Great Health Guide: October 2016

Page 1

Contents Great health




Improving back pain during pregnancy

Sugar Series 1: Is sugar killing you? Are all sugars the same? What is too much?

.....Dr. Richard Parkinson...................8


Why good health is essential to increase fertility

.....Dr Helena Popovic......................22

.....Dr David Knight..........................12



How to treat elbow injuries from tennis, golf & repetitive work .....Margarita Gurevich.....................15

What is food intolerance, symptoms & causes, including lactose intolerance? .....Dr Helen Dodd............................26


How being too busy is hurting our health

A pre-workout meal is based on carbohydrate rich food, low in fat and protein

.....Megan McGrath..........................18

.....Justyna Kalka..............................30



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The benefits of a morning workout to increase your metabolism naturally

Why do we find change so hard, whatever it is & whatever the pace?

.....Kat Millar................................ 34


Reducing clutter makes for a calmer & more peaceful environment .....Dr Ash Nayate......................... 39


Take the 16 question test and see if you are marriage material .....Dr Matthew Anderson............ 44


Five of ten top tips for building love, starting now. More to come in next issue

.....Kelly Fryer............................... 55


Tips for making shopping trips easier with children .....Deb Hopper............................ 60


Australian kids scored an alarming Din the area of overall physical activity .....Dr Natasha Schranz

& Charlotte Vincent.................... 64

.....Martin Gladman...................... 50

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Editor’s note .................................................................................

Hello Friends As we venture closer to Christmas and the holiday season, Team GHG thought it would be good to reveal some heavy truths about nutrition, specifically sugar. In a series on Sugar - the New Fat, Dr Helena Popovic discusses the health risks associated with the consumption of sugar, leading to metabolic diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems. It’s quite sobering that children are now being diagnosed as having a non-alcoholic fatty liver. This devastating problem is something only ever seen in heavy alcoholic adult drinkers and now it is occurring in young children…and the cause…TOO MUCH SUGAR. Dr Popovic’s article discusses how some sugars simply cannot be broken down by the body which causes the liver (the system where the blood is filtered and cleansed of potential harmful substances) to be over-taxed… and it’s all because of sugar. Another nutrition problem is associated with the Food Intolerance which is largely an undiagnosed problem and can lead to a chronic illness such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Other articles on good nutrition describe the best Foods for Fertility and the importance of the Best Pre-workout Foods. We do hope that these articles will assist you to prepare your body for the party season in December. Best to you Kath x Founder



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TEAM GHG .....................................................................................



Dr Helen J. Dodd, Dr William A. Dodd


Olha Blagodir, Weng Yee Leong, Oleksandra Zuieva


Dr Matthew Anderson, Dr Helen Dodd, Kelly Fryer, Martin Gladman, Margarita Gurevich, Deb Hopper, Justyna Kalka, Dr David Knight, Megan McGrath, Kat Millar, Dr Ash Nayate, Dr. Richard Parkinson, Dr Helena Popovic, Dr Natasha Schranz


Front Cover Image: Courtesy of View Retreats. Summer Hills Retreat


Weng Yee Leong, Tiana Tischler


E: P: +61 (0)7 3394 8263

SUBSCRIBE: W: © Antalya Developments Pty Ltd 2016


Any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats), or from Antalya Developments Pty Limited or Kathryn Dodd, including by way of third party authored articles or discussions, is made available for readers’ interest only. The purpose of making the information available is to stimulate research, public discussion and debate. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own research and consult with professional advisors to form their own independent views about the topic/s discussed. The information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats) is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers should seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions regarding a potential or actual medical condition or the proposed use or decision not to use any particular product. Readers should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it at any time, including because of the content of any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Each of Antalya Developments Pty Ltd and Kathryn Dodd do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the accuracy, veracity, adequacy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information available on, or arising in relation to, the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Neither Antalya Developments Pty Limited nor Kathryn Dodd endorses the views of any contributing authors to the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).

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great health


P& Back Pain regnancy Words Dr Richard Parkinson


Design Oleksandra Zuieva

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for many women and it’s actually quite common. Up to three quarters

of women will experience some kind of back pain at some stage in their pregnancy. The pain can be caused by a whole range of factors and is generally worse at the end of the day.



ack pain during pregnancy is an issue

form of exercise during pregnancy and can help prevent back pain after childbirth too. It’s a good way of making sure the lower back muscles are exercised without strain; it keeps the leg muscles moving, improves circulation and overall health. When other forms of exercise become a struggle, swimming offers a great alternative.

It’s more likely to be a problem if you had back pain before you

were pregnant & if overweight.

Pregnancy can be really uncomfortable for some women. They may feel sick or in pain at various times all the way through pregnancy. So it could be that a woman comes to see pain in pregnancy as natural and that it will automatically go away after childbirth. However, if there’s a new symptom that’s really out of the ordinary, women should seek advice from a medical professional.

Minimising pain Staying fit does help to minimise back pain during pregnancy. It doesn’t mean going to the gym every day, jog, get a personal trainer or anything like that. Swimming is a popular GHG Disclaimer – please read


Don’t ignore the signs

Even if you don’t experience back pain in pregnancy, swimming is just a really good exercise for staying active and keeping fit.

Top tips to help prevent back pain While most people only seek treatment once their back already has them in agony, there are some very simple and effective ways that you can minimise or prevent back pain. These are things you can think about even before you conceive, to ensure that your body and your spine are in tip top shape before you get pregnant. 1. Be careful how you lift: The age-old warnings about being careful while lifting still ring true. Nothing will injure SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 9

Swimming is especially good in mid to late pregnancy weight as close to your centre of gravity as you can, rather than reaching out. 2. No twisting: Turning your body at the waist while lifting is also a huge no-no – especially when pregnant. Avoid forcible bending, twisting or pulling as 10 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

much as you can while carrying heavy weights, which includes children! 3. Look after yourself: It’s a no-brainer, but maintaining your health, weight and lifestyle is probably the simplest healthy back tip to follow. Although weight gain is a normal part of pregnancy, excess weight and body fat puts unnecessary pressure on the back GHG Disclaimer – please read


too far in front of your body. Try to keep the


a back faster than lifting too much weight,

to keep looking after yourself by eating healthily and staying active when pregnant, for your own health as well as the health of your baby. 4. Quit smoking: This one might surprise you, but smoking can be a silent killer for backs. If being pregnant or planning to conceive wasn’t already enough of a motivator to quit, here’s another reason; it’s terrible for the lumbar disc. Smoking increases the risk of degeneration in the disc and it increases the risk that you will herniate the disc again if you have a disc herniation.

Help for back pain during pregnancy very


assistance if



exercise to your routine, such as walking or swimming, will help relive pregnancy related back pain.

Dr Richard Parkinson is a highly qualified neurosurgeon




in neurosurgery. Dr Parkinson has attained internationally



from both the USA and Australia and is at the forefront of Neurosurgical science and development. He was the first to be trained in neurointervention in Australia and his expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of sports and neurological injuries is highly sought after by elite sportspeople throughout Australia. Further information is available from his website.


you do experience any

sudden change in symptoms, including back pain. So if you notice anything that isn’t normal for you, make an appointment with your GP. In most cases, when a GP is confronted with a woman who is pregnant and is complaining of a new symptom, they will probably refer her directly to their obstetrician. That would be the appropriate and sensible thing to do.



