Great Heath Guide July 2016

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July 2016

Contents Great health




Step back into your light and recover your inner self after being bullied

How to get the benefits of high-intensity interval training in three minutes


Sports Injuries and returning to sport: ham string strains .....Margarita Gurevich................11



Smart ways to tweak five fundamental exercises to enhance your training program .....Kat Millar..........................................22


Poor sleep can be caused by electronic devices emitting blue light


.....Veli Solyali.............................14

.....Katie Thorncraft................................26


The surprising effortless power of mindset GHG Disclaimer – please read


.....Suzanne Henwood.................. 8

.....Kusal Goonewardena.......................18


How to succeed by focusing on success and not on failure .....Ruane J. Lipke....................29


Which are the best foods to MIND your mind .....Jenny Brockis....................32


Why you need to get naked emotionally before you get naked physically .....Matthew Anderson............37


Must we choose between a purpose driven life or a performance driven life? .....Froswa’ Booker-Drew........41


Three tips I wish someone had told me about how to become a better leader.


.....Catriona Pollard.................44


Five top tips to help your child develop good sleeping habits .....Deb Hopper.......................48 GHG Disclaimer – please read




Helen J. Dodd, William A. Dodd


Olha Blagodir, Chelsea Bradford, Weng Yee Leong, Oleksandra Zuieva ......................................................


Matthew Anderson, Froswa Booker-Drew Jenny Brockis, Kusal Goonewardena, Margarita Gurevich, Suzanne Henwood, Deb Hopper, Ruane J. Lipke, Kat Millar, Catriona Pollard, Veli Solyali, Katie Thorncraft




Weng Yee Leong, Tiana Tischler


E: P: +61 (0)7 3394 8263


CALLING ALL TEA LOVERS … WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE TEA & WHY? Our friends from have created some beautifully handcrafted tea infusion blends. Research suggests a relaxed mind is a productive and focused mind! YOUR So why not love yourself a little more, take time and have a mindful cup of S TO WIN tea with 1. Jump onto Great Health Guide’s Facebook page. 2. Click “Like” to follow us. 3. Tell us in 25 words or less your favourite tea and why? 4. The most creative entry will win a ‘Mind Tea Pack’

valued at $50

Drink to your health with WWW.TEAS.COM.AU Closes 31/7/16 at 11.59pm (AEST). Prize sent to Australian address only.

EDITOR’S NOTE This month is our first Birthday!!! It is a thrilling and exciting moment for Team GHG and we want you to know how much we value your continued support and feedback. We at Team GHG are passionate about our vision – ‘Enable Women’s Greatness.’ Because of that we are committed to partnering with highly qualified experts from around the globe. Over the past twelve months we have featured Amazon’s No1 Best Selling author and speaker Deb Hopper who provides specialised knowledge and practical information re: Helping children to flourish in life. We have also featured Olympian Loudy Wiggins discussing achieving goals - how actions speak louder than words. These are only two of the many experts who share the latest info in Relationships, Mindset, Great Health, Nutrition, Impact, Kidz Matters and Fitness.



We remain committed to discussing the not so glamorous topics such as depression, fatigue and illness prevention where some of the more popular articles include ‘Is He Depressed’, ‘PCOS – a real life story’ and discussion on ‘What is Bullying?’. If there are particular topics or questions that interest you then please let us know and we will endeavour to find professional and experienced people to provide answers. Also the Health Accelerator Kit is focused to help you gain momentum for your health. The 12-week package includes life-changing gems provided by health experts in various formats i.e. short videos, audio articles, recipes plus much more. Check it out.


As we move into our second year, excitement continues to build as we bring new and innovative ways to keep you up to date with the latest info from around the globe: to renew and revitalise your mind and body. As always, love it when you keep in touch.

© Whitehead Studio


Hello Friends

Yours in Great Health Kath x Founder GHG Disclaimer – please read




50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love and Life Brave is a handbook for being more courageous. Written by Margie Warrell for busy people on the go, its short, focused chapters provide practical tools and empowering perspectives to help you build your ‘courage muscles’ in your work, relationships and life. Courage is a habit, practice it daily.

FIXING FEEDBACK Fixing Feedback is a smart, refreshing, practical guide to feedback in the workplace. Everyone already knows how important feedback is but Feedback is broken. Georgia Murch tells you how to fix it, to create a highly engaged workplace with high performing leaders and employees. You’ll learn what exactly constitutes useful feedback, how to deliver it effectively, how to receive it gracefully and how to use it to strengthen yourself, your team and your business.


Training Your Brain For Dummies is an indispensable guide by Tracey Packham Alloway with every aspect of brain fitnessand keeping your mind as sharp, agile and creative for as long as you can. Whether you want to hone your memory, manage stress and anxiety, or simply eat brain healthy food, this guide will help you build brain health into your everyday life.

ORGANISE YOUR MONEY: Be Financially Free Organise Your Money will show you how to set financial goals, move out of debt and start saving for the future. Learn how to take control of your financial destiny and make your money grow. Authors Vanessa Rowsthorn and Nina Dubecki of are passionate about inspiring women to get smart about their money and gain control of your finances.


How to Influence, Motivate and Lead High Performance Teams The Four Mindsets holds the key to significantly increasing productivity, performance and revenue in your organisation. AnnaLucia Mackay writes a guide to help all levels of managers to connect, focus, align and activate their teams to elevate results, this book also serves as a low-cost, first step, alternative to expensive training, coaching and mentoring programs by providing a range of useful resources and tools.


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great health



Part 3

Words Dr Suzanne Henwood


Design Oleksandra Zuieva

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Your New

Health GuideTM have explored what bullying is. These articles offered

three simple steps to draw a line in the sand on bullying and to help you to take a new direction forward, where you respect and love yourself anew. In this final article we will look at three more steps to enable you to generate your own light and let it shine back out into the world around you. Step 1 - Breathe – take a breath and stop – then slide into balanced breathing Breathing is the key when you become aware of feeling stressed. Pay attention to your breathing. Breathe in slowly and deeply, ensuring your abdomen is soft, which lowers the diaphragm as you breathe in, so that the abdomen pushes out. Then push a really long breath out, being aware of the feel and sound of your breath as it releases all tension and negativity with it. Do that again. Then move into an even, deep breathing pattern of 6 seconds in and 6 seconds out. This will begin to reduce the effect of cortisol, one of your stress hormones, so that you can decide more wisely and compassionately how you want to respond. This works even more powerfully if you also consciously imagine a strong positive emotion, which you can physically feel, into the area around your heart. Then as you do your rhythmic breathing, consider feeling the emotions of gratitude, appreciation or compassion as you breathe. Notice how your system relaxes. This style of Coherent Breathing has huge health benefits when introduced as a daily GHG Disclaimer – please read



