GSCOC 2011 Annual Report

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forward progress 2011 Greater Springfield Annual Reports

Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center

Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau | Community Improvement Corporation 20 S. Limestone St., Suite 100, Springfield, Oh 45502 | T 937.325.7621 |

Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Community Improvement Corporation

forward thinking

president’s message

“Goals are dreams with deadlines.” Diane Scharf Hunt

spread the news

springfield’s future is progressing forward


2012 chamber annual meeting & business EXPO 3:00 - 6:00 PM – The 2012 Business Expo features Chamber member vendors showcasing their products and services in the Grand Hall of the HBC. 5:30 PM – Taste: Springfield is a culinary tour of our best local restaurants and caterers in the Grand Lobby of the PAC. 6:30 PM – The 2012 Chamber Annual Meeting featuring awards for Small Business of the Year, Business of the Year and Ambassador of the Year. Join us as we honor the life of Jim McGregor and present Dave Hobson with the Richard L. Kuss Lifetime Achievement Award.


Michael McDorman President and CEO

William Fralick President/CEO Security National Bank Incoming Chairman

wo years ago we decided as a community to take our collective hopes and dreams for the future, put them in writing and give them a deadline. We surveyed more than 600 residents (courtesy of the Springfield News-Sun) created five focus areas and called the initiative Greater Springfield Moving Forward. Since then, more than 100 individuals have donated their time and talents to this visioning process, creating tangible goals for our future and celebrating real wins along the way. Representatives of the five Pillar Groups – Jobs and Job Readiness; Student Achievement: Downtown Redevelopment; Gateways and Corridors; Parks and Greenspace – will present their first year report to the community during tonight’s annual meeting. We promise you will be amazed at what has been accomplished and that you will be even more encouraged about what is happening in our community. Also tonight, we have the honor of presenting the Richard L. Kuss Lifetime Community Achievement award to retired U.S. Congressman Dave Hobson, who has, for decades, lead the charge for a greater Springfield. We’ll also be unveiling our latest Big Dreamer banner in honor of the late Jim McGregor. While this is the Chamber’s annual meeting, you can see this evening is clearly a celebration of YOU – our member businesses and community partners who are working hard everyday to move our community forward.


Be A Part Of Something Greater If you have a business or are part of an organization in Greater Springfield, you have an interest, a stake in our community’s well-being. Helping move Greater Springfield forward is in your best interest. But what can you do to contribute to the momentum that has been created? We have the answer. Unlike the advertisement that asks for a few good men, the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce needs you, the entire business community, to be a part of a never-ending campaign to become all that we can be. Are you in? For membership information go to or phone 937-325-7621.

Advocate A voice for local business • Advocating for businesses on the local, state and federal levels • Delivering business-related legislative bulletins and alerts • Providing real-time information on • Leading the Buy Springfield Program

A voice for the community • Securing community funding through PDAC • Protecting the future of Springfield Air National Guard Base

Build Attract new business and new jobs • PrimeOhio Corporate Park – growing companies • PrimeOhio II Industrial Park at I-70 – attracting new businesses and jobs • The National Road Commons park in downtown Springfield – revitalizing downtown and enhancing lifestyle • City School Bus Transportation Facility

Serve Delivering value-added services • Providing more than 22,000 Speedway discount cards to member companies for their employees and spouses - average saving per employee $125 annually • Saving members more than $500,000 in Workers Compensation premiums • Distributing prescription, eye and hearing saving cards for up to 75 percent savings • Member-only commercial electric-rate discount from FirstEnergy Solutions • Providing 20 percent savings on health insurance

Communicate Making a case for Greater Springfield • Regionview magazine – keeping the community up-to-date on business news • Community Guide – attracting new businesses and residents • E-Newsletter with legislative updates Forward Progress 2011 | 937.325.7621

forward thinking

forward thinking

top goals & financials

board members

E x e c u t iv e C o mmi t t e e

William Fralick President/CEO Security National Bank Incoming Chairman of the Board

