CENTENNIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 • TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 Total Livestock Sold This Week: 836
ADVANCE CONSIGNMENTS MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2014 • 11AM Special Holstein & Holstein Cross Steer Auction 65 Hol strs - 800 lbs - Ed Foss - Gill 15 dairy x strs - Darwin Schmidt - Dumas Tx 3 Hol - 1 Jersey str - 500 - 600 lbs - Boyd Collins - Kersey 40 Hol strs - 375 - 425 - Jim Collins - La Junta 6 Hol strs - 600 lbs - Jim Butler - Ramah 35 - Jersey - Jersey x strs - 700 - 900 lbs - Jerry Strekel - Utah 30 Hol - strs & hfrs - 700-900 lbs - Jerry Strekel – Utah 85 Hol strs - 700 - 750 lbs - Dan Dersham - Pine Bluffs 125 - Hol & Jersey strs - 200 - 500 lbs - Larry Pauly - Delta Utah
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2014 • 10AM Sheep, Goats, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses
26 Boer does kids - replacement quality - Clayton Novak - Briggsdale 4 Boer x wethers - Clayton Novak – Briggsdale 4 Quarter horses – brood mares – 18 – 21 yrs – open, Triple A mares - Casper
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014 • 10AM Calf, Yearling & Production Cattle Auction
85 blk & bwf - Strs - out of Walter Angus bulls - 450 - 900 lbs - Darwin Schmidt - Dumas Tx 85 blk - strs & hfrs - 550-600 lbs - Aaron Woodward - Rifle 60 blk/bwf - strs & hfrs - 500 - 650 lbs - Boyd Collins - Kersey 35 blk - strs & hfrs - 300 lbs - Buffalo Ranch - Rand 20 blk & bwf - strs & hfrs - 550 - 650 lbs - Glen Sanger - Morrison 175 strs & hfrs - 500 - 575 - lbs - Eight Bar Ranch – Burns 15 blk & char steers – 750 lbs – Paul Hicks - Berthoud 28 mixed strs - 475 lbs - John & Sara Redmond – Yampa 53 wf Hereford cows – 50 days exposed, blk bulls in July 1st, high altitude, back poured, Pete Arambel – Rock Springs 30 blk, bwf cows – bred – black bulls – June calves – Pete Arambel – Rock Springs
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014 • 10AM Calf, Yearling & Production Cattle Auction
23 blk - strs & hfrs - 500 lbs - 5 D Ranch - Ft Collins 25 blk & bed - strs & hfrs - 300 - 325 lbs - Lonesome Pines - Grover 4 Blk Angus & Bwf strs - 600 - 700 lbs - Lynn Downey - Wellington 1 Bred Horned Hereford Cow - Brian Prouty - Wellington
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 • 10AM Calf & Yearling Auction with Bred Cows Feature
35 blk & bwf cows - young - high altitude - bred to Hereford & Angus bulls, calve March & April - Culbreath Ranches - Kremmling
MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2015 Stock Show Calf & Yearling Auction
72 blk - strs & hfrs - 500 - 700 lbs - Danny Klinginsmith - Laramie 70 blk - strs & hfrs - 600 - 800 lbs - 7 K Bar - Fort Collins
BRANDS TO SELL @ AUCTION December 11, 2014 • Noon No Irons - Assessment Paid
Last Week: 4053
Year Ago: 864
UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS @ CLA Holstein, Holstein Cross Steer Auctions Monday, December 1, 2014 – 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan 8, 2015 – 10 a.m. Hay Auctions Saturday, December 20, 2014 – 10 a.m. Saturday, January 31, 2015 – 10 a.m. Calf & Yearling Special Features – 10 a.m. Thursday, December 4, 2014 Thursday, December 11, 2014 Monday, Jan 5, 2015 - Special Stock Show Auction Monday, Jan 12, 2015 - Special Stock Show Auction
Bred Cow, Cow/Calf Pair Auction – 10 a.m. Thursday, December 18
WEDNESDAYS • 10 A.M. Sheep, Goats, Dairy Cattle, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses THURSDAYS • 10 A.M. Calves, Yearlings & Production Cattle FRIDAYS • 10 A.M. Slaughter Cow and Bull Auction 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH • 11 A.M. Holstein, & Holstein Cross Steer Auction SPECIAL HAY AUCTION Last Saturday of month 10 a.m. (subject to change) RECEIVING LIVESTOCK Monday through Friday Saturdays & Sundays
6 a.m. until midnight 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
All out of state horses must have a current coggins
N E X T H AY A U C T I O N : Sat., December 20, 2014 10:00 AM
All hay brought in before Tues., December 16 @ noon will be eligible for testing at seller’s request & expense. Receiving hay starting Monday, December 15 through Friday, December 19 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day or until lot is full Call our office, 970-482-6207, to consign your hay in advance. This gives us the opportunity to advertise your hay at no additional cost to you.
113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net
WAYNE KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-493-7535 970-222-7700 wayne@clamarkets.com DANNY KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-224-9426 970-217-1112 dan@clamarkets.com TRACEY KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-897-2825 970-222-0836 tracey@clamarkets.com JOYCE KRUSE-Owner 970-493-7535 970-217-1133 joyce@clamarkets.com
The bred cattle market on Mondays auction, was steady to a little weak on 1st calf heifers. Top end up to 2770.00. The old and middle age cows fully steady to strong. Good buyer participation. COLOR IDENTIFICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING BLUE – Heifers – 2 yrs old and under PINK – Heifers – Approximately 3-4 yr olds GREEN – Solid mouth approximately 4-6 yr old cows ORANGE – Spreader mouth approximately 6-8 yr old cows YELLOW – Broken mouth and older LEGIBLE TATTOO – Leg NON LEGIBLE TATTOO – Non Leg
6 blk cows Blue 5-7 Leg 2770.00 each Longmont, CO 4 blk cows Blue 5-7 Leg 2675.00 each Longmont, CO 4 blk cows Blue 5-7 Leg 2600.00 each Longmont, CO 1 blk cow Pink 6 Leg 2575.00 each Longmont, CO 3 blk cows Blue 6 Non Leg 2500.00 each Longmont, CO 6 blk cows Blue 5-6 Leg 2500.00 each Greeley, CO 4 blk cows Blue 3-4 Leg 2425.00 each Longmont, CO 15 blk/bwf cows Blue 4-5 Leg 2350.00 each Bond, CO 16 mixed cows Blue 5-6 Leg 2325.00 each Greeley, CO 3 blk cows Blue 4 Leg 2100.00 each Saratoga, WY 2 bwf cows Blue 3 Leg 2100.00 each Wellington, CO 2 blk cows Orange 2-4 Leg 1975.00 each Windsor, CO 3 mixed cows Green 3-4 Non Leg 1900.00 each Gill, CO 4 Hol cross cows Blue 8 Non Leg 1900.00 each Windsor, CO 1 blk cow Yellow 6 Leg 1875.00 each Ault, CO 3 wf cows Green 2-4 Leg 1750.00 each Windsor, CO 4 Longhorn cows Blue & Pink 4-6 Non Leg and Leg 1130.00 each Brighton, CO 4 Longhorn cows Blue & Pink 4-6 Non Leg and Leg 1050.00 each Brighton, CO
HOME 970-218-4654
JASON BAKER-Field Representative & Ringman
ANN ROWE-Office Manager
DAN GREENWALT -Country Representative
1 blk cow Green Leg/1 calf 3075.00 per pair Cheyenne, WY 1 blk cow Blue Non Leg/1 calf 3025.00 per pair Colorado Springs, CO 1 blk/rwf cow Orange Non Leg/1 calf 2825.00 per pair Lyons, CO 1 rbf cow Pink Leg/1 calf 2740.00 per pair Lyons, CO
STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING Compared to last week: There was not enough slaughter or feeder lambs for an adequate market test. Slaughter ewes traded sharply higher on light offerings. Slaughter kids traded 5.00-10.00 higher. Slaughter nannies, billies and wethers were too thinly traded last week for an adequate market test. Trade activity was light on moderate buyer demand. In the sheep supply 32% slaughter lambs, 38% ewes and bucks. The goat supply consisted of 71% slaughter kids, 20% slaughter nannies and the balance slaughter billies and wethers. Sheep and lambs sold on a per cwt basis and goats sold on a per head basis unless otherwise noted. ABBREVIATION CODE: CWT = COST PER HUNDRED WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE SALES 7 wf lambs 68 lbs 6 bf lambs 74 lbs 22 dorper lambs 78 lbs 3 bf lambs 57 lbs 3 bf lambs 112 lbs 4 mixed lambs 109 lbs 1 smf ram lamb 100 lbs 2 dorper ram lambs 103 lbs 6 bf lambs 90 lbs 2 bf lambs 105 lbs 7 mixed lambs 60 lbs 7 bf lambs 116 lbs 15 bf lambs 121 lbs 10 mixed lambs 123 lbs 14 wf lambs 109 lbs 12 wf lambs 117 lbs 6 wf lambs 105 lbs 10 smf lambs 126 lbs 16 wf lambs 127 lbs 2 bf ram lambs 123 lbs 11 bf/smf lambs 136 lbs 6 bf lambs 13 lbs 5 Dorper lambs 124 lbs 15 wf ewes 137 lbs 11 wf ewes 154 lbs 6 wf ewes 149 lbs 4 bf ewes 205 lbs 4 smf/bf ewes 170 lbs 14 smf ewes 184 lbs 10 wf ewes 153 lbs
JIM ANDERSON-Country Representative
217.50 cwt 205.00 cwt 204.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 187.50 cwt 187.50 cwt 180.00 cwt 179.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 170.00 cwt 165.00 cwt 165.00 cwt 165.00 cwt 161.00 cwt 161.00 cwt 157.50 cwt
Alliance, NE Hemingford, NE Hudson, CO Hemingford, NE Arcadia, NE Pierce, CO Lovell, WY Ft Collins, CO Cody, NE Hudson, CO Lovell, WY Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Hudson, CO Lovell, WY Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Lovell, WY Hudson, CO
109.00 cwt 100.00 cwt 96.00 cwt 92.50 cwt 91.00 cwt 89.00 cwt 89.00 cwt
Laramie, WY Lovell, WY Laramie, WY Laramie, WY Hudson, CO Laramie, WY Oak Creek, CO
11 wf ewes 156 lbs 3 smf ewes 117 lbs 15 wf ewes 158 lbs 4 smf ewes 249 lbs 1 wf buck 215 lbs 1 smf buck 250 lbs 1 wf buck 160 lbs 1 brown/white buck 220 lbs 1 wf buck 245 lbs 1 roan goat 120 lbs 2 brown goats 108 lbs 1 boer cross goat 95 lbs 1 brown goat 95 lbs 1 boer cross goat 77 lbs 3 boer cross goats 100 lbs 1 white goat 80 lbs 1 tan goat 75 lbs 2 boer cross goats 88 lbs 1 brown goat 85 lbs 9 mixed goats 60 lbs
Oak Creek, CO Hudson, CO Craig, CO Hudson, CO
87.50 cwt 80.00 cwt 75.00 cwt 68.00 cwt 62.00 cwt
Lovell, WY Ft Collins, CO Lovell, WY Eaton, CO Ft Collins, CO
225.00 each 215.00 each 210.00 each 200.00 each 185.00 each 185.00 each 165.00 each 152.50 each 152.50 each 142.50 each 132.50 each
Lovell, WY Platteville, CO Hemingford, NE Craig, CO Hudson, CO Grover, CO Hudson, CO Lovell, WY Hudson, CO Hudson, CO Wheatland, WY
187.50 each 185.00 each 182.50 each 180.00 each 170.00 each 170.00 each 165.00 each 160.00 each 150.00 each 145.00 each 145.00 each 135.00 each 130.00 each
Julesburg, CO Kersey, CO Greeley, CO Ft Collins, CO Castle Rock, CO Hudson, CO Castle Rock, CO Platteville, CO Julesburg, CO Wheatland, WY Wheatland, WY Joes, CO Platteville, CO
162.50 each 152.50 each 147.50 each 138.00 each 128.00 each 126.00 each 90.00 each
Lovell, WY Craig, CO Craig, CO Craig, CO Craig, CO Craig, CO Laramie, WY
105.00 each 105.00 each 105.00 each
Westminster, CO Westminster, CO Westminster, CO
66.00 cwt 57.00 cwt 53.00 cwt 52.00 cwt
Watkins, CO Johnstown, CO Watkins, CO Watkins, CO
1 boer cross nanny 160 lbs 1 red nanny 165 lbs 2 boer cross nannies 153 lbs 3 boer cross nannies 127 lbs 6 boer cross nannies 135 lbs 2 boer cross nannies 138 lbs 3 boer cross nannies 132 lbs 2 blk/white nannies 124 lbs 4 boer cross nannies 96 lbs 2 crem nannies 155 lbs 2 brown nannies 125 lbs 2 boer cross nannies 110 lbs 8 boer cross nannies 90 lbs 12 boer cross kids 87 lbs 22 boer cross kids 80 lbs 20 mixed kids 66 lbs 13 mixed kids 79 lbs 12 mixed kids 58 lbs 28 boer cross kids 68 lbs 2 blk kids 48 lbs
79.00 cwt 68.00 cwt 68.00 cwt 66.00 cwt
1 spotted pig 75 lbs 1 mixed pig 80 lbs 1 white pig 85 lbs
1 red sow 275 lbs 1 hampshire sow 505 lbs 1 mixed sow 405 lbs 1 white sow 350 lbs
Continued on Page #109
1 white fat hog 145 lbs 1 red fat hog 260 lbs 2 blk/white fat hogs 245 lbs 1 spotted fat hog 260 lbs 1 red fat hog 215 lbs 2 white fat hogs 245 lbs 3 white fat hogs 270 lbs 3 mixed fat hogs 228 lbs 6 blue butt fat hogs 323 lbs 1 hampshire fat hog 310 lbs 3 white fat hogs 270 lbs 3 white fat hogs 265 lbs 4 white fat hogs 268 lbs 1 white boar 275 lbs 1 white boar 500 lbs 1 red roan horse 1280 lbs 1 bay horse 1155 lbs 1 sorrel horse 985 lbs
103.00 cwt 90.00 cwt 90.00 cwt 88.00 cwt 86.00 cwt 85.00 cwt 85.00 cwt 85.00 cwt 83.00 cwt 83.00 cwt 81.00 cwt 81.00 cwt 80.00 cwt BOARS 42.00 cwt 20.00 cwt HORSES 34.50 cwt 34.00 cwt 26.00 cwt
Julesburg, CO Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Russell, MN Berthoud, CO Russell, MN Broomfield, CO Russell, MN Russell, MN Russell, MN Wiggins, CO Watkins, CO Sedgwick, CO Sedgwick, CO Wellington, CO
Stocker and Feeders, Calves, Stock Cows sell 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Office Phone: 719-384-7781 or 1-800-748-1795 • Fax: 1-719-384-8521 P.O. Box 69 • La Junta, CO 81050 • ljlivestock@centurytel.net • www.ljlivestock.com Don Honey, Owner 719-384-7189 cell: 719-469-7781
Tom Walter, Field Rep 719-254-7781 cell: 719-469-7782
Jace Honey, Auctioneer cell: 719-332-3512
Brian Elder, Field Rep cell: 719-469-7785
Keo Honey, Field Rep cell: 719-469-7784
Sandy Singer Office Manager
This week we sold 1668 cattle. On Wednesday, November 26, 2014, we sold 569 cattle for 81 consignors. All classes of cattle sold steady with quality & condition considered. Steer calves sold 400 weights 295.00 to 345.00 with 500 weights 345.00 to 375.00. Heifer calves sold 260.00 to 287.00. Stocker steers sold 275.00 to 281.00. Stocker heifers sold 235.00 to 254.00. Feeder steers sold 187.00 to 230.00. Feeder heifers sold 185.00 to 213.00. Butcher cows sold steady 96.00 to 124.00. Butcher bulls sold steady 120.00 to 131.00. On Saturday, November 22, 2014 we sold 1099 cattle for 48 consignors. Bred heifers sold 2250.00 to 2925.00. Young bred cows sold 2200.00 to 2750.00 with late calvers 1800.00 to 2200.00. Old bred cows sold 1475.00 to 2100.00. Young pairs sold 2400.00 to 3050.00. Old pairs sold 2300.00 to 2650.00.
