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Membership Services

Greater Green Bay Chamber membership
Membership with the Greater Green Bay Chamber offers a wide array of benefits that resonate differently with each individual member organization. To some, it offers the opportunity to celebrate goals accomplished or initiatives undertaken; to others, it’s a way to give back to the Greater Green Bay community and to participate in a larger community dialogue. Regardless of the reason, the Greater Green Bay Chamber offers members a unique value.
Part of the unique value the Chamber brings to members is its role as a community connecting point, a place where conversation is convened, thoughts are shared, ideas developed and opportunities abound.
Early in 2021, Allison Rodriguez, new membership manager, and Rick Sense, VP of development and government affairs brainstormed ways to engage our Chamber members in a variety of new and varied programming. Both knew that not all the Chamber’s valued members were participating in the Chamber’s traditional events and hoped to develop new entry-points to involvement within the organization. With this in mind, the Chamber Membership Academy was created to encourage members not fully utilizing Chamber member benefits to more effectively take advantage of the connections the Chamber offered by developing a dialogue convening around different issues of importance to member businesses.
The Chamber Membership Academy was launched in May and was quickly overwhelmed with member suggestions as to topics the Academy ought to tackle within the group. As discussion evolved and participants became more comfortable with each other, conversation deepened and personal bonds grew. The Chamber Membership Academy participants have developed a level of camaraderie and trust between each other rarely seen in today’s business setting. Rodriguez said, “I consider our Chamber Membership Academy a success and I believe that I am witnessing more interest in Greater Green Bay Chamber membership than ever before. I credit some of this interest to the advent of new member retention programs like our Chamber Membership Academy. We are truly listening to our members and working on their behalf to design programs and opportunities to meet their personal and business needs.”
If you would like to learn more about the Chamber Membership Academy or other aspects of your Chamber membership, please reach out to Allison Rodriguez at arodriguez@greatergbc.org.

Bobbi Webster named 2021 ATHENA Leadership Award recipient
The Greater Green Bay Chamber announced the recipient of the 2021 ATHENA Leadership Award, presented by Wipfli, at the 139th Chamber Annual Dinner in September. This year’s recipient, chosen by past ATHENA Leadership Award recipients, is Bobbi Webster.
Bobbi Webster, an Oneida citizen, has spent her career as a communications professional and is currently the PR director for the Oneida Nation. In her work, she has helped set the standards for communication within Indian Country and for tribal communications with the surrounding communities, their leaders and residents. Webster has been an integral part of the growth and progress of not only the Oneida Nation but also Brown County and its residents.
Webster has mentored many young women who have gone on to do incredible things within the Oneida Nation and other tribes. She is a role model for women and provides coaching and advice on careers and communication to those who ask. Wisconsin news publication Madison 365 named Webster as one of the most influential Native Americans in Wisconsin. She is also a member of the Green Bay Packers Board of Directors.
As the first chairwoman of the Oneida Golf Enterprise, Webster was instrumental in the effort to bring the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) to the Thornberry Creek at Oneida Golf Course. Bobbi has been employed by the Oneida Nation for more than 40-years, established Oneida Communications and served as former editor of the Oneida Tribal newspaper, the Kalihwisaks.

Greater Green Bay Chamber events
The Greater Green Bay Chamber, like many chambers, measures success by focusing on the three C’s. We endeavor to be a ‘convener’ of business, a ‘catalyst’ for growth and a ‘champion’ of our businesses and our greater Green Bay region. The Chamber achieves these goals, in part, by hosting more than 100 events each year.
As a convener, we put together events that allow members to connect with each other in B2B settings with a focus on assisting members in pitching their products or services and connecting with potential new customers. As a catalyst for growth, the Chamber hosts programs like Talent Day that focus on pressing issues for members such as workforce and talent attraction. And as a community champion, the Chamber puts on events like the Business Recognition Awards to highlight and celebrate the positive attributes of our member businesses.

Power Networking Breakfast
When: Monthly
Members provide two-minute elevator speeches in a round-robin format.
Business Recognition Awards
When: June
An awards program celebrating business members that are just beginning and members who have been around for decades and continue to innovate.
Talent Day
When: Fall
An event focused on bringing the community together to duscuss talent attraction and retention.
Current Young Professionals 2022 Future 15 & Young Professional Awards
Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022, 6 p.m.
Join the Chamber’s Current Young Professionals program in recognizing local young professionals, entrepreneurs and businesses that exemplify what the program is about: Development, engagement and a commitment to the Greater Green Bay community.
2022 Find Your Inspiration Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 8 a.m.
Area companies are invited to exhibit their industries and work at a career exploration fair for Greater Green Bay eighth-grade students and participate in the Youth Apprenticeship job fair for local high school students.
2022 Golden Apple Awards
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 5 p.m.
The 29th Annual Golden Apple Awards will recognize and honor nine recipients from Greater Green Bay schools who have shown innovation, leadership and dedication to teaching their students.
2022 Business Recognition Luncheon
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 11 a.m.
Nominated by their peers, the Business Recognition Awards Luncheon showcases Greater Green Bay businesspeople and companies whose success, accomplishments and resiliency has stood out in the community.
Learn more about all events at events.GreaterGBC.org

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