What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff & Sharon Maze

throughout. But if your back pain becomes

• Emotional rollercoaster advice • Nutritional advice & best foods • Intimate advice & lovemaking

excessive – especially if you’ve experienced

For the new generation of expectant parents

back problems pre-pregnancy – make sure

Paperback Published 2009

Pregnancy can be a strain on your body and it’s normal to experience aches and pains

you seek medical advice. In most cases, taking it easy and adding some light GHG Disclaimer – please read

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and increases the risk of injury. So it’s important

Fertility Food for Words Dr David Knight

health plays a pivotal role in a woman’s

ability to conceive. Some health conditions, including




ovarian syndrome will impact a woman’s ability to conceive. However, for those with no prior health conditions, having a balanced diet and regular moderate exercise to maintain a healthy weight is encouraged to give the body its best possible chance of conceiving. 12 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Top tips for good health: • Consume a balanced diet, rich in fibre, folate, lycopene, fruits and vegetables, while minimising the consumption of highly processed foods. • Polyamines, found in fermented foods, are essential for growth and cell proliferation and to help keep the body healthy. Increasing polyamine consumption is important as we get older and lose our ability to produce the enzyme. GHG Disclaimer – please read


woman’s fertility is her age, however



he most important factor affecting a

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

is not calorie restricted and high in vegetable fats like nuts and olive oil, is linked to a decrease in all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease and cancer. • There





evidence that shows the consumption of organic foods increases fertility. • Evidence now supports the consumption of soy products to increase chances of conceiving. A recent study showed women who consume more than 20mg of soy isoflavones a day, have twice the background pregnancy rates compared with





amount of isoflavones. The compounds are amongst the most potent naturally occurring plant antioxidants and have been shown to concentrate in the fluid in the follicle while growing the egg. • Moderate physical activity can increase the ability to conceive. However, excessive exercise can negatively alter energy balance in the body and affect the reproductive system.

............................................. ...............................................................

• Following a Mediterranean diet, that

Debunking popular fertility myths: 1. Timing of sex or ‘trying’ – Having sex on the day of ovulation does not increase the chances of conception. In fact, it may decrease a woman’s chances as many wait for ovulation before having sex, which may bypass their most fertile window. Instead, I tell my patients to have regular intercourse 2-3 times per week starting after your period stops and NOT monitor ovulation or use temperature graphs. 2. Coital position affects the chance of conception – Regardless of the position taken, sufficient sperm are deposited in the neck of the womb and are able to begin their journey towards the egg. 3. Potency is improved by ‘saving up’ semen through infrequent intercourse Abstaining from sex in order to accumulate sperm so that more are deposited during sex will not increase your chances of achieving conception. In fact, the stored, older sperm may be of inferior quality and even hinder the newly produced, healthier sperm from reaching the egg.

A balanced diet & regular moderate exercise gives the body its best possible chance of conceiving GHG Disclaimer – please read


change the pH or acid balance inside the vagina. That in turn may affect sperm motility and ultimately prevent, or at least reduce the chances of a pregnancy occurring.




products, such as olive oil, is less likely to cause sperm any serious problems.

Dr David Knight, Medical Director, Fertility Specialist, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Demeter Fertility. With a history of innovation, he is a pioneer of Mild Ovarian Stimulation in Australia and one of Australia’s most experienced fertility specialists. Dr Knight is proud of the IVF success rates that he and the Demeter Fertility team are able to achieve, especially for those women over 40!

5. Low libido, failure of female orgasm inhibits conception - A woman does not need to achieve an orgasm in order to conceive. Continually trying to find the right time to have sexual intercourse may place a strain on a couple’s lovemaking and this in turn may hinder their chances of getting pregnant! 6. Lastly, it’s very important not to forget the



Beautiful Babies by Kirsten Michaelis

The Truths about Diet & Pregnancy

impact of the male partner in the fertility equation! The good news is that following a healthy diet provides outcomes that apply to men just as much as they do for women.

• Increase fertility with diet • Decrease morning sickness • Foods during pregnancy • Foods during breastfeeding • Baby’s first foods

Consumption of food rich in fiber, folate, lycopene and fruits and vegetables, increase sperm quality and ample antioxidants are highly beneficial for overall fertility. 14 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Paperback Published 2013

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© yekophotostudio

slip, slide and get inside - Most lubricants


4. Lubricant makes it easier for sperm to



Sports Injuries Words Margarita Gurevich

Design Oleksandra Zuieva





ennis elbow and golfers elbow–unlike

In this article we will discuss the common

the names suggest, they do not affect

causes, symptoms and most importantly,

only tennis and golf players. In fact,

what can be done to treat these conditions.

‘tennis elbow’ and ‘golfers elbow’ are not accurate diagnoses and the correct terms are lateral and medial epicondylitis respectively, which mean inflammation of the lateral (outside) or medial (inner) epicondyles of the elbow. GHG Disclaimer – please read

WHAT ARE THE CAUSES? Lateral and medial epicondylitis can be caused by a lot of different factors, some of the more common ones being: • The result of certain sports, such as tennis, SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 15

• Repetitive tasks involved in certain occupations, most commonly computer work What are the symptoms? Symptoms tenderness

commonly and


involve swelling

pain, around

the elbow and forearm, particularly when gripping and lifting. This can involve even light items such as the kettle. You might also experience pain and discomfort when straightening and bending the elbow. What are the treatment options? So what can you do if you have lateral or medial epicondylitis? The good news is that with the right approach these conditions can usually be effectively treated. In most cases both respond really well to physiotherapy treatment. From our experience the following have been shown to be very effective: 1. Electrotherapy treatment: Ultrasound, drug phoresis (delivery of antiinflammatory medications, such as Voltaren Emulgel, through ultrasound), interferential and SCENAR therapy help to resolve pain and inflammation, speeding up the recovery process.


badminton, weightlifting and others

You should generally start to feel better after approximately three sessions – if you don’t, your physiotherapist will most likely refer you for further tests to make sure that the diagnosis is correct. Ultrasound is the most common diagnostic test. 2. Soft tissue work: Soft tissue massage can often be quite effective in reducing tightness of the forearm muscles, which occurs as a result of lateral and medial epicondylitis. While it’s normal to experience some discomfort during the massage, the pain should never be sharp. If you feel that the pressure is too hard make sure that you communicate this to your physiotherapist. 3. Specific exercise program: Once the pain and inflammation are under control it’s important to start stretching and strengthening exercises. In fact, some exercises should be commenced straight away, even before your symptoms are under control. These include postural and shoulder exercises.





exercises that directly target the elbow and wrist will be incorporated into your program.

Good posture & adequate strength in your whole arm is 16 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


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exercises are important is that unless you have good posture and adequate strength in your whole arm, not just in the elbow and


The reason why postural and shoulder

including Real Time ultrasound and McKenzie treatment. She specialises in Sports Injuries, Women’s Health (including incontinence) and gastrointestinal issues.

wrist, your chance of future recurrences will be higher. Please note that the above information is



not a substitute for seeing a trained health professional. Each case is individual and it is therefore important to be thoroughly assessed first. Following the assessment, the right treatment approach will be prescribed for you.

Margarita Gurevich is Senior Physiotherapist © tolstnev






completed B.Phty degree at La Trobe

The Golfer’s Mind

by Bob Rotella & Bob Cullen

Perfect format for the busy golfer: • • • •

Practicing to Play Great The Rhythm of the Game Routine & Setbacks How Winning Happens

Format not supplied Published 2004

University and Diploma of SCENAR Therapy in



Centre. Margarita

extensively uses Clinical Pilates, SCENAR therapy & other evidence-based techniques, GHG Disclaimer – please read

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Too busy Words Megan McGrath

catch their breath. Smart, strong, intelligent, driven women are

frantic and overwhelmed with the hectic pace and demands of every-day life. The modern woman is wearing more hats, juggling more projects, working longer hours and at the same time many continue to fulfil roles as home maker, nurturer, mother and lover. Add all of this to an endless list of ‘stuff’ we should be doing like exercising, eating well, having quality time with friends and family, improving ourselves and contributing to our community! 18 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



omen today are struggling to

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

Our lives have become so demanding that ‘busy’ and ‘tired’ are just accepted as the norm. We are so caught up in the ‘doing’ that we are not actually just ‘being’ and sadly this is how we are measuring our success. We are pushing, striving, working harder, thinking, planning and rushing. As a result, we are losing sight of our human moments, connection and our health. For what? ‘Busy’ is not something to boast about… ’Busy’ is making us sick. Fatigue, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, headaches and tension – are all conditions related to excessive GHG Disclaimer – please read

IT’s no wonder we are

overwhelmed and


lives, subscribing to the hype and glorifying ‘busy’. It is more important than ever to take great care of ourselves. So how do we do this without feeling like it’s just another thing on our already epic ‘to do’ lists? Most people will say they just don’t have time. We all have time…the same time. We prioritise what we value most. So saying that you don’t have time is because you don’t value it as a priority. By carving out time, that


busyness. It’s time to stop catastrophising our

more, dream more and live more. This is your life. Own it. Megan McGrath has a Health Science degree,





Wellness Coach and certified Fitness Trainer. Megan is passionate about supporting and empowering




healthy, balanced and fulfilling lives. She is the Founder of Chasing Sunrise – a Health and Wellness Consultancy.

we all have, for ourselves, we can make huge strides in other aspects for our lives that have previously drained us. You need to ask yourself; is what you are doing now aligned with what you want for your life? If the answer is no, it’s time to reassess. Life will always bring us challenges, setbacks, disappointments and occasionally a full blown crisis. But in amongst it all there is joy and happiness to be found. We need to wake-up and be able to enjoy the ordinary and every day, the journey, the being, the authentic, the real. Exhaustion, stress and busyness lie between what we have and what we want. Reassessing priorities and decluttering our lives is key to creating space to create more, be more, give GHG Disclaimer – please read



The Pressure Principle by Dr Dave Alred

Handle Stress, Harness Energy & Perform When It Counts • Pressure is constant in our lives • Help though tough moments • Dealing with challenges • Harness pressure to produce the best Paperback Published 2016

RRP $35.00 Now $24.95 Booktopia may vary prices from those published. SUBSCRIBE GHG | 19 Postage $6.95 perto order AUST/NZ


Article Index





ugar Sis the New Fat Words Dr Helena Popovic

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

by the minute. Sugar has become the new fat and ‘sugar-free’ is the modern

health guru’s mantra. However, many people are not really sure what the term ‘sugar’ actually means. Is sugar a synonym for all carbohydrates? Or does sugar only refer to the white stuff my mother used to add to her tea?

Are all



he anti-sugar bandwagon is growing

too much. Simply put, you’d give yourself a stomach-ache or start to feel bloated. The one exception is honey. It does not contain fibre but is sickly sweet in large quantities. Sugar is extracted and processed and when we extract sucrose (glucose and fructose) from cane, beets, coconuts, dates, palms or other sources and refine it to produce odourless,

sugars a sweet

poison or are some sugars healthier than others? sweet in taste, soluble in water and contains only one or two chains of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. By far the most common sugars in our diet are glucose, fructose and sucrose. In nature, glucose and fructose occur as building blocks of other carbohydrates and this mitigates how the body handles them. Sucrose is made up of 50% glucose and


Sugar is a subtype of carbohydrate that is

crystalline, white, yellow or brown powders, it is all too easy to overeat sugar because nature’s control mechanisms (water and fibre) have been removed. Sugar by any name is a problem. It doesn’t matter whether it’s called raw, organic, granulated or any of the other 50 names the food industry uses, it’s still refined sugar and it provides a rapidly

50% fructose and is present

absorbed source of calories









their roots and fruits. If we

Herein lies the problem:

only ate whole unadulterated

when the bloodstream and

foods found in nature, we

liver are overloaded with

would struggle to overeat

either glucose or fructose,

sugar - whether in the form of

these sugars are converted

glucose, fructose or sucrose -

to fat and contribute to

because in nature these sugars


are packaged with generous


amounts of water and fibre,

Inflammation is synonymous

which fill us up before we eat

with disease.

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inflammation and



The average Australian consumes over 20 teaspoons of sugar per day. The





recommends that a safe level of sugar consumption (i.e. unlikely to cause disease) is four teaspoons per day for children under the age of 12, six teaspoons per day for women and nine teaspoons per day for men. Even this is probably generous, but given that the average Australian consumes over 20 teaspoons per day, the WHO targets are a good start. Where is all this added sugar in our diet coming from? 1. Soft drinks are the biggest culprits: • Coca Cola, 375mL- 40g (10 teaspoons) • Solo, 600mL - 72.6g (18 teaspoons)


So what constitutes too much sugar?

2. Sports drinks: • Gatorade, 600mL - 36g (9 teaspoons) • Powerade, 600mL - 34g (8 teaspoons)

3. Fruit and vegetable juices are also significant contributors as many contain added sugar & preservative. But even fruit juices with ‘nothing added’ contain high levels of sugar. Without the fiber that comes with the whole fruit, we absorb the sugar too quickly and overload our bloodstream with glucose and our liver with fructose. • Grape juice, 300mL - 49g (12 teaspoons) • Apple juice, 300mL - 33g (8 teaspoons) • Orange juice, 300mL - 28g (7 teaspoons)


teaspoon of sugar is approx.

4 grams. 24 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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which have added sugar. Some examples showing grams of sugar per serve or teaspoons. • Average canned soup: 15g or 3.75 teaspoons • Ready to eat Sweet & Sour Pork: 30g or 7.5 teaspoons • Chinese BBQ cooking sauce: 18g or 4.5 teaspoons • Frozen prepared meal of Lemon Chicken: 23g or 5.75 teaspoons • Popular brands of Spaghetti & Meatballs: 10g or 2.5 teaspoons • General Sweet & Sour sauces: 32g or 8 teaspoons NEUROSLIMMING by Dr Helena Popovic NeuroSlimming: • Sets you free from dieting • A Mind Plan not a meal plan • Let your brain change your body • The missing piece in weight loss puzzle It’s not what you eat, it’s why and how. Paperback Published 2016

RRP $29.99

If you eat packaged food including sauces, breakfast cereals, flavoured yoghurts, tinned fruits, canned vegetables, frozen meals, sweets, pastries, cakes, biscuits or muesli bars then you need to become savvy in calculating the sugar content of what you are buying. GHG Disclaimer – please read


4. Processed foods are the other source

If you don’t eat any processed foods, you have nothing to worry about and no need to calculate your daily sugar intake. In my book, NeuroSlimming, I give a detailed explanation of how to calculate your daily sugar intake. In summary, one teaspoon of sugar is approximately 4 grams. Ignore anything written about the health value of the food on the front of the packaging. This is purely marketing and most of it is cleverly deceptive. • Examine the nutrition panel on the back. • Look to see how many grams of sugar per serve. • Divide the grams by four to calculate the number of teaspoons. • Then look to see how many servings are in the packet. • Ask yourself how many serves you’d be likely to eat in one sitting. • Then multiply the number of servings you will eat by the number of teaspoons. Are you surprised by how many teaspoons of sugar are hiding in your favourite breakfast cereal? Dr Helena Popovic is a medical doctor, a leading authority on how to improve brain function, international speaker and bestselling author. She is the founder of a groundbreaking weight management program called Winning at Slimming – thinking the light way and the author of ‘NeuroSlimming – let your brain change your body’. For more information, refer to Helena’s website. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 25

Part 1

ood Fintolerance






GuideTM, as an abnormal immune

system response. However, many people suffer from Food Intolerance after eating certain foods. These symptoms can be similar 26 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



ood Allergy was discussed in the

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

but are more moderate than in Food Allergy. With Food Intolerance, the immune system does not produce antibodies and thus cannot be diagnosed by a Skin Prick Test. What is Food Intolerance? Food Intolerance is called non-allergic food hypersensitivity. GHG Disclaimer – please read


Words Dr. Helen Dodd

The body has difficulty in digesting or breaking

response and if an intolerance is suspected

down certain foods. This affects the body’s the

then an exclusion diet, or an elimination diet

ability to absorb them through the walls of the

is required for diagnosis.

gastrointestinal (GI) tract. What are the symptoms of Food Intolerance?

conditions overlap, it is often hard to

Food Intolerance is more common than Food

distinguish between the two conditions.

