Live telephone and online mixed-mode survey of registered voters in Spokane County, Washington
• A registered voter universe encompasses a broader selection of the community than a likely voter universe, and is younger and more liberal.
Survey conducted October 1 – 6, 2024
600 interviews; overall margin of error ±4.40 percentage points
• City of Spokane 300n; margin of error ±5.66 percentage points
• Spokane County outside of City of Spokane 300n; margin of error ±5.66 percentage points
Interviews were conducted by trained, professional interviewers; landlines and mobile phones included
•Please note: The order in which the questions were asked are not reflected in the same order as the report, interview order is available in the crosstabs. On open ended questions, results are counted based on words and phrases given by respondents, they were not provided a list to choose from. More than one answer was accepted, resulting in percentages that do not equal 100%. Due to rounding, some percentages may not add up to exactly 100%.
”The Pulse” Index aggregates the following questions about Spokane County:
• Q4: Right Direction/Wrong Track • Q7: Quality of Life • Q8: Relocating
Q9: Future optimism
Q11: Downtown’s
Do you feel that things in the Spokane Region are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track?
Do you think the overall quality of life in The Spokane Region is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse?
"I'm optimistic about the future of this region."
A majority of voters have actively considered moving.
Countywide Have you actively considered moving out of the area?
City of Spokane
Nature, outdoor recreation, and climate are cited as the best parts about living in the region.
What is the best thing about living in the Spokane region? (Multiple Responses Accepted)
Outdoor recreation/Access to public land
Climate/Weather/Has all 4 seasons
Community feel/Friendly people
Small town feel
Close to family/Family oriented
Cost of living/Affordability
None/Don't know/No opinion
A majority of voters believe the quality of life in the region is declining.
Do you think the overall quality of life in The Spokane Region is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse?
Half or more of voters believe addressing homeless encampments and property crime would have a very significant impact on quality of life in the region.
Closing encampments in parks, on sidewalks, and on other public right of ways
Addressing property crime like theft and car break ins
Helping local businesses deal with public safety concerns
Addressing violent crime and gun violence
Improving services for drug addiction and mental health
Creating a more business-friendly environment
Hiring more police officers
Improving public education
Building more affordable housing
Maintaining bridges and infrastructure
Addressing racially biased policing
How much impact do you think each of the following would have on improving quality of life in Spokane?
Half or more of voters believe addressing homeless encampments and property crime would have a very significant impact on quality of life in the region.
Closing encampments in parks, on sidewalks, and on other public right of ways
Addressing property crime like theft and car break ins
Helping local businesses deal with public safety concerns
Addressing violent crime and gun violence
Creating a more business-friendly environment
Improving services for drug addiction and mental health
Hiring more police officers
Building more affordable housing
Improving public education
Maintaining bridges and infrastructure
Addressing racially biased policing
How much impact do you think each of the following would have on improving quality of life in Spokane?
More than two thirds report feeling less safe in their neighborhoods compared to two years ago.
Thinking about safety in your neighborhood, including property crime and violent crime compared to two years ago do you feel…
Mental health and substance abuse facilities are regarded as the most important funding item to address public safety, with 4-in-10 saying they are extremely important.
Mental health and substance abuse facilities
More police officers
Safer, expanded detention facilities
of Spokane
Traffic calming measures
More judges, prosecutors, and public defenders for our courts
of Spokane
of Spokane
Q38-42. Next you will be asked about items related to public safety. After each one, please rate how important providing funding for that item is to you.
Nearly 8-in-10 regard hiring more police officers as an immediate priority for the city.
Overall Hiring more police officers should be an immediate priority for the City of Spokane
strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement?
Two-thirds of voters in Spokane County say their taxes are too high for the level of services provided, indicating a dissatisfaction with the return on investment of their tax dollars.
Would you say that local taxes are too high, too low, or about right for the level of services provided?
City of Spokane
Voters believe the City of Spokane has the money it needs to address important priorities, but not an effective plan to address those priorities.
The City of Spokane has enough money to address important priorities; they just need to spend it more effectively
I trust local government to spend my tax dollars responsibly
I trust that the City has an effective plan to address the critical issues facing the city like homelessness, affordability, and public safety
Only about 1-in-10 voters indicate that they are optimistic about the downtown Spokane economy.
