraction along with alcohol and obstacle detection. The methodology employs the use of Region of Interest (ROI) in conjunction with Convolutional Neural Networks and Decision tree to provide highly accurate detection. This approach will be effectively outlined in the upcoming researches. Keywords- Convolutional Neural Networks and Decision Tree

I. INTRODUCTION Recent studies indicate that there has been an increase in road accidents which have been the cause of major fatalities. Road accidents are an unnecessary evil that has been taking countless lives across the world. The road accidents turn fatal due to the sheer speed of the vehicles along with the load of the heavy vehicles. The attentiveness of the driver too plays a major role in subverting an accident in an unpleasant scenario. Most of the fatal accidents happen due to the negligence of the driver which is one of the most dangerous situations that can lead to massive damage. The road fatalities in India are particularly problematic due to the very large population and the sub-standard quality of the roads. These conditions on the Indian streets are highly dangerous and have the potential to cause a lot of havoc to the distracted driver. The statistics have also indicated that there is also a prevalence of drunk driving which is extremely harmful to everyone. The inebriated driver has reduced reaction time that can impair the ability of the driver to react to a collision or an obstacle on the road. These conditions make it impossible for the driver to perform at the maximum potential that is necessary for the driver to conduct the various manoeuvres necessary for enabling safe and effective driving. There is a multitude of obstacles on the road especially in Indian cities that have roads that have an assortment of different obstacles that need to be managed effectively. The presence of any form of obstacles can veer the vehicle off track that can cause a collision in a different lane. This effect is compounded when the driver is drunk or distracted and encounters an obstacle on the street a little too late. This causes the driver to panic and try to avoid the obstacle at any cost. This leads to an erroneous judgment that can be detrimental to the drivers around. The panic could make the driver oversteer or apply too much course correction. This would immensely alter the course of the vehicle. The drunk or distracted driver would not be able to understand the feedback and judge the speed of the vehicle effectively. This would lead to the driver colliding into nearby cars and also reach oncoming traffic. This would be catastrophic as the other All rights reserved by


Driver Distraction, Alcohol and Obstacle Detection through Machine Learning: A Review (GRDJE/ Volume 6 / Issue 5 / 006)

drivers on the road would not be expecting such a situation to occur. The drunk driver has compromised senses that would make him/her unable to take corrective action before it’s too late. Therefore, an effective technique for the reduction of road accidents and the fatalities that occur due to it. For this purpose, a collection of related researches performed to reduce the number of fatal road accidents have been analysed in detail. These approaches have been effective in achieving their goals and have been highlighted in brief in this survey paper. The related researches have been effective in producing our approach. It has been identified that the majority of the accidents are caused either due to Driver Distraction, Alcohol Inebriation, and Obstacles on the road. Therefore, an effective technique based on machine learning and the Internet of Things has been envisioned and will be elaborated on in future research articles. This literature survey paper dedicates section 2 for analysis of past work as a literature survey, and finally, section 3 concludes the paper with traces of future enhancement.