Allergy. Food Intolerance symptoms take

However, more of the problem food needs to

longer to appear and can occur from four

be consumed with Food Intolerance, before

hours up to two days after ingestion. Symptoms

the symptoms develop and thus it is harder to

can be quite varied and are usually related to

relate symptoms to a particular food.

the GI tract with diarrhoea, stomach bloating, flatulence, bowel cramps, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms of fatigue, skin rash, asthma, headache and joint pains also occur.

distinguished from a Food Allergy: As previously discussed, a Food Allergy is an immune response, which can be tested for



with the Skin Prick Test. Food Intolerance is


Another difference is that symptoms of Food Intolerance do not become increasingly severe as with a Food Allergy. However, if the problem food is continually eaten and intolerance is unrecognised, then chronic

Can Food intolerance be


Food ©

Since many of the symptoms of these

Intolerance is more common than Food

Allergy GHG Disclaimer – please read

conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can occur. IBS will be discussed in following issue of Great Health GuideTM. Factors can




Intolerance. This is not an exhaustive list of food intolerance triggers. Individuals may



to only one of these triggers



than one.

1. Lack of an enzyme. Lactose intolerance is a common condition where






Lactose or ‘milk sugar’ SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 27

absorbed and has to be broken down by the enzyme into the monosaccharides, glucose & galactose. These are readily absorbed by the intestine. The enzyme lactase can be absent in the GI tract if: • a person has had gastroenteritis or parasites • or are genetically unable to produce lactase When unabsorbed lactose passes into the large intestine, bacteria cause fermentation producing gas, such as carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen. This builds up in the large bowel causing pain, cramps, bloating and finally diarrhoea. Testing for lactose intolerance: • Hydrogen Breath Test. Hydrogen gas from bacterial fermentation in the gut is absorbed into the blood stream and 28 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


is a disaccharide. Lactose is too large to be

excreted into the lungs. It can be measured in exhaled breath. • The elimination diet is another diagnostic method where all milk products are excluded from the diet and symptoms should decrease. • Another quick test is to use lactose-free milk and record symptoms. After 2 months when symptoms are no longer present, retest with regular milk to determine if the symptoms reappear. 2. Salicylates. Plants produce salicylates as defence against insects, bacterial and fungal diseases. They regulate growth, flowering, ripening and ageing of fruit. High levels of salicylates are found in oranges, lemons, berries, tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum and chili pepper. Very low levels are found in pears, apples, pawpaw cabbage, lettuce GHG Disclaimer – please read

sauces and jams will contain much higher levels than fresh plants. Symptoms include asthma, skin rashes and stomach pains. 3. Amines. These include amino acids and biogenic amines, which occur when bacteria break down amino acids in food. Fermented products such as alcohol, soy, pickles, sauerkraut are high in amines, with tyramine in old, matured cheese and histamine in red and port wine. Symptoms can include flushing of face, headache, skin rash, vomiting, diarrhoea and changes to blood pressure as amines dilate blood vessels.


and potatoes. Any concentrated juices,

6. Mono sodium glutamate. MSG is a flavouring present in canned vegetables and processed meats. However, some foods such as soy sauce, parmesan cheese and Roquefort cheese are very high in MSG. Symptoms can include flushing, sweating, chest pain, heart palpitations and headache. These are usually transient and are very hard to diagnose. In the following issue of Great Health GuideTM, the elimination diet will be discussed including Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Helen Dodd BSc. BPharm. PhD, is a retired pharmacist, continuing to provide information and education on nutrition and diseases that affect modern society. Contact Helen by email.

4. Nitrates & nitrites. Nitrates in green leafy vegetables are the main source in as








concentration of nitrate in drinking water. Nitrites and nitrates are used as preservatives in processed meats (bacon, ham, hot dogs, salami, corned beef & sausage) and have caused behavioural problems in children. Symptoms include headache, skin rashes and

The Food Intolerance Management Plan by Dr Sue Shepherd & Dr Peter Gibson

asthma. 5. Sulphites. These are added to wine and foods for preservation, flavour, colouring and to prevent fruits and vegetables turning brown and rotting. Sulphites release sulphur

80 recipes on The Low-FODMAP Diet: • • • • •

recognise symptoms seek medical advice identify & avoid food easily shop & plan menus entertain, travel & eat out

dioxide which is absorbed by the food. Symptoms of intolerance are asthma, hayfever, hives, skin rashes and breathing problems. GHG Disclaimer – please read

Paperback Published 2011

RRP $35.00 Now $26.95 Booktopia may vary prices from those published. Postage $6.95 per order AUST/NZ


food. However, ammonium nitrate used


est food: Words Justyna Kalka





growing interest in the sports nutrition industry. Research indicates that some

nutritional practices can greatly enhance human performance, improve agility and reaction times, as well as reduce or delay fatigue during strenuous exercise. On the other hand, failing to nourish the body and prepare for exercise or a sports event can have disastrous consequences for performance, including dehydration, the


Design Oleksandra Zuieva

wrong foods causing gastric upset or ‘hitting the wall’ mid workout. Nutritional requirements vary greatly amongst individuals. Factors such as gender, age, chosen sport regimes, weather conditions, intensity and duration of workouts will determine the specificity of one’s nutritional program. However, there are some common goals for a pre-workout meal, consumed in that one to three-hour window before exercise. GHG Disclaimer – please read

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Protein, fat and carbohydrates are all possible sources of fuel for contracting muscles, however, your body’s ability to sustain lasting fast-burning energy throughout the duration of a workout largely depends on your glycogen reserves, which come from carbohydrates. Certainly in prolonged exercise, the point of fatigue coincides closely with the depletion of glycogen in the exercising muscles. It is just like topping up on fuel before going for a long drive in your car. You will not get very far on an empty tank. Many athletes describe the experience of exhausted glycogen reserves as ‘hitting the wall’ that comes about when your body uses up all

Making sure you are eating some form of quality carbohydrates in the few hours before exercise will help maintain optimal levels of blood glucose for the exercising muscles and allow better, longer lasting energy. For morning exercisers, it is crucial to top up your glycogen stores, since they are likely to be low after an overnight fast. The pre-workout meal or snack should be based on carbohydrate rich foods, but lower in fat and protein to decrease the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort. Foods such as dried fruit (dates, apricots, sultanas, figs, fresh fruit salad, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, natural muesli bars, whole-meal sandwiches, oats and other grain cereals, all

© Supplement Mart

it’s fuel reserves from the liver and muscle tissue.


Glycogen and energy:

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are wholesome and unprocessed will also provide your body with abundance of micronutrients, utilized later for recovery. Fluid balance – begin exercise in a wellhydrated condition: Ensuring you are well hydrated is just as important to your aerobic capacity. The benefits of hydration are many. Evidence points to the links between common disease like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer with chronic states of dehydration. While in sport settings, dehydration can significantly impair performance. Remember to stay well hydrated in the hours before and during a workout will promote better focus,


work well before physical activity. Foods that

1-2 hours before an exercise session and snacking on easily digested and absorbed carbohydrate





energy while leaving you light and ready to perform at your best. Reserve protein and fat rich meals for post-workout recovery and nourishment. Justyna Kalka is a qualified nutritionist for Zak Australia. She is devoted to educating others about the true vitality that comes from a careful balance of real food, the right mind set, healthy exercise and the importance of proper nourishment for growth and development. She is a professional speaker & health educator, promoting optimal health through wholesome, nutrient dense food and movement.

skill performance and reduce fatigue.

The final consideration for dietary choices



before a workout is gastrointestinal discomfort. Attention to timing, amount and content of your pre-workout meal can reduce the risk of upset during exercise. It applies more significantly in sports such as running or where bouncy movements are performed. Ensure that you consume foods that leave you feeling satisfied yet comfortable. In an hour before a workout, fresh fruits such as banana or orange slices, crackers or a handful of dried fruits would be sufficient to provide an energy boost, without


The Unique System that allows you: • • • •

to design your own diet to mix & match different foods & activities to work out every day to balanced food categories

overwhelming the digestive system. Paperback Published 1993

Eating fibrous, fat or protein rich foods too close to exercise may cause discomfort in some individuals. Avoiding these foods in 32 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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Confident and ready to perform at your best:



A Morning

Workout Design Oleksandra Zuieva

Š mihtiander

Words Kat Millar

body’s ability to naturally increase its metabolism? Exercising in the

morning could be the one activity that yields you some pretty incredible results. A 15-20-minute jog, or 30-45 minute brisk walk first thing in the morning is a hugely beneficial activity that is well-worth considering. The benefits actually stack upon each other to create a multiplied effect. If you stick to it consistently, it’s a powerful habit that can set you up for a lifetime of great health and energy. Increased Metabolism: • The first thing that is happening is that movement in the morning jump-starts



ould you like to multiply your

your body is not only burning calories while you are doing this activity, but will continue burning calories at an accelerated pace after you stop. How cool is that? You spent some energy doing the walk/jog and your body is still burning extra calories once you get home and jump into the shower. • Because you began your day with such a





physiologically, your body is more likely to crave more natural and healthy foods. Make sure you drink plenty of water in the morning to flush out any toxins. • The benefits continue. This morning ritual of movement, drinking water and having a healthy breakfast means that you are more likely to have more energy throughout the

your metabolism. Your

day. And with more energy

body has been in a

you will probably have more

restorative, rested state

focus for your work and be

all night and after 8 hours

more productive throughout

or so, you should be well

your day. So use this energy



to your advantage to get all

your metabolism with

your tasks for the day done

the walk/jog, means that

on time, so you have more


hours at night to get to sleep.

There are



of a morning

workout GHG Disclaimer – please read

Hormones that build muscle mass: In







as testosterone that help build muscle mass are elevated in the body. By exercising in the morning, you’re taking advantage of these naturally circulating SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 35

body recharges itself mostly


between the hours of

10pm and 2am.

in the day when they’re lower. Fewer distractions early in the morning: Finally, there are fewer distractions on your way to the gym. But later in the day, distractions can sabotage your workout. It feels fantastic having a good workout under your belt, especially if you’re prone to skipping it at night. Tips to make it easier to do: 1.Get enough sleep: Making sure you are getting the appropriate amount of sleep that you need every night 36 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


hormones as they’re peaking, rather than later

is important to increase your motivation and energy to get up and move in the mornings. If you find yourself feeling unrefreshed and tired when you wake up, I recommend that you do whatever it takes to get to bed earlier and wake up earlier to give yourself better quality sleep. Usually you’ll be more tired at night because you had an earlier start and you added more physical activity to your day but as you get into a new routine, your body will adjust quickly. Remember, your body recharges itself mostly between the hours of 10pm and 2am, so get as much uninterrupted sleep as you can between these hours. GHG Disclaimer – please read

If you have knee or joint problems, get onto a grass field or at least invest in really great running shoes, which have support. Alternatively, you may want to consider using a mini rebounder, a cross-trainer or stepper machine to avoid placing impact on your joints. 3. Prepare the night before: On the night before, lay out your workout gear near your bed. Prepare your lunch for


2. Choose movement that suits you:

be hard for you to adapt to it, but gradually your body will accept it and you won’t be able to pass it up!

Kat Millar works with people globally to improve their health, confidence and energy. Kat is an award-winning figure competitor, fitness lecturer and NLP practitioner and offers a range of programs for total body transformation.





through her website or her Facebook page.

the following day and complete any tasks that could be potential obstacles to you working out in the morning. Set your alarm to allow yourself enough time to not be rushed and to enjoy the process in order to continue the habit long-term.



4. How to do it: 1. Get to bed early the night before – ideally by 10pm. 2. Wake up early and have 1-2 glasses of water and a short black if you need a bit of a kick- start.

BOXING: Total Body Workout for Women

3. Go for a jog or brisk walk or hit the weights

by Hector Roca & Bruce Silverglade

(ideally have a fast-digesting meal first if intensity cardio). 4. Have






afterwards while you are getting ready for your day. 5. Have a healthy, natural breakfast, ideally containing some protein. Just try it for seven days and feel the positive effects. If you like it, keep it up. At first it may GHG Disclaimer – please read

Step-by-step program for: •

Defined arms, sleek shoulders

Flat, tight abs

Firm legs, toned muscle

Feel stronger physically & emotionally

Boxing works out the entire body at one time Paperback Published 2007

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you’re going to be doing weights or high

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Destress Declutter & Words Dr Ash Nayate

and endless busywork, effective stress management is the key to our

wellbeing. Stress is linked to a variety of ailments, ranging from the physical, such as reduced immunity or increased risk of cardiovascular disease, to the psychological ailments of chronic depression and anxiety, binge-eating, substance use or compulsive behaviours such as gambling or excessive spending. GHG Disclaimer – please read



a world of information overload

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

We all experience stress, from day to day occurrences and even from positive events such as moving out of home or welcoming a new baby into the family. Unfortunately, many of us are unwittingly heightening our stress, by surrounding ourselves with clutter. Clutter is visually distracting and mentally draining. Have you ever considered why hotel rooms are so peaceful and inviting? One reason is their simplicity. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 39

longer wear, books we no longer reference and gadgets we no longer use. A cluttered environment feels chaotic, overwhelming and even stifling. We usually don’t even realise the impact that clutter has on our stress levels - until we remove it. And the change can be profound.


Most of us have too much stuff. Clothes we no

even take the first step towards decluttering. One tip from Marie Kondo, author of The LifeChanging Magic of Tidying Up, is to sort items by category, rather than by location. Instead of decluttering our entire bedroom closet, she suggests dealing with one category at a time - say, our shirts or dresses.


Reducing makes for a calmer & more environment, whether in our home,


Car or office.

doesn’t need to be. Even short bursts - say, 15 or 20 minutes at a time - can be incredibly effective.




Decluttering may sound tedious, but it

My personal experience of decluttering started over a year ago and recently escalated into a full scale quest for minimalism. Whether






practice of decluttering is more

lifestyle or simply a tidier home,

than 2 hours over the course of

here are four tips to get you

a week.

started with eliminating clutter: 1. Get rid of anything that

The plethora of products and

has served its purpose. The

books relating to organization

threadbare leggings, the lonely

and storage reflects the popularity

socks, the chipped dinner plates

of decluttering. Most of us have a desire to live in a tidier, more

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

- do we really need to hold onto

by Marie Kondo

them? These items aren’t likely to

often, the real challenge is simply

Hardcover Published 2014

be used again. So unless these

getting started. The clutter of

RRP $33.99 Now $23.90

organized home. However, most

our environment can become so

items have particular sentimental value, we can dispose of them.

overwhelming that we become

2. Ditch the duplicates. Look

mentally paralysed, unable to

through cupboards and closets


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coats or three sets of dinnerware? Unless it’s something we use with high frequency like underwear or coffee mugs, consider donating or chucking the duplicates. 3. Clear the kitchen. Kitchen benchtops are a landing pad for any and all items. Many of us keep things on the benchtops because we don’t have enough space in the cupboards. An easy way to create more space is to get rid of anything that’s past it’s shelf life. It’s incredible how much expired food can sit in the back of our fridge or pantry. Set aside 15 minutes and a garbage bag and go through all the canned goods, packaged goods, spices, sauces and condiments. Remember to check the fruit


- do we really need multiple black winter

on to our ‘fat clothes’, we maintain the possibility of returning to that size. The frenzy about decluttering isn’t just about a tidy home. Better stress management, a more peaceful environment and more space for the things that really matter to us, are just a few extra benefits of decluttering.

