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CENTENNIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 • TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 Total Livestock Sold This Week: 2975

ADVANCE CONSIGNMENTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 SHEEP, GOATS, BABY CALVES, HOGS & HORSES 8 Dorper x ewes with twin lambs – Shane Christian – Manzanola Dorper black buck – Shane Christian – Manzanola Buckskin brood mare – big & stout – 10 yr old – Lucky Blanton bred - Dix


30 blk strs & hfrs – fall calves – 500 – 600 lbs – 5D Ranch – Ft Collins Reg. blk Angus bull – yearling – low birth weight, virgin – Bailey – Greeley 6 blk yearling heifers – 700 lbs – Don Magnuson - Eaton

BRANDS TO SELL @ AUCTION May 28, 2015 Noon Colorado Brand Assessment paid

May 28, 2015 Noon Colorado Brand Assessment paid


WEDNESDAYS • 10 A.M. Sheep, Goats, Dairy Cattle, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses THURSDAYS • 10 A.M. Calves, Yearlings & Production Cattle FRIDAYS • 10 A.M. Slaughter Cow and Bull Auction 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH • 11 A.M. Holstein, & Holstein Cross Steer Auction SPECIAL HAY AUCTION Last Saturday of month 10 a.m. (subject to change)


RECEIVING LIVESTOCK DENVER BRAND OFFICE: Monday through Friday 6 a.m. until midnight Saturdays & Sundays 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 303-869-9160

Unloading and Loading of Livestock: Mondays through Fridays 6: a.m. to 12:00 midnight Saturday and Sunday hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Last Week: 2453

Year Ago: 3599


Holstein, Holstein Cross Steer Auctions Monday, June 1, 2015 – 11 a.m. Monday, June 29, 2015 – 11 a.m. Hay Auctions - 10 a.m. Saturday, May 30, 2015

Open Consignment Machinery, Vehicles, Misc Auction Saturday, May 16, 2015 – 9 a.m. Saturday, June 13, 2015 – 9 a.m. (Receiving items auction week starting on Monday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and each day thereafter until the lot is full.)

Special Auctions @ Centennial Livestock Lloyd Dunaway Estate Auction – North Ft Collins Saturday, June 6, 2015 - watch for details Wednesday’s – 10 a.m. Sheep, Goats, Dairy Cattle, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses Thursday’s – 10 a.m. (Change during summer months) Calves, Yearlings & Production Cattle Friday’s – 10 a.m. Slaughter Cow and Bull Auction 1st Monday of each month – 11 a.m. Holstein & Holstein Cross Steer Auction Last Saturday of month – 10 a.m. Special Hay Auction

N E X T H AY A U C T I O N : Sat., May 30, 2015 • 10:00 AM

All hay brought in before Tues., May 26 @ noon will be eligible for testing at seller’s request & expense. Receiving hay starting Monday, May 25 through Friday, May 29 or until the lot is full. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call our office, 970-482-6207, to consign your hay in advance. This gives us the opportunity to advertise your hay at no additional cost to you.

All out of state horses must have a current coggins


113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net




WAYNE KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-493-7535 970-222-7700 wayne@clamarkets.com DANNY KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-224-9426 970-217-1112 dan@clamarkets.com TRACEY KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-897-2825 970-222-0836 tracey@clamarkets.com JOYCE KRUSE-Owner 970-493-7535 970-217-1133 joyce@clamarkets.com

MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015


STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING Compared to last month: Holstein steers under 450 lbs traded sharply higher. Trade activity was moderate with buyer demand for steers over 450 lbs very good. The supply consisted of about 78% Holstein steers with the balance being Holstein heifers and Jersey steers and heifers. Approximately 6% of the supply weighed over 600 lbs. The next Special Holstein feeder cattle auction will be held on June 1, 2015. ABBREVIATION CODE: CWT = COST PER HUNDRED WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE SALES


17 Hol strs 169 lbs 6 Hol strs 188 lbs 19 Hol strs 219 lbs 8 Hol strs 261 lbs 24 Hol strs 213 lbs 2 Hol strs 305 lbs 24 Hol strs 236 lbs 25 Hol strs 298 lbs 64 Hol strs 333 lbs 49 Hol strs 280 lbs 30 Hol strs 281 lbs 24 Hol strs 345 lbs 9 Hol strs 290 lbs 3 Hol strs 390 lbs 15 Jersey cross strs 378 lbs 45 Hol strs 361 lbs 13 Hol strs 400 lbs 18 Hol strs 412 lbs 5 Hol strs 398 lbs 20 Hol strs 388 lbs 27 Hol strs 429 lbs 34 Hol strs 366 lbs 15 Hol strs 382 lbs 12 Hol cross strs 518 lbs 20 Hol strs 450 lbs 9 Hol strs 473 lbs 17 Hol strs 533 lbs 15 Hol strs 562 lbs 26 Hol strs 586 lbs 33 Hol strs 501 lbs 21 Hol strs 637 lbs 14 Hol strs 568 lbs 20 Hol cross strs 551 lbs 22 Hol strs 665 lbs 21 Jersey strs 258 lbs 2 Jersey strs 368 lbs 3 Hol strs 645 lbs 7 Jersey strs 274 lbs 5 Hol strs 694 lbs 4 Jersey strs 344 lbs 11 Jersey strs 352 lbs 15 Hol strs 648 lbs

375.00 cwt 370.00 cwt 343.00 cwt 323.00 cwt 322.50 cwt 320.00 cwt 318.00 cwt 311.00 cwt 302.00 cwt 300.00 cwt 297.50 cwt 291.00 cwt 290.00 cwt 285.00 cwt 283.00 cwt 277.00 cwt 270.00 cwt 269.00 cwt 265.00 cwt 262.50 cwt 261.00 cwt 257.50 cwt 257.50 cwt 253.00 cwt 251.00 cwt 250.00 cwt 241.00 cwt 238.00 cwt 238.00 cwt 233.00 cwt 231.00 cwt 227.50 cwt 227.00 cwt 217.00 cwt 215.00 cwt 210.00 cwt 207.50 cwt 205.00 cwt 200.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 193.00 cwt

Eaton, CO Eaton,, CO Ft Collins, CO Kersey, CO Greeley, CO Eaton, CO Eaton, CO Ft Collins, CO Loveland, CO Loveland, CO Greeley, CO Ft Collins, CO St George, UT Eaton, CO Eaton, CO Greeley, CO Eaton, CO Brighton, CO Smithfield, UT Beryl, UT Platteville, CO Ft Lupton, CO Byers, CO Eaton, CO Pierce, CO Gill, CO Eaton, CO Milliken, CO Eaton, CO Ft Lupton, CO Milliken, CO Platteville, CO Greeley, CO Eaton, CO Cheyenne, WY Hemingford, NE Gill, CO Smithfield, UT Sanford, CO wellington, CO Delta, UT Ault, CO

17 Hol strs 686 lbs 5 Jersey strs 475 lbs 7 Jersey strs 491 lbs 15 Hol strs 881 lbs 5 Hol hfrs 280 lbs 27 Hol hfrs 399 lbs 2 Hol hfrs 583 lbs 12 Hol hfrs 759 lbs 7 Hol hfrs 875 lbs

HOME 970-218-4654


JASON BAKER-Field Representative & Ringman



ANN ROWE-Office Manager



DAN GREENWALT -Country Representative


192.00 cwt 170.00 cwt 165.00 cwt 158.50 cwt

Loveland, CO Wellington, CO LaGrange, WY Lovell, WY

240.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 172.50 cwt 162.00 cwt 140.00 cwt