2012 greater springfield convention & visitors bureau marketing plan overview objectives & strategy The Greater Springfield CVB carries the message of “Destination Springfield” to visitors comprised of leisure travelers, friends and relatives, business travelers, group tours and convention/meeting travelers. The 2012 Marketing Plan will continue to emphasize both our award winning visitors guide, Inside Springfield, and award winning website, These core vehicles will be updated and reworked to reflect the changes in our marketplace. Likewise, a key priority will be the development and execution of a new CVB responsive site for smart phone and tablet users. While the CVB strives to attract overnight guests we will continue to promote local events and attractions generating day trips via a revamped events calendar and cooperative marketing grants. With our total marketing budget approaching $100,000 we will also continue to reach potential visitors via two state-of-the-art websites, print advertising, Bureau generated publications, cooperative marketing sponsorships, social marketing platforms and industry tradeshows.

top five goals 2012 A complete remodel of the CVB website to include a more intuitive user interface, updated graphics, simplified navigation and social media components. The modernization of the site will make it responsive to all PC, laptop, tablet and smart phone platforms. Think big – continue to develop our promotional partnerships and extend our destination brand story in mass media (Ohio Magazine), billboards and SEO.


Jim Lagos Attorney Lagos & Lagos Incoming Secretary Treasurer


Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011 (unaudited)

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets Revenues Accommodations Tax Other Total Revenue Expenses Operating Programs/Publications/ Activities Total Expenses Change In Net Assets

$ 347,541 $ 7,690 $ 355,231 $ 224,618

Dean Blair President Foreman-Blair Buick-GMC-Cadillac

Kris Clum President and CEO Comfort Keepers®

Dana Engle CEO Rocking Horse Center

Mark Erickson President Wittenberg University

Tony Kenney President Speedway LLC

Jim Lagos Attorney Lagos & Lagos

Karen Rafinski President Clark State Community College

Col. Greg Schnulo Commander 178th Fighter Wing Air National Guard

Tom Sothard President Region Americas Konecranes

Alicia Sweet-Hupp President/CEO Sweet Manufacturing

Miquel Ten President/CEO First Diversity Management Group

Mark Wiener President/CEO Community Mercy Health Partners

$ 117,427 $ 342,045 $ 13,186

Statement of Financial Position Assets Cash - General Fund Other Current Assets Net Fixed Assets Total Assets

Engage in a comprehensive consumer perception research study to evaluate the effectiveness of our brand and message, while charting the course for future promotions.

Liabilities And Fund Balance Payables $ 11,285 Other Liabilities $ 6,000 Fund Balance - Unrestricted $ 340,706 Fund Balance - Temporarily Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $ 357,991


John Landess Executive Director The Turner Foundation Incoming Vice Chairman

The mission of the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce is to advance important economic development opportunities and issues, to help our members grow their business by delivering outstanding opportunities, to connect with each other and the broader community and to partner with other organizations and work cooperatively with government, non-profit and community sectors to promote ground-breaking ideas that will make Greater Springfield progressive.

greater springfield convention & visitors bureau financial report

Focus on our recreational trail system and increase its economic impact by partnering with neighboring counties on interactive Miami Valley Trails website, creating a comprehensive county trail print map with TCC and driving wayfinding sign initiatives to promote our trail-adjacent restaurants, attractions and hotels.

Fully implement “Destination Downtown” marketing plan and tie it to our direct sales program with the goal of increasing meeting and convention business.

James Peifer Attorney Past Chairman CIC Chairman

Michael McDorman Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce President & CEO

$ 272,925 $ 63,616 $ 21,450 $ 357,991


To be the pre-eminent business organization in greater s p r i n g f i e l d by d r i v i n g economic grow th, creating new opportunities for our m e m b e rs a n d b u i l d i n g a more inclusive community.

Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

objectives & strategies

“...two national magazines ranked us in the top 5 in the nation...”

Hibachi Grill grand opening

Thirty-One Gifts

Itsy Fits grand opening


2011 CVB by the numbers

impossible - we like the sound of that


he word “impossible” doesn’t serve much as a deterrent in Greater Springfield. We’ve seen too many impossibilities become reality for us to believe otherwise. The year 2011 was no exception. We watched our community attract new businesses, experience business expansions, begin the design phase of two new industrial parks and infuse new life in our downtown despite economicchallenging times. Our image, both regionally and nationally, rose as well with two national magazines ranking us in the top 5 in the nation—out of 166 communities of our size—when it comes to job creation. Forbes magazine, in its August edition, recognized what a great value we are, naming us 8th in the country when it comes to a good life at a good price. Our community visioning process, Greater Springfield Moving Forward, gained momentum in 2011 and checked off a number of significant projects, thanks to the collaborative vision and efforts of dedicated committee member volunteers. Our determination to bring new jobs to our residents, despite the economy, resulted in the attraction of Thirty-One gifts into the former O’Cedar facility and a commitment for nearly 1,000 jobs between Thirty-One and its logistics partner, Exel. Overall new and expanded businesses resulted in more than 3,000 new and retained jobs and an investment of more than $70 million. New development included a new transportation facility for the Springfield City School District; a downtown park, National Road Commons; the relocation of the historic Madonna of the Trail statue; the new 27,000 square foot Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center; Springfield Regional Medical Center’s new state-of-the art hospital campus and Ohio Valley Medical Center’s new medical office building. Our historic Bushnell Building in downtown Springfield underwent a $10 million renovation and brought in new tenants, including CodeBlue, Dollar Days General Store and others. We’ll be building on that momentum in 2012 as we market the Prime Ohio II industrial park and begin the development of the Champion City Industrial Park. Our downtown vision will continue to take shape with future plans to build a new parking facility, a new office/retail complex and the Veterans Bridge overlook project. Impossible? Of course! That’s just the way we like it.

2 Tourism Industry Awards

40 motorcoach meetings at Heartland 100 direct sales calls

900 reader responses from Country Living

7500 bowling tournament competitiors

20,000 welcome bags distributed to visitors 25,000 dollars in partner grants 35,000 copies of Inside Springfield 300,000 partner brochures distributed

310,000,000 dollars economic impact

top five accomplishments 2011 Increased hotel stays by 5% over 2010 while driving tourism industry economic impact in excess of $310M. Received two Ohio Travel Association RUBY Awards of Excellence and one Ohio Society of Association Executives Achievement Award for our www. website and for “Tourism Means Business”, a promotional video in association with Montgomery, Greene & Miami counties. Managed creation of new local events calendar – – in partnership with 14 local tourism stakeholders. The CVB serves as administrator for the site which promotes concerts, exhibits and performances taking place in our community to a national audience. Implemented SEO plan that resulted in 25,000 unique visitors to our CVB website, an increase of nearly 20% over the preceding year. Won competitive bids to host the Eagles statewide bowling tournament, USBC Seniors bowling tournament and OWBA statewide bowling tournament bringing nearly 7500 participants to Springfield through 2012 Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

forward thinking

ambassadors club

greater springfield moving forward

As our primary outreach committee, this group, led by Karen Rafinski and Amy Donahoe, provides a vital service to the Chamber and the community at large. Ambassadors not only promote Chamber membership but also play a pivotal role in member retention and the execution of special events.

This community driven vision initiative, led by Jim Peifer and Mayor Warren Copeland, is comprised of 32 member stakeholders and five pillar groups who are establishing community priorities for five key areas: education, business, parks, downtown, and gateways and corridors.

manufacturers council Manufacturing remains a strong industry, not only in Greater Springfield, but across the country. The manufacturers group, led by Nick Demana provides support to our manufacturers through advocacy, information exchange and special events.

