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HELP OUT AND GET REWARDED!! 2011 Christmas Show Donation Form In an effort to increase prize money at the GCAHC 2011 Christmas Show and to help a fantastic organization called SIRE, we are asking you for a donation. Let me first tell you about SIRE. The mission of SIRE is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities through therapeutic horseback riding and related activities. SIRE strengthens bodies, encourages learning and nourishes the spirits of over 160 riders every week in the greater Houston area. SIRE has been bringing freedom from disabilities using the spirit and movement of the horse for over 28 years and is a 501c(3) charity. To learn more about SIRE, visit their website www.sire-htec.org, once there view some of their videos and we feel certain the stories will tug at your heart. It’s a known fact that the number of riders/horses exhibiting at our Arabian/Half-Arabian horse shows has declined from years past. GCAHC feels that with additional prize money we can generate more excitement throughout the Arabian breed, increase the number of horses at our shows, and provide an incentive for our Amateur Arabian enthusiasts by rewarding their efforts with a better prize money payout. The Christmas Show Prize Money will be applied to Amateur Championship classes on Saturday night and Sunday. Check out the rewards you will receive if you make a Platinum Donation, Gold Donation, Silver Donation or Bronze Donation. The amount donated to SIRE will be tax deductible so not only are you helping others; you are helping yourself! Platinum Donation $2,000.00 * $1000 tax deductible donation to SIRE $1000 donated to the Christmas Show Prize Money Fund Banner with donation name hung in the main show arena Division sponsorship of your choice One (1) free class ($15 value) per horse Gold Donation $1,000.00 * $500 tax deductible donation to SIRE $500 donated to Christmas Show Prize Money Fund Banner with donation name hung in the main show arena 2 Championship class sponsorships of your choice Silver -

Donation $500.00 * $250 tax deductible donation to SIRE $250 donated to Christmas Show Prize Money Fund 2 Championship class sponsorships of your choice

Bronze Donation $250.00 * $125 tax deductible donation to SIRE $125 donated to Christmas Show Prize Money Fund 1 Championship class sponsorship of your choice Note: * Separate check for SIRE and GCAHC required. Thanking you in advance for your generous donation! Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Amount donated: __________________ Name on Banner: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deadline: November 28, 2011 • Send Donation to: Pat Roddy, 30503 S. High Meadow Cir., Magnolia, TX 77355


Have you ever dreamed about

winning money to pay your horse show expenses? Want to make your dreams come true? Come to the Christmas Show! Our Prize Money/SIRE Donation Program has a guaranteed $10,000 in prize money, with each Amateur Championship awarding a minimum of $850 in prize money—but it could be even more! Last year, we paid MORE than the minimum... CHAMPIONS in JTR, ATR, & AATR classes WON $466! And, a total of $13,575 in prize money was paid out. Woo-hoo, and thank you! The great thing about our prize money program is that YOU can actually help to increase the amount awarded at the show! Instead of offering the usual patron packages, we decided to “MAKE SOME NOISE” with this prize money program. Check out the donation form on the opposite page, and you will see benefits very similar to being a patron or sponsor. The more you give, the more benefits you get! The added bonus to this awesome program is that half of the money you donate will be TAX DEDUCTIBLE and given to a fantastic therapeutic riding program here in Texas called SIRE. Last year, a total of $3,375 was raised through the Christmas Show. SIRE is a wonderful organization that helps children and adults with mental and physical rehabilitation through riding horses and horse-related activities. SIRE needs our help to continue their amazing programs that run year round. For more information about SIRE, please visit www.sire-htec.org. After hearing what Gulf Coast Arabian Horse Club is doing, why wouldn’t you be a part of this exciting prize money program? Imagine the possibilities... tons of amateur prize money at the Christmas Show and the satisfaction that you gave a tax-deductible donation to an awesome therapeutic riding program. Go to www.gulfcoastarabians.com and fill out your prize money donation form today! GCAHC is guaranteeing a minimum of $10,200 and any money that you and others donate for this program will be divided between the AATR, ATR and JTR championships. For example, if an additional $2400 is received, each of the amateur championships will pay an additional $200, making the total for each class $1050. The following Amateur Championships will offer a minimum of $850 prize money in each class. Because this campaign is still in progress, we do not know the actual total that will be offered for each class. The final amount will be posted at the Show. Purebred and HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR & JTR Championships Purebred and HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR & JTR Championships Purebred and HA/AA Country English Pleasure ATR Championships Purebred and HA/AA English Pleasure ATR Championships In addition, $500 prize money is offered for the Arabian Reining AAOTR class by Zama Ranch.

C O M E O N D O W N TO T H E C H R I S T M A S S H O W A N D M A K E S O M E N O I S E ! 3

— Special eventS — Bring Holiday cHeer & a Meal to SHare Join us for a “Progressive Barn Party and GCAHC Annual Meeting” on Saturday at 5 p.m., before the evening classes. Please bring your favorite dish to share with your horse show friends and meet new ones! Contact Sandy Gilbert for suggested menu items and more information at (713) 680-1122 or gilbertsj@att.net – then stick around for the Stick Horse Class and Santa!

Stall decoration conteSt Two categories, Single Stall Front & Multiple Stall Front. Show your Christmas Spirit and win a gift certificate!

ride-a-BUcK - ageS 17 & Under In warm-up arena in Barn C at the end of the Saturday afternoon session — bring your bareback horse, a $1 bill and show off your skills in this fun class — judged by Santa’s Elf. Winner takes all!

SticK HorSe claSS (& MaKe a SticK HorSe) Sat. Evening, judged by Santa! Don’t have a stick horse? Join us Sat 2-4 p.m. at Barn C to make one of your own!

— Special tropHieS — FranceS StileS gregg MeMorial tropHy Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Champion - Given in memory of "Aunt Frances" by Cory Stiles.

JaoxS iSHtar+++/ MeMorial tropHieS Two trophies, Arabian Stallion Champion and Arabian Western Pleasure Champion. And, for those classes, a CHALLENGE AWARD OF $100 if both classes won by the same horse & rider/handler. Donated by Bob & Dee Hoffmann.

JoHn nix MeMorial perpetUal tropHy Saddle Seat Equitation Champion - John Nix was always seen at horse shows, sitting on the rail, coaching not only his riders, but anyone making a mistake, with a “Darlin' wrong diagonal or lead”.

Kent caldwell MeMorial perpetUal tropHy Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Champion - This perpetual award pays tribute to Kent Caldwell's contribution to our industry and honors his remarkable talent as a horseman.

Made in aMerica MeMorial tropHy HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Champion - Donated in memory of "Shorty" by Jayme Harris.

Molly wallin MeMorial tropHy Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Champion - “No ride is ever the last one...somehow there will always be other places to ride."

neal crawFord MeMorial tropHy Arabian Reining Champion This perpetual award remembers Neal Crawford's passion for horses, shared by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

pF FlaSH Fyer MeMorial tropHy 4

Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Champion - Donated by Jayme Harris.

Gulf Coast Arabian Horse Club Presents

CHRISTMAS SHOW Dec. 2-4, 2011 • Houston (Katy), Texas JUDGE: BRUCE BATES – OKLAHOMA

Show Staff

Important Numbers

USEF Stewards ......................Nancy Braesicke 903-882-4755 ....................................Pauline “Cookie” Cook 281-579-1272 Announcer .................................. Cherie Hoyt 281-585-2520 Barn Manager ............................Bill Braesicke 903-521-1410 Buy-A-Class ............................ Sherry McGraw 214-418-3905 EMT ........................................Mobile Medics 281-804-8933 Farrier ..........................................Josh Parish 281-433-2819 Managers ......................................Pat Roddy & Julie Redding Music ..........................................Cherie Hoyt 281-585-2520 Paddock Master ..........................Bill Braesicke 903-521-1410 Photographer ..............Don Stine, donstine.com, 832-289-2250 Premium Book ............................Dee Hoffmann 281-300-9021 Ringmasters ............................Jane Blasberg & Karen Caldwell Secretary .............................. Sherry McGraw 214-418-3905 Veterinarian On Call ............Katy Equine Clinic 281-391-8250 Video ............................ Paddock Productions 832-724-6554

Show Office ...... Beginning 12/01/11 at noon 281-579-3443 Great Southwest Equestrian Center .................. 281-578-7669 Commercial Booths - contact Sharon @ GSWEC 281-578-7669 Host Hotel ................................................Candlewood Suites ......................................19998 Park Row Dr., 281-578-9993


GCAHC Officers and Board of Directors

Center Ring Decorations ..............Julie Redding 281-375-5105 Co-Chair ........................................Pat Roddy 281-356-8797 Co-Chair ........................................Cory Stiles 713-783-6108 Door Prizes ......................Mary Schwendeman 713-829-5590 Gates Volunteer Coordinator.. Judy Cunningham 936-441-5014 Membership ........................ Judy Cunningham 936-441-5014 Party ........................................Sandy Gilbert 713-680-1122 Premium Book Cover Art ..............Becky Vickers 281-516-9279 Program ..........................................Pat Roddy 281-356-8797 Ribbons & Trophies..........................Cory Stiles 713-783-6108 Make a Stick Horse ........................................Bay Area Moms Prize Money Committee ..............Chase Harvill 281-252-6228 Betty Bechtold 281-373-0667; Linda Fontana 281-655-1056 Treasurer ........................................Pat Roddy 281-356-8797

President - Julie Redding ..................................281-375-5105 Vice President - Carolyn Mikulec........................979-865-8926 Secretary - Jane Blasberg ..................................281-357-4347 Treasurer - Pat Roddy........................................281-356-8797 Publicity Secretary - Betty Bechtold ....................281-373-0667 Director - Judy Cunningham ..............................936-441-5014 Director - Ange Finn ........................................832-722-5955 Director - Linda Fontana ....................................281-655-1056 Director - Chase Harvill ....................................281-252-6228 Director - Mary Schwendeman ..........................713-829-5590 Director - Cory Stiles ........................................713-783-6108

The Christmas Show will be held at the

Show Committee Pat Roddy ......................................................281-356-8797 Cory Stiles ......................................................713-783-6108 Jane Blasberg ..................................................281-357-4347 Judy Cunningham ............................................936-441-5014 Chase Harvill ..................................................281-252-6228 Carolyn Mikulec ..............................................979-865-8926 Julie Redding ..................................................281-375-5105

GREAT SOUTHWEST EQUESTRIAN CENTER in the Houston, Texas area (Katy)

ENTRY CLOSING DATE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2011 BUY-A-CLASSES: NOVEMBER 4, 2011 Post entries accepted • $30 Post Entry Fee

Show Information & Stall Requests Pat Roddy, Co-Chair • Home 281-356-8797 • patroddy@sbcglobal.net

Show Secretary Sherry McGraw • 214-418-3905 • sherry.mcgraw@att.net Region IX Championship Qualifier • Class A Arabian, Half-Arabian, Junior Exhibitor, & Half-Arabian Junior Exhibitor • Recognized by the Arabian Horse Association, Show Number – 110911056 • USEF Show Number – 317084


CHRISTMAS SHOW Dec. 2–4, 2011 • Katy, TX Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian is abbreviated as HA/AA • Tentative Class List • AHA Standard Class Code numbers are shown after class numbers • $$ designate AHA Sweepstakes classes

Friday Morning – 9:00 am 1


HA/AA Mare Breeding 1 & under



Arabian Gelding In-Hand 1 & under



$$ HA/AA Mare Breeding 2 & over



Arabian Gelding In-Hand 2 & over



HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH



$$ Arabian Gelding In-Hand AAOTH 2 & over



HA/AA Mare Breeding Championship



Arabian Gelding In-Hand Championship



HA/AA Gelding-In Hand 1 & under



Arabian Stallion Breeding 1 & under



$$ HA/AA Gelding-In Hand 2 & over



$$ Arabian Stallion Breeding 2 & over



HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH



Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH



HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Championship



Arabian Stallion Breeding Championship - Jaoxs Ishtar+++/



Arabian Mare Breeding 1 & under



$$ Arabian Mare Breeding 2 & over




Arabian Mare Breeding ATH




Arabian Mare Breeding Championship

Memorial Trophy 190

Arabian Western Pleasure Geldings Buy-A-Class

Friday Afternoon – After break, length to be announced, but not to start before noon 23


HA/AA Hunter Pleasure



$$ Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR



$$ Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse



Arabian English Show Hack



HA/AA Country English Pleasure



$$ HA/AA Western Pleasure



Arabian Hunter Pleasure



Arabian Western Pleasure AATR



$$ Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse





$$ Arabian Western Pleasure



Arabian Western Pleasure Mares & Stallions



HA/AA English Show Hack



HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR



HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR



$$ HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse



$$ HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse


Arabian Country English Pleasure


Friday Evening – 6:00 pm Stall Decoration Contest Announcement:



HA/AA Country English Pleasure Select Rider ATR

Winners receive Gift Certificates from Uncle Bob’s Tack Room



Saddle Seat Equitation JTR



Arabian Mounted Native Costume



HA/AA Western Pleasure Select Rider ATR



HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse





Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR



Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR



Arabian Western Pleasure Select Rider ATR



AHA Saddle Seat Equitation Medal JTR



$$ Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse




Arabian Country English Pleasure Select Rider ATR

201 225 $$ Arabian Reining



Arabian Hunter Pleasure Select Rider ATR

202 660 $$ HA/AA Reining



Arabian English Pleasure

203 240 $$ Arabian Reining AAOTR



HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Select Rider ATR



Reining Seat Equitation JTR

204 671 $$ HA/AA Reining AAOTR



HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse

205 234 Arabian Reining Junior Horse


$$ Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse


$500 prize money offered by Zama Ranch

Saturday Morning – 9:00 am 59


HA/AA English Pleasure



HA/AA English Pleasure ATR



HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR



Walk/Trot 10 & Under Hunter Pleasure



Walk/Trot 10 & Under English/Country English Pleasure



Arabian Hunter Pleasure Ladies & Gentlemen



Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR



HA/AA Country English Pleasure ATR



Hunt Seat Equitation Not to Jump JTR



HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Ladies & Gentlemen



$$ HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR



Walk/Trot 10 & Under Hunt Seat Equitation



Walk/Trot 10 & Under Saddle Seat Equitation



HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship



Arabian Western Pleasure Ladies & Gentlemen




HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR




Arabian English Pleasure ATR




Buy-A-Class 918

Showmanship JTH Adult Walk/Trot Pleasure Fun Class

Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship

Saturday Afternoon – After break, length to be announced, not to start before noon Leadline JTR 2-6



HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR


HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR



AHA Hunt Seat Equitation Not to Jump Medal JTR



$$ Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR



HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship



Walk/Trot 10 & Under Western Pleasure



$$ Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR



HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR





Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR



Arabian Western Pleasure JTR



HA/AA Western Pleasure Ladies & Gentlemen



$$ HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR



HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship



Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR



Walk/Trot 10 & Under Western Seat Equitation



$$ HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR



Saddle Seat Equitation JTR Championship -




—Break: Length to be announced—

$$ Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR

John Nix Memorial Trophy BBB

Ride-A-Buck JTR 17 & Under (in arena D)

Party for Exhibitors and GCAHC Annual Meeting – 5:00 pm

Saturday Evening – 6:30 pm Party for Exhibitors & GCAHC Annual Mtg. — 5:00 pm

105 931 AHA Reining Seat Medal JTR

Stick Horse Class — 6pm — Arena in Barn D

106 951 Western Horsemanship






107 950 AHA Western Horsemanship Medal JTR

HA/AA Mounted Native Costume

206 226 Arabian Reining Horse Championship - Neal Crawford

100 205 Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship Kent Caldwell Memorial Trophy 101 299 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR

Memorial Trophy 207 661 HA/AA Reining Championship 208 235 Arabian Reining Junior Horse Championship

102 560 $$ HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 103 749 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship 104



Deck the Halls! Don’t miss these special events! Stall Decoration Contest • Stick Horse Class • Progressive Barn Party • Ride-A-Buck • Adult Walk/Trot 7

Sunday Morning – 9:00 am 108


125 940 Hunt Seat Equitation JTR Championship



126 621 HA/AA Western Pleasure Championship

110 891 Walk/Trot 10 & Under Hunter Pleasure Championship

127 630 HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Championship

111 165 Arabian Ladies Sidesaddle

128 630 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Championship

112 908 Walk/Trot 10 & Under Hunt Seat Equitation Championship

129 191 Arabian Western Pleasure Championship -

113 742 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship 114 891 Walk/Trot 10 & Under English/Country English Pleasure Championship

Jaoxs Ishtar+++/ Memorial Trophy 130 199 Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Championship 131 199 Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Championship -

115 605 HA/AA Ladies Sidesaddle

Frances Stiles Gregg Memorial Trophy

116 908 Walk/Trot 10 & Under Saddle Seat Equitation Championship

132 933 Reining Seat Equitation JTR Championship

117 306 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship

133 541 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Championship

118 742 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship Made in America Memorial Trophy

134 550 HA/AA Country English Pleasure ATR Championship 135 105 Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Championship -

119 891 Walk/Trot 10 & Under Western Pleasure Championship 120 734 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Championship

Molly Wallin Memorial Trophy 136


Arabian Country English Pleasure Championship

121 908 Walk/Trot 10 & Under Western Seat Equitation Championship

137 516 HA/AA English Pleasure Championship

—10 Minute Break—

138 525 HA/AA English Pleasure ATR Championship

122 291 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Championship



Arabian English Pleasure Championship

123 300 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship



Arabian English Pleasure ATR Championship

124 300 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship



Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship

PF Flash Fyer Memorial Trophy

Join us for a “Progressive Barn Party and GCAHC Annual Meeting” on Saturday at 5 p.m., before the evening classes. Please bring your favorite dish to share with your horse show friends and meet new ones! Then, stick around for the Stick Horse Class and Santa! Contact Sandy Gilbert for suggested menu items & more information: (713) 680-1122 gilbertsj@att.net 8

Bring Holiday Cheer and a Meal To Share

— PERFORMANCE RECAP — WESTERN PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ............................CLASS SESSION 21 Geldings ..........................................................................Fri. Morning 24 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Afternoon 28 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 35 AATR ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 37 Mares & Stallions ..............................................................Fri. Afternoon 44 Select Rider ATR ................................................................Fri. Evening 56 JOTR ................................................................................Fri. Evening 66 Ladies & Gentlemen ..........................................................Sat. Morning 91 AAOTR ..........................................................................Sat. Afternoon 93 JTR ..................................................................................Sat. Afternoon 100 Junior Horse Championship (24) ........................................Sat. Evening 129 Championship (21,28,37,66) ............................................Sunday 130 JTR Championship (44,56,93) ............................................Sunday 131 AATR Championship (35,44,91) ........................................Sunday HA/AA WESTERN PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ................SESSION 31 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Afternoon 34 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 38 AATR ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 54 Select Rider ATR ................................................................Fri. Evening 64 AAOTR ............................................................................Sat. Morning 67 JOTR ................................................................................Sat. Morning 76 Junior Horse Championship (31) ........................................Sat. Morning 83 JTR ..................................................................................Sat. Afternoon 85 Ladies & Gentlemen ........................................................Sat. Afternoon 126 Championship (34,85) ......................................................Sunday 127 JTR Championship (54,67,83) ............................................Sunday 128 AATR Championship (38,54,64) ........................................Sunday HUNTER PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ..............................SESSION 26 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 32 AAOTR ..........................................................................Fri. Afternoon 43 JOTR ................................................................................Fri. Evening 45 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Evening 47 Select Rider ATR ................................................................Fri. Evening 72 Ladies & Gentlemen ..........................................................Sat. Morning 95 JTR ..................................................................................Sat. Afternoon 101 AATR ..............................................................................Sat. Evening 117 Junior Horse Championship (45) ........................................Sunday 122 Championship (26,72) ......................................................Sunday 123 JTR Championship (43,47,95) ............................................Sunday 124 AATR Championship (32,47,101) ......................................Sunday HA/AA HUNTER PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ..................SESSION 23 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 30 AATR ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 49 Select Rider ATR ................................................................Fri. Evening 51 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Evening 60 JOTR ................................................................................Sat. Morning 74 Ladies & Gentlemen ..........................................................Sat. Morning 80 JTR ..................................................................................Sat. Afternoon 96 AAOTR ............................................................................Sat. Afternoon 103 Junior Horse Championship (51) ........................................Sat. Afternoon 113 JTR Championship (49,60,80) ............................................Sunday 118 AATR Championship (30,49,96) ........................................Sunday 120 Championship (23,74) ......................................................Sunday COUNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ..............SESSION 27 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Afternoon 36 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 46 Select Rider ATR ................................................................Fri. Evening 62 ATR..................................................................................Sat. Morning 69 Junior Horse Championship (27) ........................................Sat. Morning 81 AAOTR ............................................................................Sat. Afternoon 84 JTR ..................................................................................Sat. Afternoon 135 ATR Championship (46,62,81,84) ......................................Sunday 136 Championship (36) ..........................................................Sunday HA/AA COUNTRY PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ................SESSION 25 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Afternoon 39 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Afternoon 52 Select Rider ATR ................................................................Fri. Evening 73 ATR..................................................................................Sat. Morning 88 JTR ..................................................................................Sat. Afternoon 90 Junior Horse Championship (39) ........................................Sat. Afternoon 102 AAOTR ............................................................................Sat. Evening 133 Championship (25) ..........................................................Sunday 134 ATR Championship (52,73,88,102) ....................................Sunday ENGLISH PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ..............................SESSION 48 Open ..............................................................................Fri. Evening 55 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Evening 68 ATR..................................................................................Sat. Morning 92 AAOTR ............................................................................Sat. Afternoon 139 Championship (48) ..........................................................Sunday 140 ATR Championship (68,92) ................................................Sunday 141 Junior Horse Championship (55) ........................................Sunday