Ash Nayate is a clinical neuropsychologist, which means that she specialises in brain function and how this impacts on our behaviour. She has almost 15 years’ experience working with children and families, supporting them to feel happier, more confident and more resilient. To contact Ash please visit her website.

and vegetable crisper for any produce that in the cupboards, there is more room for those items cluttering the benchtop.



4. Eliminate the clothes that don’t fit. We’ve all fallen victim to the trap of buying clothes that looked good on the store mannequin, but don’t suit us. Or, perhaps our physical appearance has changed and clothes that once fitted are now too small or too baggy. Grab a friend who will give you an honest opinion and go through your closet. Anything that doesn’t fit or doesn’t look good can go. Obviously, pregnant mums are exempted from this tip (in fact, go get a cup of tea and put your feet up). As an added bonus, this process can actually work wonders for our health, too. For example, by holding GHG Disclaimer – please read

Habits of a Happy Brain by Loretta Breuning

Retrain Your Brain: • • • • •

Boost Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin & Endorphins Trigger happiness chemicals Build new happiness circuits Enhance levels of satisfaction

Paperback Published 2016

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can be composted. Once space is cleared

“Body language is a very powerful tool…80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words”

- Deborah Bull



Are You

M Material?

arriage Design Oleksandra Zuieva

Š ssuaphoto

Words Dr Matthew Anderson

Warning! This is a tough talk article. If you are considering marriage or already married, you may be upset by what you read. You may discover that you are not ready for marriage or that you are currently incapable of creating a marriage that thrives. However, if you are not yet married and heed my advice you will save yourself a tremendous amount of suffering. If you are already in a marriage, you could benefit greatly if you apply even a small part of the crucial information below.

Over half of the individuals who choose to get married are not ready and possibly never will be. Many of those who survive divorce and stay married exist in a perpetually stale, unfulfilling, relationship with little joy, no intimacy and no promise of growth.



dismal but the good news is that marriage is


My 45 years of work with couples (and singles) has made it clear that certain basic and essential ingredients must be present for a marriage to have a chance to survive and even more, for it to thrive. Sadly, most people spend more energy preparing for their driver’s license test than they do for their marriage license. The result? A very

The current state of marriage


The Sad Truth



high rate of failure, disappointment, suffering and legal fees. It




The single cause of

everyone knows that



the divorce rate is

lack of relationship

about 50%, but almost

skills. If you lack the

no one imagines that

right skills then, for

it applies to them. It


is also amazing, that




probably be hell.




If you have the right skills, marriage can be incredibly


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yet only a small percentage of couples attend any sort of marriage training or counseling even when faced with severe marital stress or the threat of divorce. Why is this so? Simply put, the reasons are immaturity, ignorance, denial and arrogance.





exceptions to the rule. They also are afraid they will discover that they are not even close to being ready for this thing they so much want to do. So they fill their minds with denial and arrogance and jump in head first. Too late, they realize the pool has no water and they crash. Only half survive and most of the other half do little more than exist. Only a very small percentage 46 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


even one truly happy married couple,

survives and thrives and only because they had the necessary skills. There is no luck to being successful at marriage. It is a matter of skill. If you and your partner lack these skills, then you are in for massive trouble. So should you get married at all? The following test is a set of direct questions that I have created from my work with hundreds of couples over the last 45 years. They cut to the heart of the issue. There is no fluff here. So read the list carefully and be brutally honest with yourself. If you answer NO to even two of the following questions, then you are not ready. Don’t even try. You do not have what it takes. Don’t do it. GHG Disclaimer – please read



requires two adults. If either of you is not fully adult, you are not ready. If you have to ask what an adult is, then you are not one. 2. Are you truly in love with your partner? If you have even a moment’s doubt about this one, then your answer is NO. Marriage requires, needs, demands deep love (from both of you) to survive and thrive. If you are not both head over heels in love, then what the hell are you thinking? 3. Can you honestly admit when you are wrong? Everyone makes mistakes and being able and willing to admit it when you do, is the mark of a responsible adult whose ego is not as big as her or his love for one’s partner. 4. Can you consistently open your heart and love your partner? Marriage is essentially about love. Love requires an open heart. Can you keep your heart open to your partner each and every day, even when life gets stressful? 5.






heart and allow love in? Marriage is essentially about love (see #4 above). GHG Disclaimer – please read


1. Are you a grown-up?

Can you keep your heart open and allow your partner’s love to penetrate you and make a difference? 6. Do you see your partner as an equal? Marriage is also about intimacy, the emotional kind. If you see your partner as superior or inferior to you then you will have a great power imbalance and intimacy will be severely limited. 7. Can you say I love you out loud regularly and mean it? The man or woman who says they can show their love without verbalizing it, is both ignorant (about and





relationships) Loving


communication matters: daily. 8. Can you accept your partner exactly the way she/he is now and not try to change them? The fact is most people do not change. What you see is what you are going to get. A marriage that lasts is not a giant change project. It is a celebration of what is, not what you hope he or she will be. 9. Can you regularly listen to your partner




understanding? Listening, with open SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 47

a healthy marriage. Some days it is a twominute task and other days it is two hours. Both ways for both partners. No listening means no marriage. No question. 10. Can you be trusted? This question requires no explanation. If you don’t get it then answer No.


heart and mind, is a daily requirement in

13. Can you touch your partner daily with tenderness and love without it becoming sexual? Nonsexual tender, supportive and caring physical contact is a daily necessity for couples who want to survive. Sex will actually be much better if you have lots of regular loving touch that does not lead immediately to sex. 14. Can you make love sexually with an open heart? Making love requires an open, naked and vulnerable heart. Anything less is mutual masturbation and mutual masturbation, even when it is consensual, will not sustain a loving connection. And true making love in a loving intimate relationship is incredible. Why cheat yourselves? 15. Can you share your inner secrets with your partner regularly? Marriage should be a place for safety, deep






Most people understand that hurting or threatening to hurt your partner physically, ever, under any and all circumstances is totally unacceptable. Right? This is also true about emotional abuse, cursing and constantly criticizing or putting down your loved one. Right again? 12. Can you affirm your partner daily? Are you able and willing to name out loud, your




daily? Couples that survive do this at least 3 to 5 times a day. Really happy couples do it 20 times a day. 48 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

trust and heart driven sharing by both ...............................................................

11. Can you be trusted to never verbally

partners. If inner secrets cannot be shared and held in acceptance, then you will begin to disconnect and your intimacy will suffer. 16. Can you accept and perform the daily gladly

responsibilities and






complaining? This means taking care of the dog, the garbage, the kids, the job, the car, the dishes, the bills and all of the other normal stuff that goes with living with someone you love. Grownups don’t bitch about any of it. They just do it and get on with their lives. GHG Disclaimer – please read

what every person needs if they are to be considered as marriage material. As I stated above, if you answer NO to even 2 of them, YOU ARE NOT READY TO BE MARRIED.

Am I being too tough here? I think not. Facing the truth now will save you great difficulty and may even cause you to make





you do answer NO to two or more and you actually want to become marriage





a Doctor of Ministry specialising in counselling and has extensive training and experience in Gestalt and Jungian Psychology. He has helped many couples and




relationship issues. He has a best-selling book, The Resurrection of Romance. Matthew may be contacted through his website.


material, then contact me. I can help.