The “Buy Springfield” campaign, led by Monte Zinn, encourages local businesses and Greater Springfield residents to boost the local economy by keeping their consumer and business dollars in the community. One dollar spent in Greater Springfield will turn over seven times.

realtors committee


This group, led by Jeff Horne, reaches out to prospective and current residents to help to promote Springfield’s image as one of the country’s “best places to live cheaply.” (Forbes magazine Aug. 2011).

The Priority Development Advocacy Committee (PDAC), led by Mike McDorman, is a collaboration between the City of Springfield, Clark County and other key community stakeholders to advocate for government support of economic development projects in Greater Springfield.

small business/legislative affairs Led by Jim Lagos, this group sponsors legislative meetings and events and keeps members abreast of developments via web-based alerts and bulletins.

OTA RUBY and OSAE Achievement Awards

Top: USBC & OWBA bowling tournaments Middle: MagazineAdvertisement Bottom: ECO Sports

top five accomplishments 2011 Provided our members tens of thousands of dollars in member discounts, including more than $25,000 in fuel discounts with the Speedway gas card, $24,000 in Springfield NewsSun advertising discounts and nearly $29,000 in Workers Compensation discounts through Frank Gates. Successfully launched Buy Springfield : a “buy local” campaign designed to encourage consumers and businesses to purchase their goods and services from Clark County businesses. The $10,000 campaign to educate consumers included billboards, television, newspaper and radio ads, as well as window clings and point of purchase cards.


service to greater springfield

buy springfield

Promoted our community locally and regionally through eight editions of Regionview magazine, distributed in conjunction with the Springfield B2B magazine. Aggregate circulation of the publications reached more than 5,000 CEOs, businesses and non-profits in Greater Springfield and the region. Led Springfield contingent to Washington D.C., to meet with federal legislators and regional partners to advocate for county projects, as part of the Priority Development Advocacy Committee (PDAC). Provided local residents a way to see China at ½ price through the Chamber’s first “Chamber Explorations” trip. Sixteen local individuals joined the larger group on the 10-day tour of China’s most popular sites. Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

forward thinking


“The greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more” Jonas Salk.

board members

g r e a t e r s p r i n g f i e l d c o n v e n t i o n & visi t o r s b u r e a u b o a r d o f d i r e c t o r s

Dean Blair

Chairman President Foreman-Blair Buick-GMC-Cadillac

Michael McDorman

Mike Hively

Allan Hess

Secretary President & CEO Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce

Clerk Springfield Township

Executive Director Clark County Agricultural Society

Joyce Chilton

Jim Scoby

Dan Young

Karen Duncan

City Commissioner


success compels us forward


ever in the history of the Chamber has our community taken on as many projects as we did in 2011: A downtown park, two industrial parks, a transportation facility, an aggressive envisioning process, Greater Springfield Moving Forward… So why do it? Why would we take on what seems like more than what we can do? Because we must. Competition for new businesses has never been as fierce as it is right now, when every city is trying to land jobs for their community and the related income taxes to keep city and county services operational. That’s why we can’t afford to blend in, to wait until businesses fall into our lap. We have to have the land and/or facilities ready for them to occupy, the workforce ready for them to hire, top-notch education and a wide range of leisure opportunities ready for their employees to enjoy. With our partners - the City of Springfield, Clark County and local businesses - we took giant steps in that direction in 2011. We’ll keep moving forward in 2012 with the development of Prime Ohio II and Champion City industrial parks, the pursuit of a downtown parking garage, the groundwork for an expanded Buck Creek beautification project and of course, working with our existing businesses on hiring, investing training and space as well as aggressively seeking out new businesses to come to our community. While we’ll be out front on these projects, we know we have you behind us, supporting us in more ways than we can count. It’s your vision for a greater Springfield that keeps us all moving forward.