Loveland, CO Pierce, CO Greeley, CO Ft Collins, CO Loveland, CO



STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING Compared to a week ago: Slaughter lambs traded mostly 15.00 – 17.00 higher on a light test. Feeder lambs did not have enough comparable tests to compare for an accurate trend. Slaughter ewes traded mostly 7.00 – 10.00 higher with instances of 12.00 – 15.00 higher. Slaughter kids traded steady on a light test. Trade activity and demand moderate to good. In the sheep supply 38% slaughter lambs, 3 % feeder lambs, 37% slaughter ewes and bucks and the balance bottle lambs. The goat supply consisted of 50% slaughter kids, 25% slaugther nannies and the balance slaughter billies and wethers. Sheep and lambs sold on a per cwt basis and goats sold on a per head basis unless otherwise noted. IDENTIFICATION CODE: CWT = BY THE HUNDRED WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE SALES 3 bf lambs 63 lbs 5 bf lambs 63 lbs 2 bf lambs 38 lbs 2 bf/wf lambs 40 lbs 3 bf lambs 77 lbs 8 bf lambs 58 lbs 9 bf ewe lambs 88 lbs 2 bf lambs 68 lbs 14 bf lambs 60 lbs 3 smf lambs 72 lbs 10 bf lambs 75 lbs 26 bf lambs 78 lbs 1 bf lamb 95 lbs 9 wf lambs 63 lbs 11 bf lambs 68 lbs 11 mixed lambs 65 lbs 13 wf/bf lambs 91 lbs 6 wf/smf ram lambs 99 lbs 1 wf ram lamb 115 lbs 4 bf ewe lambs 108 lbs 1 blk lamb 130 lbs 15 Dorper lambs 84 lbs 5 wf lambs 78 lbs 7 wf lambs 119 lbs 2 wf ewes 155 lbs 1 wf ewe 120 lbs 4 bf ewes 219 lbs


JIM ANDERSON-Country Representative


222.00 cwt 220.00 cwt 220.00 cwt 220.00 cwt 217.50 cwt 212.50 cwt 212.50 cwt 210.00 cwt 210.00 cwt 210.00 cwt 202.50 cwt 201.00 cwt 200.00 cwt 200.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 182.50 cwt 177.50 cwt 175.00 cwt 170.00 cwt 165.00 cwt 150.00 cwt 144.00 cwt

Eaton, CO Ft Collins, CO Ft Collins, CO Lovell, WY Lovell, WY Lovell, WY Kersey, CO Pierce, CO Meeker, CO Monte Vista, CO Meeker, CO Lovell, WY Gill, CO Ft Collins, CO Delta, UT Grover, CO Delta, UT Cheyenne, WY Dickinson, ND Meeker, CO Lovell, WY Dickinson, ND Moffat, CO Lovell, WY

89.00 cwt 87.50 cwt 83.00 cwt

Russell, MN Ft Lupton, CO Meeker, CO


1 Barbado ewe 70 lbs 1 bf ewe 160 lbs 4 bf ewes 138 lbs 5 bf ewes 227 lbs 5 bf ewes 183 lbs 10 bf ewes 184 lbs 4 bf ewes 199 lbs 2 bf ewes 263 lbs 2 blk ewes 170 lbs 10 wf ewes 220 lbs 19 wf ewes 162 lbs 2 bf ewes 248 lbs

82.50 cwt 81.00 cwt 81.00 cwt 78.00 cwt 77.00 cwt 75.00 cwt 72.00 cwt 71.00 cwt 71.00 cwt 57.00 cwt 56.00 cwt 50.00 cwt

Monte Vista, CO Moffat, CO Moffat, CO Lovell, WY Meeker, CO Lovell, WY Delta, UT Delta, UT Craig, CO LaJara, CO Casper, WY Milliken, CO

80.00 cwt 70.00 cwt 60.00 cwt 58.00 cwt

Delta, UT Dickinson, ND Dickinson, ND Dickinson, ND

210.00 per unit 175.00 per unit

Wright, WY Kersey, CO

350.00 each 325.00 each 320.00 each 315.00 each 305.00 each 290.00 each 285.00 each 285.00 each 265.00 each 235.00 each 205.00 each 195.00 each 190.00 each 185.00 each

Monte Vista, CO Keenesburg, CO Boulder, CO Moffat, CO Hudson, CO Russell, MN Lovell, WY Meeker, CO Hudson, CO Riverton, WY Laramie, WY Riverton, WY Riverton, WY Monte Vista, CO

1 brown nanny 75 lbs 260.00 each 2 Boer cross nannies 98 lbs 255.00 each 1 white doe 95 lbs 255.00 each 1 brown/tan nanny 105 lbs 230.00 each 1 blk nanny 90 lbs 230.00 each 1 blk doe 80 lbs 230.00 each 1 Boer cross nanny 80 lbs 220.00 each 2 Boer cross nannies 153 lbs 215.00 each 7 Boer cross does 71 lbs 212.50 each 2 Boer cross nannies 75 lbs 210.00 each 3 Boer cross nannies 80 lbs 205.00 each 2 Boer cross nannies 145 lbs 200.00 each 4 Boer cross nannies 141 lbs 190.00 each 2 Boer cross does 65 lbs 187.50 each 1 spotted nanny 85 lbs 185.00 each 1 Boer cross nanny 100 lbs 175.00 each 4 Boer cross does 58 lbs 175.00 each 4 Boer cross nannies 135 lbs 170.00 each 2 Boer cross does 55 lbs 167.50 each

Windsor, CO Monte Vista, CO Dickinson, ND Windsor, CO Dickinson, ND Silt, CO Boulder, CO Moffat, CO Hudson, CO Boulder, CO Wellington, CO Meeker, CO Douglas, WY Kersey, CO Ft Lupton, CO Laramie, WY Monte Vista, CO Hudson, CO Monte Vista, CO

1 bf buck 295 lbs 4 wf bucks 160 lbs 5 wf bucks 245 lbs 3 bf bucks 262 lbs 1 wf ewe/1 lamb 1 bf ewe/1 lamb



1 Boer cross goat 165 lbs 1 Boer cross goat 125 lbs 3 Boer cross goats 120 lbs 1 blk goat 145 lbs 1 Boer cross goat 115 lbs 1 Boer cross goat 100 lbs 1 Boer cross goat 125 lbs 1 Boer cross goat 100 lbs 1 brown goat 95 lbs 2 tan goats 83 lbs 2 Boer cross goats 73 lbs 3 white goats 75 lbs 1 tan goat 65 lbs 1 Boer cross goat 65 lbs



Continued on Page #141


113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net


CENTENNIAL’S MARKET REPORT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 143 4 Boer cross nannies 110 lbs 145.00 each 2 Boer cross does 82 lbs 137.50 each 2 brown nannies 93 lbs 130.00 each 1 blk/white doe 55 lbs 125.00 each 2 Boer cross does 58 lbs 110.00 each 2 Boer cross does 65 lbs 110.00 each 1 blk kid 70 lbs 3 Boer cross kids 67 lbs 2 Boer cross kids 53 lbs 8 Boer cross kids 56 lbs 1 Boer cross kid 55 lbs 3 brown kids 52 lbs 9 Boer cross kids 53 lbs 3 Boer cross kids 38 lbs 1 Boer cross kid 35 lbs 3 Boer cross kids 33 lbs 2 white/tan kids 35 lbs 2 Boer cross kids 23 lbs 1 Alpine kid 25 lbs


Hudson, CO Torrington, WY Moffatt, CO Riverton, WY Holyoke, CO Holyoke, CO

215.00 each 202.50 each 170.00 each 170.00 each 165.00 each 155.00 each 152.50 each 127.50 each 95.00 each 92.50 each 85.00 each 75.00 each 70.00 each

Riverton, WY Strasburg, CO Ft Collins, CO Meeker, CO Kersey, CO Lovell, WY Laramie, WY Hudson, CO Meeker, CO Ft Lupton, CO Lance Creek, WY Meeker, CO Pueblo, CO