he previous two articles in Great

habit. So if you are serious about minimising the impact of bullying on your health, adopt this today. A few minutes, even as few as 3, has effects that lasts for hours. Commit to adopt periods of rhythmic breathing from today. Step 2 - Gratitude Diary – What I am grateful for about myself Current research supports the use of a Gratitude Diary as one of the most effective ways to manage stress and depression, which are commonly associated with bullying. Now I understand when you are being bullied that you may find it harder to express gratitude, but there is always something to be grateful for. It might simply be going home at the end of the day. It might be someone you barely know smiling at you in the corridor, it might be seeing the sun shine through a window. I hope that the impact of the tools I have shared in these articles have already started to help you so that you can be grateful for new habits which make a difference. Just the process of ‘doing gratitude’ changes your brain structure and function.

A Gratitude Diary is one of the most effective ways to manage stress and depression. So treat yourself to a cheap diary, one with space for daily entries. And every day at the end of the day write down 3 things that occurred during the day that you are grateful for. Of course you can go beyond 3 and you will find over time that you discover even SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 9

for that too!

Talk it through with a friend, someone who can hold the space for you and hug you. Step 3 - Seek support - talk it through My final words to you. It’s OK to seek help. I perceive it to be a strength and sign of wisdom to seek help when being bullied. All too frequently people feel that being bullied is a sign that they are weak, or they start to even

The above steps are not meant to be


emotional state begins to shift. Be grateful


more to be grateful for and your mood or

Dr Suzanne Henwood is an Associate Professor

sequential, rather they can be used in response to what you most need at that moment. What is most important is that you put these steps into action. It is only by appreciating that they are important and then taking action that you will build new neural pathways to create a different future. If you have been bullied in the past – trust yourself, love yourself and make the decision today to proclaim to the world – ‘I am more than enough – this stops HERE and NOW’. Let the true you shine out again, showing the world just how special you are, because you deserve the very best.

believe that they deserve it in some way. No. It is not OK. You are not the problem. Using the tools outlined here, begin to manage your state so that you can talk it through with someone who can help you take action appropriately, for example a counsellor, coach, conciliator or human resource professional. Find a way to let it go and put it completely in your past. Finally, talk it through with a friend, someone who can hold the space for you and hug you. A 20 second hug releases the feel good hormone, oxytocin, giving you the strength to say, ‘Enough is enough’. If you are alone when you need a hug, by placing the palm feel your heart beat for 20 seconds, also releases oxytocin. This is a great emotional first aid when you are alone. And it’s even more powerful if you talk lovingly to yourself while you are doing it, appreciating all that you are. 10 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

in Health and Social Sciences and a Master Trainer of multiple Brain Integration Technique (mBIT). She can be contacted through her website. GHG Disclaimer – please read


of your hand against your heart so you can




of sports injury – hamstring strains. The following are a few tips on returning to sport

after injury. Please note that these tips are only general and are not a substitute for seeing a trained health professional. If in doubt about the severity of an injury you should see your doctor or physiotherapist for an assessment. GHG Disclaimer – please read



n this article we review a common type

Words Margarita Gurevich

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

A strain is a tear of the muscle, in this case of the hamstring muscle, which can range in severity from mild to very severe, which involves a complete tear of the muscle. We will review the severity of the injury, which has a direct bearing on the recovery time, as well as causes, treatment aims and specific types of treatment. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 11

1. SEVERITY OF INJURY: Grade 1: this injury involves some tightness in the back of the thigh with mild swelling and difficulty in running at full speed. Recovery time is from one to three weeks. Grade 2: is an injury in which walking is affected, the area is tender when touched and it is painful when bending the knee against resistance. Recovery time is from four to eight weeks. Grade 3: with this injury you may need crutches to walk because pain is severe and there is considerable weakness of the muscle compared to normal. There is noticeable swelling and bruising within 24 hours. Recovery time is from three to six months and may also require surgery. 2. CAUSES: Hamstring injuries are typically caused by deficiencies in the muscle’s ability to ‘absorb shock and rebound’ during running, as well as poor intermuscular coordination and eccentric strength. Other factors include: poor running technique, lack of warm up, overtraining, fatigue, lower back pathology and the quality

a bit later into the healing process. Treatment may also focus on the lumbo-pelvic region (lower back and pelvis) if these are thought to be contributing to the injury. Specific aspects of a person’s desired sport may be focused on next; these include speed, proprioception, agility and balance. 4. TYPES OF TREATMENT: Initial treatment: RICER RICER is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate and Referral and is used as a general guide to soft tissue management. The injury should be rested to prevent further damage. It should then be iced (no longer than 20 minutes at a time), compressed (firmly, but not to completely prevent blood flow) and elevated (above the level of the heart) to reduce excess swelling and limit blood flow to the area. Referral to a health professional is then recommended for optimal recovery, especially if the injury appears moderate to severe.

Rehabilitation: Stretching and strengthening

of playing surface (e.g. slippery). So in order

These are two important components to

to prevent hamstring injuries you need to

most injury rehabilitation programs. Non-

make sure that you properly address the

affected muscles and joints can be targeted

abovementioned factors.

immediately, so long as pain is not produced in the affected area. For example, although the

3. TREATMENT AIMS: Reducing pain is the first step of treatment.

hamstring may still be recovering, ankle and lower back exercises can be safely performed.

Improving any muscle range of motion is

Gentle stretching and light strengthening

important, while strengthening is introduced

hamstring exercises should then be added to


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the injured muscle and the hip/knee. This is also important as it helps align the scar tissue that forms during the normal healing process.

5. Additional treatment modalities: Ultrasound, electrical stimulation, including SCENAR





pulse electronic stimulation), heat packs and soft tissue massage are just some of


the treatments that can aid in the recovery from this type of injury. Equipment such as foam rollers, therabands (i.e. exercise bands ideal for strengthening and rehabilitation), ankle weights and Swiss balls are just a few of the potential tools that may be utilised. Your physiotherapist can advise what is most GHG Disclaimer – please read


the program, in order to regain full function of

appropriate for your specific injury and the exercise program which has been designed for you.