Jim Jones............................2 bwf & blk strs.....................303 lbs........................................ 355.00 Jim Jones............................6 blk & red strs......................748 lbs........................................ 226.00 Melvin Bergemann...............2 blk strs...............................405 lbs........................................ 345.00 Melvin Bergemann...............2 blk strs...............................525 lbs........................................ 281.00 Dave Ansley.........................11 bwf & rwf strs...................408 lbs........................................ 340.00 Dave Ansley.........................12 wf strs..............................406 lbs........................................ 337.00 Dave Ansley.........................24 bwf & rwf strs...................489 lbs........................................ 300.00 Dave Ansley.........................6 wf strs................................505 lbs........................................ 275.00 Jim Harris............................5 blk strs...............................419 lbs........................................ 335.00 Jim Harris............................2 blk strs...............................430 lbs........................................ 335.00 Jim Harris............................4 blk strs...............................599 lbs........................................ 241.00 Jim Harris............................2 blk hfrs...............................378 lbs........................................ 271.00 Jim Harris............................5 blk hfrs...............................515 lbs........................................ 254.00 Stanley Cline........................4 wf strs................................484 lbs........................................ 295.00 Stanley Cline........................4 wf bulls..............................566 lbs........................................ 225.00 Stanley Cline........................7 wf strs................................609 lbs........................................ 235.00 Stanley Cline........................7 wf strs................................693 lbs........................................ 230.00 Stanley Cline........................6 wf hfrs................................495 lbs........................................ 237.00 J & C Cattle Co....................5 blk strs...............................615 lbs........................................ 235.00 George Pigg.........................1 bbf bull...............................620 lbs........................................ 231.00 George Pigg.........................2 rwf & bwf hfrs....................500 lbs........................................ 241.00 George Pigg.........................6 blk & bbf hfrs......................655 lbs........................................ 233.00 George Pigg.........................2 rbf & bbf hfrs......................753 lbs........................................ 210.00 Smith Ranch........................5 blk strs...............................1045 lbs...................................... 187.00 Smith Ranch........................10 bwf & blk hfrs...................817 lbs........................................ 213.00 X S Ranch............................9 blk hfrt...............................1018 lbs...................................... 191.00 Marian Wilson......................3 blk hfrs...............................992 lbs........................................ 185.00 Hagans Ranch.....................23 blk hfrt.............................967 lbs........................................ 192.00
KM Hughes..........................23 blk hfrs.............................@.............................................. 2925.00 KM Hughes..........................23 blk hfrs............................@.............................................. 2925.00 Max Wilson..........................16 blk & bbf hfrs...................@.............................................. 2750.00 Max Wilson..........................5 blk & bbf hfrs.....................@.............................................. 2750.00 Max Wilson..........................20 bbf hfrs............................@.............................................. 2550.00 Max Wilson..........................5 char hfrs............................@.............................................. 2500.00 Max Wilson..........................21 bbf hfrs............................@.............................................. 2450.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............33 blk & bbf hfrs....................@.............................................. 2550.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............4 rwf hfrs.............................@.............................................. 2500.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............4 rwf hfrs..............................@.............................................. 2450.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............35 blk & bbf hfrs....................@.............................................. 2400.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............36 bbf hfrs............................@.............................................. 2300.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............10 bbf hfrs............................@.............................................. 2300.00 McLain LLLP........................14 rbf & rwf hfrs....................@.............................................. 2375.00 McLain LLLP........................9 wf hfrs................................@.............................................. 2275.00 McLain LLLP........................15 blk & bwf hfrs..................@.............................................. 2250.00 Roy Brown...........................12 blk & bbf hfrs....................@.............................................. 2350.00
Antioch Ranch.....................1 char 4 yr pair......................@.............................................. 3050.00 Antioch Ranch.....................1 char solid pair.....................@.............................................. 3000.00
Marian Wilson......................1 blk 2 yr pair........................@.............................................. 2950.00 Marian Wilson......................2 red 2 yr pair........................@.............................................. 2900.00 D & S Cattle.........................1 blk 3 yr pair........................@.............................................. 2900.00 Garrett Ranch......................1 blk 5 yr pair........................@.............................................. 2900.00 Garrett Ranch......................1 blk 5 yr pair........................@.............................................. 2875.00 Garrett Ranch......................6 blk young pair.....................@.............................................. 2800.00 Dean & Audra Goss..............3 bwf 2 yr pair.......................@.............................................. 2800.00 Dean & Heidi Geesen...........1 blk solid pair.......................@.............................................. 2400.00 Garrett Ranch......................1 red ss pair..........................@.............................................. 2650.00 Mill Creek Ranch.................3 blk old pair.........................@.............................................. 2550.00 Dean & Heidi Geesen...........3 blk old pair.........................@.............................................. 2425.00
Robert Nelson......................11 blk 4&5 yr cows...............@.............................................. 2725.00 Robert Nelson......................20 blk 3&4 yr cows...............@.............................................. 2725.00 Robert Nelson......................15 blk 3&4 yr cows...............@.............................................. 2675.00 Robert Nelson......................7 blk&bbf 3&4 yr cows..........@.............................................. 2650.00 Robert Nelson......................4 bwf 3 yr cows.....................@.............................................. 2600.00 Robert Nelson......................8 blk 3&4 yr cows.................@.............................................. 2575.00 Robert Nelson......................12 blk 4&5 yr cows...............@.............................................. 2575.00 Robert Nelson......................9 red 3,4&5 yr cows..............@.............................................. 2500.00 Robert Nelson......................5 blk young cows..................@.............................................. 2300.00 Robert Nelson......................6 blk solid pair.......................@.............................................. 2200.00 Robert Nelson......................3 blk young pair.....................@.............................................. 2150.00 A & D Hay & Cattle...............11 blk&bwf young cows........@.............................................. 2700.00 A & D Hay & Cattle...............4 blk solid cows....................@.............................................. 2350.00 Roy Brown...........................4 blk 3&4 yr cows.................@.............................................. 2650.00 Roy Brown...........................3 blk young cows..................@.............................................. 2600.00 Roy Brown...........................3 blk 3&4 yr cows.................