2 Boer cross nannies/2 kids 305.00 per unit 1 Boer cross nanny/1 kid 235.00 per unit 1 blk/white nanny/1 kid 220.00 per unit 1 mixed nanny/1 kid 210.00 per unit 1 Boer cross nanny/1 kid 205.00 per unit 1 mixed nanny/1 kid 180.00 per unit 1 white nanny/1 kid 170.00 per unit 1 Boer cross nanny/2 kids 320.00 per unit 1 blk nanny/3 kids 310.00 per unit 1 Boer cross nanny/2 kids 300.00 per unit 1 Boer cross nanny/2 kids 290.00 per unit 1 mixed nanny/3 kids 280.00 per unit 1 mixed nanny/2 kids 180.00 per unit

Veteran, WY Hudson, CO Hudson, CO Saguache, CO Ft Lupton, CO Ft Lupton, CO Saguache, CO Longmont, CO Longmont, CO Longmont, CO Ft Lupton, CO Longmont, CO Ft Lupton, CO


1 red billy 220 lbs 1 blk billy 215 lbs 1 Boer cross billy 215 lbs 1 Boer cross billy 195 lbs 1 blk/tan billy 200 lbs 1 Boer cross billy 175 lbs 1 Boer cross billy 210 lbs 1 Boer cross billy 160 lbs 1 belted billy 95 lbs 1 red billy 90 lbs 1 Boer cross billy 80 lbs


340.00 each 310.00 each 305.00 each 285.00 each 280.00 each 275.00 each 250.00 each 245.00 each 227.50 each 225.00 each 210.00 each

Moffat, CO Hudson, CO Monte Vista, CO Pierce, CO Monte Vista, CO Veteran, WY Wellington, CO Moffat, CO Ft Lupton, CO Kersey, CO Ft Lupton, CO

60.00 each 45.00 each

Lance Creek, WY Hudson, CO

1500.00 each

Ft Collins, CO

600.00 each 575.00 each 550.00 each 500.00 each 475.00 each 450.00 each

Platteville, CO Lucerne, CO Laramie, WY Laramie, WY LaPorte, CO Laramie, WY

550.00 each 550.00 each 475.00 each 375.00 each

Platteville, CO Laramie, WY Laramie, WY Laramie, WY

145.00 each 120.00 each

Kersey, CO Ft Collins, CO


3 white llamas 132 lbs 1 white llama 385 lbs 1 Hol cow 1045 lbs



1 blk calf 135 lbs 1 blk calf 75 lbs 2 char calves 80 lbs 1 blk calf 70 lbs 1 blk calf 70 lbs 1 red calf 75 lbs

1 blk hfr 95 lbs 1 Char cross hfr 65 lbs 1 blk hfr 70 lbs 1 Char hfr 55 lbs 1 blk/white pig 80 lbs 6 Berkshire pigs 55 lbs



8 white pigs 41 lbs 2 white pigs 50 lbs 1 white pig 75 lbs 7 red pigs 35 lbs 5 white pigs 24 lbs 1 Hampshire pig 145 lbs 4 Hampshire pigs 145 lbs 2 Blue Butt pigs 113 lbs 2 mixed pigs 153 lbs 4 mixed pigs 174 lbs 1 white pig 135 lbs 3 white pigs 137 lbs 1 mixed sow 385 lbs 1 red sow 390 lbs 1 mixed sow 345 lbs

105.00 each 95.00 each 95.00 each 90.00 each 75.00 each 125.00 cwt 105.00 cwt 102.50 cwt 102.50 cwt 100.00 cwt 100.00 cwt 99.00 cwt

Pueblo, CO Pueblo, CO Gill, CO Pueblo, CO Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Carpenter, WY Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE

42.50 cwt 42.00 cwt 36.00 cwt

Wright, WY Wright, WY Wright, WY


1 spotted fat hog 200 lbs 1 white fat hog 240 lbs 2 white fat hogs 240 lbs 2 white fat hogs 253 lbs 1 Hampshire fat hog 230 lbs 4 Hampshire fat hogs 266 lbs 5 white fat hogs 283 lbs 1 Blue Butt fat hog 290 lbs 2 Blue Butt fat hogs 300 lbs 2 white fat hogs 273 lbs 1 white fat hog 390 lbs 1 Blue Butt fat hog 310 lbs

81.00 cwt 75.00 cwt 74.00 cwt 73.00 cwt 72.00 cwt 71.00 cwt 70.50 cwt 69.00 cwt 69.00 cwt 67.00 cwt 66.00 cwt 66.00 cwt

Wellington CO Hudson, CO Russell, MN Hudson, CO Wellington, CO Hudson, CO Russell, MN Russell, MN Russell, MN Hudson, CO Wellington, CO Russell, MN

1 sorrel horse 945 lbs 96.00 cwt 1 sorrel horse 1030 lbs 90.00 cwt 1 sorrel/white horse 1230 lbs 74.00 cwt 1 sorrel horse 965 lbs 50.00 cwt 1 sorrel horse 1170 lbs 50.00 cwt 1 gray horse 1340 lbs 800.00 each

Longmont, CO Longmont, CO Wellington, CO Platteville, CO Ault, CO Kersey, CO



There was no market report due to the lack of receipts. REPRESENTATIVE SALES


4 blk/bwf strs 421 lbs 1 blk str 595 lbs 1 blk str 610 lbs 2 blk strs 603 lbs 11 rwf strs 723 lbs 1 blk str 705 lbs 1 blk str 785 lbs 6 red/blk strs 804 lbs 3 blk calves 398 lbs 2 blk calves 500 lbs 2 blk calves 595 lbs

319.00 cwt 255.00 cwt 250.00 cwt 235.00 cwt 218.00 cwt 217.50 cwt 215.00 cwt 202.00 cwt


2 blk hfrs 288 lbs 8 blk/bwf hfrs 420 lbs 1 blk hfr 345 lbs 1 blk hfr 480 lbs 1 blk hfr 515 lbs 2 bwf/Char hfrs 523 lbs 1 red hfr 545 lbs 1 blk hfr 570 lbs 11 blk hfrs 585 lbs

Riverton, WY Ft Collins, CO Wellington, CO Loveland, CO LaSalle, CO Keenesburg, CO Craig, CO Longmont, CO

305.00 cwt 280.00 cwt 230.00 cwt

Laramie, WY Keenesburg, CO Ft Lupton, CO

325.00 cwt 300.00 cwt 280.00 cwt 260.00 cwt 238.00 cwt 237.00 cwt 232.00 cwt 225.00 cwt 218.00 cwt

Riverton, WY Riverton, WY Laramie, WY Laramie, WY Keenesburg, CO Wellington, CO Clark, CO Wellington, CO Loveland, CO


COLOR IDENTIFICATION CODE FOR THE FOLLOWING BLUE – Heifers – 2 yr olds and under PINK – Heifers – approximately 3 – 4 yr olds Green – Solid mouth approximately 4 – 6 yr old cows ORANGE – Spreader mouth approximately 6 – 8 yr old cows YELLOW – Broken mouth and older LEGIBLE TATTOO – LEG NON LEGIBLE TATTOO – Non Leg


2 red cows – Orange Leg/2 calves – 2350.00 per pair – Ft Collins, CO 1 blk cow – Green Leg/1 calf – 2200.00 per pair – Ft Collins, CO 1 blk cow – Yellow leg/1 calf – 2100.00 per pair – Lafayette, CO 2 blk cows – Yellow Leg/2 calves – 2050.00 per pair – Grover, CO

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015


Light run of slaughter cattle market on a very active. Top cows high of $130.00 and low of $120.00. Slaughter bulls top at $152.00 on 2145 lbs; Lot of bulls $130.00 to $140.00 cwt. REPRESENTATIVE SALES blk cow 965 lbs blk hfrette 1010 lbs red cow 1115 lbs rwf cow 1375 lbs blk cow 1345 lbs blk cow 1420 lbs blk cow 1400 lbs blk cow 1390 lbs bwf cow 1735 lbs blk cow 1445 lbs blk cow 1580 lbs blk cow 1405 lbs red cow 1005 lbs blk cow 1580 lbs bwf cow 1585 lbs hol hfrette 820 lbs hol cow 1890 lbs hol cow 1305 lbs hol cow 1500 lbs hol cow 1525 lbs hol cow 1500 lbs hol cow 1840 lbs hol cow 1455 lbs hol cow 1710 lbs hol cow 1385 lbs hol cow1895 lbs blk bull 2145 lbs blk bull 2155 lbs blk bull 1755 lbs blk bull 1690 lbs blk bull 1980 lbs blk bull 1575 lbs red bull 1595 lbs blk bull 1775 lbs blk bull 1315 lbs blk bull 1990 lbs blk steer 810 lbs