Margarita Gurevich is Senior Physiotherapist at Health Point Physiotherapy. She completed Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree at La Trobe University and Diploma of SCENAR Therapy in Moscow SCENAR Centre. Margarita extensively uses Clinical Pilates, SCENAR therapy and other evidence-based techniques specialising in sports injuries, incontinence and women’s health. Margarita is experienced in Real Time ultrasound and McKenzie treatment. She was interviewed for Women’s Health and Fitness magazine and presented at 4th Australasian SCENAR conference. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 13

Sleep Well! Words Veli Solyali

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


e all have busy lives, these days more than ever. Mounting pressure to perform at work, to

make the perfect meal and of course, general day-to-day stress. We are more connected

and online than ever before. What does this mean for our bodies? As you read this, are you in bed? If so, are you are reading on an electronic device in your own peaceful domain? The bed was meant for tranquillity, for rest, rejuvenation, certain adult activities and most of all sleep but is now being used increasingly for other activities such as reading and communicating on electronic devices.

Sleep and sleeping patterns are affected by blue light. WHAT IS BLUE LIGHT? It is the intense, short-wavelength blue light which is part of the visible light spectrum. Your body uses blue light from the sun to regulate your natural sleeping and waking cycles. This is known as your circadian rhythm. Blue light Š

during the day, helps boost alertness, improve reaction times, elevate moods and increase the feeling of wellbeing. 14 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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Besides the natural source of blue light from

Because exposure to blue light at night light

the sun, there are now many other sources

suppresses the secretion of melatonin, then

of blue light, from digital screens of TVs,

lower melatonin levels keeps the level of

computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets,

metabolism of the body higher and deprives

electronic devices, fluorescent and LED

the body of time to repair itself and sleep.

lighting. Because of their wide-spread use

Exposure to blue light might explain the

and increasing popularity, we are gradually

association with types of health problems

being exposed to more and more sources of

including several types of cancer (breast,

blue light and for longer periods of time.

prostate), diabetes, heart disease, obesity and an increased risk of depression.

PROBLEM HAVING A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP? Blue light emitted from these sources has


an adverse effect on your body. Blue light

We now know what the issue is, but what

tells your brain that it isn’t time to sleep and

are you going to do about it? There is

interrupts your body’s circadian rhythm. Too

one ultimate solution: no devices in the

much exposure to blue light at night lowers

bedroom. This means no television, no

the production of melatonin, the hormone

laptop, no tablet, no e-reader, no mobile or

that regulates sleep and thus a low level of

smartphone and no brightly lit clock. Imagine

melatonin disrupts the circadian rhythm. You

that! The temptation is gone. However, this

may fall asleep, but how long will you stay

is sometimes a little unrealistic, so another

asleep? What is the quality of your sleep

method of combating the blue light issue

like? Imagine waking up day after day feeling

is to dim the lights as much as possible on

unrested, tired and having extreme lethargy.

these devices. If you have a night-light, try

Waking up searching for a hit of caffeine, or

using red light, which has the least effect on

your smoothie, just to gain some sort of energy.

your body clock.

By having a good night’s sleep, your body is fully charged and ready for your next day. If you are well rested, you will be alert. When was the last time you had a really refreshing sleep?

Melatonin is the hormone that regulates sleep and thus a low level disrupts the circadian rhythm. GHG Disclaimer – please read

If you can’t bring yourself to get rid of these e-gadgets, then try to limit their use. Finally, you can always go for a walk during daylight, which will increase your ability to sleep, help with your mood and alertness during the day. It’s a win-win situation! SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 15

Dr Veli Solyali is a Chiropractor, Anatomist, Sleep Expert and Founder of Get Well Bedding, an




company. He has been a lecturer at various Universities across Australia in Anatomy, Medical and Diagnostic Sciences and Surgical Anatomy. He is a regular contributor in the Australian media in the areas of Sleep, Health and Anatomy. Dr Solyali can be contacted


through his website.


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to Better Health Words Kusal Goonewardena

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


3 Minutes


continue to be amazed at how small changes

My personal experience and that of many

can have a big positive impact on people’s

patients, is that they look and feel fitter and

lives. One that keeps confounding the

stronger and often lose a few kilos.

doubters is the results we are seeing from shorter, high intensity workouts.

If you love running or swimming for an hour, keep going. But if you’re time-strapped, or just

We have known for some time that 15 minutes of interval training three times a week will

looking for that extra boost, the good news is that it takes less time than you think.

provide better results than jogging on a

Before anyone commits to any high intensity

treadmill for an hour every day. But like most

regime, it’s important to know your system is

health professionals, I have been surprised at

strong enough to take it. Anyone with a heart

how short the high intensity training intervals

condition should check with their general

can, be while still having an impact.

practitioner first.

Studies by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found positive results


from four minutes of vigorous exercise just

Unless you play a demanding sport, people

three times a week. Participants in these studies

rarely push out of their physical comfort zone.

showed a 50% improvement in their aerobic

High intensity exercise forces the body from

capacities after 12 weeks. Other benefits include

its comfort zone and that is when you see real

increased stamina and reduced chances of


heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. In 2015, ABC TVs Catalyst program also explored short, high intensity workouts, with strong results including improved aerobic capacity, weight loss, a lower resting heart rate and more.

High intensity exercise is a powerful complement to lower intensity exercise.

You may also be familiar with Dr Michael Moseley’s




20-second bursts on an exercise bike, which helped him control diabetes.

HOW DO WE REACH HIGH INTENSITY? Participants need to train at 85% of their capacity for high intensity. The Norwegian

To keep my athletes in tune, I developed a

research shows the heart rate needs to reach

three minute workout, which works the whole

minimum 85% capacity for the benefits to

body and is explored in my book 3 Minute

show. At 85% you are sufficiently pushing

Workouts. I have used this workout for over

yourself out of the comfort zone. Your heart

a year on myself, with my physiotherapy

rate is up, you are breathing heavily, which

patients and with elite athletes and have been

allows you to improve fitness faster than

pleasantly surprised at the results.

moderate exercise. However, 85% is one

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THREE MINUTES A DAY: My Three Minute Workout involves: • 30 seconds of Shadow Boxing • 30 seconds of Push Ups • 30 seconds of Squat Jumps



Going 100% can push you too far and create


step away from going absolutely flat out.

Kusal Goonewardena is an experienced

• Research shows short duration, high intensity exercise can be more effective than longer, moderate exercise • Aim for 85% of your capacity – going at 100% risks injury • Do your research and see a medical professional if you have any questions or concerns.

• 30 seconds of High Knee Running (on the spot) • 30 seconds of Star Jumps • 30 seconds of Sit Ups

Using these exercises gives you a balanced workout, impacting the core, upper and lower body and the aerobic and anaerobic systems. There are variations possible as discussed in the book, along with some important notes on technique.

