Great Southwest Equestrian Center
2015 EAP Stall Reservation Form Name Phone Number Number of horse stalls
1 @ $135
(Includes two bags of shavings)
Number of Extra Shavings (2 included per stall) Shavings $12/bag No outside shavings may be brought in to GSEC
Total Tack Stall Information (Please list who you are sharing tack stall with)
Stabling Requests (If you want to stable next to others please give their names)
Arrival Date Other Requests
EAP Stall Reservation Credit Card Form To reserve stalls please fill out this credit card form. Credit Cards will not be processed until June 30, 2015 and may be replaced with a check or cash upon arrival at GSEC.
Card # Expiration date Security Code Billing Zip Card Holder Name Name of Participant Contact Phone I authorize GSEC to process this card for stalls, shavings and RV expenses incurred at the 2015 USHJA EAP Regional Clinic
____________________________________________________ Signature date Please do not email credit card form with credit card information as it is not secure. It can be faxed to 281-578-6651 or call Amy Uniss and give card information over the phone. 281-978-0767