Daren Cotter

Chief Financial Officer Turner Foundation


City Commissioner

Trustee Springfield Township

CEO Young’s Jersey Dairy

Kevin Loftis

Midland Properties

The Greater Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau is a non-profit economic development agency responsible for competitively marketing Greater Springfield as a destination for conventions, tour groups and individual travelers. The goal of these marketing efforts is to enhance the employment opportunities and economic prosperity of our city and county. Our tourism industry benefits from the CVB marketing programs and gains direct access to the visitor market.

Data suggests that travel across the United States – and most notably here in Springfield – is on the upswing. Business and leisure travelers are back on the road and that’s obviously good news for our local hoteliers, restaurants, retail merchants and destination venues. It’s also good news for the prospects of our new downtown conference center, Clark State’s Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts & Conference Center. The CVB is proud to have played a role in the realization of this project and is excited to begin promoting the venue to meeting and event planners. This state-of-theart facility will serve as the centerpiece of our new “Destination Downtown” marketing program designed to drive visitors downtown via a comprehensive marketing plan and cohesive brand concept. As we work ever diligently to position Springfield as a true “destination” city, we thank our local tourism industry partners for the role they play in making Springfield the “IN” place to be. Dean Blair, Chairman President Foreman-Blair


Buick-GMC-Cadillac Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

forward thinking

travel & tourism

a look back...

...we are constantly looking for new and original ways to promote Springfield as a destination... Concert at National Road Commons

First ever Buck Creek Bash

Springfield Antique Extravaganza

partnership moving travel industry forward


of exciting new projects like Springfield Regional Medical Center and National Road Commons, so does our tourism industry with

the additions of the ECO Sports Corridor and Clark State’s Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts & Conference Center. These are exiting times for Springfield— and the Convention & Visitors Bureau is working with our partners to ensure this momentum continues.

2011 annual meeting & business expo (presented by springfield B2B)

2011 golden leaf gala (presented by security national bank)

Highlights of the 2011 Annual Meeting included a keynote address by Governor John Kasich, a tribute to the late Mr. Kuss and the presentation of the Richard L. Kuss Lifetime Community Achievement Award to the late John Field. The Springfield News Sun/Cox Media Group Ohio was named Business of the Year, Wilt PR received the award for Small Business of the Year and Bryce-Hill was honored as Minority Business of the Year. More than 550 event attendees visited Business Expo exhibitor booths and enjoyed the first ever, Taste:Springfield culinary showcase.

The Gala moved to the new Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts & Conference Center where a record number of attendees watched as Team Avetec battled the Security National Banker for a chance at $5000. Dean Blair (Foreman-Blair GMC/Buick/Cadillac) and Tom Rue (Littleton & Rue) again served as the emcees for this popular event. Jay Lawrence and Jeff Wyler accepted the Golden Leaf Award on behalf of Jeff Wyler Springfield Automall.

2011 p. dennis sheehan memorial chamber golf open (presented by jeff wyler springfield automall)

s our community continues to move forward with the completion

The 2011 event moved to Windy Knoll Golf Club where Team Texas Roadhouse emerged victorious. Event attendees enjoyed a perfect day for golf and great steaks at the after-party provided by Dave Willey at Texas Roadhouse.

2011 networking events Our fast-paced morning informational and networking event – ChamberLive! – continued its run in the Commerce Pointe Atrium where attendees enjoyed presentations from fellow Chamber member businesses, Chamber staff, area CEOs and local non-profit groups. Networking at Night events were hosted by Eaglewood Village, The MacRay Company and Huntington Bank.

The past year saw Springfield playing host to a number of large groups,

including bowling tournaments, soccer tournaments, fraternal meetings,

ch a mb e r o f c o mm e r c e t e a m

association conferences, motorcoach tours and trade shows.

events & staff

In 2012 we will welcome- among others – nearly 5,000 USBC women

bowlers, the OAPN Annual Conference and the HFP Great Buckeye Challenge Triathlon. These visiting groups count on the CVB for planning, room-booking and in some cases, financial assistance. We work closely with our tourism partners to provide service to these visitors that will far surpass their expectations and bring them back to our community in the years ahead.

