Community Foundation 2015 Report to the Community

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Letter from the President


Igniting Change


Our Mission


Investing in the Future


Year at a Glance


LifeTown Legacy Society


Turning Assets into Impact




Fields of Opportunity


Friends of the Community Foundation


Pass it On


Community Foundation Staff


Statewide Support


Committees and Consultants


Planning Forever Today


Board of Directors


The Gift of Giving




Cultivating Connections


Better Together. Better Forever.


Coordinating Opportunity

Dear Community Foundation Friends, The work of the Community Foundation reflects our mission to improve quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues… we’re simply better together. We strive to break down barriers to giving by providing unique tools designed to meet the needs and opportunities of those with charitable interests. Our team works side-by-side with nonprofit organizations to learn about their work, matching their missions with the passions of donors. As a convener for critical community conversations, we move our community forward in collaborative ways and provide leadership on key initiatives. By living our mission the impact of charitable giving is felt statewide. In 2014 we celebrated over $51 million in gifts made to Community Foundation funds. Additionally, nearly $26 million in grants were made by our fund holders to causes they care about. Over $576,000 in grants were made through the Community Foundation’s Better Together Fund to support local projects and organizations meeting critical needs and opportunities in our community. Across the state Endow Iowa Tax Credits, 25% state tax credits exclusive to Iowa community foundations, have been used to leverage more than $167 million in gifts to permanent endowments over the past 11 years. We could not fulfill our mission without you. Thank you for your support and partnership. Together we are improving quality of life for Iowans today and for generations to come. It is a pleasure to work beside you – we’re truly better together.

Kristi Knous President



The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines improves quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues... we’re simply better together.




183 New Funds

Keep Iowa Growing Iowa’s


farmland giving program


Educated donors at four

the first IGNITE Community Innovation Challenge Grants

DonorConnect events


$51,355,706 in GIFTS facilitated

Granted seven Leadership Grants for a total of


ASSETS under administration

$25,936,341 in GRANTS

made from Community Foundation funds

723 donor meetings

Made Capacity

Supported 39 affiliate


Building Grants to



Convened groups around

community issues

county and community foundations


Trained over individuals through BoardLaunch & OnTrack Trainings

Coordinated over

$1 million in Donor-Leveraged Grants

Worked with 37

Provided administrative support through Nonprofit Accounting Services to organizations


charitable investment partners



Turning Assets into Impact

When Kim and Rich Willis opened a fund at the Community Foundation over a year ago, it was more than a charitable giving opportunity; it was part of an overall financial plan. “Opening a fund at the Community Foundation was driven by conversations with our financial advisor. It provided us with the opportunity to leverage the appreciated assets we had to give more to causes we support,” says Rich.

“Working with the Community Foundation has opened the door for conversations about long-term gifting and family giving as part of our overall, strategic financial plan.” — KIM WILLIS


As Kim explains, “It is easy for us, and our financial advisor, to contact the Community Foundation with questions related to our charitable and financial interests. We have benefited from the charitable advice of the Community Foundation and look forward to continued exploration of opportunities available.” Many donors take advantage of the Community Foundation’s Charitable Investment Partners program to include charitable giving as part of their financial plan. This program allows donors to establish funds at the Community Foundation, while their assets are managed by their preferred professional advisors. Donors gain access to Community Foundation services, including Endow Iowa Tax Credits, while maintaining relationships with their trusted financial advisors.

Kim & Rich Willis



Fields of Opportunity At the Community Foundation we pride ourselves on seeking innovative ways to meet the needs of our donors and promote charitable giving. One such innovative giving tool is Keep Iowa Growing, Iowa’s farmland giving program. Keep Iowa Growing provides an opportunity for Iowa landowners to support their local communities and the causes they care about, preserve their history and capture their wishes about what happens to their land beyond their lifetime.

“We hope this gift of Iowa farmland will provide funding to help the poor, hungry and underprivileged for many years to come.” — B O B VAU G H N


“Farming is more than a means of making a living; it is a way of life. Keep Iowa Growing provides an opportunity to ensure donors’ fields yield a legacy of giving,” says Kristi Knous, Community Foundation president. “We are proud to provide a unique charitable giving opportunity that allows the revenue from farmland to benefit causes important to Iowa landowners.” A personalized approach to giving, Keep Iowa Growing offers the flexibility to structure a gift of farmland as either an outright gift or a gift that pays the donor income during their lifetime. It maximizes tax benefits and provides the opportunity to suggest the tenant farmer who will continue to keep the land in production. The land continues to yield while creating a legacy of support for generations.



Jeannine & Bob Vaughn Keep Iowa Growing donors



Pass it On Sarah and Zac Voss describe their giving philosophy in one simple phrase, “We have been blessed and want to share.” Attributing much of their success to the investments others made in them, the couple felt it was their turn to give. To meet their charitable goals, Sarah and Zac started a Seed Fund with the Community Foundation. Seed Funds are like charitable savings accounts allowing donors to grow charitable dollars over time. Once the fund reaches $10,000, grants can be made to causes donors care about. “As a teacher at Roosevelt High School, I saw the impact grants made in the classroom. We decided we wanted to be in a position to give in the same way someday,” says Sarah.

“We still have so much to learn about how to best make an impact in the world, and we like having the resources of the Community Foundation to help show us the best path.” — ZAC VOSS


The Voss family has grown their Seed Fund to a point where they can begin making grants, but they are not done growing charitable assets. “Because the dollars in our Community Foundation fund are professionally invested, they will continue to grow, so we can do more good. This provides us an opportunity to teach our children the power of investing early for greater charitable impact,” says Zac. “As our family begins making grants from our fund, we can pass on important lessons about supporting the needs of others.”

Voss Family



Statewide Support

“The County Endowment Fund Program continues to provide sustainable improvements to quality of life in our local communities. It is a base of support allowing us to grow into a hub for charitable giving.” — SCOTT CIRKSENA Dallas County Foundation


2014 marked the 10th anniversary of the County Endowment Fund Program. This innovative legislation provides charitable support statewide by annually distributing a percentage of state gaming revenue through countywide community foundations. In the first 10 years of the program, over $92.7 million has been invested in charitable causes improving quality of life across the state. Each year participating county foundations enhance their communities by granting 75% of the charitable dollars to local projects with the remaining 25% supporting unrestricted endowment funds to build a sustainable source of funding for their county’s future needs. As a host foundation providing support for 30 countywide community foundations, we are proud of the charitable impact they continue to achieve. For example, in Hamilton County, the County Endowment Funds provided the opportunity to make a lead gift to revitalize a local movie theater that now operates under an effective nonprofit model. Another example of success resides with the Story County Community Foundation, which has grown to over 100 charitable funds within their county of service. By granting and growing additional charitable support, county community foundations are investing in the continued success of their communities in meaningful ways.

(top) Enhance Hamilton County

Foundation provided grant support for renovation of the Webster Theater, (left) Story County Community

Foundation provided grant support to the Boys & Girls Club of Story County, (right) Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County provided grant support for the Stacyville Veteran’s Memorial



Planning Forever Today

As Dotty and Stan Thurston began the process of developing their estate plan, it was important to them that charitable giving played a part in their overall strategy. “We have a Donor Advised Fund through the Community Foundation we have used to facilitate our giving successfully for years,” says Dotty. “As we talked with our attorney about our estate plans, I felt strongly that we should utilize a Legacy Fund at the Community Foundation to continue our giving beyond our lifetimes.”

“A Legacy Fund provides us with a personalized way to direct our giving in our estate plan while offering the flexibility to easily make adjustments as new community needs arise.” — S TA N T H U R S T O N


By bringing the Thurstons, their attorney and Community Foundation staff around the table, the couple’s financial and charitable interests could be successfully represented in their estate plans. “Opening a Legacy Fund at the Community Foundation allowed us to create a customized plan for how our charitable interests will be met long-term. A Legacy Fund offers us the opportunity to change our charitable focus in the future, if we feel there are new community needs we want to support, without making revisions to our will,” says Stan. According to Dotty, “The ability to have both a Donor Advised Fund and a Legacy Fund at the Community Foundation is serving our charitable giving well. We are able to engage in the joy of giving now with the peace of mind that a plan is in place to continue our charitable support in the future.”

Stan & Dotty Thurston



The Gift of Giving What are your family’s values? Do you have charitable interest areas? How can you make strategic decisions about your charitable giving? The Community Foundation assists families in shaping their charitable legacy by posing such questions and providing resources to put the answers into practice. When Mary and Brian Lohse began working with the Community Foundation, they were looking for a way to support the community in meaningful ways as a family. “We did not get here alone, and it is important for our family to give back to the community and causes we care about most,” says Brian. “The Community Foundation helped us determine where our family’s values and areas of charitable interest

intersect in order to focus our charitable giving. They have also helped us connect with local causes that meet the charitable goals we have created as a family.” The Community Foundation provides the expertise and education necessary to assist families in embracing a spirit of giving. By involving the entire family, conversations are taking place about charitable giving while developing the next generation of engaged givers.

“It is important to educate our children on the needs of our community and the importance of giving back. By working with the Community Foundation, we have been able to discuss why we give, the causes that are important to us and how to be smart givers.” — BRIAN LOHSE


Brian & Mary Lohse



Cultivating Connections

“The Community Foundation’s DonorConnect sessions allow me to connect with local leaders and other donors to learn how I can become involved in supporting the needs and opportunities of our community.” — JOHNNIE FRIEDMAN


Where community needs and charitable interests intersect, passion develops. The Community Foundation seeks to spur such passion through DonorConnect, an education series designed to connect donors with causes they care about. From exciting new community initiatives to the most pressing area needs, DonorConnect provides an opportunity to learn more about the individuals, organizations and collaborations making Greater Des Moines greater. DonorConnect featured a session on the challenges associated with keeping our neighbors in need fed. As someone with interest in this area, Johnnie Friedman attended to learn more. “Addressing hunger is important work with tremendous need locally,” says Johnnie. “By attending DonorConnect I learned how various organizations are working together for change and the impact they are achieving.” This interest developed into action as Johnnie provided charitable support from her Community Foundation fund to an organization she learned about at DonorConnect. According to Johnnie, “Attending DonorConnect sessions provides an opportunity to further my interests and stay educated on the needs of the community.” By sharing ongoing community needs and opportunities, the Community Foundation seeks to connect donors with causes they care about and improve quality of life for generations to come.

Johnnie Friedman



Coordinating Opportunity Our homeless neighbors need us most, but issues surrounding housing are complicated and vast. The Community Foundation has served as a leader on addressing homelessness by bringing stakeholders around the table with the mission of working together to improve the lives of those in need. Through grantmaking, we have been able to provide funding for programs that are moving the needle toward a better future for those requiring housing. One such program is Centralized Intake. A Community Foundation Leadership Grant was awarded to Primary Health Care to jump start Centralized Intake, a game-changer in the way homeless families and individuals are connected with services. Serving as a hub between those seeking housing services and the providers serving them, Primary Health

Care can refer clients to a variety of services based upon individual needs. This coordinated process is reducing barriers to service and cuts down dramatically on the number of steps it takes to become housed. “Centralized Intake allows us to provide existing services in a more comprehensive way. We are working smarter to meet people where they are and provide them with what they need to be successful,” says Dee Henriquez, advocacy program director at Primary Health Care. “By thinking outside the box in terms of how services are provided and clients are served, change is being achieved.”

“It is hard to overstate what the Community Foundation’s seal of approval meant as we sought additional funding. The Community Foundation was the first in the door to provide funding and leadership for this project that is transforming people’s lives.” — K E L LY H U N T S M A N , C E O Primary Health Care


Dee Henriquez & Shelby Ridley Primary Health Care



Igniting Change Greater Des Moines is full of innovative individuals and organizations seeking to meet community needs. The Ignite Community Innovation Challenge serves as a catalyst in the nonprofit sector to spark new approaches to creating solutions. The Community Foundation, along with the Ignite Innovation Investors, set out to rethink and reframe the way we go about grantmaking in our community by taking a collaborative approach to providing funding.