HA/AA ENGLISH PLEASURE - Qualifiers in ( ) ..................SESSION 42 Junior Horse ....................................................................Fri. Evening 59 Open ..............................................................................Sat. Morning 70 ATR..................................................................................Sat. Morning 86 Junior Horse Championship (42) ........................................Sat. Afternoon 94 AAOTR ............................................................................Sat. Afternoon 137 Championship (59) ..........................................................Sunday 138 ATR Championship (70,94) ................................................Sunday MISC. ............................................................................SESSION 29 HA/AA English Show Hack ................................................Fri. Afternoon 33 Arabian English Show Hack ................................................Fri. Afternoon 41 Arabian Mounted Native Costume........................................Fri. Evening 99 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume ........................................Sat. Evening 111 Arabian Ladies Sidesaddle ..................................................Sunday 115 HA/AA Ladies Sidesaddle ..................................................Sunday 78 Showmanship JTH ..............................................................Sat. Morning WALK-TROT, LEADLINE - Qualifiers in ( ) ..........................SESSION 79 Leadline JTR 2-6 ................................................................Sat. Afternoon 61 English/Country Pl. ..........................................................Sat. Morning 65 Saddle Seat Eq. ................................................................Sat. Morning 71 Hunter Pl. ........................................................................Sat. Morning 75 Hunt Seat Eq. ..................................................................Sat. Morning 82 Western Pl. ......................................................................Sat. Afternoon 87 Western Seat Eq. ..............................................................Sat. Afternoon 110 Hunter Pl. Championship (71) ............................................Sunday 112 Hunt Seat Eq. Championship (75) ......................................Sunday 114 English/Country Pl. Championship (61) ..............................Sunday 116 Saddle Seat Eq. Championship (65)....................................Sunday 119 Western Pl. Championship (82) ..........................................Sunday 121 Western Seat Eq. Championship (87) ..................................Sunday EQUITATION - Qualifiers in ( ) ........................................SESSION 50 Reining Seat Eq. ................................................................Fri. Evening 53 Saddle Seat Eq. ................................................................Fri. Evening 57 AHA Saddle Seat Medal ....................................................Fri. Evening 63 Hunt Seat NTJ Eq. ..............................................................Sat. Morning 89 AHA Hunt Seat Eq. NTJ Medal ............................................Sat. Afternoon 97 Saddle Seat Eq. Championship (53) ....................................Sat. Afternoon 105 AHA Reining Seat Medal ....................................................Sat. Evening 106 Western Horsemanship ......................................................Sat. Evening 107 AHA Western Horsemanship Medal ....................................Sat. Evening 125 Hunt Seat Eq. NTJ Championship (63)..................................Sunday 132 Reining Seat Eq. Championship (50) ....................................Sunday REINING - Qualifiers in ( ) ..............................................SESSION 201 Arabian Reining ................................................................Fri. Evening 202 HA/AA Reining ................................................................Fri. Evening 203 Arabian Reining AAOTR......................................................Fri. Evening 204 HA/AA Reining AAOTR ......................................................Fri. Evening 205 Arabian Reining Jr. Horse ....................................................Fri. Evening 206 Arabian Reining Championship (201,203) ..........................Sat. Evening 207 HA/AA Reining Championship (202, 204) ..........................Sat. Evening 208 Arabian Reining Jr Horse Championship (205) ......................Sat. Evening BREEDING & IN-HAND - Qualifiers in ( ) ........................SESSION 1 HA/AA Mare Breeding 1 & under ......................................Fri. Morning 2 HA/AA Mare Breeding 2 & over ........................................Fri. Morning 3 HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH ................................................Fri. Morning 4 HA/AA Mare Breeding Championship (2,3) ........................Fri. Morning 5 HA/AA Gelding-In Hand 1 & under ....................................Fri. Morning 6 HA/AA Gelding-In Hand 2 & over ......................................Fri. Morning 7 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH ............................................Fri. Morning 8 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Championship (5,6,7) ....................Fri. Morning 9 Arabian Mare Breeding 1 & under ......................................Fri. Morning 10 Arabian Mare Breeding 2 & over ........................................Fri. Morning 11 Arabian Mare Breeding ATH ..............................................Fri. Morning 12 Arabian Mare Breeding Championship (10,11) ....................Fri. Morning 13 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 1 & under ....................................Fri. Morning 14 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 2 & over ......................................Fri. Morning 15 Arabian Gelding In-Hand AAOTH 2 & over ..........................Fri. Morning 16 Arabian Gelding In-Hand Championship (13,14,15) ............Fri. Morning 17 Arabian Stallion Breeding 1 & under ....................................Fri. Morning 18 Arabian Stallion Breeding 2 & over ......................................Fri. Morning 19 Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH ..........................................Fri. Morning 20 Arabian Stallion Breeding Championship (18,19) ..................Fri. Morning BUY-A-CLASS ..................................................................SESSION 22 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Fri. Morning 40 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Fri. Afternoon 58 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Fri. Evening 77 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Sat. Morning 98 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Sat. Evening 104 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Sat. Evening 108 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Sun. Morning 109 Buy-A-Class........................................................................Sun. Morning FUN CLASSES..................................................................SESSION AAA Stick Horse ........................................................................Sat. Evening BBB Ride-A-Buck JTR 17 & Under ................................................Sat. Afternoon CCC Adult Walk/Trot Pleasure Fun Class ......................................Sat. Morning


SEND TO: Sherry McGraw, Show Secretary

Christmas Show

424 Moonlight Drive, Corsicana, TX 75109 DO NOT MAIL REQUIRING “SIGNATURE UPON DELIVERY”

Dec. 2 – 4, 2011 • Katy, Texas

214-418-3905 • sherry.mcgraw@att.net

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT/ONLY ONE OWNER PER ENTRY FORM. All entries must be complete. Enclose correct fees, copies of horse registration papers, purchase contract (if applicable), USEF/EC membership cards, amateur certification (if applicable), AHA Competition level membership cards for each rider, driver, handler, trainer and owner. Name of Horse

AHA Reg. No.

Date of Birth Sex






Horse USEF #









































OWNER (as appears on reg. papers or contract) Name ......................................................................................................

AHA # ....................................................

Address ....................................................................................................

USEF #....................................................

City, State, Zip ..........................................................................................


Soc. Sec./Tax ID........................................................................................

Email ......................................................

TOTAL Class Entry Fees ____ Regular Class - $15 ea.




Choose Stall or Grounds Fee ____ Horse or Tack Stalls @ $70 ea.


______________ ____ Performance Championship - $30 ea. ____ Buy-A-Class - $50 or $75 ____ Enter Fun Classes at Show (#AAA, BBB, CCC)

(does NOT include shavings)

____ Grounds Fee @ $15/horse per day (For horses not in/sharing stall)


____ Shavings @ $11/bag (8.5 cu ft)


Early Move-In/Late Move-Out Fees ____ Early Move-in Stall Fee @ $30 per day, per stall


____ Late Move-out Stall Fee @ $30 per day, per stall

Junior/Amateur Owner Relationship to Horse Owner ....................................

1 Office Fee @ $15/horse ____

Trainer ......................................................................................................

AHA # ....................................................

Address ....................................................................................................

USEF #....................................................

City, State, Zip ..........................................................................................



EMERGENCY # ....................................................................................

o Email ___________________ o To Trainer

Email ...................................................... MAIL ENTRIES TO: Sherry McGraw 424 Moonlight Drive Corsicana, TX 75109 Do not require signature upon delivery






NOTE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

$15 ____________

____ 1 USEF Fee @ $16/horse (effective 12/1/11) $16 ($8 Drugs & Medication, $8 USEF) ____________

1 AHA Fee (Res. 9-90) @ $3/horse ____

$13 ____________

USEF Fees for Non- or Base Only Members ____ USEF Non-Mem Fee @ $30/person


AHA Non-Member Fees ____ AHA Single Event Fee @ $35/person ____________ Sponsorships ____ Class Sponsor @ $30 ea.


____ Championship Sponsor @ $50 ea.


____ Bronze @ $250


____ Silver @ $500


____ Gold @ $1,000


____ Platinum @ $2,000


Other Fees ____ Post (or Late) Entry Fee @ $30/horse ____________ RV/Camper Hook-up ____ Elec/Water @ $40/day.

TOTAL FEES METHOD OF PAYMENT: CHECK Credit cards are not accepted this year


$ ________________________


Mandatory Fees


How do you want to receive your ENTRY RECEIPT LETTER OR ACKNOWLEDGMENT?

Entry Fees


ALL OWNERS, TRAINERS, RIDERS, DRIVERS, AND HANDLERS MUST SIGN ON THE BACK. Minor entrants must also have parent/guardian signature(s) on the back.

o To Owner



Each person signing this entry form acknowledges that he/she has read the front AND REVERSE SIDE (second page) of this official entry form and agrees to the applicable terms, conditions, waivers, releases, indemnification and consent as set forth herein. Each person agrees that the information is accurate as to the best of his/her knowledge.

o Mail


For office use:


$ __________

AHA ENTRY AGREEMENT I have read the rules concerning competitions as printed in the Arabian Horse Association® (AHA®) Handbook and Directory and agree to be bound by and subject to those Rules. AHA ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION This document waives very important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. In consideration for AHA permitting me to participate in this Competition, and by signing the entry blank, I agree as follows: I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in this Competition, as a rider, driver, handler, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, junior exhibitor, or as a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I AM FULLY AWARE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HORSE SPORTS AND PARTICIPATION IN THIS COMPETITION INVOLVE SERIOUS RISK OF HARM INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, RISKS OF ACCIDENT, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, BROKEN BONES, HEAD INJURIES, TRAUMA, PAIN, AND SUFFERING, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. I ASSUME ALL RISKS OF HARM TO ME, MY HORSE OR MY PROPERTY. I AGREE for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to release AHA, the Competition, the facilities leased by the Competition and the owner(s) of the facilities, and all of their respective officers, officials, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers, affiliated organizations and insurers (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims for damage, loss, or injury to myself, other persons, horses or other property belonging to me to the fullest extent permitted by law that arises out of or relates in any way to the Competition and my participation in Competition INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES, LOSS, OR INJURY RESULTING FROM ANY ACTS, FAILURE TO ACT, NEGLIGENCE OR NEGLECT OF OTHER ENTRANTS, THE RELEASED PARTIES, THEIR CONTRACTORS OR INVITEES, as well as for theft, vandalism, fire, other casualty damage, or damage arising out of any defects in the premises. I AGREE to indemnify and hold harmless (that is pay all losses, damages, attorney fees and costs of) the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, demands, penalties, actions, losses, costs, damages, injuries, liabilities and obligations (including attorney fees) of whatsoever kind and nature, which may be asserted against or incurred by any of them as a result of (1) my participation in the Competition or (2) any act, failure to act, or neglect (a) by me, my agents, employees, riders, handlers, trainers, coaches, drivers, contractors or invitees, or (b) by any animal owned or exhibited by me or in my custody or control. I AGREE and represent that I am qualified and eligible to enter and/or participate in the Competition, and every horse I am entering is qualified and eligible as entered. I AGREE to accept AS FINAL any decision of AHA, the Show Commission or Show Officials concerning my qualification or the qualification of my horse to enter the Competition or any results of the Competition, except to the extent that the Rules of AHA, the Competition, Equine Canada or U.S. Equestrian Federation permit a protest or hearing of such decisions. Should a hearing be requested, I agree to accept AS FINAL the decision of the particular hearing body. I agree to release, hold harmless and not to sue AHA, the Competition Sponsor, their officers, directors, employees, volunteers or members concerning any decision of AHA, the Competition, its Show Commission, Show Officials or any hearing body that relates to my qualifications or my horse(s)’ qualifications to enter the Competition or any results of the Competition. I AGREE that AHA has the sole right to control, sell, supervise or give away (or assign to others the right to do so) the exclusive rights to broadcast, televise, reproduce, transmit and disseminate all or part of this event, and I agree that AHA may use or assign, in any way AHA sees fit, photographs, films, videos, audios, cablecasts, or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition or AHA. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way which implies endorsement of any company, product, product category or service. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claims to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. By signing below as a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and agree to all of the above provisions, and further agree to assume all of the obligations of this AHA Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnification personally and on behalf of the child. This AHA Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnification is governed by the Laws of the State of Colorado and is intended to be interpreted as broadly as possible. I agree that exclusive jurisdiction and venue (place) for any legal action against AHA, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in the local district courts or the federal court of the State of Colorado. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, all other parts shall remain in effect. WARNING – Under Texas Law (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Remedies Code), an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. Federation Entry Agreement I have read the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) Entry Agreement (GR906.4) as printed in the Prize List for Christmas Show (“Competition”) and agree to all of its provisions. I understand and agree that by entering this Competition, I am subject to Federation Rules, Prize List, and local rules of the competition. I agree to waive the right to the use of my photos from the competition, and agree that any actions against the Federation must be brought in New York State. Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arrises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank.

Owner/Agent (mandatory)

Trainer (mandatory)

Coach (if applicable)




Print Name

US citizen? circle one Yes No

Print Name

US citizen? circle one Yes No

Print Name

US citizen? circle one Yes No

Rider/Driver/Handler/Exhibitor (mandatory)

Rider/Driver/Handler/Exhibitor (mandatory)

Rider/Driver/Handler/Exhibitor (mandatory)




Print Name

US citizen? circle one Yes No

If Minor: Parent/Guardian Signature: If Minor: Print Parent/Guardian Name:

Print Name

US citizen? circle one Yes No

If Minor: Parent/Guardian Signature: US citizen? circle one Yes No

If Minor: Print Parent/Guardian Name:

Print Name

US citizen? circle one Yes No

If Minor: Parent/Guardian Signature: US citizen? circle one Yes No

If Minor: Print Parent/Guardian Name:

US citizen? circle one Yes No

Fee Schedule


Breeding & In-Hand (Halter), Performance & Equitation Classes ..........$ 15.

PERFORMANCE (PB or HA) Maiden/Novice/Limit Horse Maiden/Novice/Limit Rider Ladies, Gentlemen Park Horse Open Park Horse ATR or JTR Show Hack ATR, JTR, or Championship Costume ATR, JTR, or Championship Sidesaddle ATR or JTR or Walk/Trot Sidesaddle English or Western

AGE SPLITS in any division for qualifying classes (championships cannot be split) DRIVING (PB or HA; Open or ATD) Formal Pleasure Country Pleasure Informal Combination REINING (PB or HA) JTR ATR Championship

Ride-A-Buck JTR Class (bring $1), Adult Walk-Trot Fun ......................$


Breeding & In-Hand (Halter) Championships ..................................$


Performance Championships ........................................................$ 30. Failure to Scratch Fee (per class)........................................................$ 15. Office Fee (per horse) ......................................................................$ 15. USEF Fee ($8 Drugs & Medication, $8 USEF, per horse) Increase effective 12/1/11..........$ 16. AHA Resolution 9-90 Fee (per horse) ................................................$


Horse & Tack Stalls ......................................................................$ 70. Grounds Fee (per day, for horses not in stall or sharing stall) ................................$ 15.

EQUITATION (any seat) Adult Amateur

Shavings - 8.5 cu. ft bag..............................................................$ 11.

