Great Health Guide: May/June 2021

Page 46

Kids Matters


bedtime is a battlefield, take heart,

And this is why our children test us. They

you’re not alone. But just because

want to feel safe. They want that belt to

it happens to all parents at some

hold. That happens when the rules are

point, it really doesn’t have to be that

still the rules and the expectations stay

hard every single night. Let’s look at why

the same, even when these are tested.

it happens and what you can do about it.

Hold firm and watch them settle down at

Why do they test us so? If bedtime with your child has turned into to a bit of a battle that lasts for an hour or so, chances are you’re being tested. This testing often starts in toddlerhood, but it can continue well into school age, if you let it. And playing bedtime battlefield is just too hard when you are also tired.

bedtime. As a parent, you are the safety belt on your child’s rollercoaster life. Is that enough to stop all the bedtime battles? Maybe. Or maybe not. Humans are complex creatures. Your child also loves your attention. Power and attention. It’s no secret that all children crave power

Rest assured, testing is a normal part

and attention – and bedtime is their chance

of being a child. This is how your little

to receive it from you; especially if they

one, or not so little one, finds out where

haven’t seen you sufficiently during the

the boundaries are and knows what is

day. Any attention is attention, so if their

expected of him or her. So, test you they

frequent requests for water, or a toilet trip

will. But that doesn’t mean that you have

or they’re hot, or cold, or there’s a spider,

to pander to every whim they have. Even

or a shadow, or a monster, or they forgot

if it initially seems that way.

to pat the cat – or heaven forbid, lost their

It really is a rollercoaster ride! I often use the analogy of a rollercoaster to explain the testing children display in toddlerhood, or when they’re anxious, or in the teen years. When you get on a rollercoaster there is a safety belt - and

cuddly… the list is endless. If any of that behaviour gains your attention – then that behaviour will continue. Simply because you’ve given it attention – it becomes a fun game. But what can you do about it? Beating the bedtime battlefield.

most of us test this safety belt before the

While you may not be able to stop all the

rollercoaster starts. We’re not testing the

testing, chances are you will be asked for

belt in the hope it will move or break – we’re

‘one more book’, or ‘one more cuddle’ –

testing it in the hope that it stays secure.

you can ensure it blows over very quickly



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