“Ignite is about more than simply granting to an innovative project. It is about challenging the community, funders included, to think differently about how we can create impact by encouraging outside the box approaches.” — ANGIE DETHLEFS-TRETTIN Community Foundation


From over 50 Ignite submissions, four finalist projects were selected to pitch their ideas at a live event. Robotic Retail won the first Ignite Community Innovation Challenge, and $30,000, for their innovative approach to providing fresh produce through robotic vending-machine-style outlets in areas identified as food deserts. Second place, and $15,000, was awarded to Station 1 Records to pursue a nonprofit approach to the recording industry. “The Ignite Community Innovation Challenge is a catalyst for change,” says Jana Rieker of Bankers Trust. “As an Innovation Investor, it provides a unique opportunity to support issues in our community through collaboration and creativity.”

Linda Gobberdiel & Aubrey Alvarez Eat Greater Des Moines/Robotic Retail



Investing in the Future According to research conducted by Iowa Community Capital, over 39% of single-mother households in Iowa are living below poverty level. This staggering statistic prompted the organization to develop the Solidarity Microfinance Program as an opportunity for women to lift themselves out of poverty by starting their own small businesses. The Solidarity Microfinance Program provides small business loans to women who would otherwise struggle to receive such financial resources to make their dreams a reality.

“Our members are excited about the opportunities available to them through the Solidarity Microfinance Program. They are enthusiastic about their businesses and hopeful about their futures.” — A N A M A N C E B O Iowa Community Capital


Program participants make weekly loan payments at group meetings where they discuss best business practices and their shared experiences as small business owners. “The women refer clients among themselves, offer support and are invested in each other’s success,” says Ana Mancebo of Iowa Community Capital. The Community Foundation proudly provided a Leadership Grant to support the work of the Solidarity Microfinance Project. Leadership Grants, funded through the Community Foundation’s Better Together Fund, address community needs and invest significant funding in initiatives and opportunities that strengthen Greater Des Moines. We cannot predict the future needs of our community, but by supporting the Better Together Fund, investment can be made in important issues, initiatives and needs for generations to come.


Elena Rodriguez BellaLife DM (right)

Ana Mancebo Iowa Community Capital



LIFETOWN LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Members of the LifeTown Legacy速 Society have established a permanent endowment or made a planned gift through the Community Foundation to give back to the community which has been so important in shaping their lives. Anonymous (16) Gregory E. Abel Elizabeth & David Adelman Nancy & Bill Ambrose Timothy M. Anderson Marie & Jeff Austin Lori & Larry Baker Janice M. Beal James B. Benda Jan & Frank Berlin Janet & Charles H. Betts Valinda & Ken Bilbrey Edgar H. Bittle Margo & Don Blumenthal Aletha & Wilbur Boer B.J.* & Bruce* Boyle Helen & Bill C. Brantley Don Brazelton Sunnie Richer & Roger Brooks Mary* & James Brucker Diana L. & Ronald K.* Bunten Micky & Ned Burmeister Gloria* & Bob Burnett Mary Ann & Jim Campney Marilyn & Russ Carlson Sandra & Dean Carlson Kimberly & Roger Ceilley, M.D. Joyce & Rick Chapman James A. Chevalier Jerry Chicoine Abby & Jeff Chungath Tracy & Franklin Codel Mary & Don Coffin Frances & Monroe* Colston Roxanne & Jim Conlin Colleen & Corey Conrad Catherine Bennett & Graham Cook Linda & Chris Cook Julie & Michael Coppola June E. Cornelius Ann* Cownie Mary & Peter Cownie Patty & Jim Cownie Sloan Cownie Kathy & Eric Crowell Jerome Kennett Cubbage* Sue & Craig Damos Teresa & Johnny Danos Kristi & Jeff Davick Charles W. Day Sharon & Robert* Dee Richard L. Deming, M.D. Carole Villeneuve & Douglas B. Dorner, M.D. Sheila & Tim Drevyanko, M.D. Marian* & Don* Easter


Doris M. Eby* Kelly & Brad Edmister Charles C. Edwards, Jr. Denise & Al* Essman Dr. Jean Noel Eucher & Ralph C. Eucher Nora & Dave Everett Theresa Wahlig, M.D. & Mark Feldmann Lois & Louis Fingerman Monica & Gordon Fischer Allison Wilson Fleming Ann* Wallace & Robert J.* Fleming Charise & Rory Flynn Katy & Ryan Flynn Cheri & Derek Folden Linda & Dennis Folden Bonnie & Randy Forburger Mell & Michael Frazier Johnnie & Bill Friedman, Jr. Barbara & Michael Gartner Michelle & Mike Gartner Jake Gaskell Sara & Jon Gaskell Ann & John Ghrist, M.D. Rodie & Tom Gibson Jennie Balcom & Mark Glowacki Lisa & Tom Godlasky William N. Goodwin Mary Gottschalk Sally & Tom Graf Barbara & John* Graham Lynn & Steve Graves Barbara & Roger Grefe Sheryl & Kevin Grimm Michele & Barry Griswell Dennis Groenenboom Zelda* & John R.* Grubb Peg Armstrong-Gustafson & Gregg Gustafson Janet & Chuck Haas Kathy & Randy Hamilton Tom Hamilton Sara & Thomas Hanley Julie & Brian Hart Donna & Daryl Hauger Michele Druker & Wade Hauser III Hugh Hawkins The Hawley Family Susan & Jason Hellickson Carmen & Brian Herbel Jayne & George Hiller Kim & Heath Hinkhouse Linda A. Hofreiter Barbara & Jon Hrabe Charlotte & Fred Hubbell Debbie & Michael Hubbell Ellen & Jim Hubbell, III

Helen* & James* Hubbell, Jr. Rusty H. Hubbell Janet Griffin & Jeff Hunter Trudy Holman Hurd & G. David Hurd Phyllis & Joe Hutchinson Julie & Jay Jacobi Richard O. Jacobson Kerri & Daniel Johannsen Tara & Eric Johansen Julia Lawler & Scott Johnson Lori & Bruce Johnson Tamara & Brent Johnson Amber & Matt Juffer Cathy & Pat Jury Lori & Sam Kalainov Suzanne & Steven Keay Mary A. & John F. Keck Lola & David Kenworthy Sheila & Eric Kinman Joan* & Gary Kirke Susan & Bill Knapp Kristi & Lauren Knous Linda & Tom Koehn Nancy & Bill* Krause Sharon S. & Kyle J. Krause David Kruidenier* David Kurns Cathy & Steve Lacy Charlene & Don Lamberti The Lauridsen Family Rachel Stauffer & Jim Lawson Elizabeth C. & Robert A. Lee, M.D. Sarah Lettow Myrt Levin Maddie Levitt* Joyce & Terry Lillis Danielle & Ian Lin Peggy & Chris Littlefield W. David Lockard Mary & Brian Lohse Cheryl & Gregory Long Nancy & Dennis Lowman Kaye & Richard Lozier Patricia & James E. Luhrs Helen* & Kenneth* MacDonald Harriet S. & J. Locke* Macomber Hap* & Robert Maddox Mary & L. Keith Madison, M.D. Ellen Maytag Madsen* Joan E. & Robert E.* Mannheimer Jack Maples Marcia Warning Martin & Terry Martin LaDonna & Richard Matthes Virgil A. Maxwell Maxine* & John McCaw Margaret K.* & Harold L. McCollum Deb & Rick McConnell Beth & Mike McCoy Matthew W. McCoy Heather & Matthew McDermott

Frances C. McEvoy* Kerry C. McGrath* Jeanie & Gary McPhail Brooke & John Mickelson Julie Mickelson Dorothy J. Miller* Joan & David L. Miller Sue Zieman-Miro & Walter Miro Shelly Burkhart & Frank Mokosak Susan Skinner & Mark Movic Kay Myers Anna & Bobby Nalean Mary O’Keefe & Jeff Nall Ellen & Bruce Nelson Jeanne & Ronald Nesbit Mary Lou & Gerry Neugent Patricia* & Richard* Noyce Shelley & James Noyce Denise & Adam Obrecht Adeline Ogilvie-Hertz* Beth & Sheldon Ohringer Cleojean & Dick* Olson Jill & Mark Oman Luanne S. O’Shea Kate & Matt Ostanik Lynsey L. Oster H.S. Ostlin* Kim & Carlton Peterson Janell & Cory Pittman Rose Lee & Marvin* Pomerantz Mary & Brian Porter Watson Powell, Jr.* Camille & Edward Power Donna L. Paulsen & Thomas E. Press Dr. Mary & Suku Radia Linda Railsback, M.D. Traci & Scott Raridon Brenda & Jeff Rasmussen Lynette & Kurt Rasmussen Judith C. Reel Cynthia & Jack Rehm David M. Repp P. Brooks Reynolds Kim & Terry Rich Kay & Robert G. Riley, Jr. Verna Ritchie* Annie Lund & Bill Roach Michelle & Patrick Rounds Cindy & Allen Sabbag Val & Doug Saltsgaver Christine & Rob Sand Traci & Michael Schaefer Betty & Jerry* Schiller Johni Hays & Dave Schlindwein Maddie & Don Schoen Jodie & David Schwartz Kimberly & Craig Shadur Ashley & Mike Shafer Deval & Yogesh Shah, M.D. Kathleen P. & James P. Simmons

Michael Simonson Erin E. Smith Molly & Joe Sorenson Nicky Mendenhall & Wendell C. Speers Peggy Fisher & Larry Stelter Kitty & Tom Stoner Elizabeth H.* & Joe* Strasser Margaret B.* & Don C.* Swanson Kathy & Jerry Thompson Dotty & Stan Thurston Bradley Tison Nanette Tollakson Rick Tollakson Patsy Tobis Angela Dethlefs-Trettin & Matthew Trettin Thomas Urban Joyce & Pete Van Kirk Mary & Norman Van Zante Rose Marie & Mike Vasquez Jeannine & Bob Vaughn Carol & Ed* Vavra Fran & Dan Venter Sarah & Zac Voss John Vratsinas Stacy Vratsinas Kathy & Ken Waller Suzanne & Martin Walsh Andrea Wasson Kathy & Mel Weatherwax Karla Jones-Weber & Martie Weber Emily & Fred Weitz Linda & Steve Weitz Nancy & Charley Whittenburg Ruth Wijkman* Catherine Gayle Williams Lois Williams Connie Wimer & Frank Fogarty Jerry L. Witmer Linda & Michael Witte Susan A. & C. Arthur Wittmack Pam* & Bill Wobbeking Becky & Art Woodcock Lynne & Mark Yontz Anne* & Kent Zimmerman

*Indicates deceased members




BETTER TOGETHER FUNDS The Better Together Fund presents an opportunity for all who love Greater Des Moines to invest in our community’s most important issues, initiatives and needs for generations to come. Funds established in support of the Better Together Fund provide the Community Foundation with flexible dollars to respond to emerging needs as they arise, and invest significant funding in initiatives and opportunities that strengthen our community. Anonymous (1) Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Better Together Endow Iowa Fund Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Better Together Fund Bruce & B.J. Boyle Fund Roger K. Brooks Leadership Endowment Colston Fund Patty & Jim Cownie Leadership Endowment Jerome Cubbage Charitable Gift Annuity Fund Richard L. Deming, M.D. Leadership Endowment Fleming Family Fund in Memory of James W. Wallace Golden Circle Fund John & Barbara Graham Fund Michele & Barry Griswell Leadership Endowment John R. & Zelda Grubb Fund Charlotte & Fred Hubbell Leadership Endowment Helen & James Hubbell, Jr. Unrestricted Fund Sharon & Kyle Krause Leadership Endowment Madelyn Levitt Leadership Endowment Madelyn Levitt Unrestricted Fund Hap & Robert Maddox Fund Ellen Maytag Madsen Fund Richard & Patricia Noyce Fund Jill & Mark Oman Leadership Endowment H.S. Ostlin Fund Marvin Pomerantz Fund Sages Over 70 Fund Strasser Charitable Endowment Thomas Urban Fund Emily & Fred Weitz Leadership Endowment Ruth Wijkman Fund DONOR ADVISED AND FAMILY FOUNDATION FUNDS Donor Advised Funds and Family Foundation Funds are flexible and convenient, allowing donors and their families to support a variety of causes through their funds anytime they choose. These funds offer a simple, powerful and highly personal approach to giving. Anonymous (10) Gregory E. Abel Endowment Adams-Tomka Fund David & Elizabeth Adelman Endowment Kip & Debbie Albertson Charitable Fund Nancy & Bill Ambrose Family Fund Armstrong Gustafson Charitable Fund John & Sue Auer Charitable Fund Austin Family Charitable Foundation Fund Austin Family Endow Iowa Fund B.A. Angel Fund Larry & Lori Baker Endow Iowa Fund Lori & Larry Baker Family Fund


Bartlett Family Foundation Fund Craig & Sandra Bassett Charitable Fund Rod & Karen Beeler Charitable Fund Christine & Clark Bening Fund Berlin Family Fund Bilbrey Family Charitable Fund Myron & Jacqueline Blank I Fund Myron & Jacqueline Blank II Fund Margo & Don Blumenthal Charitable Fund Betsy & Bryan Boesen Charitable Fund Bose Family Fund Bradley Family Charitable Fund Bradley Family Endow Iowa Fund Helen & Bill Brantley Fund James Brantley Fund R & B Brenton Foundation Fund Janet L. Brick Memorial Fund for Lung Cancer Solutions Brooks-Richer Endow Iowa Fund Roger Brooks-Saulene Richer Fund Susan Elizabeth Brown & Thomas Milburn Brown Jr. Family Fund Frederick & Valeska Buie Family Foundation Fund Ned & Micky Burmeister Charitable Fund Ned & Micky Burmeister Endow Iowa Fund Robert A. & Gloria Burnett Fund Judith Bussard Cancer Memorial Fund By His Grace Fund Jim & Mary Ann Campney Charitable Fund Jim & Mary Ann Campney Endow Iowa Fund Ceilley Family Charitable Fund Ceilley Family Endow Iowa Fund Joyce & Rick Chapman Fund Charling Family Charitable Fund Chevalier Family Charitable Fund Chevalier Family Endowment Chungath Family Endowment Chungath Family Fund Clover Fund Franklin & Tracy Codel Endow Iowa Fund Franklin & Tracy Codel Fund Mary & Don Coffin Charitable Fund Christine & Brendan Comito Fund Conlin Family Iowa Charitable Giving Fund Roxanne & James Conlin Fund Constantine Charitable Family Fund Chris & Linda Cook Family Endowment Graham Cook & Catherine Bennett Charitable Fund Julie & Michael Coppola Family Charitable Fund Julie & Michael Coppola Family Endow Iowa Fund Mary & Peter Cownie Charitable Fund Patty & Jim Cownie Charitable Fund Patty & Jim Cownie Permanent Endowment Sloan Cownie Fund Danos Family Endow Iowa Fund Danos Family Fund Davick Family Endowment Davick Family Fund Dee Family Fund Delta Dental of Iowa Fund Cultivating Compassion: The Richard Deming Foundation Fund Richard L. Deming, M.D. Charitable Foundation Fund Richard L. Deming, M.D. Endowment Keith & Eileen Denner Loving Wings Foundation Fund Dethlefs/Trettin Family Fund

Chantry DeVries Foundation Fund Louis & Rebekah DeWild Endow Iowa Fund Douglas B. Dorner & Carole Villeneuve Charitable Fund Douglas B. Dorner, M.D. & Carole Villeneuve Fund Donald & Janice Doudna Charitable Fund Sheila & Tim Drevyanko Fund Easter Family Fund Marian & Don Easter Fund B & C Eddy Fund Brad & Kelly Edmister Fund Adah Lillian Edmunds Fund Charlie Edwards Fund Essman Foundation Fund Dave & Nora Everett Charitable Fund Mark Feldmann & Theresa Wahlig, M.D. Endowment Filantropia Foundation Fund Gordon & Monica Fischer Fund Allison & Jim Fleming Fund Fleming Family Charitable Fund RC Flynn Foundation Fund Dennis & Linda Folden Endow Iowa Fund Derek & Cheri Folden Endow Iowa Fund Folden Family Charitable Fund Randy & Bonnie Forburger Fund Frazier Family Endowment Jo Ann L. Friedman Fund William & Eleanor Friedman Fund Tim & Julie Fuller Charitable Fund Garner Youth Fund Gartner Family Fund Michelle & Mike Gartner Family Fund Jon & Ruth Gaskell Endowment Diane Q. & Waldo F. Geiger Charitable Fund Ann & John Ghrist Fund Goodwin Family Endowment Tom & Sally Graf Charitable Fund Tom & Sally Graf Endowment Barbara & Roger Grefe Endow Iowa Fund Janet Griffin & Jeff Hunter Fund Kevin & Sheryl Grimm Endowment Barry & Michele Griswell Charitable Fund John & Abigail Griswell Charitable Fund Michael Griswell Charitable Fund Dennis Groenenboom Charitable Fund Haas Family Fund Hanley Family Fund Jordan Harms Charitable Fund Riley-Harrington Family Fund Hart Family Fund Daryl & Donna Hauger Endow Iowa Fund Hauser Druker Foundation Fund Hugh Hawkins Charitable Fund Cara & Kurt Heiden Charitable Fund Hellickson Family Endowed Fund David & Cynthia Hickman Charitable Fund Hiller Family Fund Heath & Kim Hinkhouse Fund Hoffman Family Fund Hook’s Harvest Fund Horak Family Charitable Fund

Houlihan Jacobi Charitable Fund Daniel & Joan Houston Charitable Fund II Tom & Karlen Howard Family Fund Barbara Hrabe Fund Hrabe Family Fund Hrabe Family Permanent Endowment Ellen & Jim Hubbell Charitable Fund F & C Hubbell Family Charitable Fund Michael & Deborah Hubbell Charitable Fund Rusty Hubbell Family Fund Tamara & David Hubler Charitable Fund G. David Hurd & Trudy Holman Hurd Fund J & P Hutchinson Fund Phyllis & Joe E. Hutchinson Family Endowment In His Name Fund Jay & Julie Jacobi Family Fund Jay & Julie Jacobi Family Fund II Richard O. Jacobson Charitable Fund Richard O. Jacobson Fund The Jane Fund in Memory of Jane Jansen DeVolder JEL Fund JEMS Family Foundation Fund Bev & Brad Jensen Family Fund J.L.J. Family Fund Johannsen Family Fund Brian & JoAnn Johnson Charitable Fund Bruce & Lori Johnson Foundation Fund Scott Johnson & Julia Lawler Charitable Fund Scott Johnson & Julia Lawler Endow Iowa Fund Arthur & Julia Jones Charitable Fund Matt & Amber Juffer Family Charitable Fund Karl & Carmen Jungbluth Fund Jury Family Fund Harvey & Mary Kadlec Charitable Fund Lori & Sam Kalainov Fund KCM Fund Keay Family Charitable Fund Ed & Sue Kenny Charitable Fund David & Lola Kenworthy Endow Iowa Family Foundation Fund Dave & Lola Kenworthy Family Foundation Fund Lisa & John Kenworthy Family Foundation Fund Kinzler Family Fund Gerald M. & Joan B. Kirke Fund William C. Knapp Endowment Mary & Steve Knutson Family Fund Linda & Tom Koehn Endow Iowa Fund Kramer Family Giving Fund Kevin & Mary Krause Family Charitable Fund Kyle & Sharon Krause Fund Lacy Family Endow Iowa Fund Lacy Family Fund Bob & Nancy Landess Charitable Fund Lauridsen Family Endowment Lauridsen Sand Family Fund

Robert A. & Elizabeth C. Lee Foundation Fund Madelyn Levitt Fund Joyce & Terry Lillis Family Endow Iowa Foundation Fund Joyce & Terry Lillis Family Foundation Fund Patricia & Daryl Lilly Charitable Fund The Littlefield Family Charitable Fund Lohse Family Foundation Fund Lovell Family Fund Bill & Karla Lowe Family Fund Nancy & Dennis Lowman Family Charitable Endowment Kaye & Richard Lozier Charitable Fund Luhrs Family Fund Kenneth P. & Helen I. MacDonald Memorial Fund Mary & Keith Madison Charitable Fund Craig & Michelle Mahoney Charitable Fund Mannheimer Family Foundation Fund Maples Family Endowment Terry Martin & Marcia Warning Martin Family Fund Matthes Family Iowa Fund Virgil A. Maxwell Family Fund Tom & Lorraine May Family Charitable Fund James C. McCarl Charitable Fund McCollum Waveland Tennis Complex Fund McConnell Family Fund Matthew McCoy Charitable Fund McCoy Family Fund MCG Fund McMullen Family Fund Gary & Jeanie McPhail Endowment James & Susan Meimann Charitable Fund Nicola J. Mendenhall & Wendell C. Speers Fund Mendenhall Speers Charitable Fund E.T. & Katherine Meredith Fund David & Loree Miles Fund Todd Millang Fund Miller Family Fund Robert J. & Mary K. Miller Fund Wilbur C. Miller Family Fund Minor Family Foundation Fund Miro Family Fund Frank Mokosak & Shelly Burkhart Family Charitable Fund Mosqueda Family Foundation Fund Bernard & Brenda Mouw Charitable Fund Stephen G. Moyer Fund Myers Family Fund Linda & Chris Nelson Charitable Trust Fund Nesbit-Campbell Family Fund Gerard & Mary Louise Neugent Fund M.L. & G. Neugent Endowment Noth Family Charitable Fund Shelley L. & James W. Noyce Endow Iowa Fund Shelley L. & James W. Noyce Fund Obrecht Family Fund O’Halloran Family Foundation Fund Josie & Jim O’Halloran Fund




Sheldon & Beth Ohringer Charitable Fund O’Keefe - Nall Charitable Fund O’Keefe - Nall Endowment Richard & Cleojean Olson Family Charitable Fund Richard & Cleojean Olson Family Endowment Jill & Mark Oman Iowa Foundation Fund Ostanik Family Endow Iowa Fund Ostanik Family Fund Lynsey L. Oster Endowment Timothy & Angela Otten Family Fund Austin & Stacie Palmer Charitable Fund Austin & Stacie Palmer Endow Iowa Fund Charles & Karen Palmer Fund John & Shari Paule Family Charitable Fund John & Shari Paule Family Endowment PEACE, CHARLIE Charitable Fund PEACE, CHARLIE Endow Iowa Fund Ardis Peterson-Carlton Peterson Fund Matthew & Irene Pillsbury Charitable Fund Pittman Family Charitable Fund Brian & Mary Porter Charitable Family Fund Camille & J. Edward Power Endowment Camille & J. Edward Power Fund Press Family Endowment Press Family Foundation Fund Kevin & Kathi Prien Charitable Fund Radia Family Fund Linda Railsback, M.D. Fund Raridon Family Fund Rasmussen Foundation Fund Rasmussen Group Endowment Ray Family Fund Judith C. Reel Fund Reichardt Family Fund David M. Repp Charitable Fund Rhythm of Rain Fund Rich Family Fund Riley Family Endowment Riley Family Fund Joe & Sarah Riley Family Fund Rinderknecht Family Fund Steve & Pam Robins Family Endowment Bill & Jackie Romp Family Fund Frank J. Ross Memorial Fund Rovner Family Foundation Fund Ruan Family Foundation Fund Mark A. Rupprecht Family Charitable Fund RyTon Fund Sabbag Family Endowment Sally Jane Fund Doug & Val Saltsgaver Charitable Fund Ernest & Florence Sargent Family Foundation Fund Michael & Traci Schaefer Charitable Fund Paul & Claudia Schickler Endow Iowa Fund Paul & Claudia Schickler Family Fund Harriet G. Schoeller Charitable Fund Schoen Family Charitable Fund Schwartz Family Foundation Fund Sehgal Family Fund Serve Him Foundation Fund Shaff-Jayne Charitable Fund Shaff-Jayne Endow Iowa Fund Jim & Joyce Shaffer Fund Shah Family Charitable Fund E.K. & Nancy Shaw Family Foundation Fund Shutts & Kitundu Family Foundation Fund Kathleen & James Simmons Charitable Fund

Kathleen & James Simmons Family Foundation Fund Luke Altmix Simmons Charitable Giving Fund Simonson Charitable Fund Susan Skinner & Mark Movic Charitable Fund Susan Skinner & Mark Movic Endowment Bernard L. Spaeth Fund Rachel Stauffer & Jim Lawson Endow Iowa Fund Larry P. Stelter Family Foundation Fund John & Michele Stevens Charitable Fund Studebaker Scholarship Endowment Theresa Swalwell Miracle of Music (MOM) Fund Richard Swanson & Mathilde Brown Swanson Charitable Fund Edna & Jimmy Talbott Fund Kathy & Jerry Thompson Charitable Fund Thurston Family Charitable Fund The Tison Charitable Fund TLG Foundation Fund Maureen Roach Tobin & Terrence M. Tobin Fund Nanette D. Tollakson Charitable Fund Nanette D. Tollakson Endow Iowa Charitable Fund Rick Tollakson Endow Iowa Fund Rick Tollakson Fund Wayne & Priscilla Van Heuvelen Fund Pete & Joyce Van Kirk Charitable Fund Vasquez Catholic Education Endowment Vaughn Farm Missions Fund Vavra Charitable Fund Venter Family Endowment Stanley & Virginia Ver Ploeg Fund Sarah & Zac Voss Endowment Vratsinas Foundation Fund KK Waller Family Fund Martin & Suzanne Walsh Charitable Fund Martin J. Walsh & Katherine K. Walsh Fund Wendy & Lou Waugaman Fund Kathy & Mel Weatherwax Charitable Foundation Fund Steven & Kimberly Weber Family Endowment Wheeler Family Fund Charley & Nancy Whittenburg Family Fund Steve & Michele Whitty Charitable Fund Ruth Wallace Wijkman Fund Bob & Gladys Wilkins Charitable Fund Wilkinson Family Fund for Education & Democracy Rich & Kim Willis Family Foundation Fund Connie Wimer Charitable Fund Connie Wimer Fund Witmer Family Fund Linda & Michael Witte Family Fund Wittmack Charitable Fund Art & Becky Woodcock Charitable Fund Art & Becky Woodcock Endow Iowa Fund Amy L. Young Charitable Fund Don & Karen Young Fund Youth Development Fund Kent & Anne Zimmerman Social Capital Fund COMMITTEE ADVISED AND CORPORATE FUNDS Committee Advised and Corporate Funds are established by groups and corporations who partner with the Community Foundation to facilitate grantmaking with a distinct impact on the community in an easy, effective and personal way. American Enterprise Group Charitable Foundation Fund American Enterprise Group Charitable Fund Belin McCormick Fund BWA Foundation Fund

Byways of Iowa Foundation Fund Central Campus Foundation Fund Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Leadership Circle Fund Contributors Breakfast Club Endowment Contributors Breakfast Club Fund Bruce Crooks Memorial Endowment Des Moines Capitals Hockey Club Fund Equitable Life of Iowa Fund Golden K Kiwanis Special Projects Fund Heartland Poverty Awareness Fund Holmes Murphy Charitable Fund Holmes Murphy Permanent Endowment Iowa Business Growth Endowment Iowa Commercial Real Estate Association Endowed Scholarship Fund Iowa CPA Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Iowa CPA Education Foundation Fund Kreg Charitable Fund Kum & Go Charitable Fund Liberty Fund Maddie’s Circle Committee Advised Fund I Maddie’s Circle Committee Advised Fund II The Power of We Charitable Fund Principal Financial Group Disaster Relief Fund Storey Kenworthy Endow Iowa Fund Storey Kenworthy/Workspace Charitable Fund TPG Companies, Inc.: Transform, Perform, & Grow Fund Thomas N. Urban & Mary B. Urban Fund Van Meter Inc. Fund VBHC Foundation DESIGNATED FUNDS Designated Funds are established by a donor to benefit a specific organization and maintain assets that help ensure its sustainability. Distribution to the chosen organization is made on an annual basis, creating a stable income stream. Anonymous (2) Angel’s Touch Foundation Fund Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Brenton Arboretum Endowment Broadlawns Medical Center Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Brooks Richer United Way Permanent Endowed Fund James & Mary Brucker Fund for Catholic Education Camp Fire USA Capital Improvements Endow Iowa Fund Camp Fire USA - Miss Suz Campership Endow Iowa Fund Carlisle Library Foundation Fund Dean & Sandra Carlson United Way Endowment Russell & Marilyn Carlson Endowment Central Academy Alumni Network Fund Central College Endow Iowa Fund (Pella, Iowa) Central Iowa Funders Forum Fund

Central Iowa Shelter & Services Capital Fund Children & Families of Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Children & Family Urban Ministries Endowment Christ the King’s Guardian Angel Fund Club Chris Fund Community in Schools Operating Fund Covenant Presbyterian Church Coins for Concern Fund Des Moines Art Center Endowment Des Moines Community Playhouse John Viars Endowment Des Moines Performing Arts Endow Iowa Fund Des Moines Police Department High-Risk Youth Fund Des Moines Public Library Fund Des Moines Public Schools Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Des Moines Symphony Fund Des Moines Triathlon Club Endow Iowa Fund Dowling Catholic Pathways for Success Endowment Esse Museum Foundation Fund Essman Family Scholarship Fund Evelyn K. Davis Center for Working Families Fund Evelyn K. Davis Park Fund Eyerly Ball Endow Iowa Fund FALL 4 Learning Fund Henry Gregor Felsen Memorial Fund Fingerman Family Foundation Fund Fingerman Family Foundation Fund #2 Fleming Family Foundation United Way Fund Forest Avenue Library Endowment Forest Avenue Library Mid-City Vision Brick Fund Fort Des Moines Museum Fund Foundation for the Enhancement of Sac City Endowment Johnnie Friedman Prize Endowment Grand View University Endow Iowa Fund Greenwood Park Rose Garden Permanent Endowment Michele I. & J. Barry Griswell United Way Fund Guardian Scholars Fund Harkin Institute of Public Policy and Citizen Engagement at Drake University Fund Hire Our Heroes Fund Holy Family Permanent Endowed Fund Hubbell Family Greenwood Library Fund Hubbell Family/Hubbell School Library Fund Iowa Area Development Group Community Foundation Endowment Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council Fund Iowa Immunization Coalition Fund Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation Fund Deeann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund John & Mary Keck United Way Endowment

John & Mary Keck YMCA Camp Endowment John & Mary Keck YMCA Camp Partner With Youth Fund Sharon Kurns Educational Excellence Fund Maddie Levitt Des Moines Art Center Permanent Endowed Fund J. Locke & Harriet S. Macomber Funds Cathedral Church of St. Paul Endowment Des Moines Symphony Association Endowment Drake University Law School Endowment Edmundson Art Foundation Endowment United Way of Central Iowa Endowment YMCA Heritage Club Endowment Marylouise & Charles Long Music Enrichment Fund Frances McEvoy/Youth Homes of Mid-America Endowment Mid-Iowa SART Fund Minnie Miller Educational Fund Larry & Kay Myers Interfaith & Intercultural Ambassador Initiative Fund Sister Stella Neill Rent Relief Fund Never Say Can’t Fund Patricia & Richard Noyce Endow Iowa Fund Logan Oglesbee Memorial Fund PEACE, CHARLIE Endowment Polk County Continuum of Care Fund Principal Riverwalk Endow Iowa Fund R.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Fund Jack & Cynthia Rehm United Way Fund Bev Rens Scholarship Fund Robert D. Ray Asian Gardens Endow Iowa Fund Robert D. Ray Asian Gardens Fund Roosevelt High School Foundation General Endowment Bobbye Scheidler Memorial Scholarship Fund Schiller Family Fund Raymond Schumann Fund Science Center of Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Craig & Kimberly Shadur Fund Simpson College Endow Iowa Fund Simpson College Endowed Scholarship Fund Southeast Polk Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund St. Jude Scholarship Fund St. Luke’s Catholic School Fund Terrace Hill Society Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Tiger Teamwork Foundation Fund Townsend Industries Employees Grand View Christian School Endowment Vavra & Dluhos Waukee Public Library Fund Vavra Family Charitable Endowment Vavra Family Charitable Endowment II Vavra Family Charitable Endowment III Vavra Family Charitable Endowment IV The Wallace Centers of Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Water Works Park Master Plan Fund Mel & Kathy Weatherwax Endowment


FUNDS Weitz Family Fund for the benefit of Hoyt Sherman Place Foundation Catherine Gayle Williams Fund Martha A. Willits Fund George Wilson Memorial Fund Connie Wimer Designated Fund Lawrence & Duane Woody Memorial Scholarship Fund Becky Zallek Disc Golf Fund LEGACY FUNDS Donors establish Legacy Funds to receive their planned gifts and personally communicate how their charitable contributions will forever benefit their favorite charities. Anonymous (1) Janice M. Beal Charitable Fund James B. Benda Charitable Fund Boal Family Fund Ronald K. & Diana L. Bunten Legacy Fund Cass County Historical Museum Endow Iowa Fund Central Iowa Railroad Club Endow Iowa Fund Eric & Kathy Crowell Family Foundation Fund Sue & Craig Damos Family Endowment Allison Fleming Fund Roger M. & Betty J. Goetz Charitable Endowment Tom & Sally Graf Legacy Fund Tom Hamilton Charitable Fund Hays - Schlindwein Fund Linda A. Hofreiter Fund Michael & Deborah Hubbell Legacy Fund Chuck & Pat Jones Fund Jones-Weber Legacy Fund Keo-Mah Genealogical Society Endow Iowa Fund Margaret Kitzrow Charitable Fund Jack & Myrt Levin Family Fund Libby & Patricia Legacy Fund Annette Lund & Bill Roach Legacy Fund Dorothy J. Miller Legacy Fund Kim & Carlton Peterson Family Fund David Schlindwein Fund Michael Simonson Legacy Fund Thurston Legacy Fund Patsy Tobis Family Endowment Dirk & Shirley Van Zante Scholarship Fund Fred & Emily Weitz Permanent Endowment Yontz Family Fund AGENCY FUNDS An Agency Fund is established by a local nonprofit organization to serve as the endowment that supports its future operations. The Community Foundation invests the endowment assets, providing responsible and professional fund management. Distributions from the fund are granted back to the agency to be used at the discretion of its governing board.


