GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | May 2021 ISSN- 2455-5703
An Experimental Study on Strength and Behaviors of Reactive Powder Concrete Vidhee H Patel PG Student Department of Civil Engineering Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar-384315, Mehsana, Gujarat, India
Ashutosh D Patel Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar-384315, Mehsana, Gujarat, India
Abstract Reactive powder concrete is an Ultra-High Strength Concrete with high strength ductile materials formulated. These materials included ordinary Portland cement, silica fume, quartz powder, steel fibre, super plasticizer and low water cement ratio. The compressive strength of cementations composite based material concrete reached up to 130 Mpa. The flexural strength got up to 30 Mpa and investigate the difference between reactive powder concrete (RPC), reactive powder concrete with coarse aggregate (RPCCA), reactive powder concrete with steel fibre (RPCSF) and reactive powder concrete with coarse aggregate and steel fibre (RPCCASF).The all RPC samples checked their mechanically and durability properties under different types of curing system like Normal water curing, Hot water curing, and steam water curing. Keywords- Reactive Powder Concrete, Compressive Strength, Durability Properties, Flexural Strength, Coarse Aggregate
I. INTRODUCTION In recent times, Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is very high strength cement based compound with high ductility has been established in Bouygues, France (Richard and Cheyrezy, 1994). RPC introduced by the Richard and Cheyrezy and the initial composition in which they eliminated coarse aggregates to improve the homogeneity. The relation between the coarse aggregate and the cement paste are the feeblest links in the matrix, therefore to develop strength the coarse aggregates were displaced from the composition. However, supplementary studies have specified that addition of coarse aggregate does not basically reduce the compressive strength. The main function of addition coarse aggregates reduced the cements content therefore the costs of concrete could be dropped.
II. MATERIAL STUDY AND METHODOLOGY A. Materials for RPC 1) Cement Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) of 53 grades was used for the experimental program conforming to IS: 12269-2013. 2) Fine Aggregate Fine aggregate used for RPC must be properly sieve to give lowest void ratio and free from injurious materials like clay, silt and chloride toxic waste etc., Here, it is used in the range of 2.36 mm sieve. 3) Coarse Aggregate The size of aggregate is more than 4.75 mm, are terms as coarse aggregate. The Course Aggregates from crushed igneous rock, conforming to IS: 383 is being used. The flakiness and elongation index was maintained well below 15%. Coarse aggregate shall consist of hard, clean, dense, durable, and uncoated crushed rock. 4) Water It should be clean from all the organic impurities as well as other dust particles. It should not be saline in nature. 5) Quartz Powder Generally quartz powder should be crystalline in nature. It is preferred based on their fine quality and their particle size ranges from 0.005 mm to 0.025 mm. The fundamental reason of quartz is to provide maximum resistance to the concrete in opposition to heat. Quartz Powder was obtained from Vimal Microns Ltd., Mehsana, Gujarat (India).
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