@.............................................. 2575.00 Roy Brown...........................2 char 3 yr cows....................@.............................................. 2275.00 Roy Brown...........................2 rwf 4&5 yr cows.................@.............................................. 2250.00 Kragen Ranch......................4 blk&bwf young cows..........@.............................................. 2650.00 Kragen Ranch......................5 blk 4&5 yr cows.................@.............................................. 2575.00 Kragen Ranch......................7 blk 5 yr cows......................@.............................................. 2450.00 Garrett Ranch......................10 blk young cows................@.............................................. 2575.00 Garrett Ranch......................10 blk 3&4 yr cows..............@.............................................. 2575.00 Garrett Ranch......................8 blk 5 yr cows......................@.............................................. 2400.00 Garrett Ranch......................10 rd & rbf young cows.........@.............................................. 2375.00 Garrrett Ranch.....................8 blk&bwf young cows..........@.............................................. 2250.00 Garrett Ranch......................8 blk solid cows....................@.............................................. 2100.00 West Family Ranch..............5 blk 4&5 yr cows.................@.............................................. 2525.00 Judy Thomas.......................2 blk&bbf 3&4 yr cows..........@.............................................. 2450.00 Judy Thomas.......................5 wf 3 yr cows.......................@.............................................. 2400.00 Dean & Heidi Geesen...........4 blk solid cows....................@.............................................. 2200.00 Roy Armstrong.....................5 blk & rd young cows...........@.............................................. 2100.00
Dean & Heidi Geesen...........2 blk & bbf ss cows...............@.............................................. 2100.00 Dean & Heidi Geesen...........4 blk ss cows........................@.............................................. 2025.00 Dean & Heidi Geesen...........7 blk & bbf old cows..............@.............................................. 1975.00 Roy Brown...........................4 blk old cows.......................@.............................................. 2075.00 Robert Nelson......................3 blk ss cows........................@.............................................. 2025.00
ESTIMATE 2000 CATTLE FOR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2014 & NOW HAVE CONSIGNED: Dave Ansley—40 herf ang x strs, 400-500# CJ Cattle Co—20 ang x strs & hfrs, 400-500#, weaned Gerald Maglia—18 blk strs & hfrs, 500-600# weaned 30 days Mile Hi Cattle Co—105 ang x strs & hfrs, 500-600#, 7-way, with Som., Vista One, boostered, weaned 6 weeks Gary & Ryan Tatch—35 ang strs, 550-650#, shots & boosters, weaned 30 days
WATCH OUR SALES LIVE ON lmaauctions.com
To Consign Cattle at La Junta Livestock: 719-384-7781 or 1-800-748-1795 DON HONEY 719-384-7189 JACE HONEY 719-332-3512
KEO HONEY 719-469-7784 BRIAN ELDER 719-469-7785
TOM WALTER 719-254-7781
Robert Nelson......................7 blk ss cows........................@........................................ 1925.00 Robert Nelson......................3 blk old cows.......................@........................................ 1800.00 Garrett Ranch......................8 blk ss & old cows...............@........................................ 2050.00 Garrett Ranch......................16 blk & bbf ss cows.............@........................................ 2025.00 Garrett Ranch......................24 blk & bwf old cows...........@........................................ 1990.00 Garrett Ranch......................5 red ss cows........................@........................................ 1975.00 Garrett Ranch......................10 blk & bwf old cows...........@........................................ 1850.00 Garrett Ranch......................5 rd & rwf old cows...............@........................................ 1850.00 Garrett Ranch......................12 blk & red old cows............@........................................ 1475.00 West Family Ranch..............12 blk ss cows......................@........................................ 2035.00 Bill Riggins..........................3 blk & bwf old cows.............@........................................ 2025.00 A & D Hay & Cattle...............4 blk ss old cows...................@........................................ 2000.00 M & W Riggins.....................3 bbf old cows.......................@........................................ 2000.00 Mill Creek Ranch.................5 blk old cows.......................@........................................ 1925.00 Mill Creek Ranch.................5 blk & rd old cows................@........................................ 1550.00 Judy Thomas.......................12 blk old cows.....................@........................................ 1900.00 West Family Ranch..............2 red old cows.......................@........................................ 1750.00 West Family Ranch..............8 blk ss old cows...................@........................................ 1650.00 G & C Fillmore......................3 blk old cows.......................@........................................ 1800.00 Roy Armstrong.....................4 blk ss & old cows...............@........................................ 1500.00 L & D Gooden......................4 blk & bbf old cows..............@........................................ 1325.00
To Consign Cattle at La Junta Livestock: Office: 719-384-7781 or 1-800-748-1795
28601 Hwy 34 • PO Box 506 • Brush, Co 80723 Phone 970-842-5115 / 970-380-3798 / Fax: 970-842-5088 Auctioneer: Tyler Knode 970-580-5311 Field Reps: Rodger Woodard 719-439-2011 • Royce Ford 970-381-4835 • Larry Castor 970-768-5113 • Dick Jones 970-768-0435 Joe Schalnus 970-846-7971 DVM Dr Paul Chard 970-842-0274 • Owner Robin Varelman
www.livestockexchange.org e-mail: livestockexchange@hotmail.com
cattlemen taking care of cattlemen, Supporting the community that supports you Check auction calendar on our website
ADVANCED CONSIGNMENTS Friday, December 5th Deer trail, CO 110 blk/rd s/h 500-600# VP, PC, knife cut Bennett, CO 35 rd angus s/h 3-650# fall shots, NI Hayden, CO 80 blk s/h 550-650# pc, NI Craig, CO 270 blk s/h 550-650# PC Calhan, CO 18 mixed s/h 500-600# VP, PC, W, NI, knife cut, BB Kiowa, CO 100 rd/blk mixed s/h 500-600# PC, DW, DH, NI Eaton, CO 23 blk strs 675# PC,DW,knife cut Ft Morgan, CO 30 rwf s/h 500-600# Lasalle, CO 16 blk hfrs 650# W 2 months, all shots Brighton, CO 60 mixed s/h 500-750# VP,PC Hygeine, CO 70 mostly blk s/h 550# AN, c&d @ birth Akron, CO 31 wf/bwf s/h 500-600# New Raymer,Co 115 blk/rd s/h 500-600# NI Stoneham, CO 27 blk s/h 500-600# W 4 weeks Brush, CO 15 red s/h 550-650# Steamboat Spgs, CO 80 blk s/h 500-600# NI 65 blk strs 500-600# VP, W 4 weeks, NI Brighton, CO 30 blk s/h 500-650# Woodrow, CO Kersey, CO 12 blk/ red s/h 500-600# all shots, W 4 weeks, NI Wiggins, CO 28 strs 800# 10 blk strs 500-650# VP, PC, AN, DW, W Watkins, CO Watkins, CO 5 mixed strs 500-650# VP, PC, AN, BB, DW, W Brush, CO 270 blk/char s/h, 600-700#
HEAR US Monday thru Friday AM 1230 KSTC 6:30 AM FM 104.7 KNNG 6:30 AM FM 100.9 KNEC 7:30 AM FM 98.3 KATR 7:30 am
Tues, Wed & Friday AM 1010 KSIR 7:25 am FM 100.9 KNEC 1:30 pm Also Hear Us AM 1230 KSTC 1:50 pm FM 100.9 KNEC 1;30 pm
Upcoming Sales you won’t want to miss
Thursday, Dec 4th Weigh Cows/Bulls 9:00am Pairs/Breds 1:00pm Loose Horses to follow Friday, Dec 5th Friday,Special** Dec 5th **Calf 10:30am calf special
Thursday, Dec 11th **Bred Cow Special** 1:00pm
Weigh Cows/Bulls 9am Loose Horses to follow Nov 15th, 2014 Hay Market Report
SOLD 961 BALES FOR 25 CONSIGNORS WITH 30 BUYERS Alfalfa 60 # SM SQ $7.00 a bale/$233.40 a ton Alfalfa 590# 3X3 $57.50 a bale/$195.00 a ton Alfalfa 604# 3x3 $52.50 a bale/$173.80 a ton Alfalfa 798# 3X3 $65.00 a bale/$163.00 a ton Alfalfa 607#3X3 $47.50 a bale/$156.60 a ton Alfalfa 1132# 3X4 $85.00 a bale/$150.20 a ton Millet 1358# RND $65.00 a bale/$95.80 a ton Millet 688# 3X3 $32.50 a bale/$94.40 a ton Millet 608# 3X3 $27.50 a bale/ $90.40 a ton Millet 1402# RND $57.50 a bale/$82.00 a ton Oat 1097# 3x4 $47.50 a bale/ $86.60 a ton Grass 48# SM SQ $6.50 a bale/$270.80 a ton Grass 837# 3X3 $62.50 a bale/$149.40 a ton Grass 737# 3X3 $47.50 a bale/$129.00 a ton Grass 677#3x3 $42.50 a bale /$125.60 a ton Hay Grazer 961# 3x4 $47.50 a bale/ $98.80 a ton Cornstalks 63# SM SQ $2.50 a bale / $102.00 a ton Straw 57# SM SQ $3.50 a bale/ $218.75 a ton
Next Hay Sale December 20, 2014
Since 1958
Contact us for all your auction needs! MACHINERY REAL ESTATE Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for Saturday, January 12, 2013 Phone: 970-522-1950 Receipts: 3087 Wednesday Special: 3709 Year Ago: 2855 TOTAL RECEIPTS FOR THE 3 SALES 10,461 HD HOUSEHOLD Compared to Wednesday’s Stock Show Special: Steer calves weighing under 700 pounds traded mostly 5.00 to 6.00 lower, with instances Fax: of 8.00 lower calves weighing between 550 and 600 pounds. Yearling type steers970-522-2021 weighing over 700 pounds traded 2.00 to 3.00 lower. ANTIQUES AND MORE! Heifers traded mostly 3.00 to 6.00 where comparable sales were noted.