II. RELATED WORK M. Yazdi narrates due to sleepy drivers there has been an increase in road accidents it is a major problem these days. The system predicts the driver's drowsiness and issues a warning as soon as the driver distracts his attention on the road. [1] Certain postures of the body and face are used as indications of driver’s fatigue. Face postures such as yawning and nose tip are the first thing to be recognized in an image. By using depth information, the location of the minimum depth data in the face image drowsiness is detected. Drowsiness usually occurs at night under insufficient lighting conditions. Driver drowsiness can be detected with very high accuracy thus by using depth information. C. Yu explains the latest statistical data where 1.35 million deaths and 20 to 50 million non-fatal injuries occur due to road accidents. [2] A major factor in many of the accidents is the driver’s drowsiness. Most of the methods require expensive sensors but their performances are limited, Thus in the proposed paper author introduces a new method called DrowsyDet. It is a real-time mobile application to detect driver drowsiness. The facial region and landmarks are extracted with a face detection model and landmark model it is the very first step in DrowsyDet. To classify facial drowsiness state, eyes state, and mouth state respectively three CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) models are built. H. Xu introduces optimization problems such as Obstacle detection and polarization skylight navigation. In recent researches polarization skylight navigation has the advantages of independence and non-error accumulate with time has been revealed. [3] Cloud detection or support vector machine (SVM) classifier for obstacles detection in the existing methods of polarized navigation. In the proposed system E-vector method based on polarization, a novel angular feature is introduced which is highly sensitive to all obstacles. On this basis, a multi-obstacles detector is designed. The results show that the E-vector angular feature achieves a small rate of false detection. Y. Zhou introduces a vision-based autonomous detection scheme to detect obstacles on the runway without the ground obstacle detection system. [4] By combining a canny operator edge detection algorithm and Hough line detection algorithm to identify and segment the runway region accurately it is taken from adaptive singular value decomposition and reconstruction. Thus in the proposed paper to detect obstacles on the runway without the ground obstacle detection system is introduced. To evaluate the information of the optical flow field in the runway area mixed Gauss background model is implemented. According to an accurately scaled model, the proposed technology is feasible and accurate. K. Dhakate states data provided by the Government of India in 2017, there were around five lakh road accident incidents in India which killed one and a half lakh people, and around five lakh people got injured these accidents were majorly occurred due to wireless devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth devices while driving the vehicle. [5] Distracted driving can be distinguished into four type’s biomechanical distraction, visual distraction, cognitive distraction, auditory distraction, and the activities such as Talking on a cell phone, eating something, talking to co-passengers, tuning the radio, or stereo system major cause of distraction is from inside of the car. The proposed system detects activities done by the driver in a real-time environment. A. Assefa introduces a deep recognition model that handles illumination conditions and the driver’s hand's skin colour to make biomechanical distraction recognition. [6] The main cause of the distracted driver is mainly categorized one is visual distraction second one is Cognitive distraction and the final one is a biomechanical distraction. The proposed paper uses stacked autoencoders to hand and face localization stage and different skin colour tones effects both methodologies are sequentially trained. Thus it proposed paper approaches distracted driver detection models with an accuracy of 98.68%. C. Huang narrates in the recent research on traffic safety a large number of traffic accident fatalities. Approximately 1.35 million people worldwide have died from traffic accidents according to the report from the World Health Organization (WHO).[7] In the proposed paper they have used a hybrid CNN framework (HCF) which is used for visual analysis to detect the behaviours of distracted drivers by using deep learning. To takeout, driver behaviour features are based on a transfer learning cooperative pretrained model that combines ResNet50, Inception V3, and Xception. When detecting distracted driving behaviours HCF achieves the classification accuracy of 96.74%. J. Mlynczak presents a framework device that would be able to detect alcohol vapours in moving cars. The detection of alcohol in the air exhausted by humans in moving cars is not easy. Resonance absorption of electromagnetic radiation is a very famous and well-known concept for stand-off detection of vapours and gases. In the proposed paper authors develop cascade lasers for stand-off detection of alcohol vapours in moving cars. [8] The device used for least indicate the car, it is very difficult to get the exact alcohol concentration.

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Driver Distraction, Alcohol and Obstacle Detection through Machine Learning: A Review (GRDJE/ Volume 6 / Issue 5 / 006)

S. Al-Youif states road safety has always been the priority. The signboards, direction arrows, and lanes have made the following rules much easier for the safety of the people from the accident. A pre-existing Alcohol sensor will be used in the proposed paper [9]. The paper is divided into three major first is the alcohol sensor second is the controlling unit it is necessary for the alcohol sensor and the last part is the motor driver shield it is used for a hypothetical scenario of motor control it is connected with the on-board chip with external power feed. The proposed framework results in the best for accident prevention system developments. H. Wakana explains there is a lot of effort made for preventing stop drunk driving. The driver status is monitored from the remote location by the proposed framework. The proposed framework consists breath sensor unit which is divided into four parts the first is a water vapour sensor second is gas sensors to detect ethanol acetaldehyde, and hydrogen all these sensors are connected and operated by the smartphone to check alcohol [10]. The system measures the alcohol level by the detector on a smartphone and displays it this data is also sent to the cloud. Thus the proposed system is very useful in decreasing alcohol-related accidents. X. Li narrates in signal processing removing the noises from the useful signals has been important research by Raman spectroscopy. [11] Raman spectroscopy has a specialty for detecting unknown materials in the laboratory and testing these materials in non-laboratory conditions. In the proposed system the Raman spectra of alcohol are used for the noise reduction method process and it is compared with the wavelet noise reduction method in MATLAB. Thus due to fluorescence background interference, the signal is too weak to detect. H. Singh aims to implement a non-intrusive system that can detect fatigue of the driver. A huge number of accidents occur due to the driver's drowsiness and alcohol detection. The proposed framework will be helpful in preventing many accidents [12]. The framework will use a camera to observe the eyes of the driver and will detect the driver's fatigue early enough to avoid an accident. Firstly the image is taken via camera and image processing is done afterward the hypo-vigilance is extracted from the eyes if the blinking is normal no warning is issued if the eyes are closed for more than one-sec system issues a warning to the driver by the alarm. S. P. Kumar [13] explains that what are the major factors in highly casualty red in traffic accidents is the divert distraction. Due to the driver not having effective attention on the road and changing conditions this can lead to highly dangerous accidents which can be fatal for everyone involved. Therefore to improve the safety of the commuters on the road there is a need to reduce the distracted behaviour of the driver for effective realisation of safer roads with lower fatalities or casualties. There have been number of approaches that are utilised for the detection of driver distraction and alerting the driver when they are distracted. The author in this methodology proposes an effective technique that utilizes ECG signals for the detection of distracted driving by the driver and generating the respective alerts effectively. The main problem of this approach is that there is an increased invasive method which requires the connection of ECG electrodes to the user which can be problematic.