Anyone can do these exercises because you’re going at 85% of your own capacity. For example, many women find push-ups difficult. If it’s too hard I recommend doing them from your knees first. If you can only do a few that’s fine, it’s your baseline. Over time you will be able to do more and eventually you may be able to stretch your whole body out and do push ups the hard way. 20 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

physiotherapist who consults via his clinic, Elite Akademy. He believes passionately that physiotherapy patients should see positive results in three sessions or less. Kusal has authored books including: Low Back Pain – 30 Days to Pain Free; 3 Minute Workouts; and coauthored Natural Healing: Quiet and Calm, all currently available via Wilkinson Publishing. When not consulting, Kusal is is a lecturer, author, consultant and mentor to thousands of physiotherapy students around the world and can be contacted on his website. GHG Disclaimer – please read


Exercises in the ‘ 3 Minute Workout’ require no equipment and can be done anywhere.

“Welcome those big, sticky,

complicated problems. In them are your most

powerful opportunities”


- Ralph Marston

Five Key

Exercises Words Kat Millar

with your results, it may be time to mix

things up. When it comes to resistance training and maximizing fitness results, one of the most important things to remember is the law of progressive overload. This is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise. You can manipulate a number of variables to provide an ‘overload’ which is simply a new stimulus to challenge the body.


For the best results in increasing your muscle and strength there are 5 fundamental exercises below as well as some tips and tricks for each one. If you’re not doing these movements already, please seek professional advice before performing any of these exercises. For best results and to reduce risk of injury, always have an exercise professional advise safety recommendations and check your technique. 1. SQUATS Squats are what are known as ‘big bang’ GHG Disclaimer – please read


noticing that you’re getting a bit stagnant



f you’ve been exercising for a while and

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

fundamental exercises. They are fantastic for

of your thighs – such as cross-over lunges (also

strengthening and shaping your legs. They

known as glute med lunges) and 45 degree

are also big calorie-burners because of the

wide-leg lunges (for your inner thighs).

amount of muscle used in performing them. 3. DEADLIFTS

If leg strength or muscle is a goal, squats should be included in every program. Technique Tips: When you’re squatting, make sure you keep your weight on the heels of your feet. As you

The deadlift is the king of resistance exercises. It works more muscle groups than almost any other resistance exercise. It’s a big calorie burner.

Warning – deadlifts are an advanced exercise. They need to be progressed up to.

lower your body and come back up, keep your chest high and your back straight. Variations: goblet squat, front squat, sumo squats, single-leg squats, over-head squats, pistol squats.

2. LUNGES I highly recommend that you regularly include lunges in your training program if you want to improve the shape and/or the strength of your legs. I used to hate lunges, but the more I did them, the better I got at them and the firmer my legs became. They are worth it!

If you haven’t performed them before, seek professional advice to help you with your technique. Correct form is a must. The deadlift is a ‘bend’ movement pattern. A regression of the deadlift is the 45-degree roman chair machine which helps get you stronger to perform the deadlift – particularly with strengthening the muscles in your lower back. Technique tips: As you lower down, lead with your chest. ‘Gather’ your glutes at the bottom of the movement and use them to lift yourself. Imagine a band around your knees that you’re pushing against as you come up.

Lunges are a highly functional exercise and generally incorporate more stabilising muscles than squats.

Also imagine ‘peeling’ yourself up. Other tweaks: If your flexibility allows, try performing the movement standing on 2 boxes or steps and lowering your body in between -

Variations are endless: experiment with

holding heavy dumbbells or kettlebells for

alternative foot angles to target different parts

variation and to go deeper.

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Press exercises include chest, shoulders and triceps movements. Push-ups are a closedchain press exercise, which utilise more muscles. If you get the right intensity, they are big calorie burners that also incorporate your core and stabilizing muscles. Variations: vary your angles between flat, incline and decline. Also vary the equipment you perform the movements with – bench, Swiss ball, cable, dumbbells, barbells etc.

5. PULL EXERCISES Because of the amount of forward-movement in our lives, many people need to do more pull exercises. Pull exercises are excellent for improving your posture and reducing risk of injury from muscle imbalance. Technique tips: I recommend you consider a 2:1 ratio of pull

(e.g. chin up) and one horizontal (e.g. bentover row) pull movement in your training program.

By including or tweaking these 5 exercises, you will enhance your training program and it could really help take your results to the next level. Go ahead, give them a try. Just remember to listen to your body and have adequate recovery and nutrition afterwards.

Kat Millar works with people globally to improve their health, confidence and energy. Since 2003, through her coaching, training, online programs and seminars, Kat has helped almost a thousand people to achieve their goals. Kat is an award-winning figure competitor, fitness lecturer and NLP practitioner and has a passion for nutrition and behavioural psychology. Kat offers a range of programs for total body transformation and can be contacted through her website or her Facebook page.


to push exercises. Include at least one vertical




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The Power of Words Katie Thorncraft

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


remember a friend once telling me that he and his housemates had implemented ‘Positivity Month’ because they felt they

spent too much time complaining. During ‘Positivity Month’, nobody was allowed to complain, ever.

Garbage bin liner sprung

a leak on the way down the hall and spread radioactive coloured bin juice through the carpet? No problem, I love bin juice and I particularly love cleaning it out of rental carpet on a Monday night! A housemate used the emergency toilet paper without replacing it again? Great! I love piecing together a square from the remnants stuck to old rolls like some sort of desperate D.I.Y jigsaw puzzle! At the end of ‘Positivity Month’ everyone agreed that it had been useful but they found it too exhausting to continue and were also starting to find the relentless optimism a bit irritating. Fortunately, more qualified people are also studying the impact of mindset, notably, a ©

Harvard psychologist by the name of Ellen Langer whose research findings give a fascinating insight into the ways that we can sustainably bring about changes in mindset. Langer first showed the impressive power of mindset in an experiment in 1981 in which 26 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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she took a group of men in their seventies and

cleaners who claimed they never exercised,

eighties for a week-long stay in a monastery

but were in fact on their feet and physically

which had been fitted out as though it were

active all day. The group was split in two, one

1959. Half of the men were told to pretend

group was told that their work was, in fact,

they were back in the 50’s and live like they

exercise, the other group was told nothing.

had at that time, the other half were just told

One month later, the group who had been told

to reminisce. The men underwent cognitive

that their work was exercise had lost weight,

and physical tests prior to and following the

lowered their blood pressure and reduced

week-long stay. At the end of the week all had

waist to hip ratios, while the other group had

improved, but the ones who had pretended

not changed. Neither group reported any

to be young had improved the most. Height,

changes in diet, exercise or work hours.

weight, posture, vision, hearing and IQ had all improved.

Mentally putting themselves back into their youth had actually made their bodies younger.

Perhaps one of the big differences between Dr Langer’s mindfulness process and Positivity Month, is sincerity. Dr Langer’s mindfulness doesn’t ask us to deny our experience and pretend that everything is wonderful, but rather to open our minds to the possibility that there is more than one way to see our circumstances and this makes it a lot easier

Langer believes that body and mind are one

than attempting to manufacture positivity!

and that by altering the way we think about

The idea is to actively notice new things,

ourselves and our worlds, we can actually

actively let go of preconceived ideas - and it is

bring about change in our bodies and lives.

applicable everywhere.

Langer calls this process Mindfulness, which she defines simply as the process of noticing new things. Langer emphasises the importance of focussing on novelty and engaging with the environment. Note the absence of meditation for those of you who don’t like to meditate!

Mindfulness is the process of noticing new things.

Mindfulness allows us to open our minds to the possibility that there is more than one way to see our circumstances. Whether it’s letting go of a label we have placed on someone else and noticing something different about their behaviour, seeing a situation in a new light, or letting go of a self-

A great example of mindset change was

judgement and seeing what lies beneath…all

demonstrated in a study of eighty-four hotel

you really need is curiosity.

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families. Katie’s approach to therapy is practical, empathetic and experiential and utilises a range of evidence based approaches. Katie has extensive experience working with trauma and anxiety disorders and her approach is focussed 28 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

on supporting people to connect more deeply with themselves and each other and to realise the full potential of their relationships and lives. Katie also has many years’ experience working within the corporate world and offers coaching in this area. Katie can also be contacted through her website GHG Disclaimer – please read


who works with individuals, couples and


Katie Thorncraft is a registered psychologist



to Achieve

ften, we describe those who are successful in their fields as having a strong ‘desire to achieve’.

This desire and motivation to achieve is more complex than it may seem and yields interesting differences between those who focus on gaining success and those who focus on avoiding failure. GHG Disclaimer – please read

Words Ruane J. Lipke



he Desire Design Oleksandra Zuieva

WHY WE SHOULD FOCUS ON SUCCESS, RATHER THAN FEAR FAILURE People who focus on obtaining success in their lives tend to set more realistic goals for themselves and to choose tasks that are realistically attainable. For example, let’s say Sally wishes to lose weight. She may say, ‘I plan to lose 4 kg in two weeks.’ She will then SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 29

contact a personal trainer to map out a plan

stereotypical views of the ‘woman’s place.’ One

to achieve this goal.

such theory has proposed that achievement-

Interestingly though, studies have found that those who are most concerned about avoiding failure tend to set themselves more unrealistic goals. Sally also has the option to say, ‘I will lose 40 kg in two weeks’. Although she may have a strong degree of motivation when she first begins her exercise regime, she is more likely to quickly burn out and lose interest in the pursuit of her weight loss goal. ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY Another important factor for determining

oriented women fear negative consequences such as being labelled ‘unfeminine’ or being socially rejected. Although this phenomenon has been prevalent for decades, it is constantly being challenged. Despite incredible progress and the success of many women in the workplace, the myth lingers on. To be successful, it is important to find ways of overcoming these fears and to confidently pursue one’s goals. SO WHAT IS REQUIRED TO INSPIRE CHANGE AND INCREASE MOTIVATION?

success is the degree to which a person feels


responsible for the outcome, as opposed

thoughts. An enthusiastic attitude or ‘emotional

to diverting responsibility and/or blaming

drive’, is fundamental for self-fulfilment and

others. Leaders of industry tend to accept

achievement. Enthusiasm guides us to positive

responsibility for their actions as opposed to

thoughts and actions, creates positive energy

blaming other factors for their situation and

that improves our relationships with others,

having a ‘there’s no hope’ approach.

increases our willingness to be open to new

Back to our weight loss example, the ‘successful’ Sally may say, ‘I eat way too much junk food. It’s time for me to cut down on the snacks. I know I have a very busy lifestyle and it can be






ideas and heightens our motivation to embrace new challenges. Conversely, feelings of fatigue or failure can be caused by worry, frustration and resentment.

a challenge disciplining myself to eat healthier, but it’s something that I have to do to improve my health.’ On the other hand, the ‘unsuccessful’ Sally may say, ‘All of my family and friends eat snacks and there is no way to get around that.

An enthusiastic attitude is fundamental for self-fulfilment and achievement.

Plus I work a lot and there simply isn’t any other way for me to eat properly.’

Our successful Sally, although tired from a workout, will practice improving her positive


mindset and see the benefits of exercise,

When it comes to achievement motives in

as challenging or dull a regular routine can

women, historical studies tend to describe

sometimes feel. This will then have compound


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approach is, the healthier she will become and the healthier she becomes, the more energy and enthusiasm she can have throughout her day. On the flip side, our unsuccessful Sally may feel that there’s no point in exercise because it’s too tiring and inconvenient for her schedule. This will have a negative compound effect. As she continues to lose her fitness, the more prone she can become to stress and sickness and the more negative her outlook on life may become. We can influence future outcomes with a positive and enthusiastic approach to the opportunities of the present. Over time, guilt, fear and worry can be replaced with confidence and optimism.

Enthusiasm is more than just striving for success in the workplace. It is essential for the whole of life and living.


benefits for her because the more positive her

Enthusiasm is a priceless commodity that should certainly be developed. Note that the advice given is general in nature – please consult A life logic or your preferred specialist for specific advice for your given situation. Ruane J. Lipke is a registered Brisbane psychologist and a member of the Australian Psychological




counselling practice ‘A Life Logic’ offers psychology and counselling advice for a range of modern day challenges including clinical, educational

developmental, and


emotional, concerns.

To learn more about Ruane’s approach to psychology and counselling, visit the ‘A Life Logic’ website. To schedule a consultation and discuss your own journey to success, contact Ruane here.

