LegenDAIRY in butter, cheese and powders Read all about the future of dairy with brand the brand newnew 24/724/7 broker broker platform platform DAO.EU DAO.EU
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It is our mission to be a partner you can trust. We say what we do & we do what we say.
Dear reader, We were born into the dairy industry business, we met in this business and today we gladly introduce you to our joint company in this business. Since 2009, Trigona Dairy Trade specializes in the supply of Commodity Dairy Products for industrial use, with butter, cheese and powder as our main product categories. We are a small, lean & mean company with a family business feeling, known for the depth of our product and market knowledge. This allows us to offer the best value and service for the most competitive price. We believe the trading business is like a relationship: if only one party is satisfied, the other will look for an alternative. And who wants to be left with a painful breakup? Therefore, it is our mission to be a partner you can trust, by keeping our clients worry-free
and sticking to our motto: ‘We say what we do & we do what we say’. Our caring team and supporting partners enable us to focus on our core business, so that our clients can focus on theirs. All we ask our clients in return is to live up to their promises as well, preferably with a little humour. We really feel these dedicated relationships are what make Trigona so successful. So to all our new readers: welcome to Trigona! We hope our vision inspires you and maybe one day we’ll build a relationship as well… What do you say? We wish you pleasant reading. Rik Loeters & Chris Jackson Managing Directors
ORDERING PARTY Trigona Dairy Trade Luijnhorststraat 16a 6941 RD Didam +31 (0)316 342 832 info@trigonadairytrade.nl www.trigonadairytrade.nl
PHOTOGRAPHY Ronnie Zeemering
THIS MAGAZINE WAS CREATED WITH HELP FROM Baks Groep, Cream Ltd, DAO.eu, Jenkinson Freight Ltd, Jonker & Schut, No Milk2Day, Rabobank, Rice Dairy LLC, Tourmalet, Qbil Software en Van Braak Accountants.
LAYOUT DESIGN Gaby Berendsen
PRINTING COMPANY MediaCenter Rotterdam
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COPYRIGHT No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or made public in any form or by any means, printing, photocopying, microfilm or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Great Magazines and the editors and employees who contributed to this issue can never be held liable for the consequences that might result from the use of information contained in this publication. PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFIT No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or made public in any form or by any means, printing, photocopying, microfilm or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Great Magazines and the editors and employees who contributed to this issue can never be held liable for the consequences that might result from the use of information contained in this publication.
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The Trigona Dairy Diaries From growing up on a dairy farm to dealing with multinationals: Trigona’s history shows today’s success. Trigona owners Rik and Chris have been in the dairy business since birth. Rik, a dairy farmer’s son, graduated from agricultural college and worked in the trades of vegetables & fruit, grain and livestock by-products before entering the dairy trade. Chris, son of the owner of a cheese trading company, finished university and worked for the largest dairy trading company in the UK before entering the same dairy trade company as Rik. Chris: “When we met there, we learned we could work remotely very well: a good foundation for the start of our own company.” In 2009, Trigona Dairy Trade was established. Rik: “We made a great start due to our supporting partners. Rabobank provided us with a credit facility, some of our biggest suppliers delivered on credit and our Qbil Trade software system made sure everything was perfectly arranged from day one.”
premises.” The land surrounding the old farm has always been farmed on, even today it’s used by Trigona’s farming neighbour. Rik: “Back in the day, pigs and young stock were born here… It’s a beautiful story to tell our visiting clients.”
The Daily Dairy Trade With both owners having a background in the processed cheese industry, this became the initial focus for Trigona. Rik: “Since we’ve grown as a company, we now have enough regular business, our ‘bread and butter’, which allows us to take opportunities to fill that ‘sandwich’. But we still work by our lean & mean, opportunistic and pragmatic vision.” Today, Trigona operates as a worldwide supplier of industrial dairy products to the manufacturing industry. Butter, cheese and milk powder commodities are their main product categories. Chris: “But we’re always looking for cooperation and opportunities.”
Grandfather’s barn Started in a 20 m2 and followed by a 100 m2 office, today the company is located in what was Rik’s grandfather’s barn. Rik: “In 2013 we converted the old barn into a 200 m2 office. As a young boy, I lived next to the barn when my father took over my grandfather’s dairy farm. Eventually he relocated the business and I took over the
LOGICAL LOGISTICS We have a good atmosphere, we all work hard and with the right intentions. My mission is taking complete care of the entire logistics process. Working with Qbil Trade software enables us full tracking and tracing, as well as storing all documentation. This means clients are ensured of a worry-free logistical process and immediately available information. ROBERT VAN RIJSWIJK, HEAD LOGISTICS SINCE 2011
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OUR QUALITY Dedicated quality Management Halal Kosher Lactose Free Organic
Milk powders Whey Powders Butter & AMF Cheese Dairy proteins Dairy replacement Nutritional Liquid Dairy
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We now have enough regular business, our ‘bread and butter’, which allows us to take opportunities to fill that ‘sandwich’.
The customer is king
Make it happen together
Trigona has an international mindset: they cooperate with several major multinationals and they operate worldwide: from Europe to Asia, South America, Oceania and the Middle East. The team is always willing to take their service to the next level. Rik: “Whatever a customer is looking for, we’ll travel anywhere in the world to provide it. Although I hate flying, I’ll get on that airplane for our clients.” Because, as the saying goes: ‘the customer is king’. Trigona makes sure their customer relations are excellent, something they also appreciate in their partners. Chris: “Partners like Rabobank, Qbil Trade, Cream Ltd., Jonker&Schut, Baks Logistics, No Milk Today, Jenkinson Freight Ltd. and Van Braak Accountants are all pro-active and make our work worry-free. A service we want our clients to experience as well. We like to keep things as simple as possible.”
Trigona is renowned for its dedicated team. After starting the company together, Rik and Chris now manage a team of 14 additional members. Chris: “We make the final decisions, but we are both also still involved in the day to day trade. Therefore we truly understand our employees, customers and suppliers.” Rik and most of the team are based in Trigona’s head office in Didam, The Netherlands. Chris is based in England and visits them once a month. The traders are spread across Europe, including an office in Indonesia. Chris: “We find this very useful since it’s far easier to discuss opportunities and problems face to face.” Team spirit is Trigona’s core strength: everyone wants to help each other out. Rik: “We make it happen together. I’ll also refill the coffee machine… Things just need to get done.”
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WHAT’S IN A NAME Rik and Chris named the company after the African Milk Tree, a plant called ‘Euphorbia Trigona’, inspired by the ever-growing tree branches resembling the infinite possibilities of raw milk products. The company’s mission to bring clients worryfree business also corresponds with this easy to care for plant.
Golden milestones With Trigona’s hands on mentality, the company’s success resulted in several FD Gazelle Awards. Chris: “In 2014 we had a successful year, which won us first place: a gold FD Gazelle. I like the fact that it was rewarded to the company as a true team achievement.
Another grand moment was the launch of the first weekly online dairy auction in 2011, which in 2017 turned into daughter company and 24/7 online broker DAO.EU (see page 8).
I monitor the quality of Trigona’s suppliers, products and production processes. It’s really nice to work in this enthusiastic team. To support customers by ensuring quality in more ways than the GMP+ certification for the Feed Industry, we’ve added EKO approved quality mark SKAL and voluntary quality schemes, IFS and BRC, for the European Food Industry. THEO WESTERVELD, QUALITY MANAGER SINCE 2014
Another milestone is the launch of sister company Tourmalet Trigona Food Ingredients (see page 10), with which Trigona entered the organic world. Chris: “However, we believe that one of our greatest achievements is the creation of this amazing team.”
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21-09-17 14:00
DAO.EU Your 24/7 online broker Are you ready for a new way of doing business? The brand new and innovative DAO.EU online broker platform allows buyers and sellers to match their requirements anytime, anyplace, anywhere. DAO.EU is a highly configurable e-commerce sales solution that gives users and their business a powerful tool for accessing suppliers, products, customers and direct price & market information. Rik: “Launched in July 2017, DAO.EU is unique to the world. It’s the B2B answer to B2C platforms like AirBnB and Uber for the hotel and taxi industry. It’s disruptive and therefore ground-breaking, especially in the quite conservative dairy industry.” The platform has multiple buyers and multiple sellers doing business without any intervention, while staying anonymous until the deal is closed.
ces with partner Cream Ltd, specialized in trading platforms software, to establish Trigona Dairy Trade daughter company DAO.EU. It runs completely independently, with a Chinese Wall separating it from Trigona entirely, which has no more visibility on the platform than any other market participant.
You’ve got the power Since DAO.EU is a true innovation, the online broker is leading the market with their highly automated, round-the-clock trading. Chris: “I believe electronic trade is the future, alongside the traditional person-to-person trade.” This powerful and easy to use brokerage tool gives clients the power to embrace the future of dairy and enhance the efficiency of their business. Rik: “This could mean less business for Trigona, but we like to face reality: the world is going online.”
24/7 Market Rik: “With my background in vegetable and fruit auctions, I first developed Dairy Auctions Online. But a weekly auction eventually didn’t represent the high-demand, 24/7 market.” So Rik joined for-
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Etiket DAO 330ml Cheddar.qxp_Opmaak 1 30-08-17 10:52 Pagina 1
Do YOU want to learn more? Do YOU want to Participate? Register at www.dao.eu or email: hello@dao.eu
Cheddar.qxp_Opmaak 1 30-08-17 10:52 Pagina 1
DAO.EU is a 100% Trigona Dairy Trade company.
Do YOU wan Do YOU wan Register at ww or email: hello
Etiket DAO 330ml Cheddar.qxp_Opmaak 1 30-08-17 10:52 Pagina 1
Do YOU want to learn more? DAO.EU 100% Trigona Do YOU want is to aParticipate? Register at www.dao.eu or email: hello@dao.eu
Dairy Trade
Do YOU want to learn more? Do YOU want to Participate? Register at www.dao.eu or email: hello@dao.eu
DAO.EU is a 100% Trigona Dairy Trade company.
Etiket DAO 330ml Cheddar.qxp_Opmaak 1 30-08-17 10:52 Pagina 1 DAO.EU is a 100% Trigona Dairy Trade company.
24/7 mobile access Easy & secure Customised alerts Price control Personalised configuration Management overview Product origin and minimum specification guarantee Powerful analysis tools Simplified trading Cost effective
WANT TO KNOW MORE? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Dairy Auctions Online B.V. Phone: +31 (0)316 528 197 Email: hello@dao.eu www.dao.eu
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Today, about half of our business revolves around organic. I would gladly introduce new clients to the amazing possibilities we have to offer.
Meet your ingredients partner When Gerard-Jan Smit shared his ingredients ambitions with Rik and Chris, it resulted in establishing Trigona’s sister company in 2014: Tourmalet Trigona Food Ingredients. Tourmalet Trigona is your trading partner for dairy ingredients & vegetable based ingredients, available in both organic & conventional grades. Besides deliveries per full truckload, the company is fully equipped to handle smaller volumes requests. All supported by Trigona’s high-service back office and impressive network in the European dairy industry for all dairy ingredients. Chris: “Tourmalet Trigona is a perfect addition to Trigona. Its specializations and individual services grant its customers great creative opportunities.”
satisfying ride. As my company’s name it’s a reminder to reach my goals.” And this ride is a shoo-in: Tourmalet Trigona is known for its dedicated work and its mission to meet the expectations of both customers and suppliers. Gerard-Jan supports his clients by sharing his market vision and realizing cost-effective deals.
Are you ready for organic? After a focus on the Dutch market, business is now expanding to neighbouring countries, serving clients in the confectionary, dairy, bakery, meat and ice cream industries. Gerard-Jan: “Today, about half of our business revolves around organic. I would gladly introduce new clients to the amazing possibilities we have to offer. Let’s climb the Col du Tourmalet together.”
Reach your goals Co-Owner Gerard-Jan: “When I biked to the top of the Col du Tourmalet mountain in the French Pyrenees, it was a tough but
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Tourmalet Trigona supplies ingredients to amongst others customers in the confectionary, dairy, bakery, meat and ice cream industries.
We offer the following products, both organic and conventional grades: • Oat flakes • Malt flour • Starch/dextrose/maltodextrin • Skimmed milkpowder (regular+instant) • Whole milkpowder (regular+instant) • Sweet wheypowder • WPC 80 • MPC 85 x
Organic, conventional, Kosher and Halal possibilities Possibility of small volumes: from the size of a pallet and up Technological bridge in product knowledge (producer/customer) Quick service & communication Added value by shared market knowledge Weekly dairy market reports Partner Trigona Dairy Trade Food safety, IFS Broker & SKAL certified
Please refer to www.tourmalettrigona.nl for further information. Or contact directly Gerard-Jan Smit: tel 0031 6 28780813 / smit@tourmalettrigona.nl
WANT TO KNOW MORE? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Tourmalet Trigona Food Ingredients Phone: +31 (0)6 287 80 813 Email: smit@tourmalettrigona.nl www.tourmalettrigona.nl Tourmalet Trigona supplies ingredients 11 to amongst others customers in the confectionary, dairy, bakery, meat and ice cream industries. trigona V2.indd 11
We offer the following products,
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Don’t sit by the window, waiting for a golden goose to fly by. No, you have to pay attention and when you see that golden goose, open your window and pull it in. This is how we see business and its opportunities.
Partners in dairy Trigona Dairy Trade strives to offer the best value for a competitive price. Having Trigona as a dedicated partner enables clients to maintain their success in an ever-changing and challenging market. We take care of your business
office in Indonesia. Rik: “They operate at a high level and truly care about the business.”
Trigona wants its clients to experience worry-free business. Rik: “We treat our customers and suppliers with the same respect as we would like to receive. With this we set the standard to ensure them of the best quality service and a worry-free trade.” Therefore, Trigona will take care of the entire process, from global product searching to purchasing and logistics.” Chris: “If we encounter a problem, we’ll look for a solution no matter who was at fault.” All Trigona asks in return is for clients to live up to their promises as well.
We take the risks Trigona also offers risk management. Chris: “If a customer wants to buy ahead, we will take the risk to purchase and deliver: regardless of the changing market.” Together with Rice Dairy, broker in futures trading, Trigona also offers its customers futures trading.
We share our information As a company in commodity trading, Trigona stands out for their transparency. Rik: “We share our market information, personal vision and sense of direction. Quite unique in this business.” Interested parties can subscribe to the Facts & Thoughts newsletter via www.trigonadairytrade.nl.
We provide service Trigona is a lean & mean company, offering excellent service for a competitive price. The dedicated team is located around Europe in the Netherlands, England, Germany, France and Turkey, plus an
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If you can’t share, you can’t multiply With ambitious owners, Trigona Dairy Trade has a natural interest in innovation. While always seeing opportunities, the company knows exactly when to act or sit and wait to ensure a bright future. Rik: “New products, innovative ideas… We bring people together, because if you can’t share, you can’t multiply.” At the moment the company is collaborating on a new ingredient for raw baby foods, as well as working to make the Trigona office a sustainable, zero-energy building. Furthermore, the owners hope DAO.EU will be a ground breaking development for the future of the dairy industry.
and satisfied customers are first priorities. Rik: “We want every team to be fully interchangeable: with every team member on the same level of expertise to ensure our clients excellent support.”
Family feeling Rik: “Looking at the future, I hope one of our children will develop an interest for the company. So hopefully one day we can turn the family feeling into a true family business.” Both Rik and Chris: “For now we would like to say a big thank you to our supporting customers, suppliers and partners. And to our team: we place equal value on each and every one of you and we are very thankful for your contribution to help Trigona Dairy Trade go from success to success.”
Make it solid Trigona grows continuously, but growth is not the main focus. Chris: “We have an international mindset, but first we would like to see Trigona grow to a comfortable size.” To maintain the level of success and contentment within the organization, a solid team
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180mm wide x 130mm high - print at actual size on A4 if you wish to see actual size draft.
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21-09-17 14:01
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in our magazine!
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