With innovative events like the ECO Sports Buck Creek Bash, we are

constantly looking for new and original ways to promote Springfield as a

Mike McDorman President & CEO

Kathy McPommell Vice President Operations

destination for both statewide and regional visitors. As we work to grow the Clark State’s Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts & Conference Center

Vice President Economic Development

Christopher Schutte

Director of Marketing & Events

Amy Donahoe

Director of Hiring & Employment Services

local impact of tourism, we applaud the efforts of our partners in helping us promote Springfield as a leisure travel destination, business travel hub and Midwest meeting and convention venue.


Horton H. Hobbs IV

Chad Yancey Finance Director

Nancy Wintrow Executive Assistant

Val Kelly

Member Benefits/ Publications Assistant/ Safety Council

Ellen Weaver

Accounting Assistant

Kelly Mori

Communications Manager Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

top goals & financials

Convention & Visitors Bureau

greater springfield moving forward: a strategic vision pillar groups

1 2 3 G O A L



4 5



jobs and job readiness Chairs: Karin Rafinski & Chuck Ingle Work on industrial park infrastructure; target industry clusters; research and development; jobs training programs

revitalizing parks and green spaces Chairs: Tim Loftis & Warren Copeland Support and help find funding for combined park levy; buck creek corridor plan

developing downtown as the community’s vital core Chairs: Maureen Fagans & John Landess

top five goals 2012 Continue to lead the Greater Springfield Moving Forward initiative as it enters year two of its strategic visioning process. Expand the focus of Buy Springfield to include marketing and branding and educating local businesses on the benefits of buying goods and services locally. Continue to build our communication and marketing vision for Greater Springfield to reach a larger audience and increase awareness and image development of Greater Springfield. Redesign and update Chamber website to improve usability of the site and increase value with more online referrals for our member businesses. Drive networking opportunities for our members through social media, communications and networking events, such as ChamberLive and Networking at Night.

Implement downtown development plan and two-way street conversion

greater springfield chamber of commerce financial report

improving major corridors and gateways Chairs: Dale Henry & Jim Bodenmiller

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011 (unaudited)

Complete southern gateway enhancement project and design consistent signage for all gateways

raising student achievement Chairs: David Estrop, Ed Leventhal & Andy Bell Work on kindergarten readiness, graduation rates, shared services, post-secondary education rates


forward progress 2011 Greater Springfield Annual Reports

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets

Statement of Financial Position

Revenues Membership Programs/Grants /Publications Administration Fees Other Total Revenue

Assets Cash - General Fund Cash - Restricted Other Current Assets Net Fixed Assets Total Assets

Expenses Operating Programs/ Publications/Activities Total Expenses Change In Net Assets

$ 295,755 $ 275,684 $ 650,745 $ 8,619 $ 1,230,803 $ 567,031 $ 608,816 $ 1,175,847 $ 54,956

$ 106,753 $ 32,000 $ 73,058 $ 155,490 $ 492,798

Liabilities And Fund Balance Payables $ 106,753 Other Liabilities $ 16,599 Fund Balance - Unrestricted $ 337,446 Fund Balance Temporarily Restricted $ 32,000 Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $ 492,798

I T ’ S G R E AT E


Greater Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau



2011 Annual Report 2012 Marketing Plan Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

top goals & financials

Community Improvement Corporation

forward progress 2011 Greater Springfield Annual Reports

greater springfield community improvement corp. financial report Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011 (unaudited)