TOP THREE FACTORS FOR ACHIEVING SUCCESS 1. Set realistic, attainable goals 2. Don’t fear judgement


3. Work on fostering a positive attitude

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EST FOODS FOR YOUR MIND Words Dr Jenny Brockis

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


ith so much advice that is often conflicting about the best foods to eat, it can get confusing to

know exactly what is good or not so good for our bodies and brains. While cholesterol recently lost its ‘Mr. Evil’ tag in the fats race, losing out to the even more sinister ‘Master Trans Fats’, sugar is now in pole position as the champion of all nasties. With more and more people choosing to go lactose free, gluten free, raw, paleo or vegan, it’s getting to the point where holding a dinner party for friends is nigh on impossible. In 2014 David Katz and Stephanie Meller undertook a meta-analysis of all the currently trending diets to see which if any were superior to others. What they discovered was that while all had some good points, the findings indicated that what mattered © Anna_Shepulova

the most was eating a wide variety of fresh (mostly plants) and unprocessed foods and not too much! The Mediterranean style of eating has been extensively studied over the years and has been shown to assist with better retention of memory and cognition over the longer 32 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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term. Another good meal plan devised

that live in our gut, direct our food choices. And

for hypertension is Dietary Approaches to

you thought you had free will! What has also

Stop Hypertension (DASH) which is rich in

been discovered is that by introducing small

vegetables, fruits and low fat dairy products

changes to our diet we can start to change

but low in salt.

our likes and dislikes of different foods and

Now there’s a new kid on the block for brain healthy eating, compiled by an American

the species of bacteria that inhabit our gut will quickly change in just a couple of days.

researcher Martha Clare Morris and her team

So which are the best foods to boost memory and cognition?

based at Rush University. All foods in this plan were chosen because they had been shown in scientific studies to promote better brain health and function - which has to be a good thing! At first glance it is very similar to the Mediterranean diet, but with a couple of differences. Morris believes it is an easier plan to follow. The plan provides a guide for the number of recommended minimum serves for the 10 different foods to be consumed on a daily or weekly basis. It also includes five foods that are suggested we should eat less of. What is useful here is that it is a guide not a dogma. It’s not saying that ‘thou shalt not ever consume’ a French fry or chocolate-coated Krispy Kreme again. It’s about encouraging us to eat more of the healthy foods and less of the not so healthy stuff. This is helpful because we are creatures of habits, often with well-established likes and





Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) described below has similarities with the two other healthy diets, the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet. The MIND Diet includes the following 10 items and groups. 1. Green leafy vegetables: with a minimum of 6 serves a week. We always knew Mum was right when she told us to eat our greens. Spinach, broccoli, kale and Romaine lettuce make a great start. 2. Other vegetables: one serve every day to provide a wide range of different vitamins and nutrients.

dislikes. Trying to make too big a change to

3. Nuts: a small handful (e.g. 6 almonds) 5

our way of eating often fails because habits

serves a week is packed with healthy fats

can be tricky to dislodge and when we are

and antioxidants. They keep you feeling full

under pressure, tired or super hungry we

and can help lower cholesterol.

default to our old patterns of eating.

4. Berries: blueberries, strawberries, black-

What is exciting has been the understanding

berries take your pick. At least two serves

that it is our gut biome - that 1.5 kg of bacteria

a week.

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5. Beans: chickpeas, kidney beans, black

all my pastries and sweets for an extra serve

beans etc. Why not use them as the basis

of creamy goat’s cheese. It’s important to

for a vegetarian meal three times a week?

remove the guilt from eating and to savour

They provide a great source of protein and

the amazing array of different foods flavours

fibre and slow release of energy.

and textures our diet can provide.

6. Whole grains: three serves a day. Oats, barley, rye and wheat. 7. Fish and other seafood: one serve a week. This is the main difference from the

It’s not what we do on a given occasion but our overall pattern that counts.

Mediterranean diet that encourages four or more serves a week. 8. Poultry: two serves each week.

One incentive to being more MINDFUL about what you eat, could be the finding of

9. Olive oil: use in salads and cooking, where

an initial study undertaken by Morris and

a high temperature is not required. It’s the

her colleagues. Nine hundred people who

oleocanthol that provides the benefit.

followed the MIND diet where found to

10. Wine: up to one glass a day (not the bottle). A standard drink is 125 mL.

In the foods that are in the ‘recommended to eat less of’ group there were no major surprises, bar perhaps one. 1. Red meat: up to 4 serves a week is fine. 2. Butter and margarine: less than one tablespoon a day. 3. Cheese: Less than one serve a week. 4. Pastries and sweets: less than 5 serves a week. 5. Fried or fast foods: less than 1 serve a week.

lower their potential risk of Alzheimer’s by a whopping 54% if they adhered to it very closely. But even those who weren’t quite as fastidious also showed a reduction in their potential risk of the disease by 35%! Naturally watching our diet alone is not enough to ward off the ravages of disease such as Alzheimer’s. However, as part of a brain healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, stimulate your brain with plenty of mental challenge, keep your stress in check and get enough sleep and you’ll be contributing to staying as healthy as you can for the longer term. Dr Jenny Brockis specialises in the science of high performance thinking. She is the author of Future Brain - The 12 Keys to Create Your

For someone like me with a ‘cheese’ tooth,

High-Performance Brain, (Wiley) available at all

cutting down my cheese consumption will

leading book stores, online retailers and from

be the hardest thing to do. I’d happily swap

her website.


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“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought again” – Peace Pilgrim



Become Naked

Emotionally Words Dr. Matthew Anderson

is an attractive brunette whose bright energy fills my computer screen as we


Skype our session. Six months ago she ended a four-year relationship and is dating again. She starts our conversation with a very direct question: ‘Doctor Matthew, I know this might sound weird but I want to know when is it the right time to get naked with a new guy?’ We both laugh warmly at her blunt honesty GHG Disclaimer – please read



enny is 32 years old and single. She

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

and begin a discussion of a topic that is important to many single people of both sexes and all ages. When is it OK to get naked? Our conversation took many turns and went to great depth. What follows is a composite of the most relevant points and some direct advice for all singles. I did not give Jenny a specific time or number of dates. Instead I spoke to her about two different, yet deeply related, kinds of nakedness. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 37

I suggested that the important thing was to

Sex generates many feelings and it exposes

take both into consideration and put them in

us, literally and symbolically, to the other

the proper order and then she would know

person without our defenses. Getting naked

when it was right for her to ‘get naked’.

physically before we truly get to know our new partner can cause quite a bit of

There are two kinds of nakedness: physical nakedness and emotional nakedness.

confusion. When we interact sexually we have deep emotions (yes, this is a fact for men as well as women). But those emotions have nowhere to go if we do not really know our partner. We are just a hot body connecting