How do you feel about the downtown Spokane economy?
Voters are overwhelmingly in agreement over the importance of a thriving downtown, and their concerns about its future.
I’m worried about the future of downtown Spokane
A thriving downtown Spokane is critical to our region’s economic health
Recent policy decisions by the city are causing local small businesses to close and move away
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements.
4-in-10 say they feel unsafe in downtown Spokane during the day, compared to 8-in-10 who say they feel unsafe at night.
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements.
Q45. Before the pandemic how often did you typically visit downtown for activities other than work?
A reduction in crime and homelessness are cited by voters as the top changes that would make them visit downtown more often.
What would lead you to visit downtown Spokane more often?
Reduction in crime/public drug use
Reduction in homelessness/encampments
Better entertainment/Nightlife/Restaurants
Free parking/Access to parking
Having cleaner streets (sidewalks/roads/downtown)/Cleanliness
Reduction in costs downtown
More development/Growth
General negative/No need to/Wouldn't go
Increased police presence/security
None/Don't know/No opinion
City of Spokane
There is widespread agreement about the need to address homelessness and crime and focus on the basics in Spokane. Issues like public school funding, growth and development, and housing construction are more polarizing.
Agree (Don't Know) Disagree
Downtown Spokane cannot fully recover until the homelessness and public safety problems are addressed
The City of Spokane should focus on the funding the basics like filling potholes, maintaining parks, and addressing public safety
Public schools in the Spokane area need more funding to improve educational outcomes
All things considered, growth and development has been a positive for my area I support the building of a wider variety of housing in my neighborhood
you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements.
Left-leaning voters rate the quality of life in Spokane County more positively.
Left-leaning voters express the highest levels of optimism about the future of Spokane County.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
BIPOC, Moderate, and Conservative voters are more likely to report actively considering moving.
Younger voters and non-homeowners are less likely to cite homelessness as a top concern.
are the issues facing the Spokane region that you are most frustrated of concerned about?”
(% who mention Homelessness)
Younger, left-leaning voters are more likely to believe quality of life in the region is improving or is stable.
Do you think the overall quality of life in The Spokane Region is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse?
Left-leaning voters, non-homeowners, and voters without college degrees express disproportionate concern about their financial situations.
“How concerned are you about your personal financial situation given current economic conditions?”
Right-leaning voters report feeling less safe in their neighborhoods compared to two years ago.
Thinking about safety in your neighborhood, including property crime and violent crime compared to two years ago do you feel…
Much less safe Somewhat less safe
Left-leaning voters are much more likely to regard mental health and substance abuse facilities as important to fund.
7 - Extremely important 5-6
Older and more right-leaning voters are more likely to regard police hiring as an immediate priority.
“Hiring more police officers should be an immediate priority for the City of Spokane”
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Similarly, left leaning voters are less likely to believe local taxes are too high compared to the level of services provided.
“Would you say that local taxes are too high, too low, or about right for the level of services provided”
Across demographic groups, left-leaning voters are the only ones to trust local government in spending tax dollars responsibly.
“I trust local government to spend my tax dollars responsibly”
Agreement over the importance of a thriving downtown is consistent across demographic groups.
“A thriving downtown Spokane is critical to our region’s economic health”
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Left-leaning voters express less concern about the future of downtown Spokane, although concern remains high across demographic groups.
“I’m worried about the future of downtown Spokane” Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
Belief that local policy decisions have negatively impacted small businesses is largely correlated with age and political partisanship and ideology.
“Recent policy decisions by the city are causing local small businesses to close and move away”
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
Left-leaning voters report feeling safer downtown than those opposite them on the political spectrum.
“I would feel safe visiting downtown Spokane during the day”
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
A larger proportion of left-leaning voters as well as non-homeowners indicate feeling safe in downtown Spokane at night.
“I would feel safe visiting downtown Spokane at night”
Somewhat Agree
There is widespread agreement among demographic groups that downtown cannot recover until homelessness and public safety are addressed.
“Downtown Spokane cannot fully recover until the homelessness and public safety problems are addressed”
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Similarly, there is widespread agreement on the need to get back to basics in Spokane.
“The City of Spokane should focus on the funding the basics like filling potholes, maintaining parks, and addressing public safety”
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree