Wholesale Merchants Fresh and Frozen Fish
Forty Years of Quality Fish, Innovation and Collaboration
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Leading in temperature controlled logistics • warehousing Nederland Elst Harlingen IJmuiden Maasvlakte-Rotterdam
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Acht bedrijven, één missie:
Verse en diepgevroren visproducten op tijd en onder de juiste condities dagelijks door heel Europa
KOTRA logistics, met vestigingen in Nederland (Yerseke, Breskens en IJmuiden), Denemarken (Padborg, Hanstholm) en Frankrijk (Boulogne sur Mer) is gespecialiseerd in het vervoer van verse en diepgevroren vis en levende schaalen schelpdieren. Dagelijks distribueren zij voor verschillende opdrachtgevers uit Europa en ver daar buiten, verse en diepgevroren producten vanuit hun volledig volgens HACCP-normen geconditioneerde distributiecentra in Nederland, Denemarken en Frankrijk. Het wagenpark is up-to-date en betrouwbaar, FRCgecertificeerd en voorzien van moderne koel- en vriesinstallaties zodat de verse en diepgevroren producten op de juiste temperatuur blijven, om snel en onder de juiste condities te worden afgeleverd. Dag en nacht zijn meer dan 125 vrachtwagens onderweg in Europa.
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Forty Years of Interfish Dutch company Interfish celebrates its fortyyear anniversary: a milestone celebrated by this magazine. From processing plaice fillets to an internationally renowned fish wholesaler: this is the success story of a family business built on the fish-related expertise of ten generations. Interfish stands for reliability, flexibility and quality, values
it’s this mind-set that has brought us these forty years of
that make us a much-appreciated long term business
success. A big thank you goes out to our much-appreciated
partner. Our core business is selling fresh North Sea fish
clients: you are our true success stories. We look forward
to wholesalers and large supermarket chains throughout
to continuing our relationships. To our new potential
Western Europe. In addition, we sell exotic products such
clients I would like to say: I hope we develop the same
as scallops, kingfish and tuna of the best possible quality in
kind of collaborations based on mutual trust. We happily
terms of both product and supplier. We also offer efficient,
invite you to get to know us better through this magazine
hygienic, customized packaging and this year we will
and we look forward to meeting you as well. Don’t
introduce our new company and premium quality brand:
hesitate to contact us: we would gladly welcome you
Black Label Seafood.
to our family business.
Like every company we’ve had our ups-and-downs. But we
I wish you pleasant reading,
always aim to think positive. By celebrating our milestones with each other and by focusing on the future. I believe
Henk van der Deijl, Co-founder.
EDITORIAL INFORMATION PUBLISHER Barry Reede TRAFFIC Marloes Oink EDITING Raquel Remondo Gomez PHOTOGRAPHY AND LAYOUT DESIGN Alejandro Fernández Cornejo ORDERING PARTY Interfish Texelstraat 43 1976 BJ IJmuiden T. 0031 (0)255 519 024 E. info@interfish.eu I. www.interfish.eu
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THIS MAGAZINE WAS CREATED WITH HELP FROM Daalimpex/Kloosterboer, Finance & Insurance de Kooker, ING, KOTRA logistics/Kloos-Holland, Share Logistics, Vink Koeltechniek and Wolters Europe.
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14/04/2017 10:09
The Story of a Family Business The late entrepreneur Nico van der Deijl founded Interfish late 1976 with his two sons Niek and Henk, building its success on processing plaice fillets. Over the years the business gradually shifted to other North Sea fish and exotic products. Since 2015, Henk’s two sons Wesley and Clint van der Deijl have successfully continued the family business with Erik Eekhout as the General Manager, always keeping sustainability and innovation in mind. Today, Interfish is internationally renowned for their high quality standards and products.
HISTORY With a total of ten generations of fish-related family business, it seems like the Van der Deijl family had no other option than to continue their Dutch heritage. Luckily they all share the passion for fish in one-way or another, making Interfish the warm family business we’ve known for forty years. The late Nico (eighth generation) decided at age 55 to found his own plaice filet processing company with his ninth generation sons Niek and Henk. The late Niek, who had a great passion for fish, immediately said yes. Henk admits fish originally wasn’t his ambition, but he did
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have fun. And forty years later, he still has: “I started at age
nineteen and worked an average seventy hours a week.
Since the end of 2015, tenth generation sons Wesley and
My brother and I did everything that was needed in the
Clint are the official owners of Interfish. Henk never had
company, from filleting to packaging and unloading trays.
the intention to force his sons into the family business.
I was very pleased that Erik was already part of the team
Clint however started his internship eleven years ago at
before Niek passed away in 1999.”
age sixteen and never left. Wesley started his career with 6 years in finance, during which he obtained a master’s
degree in business. Three years ago, he eventually felt
Innovation was always the key: forty years ago, Interfish was
himself drawn to the family business as well. Henk: “It’s
the first in the region to cryogenically freeze fillets at 190
wonderful to see my sons take over the business, guiding
degrees below Celsius. Over the years products gradually
them and hoping for them to maybe gain success. And
extended to other seafood and fresh fish, delivering to
working with family is also just fun.” Clint agrees: “You
wholesalers and large international fish markets. When
can be honest with family, you quickly accept each others
twenty-five years ago the first supermarket chain asked for
views. And although we are all innovative, we stick to
a direct supply, the business shifted to retail with big clients
the same company values because we share the same
in Italy, France and Spain. And most of these partnerships
business spirit.” Wesley: “With a family business you are
still exist today. The expanding business demanded more
in it for the long run, so sustainability and innovation are
space: the 3600 square meters property started with a 30
important. You work towards a common goal, so there are
x 40 meter hall. Today about 2600 square meters of the
no hidden agendas. And that makes for a healthy company,
site is cropped. Henk: “I was told I’d be a better fit for the
now and in the future.”
construction business because I’m an eternal renovator. We’re now at our eleventh rebuilding for an innovative refrigerator that can reach temperatures of minus 60 degrees Celsius below zero.”
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ONE BIG FAMILY Unfortunately, family business also created difficult
applies to the whole team. Erik: “It works both ways:
moments in the company’s history. Henk: “My father
everyone feels very committed and jumps in during
and brother passing away were my toughest moments.
busy times. We ask for their advice, take their initiative
With the responsibility for my team, I knew I had to
seriously and if the work is done, everyone gets to
switch off my emotions and continue everyday business.
go home early while still getting fully paid.” Add this
Luckily that’s when Erik Eekhout joined Interfish as
to their yearly weekend trips to cities like Barcelona,
the General Manager.” That is also the true core of a
Berlin and Valkenburg and Clint’s words say it all:
family business: managing together. And this feeling
“It’s just one big family.”
Great Magazines
Congratulations to a great company! T: +31 (0) 20 - 58 00 977 | W: www.greatmagazines.nl
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Meet the Team Peter Koelewijn. Head of Production: “I’m working with the third generation now as I’ve been with Interfish for about thirty-five years. It sort of feels like a marriage: it’s fun with the occasional clash. It’s interesting to see the company grow and I’m still happy with my position.”
Dennis Rutten. Production & Technical Services: “I started at age sixteen as the electrical engineer on Friday afternoons after school. It’s been twenty years and I’m happy to say we are all really close, like family.”
Desirée Bouterse-Jung. Administration: “It can get quite interesting as one of the three women among all these men. This has been my first and only job for the past thirty years: I’m in the right place.”
Wij feliciteren Interfish met haar 40 jarig jubileum!
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Keeping Products Cool Interfish’s business partner VINK Refrigeration is the specialist in cooling and freezing. With long-term clients ranging from companies in food, pharmaceutics and flowers and plants, VINK knows how to keep their business partners warm while keeping their products cool. ‘Reliable. Innovative. Practical. Flexible.’ CEO Simon Slob
customizing for over thirty years. Every company has its
has owned the company since 2004 and lives by VINK’s
own needs, so there’s no standard solution for refrigeration.
core values as no other: “That’s what VINK stands for. And
If you meet with us, we’ll first sit around the table. What
these are not just randomly chosen words, these values
products are we dealing with, what’s your available space,
are important to me on a personal level as well.” And that’s
your budget and what are your energy preferences? With
how VINK likes to work: personal and professional. Not
that information we design and build.”
too big, but with a steady team with a lot of knowledge and experience. “We know our business and if we make a
promise, we will live up to it. This way we can guarantee a
If you’re looking for a business partner to cool your products,
very personal and dedicated service to our clients.”
you’re in the right hands with VINK. Clients choose them for their complete approach: their project handling,
expertise and service. Simon: “Especially the after sales
VINK likes to work with their clients to find the best
are important because the proper functioning of our long
solution for their cooling and freezing situations. They
lasting products is essential to our clients. That’s why we
offer a complete refrigeration package with all the right
focus on good maintenance and adequately responding to
certifications and sustainable solutions. Simon: “We’ve been
malfunctions.” They also do online monitoring. So it might
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happen that Simon spots a breakdown while the client is not even aware yet: “I’ll immediately give them a call and make an appointment to fix the problem.”
HAPPY CLIENTS VINK likes to think long-term and really invest in their relationships by developing, realizing and maintaining their products. The company has existed for 36 years now and Simon likes to believe their much-appreciated clients stick by them because of this: “We’ve been working with CTH (processing pig by-products) from day one and with Kivits Snacks (producing spring rolls and Indonesian layered cake) for about twenty-five years. A happy client is my success, that’s my drive. And to our highly valued business partner Interfish, who we’ve been working with for about ten years now, I would like to say: congratulations on your anniversary! I’m very pleased with our cooperation and I'm all for continuing it the next forty years!”
VINK ENERGY GOES AFRICA When Simon’s good friend Nico de Bie moved to SouthSudan last year, they came up with the idea to localize the VINK business in Africa under the company name VINK Energy. Because the African climate and infrastructure is more demanding than the European market, VINK Energy operates as a total installer including electrical engineering (like solar power and diesel generators), plumbing and refrigeration. This way they are able to operate close to African clients while supporting local businesses. Simon: “We of course value Corporate Social Responsibility, but VINK Energy is actually very personal to us. The best parts of this work are creating employment opportunities and seeing the local market flourish. We already employ four locals, who we are teaching the trade. You notice that innovating really drives a community. Fresh fish is no longer wasted, people create new opportunities for themselves and the quality of life improves. This way you get happy customers while making a difference.”
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Working Together Fresh North Sea fish straight from the auction, high quality exotic products and a Higher Level IFS certification: Interfish knows their market well. But the true secret behind their long-term partnerships asks for bigger investments. Something that Interfish is more than pleased to offer. As a true Dutch family business, Interfish does everything
comfortable way of working.” And with success: Interfish
in-house. And they do this highly efficiently, while always
collaborates with major wholesalers and supermarkets,
offering their clients fair prices. Henk: “I’m thankful for my
especially abroad. General Director Erik: “We’ve been
professional team: everyone knows what they’re doing
working with the largest Spanish, Italian and French
since they’ve all been working here from an early age.
supermarkets for respectively ten, fifteen and twenty years. They stay true to Interfish for our quality, certifications and
This created a high sense of responsibility. If anyone
business possibilities, resulting in much-appreciated long-
sees that a fish does not meet our quality standards,
term partnerships.”
they will immediately report it. To me that is one of our best practices: the Interfish team truly cares about the
business.” Clint: “A lot of companies also find the fact that
Clint: “We only want to offer high-quality fish and we do
we’re a family business appealing. Mostly because this
so by making sure hygiene and traceability are at the
means they get to work with a steady partner: there are
top of our priority list.” By working with the International
few changes in management or in the way we work.”
Food Standard certification, Interfish knows the exact origin and process of each fish. Wesley: “We have four
consecutive years of Higher Level IFS, which means we
Henk: “For a pleasant collaboration, you need both parties
achieved a score greater than 95%. ”This ensures a fast,
to work together well. Therefore we see our clients more as
precise, safe and hygienic workplace where checking
partners. Trust is one of our top values. And by trusting our
gets done on a daily base. For Interfish’ clients this
clients, they return the favour. In my opinion that’s the most
means no more audits: the IFS certification is sufficient.
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PRODUCT RANGE Interfish’s core product is North Sea fish: plaice, sole, turbot,
are certified to offer each MSC certified product. Basically
brill, red gurnard, red mullet, squid, sea bass and cod. Clint:
anything is possible.” Premium quality Fair Trade certified
“The fish auction in IJmuiden is one of the largest in The
tuna is the next addition to their product range. You can
Netherlands, there’s fish available every day. And we’re
read more about this project on page 14.
situated five minutes away, so we have direct access to the freshest fish in The Netherlands. Additionally we offer pikeperch from Eastern Europe and snow crab from Alaska.” The Dutch company is also known for importing exotic products, being one of the biggest parties in Western Europe offering scallops from Japan and Canada. And they meet the MSC standards, meaning the product comes from a sustainable fishery and has full traceability. Henk: “We
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High Quality Reefer Service Around the World Share Logistics is an international seafreight and airfreight forwarder with the head office in Rotterdam. We handle import- and export shipments from any place in the world to any other, door to door. Although we can deal with any type of cargo, handling temperature controlled cargo is a key service. Our expertise allows us to coordinate and streamline
that started back in 2003 has evolved into a friendship.
the process for all parties involved: traders, truckers,
With our offices in key locations around the globe,
coldstores (at departure and arrival), shipping lines,
we are able to serve our customers with the same
shipping terminals, customs, veterinary inspection, etc.
high quality service around the world. Apart from
Our shipping flow is geared towards getting the goods
Rotterdam our offices are located in Seattle, New York,
to the markets as soon as possible because we
Miami, Houston, Hong Kong, Hamburg, Bremen, Le Havre,
realize that our clients don’t get paid until the goods
Bilbao, Barcelona and Valencia.
are sold. This process is supported by an in-house developed system combining operational, financial and commercial aspects of each shipment. Our clients save
Share Logistics
time and manpower because the system gives all necessary tools to manage the cargo pro-actively. One
of the reasons why the business relation with Interfish
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Black Label Seafood: Interfish Goes Premium Interfish brings the highest quality with their new company and brand: Black Label Seafood. The first clients are extremely pleased: are you ready to experience their premium yellowfin tuna? Black Label Seafood is the collaboration between Interfish
and Foodfishions owner and product developer Rody
Black Label Seafood values innovation. This means finding
Timmers. Rody: “I’ve been working with tuna for seventeen
more business partners like wholesalers and supermarket
years and unfortunately it gets tampered with a lot. But
chains to let the world experience their premium quality
we discovered two places in The Maldives and Sri Lanka
product. Rody: “We have the expertise and we control the
that offer the best conditions during their entire process,
whole process: from catch to fork. And the best part: we
from fish to company. Our yellowfin tuna is freshly caught
offer it for a competitive price.” Working with Black Label
in Asia and gets shipped by plane. So the yellowfin tuna
Seafood also assures you of all the same high quality
on your plate was caught only the day before yesterday.”
standards, certificates and possibilities Interfish offers.
And it’s Fair Trade Certified since only this specific Maldivian Supplier is certified as the number two
worldwide. Rody: “This is probably the hardest certificate
The next goal of the label is expanding the tuna market,
to obtain. On top of that, they deliver to us exclusively in
but in the end the plan is to offer more premium exotic
The Netherlands and co-exclusive in Europe.” Now the
seafood. Rody: “It’s a shame we don’t get to experience all
product is just about to hit the B2B market and Rody is
the colourful fish in the world. Imagine the delicious fish
very positive: “With Black Label Seafood you’ll always know
you eat during your holidays, but at your own dining table-
you’re buying premium quality with a premium story.”
just as fresh. That’s Black Label Seafood”. For more information you are more than welcome to contact Interfish.
CONGRATULATIONS! Rody: “I’ve been working with Interfish since I started in seafood and with Wesley & Clint taking over the company, this appreciated business partnership has only been reinforced. I definitely hope we’ll keep innovating together, but for now I want to congratulate them with their successful forty years of entrepreneurship!”
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A Whole New Business When it comes to the future, Interfish is clear about their goal: growing internationally by innovating and improving sustainability. And with innovation, Interfish is in its true element. Or as we say in Dutch: ‘like a fish in the water’. Interfish delivers all over Europe: to Belgium, Luxembourg,
modified atmosphere (MAP). Interfish is also working on
France, Germany and Denmark as well as three times
delivering fish in skin packaging. This creates an almost
a week to Spain and Italy. Interfish wants to grow
invisible film covering the fish, resulting in a visual and
internationally and they’re getting closer to that goal since
tasteful high quality product, distributed in small packed
co-founder Henk came up with the idea to build a freezer
portions for retail. For their scallops, Interfish developed
capable of reaching minus 60 degrees Celsius to store
its own personal packaging and brand. Wesley: “To do our
fish infinitely. Wesley: “We’re developing this innovative
quality justice, we created Premium Quality Scallops.”
technique together with a client. With this we can basically deliver all over the world.” The first plan for the new freezer
is delivering high quality tuna for a stable price, a project
While developing new products, sustainability is key. Henk:
with another client. Clint: “We’re starting a whole new
“The reason is simple: we would still like to be able to offer
business, which is very exciting.”
fish for another forty years.” Basically all North Sea fish is sustainable because of strict fishing quotas. In addition
Interfish mainly buys fish from electric pulse fishing boats
Since Interfish is all about innovating, clients have endless
that don’t affect the bottom of the ocean as trawls do. The
business opportunities in product development. Wesley:
company itself participates as well. Clint: “Our procurement
“It’s always nice to brainstorm about what could be
asks to choose sustainability if a replacement or investment
interesting for existing and potential customers.” Another
is required.” That means recycling cardboards and plastic,
project with a client is the small packaging of fish by
using LED lights, a heat exchange, groupage transport, a
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refrigeration heat recovery system and an ice bin that runs on ammonia instead of the environmentally unfriendly freon. The work is literally topped off with 700 solar panels on the building’s roof to run the business on solar energy.
GIVING BACK TO THE WORLD For Interfish, sustainability also includes yearly donations. Clint: “Both our grandfather and uncle lost their battle with cancer, so charities like the Dutch Cancer Society and The Foundation KiKa (Children Cancerfree) are very close to us.” Wesley: “We are also true sportsmen. We sponsor the Dirk Kuyt Foundation Rotterdam, that enables disabled children to participate in sports events.” But Interfish takes action as well: at the Vissenloop IJmuiden (a fish-themed walking event organised by the Dutch Cancer Society), they do not only donate two hundred kilo’s of fish: they fry up the plaice fillets themselves. Clint: “We are thankful to be able to give something back to the world.”
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