Different Types of Bracing System in Multi Story RCC Building

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | May 2021 ISSN- 2455-5703

Different Types of Bracing System in Multi Story RCC Building Krupaben J. Patel PG Student Department of Civil Engineering Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar-384315, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

Dhruvkumar H. Patel Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar-384315, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

Abstract The aim of this research is to investigate the structural performance of steel buildings with various bracing systems. The structural efficacy of different forms of bracing systems was also studied. Different types of bracing systems, such as Without Bracing, X Bracing, Diagonal Bracing, and V-type bracing, were used to examine the structural strength of the steel building. In this study, the analysis of a Different Shape of building for 10Storey with different Bracing system (Without bracings, X – bracings, Diagonal bracings, V – bracings, In.V – bracings) have been analysed and comparison of Different parameter like, Story Displacement, Story Drift, Story Stiffness, Lateral Load and Story Shear are modeled of this problem using ETABS software. In addition, to compare and contrast various bracing options. Keywords- Steel Bracing Systems, Story Displacements, Story Drift, Story Stiffness, Lateral Load, Story Shear

I. INTRODUCTION Bracings are important structural component of these building systems which resist lateral loads. Different types of concentric bracings widely adopted in practice are shown in Figure. The lateral loads are transferred as axial forces to the bracing thereby reduction in the beam and column sections are achieved. Hence, it is proven to be cost effective in comparison to moment resisting frames apart from simple connection details that makes construction easy. Many studies are conducted to assess the seismic performance of concentric braced frames. (1)

Fig. 1: Bracings of various styles

A. – – – – – –

Bracings The bracing action of the braced frame provides resistance to lateral force. The braces act as a force simulator for the associated beams and columns, allowing them to function as a single truss member. By increasing the stiffness and capacity of the frame, a bracing device increases its seismic efficiency. Steel bracing systems are currently being used because they are simple to erect and allow for openings. (6) 1) Objectives The aim is to assess the response of a braced structure that has been exposed to loads and to determine the best bracing method for effectively resisting the seismic load. To critically examine essential structural response parameters such as story displacements, drift, stiffness, lateral load, and shear for the configurations examined, such as bare frame and various bracing systems.

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