162.50 cwt 155.00 cwt 127.00 cwt 120.00 cwt 120.00 cwt 117.50 cwt 117.00 cwt 117.00 cwt 116.00 cwt 115.00 cwt 114.50 cwt 114.50 cwt 114.00 cwt 113.00 cwt 112.00 cwt

Burns Burns Craig Craig Cheyenne Platteville Longmont Johnstown Milliken LaSalle LaSalle Encampment Laramie Milliken Saratoga

128.00 cwt 111.00 cwt 106.50 cwt 106.50 cwt 105.50 cwt 104.50 cwt 103.50 cwt 103.50 cwt 101.50 cwt 100.00 cwt 99.50 cwt

Loveland Wellington Hereford Wellington Wheatland Ft Collins Eaton Ft Collins Wellington Ft Collins Ft Collins

152.00 cwt 141.00 cwt 139.00 cwt 138.00 cwt 137.50 cwt 135.50 cwt 132.00 cwt 131.50 cwt 130.50 cwt 125.00 cwt 200.00 cwt

Platteville Platteville Platteville Cheyenne Johnstown Laramie Wellington Burns Laramie Laramie Platteville




Since 1958





Contact us for all your auction needs! MACHINERY REAL ESTATE Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for Saturday, January 12, 2013 Phone: 970-522-1950 Receipts: 3087 Wednesday Special: 3709 Year Ago: 2855 TOTAL RECEIPTS FOR THE 3 SALES 10,461 HD HOUSEHOLD Compared to Wednesday’s Stock Show Special: Steer calves weighing under 700 pounds traded mostly 5.00 to 6.00 lower, with instances Fax: of 8.00 lower calves weighing between 550 and 600 pounds. Yearling type steers970-522-2021 weighing over 700 pounds traded 2.00 to 3.00 lower. ANTIQUES AND MORE! Heifers traded mostly 3.00 to 6.00 where comparable sales were noted.


ompany, inc.

Jim Santomaso 970-522-3363 970-520-3047


Jason Santomaso 970-520-3049

Sil Tadolini 970-522-8142

Ronnie Wheeler 970-520-7588

Ed Coryell 970-878-5378


Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for Wed,May 06, 2015 Receipts: 1564 Last Week: 725 Year Ago: N/A

Compared to last week, no trend is available due to a light test, but higher undertones were noted. Slaughter cows traded steady to 4.00 higher, slaughter bulls traded steady and feeding cows traded 1.00 to 6.00 higher. Trade activity and buyer demand was good to very good. Recent rains in the area have contributed to better pasture conditions increasing demand on stocker cattle. Feeder steers and heifers made up 85 percent of the supply with the balance consisting of 1 percent bred cows, 3 percent cow/calf pairs, 6 percent slaughter cows, 2 percent slaughter bulls and 3 percent feeding cows. The feeder supply consisted of approximately 46 percent steers and 54 percent heifers with approximately 52 percent of the feeder supply weighing over 600 lbs. The next available report for this market will be on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. Slaughter Cows: Grade Pct Lean Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Breakers 75-80 1460-1585 111.00-120.00 ------Boners 80-85 985-1535 109.00-119.00 ---- 104.00-107.00 Lean 85-90 945-1265 103.00-108.00 ---80.00-92.00 Slaughter Bulls: Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Yield Grade 1-2 868-2600 132.00-143.00 148.00 119.00-122.00 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 8 421 421 314.00 314.00 23 436 436 329.00 329.00 Value Added 24 458-488 485 299.00-301.00 299.91

2 6 3 5

BRED COW HEAD 1,353 $1,750.00 1,493 $1,950.00 1,670 $2,300.00 1,692 $2,225.00 BULL WEIGHT 868 $142.00 1,283 $132.00 1,310 $139.00 1,590 $142.00 1,603 $139.00 1,965 $148.00 2,330 $148.00 2,455 $141.00 2,600 $135.00 BULL CALF HEAD 220 $800.00 285 $975.00 BULL CALF WEIGHT 350 $315.00 388 $307.50 COW SLAUGHTER WEIGHT 860 $152.50 865 $147.50 883 $157.50 990 $115.00 1,015 $130.00 1,025 $113.00

Blk Brd Cow Yel8 Blk Brd Cow Yel8 Blk Brd Cow Grn8 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 8

2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1

Blk Bull Blk Bull Blk Bull Blk/Red Bull Blk Bull Blk Bull Blk Bull Blk Bull Red Bull

1 1

Blk Bullcf Blk Bullcf

1 2

Blk Bullcf Char Bullcf

1 1 2 1 1 1

Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow

Sedgwick Stoneham Stoneham Stoneham Meeker Meeker Silt Eckley Meeker Holyoke Meeker Wray Wray Julesburg Akron Akron Akron Sedalia Stoneham Yuma Meeker Stoneham Sedgwick

64 508-545 528 281.00-288.00 283.61 6 517 517 302.00 302.00 Fancy 56 580-595 590 270.00-276.00 274.41 36 585 585 281.25 281.25 Fancy 20 615-633 620 262.00-265.00 263.90 15 692 692 259.00 259.00 5 663 663 274.00 274.00 Fancy 31 700-725 721 233.50-241.00 234.54 59 754-783 756 230.00-235.00 230.67 12 755 755 246.00 246.00 Thin Fleshed 17 802 802 226.00 226.00 71 859-860 859 206.00-212.50 212.04 21 953 953 188.00 188.00 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 1 325 325 322.50 322.50 9 322 322 330.00 330.00 Value Added 12 371-377 372 297.50-301.00 298.39 38 405-440 418 282.50-294.00 293.03 9 411 411 311.00 311.00 Source/Aged 47 457-491 480 275.00-285.00 276.88 35 508-547 519 261.00-265.00 264.23 48 509-520 511 268.50-270.00 268.82 Value Added 54 552-585 573 255.00-261.00 258.62 34 604-641 615 225.00-237.00 231.44 39 674-687 677 212.75-217.50 214.01 10 714 714 213.00 213.00 69 703 703 217.00 217.00 Replacement 104 751-767 764 197.50-206.00 201.21 49 864 864 180.50 180.50 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 5 1 1 1

Bwf Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Gray Cow Red Cow Blk Cow Char Cow Red Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Char Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Char Cow Blk Cow Bwf Cow

1 1

Blk Hfr Char Hfr

1,030 1,070 1,163 1,165 1,225 1,232 1,235 1,240 1,245 1,305 1,325 1,360 1,405 1,405 1,440 1,445 1,459 1,505 1,540 1,625 HEIFER HEAD 220 260

$140.00 $145.00 $115.00 $119.00 $117.00 $111.00 $110.00 $119.00 $122.00 $120.00 $112.00 $103.00 $121.00 $106.00 $119.00 $106.00 $119.00 $121.00 $120.00 $117.00

Ovid Wray Weldona Meeker Sidney Sterling Akron Silt Yuma Ovid Rifle Silt Sterling Wray Sedgwick Stoneham Sedgwick Silt Sedalia New Raymer

$750.00 $825.00

Sterling Sterling




9 9 3 3 4 13 9 22 5 16 9 20 4 3 38 22 6 4 10 5 7 3 3 6 12 13 5 3 13 17 13 8 3 8 3 4 4 4 6 10 23 7 69 10 6 8 48 38 3 2 49 3/ 5/ 1/ 1/ 8/ 7/ 1/ 4 8 23 9 6 4 18 3 14 13 6 3 6 5 5 33 3 5 4 9 36 22 6 4 15 10 6 4 3 5 15 2 3 6 23 50 12 7 5 16 17 66 5 21