$50 REGULAR Buy-A-Class fee in addition to normal class fee for a regular class, $75 CHAMPIONSHIP Buy-A-Class fee in addition to the normal class fee for a championship class. Once a class has been “bought,” other exhibitors may enter for the normal class fee. Buy-A-Classes will be listed in the receipt letter from Show Secretary. Must be requested by November 4, 2011. First come basis. No one individual, trainer, or barn may buy more than two classes, unless all classes are not sold by the above date. Contact Sherry McGraw, 214-418-3905, E-mail sherry.mcgraw@att.net, to “buy a class” or for more information.

USEF Non-Member Fee ................................................................$ 30. AHA Single Event Membership Fee (“non-member” per person)....................$ 35. Post Entry Fee (per horse) ................................................................$ 30. Early Move-in Stall Fee (per day, per stall) ............................................$ 30. Late Move-out Stall Fee (per day, per stall) ..............................................$ 30.


RV/Camper Hookups: water & electricity (110 volts, 30 amps, per day) ........$ 40. Insufficient Funds ........................................................................$ 25.



Great southwest equestrian Center


Delinquent Check-out (per horse)........................................................$ 50. Other fees as necessary.




Halter Championships ..............................................Ribbons to 2nd place JTR, AATR, ATR Championships ......................Garland, ribbons to 8th place


From Houston, take I-10 West and exit Mason Road, Exit 745. Go left (south) for three miles and the Center is on the left, south (go past) of Highland Knolls Dr. From San Antonio, take I-10 East and exit Mason Road, Exit 745. Go right (south) for three miles and the Center in on the left, south (go past) of Highland Knolls Dr. From Dallas, take I-45 South and exit Beltway 8 (Sam Houston Toll Road). Go south to I-10. Take I-10 West to Mason Road, Exit 745. Go left (south) on Mason for three miles and the Center is located on the left, south (go past) of Highland Knolls Dr. From the Rosenberg-Richmond area and points south, take the Grand Parkway (Hwy 99) North. Exit Cinco Ranch Boulevard to Mason Road and go left (north). The Center is located approximately 100 yards on the right.

HOST HOTEL - SPECIAL RATES $59.99 King Studio Suite $79.99 Two Bed Suite (limited #)


Equitation & Walk-Trot Classes ............1st place trophy, ribbons to 8th place Equitation & Walk-Trot Championships ..Champ. trophy, ribbons to 8th place

GSWEC • 2501 S. Mason Rd., Katy, TX 77450 (281) 578-7669 • www.GSWEC.com

281-578-9993 19998 Park Row Dr. Houston, TX 77449

Awards Halter & Performance ........................1st place trophy, ribbons to 6th place



BElTWay 8



2.8 miles


I 10


I 10

Call before 11/2 to reserve a room at these great rates. Pets welcome, fee applies. Ample parking, close to many restaurants.

Open Championships ................................................Ribbons to 8th place AHA Medal Classes ..........................1st place medal, ribbons to 8th place Prize Money No prize money is paid for open classes, walk-trot classes, equitation, breeding and in hand classes, or for classes that are added to the schedule from the Buy-a-Class list. Prize money will be paid at the show or within 30 days by check. Ride-A-Buck winner will win dollar bills used in class by riders. Adult walk-trot fun riders will receive a special prize. GCAHC is guaranteeing a minimum of $10,200 and any money that is donated for the prize money program will be divided between the AATR, ATR and JTR championships and will be prorated by class placement. For example, if an additional $2400 is received, each of the listed championships will pay an additional $200, making the total for each class $1050. The payout for the listed classes will then be $ Chi - $432, Res $247, 3rd – $148, 4th - $110, 5th - $75, 6th - $38. The final prize money offered will be posted at the show. AATR, ATR, JTR Championships.. Chi - $350...Res - $200, 3rd - $120, 4th $90, 5th - $60, 6th - $30 Arabian Reining AAOTR … 1st - $225, 2nd - $140, 3rd – 90, 4th - $45

ENTRY INFORMATION Pre-Entries At the show, you MUST pre-enter (and scratch) classes before the end of the prior session. For the Friday morning session the entry deadline is 8:00 a.m. Entries Entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by a negotiable, signed valid check or money order for the total amount. (We will NOT be accepting credit cards this year.) If received without payment they will become post entries and the post entry fee will apply. All entries must attach (1) copy of registration papers showing owner of record with Arabian Horse Association; (2) copy of current AHA and USEF membership cards or include the appropriate non-member fees. USEF Horse Identification Numbers, AHA and USEF membership numbers must be written on the entry form. Entry form must be signed on front & back. We reserve the right to cancel any class having three or less entries. USEF Horse Identification Number All horses must obtain a Horse ID number from US Equestrian (USEF GR1101). Health Certificate & Negative Cosigns We are no longer requiring health certificates. Required documentation, to be presented at the show office upon arrival, is a Negative Equine Infectious Anemia (ETA) Test (Coggins) within the last 12 months. These time restrictions must not expire while the horse is on the grounds. There will be no exception to any health requirement. All animals must be in accordance with the current rules of the Texas Animal Health Commission (TACH 512-719-0777). Health requirements are subject to change by TAHC. All horses are subject to inspection by the show veterinarian. Out-of-state exhibitors must be aware of & follow the TAHC requirements for entering the state (www.tahc.state.tx.us/regs/entry.html). Entry Closing Information/Post Entries Entries close on Nov. 12, 2011. Post entries are accepted. Post entries are any entries made or made complete after the closing date. Entries postmarked after Nov. 12, 2011 will be considered post entries and will be assessed an additional $30 per horse. A United States Postal Service postmark will take precedence over postmarks from private meters, etc. Completed post entries will be accepted at the show until the end of the prior session, or for Friday morning, until 8:00 a.m. Post entry fees do not apply to classes added during the show. Stalls To reserve stalls, indicate the number of stalls and dollar amount on the Entry Form. Mail the completed entry form to the Show Secretary. No requests for adjoining stalls from different owners will be honored unless all are mailed together. Stalls are covered, of sturdy construction, in good condition and safe for horses. Doors are provided. Shavings must be purchased from facility ($11 per bag; 8.5 cu. ft) – NO SHAVINGS MAY BE BROUGHT ON SITE. Hay and grain will not be available. The facility limits electrical use to 2.5 amps per stall. No extension cords are allowed on the ground or buried. The facility does not allow cooking in the barns. Reservations: Pat Roddy 281-356-8797. Arrival The Show Office opens at Noon on Thurs,, Dec. 1. The Barn Manager will be on the Show Grounds 10AM–8:30PM on Dec. 1. Contact Pat Roddy if you are planning to arrive before 10 AM or after 8:30 PM so she can make arrangements for you. For your convenience, the stall chart will be posted outside the Show Office. There will be a $30 per stall per day charge for early move-in (prior to 8AM Dec. 1) and late move-out (after Noon Mon., Dec. 5). Services may be limited prior to the beginning of the show. Refunds In order to receive any refund, withdrawal of entries must be made in writing to the Show Secretary and accompanied by a vet/medical certificate stating inability to show. If proper notification is postmarked by entry closing date, all fees less 10% will be refunded. After the entry closing date and prior to the start of the show (Dec. 2, 2011 at 9:00 AM), all fees will be refunded less $30 per horse. No refunds will be allowed after the start of the show or after the conclusion of the show. To Add or Scratch a Class This is not a ride-through-the-gate show. At the show, you MUST pre-enter and/or scratch classes before the end of the prior session. For the Friday morning session the entry deadline is 8:00 a.m. To exhibit in a class that was not entered or if a horse or rider is not going to show in a class that was entered, complete the add/scratch form and submit to the show office. Forms are available in the show office. Classes scratched prior to the end of the deadline will be processed at no charge, and the entry will receive a full refund for the class fee. Classes scratched after the deadline must scratched at the gate before the gate opens for that class in order to avoid the “Failure to Scratch" fee of $15 per class.