III. METHODOLOGY The technique for effective and accurate driver distraction, alcohol and obstacle detection has been depicted in a diagrammatical format in the fig. 1 given below.

Fig. 1: Proposed Methodology

The methodology for the detection of driver drowsiness, alcohol detection, and obstacle detection has been realized through the use of the requisite sensors, such as a camera, ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection, and the alcohol sensor for alcohol detection. The algorithms utilized in this approach are elaborated below.

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Driver Distraction, Alcohol and Obstacle Detection through Machine Learning: A Review (GRDJE/ Volume 6 / Issue 5 / 006)

A. AdaBoost The AdaBoost algorithm is the short form for adaptive boosting that allows for the application of boosting to the machine learning implementations or classifiers. This type of adaptive boosting enables an effective and useful improvement in the classification task that can significantly increase the accuracy of the results. This implementation also increases the speed of execution and reduces the time complexity of the task considerably. The AdaBoost algorithm works by the effective combination that results in a strong classifier through several weak classifiers which achieve the boost. B. Entropy Estimation The entropy estimation in this approach is achieved through the use of Shannon Information Gain. The entropy evaluates the distribution of the information that leads to insightful data that can be helpful for understanding and executing complex machine learning implementations. C. Decision Tree The Decision Tree allows the effective classification of the data being provided as an input. The input entropy values are effectively classified to identify the obstacle, alcohol detection, and the driver drowsiness and achieve an alert. The Decision tree achieves the classification through the effective use of the if-then rules. This classification allows for the effective realization of the alert generation when the requisite requirements are met and the conditions are correlated to increase safety on the roads. The class diagram for the proposed approach is stipulated in figure 2 given below. This diagram details the various classes utilized for the purpose of achieving the presented approach and their inter-connections. This class diagram and effectively describe the execution of the approach in a streamlined manner.

Fig. 2: Class Diagram

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Driver Distraction, Alcohol and Obstacle Detection through Machine Learning: A Review (GRDJE/ Volume 6 / Issue 5 / 006)

IV. CONCLUSION The paradigm for improving road safety is one of the most essential needs of the hour. There has been an increase in the number of fatal accidents on the Indian roads in the recent years. The studies have also shown that the majority of the individuals in such accidents have been young people below the age of 25. This is a highly problematic occurrence that needs to be controlled and reduced significantly. The increase in the number of accidental fatalities have been linked to various attributes amongst which the 3 major causes for these inconsistencies are, Driver Distraction, Alcohol inebriation and obstacles on the road. Therefore, for this purpose the related works on this platform has been evaluated in detail and discussed in this paper briefly. Most of the approaches identified for the approach were not up to the mark, especially the approach defined in [13] which utilizes invasive ECG sensors for the driver distraction. These sensors need to put over the Driver which can cause discomfort and also increase the chances of distraction due to this implementation. Therefore an effective and non-invasive technique is achieved by our methodology that implements Driver distraction detection through video, blood alcohol level detection and obstacle detection through the implementation of Adaboost and Decision Tree. The formulated idea will be reflected in our future researches.



[3] [4] [5] [6]

[7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

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