ompany, inc.
Jim Santomaso 970-522-3363 970-520-3047
Jason Santomaso 970-520-3049
Sil Tadolini 970-522-8142
Ronnie Wheeler 970-520-7588
Ed Coryell 970-878-5378
WE ARE NOW BROADCASTING OUR INTERNET AUCTION ON CATTLE USA • ALL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BUYERS NEED TO APPLY ON CATTLE USA. CONSIGNMENTS WED. DEC 3 SPECIAL WEANED CALF David Walcyzk 35 Red Angx Str & Hfr 650 Weaned Natural CONSIGNOR HD DESCRIPTION WEIGHT COMMENTS Richard Page 27 Blk & Charx Str & Hfr 600 Weaned Matt Hunter 5 Blk Str & Hfr 600 Weaned 55 Day Allen Hendrix 25 Blk & Red Str & Hfr 550-700 Sprng Shts Dennis Dobson 12 Blk & Red Str & Hfr 350-550 Sprng Shts Bert Cross 15 Red Ang Str & Hfr 4-500 Pc Weaned Ron & Beulah Brown 3 4 Blk Str & Hfr 350-550 Pc Dick Rogers 12 Blk & Charx Str & Hfr 450-550 Pc Brett Pieper 36 Blk Str 7 Hfr 550-600 Pc Gary Sheffler 46 Red Angx Str & Hfr 5-525 Pc Weaned Ponderosa Ranch 70 Blk Str & Hfr 550-650 Pc Leroy Blochowitz 17 Blk Str & Hfr 5-650 Weaned R & R Bumgardner 100 Blk & Red Str & Hfr 5-800 Pc Weaned Ryon Massey Don Larson 50 Charx Str & Hfr 550-600 Pc A & E Ranch 21 Blk Str & Hfr 4-500 Pc Weaned Dix & Brimar 90 Blk Str & Hfr 550-650 Pc J & S Montague 14 Blk Str 6-650 Pc Weaned He Farms 55 Blk Str 6-650 Pc Weaned David A Hernandez 64 Blk Str & Hfr 650-700 Sprng Shts Os Wyatt Ranch 300 Blk & Red Str & Hfr 4-550 Pc Weaned 1-11/2 Mo Meisner & Midcap 28 Blk Strs 600 Pc Rusty Smith 100 Blk & Red Str & Hfr 4-700 Pc Weaned 45 Day Jason Hundley 90 B & Bwf Str & Hfr 750 Pc Norma Dickinson 58 Red Angx Str &Hfr 650 Pc Weaned S & V O’hare 51 Mix Str & Hfr 5-550 Pc
OPEN CONSIGNMENT GUN & RELATED ITEMS SAT. DEC 13 10:30 A.M. HELD AT STERLING LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. 20197 RIVERSIDE DR. STERLING, COLO ALL STATE & FEDERAL GUN LAWS WILL APPLY • LUNCH AVAILABLE MANUFACTURER MODEL CALIBER COMMENTS COMMEMORATIVE RIFLES Nib Winchester 94 32-40 John Wayne Big Loop Nib Winchester 94Ae 30-30 Elvis Presley Gold Plated Receiver King Of Rock & Roll 58 Of 1000 Nib Winchester 1894 38-55 Oliver Winchester Wth Pewter Plate Ammo & Mug Nib Winchester 94 30-30 Nra Centennial Winchester 94 30-30 1866-1966 Centennial Gold Plated Nib Henry 22 Logan County 125 Yr Comm. 23 Of 100 COMMERORATIVE HAND GUNS Nib Colt 1911 Nib Colt Cowboy
HAND GUNS Nib Colt Uberti Uberti Nib Remington Glock S&W Nib Cz Raven
45 45
America Remembers Elvis Gold Plated Wth Wood Box 53 Of 300 Revolver Elvis Presley Western Tribute Gates Of Graceland W/Wood Box 58 Of 1000
Buntline 1911 22 Sw9ve T100 Mp-25
22 38 Spcl 38 Spcl 45 40 9Mm 9Mm 25
Single Action Revolver Wth Box Revolver Wth Box Semi Auto Blue 2 Mags Semi Auto Semi Auto Like New Semi Auto 2 Mags Semi Auto
70 1873 63 1892 1894 1894 1894 1894 94 1894 64 700 39 Mauser 715T
30-06 32Wcf 25Wcf 32-40 30Wcf 30Wcf 32Ws 30-30 38-55 30-30 30-06 22 7Mm 22
Bolt Wth 3X9 Burriss 24” Oct Bar. Crescent Butt Man. 1888 20” Bar Saddle Ring Carbine Man 1917 Trapper Rare Calib Oct 20” Hvy Bar Rnd 26” Bar Full Mag Crescent Butt Rnd 26” Bar Full Mag Crescent Butt Oct 26” Bar Full Mag Crescent Butt Oct Bar Rnd 24” Bar Half Mag Wth Scope Customized New Stock Semi Auto
RIFLES Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Remington Marlin Argentine Mossberg
SHOTGUNS Winchester 12 12 Trap 23/4 “ Vent Rib Deluxe Wood Crescent New Empire 16 30” Barrels Case Hardened Receiver Dbl Triggers Auto Extract All Orig Matching Ser #”S Excell Cond Lc Smith 12 Side By Side Field Grade Dble Trigger 30” Barrel Other items: lots of reloading equip, shells, bullets of all kinds, compound bow & arrows tanned deer hide. Full list & pictures at sterlinglivestock.com
WWW.PRODUCERSLIVESTOCK.COM www.facebook.com/greeleyproducers
Russ Moss
Bob Elliott,
Senior Order Buyer
Asst. Manager
Brad Jones,
Rod Venn,
Craig Weichel
Auction Manager
Yard Foreman
Market Rep
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Over 300 head of slaughter cattle sold today. The bull market was steady as compared to last week, while the Holstein and beef cow markets slightly lower, but still quite respectable. Fleshy and lean beef cows again shared a lot of overlap in prices, ranging $115.00-120.00. Thin beef cows averaged $107.50. Smooth Holstein cows ranged 108.00-115.00 and lean Holstein cows ranged $102.50-109.50. Highlights of today’s Holstein sale included a load of lean cows from Hereford, CO and about 13 head of fleshy cows with excellent body condition from Kersey. Lean beef cows from Hanna, UT and Kremmling, CO and feeders from Panaca, NV also sold well.
