About Us ...
With over 800 investors, the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce is the most significant, organized business community in Macon-Bibb Our organization creates and manages programs and services valued by our diverse stakeholders The Chamber serves as your connector We provide access to a network of opportunities to achieve business growth This is also achieved through strong collaboration with area businesses, government entities, education and other strategic partners who work together to stimulate regional prosperity.
Our Vision: To create the best location for business.
Our Mission: The Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce will provide the resources and support to advance business success in the region
Supporting this mission is why the Chamber exists Investment in our mission allows exposure, professional relationships in our region and unique access to championing initiatives that influence the economic vitality of the region
Investment levels are specifically designed to help support your business goals. These tiered levels allow you to access resources and solutions to help your business thrive in Central Georgia. By investing in the Greater Macon Chamber, we are greater, together.
Connect Advocate Accelerate Educate
Basic embership
Annual Investment: $440 | Valued at $855
The Basic Membership level provides you opportunities to engage with over 700 Chamber investors throughout the year, gain visibility among Chamber investors and within the community, stay informed and access business resources. The Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce provides a platform for members to build relationships, participate in learning opportunities and meet experts to foster business growth
Your Benefits at this level
Marketing & Promotion
Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce window cling (digital logo upon request)
Professional business referrals
Opportunity to market events, accomplishments and milestones in weekly newsletter (upon request)
Opportunity to sponsor Chamber programs
Standard listing in Chamber's online business directory (company name, address, phone number, hours of operation, website link, social media links, one category and 240-word description)
First ribbon cutting within first year of initial investment (includes scissors, ribbon, promotion on Chamber's digital platforms and Chamber staff and Ambassador attendance)
Opportunity to purchase additional ribbon cuttings (subject to availability)
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls
Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon com, GreaterCareerWorks com and Macon Area Connections (M A C )
& Business-Building
Invitation to Chamber programs
Opportunity to serve as an Ambassador
Opportunity to participate on Chamber committees
Opportunity to purchase Chamber investor mailing labels (email address not provided, two-week lead time requested)
Discounts & Savings
Investor pricing on Chamber programs, including Leadership Macon
Opportunity to rent community room and business resource room at discounted investor rate (subject to availability)
Health insurance discounts through Georgia Chamber SMART Plan and Chamber Plus Plan (if eligible)
Retirement plan discounts through Georgia Chamber EXCHANGE Program
Georgia Chamber Federation Membership (for businesses with 10 or fewer employees)
Access to investor-to-investor coupons and discount portal
Business Catalyst
Annual Investment: $750 | Valued at $1,225
Whileyouarebusyrunningyourbusiness,theGreaterMaconChamberofCommerceworksfor youthroughouttheyear TheBusinessCatalystlevelprovidesmarketingtoolsandopportunities topromoteyourbusiness Peer-to-peerengagement,educationandsharingbestpracticeswill saveyoutimeandhelpgrowyourbusiness
ThisinvestmentlevelincludesallbenefitsintheBasicMembershipLevelPLUSadditional benefitsdesignedforagrowingenterpriselikeyours
Your Benefits at this level
Marketing & Promotion
Basic Membership Plus:
1 Chamber social media post per calendar year to promote a business event (marketing collateral must be provided)
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls
Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon.com, GreaterCareerWorks com and Macon Area Connections (M A C )
Relationship & Business-Building
Basic Membership Plus:
2 tickets to Business After Hours (must redeem in calendar year)
Discounts & Savings
Basic Membership Plus:
2 Chamber meeting room rentals (subject to availability)
Economic Driver
Annual Investment: $1,300 | Valued at $3,255
Your business is growing and with growth comes new challenges and opportunities You want to save time, learn from other businesses and make smart investments in positioning your company for growth The Economic Driver level provides strategic opportunities to explore best practices from successful companies, develop your team and position your brand in the region
This investment level includes all benefits in the Basic Membership Level PLUS additional benefits designed for a growing enterprise like yours
Your Benefits at This Level
Marketing & Promotion
Basic Membership Plus:
2 Chamber social media posts per calendar year to promote a business event (marketing collateral must be provided)
Opportunity to host a virtual or inperson workshop/seminar/B R E W (based on availability and approval)
Opportunity to purchase an enhanced Milestone Ribbon Cutting Celebration (one request/calendar year; Chamber-promoted on social media, in newsletter and on events calendar; includes scissors, custom ribbon and Chamber CEO, staff and Ambassador attendance; invitations sent to Macon Mayor and Chamber Board of Directors)
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls
Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon.com, GreaterCareerWorks com and Macon Area Connections (M A C )
Relationship & Business-Building
Basic Membership Plus:
4 tickets to Business After Hours (must redeem in calendar year)
1 Annual Awards Celebration ticket
Discounts & Savings
Basic Membership Plus:
4 Chamber meeting room rentals (subject to availability)
Community Advocate
Annual Investment: $2,500 | Valued at $4,320
YouappreciatethattheGreaterMaconChamberofCommerceisworkingonyourbehalfto keepthecostofdoingbusinessaffordableandadvocatingforfavorablebusinesspolicies. TheCommunityAdvocateleveloffersopportunitiesforyoutoengagewiththecommunity, influencebusinesspoliciesandprovideprofessionaldevelopmentforyourstaff.
ThisinvestmentlevelincludesallbenefitsintheBasicMembershipLevelPLUSadditional benefitsdesignedforacommunityinvestorlikeyourbusiness
Your Benefits at This Level
Marketing & Promotion
Basic Membership Plus:
3 Chamber social media posts per calendar year to promote a business event (marketing collateral must be provided)
Opportunity to host a virtual or inperson workshop/seminar/B R E W (based on availability and approval)
Opportunity to purchase an enhanced Milestone Ribbon Cutting Celebration (one request/year; Chamber-promoted on social media, in newsletter and on events calendar; includes scissors, custom ribbon, Chamber CEO, staff and Ambassador attendance; invitations sent to Macon Mayor and Chamber Board of Directors)
Up to 2 additional location listings in the Chamber online business directory
Community Advocate name recognition in quarterly Cornerstone update newsletter (4th level)
Community Advocate name recognition on Annual Meeting program (4th level)
Community Advocate name recognition in Chamber annual report (4th level)
Discounts & Savings
Basic Membership Plus:
8 Chamber meeting room rentals (subject to availability)
Relationship & Business-Building
Basic Membership Plus:
6 tickets to Business After Hours (must redeem in calendar year)
2 Annual Awards Celebration tickets
2 Macon Matters tickets
1 set of Chamber investor mailing labels (email address not provided, two-week lead time requested)
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon com, GreaterCareerWorks.com and Macon Area Connections (M A C )
Leading Investor
Investment: $5,000 | Valued at $8,864
Youunderstandtheimportanceofinvestinginadvocacy,economicdevelopment,regional brandingandensuringMaconemployerscontinuetohaveastrongandgloballycompetent workforce AttheCornerstoneInvestorlevel,youhaveaseatatthetablewithleaderswhoare settingthedirectionoftheChamberandtheregion.YoureceiveVIPrecognitionatsignature eventsandthehighestnotorietyinmarketingopportunitiesandinChambercommunications.
Your Benefits at This Level
Marketing & Promotion
Basic Membership Plus:
4 Chamber social media posts per calendar year to promote a business event (marketing collateral must be provided)
Opportunity to host a virtual or inperson workshop/seminar/B R E W (based on availability and approval)
Opportunity to purchase an enhanced Milestone Ribbon Cutting Celebration (one request/year; Chamber-promoted on social media, in newsletter and on events calendar; includes scissors, custom ribbon, Chamber CEO, staff and Ambassador attendance; invitations sent to Macon Mayor and Chamber Board of Directors)
Up to 5 additional location listings in the Chamber online business directory
Leading Investor logo recognition in quarterly Cornerstone update newsletter (3rd level)
Leading Investor logo recognition on Annual Meeting program (3rd level)
Leading Investor logo recognition in Chamber annual report (3rd level)
Discounts & Savings
Basic Membership Plus:
10 Chamber meeting room rentals (subject to availability)
Relationship & Business-Building
Basic Membership Plus:
12 tickets to Business After Hours
2 Annual Awards Celebration tickets
3 Macon Matters Tickets
3 State of the Community tickets
1 set of Chamber investor mailing labels (email address not provided, two-week lead time requested)
Invitation to CEO roundtable discussions and socials
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls
Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon com, GreaterCareerWorks.com and Macon Area Connections (M A C )
Key Stakeholder
Annual Investment: $10,000 | Valued at $16,477
Youunderstandtheimportanceofinvestinginadvocacy,economicdevelopment,regional brandingandensuringMaconemployerscontinuetohaveastrongandgloballycompetent workforce AttheCornerstoneInvestorlevel,youhaveaseatatthetablewithleaderswhoare settingthedirectionoftheChamberandtheregion YoureceiveVIPrecognitionatsignature eventsandthehighestnotorietyinmarketingopportunitiesandinChambercommunications
Your Benefits at This Level
Marketing & Promotion
Basic Membership Plus:
8 Chamber social media posts per calendar year to promote a business event (marketing collateral must be provided)
Opportunity to host a virtual or inperson workshop/seminar/B R E W (based on availability and approval)
1 enhanced Milestone Ribbon
Cutting Celebration (one request/year; Chamber-promoted on social media, in newsletter and on events calendar; includes scissors, custom ribbon and Chamber CEO, staff and Ambassador attendance; invitations sent to Macon Mayor and Chamber Board of Directors)
Up to 10 additional location listings in the Chamber online business directory
Early opportunity to sponsor Chamber events
Exclusive annual leadership interview (upon request)
Key Stakeholder logo recognition in quarterly Cornerstone update newsletter (2nd level)
Key Stakeholder logo recognition on Annual Meeting program (2nd level)
Key Stakeholder logo recognition in Chamber annual report (2nd level)
Discounts & Savings Program
Basic Membership Plus:
12 Chamber meeting room rentals (subject to availability)
Relationship & Business-Building
Basic Membership Plus: 16 tickets to Business After Hours
4 Annual Awards Celebration tickets
4 Macon Matters Tickets
4 State of the Community tickets
2 sets of Chamber investor mailing labels (email address not provided, two-week lead time requested)
1 seat to serve on Military Affairs Council
1 seat to serve on Chamber Board of Directors
Invitation to CEO roundtable discussions and socials
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls
Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon com, GreaterCareerWorks.com and Macon Area Connections (M.A.C.)
Regional Influencer
Youunderstandtheimportanceofinvestinginadvocacy,economicdevelopment,regional brandingandensuringMaconemployerscontinuetohaveastrongandgloballycompetent workforce AttheCornerstoneInvestorlevel,youhaveaseatatthetablewithleaderswhoare settingthedirectionoftheChamberandtheregion YoureceiveVIPrecognitionatsignature eventsandthehighestnotorietyinmarketingopportunitiesandinChambercommunications Annual Investment: $25,000+ | Valued at $40,278
Your Benefits at This Level
Marketing & Promotion
Basic Membership Plus:
10 Chamber social media posts per calendar year to promote a business event (marketing collateral must be provided)
Logo listed on rotating banner ad on the Chamber's website
Opportunity to host a virtual or inperson workshop/seminar/B R E W (based on availability and approval)
1 enhanced Milestone Ribbon
Cutting Celebration (one request/year; Chamber-promoted on social media, in newsletter and on events calendar; includes scissors, custom ribbon, and Chamber CEO, staff and Ambassador attendance; invitations sent to Macon Mayor and Chamber Board of Directors)
Up to 25 additional location listings in the Chamber online business directory
Early opportunity to sponsor Chamber events
Exclusive annual Leadership interview (upon request)
Enhanced listing in online business directory
Regional Influencer logo recognition in quarterly Cornerstone update newsletter (1st level)
Regional Influencer logo recognition on Annual Meeting program (1st level)
Regional Influencer logo recognition in Chamber annual report (1st level)
Relationship & Business-Building
Basic Membership Plus:
24 tickets to Business After Hours
6 Annual Awards Celebration tickets
6 Macon Matters Tickets
6 State of the Community tickets
3 sets of Chamber investor mailing labels (email address not provided, two-week lead time requested)
2 seats to serve on Military Affairs Council
2 seats to serve on Chamber Board of Directors
Invitation to CEO roundtable discussions and socials
Advocacy & Communications
Chamber advocacy of investor interests at the Local, State and Federal levels
Guide direction of Chamber by engaging in surveys and polls
Subscription to Chamber newsletters and e-blasts
First to be updated on Leadership Macon, ChooseMacon.com, GreaterCareerWorks com and Macon Area Connections (M A C )
Discounts & Savings
Basic Membership Plus:
16 Chamber meeting room rentals (subject to availability)
Automaticsubscriptiontonewslettersande-blasts&theopportunitytomarketbusinessnews innewsletter
Complimentaryfirstribboncuttingwithinfirstyearofinvestment&opportunitytopurchase additionalribboncuttings