Abraham Lincoln High School Alumni Foundation Fund Adaptive Sports Iowa/Iowa Sports Foundation Fund Anawim Housing Rent Relief Fund Animal Lifeline Endow Iowa Fund Animal Rescue League of Iowa, Inc. (ARL) Endow Iowa Fund Ankeny Art Foundation Fund Ankeny Community Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Ashworth Road Baptist Church Endow Iowa Fund Ashworth Road Baptist Church Fund Beacon of Life Endowment

Blank Park Zoo Endowment Endow Iowa Fund Blank Park Zoo Endowment Fund Blessman Ministries Charitable Fund The Bock Family Foundation Fund Bondurant-Farrar Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Iowa Endowment Bravo Greater Des Moines Endow Iowa Fund Bravo Greater Des Moines Operating Investment Fund Broadlawns Medical Center Foundation Fund Buena Vista Regional Healthcare Foundation Fund Calvin Community Foundation Endowment Camp Courageous Endow Iowa Fund Camp Courageous Endowment Camp Fire USA Capital Improvements Endowment Camp Fire USA - Miss Suz Campership Endowment Camp Hertko Hollow Endowment Camp Sunnyside Easter Seals Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Camp Sunnyside Easter Seals Iowa Fund Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Central Iowa Shelter & Services Endow Iowa Fund Central Iowa Shelter & Services Endowment Children & Families of Iowa Endowment Children’s Cancer Connection Endow Iowa Fund Children’s Cancer Connection Fund ChildServe Great Life Endowment Comfort Care & Family Support Endow Iowa Fund Community Bankers of Iowa Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Community Youth Concepts Endowment Cornerstone Historical Project at 8th & College Fund Creative Visions Endow Iowa Fund Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation Fund Des Moines Area Association of Realtors Foundation Fund Des Moines Area Religious Council Endow Iowa Fund Des Moines Area Religious Council Endowment Des Moines Bicycle Collective Fund Des Moines Community Playhouse Funds Des Moines Community Playhouse Bookey Education Intern Fund Des Moines Community Playhouse Joanne & Milt Brown Artistic Excellence Fund Des Moines Community Playhouse Fund Des Moines Community Playhouse Kate Goldman Education Fund Des Moines Community Playhouse Liska Miller Scholarship for Continuing Education Des Moines Golf & Country Club Education Foundation Endowment Des Moines Metro Opera Endow Iowa Fund Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center Foundation Fund Des Moines Performing Arts Education Fund Des Moines Performing Arts Endowment Des Moines Social Club Endow Iowa Fund Des Moines Triathlon Club Foundation Fund Drake University Endow Iowa Fund Johansen Global Experiential Learning Award at Drake University Fund Robert D. & Billie Ray Center at Drake University Fund East High Alumni Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Eyerly Ball Community Health Services Fund Family Promise of Greater Des Moines Fund First Assembly of God Church Des Moines, Iowa Fund The First Tee of Greater Des Moines Endowment Freestore Charitable Fund Friends of Des Moines Parks Fund

Gateway Dance Theatre Foundation Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Funds Girl Scouts for Underserved Girls Endow Iowa Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Gladys Albrecht Endowment Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Ray Andrews Scholarship Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Brear Trust Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Camp for Every Girl Endow Iowa Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Camp Neyati Foundation Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Endowment Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Gertrude Walker Fick Scholarship Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Joy Hollow Development Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Mason City Endowment Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Mary Ellen Orth CIT Scholarship Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Pathfinder Alumnae Endowment Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Powell Outreach Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Schupp Endowment Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Sioux City Campership Fund Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Strieby Endowment Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa J.E. Waggonner Trust Fund Great Outdoors Endowment Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Funds Endow Iowa Fund for the benefit of the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Endowment Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Fund Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Georgianne & Jack Schreiber/Ardis & Lois Peterson Fund Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Strieby Fund Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Swartz Fund Greater Des Moines Leadership Institute Foundation Fund Greater Des Moines Music Coalition Endow Iowa Fund John R. Grubb YMCA Endowment Gustafson & Byers Development Fund The Guts Gear Foundation Fund Habitat for Humanity, Des Moines Fund Hawthorn Hill Endow Iowa Fund Hinder Club Handball Fund Hispanic Educational Resources Endowment Holy Family Inner-City Youth Fund Homeschool Iowa Endowment Hope Iowa Endowment Hope Ministries’ Endow Iowa Fund Hospice of Central Iowa Foundation Fund

Hoyt Sherman Place Fund Hubbell Family Foundation Fund Hubbell Museum & Library Endow Iowa Fund Hubbell Museum & Library Fund IADG Community Foundation Fund IFAA Funds IFAA Cattleman’s Beef Quarters Scholarship Fund IFAA Fund IFAA Rainy Day Fund IFAA Rastetter Scholarship Fund IJAG Endow Iowa Fund IJAG Expansion Fund INGOA Foundation Fund INGOAux Endow Iowa Fund INGOAux Fund Iowa 4-H Foundation Funds Iowa 4-H Center Fund Iowa 4-H Foundation Fund Iowa 4-H Foundation Scholarship Fund Iowa 4-H Programs Fund Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence Endowment Iowa FFA Foundation Endowment Iowa Foster & Adoptive Parents Association Fund Iowa Foundation for Justice Endow Iowa Fund Iowa Foundation for Justice Endowment Iowa Home School Fund Iowa Insurance & Financial Services Education Foundation Fund Iowa Insurance Hall of Fame Scholarship Endowment Iowa International Center Endow Iowa Fund Iowa Library Association Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Iowa Library Association Foundation Fund Iowa Motor Carriers Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Iowa Newspaper Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Iowa Newspaper Foundation Fund Iowa Public Health Association Fund Iowa Public Radio Fund Iowa Public Television Foundation Fund Iowa Religious Media Services (IRMS) Endow Iowa Fund Iowa Religious Media Services (IRMS) Fund Iowa Restaurant Association Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Iowa State Bar Foundation Fund Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation Endow Iowa Fund IRIS Endowment ISED Ventures Endowment Jewish Foundation of Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Johnston Community School Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Johnston Community School Foundation Endowment Joppa Fund Junior Achievement of Central Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Junior Achievement of Central Iowa Endowment

Junior League of Des Moines Endow Iowa Fund Junior League of Des Moines Endowment Keep Iowa Beautiful Permanent Endowment Link Associates Endow Iowa Fund Link Foundation Fund Living History Farms Endow Iowa Fund Lutheran Church of the Cross Endowment Lutheran Church of Hope Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Lutheran Church of Hope Foundation Fund Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) Fund Make-A-Wish Iowa Endowment Kathy McFarlin Endowment for Iowa CCI Staff Development Meals from the Heartland Endow Iowa Fund Mercy Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Metro Arts Alliance Endow Iowa Fund Miracle League of Des Moines Kiwanis Endow Iowa Fund Mosaic Endowment NAMI GDM Endow Iowa Fund The Nature Conservancy Fund North High Alumni Foundation Endow Iowa Fund North High Dollars for Scholars Fund Oakridge Neighborhood Services Fund On With Life Endowment On With Life Fund Orchard Place Funds James Evans & Helen Anderson Cooney Family Endowment for Orchard Place Orchard Place Aliber Fund Orchard Place Child Guidance Center Fund Orchard Place Education Fund Orchard Place Endow Iowa Fund Orchard Place Endow Iowa Sexual Abuse Survivors Fund Orchard Place Fund Orchard Place John Hansell Scholarship Fund Helen Westfall Endowment Fund for Orchard Place Parker Historical Society of Clay County Endow Iowa Fund Parker Historical Society of Clay County Fund Perry Public Library Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Perry Public Library Foundation Fund Plymouth Nursery School Fund PPHeartland Endow Iowa Fund Practical Farmers of Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Practical Farmers of Iowa Endowment Prevent Child Abuse Iowa Endowment Governor Robert D. & Billie Ray Fund Riverview-Parks Area Foundation Fund Rotary Club of Des Moines Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Rotary Club of Des Moines Foundation Fund Sacred Heart Endowment Southeast Polk Dollars for Scholars Endow Iowa Fund Southeast Polk Dollars for Scholars Fund


FUNDS St. Mark Endowment St. Mark Lutheran Endowment (est. 2010) St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Endowment Margaret Swanson Iowa CareGivers Fund Terrace Hill Society Foundation Funds Terrace Hill Society Foundation - Collection Protection & Maintenance Endowment Terrace Hill Society Foundation Fund Terrace Hill Society Foundation-THEMA Endow Iowa Fund Terrace Hill Society Foundation-THEMA Fund United Way of Central Iowa Endow Iowa Fund United Way of Central Iowa Endow Iowa Maureen Tiffany Education Fund United Way of Central Iowa Endowment University of Northern Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Urbandale Public Library Endowment Variety - Jackie Blank Endowment Variety - The Children’s Charity Endowment The Wallace Centers of Iowa Endowment Waterbury Neighborhood Foundation Fund Waukee Christian Church Endow Iowa Fund Waukee Community School Foundation Fund Waukee Public Library Foundation Endowment West Des Moines Community School Foundation Fund West Des Moines Historical Society Endow Iowa Fund West Des Moines Historical Society Endowment West Des Moines Library Friends Foundation Endowment Wiese Foundation Fund Wildwood Hills Ranch Endowment Windsor Heights Foundation Endowment YMCA of Greater Des Moines Endow Iowa Fund Young Women’s Resource Center Marilyn Jeffries Scholarship Fund Youth Emergency Services & Shelter of Iowa Endow Iowa Fund Youth Emergency Services & Shelter of Iowa Foundation Fund Youth Homes of Mid-America Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Youth Homes of Mid-America Foundation Endowment Zeta Kappa Lambda Education Foundation Endowment FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS Field of Interest Funds connect donors with their passions and specific areas of need in the community. Education, the arts, the environment and disadvantaged youth and families are a few areas donors can support through these funds. The Community Foundation awards grants to community organizations and programs that are making a difference in the areas identified by the donor.


The Andrew Giving Fund Arts & Culture Technical Assistance Fund Kimberly S. Avenarius Ovarian Cancer Memorial Fund Dallas Center Cemetery Association Fund Catherine & Louis Fritz Immigrant Support Fund The Hawley Fund Hubbell Family Human Service Challenge Fund Tony Lamberti Fund for Faith-Based Prison Release, Treatment & Aftercare Fund Maddie’s Circle Fund Neumann Brothers Charitable Foundation Fund Adeline Ogilvie-Hertz Fund Operation Santa Claus Fund Pioneer Hi-Bred Youth Development Fund

Polk County Medical Society Alliance Fund Dana Ramundt Insurance Education Foundation Fund Watson Powell, Jr. Fund COMMUNITY BETTERMENT FUNDS Community Betterment Funds are established to support projects that improve quality of life in the community, yet are not affiliated with a specific nonprofit organization. The Community Foundation works in a management and/or fiscal role to assist in project coordination. 42nd Streetscape Fund Community Conversations - Civility Series Fund Connecting Kids & Culture Fund Cowles Commons Fund Cownie Sports Park II Fund Des Moines Regional Skatepark Fund Des Moines Urban Beautification Fund Gray’s Lake Park & Meredith Trail Fund INBA Monument Fund Clare & Miles Mills Rose Garden Fund John & Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park Fund Principal/City of Des Moines Riverwalk Fund Restoration Ingersoll Fund SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Scholarship Funds are used by donors to help students achieve their educational goals through scholarships or awards. Scholarship funds can benefit students of a particular school, geographic region, educational subject or other designation. Bell-Pullen Arts & Culture Scholarship Fund Branstad-Reynolds Scholarship Fund Larry W. Carter Scholarship Fund Moyer Debate Scholarship Fund Roosevelt High School John Hansell Memorial Scholarship Fund Roosevelt High School Kirkpatrick Physics Scholarship Fund Frank J. Ross Memorial Scholarship Fund Cristine Swanson Wilson Memorial Scholarship Fund Mary E. Wood Scholarship Fund SEED FUNDS Seed Funds allow donors to build their funds to $10,000 over a 10-year period with an initial contribution of $1,000 and a minimum annual contribution of $600. Once $10,000 is accumulated, donors can start supporting the causes they care about most. An administrative fee is not charged until the fund grows to $10,000. Clubb Family Fund Fairfield First Fund Katy & Ryan Flynn Charitable Fund Gardner-Frolick Family Fund Tammy & Brian Gentry Family Fund Johni Hays & David Schlindwein Charitable Fund Hayward Fund Herbel Family Charitable Fund Eric & Tara Johansen Family Endowment Sheila & Eric Kinman Endowment Lauren & Kristi Knous Charitable Fund

George & Kathleen Kochheiser Family Fund Matthew & Heather McDermott Family Endowment Julie Mickelson Charitable Fund Anna & Bobby Nalean Family Fund Ellen & Bruce Nelson Charitable Fund P. Brooks Reynolds Charitable Fund Ricklefs Family Foundation Fund Ashley & Mike Shafer Charitable Endowment Kris & Stacia Swanson Family Charitable Fund CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between a donor and the Community Foundation by which a portion is returned to a designated recipient as scheduled income payments and the amount transferred to the Community Foundation establishes a fund to benefit a charity of the donor’s choice. Anonymous (3) Linda & Laurence Clauson CGA Fund June Cornelius Fund Faye & Dale Erickson CGA Fund Tom Flack Charitable Fund Hrabe Charitable Gift Annuity Fund Clayle, Milva, Maxhn, and Janine McCaw Scholarship Fund Maxine Mae Gambs McCaw Music Scholarship Fund West CGA Fund SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS A supporting organization is operated by the Community Foundation. The purpose of these supporting organizations is to allow the Community Foundation to receive gifts of privately held stock and real property and to serve as the host charity for The Principal Charity Classic®. GDMCF Charitable Trust GDMCF Charity Golf Classic, LLC GDMCF Properties, LLC Keep Iowa Growing, LLC NONPROFIT ACCOUNTING SERVICES The Community Foundation provides professional accounting and administrative services for organizations ready to spend more time fulfilling their missions and less time on financial administration. Nonprofit Accounting Services clients establish funds to hold their operating dollars, and the Community Foundation processes all gifts and disbursements, records all accounting transactions and provides monthly financial reports. Above & Beyond Cancer Bidwell Riverside Center Bravo Greater Des Moines

Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa DesMoinesArts, Inc. Des Moines Social Club Free Clinics of Iowa Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation Hawthorn Hill Iowa Chronic Care Consortium Mid-Iowa Health Foundation Prevent Child Abuse Iowa River Front Development Authority Safeguard Iowa Partnership StageWest Theater Company AFFILIATE FUNDS Affiliate Funds are established for the support of a variety of charitable purposes and organizations within a specific community or county. A local advisory board is appointed within each affiliate community and/or county, which has grantmaking and fundraising responsibility for that area. EMPOWERING ADAIR COUNTY FOUNDATION Empowering Adair County Foundation Endowment Empowering Adair County Foundation Operating Fund Empowering Adair County Foundation Passthrough Fund Kelly Laughery Adair County 4-H Service Scholarship Endow Iowa Fund Nodaway Valley Endow Iowa Educational Foundation Fund Jerry & Sandra (Denker) Urfer Fund BOONE COUNTY ENDOWMENT Boone County Endowment Boone County Community Endowment Operating Fund Boone County Passthrough Fund F. William Beckwith Boone County Community Services Endowment F. William Beckwith DMACC (Boone) Scholarship Fund F. William Beckwith Search & Rescue Fund Boone County Fair Endowment Boone County Historical Society Endowment Boone County Hospital Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Boone First United Methodist Church Endowment Foundation for the Boone Area Humane Society Endowment Foundation for the Boone Area Humane Society Fund Rotary Club of Boone Community Service Club Fund Rotary Club of Boone Endowment Rotary Endowment for Entrepreneurship Development in Iowa Fund Sacred Heart School Endowment YSS of Boone & Story County Crisis Intervention & Counseling Endowment

BUENA VISTA COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Buena Vista County Community Foundation Endowment Buena Vista County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Hanover Historical Society Foundation Fund Jewel Lodge Scholarship Fund Spooner Family Fund GREATER CARLISLE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT Greater Carlisle Community Foundation Endowment Empowering Carlisle Community Schools Foundation Endowment Scotch Ridge Center Bridge Fund Scotch Ridge Nature Park & Trail Fund CHEROKEE COUNTY LEGACY FOUNDATION Cherokee County Legacy Foundation Endowment Cherokee County Legacy Foundation Operating Fund Cherokee County Legacy Foundation Passthrough Fund Sue & Myron Radke Scholarship Fund CLARINDA FOUNDATION Clarinda Foundation Fund CLIVE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Clive Community Foundation Endowment Clive Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Clive Festival Community Facilities Capital Campaign Fund DALLAS COUNTY ENDOWMENT Dallas County Foundation Endowment Dallas County Foundation Endow Iowa Operations Endowment Dallas County Foundation Operating Fund Dallas County Foundation Passthrough Fund Dallas County Hospital Foundation Endow Iowa Fund DAVIS COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Davis County Community Foundation Endowment Davis County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund John Edward & Frances Amstutz Fund EASTERN POLK COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Eastern Polk County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Eastern Polk County Community Foundation Recreation & Trails Endow Iowa Fund Anonymous (1) Altoona Campus Robert & Sharon Townsend Endowment


FUNDS Southeast Polk Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Southeast Polk Education Foundation Fund GREENE COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Greene County Community Foundation Endowment Greene County Community Foundation Endowment II Greene County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Andrew Family Charitable Fund Bell Tower Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Bell Tower Foundation Endowment Greene County 4-H Fund Greene County Historical Society Endow Iowa Fund Jefferson Telephone Company Charitable Fund Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County Fund GUTHRIE COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Guthrie County Community Foundation Endowment Guthrie County Community Foundation Operating Fund Guthrie County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Stuart Library Endowment ENHANCE HAMILTON COUNTY FOUNDATION Enhance Hamilton County Foundation Endowment Enhance Hamilton County Foundation Operating Fund Enhance Hamilton County Foundation Passthrough Fund Brian & Nancy Holt Charitable Fund Mary Jo & Marvin D. Johnson Family Charitable Fund Kendall Young Library Collection Fund Kendall Young Library Community Endowment Kendall Young Library General Fund Kendall Young Library Local History Preservation Fund Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Endowment Mike & Carol Peterson Family Charitable Fund Fern Richardson Conservation Endowment South Hamilton Schools - Endow Iowa Fund South Hamilton School District Foundation Fund Wahrenbrock-Vavroch Family Scholarship Fund Max & Carloyn Whitlock Instrumental Music Education Fund Deborah Witte Memorial Scholarship Fund HANCOCK COUNTY FOUNDATION Hancock County Foundation Endowment Hancock County Foundation Operating Fund Hancock County Foundation Passthrough Fund Fell Family Fund Garner Public Library Foundation Fund Garner United Presbyterian Church Fund Garner United Presbyterian Church Mission Fund Grace Lutheran Church Fund Hancock County Fine Arts Scholarship Endowment St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Fund St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Foundation, Inc. Fund Tesene Family Fund Zrostlik Family Fund HARDIN COUNTY COMMUNITY ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation Fund Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation Operating Endowment Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation Operating Fund


Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation Passthrough Fund Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation Unrestricted Endowment AAA Fund (Ahrens Agriculture Achievement) Barlow Memorial Library Endowment Lloyd L. & Jo Bates Endowed Fund Todd & Jennifer Bicknese Family Fund Big Green Endowment Camp Quaker Heights Endowment Campbell Family Charitable Endowment Campbell Supply Company Scholarship Fund Dr. Grace O. Doane Alden Public Library Endowment Eldora Area Community Foundation Endowment Eldora - New Providence Community School District Foundation Fund Eldora - New Providence Community School Foundation Endowment Eldora Public Library Endowment Friends of Calkins Nature Area Endowment Charlie & Carol Gilbert Family Fund Greenbelt Humane Society Endowment Laura & Mark Hamilton Endowed Scholarship Fund Hardin County Arts & Culture Endowment Hardin County Fair Endowment Hardin County Recreational Trails Endowment William J. Harris & Judith M. Harris Scholarship Fund Craig & Kristi Harris Endowed Scholarship Fund Craig & Kristi Harris Family Fund Hansen Family Hospital Foundation Endowment Grace Hibner American Legion Scholarship Endowment Steve & Glenda Howard Family Fund Hubbard Care Center Endowment Hubbard Care Center Fund Hubbard Public Library Endowment Iowa Falls American Legion Veterans’ Memorial Endowment Iowa Falls Firefighters Endowment Iowa Falls First United Methodist Church Endowment Iowa Falls Lions Club Caroline Graff Memorial Fund Iowa Falls Rugby Football Club Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Ron Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund Janice Kramer Steamboat Rock Veterans Monument Endowment Hunter Krause Scholarship Fund Kruse Family Scholarship Fund The Ladies Social Gathering Union Cemetery Iowa Falls Endowment Leadership Iowa Falls Experience (LIFE) Endowment Richard & Karen McNickle Agriculture Scholarship Fund New Providence Cemetery Association Endowment New Providence Community Endowment Nissly & Nissly Foundation Fund Leo & Darlyne Praska Endowed Scholarship Fund Quakerdale Endowment Frances Ramundt Williams Scholarship Fund Dale Rankin Memorial Scholarship Fund Renewal Community Fund Scenic City Empress Boat Club Endowment South Hardin Middle School Fine Arts Endowment Steamboat Rock Cemetery Association Improvement Endowment Steamboat Rock Historical Society Endowment Union Cemetery of Union, Iowa Endowment Union Community Church Foundation Endowment Union Public Library Foundation Endowment Daniel Harris Voge Fine Arts Scholarship Fund

Merle Rocky & Christie Weaver Endowed Scholarship Fund DuWayne & Nancy Wessels Family Fund ENHANCE HENRY COUNTY FOUNDATION Enhance Henry County Foundation Endowment Enhance Henry County Community Foundation Operating Fund Enhance Henry County Foundation Passthrough Fund Henry County Health Center Foundation Endow Iowa Fund HUMBOLDT COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Humboldt County Community Foundation Endowment Humboldt County Community Foundation Operating Fund Humboldt County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Humboldt County Historical Association Endow Iowa Fund Humboldt County Historical Association Endowment John E. & Geraldine M. Miller Humanitarian Fund JASPER COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Jasper Community Foundation Endowment Jasper Community Foundation Passthrough Fund GREATER JEFFERSON COUNTY FOUNDATION Greater Jefferson County Foundation Endowment Greater Jefferson County Foundation Passthrough Fund KEOKUK COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Keokuk County Community Endowment Foundation Fund Keokuk County Community Endowment Foundation Passthrough Fund GREATER MADISON COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Greater Madison County Community Foundation Endowment Greater Madison County Community Foundation Operating Fund Greater Madison County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Madison County Women’s Giving Circle Fund MADRID COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Madrid Community Endowment Charles C. Helms & Mary E. Helms Family Endowment

MAHASKA COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Mahaska County Community Foundation Endowment Mahaska County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Caldwell Park Education Endow Iowa Fund Caldwell Park Fund Crisis Intervention Services Endow Iowa Fund R.C. Groenenboom Charitable Fund MARION COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Marion County Community Foundation Endowment Marion County Community Foundation Operating Fund Marion County Community Foundation Passthrough Fund Marion County Community Foundation Kuyper Fund Knoxville Heritage Community Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Knoxville Heritage Community Foundation Fund Knoxville Hospital & Clinics Foundation Endowment Knoxville Library Endowment Knoxville Panthers Scholarship Foundation Endow Iowa Fund National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum Endow Iowa Fund New Life Prison Community Endow Iowa Fund COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF MARSHALL COUNTY Community Foundation of Marshall County Endowment Community Foundation of Marshall County Directors Fund Community Foundation of Marshall County Operating Fund Community Foundation of Marshall County Passthrough Fund Anonymous (2) Albion Library and Heritage Center Endowment Arts & Culture Alliance Fund Central Iowa Art Association Endowment Harold & Mercedes Cessford Memorial Scholarship Fund Elim Lutheran Legacy Fund Friends of Melbourne Library Fund Mack & Chylena German LeGrand Community Center Endowment Mildred Wise Johnson Memorial Endowment Marshalltown Christian School Endowment Marshalltown Community Theatre Endowment Marshalltown Public Library Directors Discretionary Endowment MEGA 10, Inc., Advised Fund Zolene Melvin Endowment Zolene Melvin Music Fund