Greeley Producers Is Now On Facebook. View Market Reports, Learn About Special Sales And Events at www.facebook.com/ greeleyproducers
DEC 13TH @ 10:00 AM JAN 10TH @ 10:00 AM
Hay Auctions are the 2nd Saturday of Every Month. For More Information Or To Consign Call Craig Weichel, 970-302-0018
WED. DEC 10TH, 10:30 AM
December 13th
Producers Livestock Marketing
Hay Sale 10:00 am
Contact Auctioneer
Craig Weichel
Craig Weichel • (970) 302-0018 • office 353-4121
For our full livestock report visit www.producerslivestock.com
1369 12 1/2 Rd. Just off Hwy 6 & 50 Loma, Colorado
200 - 300 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED 300 - 400 LBS................................................ FEW $310-370 400 - 500 LBS............................................. FEW $310 – 370 500 - 600 LBS...........SMALL GROUPS & SINGLES $275 – 310 600 - 700 LBS.............................................. FEW $235 – 255 700 - 800 LBS..................................................... $225 – 236 800 - 900 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED 900 -1000 LBS................................................... NOT TESTED HEIFERS 200 - 300 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED 300 - 400 LBS............................................. FEW $320 – 345 400 - 500 LBS............................ SMALL GROUPS $265 – 325 500 - 600 LBS............................................. FEW $240 – 265 600 - 700 LBS..................................................... $225 – 232 700 - 800 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED 800 - 900 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED 900-1000 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED WEIGH COWS High Yield.................................................... $105 – 112 Medium Yield............................................... $95 – 104 Low Yield................................................. Few 96 – 100 WEIGH BULLS High Yield............................................. Few $125 – 130 Medium Yield........................................... $11120 – 125 Low Yield........................................................................ Calves............................................................................ Pairs.............................................................................. Bred Cows.......................................................Not Tested Sheep............................................................................. Goats............................................................................. Pigs................................................................................
Stray Horn Grill
Bill Martin Owner/Manager 970-302-5834 Jim Brach Owner 970-260-2041
41 Calves. Nice Black Angus Calves. Weaned 45 days. 2 Rounds of Shots. Consigned by Wayne Guccini
Tony Brach Yard Man 970-260-4141
60 Strs. & Hfrs. 650# – 720#. Mixed. All Natural. Spring shots. High Altitude. Consigned by Cap-K Ranch.
Ty Tingey Auctioneer 801-367-4959
14 Hfrs. 650# – 700#. Char / Angus Cross. Spring & Fall Shots. Weaned in October – Bunk Broke. Consigned by Kirk Jensen of Cleveland, Utah. 40 Strs. & Hfrs. 600# – 750#. Yardley Semi Cross. Spring & Fall Shots. Custom Mineral Program. Weaned October 21st. Consigned by Kresha Eastman of Elmo, Utah. 8 Strs. / 11 Hfrs. 500# – 600#. Angus Cross – Black. Spring & Fall Shots. High Altitude. Weaned – Bunk Broke. Consigned by Leta Veitch of Montrose, Colorado. 8 Hfrs. / 3 Strs. 600# – 650#. Hereford. All Natural. Spring & Fall Shots. Weaned October 25th, 2014. Consigned by Ervin & Wade Gerber of Craig, Colorado.
Many more consignments by sale time. Please call Bill Martin 970-302-5834 for more details.
V i s i t us On
Jimmy Flowers Field Rep 970-249-4126 Kenny Nelson Field Representative 970-210-6159 Ed Rosendale Field Representative 970-629-5508 Don Hale Field Representative 970-433-8538 Josh Nicklas Josh Sinks Brand Inspector 970-263-0071
All cows to be preg checked or mouthed must be in the yard before noon on Tues. All lambs & sheep must be scrapie tagged before arrival. All cattle coming from Utah must have brand papers showing proof of ownership
Go to www.wscattlemens.com or see our auction LIVE at www.cattleusa.com
For market & upcoming sales information, visit us online at
We work to get the best market for you! 700 West Fifth Street Delta, Colorado 81416
O: 970-874-4612 • H: 970-874-3605 WE WILL BE HAVING A SALE EVERY WEEK UNTIL THANKSGIVING CALL DAN FOR INFORMATION OR TO CONSIGN: 970-874-4612. NEXT SPECIAL HORSE SALE DECEMBER 6TH. UPCOMING SALES: December 4th - 100 bred cows (80% Blk mostly solid mouths). Expecting a big after the Thanksgiving holiday. Will be picking up all the late gathers & butcher cows from the preg checks. December 6th - Next Special Horse Sale. December 11th - Next Special Sheep Sale. Early consignment of 15 Boer kids. December 25th - No Sale January 1st - No Sale January 3rd - No Horse Sale February 7th - Horse Sale - Special Collectible Bits &
NOVEMBER 27TH. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR YOUR CONTINUED BUSINESS. WE HOPE YOU HAD WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR BLESSINGS. REMINDERS: We will not be stopping for lunch. Weigh cows and bulls start at 10:00 a.m. followed by sheep & goats at 11:00. Baby calves, pigs and bred cows starting at 11:30 a.m.-12:00p.m. Next Sale December 4th. Now that it is getting dark earlier - Please have your livestock in during the daylight hours in order to be sorted & worked early.
Please have butcher cattle in by 9:30 or bring them in the day before. Most of the time they will be sold by 12:30 on Thursday. Sheep must be unloaded into our yard by 10:00 OR bring them in the day before. Please have bred cows in by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday for our vet to preg check.