These 16 questions contain the essence of

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Love Words Martin Gladman

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


Part 1

Building Your


here are many of us that have longed and lusted over love, but how many of us have taken responsibility for living

it? Surely our sadness or misery is because

The ability to build and

live love

the right person hasn’t come our way and not

is possible for every

because of what we’re choosing, right? Wrong! The ability to build and live love is something that is possible for every single human being


by the very nature of them being born; how much


we get to feel that each and every day though, is


completely up to us, as it’s based on what we choose and what we build over time. The following is Part

time waiting for love when

1 in our two-part series on

we can connect right now to

Building Your Love and

it and choose to make our

how you can practically

next move loving? And what

start building your love

would happen if we did the

right now. So here are tips

same for the move after that

one to five - time to get

and the one after that and

empower ourselves with our own love. 1. Recognise that love is not something that relies on or requires another. How many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years have we spent longing for that one person to bring us love when we in


fact could have been choosing it and building it for ourselves all along? Many of us make the error in thinking that love is something that is only possible when we’re with another but this is not true. Love is with us in every single moment of the day, it’s just up to us to choose it, breath it and live it. So why waste GHG Disclaimer – please read


off the misery-go-round and start to truly re-

the one after that? We would quickly see that it is not love that gives up on us, but we who give up on it. 2. Make it practical, pay attention to the details. It’s easy to say the words ‘I love myself’ but when we look into the details of that statement, how truthful is it? It’s like saying we have a clean house that looks sparkling and organised on the surface, but when you start to get into the cupboards and drawers we see that it’s not so clean after all. Love is found in the details, in the smallest of smallest things we do. From how we put down our SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 51

we experience life in. Be it cooking, cleaning, sleeping, eating, breathing, reading or making love, all of it happens because of our bodies. When we focus on deeply nurturing and loving our bodies, our bodies do something amazing, they respond to it, as do we. Whether it be taking the time to gently massage some cream into your body after a shower, getting regular and consistent early night’s sleep or eating supportive and healthy foods, everything you do to your body, you do to you. So if we bring all our love to our bodies, guess who benefits? You do and then in turn, we all do. 4. Keep it simple. Often when we think about loving ourselves we can get stuck thinking that it needs to be something big and grand when it in fact can be simple. Sure baths and weekends away are lovely but you need to connect to what can you do right now. Are you sitting in a way that is comfortable and supportive to the body? Are you warm? Have you had enough water? Have you been outside for a walk? Every little thing we do in our days can

part of what we do, with nothing left out or considered lesser, very soon all the little things add up, resulting in us living a life of love and not just pretending to. 3. Make it about your body first. Everything we do, we do in our bodies. Our bodies are the vehicles which carries us through our days and is the thing in which 52 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

either come from a deep love and care for ourselves or from a place that is everything but that. So if you were to keep it simple and choose to be love right now, what would that look like? What would you choose? 5. Express love whenever you can. Love is not something that is meant to be kept to ourselves, it’s meant to be shared. Now I don’t mean in a preachy, weird kind of imposing way, but simply expressed and given air as GHG Disclaimer – please read


pillows. If we bring all of our love to every


toothbrush to how we place our head on the

appreciate the way your boss greets you in the morning, let them know how much it means to you. If you enjoy the way your friends or family members laugh, then let them know how joyful it is for you. If you love the way your partner makes the bed each day, let them know how much it supports you. Let people know how much you love and appreciate them and take the time to do the same for you. Expression is great medicine for the body. Making changes can seem hard at first, but if we keep choosing to move forward and love ourselves through any challenges that may arise, at the end of it, we get to enjoy the fact


opposed to locked up and hidden away. If you

that we didn’t give up on ourselves and bask in the glory of what we truly and honestly deserve. So, get to it! Look out for the next round of tips in November’s edition of GHGTM, but in the meantime, enjoy building your love. Martin Gladman is a social worker, counsellor, teacher and life coach working out of Melbourne. Victoria. Martin has had the pleasure of supporting people of all ages, backgrounds and genders to work through the many challenges which can prevent them from living truly joyful and vital lives. Martin can be contacted through his website.


Love is meant to be shared, we can’t keep it to ourselves.

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© kartos


Why is


hange C Difficult Words Kelly Fryer


Design Oleksandra Zuieva

hange is fast becoming the one constant in our lives, yet we can find it difficult to embrace, adapt and deal

with. Sometimes we initiate the change and sometimes it is forced upon us; sometimes the change is slow and sometimes it moves at one hundred miles an hour.

Why do we find

change so hard,

whatever it is &

whatever the ©


Well firstly there is a bit of science behind it. The saying that ‘we are creatures of habit’ is in fact very true. As we move through life we develop beliefs, thoughts and patterns in the primitive part of our brain and when faced GHG Disclaimer – please read 55 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 55 GHG Disclaimer – please read

with a ‘fearful’ situation we move from the

emotions, our beliefs and our actions. How

intellectual part of our brain to the primitive

did you feel when you got out of bed this

part of our brain. This causes us to revert back

morning? Did you think it was going to be a

to behavior that has helped us before and

good day or a bad day?

reuse the patterns we have stored. On average it takes us eleven times to create a new pattern and learn a new behavior. 11 times! In addition, we create emotions to certain things be it anger, happiness, frustration, excitement





another part of our brain that link the pattern in our brains more strongly. When we are excited by change, the new car, the new house or the new job, our emotions tell us that everything is going to be OK and we find the change much easier to manage. When we fear the change or feel sad about it, the chemical triggers from these emotions tell us that we in are danger. We want to hold onto the patterns and behaviors that have always helped us; it’s our fight or flight response that keep us safe, but often it is wrong. On top of this, we are resisting the change because we are happy with the way things are. Then our childlike behaviors kick in and our internal five-year-old dominates. We know what we need to do in order to keep our job, or our relationship intact. Despite our best efforts to change, sometimes we just can’t muster up the energy to change and then we beat ourselves up even more.


you think


your will be, is exactly how it

turns out.

You wake up saying, it’s going to be a bad day, then shower and head downstairs for breakfast. You spill your coffee, need to change only to find the top you just took out of the wardrobe also has a stain on it (darn coffee!). You run downstairs as you are now going to be late and the dog still needs walking. You leave the house, without the required poo bags, the dog doesn’t want to do his business and is making you even later. You finally get home, can’t find your keys, run around frantically and then remember you put them in your back pocket when you took the dog out.

To accept and deal comfortably with change,

You finally get in the car, the traffic is a nightmare,

we need to manage our emotions and I know,

you arrive late for the 9:00am meeting. Everyone

this can be easier said than done. But, we are

is staring at you and you know, it’s because they

each capable of managing and changing our

have noticed yet another stain on your top.


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you woke up feeling positive and said that it was going to be a good day. You shower and dress, head downstairs, drink your coffee as you read your magazine (GHG of course!), grab the lead and the poo bags and take the dog for a walk as you notice the birds singing. You get home, grab


Now let’s look at the same morning; this time

Kelly Fryer, Founder at Chrysalis Consulting is currently undertaking a PhD in Organisational Change and the Courage of Leaders. Kelly has a strong background in HR; having worked in the industry for 18 years she is a qualified and accredited Executive Coach and lives in the UK. Kelly can be contacted at Chrysalis consulting.

your bag and your keys, jump in the car and your clear and you arrive in time to say hi to your team and grab a coffee before your 9:00am meeting.



The only difference between these situations is your attitude and your mood. If you practice daily, having a positive attitude and a happy mood, when you find yourself faced with change, you will be able to cope, embrace the change and manage it more effectively. Give it a go and see if you can create a smooth and comfortable change.