Hire • Invest • Train • Space

top five goals 2012 $70 Million in New Investment, 700 created/retained jobs Top 10 National Ranking for private investment projects Complete design and engineering for PrimeOhio II Industrial Park and begin construction Build upon success of HITS Retention and Expansion program by reaching out to 500 businesses and conducting personal meetings with 50 commercial and industrial companies Re-design and implement new Economic Development website GREATER SPRINGFIELD CHAMBER of COMMERCE

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets

Statement of Financial Position

Revenues Grants/Contributions Local Government Funding Contract Revenue Other Total Revenue

$ 320,064 $ 117,684 $ 13,840 $ 4,096,486

Expenses Operating Economic Development Total Expenses Change in Net Assets

Assets Cash - General Fund Cash - Restricted Other Current Assets Net Fixed Assets Construction in Progress Land Total Assets

$ 424,199 $ 3,805,842 $ 4,230,041 $ (133,556)

$ 3,644,898

$ 42,297 $ 195,963 $ 65,104 $ 5,443 $ 634,011 $ 125,867 $ 1,068,686

Liabilities And Fund Balance Payables $ 225,021 Other Liabilities $ 136,090 Fund Balance Unrestricted $ 511,613 Fund Balance Temporarily Restricted $ 195,963 Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $ 1,068,686

The Community Improvement Corporation of Springfield & Clark County 2011 Annual Report

s. building dream

Forward Progress 2011

forward thinking

forward thinking

board members

Michael McDorman

James Peifer

Secretary President & CEO Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce

Chair Attorney

John Detrick

John Landess

Executive Director The Turner Foundation

Vice Chair Clark County Commissioner

Warren Copeland Mayor City of Springfield

service to greater springfield

Bill Fralick

President & CEO Security National Bank

CIC impact – making the economy grow Since 1970, the Community Improvement Corporation of Springfield and Clark County (CIC) has been directly or indirectly responsible for the creation or retention of more than 12,000 jobs in the Clark County area and fixed asset investment of more than $1.3 billion in new facilities, equipment and infrastructure. It has certified more than $400 million in industrial development bonds, constructed seven speculative buildings, built two industrial parks and assisted with two others. The CIC is responsible for managing the industrial and office database for prospects and for responding to all regional and state inquiries and it has received awards for marketing, retention and expansion and economic development projects.

top five accomplishments 2011 Conducted outreach to more than 800 local companies to offer assistance with hiring, training, investment and expansions; resulting in $70.5 million in local expansion projects, 700 new and 2,200 retained jobs. Jim Lagos

Karen Duncan

Treasurer Attorney Lagos & Lagos

City Commissioner

Responded to more than 100 state and regional company leads, attracting new companies, such as Thirty-One Gifts and Exel, creating more than 1,000 new jobs. Completed construction of the $2.7 million National Road Commons and oversaw the successful move of the Madonna of the Trail statue.

David Hartley Clark County Commissioner


Completed construction of the $1.8 million, stateof-the-art transportation facility for the Springfield City School District bus fleet on a brownfield redevelopment site. Began the design phase of Prime Ohio II - the $7.5 million, 211-acre industrial park that, once completed, will supply more than 1,000 jobs and an estimated $1 million annual income tax revenue to the City of Springfield.

OUR missi o n

The Mission of the Community Improvement Corporation of Springfield and Clark County (CIC) is to establish and maintain an aggressive world-class economic development program that will maximize the ability of Springfield and Clark County to attract and support capital investment resulting in the creation of new jobs and the retention of existing jobs to maximize the job skills within our community’s labor force.

strategic vision for economic development

1 2

expand existing businesses

3 4

develop real estate





Expand existing businesses by proactively reaching out, meeting one-on-one, and connecting them with resources to help them grow

attract new businesses Attract new businesses by assisting with site selection, managing projects and incentives, and facilitating the entire process from start to finish of locating a business here

Develop industrial, commercial, and community parks and space to provide more and better options to prospects

aggressively market the community Aggressively market the community using print, digital, online, and social media tools to promote and inform

Forward Progress 2011

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