FOUNDATION FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF MITCHELL COUNTY Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County Endowment Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County Endowment II Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County Passthrough Fund Cedar River Complex Foundation Endowment Cedar River Complex Foundation Fund Fox River Endowment Fox River Socks that Care Foundation Fund Halvorson Family Community Endowment Mitchell County Economic Development Commission Endowment Mitchell County Fine Arts Fund Saints Legacy Endowment Saints Legacy Fund St. Ansgar Angel Fund St. Ansgar Booster Club Facilities Fund St. Ansgar Sons of the American Legion Community Fund MONROE COUNTY, IOWA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Monroe County Endowment Monroe County Passthrough Fund OKOBOJI FOUNDATION Okoboji Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Okoboji Foundation Endowment Okoboji Foundation Operations Endowment Okoboji Foundation Operations & Projects Fund Okoboji Foundation Arts & Culture Fund Okoboji Foundation Lake Quality & Environment Fund Okoboji Foundation Life Insurance Fund Okoboji Foundation Nonprofit Betterment Fund Okoboji Foundation Outdoor Experiences & Recreation Fund Bank Midwest Community Giving Fund Bank Midwest Endowment Kathy & Les Banwart Fund Bedell Family YMCA Fund Camp Foster/YMCA Fund Dickinson County Endowment Fund Endow Iowa Fund Dickinson County Endowment Fund Passthrough Fund Dickinson County Trails Endow Iowa Fund Dickinson County Trails Endowment First Lutheran Church of West Okoboji Endow Iowa Fund First Lutheran Church of West Okoboji Fund Friends of Lakeside Lab Endow Iowa Fund Friends of Lakeside Lab Endowment Goodenow Buena Vista University Endow Iowa Fund Goodenow Family Endowment Goodenow Family Fund Goodenow Pearson Lakes Art Center Endow Iowa Fund Eric & Kelly Hoien Family Foundation Fund


FUNDS Iowa Lakes Corridor Entrepreneurial Development Endow Iowa Fund Brent & Tamara Johnson Family Charitable Fund Keep Okoboji Blue Fund Lakes Regional Healthcare Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Lakes Regional Healthcare Foundation Fund Mini-Wakan Shelter & Gull Point Lodge Endow Iowa Fund Mini-Wakan Shelter & Gull Point Lodge Endowment The Park Foundation Fund Pearson Lakes Art Center Endowment Rodney J. Sather Fund Doug & Amy Skinner Endow Iowa Fund Spirit Lake Community School Foundation Agency Fund Spirit Lake Community School Foundation Endow Iowa Fund YMCA of the Okobojis Endow Iowa Fund YMCA of the Okobojis Kinship Endow Iowa Fund COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF OSCEOLA COUNTY Community Foundation of Osceola County Endowment Community Foundation of Osceola County Passthrough Fund COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER PLYMOUTH COUNTY Community Foundation of Greater Plymouth County Endowment Community Foundation of Greater Plymouth County Operating Fund Community Foundation of Greater Plymouth County Passthrough Fund Merrill Community Endow Iowa Fund Plymouth County 4-H Foundation Fund POCAHONTAS COUNTY ENDOWMENT Pocahontas County Foundation Endowment Pocahontas County Foundation Operating Fund Pocahontas County Foundation Passthrough Fund POLK CITY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Polk City Community Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Polk City Community Foundation Passthrough Fund John & Elizabeth Calhoun Fund Kiwanis Club of Polk City Community Projects Fund North Polk School Foundation Fund Polk City Arts Council Fund Polk City Library Fund


STORY COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Story County Community Foundation Endowment Story County Community Foundation Grants Endowment Story County Community Foundation Grants Passthrough Fund Story County Community Foundation Operations Endowment Story County Community Foundation Operations Passthrough Fund Anonymous (3) ACCESS Endowment ACTORS Endowment Ames Christian School Endowment Ames Education Foundation Band Endowment Ames Education Foundation Endowment Ames Foundation Endowment Ames Historical Society Endowment Ames Historical Society Self-Directed Endowment

Ames Morning Rotary Endow Iowa Fund Ames Morning Rotary Endowment Ames Public Library Collection Endowment Ames Public Library Friends Foundation Endowment Ames Public Library Friends Foundation Project Smyles Fund The Arc of Story County-Supporting Individuals With Disabilities Fund Patricia & Louis Banitt Fund Bethany Lutheran Church Endowment Bethany Lutheran Church Operations Endowment Bethany Manor Chaplaincy Endowment Mary Ann & Jim Black Family Fund Center for Creative Justice Agency Fund Center for Creative Justice Endowment Central Iowa RSVP Endowment Central Iowa Symphony Endowment Collegiate Presbyterian Church Building Endowment Collegiate Presbyterian Church General Fund Collegiate Presbyterian Church Program Fund Collegiate Presbyterian Church University Ministry Fund Creative Artist’s Studio of Ames Endowment Cyclone Country Aktion Club Endowment Dancenter Dancer Company Foundation Fund Randa & Doyle Drake Family Fund Emergency Residence Project Endowment Endowment to Restore Ageless Educational Principles Fund Food at First Endowment Sylvia C. Fox Fund Friendship Ark Homes Endowment Jennifer Garst Charitable Fund Sidonia & Charles Goetz Ames Historical Society Endowment Marcia & Dean Handsaker Family Fund Heartland Senior Services Building Fund Heartland Senior Services Endow Iowa Fund Wilma H. & Kermit L. Helland Nevada Senior Community Center Endowment Erb & Marge Hunziker Fund Mike & Patsy Jensen Family Endowment John & Jane Fund Jane Johnson Family Endowment The Jons Family Fund Betty & Dennis Keeney Family Fund Kiwanis Club of Ames Agency Fund Kiwanis Club of Ames Foundation Endowment Kuhl Family Fund Leadership Ames Endowment Mainstream Living-Reno Berg Endowment Mary Greeley Medical Center Foundation Diabetes & Nutrition Education Center Fund Mary Greeley Medical Center Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Sandra & George McJimsey Charitable Fund Memorial Lutheran Church & Student Center Endowment Michael S. Miller Memorial Scholarship Endowment Nevada Community Historical Society Endowment Nevada Public Library Endowment Nurturing Iowa Fund Octagon Brown Fund Octagon Endow Iowa Fund Octagon General Restricted Fund Octagon Huff Fund Octagon Stone Fund Don & Louise Oleson Graettinger, IA Memorial Scholarship Fund Jim & Frankee Oleson Legacy Fund

Outdoor Alliance of Story County Endowment Parulekar Family Fund The Payer Family Scholarship Endowment Raising-Readers Endowment Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp Endowment Roland Public Library Foundation Fund Ken Rose Endowment Rotary Club of Ames Foundation Centennial Fund Shierholz Family Fund Richard & Naomi Smith Legacy Fund St. Andrews Lutheran Church Endowment Phyllis & Cecil Stewart Family Fund Story County 4-H Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Story County Conservation Endowment Story County Economic Development Fund Story County Medical Center Foundation Endowment Story Theater Company Fund Story City Historical Society Agency Fund Story City Historical Society Endowment Story City Friends Endowment Sandy & Lon Strum Family Fund Tradix Fund United Way of Story County Agency Fund United Way of Story County Endow Iowa Fund United Way of Story County Frankee Oleson Women with Initiative Endowment Dan & Peg Uthe Family Fund Brian & Laura West Empowerment Fund Brian & Laura West Family Seed Fund The Doug Williams Leadership Scholarship Endowment Youth & Shelter Services Foundation Endow Iowa Fund

WARREN COUNTY PHILANTHROPIC PARTNERSHIP Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Endowment Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Operating Fund Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Passthrough Fund Warren County Trails Endowment WEST DES MOINES COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT FOUNDATION West Des Moines Community Enrichment Foundation Endowment West Des Moines Community Enrichment Foundation Passthrough Fund John & Brooke Mickelson Family Charitable Fund WRIGHT COUNTY CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Wright County Charitable Foundation Endowment Wright County Charitable Foundation Operating Fund Wright County Charitable Foundation Passthrough Fund Duane D. Asbe Charitable Endowment Been Family Fund Steve & Jeri Been Family Fund

Building Families Endow Iowa Fund Building Families Endowment CCOC Endowment City of Rowan Community Betterment Fund Clarion Public Library Endowment Hagie Manufacturing Company Charitable Endowment Alan & Lisa Hagie Family Charitable Fund Heartland Musuem Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Heartland Museum Foundation Endowment Stewart E. Iverson, Jr. Charitable Fund James R. Johnson Endowment Lake Cornelia Improvement Endowment Lake Cornelia Improvement Fund Peterson Charitable Endowment Rowan Public Library Endow Iowa Fund Rowan Public Library Endowment Jack D. & Barbara A. Stoakes Charitable Fund Phyllis & Ken Stoakes Charitable Endowment Jim & Karen Weld Family Fund Wright County Fair Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Wright Medical Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Kit & Stan Zirbel Endowment

TAYLOR COUNTY ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Taylor County Endowment Foundation Fund Taylor County Endowment Foundation Passthrough Fund New Market Permanent Endowment ENDOW URBANDALE Endow Urbandale Fund Endow Urbandale Operating Fund Endow Urbandale Passthrough Fund J-Hawks Booster Club Frerichs Scholarship Fund Urbandale Caring Corp Endowment Urbandale Dollars for Scholars Endowment Urbandale Education Foundation Endow Iowa Fund Urbandale Education Foundation Fund Urbandale Education Foundation Newsom Scholarship Fund Urbandale Education Foundation Scholarship Fund Purple highlighted counties represent Community Foundation affiliate relationships.




2014 CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FINKBINE MANSION FACILITY FUND The Finkbine Mansion Facility Fund responds to current and future needs of the Finkbine Mansion. The Finkbine Mansion has been home to the Community Foundation since 2000. Belin McCormick, P.C. Margo & Don Blumenthal Casey’s General Stores Richard L. Deming, M.D. Susan J. Glazer Foundation

2014 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTORS Bankers Trust Blue Compass Interactive Business Publications, Inc. Foster Group, Inc. Gravitate Johni Hays Junior Achievement of Central Iowa Meredith Corporation Mevyn Group Tero International, Inc.

Melissa Harden Teree Caldwell-Johnson & Vernon Johnson Sheila & Eric Kinman Loree & David Miles Mary O’Keefe & Jeff Nall Linda & Christopher Nelson Mary & Suku Radia Janis & John Ruan III Peggy Fisher & Larry Stelter Voya Financial

2014 CONTRIBUTORS TO THE BETTER TOGETHER FUND The Better Together Fund presents an opportunity for all who love Greater Des Moines to invest in our community’s most important issues, initiatives and needs for generations to come. The flexible dollars it provides enable the Community Foundation to respond to emerging needs as they arise, and invest significant funding in initiatives and opportunities that strengthen our community. Saulene Richer & Roger K. Brooks Marilyn & Russell Carlson Judy Porter & Gary Cromer Teresa & Johnny Danos Delta Air Lines Foundation Essex Meadows, Inc. Nora & David Everett Tammy Westhoff Gentry & Brian Gentry Kristi & Lauren Knous Sharon & Kyle Krause Kaye & Dick Lozier Elizabeth & David S. Mulcahy Planned Giving Roundtable of Southeast Michigan Kay & Robert Riley Mary & Stanley Seidler Peggy Fisher & Larry Stelter Carol Vavra Emily & Fred Weitz


2014 CONTRIBUTORS TO ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS Administrative Funds support the success of the Community Foundation by providing funding for the Community Foundation to carry out its mission to improve quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues. Administrative Funds include the Community Foundation Operating Funds and Johnny Danos Professional Development Fund. Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc.

Art Luggan

Belin McCormick, P.C.

Kate McClaskey

Sally Boeckholt

Meredith Corporation Foundation

Sara & Craig Bonney

Merit Resources

Margo & Don Blumenthal

Mr. B

Valeska & Fred Buie

Anna & Bobby Nalean

Bob Burnett

Mary O’Keefe & Jeff Nall

Suzie Glazer Burt & Gregory Burt

Linda & Chris Nelson

Business Publications, Inc.