8th Annual Cowboy Capital Classic Fall Roundup Special Stocker & Feeder Sale Thursday, December 4th, 2014 Sale Time: 9:00 a.m. Odd Lots
10:00 a.m. Yearlings ~ Calves to Follow ~ Expecting 6500-7000 head of Calves & Yearlings ~ JOHN ORR/SIGNAL BLUFF RANCH (340) ~NHTC, IMI Global~ Ang Strs, 700-850# Weaned 60 days plus, all shots, 50% AI sired, natural service from Baldridge & Connealy Ang Bulls WEANED CALVES: HAYNES CATTLE CO (1,315)(590) Ang-Simm X Strs, 675-850#, (230) Ang Strs, 700-875#, (335) Ang Simm X Hfrs, 600-750#, (160) Ang Hfrs, 650-775#, weaned 60 days, HR, PC shots, boostered, no commercial Ang hfrs kept, replacement quality BRAD & APRIL HARMS (320)(290) Ang, Bwf & few Red Strs & Hfrs, 450-600#, (30) Ang, Bwf & few Red Strs & Hfrs, 300-400#, weaned 45 days, PC shots, poured, hay fed, 300-400# calves July born RUSHCREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK/NORTH (300) (275) Ang & Ang X Strs, 400-500#, (25) Ang & Ang X Hfrs, 400-500#, weaned 60 days, PC shots, green condition STENGER RANCH (210)Ang & few Bwf Strs, 650775#, weaned, Pfizer Select Vacc 45 Program OTF INC (170)Ang & few X Bred Strs, 775-850#, weaned 90 days, all shots CHUCK & MARTY GLASSGOW (161)Ang Strs, 500600#, weaned 45 days, PC shots, boostered LUTE & KRAB (160)Ang Strs, 625-700#, weaned 85 days, all shots, bunk broke KOBERSTEIN FARMS (145)(80) Ang Strs, 750850#, (65) Ang Hfrs, 700-750#, weaned 90 days, HR, Age & Source Verified by Igenity & GAM, all shots, boostered, PI tested negative, heifers bangs vacc, replacement quality ORR & SEXSON (140)Ang Strs & Hfrs, 475-550#, weaned 45 days, HR, all shots, no implants, running out RICK & KATHY HAYNES (120)(100) Ang Strs, 775900#, (20) Ang Hfrs, 675-725#, weaned 60 days, HR, all shots, poured BOB & VELTA BRADSHAW (113)Ang & Ang X Strs & Hfrs, 450-700#, weaned 44 days, no implants, PI tested negative, HR, PC shots, poured, no hfrs kept
POWLES RANCH PARTNERSHIP (100)Ang Strs & Hfrs, 500-650#, weaned 45 days, PC shots, poured JENSEN RANCH (95)(89) Ang & Bwf Hfrs, 400500#, (6) Ang & Bwf Strs, 500-550#, weaned 30 days, PC shots RUSHCREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK/CLUB (90)Ang & Ang X Strs & Hfrs, 400-475#, weaned 60 days, all shots, green condition BENJAMIN RANCH (70)Ang & Ang X Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, weaned 45 days, all shots, hay & cake fed OLSON & ANDERSON (68)(30) Ang Strs, 475-525#, (25) Ang Hfrs, 450-500#, (13) Blk & X Bred Strs & Hfrs, 450-500#, weaned 60 days, all shots, hay & cake fed DOUG & KATHY NEVERVE (65)Ang X Strs & Hfrs, 650-700#, weaned 51 days, PC shots, no implants DOYLE RANCH (56)Ang & few Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 450500#, weaned 50 days, PC shots, boostered KEITH MESSERSMITH (44)(36) Red X Bred Strs, 500-600#, (8) Red X Bred Hfrs, 450-500#, weaned 75 days, PC shots, bunk broke, hfrs are bangs vacc MIKE & JAMES GOEMAN (37)Ang & Bwf Strs, 700750#, weaned 45 days, HR, all shots, no implants WAYNE & JOAN HANSMEIER (24)Ang Strs, 550700#, weaned, all shots MARTIN HISEL (20)(15) Ang Strs, 450-500#, (5) Ang Hfrs, 450-475#, weaned 45 days, all shots, wormed, poured MARK BLANKE (18)Ang Strs, 600-650#, weaned 65 days, PC shots STEVE KLEIN (10)Ang & Red Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, weaned 45 days, all shots STEVE & JON KLEIN (7)X Bred Bulls & Hfrs, 400500#, weaned 45 days, all shots COMING OFF COWS: FIGURE 2 RANCH/VIRGILENE & MARK MCCASLAND (383)(240) Ang Strs, 450-550#, (143) Ang Hfrs, 400-475#, PC shots, boostered, no implants, May & June born, coming off cows
MCKEAG LAND & CATTLE (320)Red Ang & Blk Ang Strs & Hfrs, 500-625#, spring shots, coming off cows, no replacements kept STRATEGIC BEEF ENTERPRISES (300)(150) Ang Strs, 500-625#, (150) Ang Hfrs, 500-600#, PC shots DEE & BRENT ATKINSON (215)Ang & few Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, PC shots KEENAN LAND & CATTLE (200)(150) Ang & Bwf Strs, 550-575#, (50) Ang & Bwf Hfrs, 525-550#, all shots THACKER & TERMAN (185)Ang Strs & Hfrs, 500600#, PC shots, no implants DARIN KRAJEWSKI (150)Ang & Red Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, spring shots, coming off cows MIKE & ROGER IMIG (140)Hereford & Rwf Strs, 575-600#, all shots, boostered, poured DON SHARMAN (110)Ang Strs & Hfrs, 600-750#, PC shots, no implants JOE, STEVE & JAKE DOURGE (100)Ang, Bwf & few Red Strs & Hfrs, 425-550#, PC shots CURTIS GRUBBS (85)Ang Strs, 475-550#, PC shots HERB & TERI STEVENS (80)Ang X Strs & Hfrs, 550-650#, all shots, no implants GHOST RIDER RANCH (75)Ang, Bwf & few Red Strs, 450-550#, PC shots, no implants H7 QUARTER CIRCLE RANCH (70)Ang & Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 450-600#, spring shots, no implants CARR RANCHES (27)Ang Strs & Hfrs, 550-650#, PC shots TIM VANRAAY (13)Ang Strs, 550-600#, all shots YEARLINGS: STRATEGIC BEEF ENTERPRISES (29)Ang Strs & Hfrs, 850-950#, all shots, HR Plan now to attend this sale for your grass and feedlot replacement needs or watch & bid @ www. CattleUSA.com. Pre-register BEFORE sale day.
Dates to Remember WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stock Cows & Baby Calves
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13TH SPECIAL STOCKCOW & BRED HEIFER SALE Please have consignments in by December 1st
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18TH SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Please have consignments in by December 9th
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders & Baby Calves
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH REGUALR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls & Baby Calves
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20TH SPECIAL STOCKCOW & BRED HEIFER SALE Please have consignments in by December 1st
Dwayne Mays : (Owner) 308-289 -1870 • Scott Van Winkle: (Owner) 308-289-0249 • Ogallala Office - 308 - 284 - 2071 • www.ogallalalive.com
North Platte Livestock Auction P.O. Box 1535 • 2200 E. 8th North Platte, NE 69103
Calves & Yearlings Cattle 1000 Head Expected
EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR DEC. 2, 2014 200 Fancy Blk Strs & Hfrs 550-675#, Brand. Vaccination, Replacement Quality Hfrs . . . . . . . . . .BILL & LOIS WITTHUHN & CEDARLANE INC. 100 Fancy Blk Strs & Hfrs 550-650#, Brand. Vaccination, Hfrs Replacement Kind! Synder Bros-Brown Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DANCER FARMS 80 Fancy Blk Ang. Strs & Hfrs 550-650#, P/C in Fall, (Out of Mostly AI'D Sires!) Hi-Prime 4037, Weaned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JERRY FISCHER 54 Fancy Blk/Bwf Strs 550-650#, Branding Vac., Weaned 45 Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SCOTT CHRISTIAN 50 Fancy Blk/Bwf Strs 550-650#, P/C, Boostered in Fall W/Aff., Weaned 45 Days! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KIM & JANELLE BLAKE 50 Fancy Blk Strs 5-550#, P/C in Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHARLES SMITH 48 Fancy Blk Strs 550-650#, P/C & Boostered in Fall W/Aff., Gingenbach Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JODY & MARCIA STRASBURG 44 Fancy Blk Strs & Hfrs 550-650#, P/C & Boostered in Fall W/Aff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KIM STRASBURG 45 Fancy Blk Strs 550-600#, P/C, Spring Vac. Pharo & Schurtop Genetics . . . . . . . . . . .PENDING @ TIME OF EARLY AD DEADLINE 20 Fancy Blk Strs 5-650#, P/C in Fall, Weaned 30 Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TIM & TRACEY TYAN 25 Mostly Blk Strs 750-900#, Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WAYNE SELLERS 15 Blk Strs 8-900#, Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STEVE VASA 13 Blk Strs & Hfrs 450-550#, P/C Balstered also Birth & Branding Vac, K/C H/R No Implants, No Creep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KENNETH & JO ANN RUNBACK 150 HEAD WEIGH-UP COWS & BULLS
308-534-1200 FAX: 308-534-1274
AUCTIONEERS: KYLE SCHOW, BRYAN VRBAS Tom Stearns Yard Manager 308-530-1807 Jill Stearns Office Manager 308-534-1200 Devin Lunzman Nights and Weekends 308-650-0781