© Lonely11

Top Tips for embracing change: • Pay attention to your emotions and your

SWITCH! How to Change Things, When Change is Hard

by Chip & Dan Heath

Unlock shortcuts to switches in behavior: • how the mind works • focus on goals, not obstacles • practical takeaway ideas • make changes in life & business Paperback Published 2011

trigger points • Remember that change is constant • Know and accept that change can be tough, but it can also be great GHG Disclaimer – please read

RRP $19.99 Now $15.80 Booktopia may vary prices from those published. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 57 Postage $6.95 per order AUST/NZ


favourite song comes on the radio. The roads are

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Kidz Matters

Š t.tomsickova



at The Shops

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


Words Deb Hopper

Part 2


and balancing act that shopping with children can be. In last month’s

edition of GHGTM, we took a look at some of the less understood reasons why shopping can be so hard for children. We recommend reading this article to gain a good understanding of why shopping can be difficult. There are many ideas that can make the job of shopping with children much easier and even an enjoyable and connecting time with your child. Take a look at some of our ideas below and give them a go! Tips for making shopping trips easier: 1. Involve your child in the planning process. Before you head to the shops, talk about what you need to buy. As you make your shopping list, talk about what items your child will be able to help to find. Grab some old catalogues and



ll parents understand the struggle

card, in a small photo book or in a little wallet/purse for them to look after and be responsible for. Once you get to the shops, go to a section or aisle and say, ‘Now, what’s on your list to buy here?’ Give a clue, ‘Can you see the bananas around here?’ Help your child choose the correct amount and let them be hands on in getting items from the shelf. 3. Ask your child if they find the noise or lights too much or too bright? Some children are self-aware and can tell you. If lights are an issue, let them try wearing some kid’s sunglasses inside the shop. If it’s too noisy, try some kids-sized ear muffs. 4. Prepare your child’s nervous system before getting to the shops. Take a detour for 10 minutes on the way to the park. Let them swing, climb and run around. Not only does this ‘burn energy’ but it helps fill their nervous system with movement input that will then

cut out some pictures of

allow them to focus, self-

foods that you buy weekly

regulate and be more in

e.g. bread, milk, apples,

control of their behaviour.

bananas etc.

5. If you can’t get to the little

park on the way, have

‘shopping list’ for your

some sensory tools in

child. Give them some

the car they can use. This

responsibility. You could


laminate the pictures and


put them on a laminated

pulling on some exercise




include in

wearing the


Shopping with kids is tricky! Hang in there & pick your battles. GHG Disclaimer – please read



young children for a season. If you can find

The Just Right Kids Technique

make things easier in the short time to make

strategies that work for your family, it will the season easier.

by Deb Hopper Paperback

For more great tips for helping busy children

Published 1st January 2016

find it easier cope with daily life, visit my website.

RRP $21.95 Now $18.75

Deb Hopper is an Amazon #1 Best Seller author. She is a practicing Occupational Therapist at Life Skills 4 Kids on the NSW Mid

is calming and organising), or fiddling with a fidget toy.


band in the back seat (muscle resistance input

North Coast, Australia, she understands the day to day struggles that children, parents and teachers face and can be reached on her website.

6. Back yourself as a parent and set guidelines for rewards. Kids often ask for treats during shopping. Don’t get sucked into always buying something to keep the peace. Children will push the limits every time and they need to learn that often the answer is ‘no’. If you want to say no, say, ‘no’, and stick to you guns. You may get tantrums or complaints the first time or two, but you need to think of the bigger picture and pick your battles. It will get easier, but you need



TAMING THE SPIRITED CHILD Strategies for Parenting Challenging Children by Dr Michael Popkin

to be consistent.

Without Breaking Their Spirits:

7. Try and pick times of the day. Certain

• Building relationship skills with your child

times will be more successful, especially for





unavoidable, but try and go when a child is well-rested, not hungry and you have enough time. Try a few of the above tips to try and make it easier. Remember, we only have our 62 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

• Disciplining with encouragement • Balancing the power dynamic • Curbing tantrums effectively Paperback Published 2007

RRP $33.99 Now $27.25 Booktopia may vary prices from those published. Postage $6.95 per order AUST/NZ

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“It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you

forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it sets you free” - Tyler Perry

active Get Our Kids Words Dr Natasha Schranz & Charlotte Vincent

Design Oleksandra Zuieva



scored an


alarming in the area of overall

physical activity

D- in the area of overall physical activity, when the 2014 inaugural

Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Young People was released by Active Healthy Kids Australia. Only one in five children met the national physical activity guidelines and over two thirds engaged in recreational screen use for more than 2 hours 64 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



ustralian kids scored an alarming

a day. With the launch of the latest Report Card approaching, we ask the question, what can we do to improve this grade? Leading the Report Card initiative is Active Healthy Kids Australia (AHKA), a collaboration of physical activity researchers across Australia who have a vested interest in increasing the physical activity levels of all Australian children and young people. This increase in physical GHG Disclaimer – please read

activity participation is the ultimate purpose

With the knowledge that inactive kids are

of AHKA. The vehicle to drive this change is

likely to become inactive adults, it is vital that

the AHKA Report Card on Physical Activity

we all play our part to get our children moving

for Children and Young People. The Report

more every day. This responsibility falls on the

Card synthesises the best available evidence

shoulders of no one person, influence or sector.

in order to assign grades to physical activity

We need a nationally coordinated response

indicators and provides a national snap shot

that includes:

of children’s physical activity in Australia.

a. government (at the local, state and federal

In 2014, AHKA produced the first Australian Physical Activity Report Card and then following on in 2015 released the AHKA

level) working towards implementing policies, programs and initiatives that encourage and support physical activity participation

Progress Report Card on Active Transport

b. communities creating spaces, environments

which focused on just the one physical activity

and cultures that invite movement; schools

indicator. Both Reports can be accessed from

and teachers who nurture the development of

the AHKA website.

active children c. families who provide numerous opportunities

The key functions of the AHKA

to be active and act as positive role models who

Report Card are:

value physical activity in their everyday lives.

a. to inform policy changes and decisionmaking across various sectors with the aim of increasing physical activity participation b. to highlight where more research is needed to




In November 2016, AHKA will release the next full Report Card which will cover all 12 physical activity indicators. These focus on physical activity



physical activity of Australian

settings and sources of

children and young people

influence, strategies and

c. to encourage all Australians to make changes in their lives to promote, facilitate and model positive lifestyle behaviours



physical activity participation d.









these behaviours and traits linked with physical activity participation. The AHKA Report Card will be released alongside reports from more than


35 other countries as a

children and young people

part of the Active Healthy

of today and tomorrow.

Kids Global Alliance. This

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global launch will provide a benchmark of where Australia sits compared to the rest of the world in regards to the activity levels of Australian children and young people. Dr Natasha Schranz, Active Healthy Kids Australia (AHKA) Co-Chair and Research Fellow at the University of South Australia is passionate about the work she does for AHKA. With Aussie kids doing less physical activity than they ever have before, the results from the AHKA Physical Activity Report Cards can



Super Food Family Classics by Jamie Oliver

With Jamie’s Everyday Super Food: • f reshen up your family favourites

and should start a national conversation about

• fi nd new nutritious, tasty meals

how to improve the grade and get more kids

• p lus, cooking with kids

to move more and sit less. Charlotte Vincent assists with the business administration for Active Healthy Kids Australia.

• tackling fussy eaters • h ealthy food in your family’s diet

Charlotte shares the passion of AHKA in the ultimate quest to find effective and innovative ways to improve physical activity levels of Australian Kids. 66 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Hardcover Published 2016

RRP $55.00 Now $39.40 Booktopia may vary prices from those published. Postage $6.95 per order AUST/NZ

“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow� - Orison Swett Marden

© Antalya Developments Pty Ltd 2016 Any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats), or from Antalya Developments Pty Limited or Kathryn Dodd, including by way of third party authored articles or discussions, is made available for readers’ interest only. The purpose of making the information available is to stimulate research, public discussion and debate. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own research and consult with professional advisors to form their own independent views about the topic/s discussed. The information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats) is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers should seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions regarding a potential or actual medical condition or the proposed use or decision not to use any particular product. Readers should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it at any time, including because of the content of any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Each of Antalya Developments Pty Ltd and Kathryn Dodd do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the accuracy, veracity, adequacy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information available on, or arising in relation to, the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Neither Antalya Developments Pty Limited nor Kathryn Dodd endorses the views of any contributing authors to the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).

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