GENERAL INFORMATION Farrier, Veterinarian & First Aid A veterinarian will be on call, phone number will be posted at the show office and is in the list at the front of this prize list. The use of other veterinarians will be allowed, but they must check in with the show manager prior to treatment, or in the case of an emergency, after treatment. A farrier will be on-site. The phone numbers will be posted at the show office. We ask that you use the services of the show farrier. All other farriers must check in with the show manager prior to seeing any customers, get permission to work on the show grounds, and pay a vendor fee. First aid treatment will be available during the performance. An ambulance will be on call.

In the event of an acute and serious injury to or illness of a horse on competition grounds when the owner or trainer of the horse or agent of the owner is not present, after reasonable effort to contact that individual has been made, competition management, in consultation with a licensed equine veterinarian, may authorize the provision of emergency veterinary treatment of the horse. If competition management so authorizes treatment under the provisions of this rule, competition management and veterinarian are not liable for any resulting costs, damages, losses, claims or actions arising directly or indirectly from the treatment of the horse. BOD 1/23/11. Effective immediately. Judges This show will be judged according to the single judge system. In the event of illness or failure of a judge or any other official to attend this show or to perform his duties, the show committee reserves the right to substitute an official for the one officially designated in the prize list, according to USEF rules. Insufficient Funds and Returned Check Charge Checks returned to the GCAHC marked “insufficient funds” for any reason will be assessed an additional $25 fee per check. If restitution is not made immediately upon first verbal or written notification, the GCAHC will take all appropriate actions with USEF and AHA and payer will be barred from taking part in any USEF, AHA, or GCAHC recognized show until final settlement. GCAHC reserves the right to require certified funds. Indebtedness to Show Any exhibitor who fails to settle his/her indebtedness to the show prior to leaving the show grounds will automatically be charged a non-check-out fee of $50 per horse. In addition, the individual will be barred from taking part whatsoever in any GCAHC-recognized show until this debt is paid in full. Any exhibitor who fails to settle indebtedness to the Show Veterinarian or Farrier for services during the show before leaving the show grounds will be barred from future shows recognized by GCAHC until debt is paid in full. In the case of indebtedness, the GCAHC will pursue action to the fullest extent of Texas law. Photos Proofs will NOT be mailed. Visit www.donstine.com for information on ordering show photos. Facility Information & Requirements No extension cords are allowed on the ground or buried. The facility does not allow cooking in the barns. All dogs must be on a leash. Show arena: covered, 300'x150', sand-and-clay footing. Outdoor Arena - Trail classes, uncovered, sand-and-clay footing. Warm-up arena: covered, sand-and-clay footing. Additional Warm-Up arenas: outdoors, sand-and-clay footing. Sharps containers are located prominently in each barn. Concessions will be available during show hours. Questions, Disputes & Protests All protests and questions not covered by these rules shall be decided by the Show Committee, whose decision shall be final. Disputes should be presented to the Show Chairman prior to filing a formal protest under the provisions of USEF GR603. Any rider, driver, handler, exhibitor, owner, agent, trainer or the parents of a junior exhibitor may file a protest with the Show Committee or The Federation Hearing Committee alleging a violation of any USEF rule(s). The protest must be in writing, signed by the protester, addressed to the secretary of the competition at which the alleged violation occurred, or to the Hearing Committee, and accompanied by a deposit of $200 if made by an USEF member or the parent of a junior exhibitor member or $300 if made by a non-member; said deposit will be refunded in the event the protest is upheld, and received by the steward, a member of the Show Committee, the competition manager or the competition secretary within 48 hours of the alleged violation, or if made directly to the Hearing Committee, it must be received at the USEF office by the fifth business day following the last recognized day of the competition. Minors Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.


CLASS SPECIFICATIONS This show will be conducted under 2012 USEF Rules. “EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREIN.” Exhibitors are encouraged to read the USEF rule book, and particularly Chapter AR, for the complete Arabian horse rules, class descriptions and judging specifications. Headers & Leaders Headers in Walk-Trot and leaders in Leadline classes must be at least 14 years of age. Ride-A-Buck JTR 17 & Under Open to purebreds and Half-Arabians/Anglo-Arabians– judged by Santa’s Elf – winner takes all. Horse is bareback, riders 17 or under. Rider brings $1 bill to gate, bill replaced by a crisp, unadulterated $1 bill and it will be placed under rider’s knee. Rider may not touch the $1 bill once placed. Santa’s Elf may call for walk, jog/trot and lope/canter. Elf’s decision is final. Adult Walk/Trot Pleasure Fun Class This is the chance for parents and/or spouses to experience the show ring first hand! Open to riders 18 & over who have not shown in lope/canter classes. Any discipline may compete. Enter the ring at the walk; jog/trot/reverse/backup at the judges discretion. All “riders” will receive a special prize. No entry fee for this exciting class! Breeding In Hand & Gelding-In-Hand Classes and Championships Breeding & In-Hand classes will be judged using the “in the ring procedures.” Exhibitors showing weanlings and yearlings are encouraged to read USEF AR108/248.4. You may show weanlings and yearlings in Junior Championship classes, but NOT in Show Championship classes (i.e. Grand Champion Stallion). EXCEPTION: PB or HA yearling geldings may compete for Champion Gelding. Exhibitors are also referred to AR248.3, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian colts/stallions may compete in weanling and yearling Breeding/Halter classes for geldings. AHA Medal Classes Open to Juniors who have not reached their 18th birthday prior to December 1, 2011. AHA Medal Class Specifications AHA Saddle Seat Medal class. a. In addition to the rail work, all contestants are required to perform two or more individual tests from USEF Tests (EQ 120) 1-15 (EC equivalent). Markers shall not be used. USEF Test 16 may only be called for at the National Shows. AHA Reining Seat Medal class. a. All contestants are required to perform a Reining pattern as outlined in USEF Reining Division (EC equivalent). b. Order of go will be done by draw. c. Bits must be dropped and inspected by the Judge or designated official, and all riders must dismount for this inspection. If called for in the ring, assistance, if necessary, may be had from one of the ring officials. d. Reins shall not be removed from the horse's neck while inspecting bits. e. In the event the total score is tied, the tie will first be broken by the exhibitor with the highest equitation score. Should a tie still exist, the tie shall be broken by reining rules in RN 103.2. f. It is mandatory that judges use the prescribed AHA Score Sheet for Reining Seat Equitation and that the score sheet or a copy be posted immediately after each class. AHA Hunter Seat Not to Jump Medal class. a. In addition to the rail work, all contestants are required to perform two or more individual tests from USEF Equitation Division, EQ 113. Tests From Which Judges Must Choose. AHA Western Horsemanship Medal class. a. In addition to the rail work, all contestants are required to perform a minimum of four tests from USEF Arabian, Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Division, Subchapter Western Horsemanship, AR-26.

