ave you ever wanted to do something great but were so incredibly scared about the very
thought of taking action? Perhaps you have a habit or two that you know are really not good for you, and no matter how hard you try, the habit remains. If you relate to either of these scenarios, or others like them, then this article has been written just for you. Sometimes when faced with challenges or something we know we need to do, the feeling of resistance to take action can be incredibly strong – sometimes even paralysing. Often, in this scenario people don’t act. Very soon, other things deemed as ‘more important’ start to drown out those action plans until they become a pipe dream. How would things change if someone who you highly respected and wanted to even impress, was going to ask about your progress? This is the strength of accountability, and it’s a powerful force that can help a person act even in the face of incredible resistance and opposition. In fact, accountability is so valuable that it can lead people to
Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result. - Bob Proctor
praise. Similarly, people whose integrity is so highly valued, will do anything to ensure they keep their word. So, if you really want to do something great and are finding resistance in some area of your life, then decide to be accountable to someone you trust and respect. That’s the strength of accountability, and this article will assist you in taking the next powerful steps to being accountable and taking action. Accountability–what to consider first.
follow through, gain momentum, all of
which leads to the wonder of creating
includes a number of important factors
new, empowering habits.
which will greatly assist you in your quest.
The interesting issue here is that when a person is accountable to another, there can be an in-built need for connection and DISCLAIMER
Things to consider include: 1. Finding a person who you trust and respect. GREAT HEALTH GUIDE | 31