Blk Hfr Char Hfr Blk Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Blk/Char Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Bwf Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Rd/Ch Hfr Blk Hfr Char Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Bwf Hfr Blk Hfr Char Hfr Blk Hfr Blk/Char Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Wf/Bwf Hfr Blk Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Blk Hfr Wf/Bwf Hfr Blk/Red Hfr Blk Hfr Xbred Hfr Char Hfr Blk Hfr 3 Red Pair Grn 5 Blk Pair Yel 1 Char Pair Sht Solid 1 Blk Pair Red 8 Blk Pair Grn 7 Blk Pair Sht Solid 1 Bwf Pair Red Blk Bwf Str Blk Str Blk Bwf Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Red Str Blk/Char Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk/Char Str Blk Bwf Str Blk Bwf Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk/Char Str Blk Bwf Str Blk/Red Str Blk Str Char Str Blk Str Wf/Bwf Str Blk/Red Str Blk Str Blk Bwf Str Blk Str Blk/Red Str Red Str Char Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk/Red Str Blk Str Blk Bwf Str Wf/Bwf Str Xbred Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str

HEIFER WEIGHT 322 371 377 385 391 411 411 421 457 474 487 489 491 508 509 512 518 520 526 528 536 542 547 552 558 561 564 577 579 582 585 604 607 608 618 619 621 641 643 674 676 687 703 714 748 751 765 766 767 840 864 PAIR HEAD 1,373 1,395 1,400 1,440 1,472 1,473 1,525 STEER WEIGHT 348 421 436 444 465 483 488 492 508 510 517 522 523 540 542 545 548 553 580 581 585 590 593 594 595 615 620 633 645 663 692 700 708 713 725 754 755 759 765 799 802 859 860 953

$330.00 $297.50 $301.00 $268.00 $285.00 $294.00 $311.00 $293.50 $285.00 $275.00 $261.00 $277.00 $275.00 $265.00 $268.50 $265.00 $251.50 $251.00 $270.00 $269.00 $263.00 $252.00 $261.00 $259.00 $246.00 $261.00 $255.00 $263.00 $234.00 $259.00 $257.00 $236.00 $237.00 $226.00 $225.00 $237.00 $232.00 $228.00 $216.00 $217.50 $212.75 $213.00 $217.00 $213.00 $201.00 $197.50 $202.50 $200.00 $206.00 $173.00 $180.50

Sterling Akron Crook Weldona Sterling Ft. Morgan Peetz Sterling Grover Sterling Fleming Peetz Crook Ovid Sterling Ft. Morgan Sedgwick Yuma Weldona Sterling Sidney Sterling Sedgwick Fleming Peetz Haxtun Crook Weldona Sedgwick Ft. Morgan Wray New Castle New Castle Sidney Sterling Haxtun Eaton Sterling Hillrose Sidney Wray Yuma Haxtun Ft. Morgan Eaton Wray Haxtun Hillrose New Castle Sterling Hillrose

$2,550.00 $2,200.00 $2,250.00 $3,250.00 $3,050.00 $2,600.00 $3,000.00

Imperial Imperial Stoneham Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial

$332.50 $314.00 $329.00 $294.00 $282.00 $299.00 $300.00 $282.00 $287.00 $285.00 $302.00 $288.00 $275.00 $266.00 $259.00 $281.00 $252.00 $262.00 $271.00 $274.00 $281.25 $276.00 $270.00 $262.00 $275.00 $265.00 $262.00 $264.00 $255.00 $274.00 $259.00 $241.00 $246.50 $236.50 $233.50 $230.00 $246.00 $235.00 $225.00 $216.00 $226.00 $212.50 $206.00 $188.00

Sterling Ft. Morgan Sterling Sterling Fleming Crook Ft. Morgan Weldona Peetz Lucerne Sidney Ovid Merino Crook Lucerne Sterling Wray Fleming Merino Sedgwick Sterling Peetz Weldona Sterling Ft. Morgan Wray Meeker, Sidney Sterling Eaton Sterling New Castle Wiggins New Raymer Hillrose Fleming Eaton Ft. Morgan Wray Fleming Ft. Morgan Hillrose Eaton Hillrose

28601 Hwy 34 • PO Box 506 Brush, Co 80723 Phone 970-842-5115 / 970-380-3798 / Fax: 970-842-5088 Auctioneer: Tyler Knode 970-580-5311 Field Reps: Rodger Woodard 719-439-2011 • Royce Ford 970-381-4835 • Larry Castor 970-454-3570 (h) or 970-768-5113 (c) Dick Jones 970-768-0435 Joe Schalnus 970-846-7971 DVM Dr Paul Chard 970-842-0274 • Owner Robin Varelman

www.livestockexchange.org e-mail: livestockexchange@hotmail.com


Market Report Thursday, May 4, 2015

Agfinity Feed Division Professional Services:

ADVANCED CONSIGNMENTS Formulation • Feed Manufacturing • Feed Analysis


• Feed BULLS A V YIELD GRADE • Commodity Brokerage • Feed Delivery • Flaking L I 1 $138.00-$160.00 R E TY , IN , S Thursday, May 14 YIELD GRADE 2 $129.50-$135.00 TEGRITY • Grain Bank • Contracting U




For more information or to request services contact: COWS & HEIFERETTES 30 FED COWS, SCOTTS BLUFF NE HFRETES $121.00-$183.00 Agfinity Feed & Nutrition Saturday, May 16Group FED TYPE HFRETTS (970) 454-4000 HIGH YIELDING $109.50-$128.00 63 3x3www.agfinityinc.com mix horse quality hay HARD FED COWS $118.00-$124.00 63 3x3 grass horse quality hay LOWER YIELDING $101.00-$108.50 33 RND Brome grass THINNER/LEANER $77.50-$100.50 34 RND Alfalfa HORSES BAY GELDING 1390# $51.00CWT Thursday, May 28

Working to keep your horses healthy



Steers & Heifers

UP TO $3050.00 UP TO $2050.00

80 BLK S/H 750-800#, HOME RAISED

Light Test

High Stakes Horse Sale Results Top Selling Gelding Buckskin $3600.00 1 Dunn Gelding$2900.00 Thanks to all the buyers and sellers Bob Walker Memorial Arena Events

2015 SADDLE SERIES ​June 27th & June 28th, July 11th & July 12th starts at 11 AM

*Barrel race* *Pole bending* *Flag race* *Goat tying* *Peewee dummy roping* $10 PER EVENT AGE DIVISIONS Peewee - 7 & under • Junior - 8 through 14 Adult - 15 & over www.facebook.com/LivestockExchangeBrushColorado

Upcoming Sales you won’t want to miss

Thursday May 14th Combined Sale Weigh Cows/Bulls 9:00am Loose Horses 12:45pm Pairs / Breds 1:00pm Stocker Feeder 1:30 pm Saturday May 16th Hay Sale 10:00 am Thursday May 21th Combined Sale Weigh Cows/Bulls 9:00am Loose Horses 12:45pm Pairs / Breds 1:00pm Stocker Feeder 1:30 pm

Thursday May 28th Combined Sale Weigh Cows/Bulls 9:00am Loose Horses 12:45pm Pairs / Breds 1:00pm Stocker Feeder Special 1:30 pm Thursday June 4th Combined Sale Weigh Cows/Bulls 9:00am Loose Horses 12:45pm Pairs / Breds 1:00pm Stocker Feeder 1:30 pm

WWW.PRODUCERSLIVESTOCK.COM www.facebook.com/greeleyproducers

Russ Moss

Bob Elliott,



Senior Order Buyer

Asst. Manager

Brad Jones,

Rod Venn,



Auction Manager

Yard Foreman


Wednesday, May 6 2015

Over 375 head of slaughter cattle sold today. Lean beef cows out of Ault, Lasalle, Grover and Pierce stole the show. They were well muscled and had age on their side, which resulted in prices of $117.00-131.00. As has been shown in the past several weeks, cattle which are full or overly fleshy do not bring a premium. Fleshy beef cows ranged $112-116, while their lean counterparts ranged 111-131.50. Thin beef cows held their own, averaging around $105.00 Holstein slaughter cows averaged a dollar or two lower than last week. Lean Holsteins Condition of Holstein cows today kept prices fairly steady in comparison to last week as many who came in were full. Lean Holsteins ranged $104-111.50, with a few who were in very good condition and on the young side bringing $115.00-119.00. Fleshier Holstein cows averaged $110.00.