Physical nakedness is the kind most of us

to another hot body and not yet real human

are aware of and are thinking about when

beings to each other. An encounter designed

we begin a new relationship. The common

to be a powerful part of a much greater life

question is: When do we decide that it is OK

experience in which two hearts connect and

to get naked and have a sexual encounter

go even deeper with intimate love making,

with this new person?

becomes, at best a mutual masturbation

Emotional nakedness has to do with intimacy, the kind that is related to our heart. It is about getting to know our new partner in meaningful ways and opening up our inner selves with each other at deeper and deeper levels. It has to do with sharing and listening and being vulnerable and dropping the masks that we often hide behind.

event and falls far short of its incredible potential. Why is this important? Can’t two people, meet, find each other attractive and share their bodies, consensually and that is all it needs to be? Why do we have to do this emotional naked thing? The issue here is not that we have to do anything. The

Both kinds of nakedness are part of a loving

issue is what we will miss if we neglect

relationship. The issue is in what order should

the emotional naked part before we get

they occur to give the new relationship the best

physically naked. Having sex before we

chance of becoming something meaningful.

become truly emotionally naked means

Too often, we get physically naked before we

that we will only connect at the surface. Our

get emotionally naked and that order often

connection will be shallow and we will be

creates great confusion. Here is why.

unable to handle the feelings that always

Humans being are designed to combine sexual intimacy with emotional intimacy. 38 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

(yes, always) accompany physical intimacy. If we, however, take the time and make the effort to mutually open ourselves in a meaningful way, we create a connection that will take physical intimacy to an GHG Disclaimer – please read

relationship can blossom beautifully and we can begin to explore what sex and love are truly all about.

We can create an emotional connection that will take the physical intimacy to an entirely new depth of experience. Finally, many single people have told me that really getting to know a new person first can often stop the physical encounter completely, because they realize that the person they

So you decide. When should you get naked? Do the emotional part first and you will make much happier and wiser decisions about sex. Enjoy!

Reverend Matthew Anderson has a Doctor of Ministry specialising in counselling and has extensive training and experience in Gestalt and Jungian Psychology. He has helped many couples and singles successfully navigate relationship issues. His best seller, The Resurrection of Romance is an example of the goals he plans to achieve and is also a result of his intensely romantic relationship with his partner Sunny.

Matthew can be contacted

through his website.


thought was so attractive really is not.


entirely new depth of experience. Then our

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Discussions on Purpose and Passion in two very different settings and yet,


it was more than serendipitous. It was time to revisit something that I know, I think we all know and yet, struggle with the tension that it presents in our lives. Yesterday was ‘about me’ time. I don’t do this enough but I’m learning to do it more. Part of GHG Disclaimer – please read



all it coincidence. It happened twice.

Words Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

my quest is to be available to experiences that give me life. It took me some time to realize that as much as I poured into others through the many roles I play, I decided that I needed some time with some women that bring me joy. In our many conversations throughout the day, we spoke about our personal, professional and philosophical lives. I love these women because they allow me to be SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 41

my multi-faceted self without any apologies. In our dialogue, we began to discuss the dualism that exists in all of us. There is this tension that tears at each of us daily. Like the Cherokee Indian story of the two wolves inside of us, the one we feed the most is the one that wins. For many of us, this tension of living our purpose can become distorted in a society that is accomplishment based.

Must we choose between a purpose driven life based on our core values and belief systems OR a performance driven life filled with purpose, passion and persistence to achieve? If we are solely focused on being performance

Today, I taught a class of entrepreneurs who

driven, we miss out. I would also argue that

shared their stories. It is more than developing

if we focus on purpose solely without having

a wonderful product, it is about the why. It is

direction and a plan, we also miss out. Once

to accept and understand the passion that

again, the dualism is present and is it possible

drives us. It is also critical to understand that

to have both, with authenticity, balance and

this passion gives us purpose. Once again,

focus? As women and as leaders who are often

I was faced with this topic and as much as I

pulled in a million directions, how can we daily

wanted to choose one over the other, I had to

create goals that don’t just get checked off a

really wrestle with my thinking and reflect.

list but also lead us to walking in the fullness of who we are, created and designed to be?

The passion that drives us is also the passion that gives us purpose.

Have I had any resolution in this ongoing dialogue? More than anything, it affirmed for me the value of reflection. As leaders, we must take the time to think, to wrestle with

Absolutes are abundant in our society. We

those things that cause us discomfort or leave

are forced to choose between the two.

us without answers. We have to ask, ‘why

Is it possible to accept both/and versus

does this bother me or stir up my triggers’?

either/or? Is it possible to have a purpose

I think it has also created the space for me to

driven life that empowers us to live a life of

realize that daily we encounter dualisms and

fulfilment? Can we have a purpose driven

instead of accepting the tension, we dismiss

life that is based on our core values and

it for the sake of relief—one more thing to say

belief systems, that gives us meaning? And

we’ve completed or that we feel ‘right’ about

is the opposite true as well? Is it possible to

it because two opposites mean that one is

have a performance driven life that is filled

incorrect. We have to ask the hard questions

with purpose, passion and persistence to

not only of others but of ourselves. We have

achieve? If I have great ideas that are never

to ask which life are we feeding more and are

realized, that is a loss.

we getting the results we want from either?


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Dr Froswa Booker-Drew is an author of two workbooks for women, Rules of Engagement: Making Connections Last and Ready for a Revolution: 30 Days to Jolt Your Life. She has a PhD in Leadership and Change from Antioch University and has more than twenty years in non-profit management, education and community development as a leader, consultant, speaker and trainer. For more


information on Froswa visit her website.

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Becoming a Better

Words Catriona Pollard

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


hen I was just 30 years old, I left behind a successful professional career in public relations to start

my own agency. It was an incredibly exciting yet scary time; I was energised by all these possibilities, yet terrified of the unknown. Along with all of the challenges involved in turning my passion into my own business, one of the biggest challenges was that I didn’t yet know what it meant to be a female leader. The experience for a woman in leadership is a unique one and while the rewards are great, there are numerous challenges to face when competing in a business environment largely populated by men. As I’d spent my career working in mostly male-dominated environments, I didn’t have any strong female mentors to turn to for advice. The experience and life lessons they had to offer would have been invaluable. Now, working with a team of primarily young ©

women at CP Communications, I make sure to pass on the lessons I’ve learned throughout my career. These experiences would have been so useful to me when I embarked on my own leadership journey and I hope will be useful for you as well. Here are three tips 44 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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for women in leadership that I wish someone

As building a strong personal brand is critical

had told me.

to leadership success, it is important that women overcome these doubts and learn to


articulate their own strengths and successes.