CLASS INFORMATION Amateur Every rider having reached his 18th birthday prior to 12/1/11 must have in his/her possession an amateur card issued yearly by USEF or make application for such card at least one hour prior to riding in Amateur To Ride classes. Applications may be secured from the Horse Show Office. See USEF Rules regarding amateur status. Junior Exhibitor Junior exhibitors shall not have reached their 18th birthday. For Horse Show purposes, the age of the junior exhibitor on December 1 of the show year shall be maintained throughout the entire year. Junior exhibitors may enter Ladies & Gentlemen classes. Owners Classes Every competitor must be an amateur and the owner or an amateur member of the owner’s family. Combined ownership is not permitted in Owners or Amateur Owners classes unless all owners are member of the same family. For competition purposes the term “family” includes husband, wife, parent, step-parent, child, brother, step-child, sister, halfbrother and sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, and in-laws of the same relations as stated above. Leased horses are not eligible. Horses entered in amateur


owner and junior owner classes must be registered in the name of the competitor or a member of the competitor’s family, as defined by USEF. The sale of a horse does not eliminate this requirement. (Contracts of Sale or Bill of Sale will not be accepted.) Sweepstakes Classes The symbols “$$” before a class name designates classes where horses that are enrolled in the AHA Breeder’s Sweepstakes program may earn points towards that program. Horses that are not entered in the AHA Breeder’s Sweepstakes may enter these classes. Identification Numbers The assigned number of each entry shall be prominently displayed by the rider, driver or handler when the entry is exhibited. Check-in Check-in with the Paddock Master is required, prior to going in your class. Calls for Classes The public address system will be used to make barn calls if possible; however, exhibitors are responsible for seeing that entries reach the gate on time and should not rely solely on the P.A. system. Tack Changes Time for tack changes will be at a minimum; the paddock master should be notified of any special requirements, and she may briefly delay opening the gate for the next class. Admission to the Arena No person will be permitted to enter the arena except participants in the class, judges and their assistants, show photographer and assistant, show officials and staff. Attendants will not be permitted in the arena until summoned by the judge. Two Minute Rule The gate will close two minutes after the first horse enters the ring or in cases with large classes taking more than two minutes, after the entry of the final horse in a continuous string of horses. REQUIREMENTS This horse show is conducted in accordance with the 2012 rules of the US Equestrian Federation (USEF). The official rule book of USEF will prevail for this show. This prize list is based on rules of the current USEF rule book and the handbook of the Arabian Horse Association, where they apply respectively; any changes or corrections of rules will automatically become a part of the prize list. Each participant in this show is responsible for knowledge of and is subject to the USEF rules. Exhibitors are encouraged to read the current USEF Rule Book and, particularly Chapter AR for the complete Arabian Horse rules, class description and judging specifications. Questions not covered by USEF rules shall be decided by the Show Committee and its decisions will be final. By entering this show, each exhibitor agrees to abide by the final decision of the Show Committee and USEF Steward. Arabian Eligibility to Compete Horses shown in this division must have been issued a certificate of registration from the Arabian Horse Registry of America, Inc. and/or the Canadian Arabian Horse Registry or, if under one year of age, be eligible for registry, and registration applied for and must be entered under their full registered name. (Only weanlings that have had registration applied for may show without registration papers.) Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian Eligibility to Compete Horses shown in this section must have been issued a certificate of registration from the Arabian Horse Association in the Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian Registry, or have been issued an Arabian Horse Association (Canadian Partbred Arabian Register) CPAR Permit or if under one year of age, be eligible for registry and registration applied for and must be entered under their full registered name. AHA Membership Requirements a. Each participant in an Arabian Horse Association recognized Arabian, Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian division/competition, at the time of entry into a competition, must submit a copy of a valid AHA Membership/Competition card, join AHA or pay an AHA Single Event Membership fee per participant. b. When an agent signs for the owner at an AHA recognized competition, both the owner and agent must be members of AHA or pay the AHA Single Event Membership. c. Single Event Membership is not acceptable at AHA Regional or National competitions. d. Exhibitors in Lead Line classes or Parents/Guardians signing for minors are exempt from AHA Membership requirements. e. Exhibitors in Walk-Trot classes are exempt from AHA Membership requirements at qualifying competitions but must have an AHA Membership with Competition Card at AHA Regional and National competitions. USEF Membership Requirements USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT: Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions,

Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 nonmember registration fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. NOTE: The above fee structure only pertains to non-members showing in Open Classes. Non-members who wish to show in Amateur Classes are also subject to a $30 USEF amateur certification fee (in addition to $30 non-member fee). Non-members may choose to become a USEF member for $55, which then waives the $30 non-member fee and the $30 amateur fee. WARNING – Under Texas Law (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Remedies Code), an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. INDEMNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY All entries are accepted with the understanding that neither GREAT SOUTHWEST EQUESTRIAN CENTER, L.P. A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, THE GULF COAST ARABIAN HORSE CLUB, the Show, the Show Committee, nor any Show Official will be held responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any horse exhibited or any article of any kind. All horses shall be under the control and direction of the show committee but solely at the risk of the exhibitor, who will be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any person, animal or property occasioned by him, and the exhibitor shall indemnify the above mentioned parties against any and all loss, damages and liability thus occasioned, including but not limited to any and all legal costs, including attorney fees, which may be incurred as a result thereof. THE SUBMITTING OF AN ENTRY FORM TO THE SHOW SHALL CONSTITUTE AN ACCEPTANCE BY EACH PERSON SIGNING SAME OF THE PROVISIONS HEREIN SET FORTH.

Federation Entry Agreement By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the Competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the Competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the Competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable-casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4.

GCAHC Christmas Show 317084 USEF Competition Name:_________________________________US EF#______________ Competition Division(s) and Rating(s):__________________________________________ Class A Arabian, Half-Arabian, __________________________________________________________________________ Arabian Junior Exhibitor, Half-Arabian Junior Exhibitor __________________________________________________________________________

4eeTU TTUU\TTaa ;bbeeeffX 4ffbVV\\TTggg\\b \ba F[[bbbjj EXXVVVbbZaa\\gg\\b \ba Competition Sponsor: Gulf Coast Arabian Horse Club AHA Recognition Show/Recording Number: 110911056 The Arabian Horse Association is a major equine association ser serving ving members in the United States and Canada. It registers and maintains a database of more than one million Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses and administers more than $2.5 million in annual prize money. money. AHA produces championship events, recognizes over 500 Arabian horse shows and distance rides annually and provides activities and programs that promote breeding and ownership. For information about Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses, call 303-696-4500, e-mail info@ArabianHorses.org or visit ArabianHorses.org.

=b\a 4; ;44 gg[[eebbhZ[ Z[ lb lbhe _bVTT__ VV__hU Ybe gg[[[XX Yb__bj\aaZZ ZeeXXTg `X`UXe UXXaaaXXYY\g Y\gfu Discounted subscription to Modern Arabian Horse magazine u Reduced rate for competition privileges across a variety of disciplines for local, regional and national AHA-approved shows and rides u Peace of mind with 1 million in personal liability insurance through Equisure u Preferred rates on horse registrations and transfers u Preferred rates on ArabDataSource, the world’s largest online Arabian horse resource u No annual fee, low interest rate Bank of America affinity credit card u Numerous opportunities to participate in award recognition and prize money programs u Show circuits for AHA members at local, regional and national levels

Contact your local club:

Judy Cunningham 936-441-5014

The Judges & Stewards Commissioner is responsible for handling written and signed complaints relating to judges’ and stewards’ conduct when filed by exhibitors, show officials, AHA members or others, and when accompanied by a ten-dollar ($10.00) filing fee [Resolution 5-90]. Other comments, compliments, questions, inquiries are encouraged when appropriate (no filing fee required). Write: Judges & Stewards Commissioner, PO Box 440949, Aurora, CO 80044-0949; (303) 696-4537.

Arabian Horse Association 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 303.696.4500 303.696.4599 fax ArabianHorses.org AHA 090032 (Rev. 12/10)


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