Greeley Producers Is Now On Facebook. View Market Reports, Learn About Special Sales And Events at www.facebook.com/ greeleyproducers

JUNE 13TH @ 10:00 AM JULY 11TH @ 10:00 AM

Hay Auctions are the 2nd Saturday of Every Month. For More Information Or To Consign Call Brad Jones, 970-590-9583


WED. MAY 20TH, 2015, 10:30 AM

May 9th Producers Livestock Marketing

Hay Sale 10:00 am

Brad Jones • (970) 590-9583 • office 353-4121

For our full livestock report visit www.producerslivestock.com

“The Market on the Hill” 29870 Hwy 6, Brush, CO 80723


For SALE RESULTS go to www.brushlivestock.com or leave us your E-mail address at brushloc@qwestoffice.net

U p c o m i n g Au c t i o n s : HOGS, SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE Every Saturday @ 10:30 AM

Dairy Sale T h u r s d a y, J u n e 4 t h @ 1 0 : 0 0 A M

Mrs. Henry Blake ~ Owner Brian Weitzel – Auctioneer/Field Rep 970-768-3205

Kevin Blake 970-768-2804 Larry Blake 970-768-2805 Sky Blake 970-768-2802 Stan Northrup 970-735-2626

Watch our Sale “LIVE” at LMA Auctions www.lmaauctions.com

1369 12 1/2 Rd. Just off Hwy 6 & 50 Loma, Colorado



GOOD SALE THIS WEEK FEATURING MOSTLY COW/CALF PAIRS & BRED COWS. ALSO SOME LATE BRED COWS AND FEW STOKERS & FEEDERS. BRED COWS RUNNING AGE & YOUNGER SOLD STEADY WITH LAST SPECIAL SALE. FEW STOCKERS & FEEDERS STEADY. SLAUGHTER COWS & BULLS STEADY TO FIRM. STEER 200 – 300 LBS.....................................................NOT TESTED 300 – 400 LBS.....................................................NOT TESTED 400 – 500 LBS..............................................FEW $250 – 302 500 – 600 LBS.......... FEW SINGLES & SMALL LOTS 510# – 530# / . ...................................................................................... $250 – 280 600 – 700 LBS........................ FEW 650# – 680 / $230 – 246 700 – 800 LBS..............FEW LOTS 785# – 805# / $204 – 209 800 – 900 LBS.....................................................NOT TESTED 900 -1000 LBS....................................................NOT TESTED HEIFERS 200 – 300 LBS.....................................................NOT TESTED 300- 400 LBS......................................................NOT TESTED 400- 500 LBS.............................................. LOT 490# – $260 500- 600 LBS......................... FEW 550# – 585 / $230 – 250 600 – 700 LBS.....................................................NOT TESTED 700- 800 LBS...NICE PKG. 768# – $204.50 / REPLACEMENTS 800- 900 LBS......................................................NOT TESTED 900-1000 LBS.....................................................NOT TESTED WEIGH COWS HIGH YIELD.................................................. $104 – 112 MEDIUM YIELD............................................... $96 – 102 LOW YIELD....................................................... $85 – 95 WEIGH BULLS HIGH YIELD...................................... $137 – 142 / $145 MEDIUM YIELD............................................. $128 – 135 LOW YIELD................................................... $115 – 127 CALVES.......$350 – 850 PER HEAD / MOST $500 – 650 PAIRS................................SOLID MOUTH $2800 – 3200 ....................................BROKEN MOUTH $2200 – 2700 ..............................................GUMMERS $1700 – 2000 BRED COWS.....................SOLID MOUTH $2000 – 2500

Stray Horn Grill








CONSIGNMENTS All Bred Cows MUST be at WSCLA Tuesday by Noon to get Preg checked.

Schedule - Every Wednesday - Start Time 10:00 am

MAY 13TH MAY 20TH MAY 27TH Many more consignments by sale time. Please call Bill Martin 970-302-5834 for more details.


Bill Martin Owner/Manager 970-302-5834 Jim Brach Owner 970-260-2041 Tony Brach Yard Man 970-260-4141 Ty Tingey Auctioneer 801-367-4959 Jimmy Flowers Field Rep 970-249-4126


Rees Potter Field Rep 435-979-3815


Kenny Nelson Field Rep 970-210-6159 Ed Rosendale Field Rep 970-629-5508 Sacco Brothers 435-636-7426 Henderson Cattle 435-724-3526

V i s i t us On


Josh Nicklas Josh Sinks Brand Inspector 970-263-0071 All cows to be preg checked or mouthed must be in the yard before noon on Tues. All lambs & sheep must be scrapie tagged before arrival. All cattle coming from Utah must have brand papers showing proof of ownership

Go to www.wscattlemens.com or see our auction LIVE at www.cattleusa.com

For market & upcoming sales information, visit us online at


We work to get the best market for you! 700 West Fifth Street Delta, Colorado 81416


O: 970-874-4612 • H: 970-874-3605 UPCOMING SALES: May 28th Next Special Sheep & Goat Sale June 6th Next Special Horse Sale call Dan For more information (970)-874-4612

Horse Sale Results: Riding Horses Higher. Top Horse - $3,650. 8 horses brining $2,000

Market Report for May 7, 2015 Another good spring sale this week. Feeder cattle steady. Weigh Cows & Bulls $2 higher. Medium quality pairs $2400-2900. Pairs still in high demand!

STEERS 200-400#...................................... $2.85-3.40 400-500#................................... ...$2.75-3.30 500-600#...................................... $2.60-3.05 600-700#...................................... $2.15-2.55 700-800#...................................... $1.95-2.25 800-900#...................................... $1.95-2.10 900-1000# ................................... $1.75-2.02 HEIFERS 200-400#...................................... $2.50-3.00 400-500#...................................... $2.35-2.75 500-600#...................................... $2.25-2.60 600-700#...................................... $2.05-2.37 700-800#...................................... $1.85-2.00 800-900#...................................... $1.80-1.98 900-1000#.................................... $1.55-1.80

COWS & BULLS Top Bulls....................................... $1.30-1.45 Med Bulls...................................... $1.20-1.29 Top Cows....................................... $1.08-1.20 Young Cows................................... $1.15-1.35 Medium Cows................................ $0.97-1.07 Low Yielding Cows..........................$0.96 down

During our summer sales we will not be stopping for lunch. Weigh cows & bulls start at 10:00 a.m. followed by sheep & goats at 11:00. Baby calves, pigs & bred cows starting at 11:00 - 11:30. Next Week: May 14th Early consignment of 1 mixed load of cows, 8 mixed steers & heifers, 5 mixed calves, 9 butcher cows, 3 butcher bulls. Along with our usual dock run 300-400

Please have butcher cattle in by 9:30 or bring them in the day before. Most of the time they will be sold by 12:30 on Thursday. Sheep must be unloaded into our yard by 10:00 OR bring them in the day before. Please have bred cows in by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday for our vet to preg check.