Jennifer & Eric Nihart

Carney Appleby Law Firm

Performance Management Group, LLC

Kelly & Michael Carstens

Vicki & Alex Piedras

Sandy Hatfield Clubb & Jeffrey Clubb

Mark A. Rupprecht

Cornerstone Government Affairs

Molly & Joe Sorenson

Charles Corwin

The Stelter Company

Patty & Jim Cownie

Kris Pete-Swanson & Stacia Swanson

Teresa & Johnny Danos

Terrus Real Estate Group

Brooke & Wade Den Hartog

Angela Dethlefs-Trettin & Matt Trettin

Des Moines Area Community College

Up With People

Monica & Gordon Fischer

VisionPoint Advisory Group

Allison & James Fleming

Weathertop Foundation/Mary & Thomas N. Urban

Foster Group

Karla Jones-Weber & Martie Weber

Generations Wealth Management

West Wind Logistics, LLC

Grefe Capital Management of Raymond James

Emily & Fred Weitz

Michele & Barry Griswell Cara K. & Kurt A. Heiden Heritage Building Maintenance LLC Barb & Shawn Hobson Charlene & H. Lynn Horak Charlotte & Fred Hubbell Helen & James Hubbell, Jr. Family Fund Susan & Ted Hutchison David Jacobson Sheila & Eric Kinman Kristi & Lauren Knous Cathy & Steve Lacy Kaye & Richard Lozier


2 0 1 5 S TA F F — C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F G R E AT E R D E S M O I N E S

EXECUTIVE KRISTI KNOUS President (515) 883-2703



Director of Donor Relations (515) 447-4203

Chief Advancement Officer (515) 447-4207

WADE DEN HARTOG Director of Charitable Partners (515) 244-0020



Director of Affiliate Relations (515) 447-4210

Advancement Associate (515) 447-4211



SARA BONNEY Director of Marketing and Communications (515) 447-4201


A D M I N I S T R AT I O N BARB HOBSON Executive Assistant (515) 447-4206




CFO & Vice President of Finance & Administration (515) 883-2701

Controller (515) 447-4200



Accountant (515) 244-0015

Accountant (515) 447-4213



Accounting Associate (515) 447-4212

Data Specialist (515) 447-4219


ANGELA DETHLEFS-TRETTIN Vice President of Community Investment and Initiatives (515) 244-0340

ANNA NALEAN Community Investment Associate (515) 883-2629

A D M I N I S T R AT I O N KATE MCCLASKEY Receptionist/Administrative Assistant (515) 883-2626




BOARD LEADERSHIP Cara K. Heiden, Chair Fred S. Hubbell, Vice Chair Suku Radia, Secretary/Treasurer Kristi Knous, President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cara K. Heiden, Board Chair Richard L. Deming, M.D. Sandy Hatfield Clubb H. Lynn Horak Fred S. Hubbell Kristi Knous Kyle J. Krause Steve Lacy Suku Radia Mark Rupprecht A D VA N C E M E N T C O M M I T T E E Kyle J. Krause, Advancement Chair Johnny Danos Richard L. Deming, M.D. Allison Fleming Cara K. Heiden Kristi Knous Doug Reichardt Connie Wimer* AUDIT COMMITTEE Mark Rupprecht, Audit Chair Teri Button* Johnny Danos Cara K. Heiden Kristi Knous James Pistillo* Robert Smith* FINANCE COMMITTEE Suku Radia, Finance Chair Frederick V. Buie Nora Everett Elaine Fay* Julie Fuller* Cara K. Heiden H. Lynn Horak Kristi Knous Mark Rupprecht Kim Willis* G O V E R N A N C E & N O M I N AT I N G COMMITTEE Steve Lacy, Governance & Nominating Chair Jim Cownie Cara K. Heiden Fred S. Hubbell Kristi Knous


GRANTMAKING COMMITTEE Richard L. Deming, M.D., Grantmaking Chair Elisabeth Buck* Teree Caldwell-Johnson Dave Discher* Peggy Fisher Allison Fleming Michael G. Gartner N. Brian Gentry Michelle Book* Cara K. Heiden Fred S. Hubbell Kristi Knous Linda Koehn** Suzanne Mineck* Donna Paulsen* Alejandro H. Piedras Janis Ruan Sunni Swarbrick* INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Lynn Horak, Investment Chair Peg Armstrong-Gustafson Franklin Codel Johnny Danos Mike Finnegan* Roger Grefe* J. Barry Griswell Ray Hansen* Brian Hart* Paul Hayes* Cara K. Heiden Kristi Knous Fred Weitz MARKETING COMMITTEE Sandy Hatfield Clubb, Marketing Chair Suzie Glazer Burt Diana Deibler* Deidre DeJear* Cara K. Heiden Kristin Hurd* Kristi Knous James E. Luhrs** Loree Miles Mary O’Keefe Susan Ramsey* Robert G. Riley, Jr. Erin E. Smith* Tiffany Tauscheck* Thomas N. Urban

* Indicates Non-Board Member ** Indicates Emeritus Member Status

C H A R I TA B L E I N V E S T M E N T PA R T N E R S The 801 Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management AO Wealth Management Bank Midwest Wealth Management BTC Capital Management, an affiliate of Bankers Trust Bradford Financial Center Clarity Asset Management D.M. Kelly & Company Disciplined Equities First National Bank Financial Services Forrest Financial Services Foster Group Generations Wealth Management Gilbert & Cook Graystone Consulting, a division of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Great Western Bank Gremler Financial Group Heartland Financial Iowa State Bank Iowa Wealth Management Iron Horse Wealth Management, LLC Kane Company, P.C. The Keely and Frost Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Marrs Wealth Management Miles Capital Millhollin Hensen Group at RBC Wealth Management Morgan Stanley, Bryan Benson Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Northwest Wealth Management, an affiliate of Northwest Bank One Wealth Management, Mike Tracy RBC Wealth Management - David & Webb Management Group Sherpa Investment Management, a division of Syverson Strege and Company Stifel, Nicolaus & Company UBS Financial Services - Hinson, Hartlieb & Chleborad VisionPoint Advisors VW Advisors Wealth Enhancement Group Wells Fargo West Bank

PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS COUNCIL MEMBERS Bruce Campbell Davis Brown Law Firm Chris Cook Gilbert & Cook, Inc. Steven C. Despotovich Wilson, Deege, Despotovich, Riemenschneider & Rittgers Julie A. Fuller Generations Wealth Management, LLC Randy Hamilton Hamilton Juffer & Associates, LLP Bud Hockenberg Coppola, McConville, Coppola, Hockenberg & Scalise, P.C. Matt Juffer Hamilton Juffer & Associates, LLP Kent Kramer Foster Group, Inc. James B. Langeness Duncan, Green, Brown & Langeness, P.C. Michelle Mahoney Generations Wealth Management, LLC Adam B. Obrecht AO Wealth Advisory Lyle Simpson Simpson, Jensen, Abels, Fischer & Bouslog, P.C. Johnne Syverson Syverson Strege & Company Margaret Van Houten Davis Brown Law Firm

2015 C O N S U LTA N T S /A D V I S O R S Susan L. Davis McGladrey & Pullen, LLP Audit Services

Dennis Peterson Merit Resources Human Resources Services

Carley Umstead RSM McGladrey, Inc. Tax Services

Johni Hays Thompson & Associates Gift Planning Consultant

Wayne Reames & Steven Zumbach Belin McCormick, P.C. General Counsel

Milton P. Wilkins, Jr. Mercer Hammond Investment Consultant

David Jacobsen Jacobsen & Company, LLP Internal Audit Services




Cara K. Heiden Chair Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Retired

Peg Armstrong-Gustafson Community Philanthropist


Fred S. Hubbell Vice Chair ING Group, Retired

Frederick V. Buie Keystone Electrical Manufacturing Co.

Suzie Glazer Burt Philanthropist

Suku Radia Secretary and Treasurer Bankers Trust

Teree Caldwell-Johnson Oakridge Neighborhood

Kristi Knous President Community Foundation

Sandy Hatfield Clubb Drake University

Franklin Codel Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Jim Cownie JSC Properties, Inc.


Charles Betts Robert Burnett William Friedman, Jr. G. David Hurd

Johnny Danos LWBJ Financial Community Foundation, Retired

Ted M. Hutchison William Knapp, Sr. Linda Koehn Donald F. Lamberti James E. Luhrs J. Edward Power


Richard L. Deming, M.D. Mercy Cancer Center

Nora Everett The Principal Financial Group®

Loree Miles Miles Holdings, LLC

Peggy Fisher The Stelter Company

Mary O’Keefe The Principal Financial Group®, Retired

Allison Fleming Community & Child Advocate

Alejandro H. Piedras Grand View University

Michael G. Gartner The Iowa Cubs

N. Brian Gentry Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Doug Reichardt Businessolver, Inc.

Robert G. Riley, Jr. Riley Resource Group

Janis Ruan Community Philanthropist

J. Barry Griswell The Principal Financial Group®, Retired Community Foundation, Retired

Mark Rupprecht R&R Realty Group

Thomas N. Urban Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Retired

H. Lynn Horak Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Retired

Kyle J. Krause Kum & Go, L.C.

Fred Weitz Essex Meadows, Inc.

Steve Lacy Meredith Corporation




Cash & Cash Equivalents Investments Other Assets Receivables for Community Initiatives Prepaid Expenses Land, Building, Contents Total Assets

1 2 /3 1 /1 4 1 2 /31/13

5,085,092 305,421,703 3,685,629 514,485 233,207 742,168 315,682,284

8,463,247 265,402,447 3,019,462 992,966 285,666 756,106 278,919,894

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts, Grants, & Annuities Payable 473,665 454,479

Deferred Event Revenue Agency Endowments (note) Net Assets (note) Total Liabilities and Net Assets

802,336 107,679,373 206,726,910 315,682,284

520,674 90,264,446 187,680,295 278,919,894


F Y 2014

Contributions (note) 34,867,815 Investment Income (note) 9,934,364 Other Revenue 107,999 Principal Charity Classic Revenue 6,982,412 Total Support and Revenue 51,892,590

F Y 2013

34,100,968 17,116,129 145,348 6,669,670 58,032,115


Grants (note) Management, General & Facilities Depreciation & Amortization Principal Charity Classic Grants Principal Charity Classic Expenses Total Expenses

23,656,717 2,170,366 35,674 1,336,111 5,647,107 32,845,975

19,959,260 2,049,151 30,290 1,033,318 5,685,862 28,757,881


Increase Beginning of Year


19,046,615 187,680,295

29,274,234 158,406,061

206,726,910 187,680,295

Note: Agency endowments represent funds of the Community Foundation established by a not-for-profit organization, which are required to be reflected as a liability under accounting guidance for agency transactions (or “amounts held for others under agency transactions�). For financial reporting purposes, distributions from agency funds in the amount of $6,800,332 are not included in grants, contributions to agency funds in the amount of $17,646,524 are not included in contributions, and investment income of agency funds in the amount of $5,069,624 is not included in investment income.


C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N I N V E S T M E N T P O R T F O L I O S The Community Foundation offers a variety of investment options to meet a range of charitable goals and time horizons. Each of our investment portfolios is carefully constructed and diversified across global investment opportunities to maximize return and minimize volatility. Our size provides access to world-class investment managers and alternative investment strategies available only to large institutional investors.

The Long-Term Growth Portfolio seeks maximum growth and controlled risk through a diversified portfolio of global stocks, bonds and alternative investment strategies.

8% 12% 11% -30% 22% 14% 1%

12.6% 13.2% 4.9%

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

2013 2014

The Indexed Growth Portfolio seeks maximum growth primarily through indexed funds resulting in lower active management risk.

- 4.2% 10.8% 13.5% 4.5% 2011




The Defensive Growth Portfolio is designed for growth at a more moderate level of risk.

-.5% 11.9% 7.3% 2.7% 2011




13% 30%

30% 57%

Long-Term Growth Portfolio


30% 70%


Indexed Growth Portfolio

Defensive Growth Portfolio


Fixed Income 49


We are proud of our collective work to make Greater Des Moines greater over the past year, but what about the needs of tomorrow? What critical work will we be called to do to improve quality of life for our community? What can we do now to help assure future needs are met?

The Better Together Fund was created to address these questions. It presents an opportunity for all who love Greater Des Moines to invest in our community’s most important issues, initiatives and needs for generations to come. The flexible dollars it provides enable the Community Foundation to respond to emerging needs as they arise – and invest significant funding in initiatives and opportunities that strengthen Greater Des Moines.

We can’t predict the future. But today, through the Better Together Fund, we can play a role in positioning our community for continued success. Consider being part of something bigger for generations to come by connecting with us at (515) 883-2626.



1915 Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50309 ph (515) 883-2626 fx (515) 309-0704

Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations

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