Women can often be their own worst enemies in succumbing to self-doubt, fear and a lack of self-confidence. Sheryl Sandberg talks about

Doing so will help you put yourself ahead of the pack and emphasise to others your abilities and skill in leadership.

the ‘imposter effect’, where women devalue their skill and talent despite evidence of the opposite. This is seen far less often in men and yet it persists in women of all ages. The lack of self-confidence can undermine a woman’s career, preventing them from applying for more senior roles, being confident in their contributions, or venturing out on their own.

Build a strong personal brand for leadership success. There are a number of ways you can do this. Focus on building your profile, both in the media, online and in-person. Cultivate your online image and ‘brand’, focus on networking and speaking at events where you can show

The lack of self-confidence can undermine a woman’s career.

off your skills. I found these tactics to be a great way to build my own personal brand. 3. LOOK AFTER YOURSELF

My advice is that women need to trust their instincts





Coworkers, clients and higher-ups won’t see you for the successful, credible leader you are unless you see yourself in the same light. While this might seem difficult at first, reaffirming your own value and ability won’t just help you believe it - others will too. 2. PROMOTE YOUR ABILITY From a young age, women are taught to put the needs of others before their own. As a result, they feel uncomfortable stepping into the spotlight and have trouble celebrating

The everyday pressures of a woman in leadership can become overwhelming if left unaddressed. It is important to find ways to de-stress, refocus and revitalise. Whether this is through a creative outlet, exercise, meditation or a hobby, pursuing other interests outside your leadership responsibilities will help you create a much-important balance.

Find ways to de-stress, refocus and revitalize, as everyday pressures of a woman in leadership can become overwhelming.

their successes or promoting themselves. GHG Disclaimer – please read


weaving. Having a creative passion that I’ve fallen in love with has allowed me to balance my responsibilities, collect myself and better maintain my focus. While this ‘you’ time can be easily overlooked, it will help reduce stress and allow you to give your best in both your professional and personal lives. With a confident outlook, a willingness to step into the spotlight and a focus on the self, women are well-equipped to leverage their

Catriona Pollard is the author of From Unknown to Expert, a step by step framework designed to help entrepreneurs develop effective PR and social media strategies to become recognised as influencers in their field. Catriona is the director of CP Communications, which merges traditional PR tactics with cutting-edge social media strategies that engage consumers as well as business. Further information can be obtained from her website.


talents and succeed in positions of leadership.


For myself, this creative outlet is basket-


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Kidz Matters

Š Brainsil

M atters Kids’ Sleeping Words Deb Hopper

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


any children struggle in winding down and getting to sleep. They

have been learning so much through play or learning at school throughout the day. They have been taking in social cues and learning about friendships and relationships. Some children find it difficult (as do some adults) in relaxing their body and their thoughts as they wind down ready for bed and sleep. When a child struggles to wind down and get to sleep, it not only behaviour and learning the next day but it also impacts on parents and carers as they aren’t able to have some adult time to develop relationships with partners or


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impacts on their level of fatigue,

wind down themselves. As a parent, I’ve

are not calming for the brain and actually

experienced times when children find getting

stimulates it, making it harder to get to sleep.

to sleep hard and it does make for a long day and it does impact on ‘me-time’.

3. Create a routine: Families that have a routine help create

Create routines to support your child in getting ready for bed.

boundaries and a feeling of safety for children. They know what’s coming up, they can relax into the routine. Put the routine in pictures and/or words on a notice board so kids know what’s coming up.

As a parent, you can create some routines

4. Within your routine, schedule time for

that will support your child in winding down

interaction with adults:

and getting ready for bed. Sometimes simple

Have a conversation, ask them how their day

changes to the routine can make a massive

was and be interested in their lives. This also

difference but for some children you may

helps them feel safe and secure in themselves.

need to seek advice from your family doctor, family health nurse, occupational therapist or psychologist.

5. Do some stretching and breathing with your child: Stretching and breathing, such as kids’ yoga,

Here are some tried and true techniques that

helps to calm and relax the body. There are

you can test out at home to make the evening

lots of online resources for ideas.

routine easier. 1. Encourage active time after school:

6. Test out some deep touch pressure: Deep touch pressure, such as a massage is

Exercise not only ‘wears kids out’, but it helps

extremely calming. For kids, use an exercise

to release any stress chemicals (e.g. cortisol

ball to ‘squish’ them. Get them to lie down

and adrenalin) that they might have created at

on the floor on their tummy and put some

school or during the day. It creates a feeling of

nice firm pressure through the ball onto

well-being and being relaxed.

their back as you roll it over. Make a ‘pizza’!

2. Reduce screen time: Ideally have no screen time for children 1 – 2 hours prior to bed time. This includes

Ask them what topping they would like as you use them as the pizza dough! 7. Encourage them to experiment:

tablets and TV. While TV and tablets may

Experiment with giving themselves a hand

appear to be calming for children (as they

massage, enjoy a nice warm, long bath and use

are engrossed in the game or show) they

calming essential oils if there are no allergies.

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Teaching children to relax and wind down is an extremely important life skill.

child is struggling to wind down, try one or two of the above tips and create one or two blocks of time each week to chill out and relax.

For a free chapter of Deb’s book Teaching Kids to Stress Less, join our newsletter. 50 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Deb Hopper is an Amazon #1 Best Seller author for her book Reducing Meltdowns and Improving Concentration: The Just Right Kids Technique and Special Needs Reporter for Toddlers to Teens TV. She is passionate about helping children achieve their potential. A practicing Occupational Therapist at Life Skills 4 Kids on the NSW Mid North Coast, Australia, she understands the day to day struggles that children, parents and teachers face. GHG Disclaimer – please read


caught up in the busyness of life. If your


Our lives are so busy and often kids get

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© Antalya Developments Pty Ltd 2016


Any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats), or from Antalya Developments Pty Limited or Kathryn Dodd, including by way of third party authored articles or discussions, is made available for readers’ interest only. The purpose of making the information available is to stimulate research, public discussion and debate. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own research and consult with professional advisors to form their own independent views about the topic/s discussed. The information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats) is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers should seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions regarding a potential or actual medical condition or the proposed use or decision not to use any particular product. Readers should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it at any time, including because of the content of any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Each of Antalya Developments Pty Ltd and Kathryn Dodd do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the accuracy, veracity, adequacy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information available on, or arising in relation to, the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Neither Antalya Developments Pty Limited nor Kathryn Dodd endorses the views of any contributing authors to the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).

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