Dwayne Mays: (Owner) 308-289-1870 Scott Van Winkle: (Owner) 308-289-0249 Ogallala Office: 308-284-2071 www.ogallalalive.com



Special Cow/Calf Pair with Regular Sale Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Butcher Cows & Bulls: 8:30AM~Baby Calves: 12:00PM Cow/Calf Pairs & Bred Stock Cows: 12:30PM Gordon Most (180) Ang 1st Calf Hfrs with calves at side, this is a very nice set of Range Hay & Cake hfrs, very gentle, tagged to match Dan Fields (115) Ang & Bwf Stock Cows with calves at side, 3-6yrs, this is a dispersion of nice young cows selling due to loss of grass, calves were born in late Jan & Feb & will weigh 300# or more, full vacc program & castrated, tagged to match Boyle & Hoatson (40) Ang Stock Cows with Ang & few Red calves at side, 5-8 yrs, calves 7 Way & tagged to match D&S Cattle Co (35) Ang, Bwf, & Red Ang 1st Calf Heifers with calves at side, calves sired by Baldridge Workhorse or Natural Service Baldridge Ang Bulls, Feb born calves, tagged to match Johnathon Nielson (35) Ang & Bwf Stock Cows with Calves at side, 4-SM Matt & Laurie Hatch (30) Ang & Bwf Stock Cows with Calves at side, 5-10 yrs, HR, calves Bovi-Shield Gold 5, Vision 2020 & 7 Way, Long Range, Strs Ralgro implants, cows Dectomax, tagged to match Kris Sayer (20) Ang 1st Calf Hfrs with Calves at side, calves Bovi-Shield Gold, 7 Way, Feb 18 – March 19 born, tagged to match

~~Special Note~~ We are in the country looking at cattle for our upcoming Customer Appreciation Barbecue Sale on June 4th 2015. This has always been a great sale featuring High Quality Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado & Wyoming Steers & Heifers. Along with a very promising feeder market. Please call us so we can get your cattle properly advertised. The consignment deadline is Tuesday May 26th 2015. (308)284-2071 ~~Hay Wanted~~ Ogallala Livestock is always in the market for High Quality Prairie Hay & is still in the market for 2014 Hay. We would also be interested in talking to you about contracting your 2015 crop. We are always in the market for Oats, Cane or Straw that has been tested. Please contact Dennis, our yard manager, on his cell phone at (308)289-2340 or leave a message at the office (308)284-2071 & he will get in contact with you. Call our office for more info & updated listing or visit our website @ www.ogallalalive.com. This sale will be broadcast live via the internet on. Pre-registration is required BEFORE sale day.

Dates to Remember WEDNESDAY, MAY 20TH SPECIAL COW/CALF PAIR SALE WITH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders, Cow/Calf Pairs, Stock Cows & Baby Calves Please have consignments by May 11th WEDNESDAY, MAY 27TH SPECIAL COW/CALF PAIR SALE WITH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders, Cow/Calf Pairs, Stock Cows & Baby Calves Please have consignments by May 18th

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3RD REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders, Cow/Calf Pairs, Stock Cows & Baby Calves

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH REGULAR SALE/SPECIAL SALE PENDING Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders, Cow/Calf Pairs, Stock Cows & Baby Calves

THURSDAY, JUNE 4TH 8TH ANNUAL CUSTOMER APPRECIATION BBQ SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Selling Stocker & Feeders Please have consignments by May 26th

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17TH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders, Cow/Calf Pairs, Stock Cows & Baby Calves Internet Address – www.ogallalalive.com

LIVESTOCK MARKET • Ericson, NE Saturday, May 16, 2015 • Special Cattle Auction 2500-3000 Head Expected Weigh Ups 9:00, Odd Lots 11:30, Pairs 12:00, Calves to Follow Most calves have been weaned and have had preconditioned shots—Vac. info will be announced as calves enter the ring. CALVES & YEARLINGS 650 CH ANG & CHAR X CALVES, NI, Home Raised, 700-875#................ ........................................................... STEVE & BRIAN SWERCZEK 600 CH ANG STRS, green, 750-850#.................................CARL FRENCH 180 CH ANG & ANG X STRS, All natural, 925#...... WILLIAMS RANCH 150 CH ANG STRS, green, 700-800#......................TWIN MILLS ANGUS 140 CH ANG HFRS, OCV, Replacement Quality, 750-800#.......................... ...................................................................................... PAYER ANGUS 125 CH ANG & ANG X STRS, 800-900#........................... RANDY DAWE 120 CH ANG & ANG X CALVES, 400-500#....................PAUL CORKEL 100 CH ANG HFRS, 600-700#...................MONTE & KIM METSCHKE 100 CH ANG FALL CALVES, prec., weaned, 400-600#.CRAIG KUSZAK 90 CH ANG & ANG X HFRS, 700-750#...........................CURT WEBER 90 CH ANG CALVES, prec., 500-600#..........................RYAN JERABEK 60 CH ANG & ANG X STRS, 1 load, 900#.................................................. ................................................................ KEVIN & MARK MAHONY 50 CH BLK & RED YEARLING HFRS, G.O., 775-800#.CARR RANCH 30 CH ANG & ANG X CALVES, 450-550#........ ALF & CAROL METZ 20 CH ANG FALL CALVES, prec., weaned, 400-600#............................... ....................................................................... COLLINS & THUNKER PAIRS 25 Ch X Bred Cows, Running Age, With X Bred Calves At Side................ ..............................................................TOM & DARRIN ERICKSON 7 Ch Ang 1St Calf Hfrs, With Ang Calves At Side-7 Way At Birth........... ................................................................................. PATRICK FARMS

SATURDAY, JUNE 13 • NEXT SPECIAL CATTLE AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 11 • ANNUAL BARBECUE AUCTION Sale Listings & Market Reports www.ericsonlivestock.com or cattleusa.com View & Bid on our Auction Live: www.cattleusa.com

OFFICE: 308-653-3111 Pat Mahony: 308-750-0486 Mike Mahony: 308-750-3791 Kevin Mahony: 402-340-3829 Stan Klug 308-750-2142 Tom Meyer 308-750-2125 Curt Weber, Yd Mgr. 308-750-8592 Gerald Clinch, Field Rep.402-841-6320

Office: Owner: Dick Minor Jr. (308) 282-1171 -cell (308)360-0427 Owner: Dick Minor, Jr Field Rep

Judd Hoos- cell - (308) 360-3556 (308) 360-0427

Horse Sales Rep Field Rep: Fred Smith

Link Thompson - (308) Box 368 - cell (308)282-9998 360-1202PO BOX 368PO - 108 FOCH ST 108 Foch St. GORDON NE Office Manager: Yard Manager Gordon, NE69343 69343 Office Manager: Mark Franklin - (308) 360-2252 Linda Heesacker

(308) Cafe 282-1171 Gordonoffice Sale Barn fax (308) Open Tuesdays


Auctioneers: Linda Heesacker Seth Weishaar and office (308) 282-1171 fax (308) Mike 282-1182 Goeman Email: Glm@gpcom.net

Field Rep for Western Video Marketing: Jim Tonniges Home: (402) 376-3710 Cell: (402) 389-0225


Available Now: The Live Internet Auction Service of Livestock Marketing Association Select your–internet type,AM Create REGULAR a New User, Log in and begin watching SALE the sale MAY 12TH 11:00 CATTLE To bid live online, click on “Register for a Buyer Number”

(call 282-1171FEEDER for details) 12:30 PM SPECIAL SALE


Alan & Wade11:00 Simonson 200 Strs 700-900# AM SPECIAL–WEIGHUP COW&& Hfrs BULL SALE JULY 15TH Bill Deans – 6 Blk/Bwf Hfrs 550-600# JOIN US FOR THE ANNUAL FREE BBQ

SPECIAL WEIGHUP COW & BULL SALE – 9:30 AM Rust & Kelly 8 Blk Strs 500-650# SPECIAL FALL – CALF & YEARLING SALE – 12:30 PM


Kenny Kudrna – 60 Weaned Hfrs 600-650# WESTERN VIDEO MARKET SALES

Jim Heath – 22 Bangs Vac Hfrs 800-850# MON-THURS JULY 14-17 RENO, NV MON & TUES AUG 18 & 19 CHEYENNE, WY Jacobson Cattle–30 Strs 700-750# & 10 Hfrs 500-550# MON & TUES SEPT 22 & 23 OGALLALA NE


Black Ranches – 130 Strs 800-900#

To view a sale online: Go to www.LMAAuctions.com - Select your internet type - Create a New User - Log in and begin watching the sale To bid live online, click on “Register for a Buyer Number” (call 282-1171 for details)

Black Ranches – 170 Bangs Vac Hfrs 825-850#


Roger Seidler – 60 Strs & Hfrs (Fall Calves) 450-550# Leroy & Jon Louden – Bred Cows MANY PENDING

MAY 19TH – 11:00 AM REGULAR CATTLE SALE MAY 26TH – 11:00 AM REGULAR CATTLE SALE Visit our website @ www.gordonlivestock.com View our sales online at: www.dvauction.com or Call 282-1171 for details - View our listings on the DTN.


The Old Reliable Tuesday, May 12th Auction

Special Breeding Cow/Calf Pair Auction 10:00 a.m. – Slaughter Cattle 12:00 Noon – Pairs Selling NE Reg. Brand D

V 40 Blk & Blk baldy running age cows w/ a big set of calves at side (calves worked but not branded)................... Jim Kloppenborg 25 Angus 1st calf heifers w/Angus calves at side......Flannery Inc. 24 Angus 3-6 yrs. old w/mostly bull calves at side (lost pasture)..... ....................................................................................Mike Dougherty 20 Blk & Blk baldy running age cows, mated Angus, calve May & June.......................................................................... Jim Kloppenborg 20 Angus running age, mated Angus, calve Aug. 15th.... Bob Kaup 12 Black fall cows 4-7 yrs. old, mated Angus, calves Aug. 20th........ ........................................................................Troy & Marion Schaaf 9 Angus 2nd calf to shorterm, mated Angus, calve Aug. 6th, 55 days................................................................... Tom & Bonnie Krysl

View our sales live over internet at www.cattleusa.com Listen to WNAX radio station every Monday morning at 10:38 a.m. for our live broadcast market update, also at 10:39 a.m. on KZ 100 FM “Our Desire is to be of Service to You”

Atkinson Livestock Market - Atkinson, NE PH: 402-925-5141 Fax: 1-402-925-2727 www.atkinsonlivestock.com Mike & Diane Tasler, Owners Ph. 402-925-5736 • Mike’s cell 402-340-1821 Cliff Pacha • Ph. 402-340-2207 • Bob Weber Ph. 402-340-2565

Lexington Livestock Market

Lexington, Nebraska OFFICE: 1-308-324-4663 • www.lexlivestock.com FRIDAY MAY 15TH SPECIAL CATTLE AUCTION, 1000 HEAD

Weigh Ups 8:30 AM, Baby Calves @ 11:00 AM, Bred Cows & Pairs @ 11:30 AM followed by Feeders

(#2 - 7 Way, 4 Way & Pasturella, #4 - #2 w/Booster, P - Poured & W - Weaned) BRED COWS

25 Angus Cows, Bred to Final Answer, Home Raised, calving now.... ................................................................................ STEVE JOHNSON 9 (6) Angus 3 Yr Old Bred Angus, fall calvers & (3) Red Coriente 1st Calf Hfrs, Fall Calvers....................................... PATRICK MARTIN


105 Angus & a few Bwf & Rwf (55) 7 Yr old Pairs, (28) 8 Yr old pairs & (22) 9 Yr old Pairs, bull calves cut with knife, Cows & Calves have a complete shot program & Mineral Program, Home Raised/Partial Dispersion, most of babies will be F1X Bwf...................................................... KEVAN & JAMIE KOCH 80 (35) 2 Yr Old Pairs , (15) 3 Yr Old Pairs, (30) from 4Yrs to 10 Yrs Old, with Angus calves @ side, sired by Final Answer, Home Raised................................................ STEVE JOHNSON 80 Angus & Bwf & Red Angus & Rwf Short Solid to Broken Mouth Pairs...........................................................................KENT SMITH 25 Angus 5 & 6 Yr Old Pairs, Calves have Alfa 7 & Multimend Shot......................................................... R & S BLACK ANGUS 22 Red Angus 5 Yr Old Cows with Angus & Red Angus March & April Calves @ side. Calves casterated and vacinated ............................................. KIM & DENICE WOODWOOD


85 Angus & a few Red Char X Strs, 850-900#, 4PW............................. ........................................................................ FLAT RIVER RANCH 70 Angus Strs & Hfrs, 550-700#, 4PW...KASEY & KATHY TOBIAS 35 Angus OCV Hfrs, 700-750#, 4PW...KASEY & KATHY TOBIAS 30 Angus & a few Red & Char X Strs, 850-900#, 4PW........................ .................................................................................. LARRY SANGER 30 Angus & a few Red & Char X Strs & Hfrs, 550-600#, 4PW........... ..........................................................................KEVIN RAINFORTH 20 Angus & Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 500-650#, 2PW......................................... ..................................................... RON & KELLY SCHMEECKLE OFFICE 1-308-324-4663 www.lexlivestock.com, RICK SHOEMAKER, OWNER 627-7284 JEFF ROGERS 325-1272, JEFF MARSHALL 233-4633, RYAN ROGERS 325-1273 DEAN DALLMAN 380-2615, GARY COOK 870-0414, GEOFF COOK 870-2791, BRIAN EBERLE 440-4798

Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040


Wednesday, May 13th

Feeder Special & Cattle Country Video

• Scissors Ranch 250 90% Blk/ 10% Rd/Rwf, 700-800#, Replacement Quality, Comp Vac. Prog, Poured, Prebreeding Shots • Pending 250 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 375-575#, Hay Fed, Running Out, Home Raised • 3 Springs Ranch 120 Mostly Blk few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 500-650#, Branding & Precond Shots, All Natural • Warren Livestock 110 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 800-950#, Complete Vacc Program, No Implants, Weaned Nov, on Alfalfa hay • Diamond K Ranch 90 Mx Hfrs few Light Strs, 650-850#, All Shots, Poured, No Implants, Hfrs are Spayed, Strs are Knife cut • Randy Kraft 80 Red Angus, few Blk Bull Calves, 375-625#, Home Raised • Oak Leaf Ranch 79 Blk/Bwf/Rwf Strs & Hfrs, 475-575#, All Natural, Branding Shots: Vision 7, Injectble Dectomax, Pre-cond. Shots: Vision 7 w/Spur+Somnus, Vira Shield 6, Strs are knife cut • MR Angus 74 Blk Bulls, 650-750#, Home Raised • Flock Ranches 50 Blk few Rd Hfrs, 800#, All Shots, Poured • Neil Forgey 25 Blk Bulls & Hfrs, 450#, No Shots • Dave Thomson 24 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 400-550#, Home Raised, Complete Vac. Program • Schaffer Livestock 6 Mx Hfrs, 750#, All Shots, Open

Cattle Country Video - 1:00 pm MT

Early Listing Info 2 loads of Heifers, 750#; Running on Grass & Wheat 1 load of Heifers, 760#, Coming out of a Grower Yard 250 Strs, 900-1000#; Coming off Wheat Pasture More details to come check www.cattlecountryvideo.com for updates

Friday, May 15th Bred Cow/Pair Special

• Paint Rock Canyon Enterprises 43 Blk Cows, 3-6 yr olds (24 hd)/7-10 yr olds (19 hd), Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: August 16th for 60 days • Lazy Bar G Bar Ranch 40 Mostly Blk/Bwf few Rd Cow Pairs, 3 yr to ST, Cows have had Vista Once, 8-way, Calves have not been branded, Selling due to Dry Conditions • Bar Nunn 20 Mx Cows, 3-4 yr olds, Bred to Blk Rose Angus Bulls, CF: Nov-Dec. • Gerald Sterkel 17 Mxd Pairs, Young to SM, Tagged to match • Michael Cain 7 Blk & Here Cows, Bred Hereford & Blk, Running age, CF: Late Aug To Early Sept. Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 | Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776 Shawn Madden: 307-532-1575

www.torringtonlivestock.com | 307.532.3333

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