9:30 a.m. CT Weigh-Up Cows 1:00 p.m. Breeding Stock, Yearlings & Calves Holly Hulings-Roeser, Owner 308-530-8357
23rd 30th
“Winter Classic” Sale Calves, Feeder Cattle, Bred Cows & Bred Hfrs. WIN A CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SPREE IN NORTH PLATTE. Several 100 Young Bred Cows & Home raised Bred Hfrs! “Cowboy Christmas“ Special Calves & Feeder Cattle –1000 Expected. “Benefit Auction” Free Cinnamon Rolls, Horse & Tack Sale @ 6PM “Pony Special” NO SALE, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Office will be closed Dec 24th & Dec 25th “New Year Special” Bred Cows, Bred Hfrs, Calves & Feeder Cattle Office Will Be Closed Dec 31st & Jan 1st 2015
Fred Kraye Sandi Connell Mullen Receiving Station Tryon-Stapleton 308-546-227 308-636-8030 Rob & Mardel Manary, Wallace, Dickens, Hershey 308-530-7696
OUR WEBSITE: w w w.northplattelivestock.com EMAIL: nplivestock@hotmail.com
Bill Downing, Arnold 308-848-3303
Watch live online at dvauction.com
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014 SPECIAL WEANED CALF SALE EXPECTING 2,500-3,000 HEAD SALE TIME:Weighups - 10:00 Feeders – 12:00
CAN VIEW - BID – BUY ON www.cattleusa.com at Crawford Livestock Market (must pre-register)
Early consignments include: Geiser Ranch ..............................400 Blk & Bwf Strs P.C. & Weaned .............................550-700# Don & Kay Harwood .................225 Blk (150 Strs, 75 Hfrs) P.C. & Weaned .................600-700# Mike & Carri Manion ................150 Blk Strs P.C. & Weaned .........................................675-725# Ed & Laurel Ginkens .................120 Blk & Bwf Strs & Hfrs P.C. ...................................525-575# John & Heidi McBride ...............110 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. & Weaned .............................500-600# U up U Down Ranch (Scott & Bill White) 100 Blk Strs P.C. & Weaned ........................625-675# Joey Morava ...............................100 Blk & Red Strs & Hfrs P.C. ...................................475-550# Fred Larsen ................................100 Blk & Bwf Strs & Hfrs P.C. & Weaned .................600-675# John Madsen ..............................100 Blk Strs, few Hfrs P.C. & Weaned .........................650-725# Pat & Tammy Hollenbeck .......... 80 Red & Blk Strs P.C. ...............................................475-550# Tubbs Land & Cattle .................. 80 Blk Strs, few Hfrs P.C. ...........................................500-550# Dewey Ellsworth ........................ 75 Blk & Bwf Strs & Hfrs P.C. ...................................500-600# Lambert & Sons ......................... 70 Blk & Bwf (50 Strs, 20 Hfrs) P.C. & Weaned .......500-600# Jeff & Amanda Cotton ............... 75 Blk Strs, few Hfrs P.C. & Weaned .........................550-625# Davis & Stangle ......................... 65 Herf Hfrs Weaned & boostered ..............................500-550# Stewarts Monroe Creek Ranch... 65 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. ...............................................400-600# Bob & Jay Goff .......................... 60 Blk Strs P.C. ...........................................................525-600# Paul & Kathy Wolvington........... 60 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. ..............................................550-650# Jack & Jackie Buhr .................... 60 Blk Hfrs B.V., P.C. & Weaned ...............................550-650# Boone & Nadine Huffman.......... 60 Blk & Red Strs P.C. & Weaned ..............................500-600# Lois Kriz .................................... 60 Blk Strs & Hfrs S.S. ...............................................500-550# Steve Peterson ............................ 50 Blk Strs 7 Hfrs S.S. ................................................550-600# Roger Schledewitz...................... 50 Blk & Red Strs & Hfrs ...........................................550-600# Kirk Hall .................................... 50 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. ...............................................500-550# Ryan Lembke ............................. 45 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. ...............................................475-550# Andersen Ranch ......................... 40 Blk & Bwf Hfrs B.V. .............................................575-625# Bob Anderson ............................ 40 Red Ang Strs P.C., All Natl. & Weaned .................550-625# Phillip & Kimberly Holmes........ 40 Blk Strs P.C. ..........................................................550-625# Jerry Wyatt ................................. 35 Blk Strs P.C. & Weaned .........................................575-600# Ray Grantham ............................ 35 Red Strs & Hfrs P.C., All Natl., No Implants.........550-600# Miller & Gerard ......................... 30 Blk Strs P.C. & Weaned .........................................575-625# Blaine Magnuson ....................... 30 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. & boostered...........................300-500# Mike, Renee, Cole & Clint Kindred. 30 Blk Strs P.C. & Weaned .........................................525-575# Ron & Marisa Betson .. ............... 30 Blk Hfrs P.C. & Weaned ........................................500-550# Ron Jones ................................... 24 Blk Strs & Hfrs P.C. ..............................................450-550# Shana Cuny ................................ 20 X-bred Strs & Hfrs P.C. cake broke .......................550-600# Rick & Deb Lien ........................ 10 Blk Strs & Hfrs Spayed..........................................700-800#
UPCOMING SALES Friday, December 12 – Special Bred Cow & Bred Heifer Sale Friday, December 19 – Regular Cattle Sale – Last Sale of 2014
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: OFFICE – 308-665-2220 TOLL FREE – 1-866-665-2220 OWNERS: JACK & LAUREL HUNTER CELL: 308-430-9108 or 308-665-5665
REX MICHEEL 308-665-1357 CELL: 308-430-0552 RICH ROBERTSON CELL: 307-340-1165 www.crawfordlivestock.com • e-mail: clm@crawfordlivestock.com
Market Report Report4, 2014 Thursday,Market December Special Spring Calf Sale S.T. 12:30 p.m. Expecting 3500 hd Valentine Livestock Health Protocol 2014 #4: 7-way (2), 5-way viral (2), pasteurella, and poured or injected w/Ivermectin (fall) #3: 7-way (2), 5-way viral (2), pasteurella, no pour on #2: 7-way (2), 5-way viral once; #1: 7-way only REPLACEMENT TYPE HEIFERS - All Weaned: 110 ����rd angus NI B. V. Cross Diamond sired not topped....500-650#............................Stump Cattle Co #4 110 ����rd angus (30 rwf F-1) B.V. not topped some A.I. sired...475-575#.................... Flying D (DeNaeyer) #4 40 ������rd angus Arrowsmith genetics.....................................500-600#....................................... Glen May #4 90 ������blk NI angus sired.........................................................500-550#............................... Doughboy LLC #4 Market Report 170 ����blk & angus NI sired by R & D Angus..........................450-525#...........................Bob Carr & Sons #4 100 ����blk B.V. not topped.........................................................550-575#.......................... Aaron Galloway #4 55 ������angus NI like the kind....................................................525-600#......................................Larry Titus #4 40 ������angus & blk B.V. Risse & Nichols.................................600-650#......... Kevin & Diane Vandermey #4 37 ������blk NI B.V. not topped.................................................625-650#............ Duane & Mark Sedlacek #4 20 ������Angus top end kind.......................................................630#..........................Warren & Dawn Dorsey WEANED CALVES: 310 ����hereford & bwf (210s-100h) NI......................................450-625#..................Wolfenden Herefords #4 Market Report 165 ����rd angus strs NI Cross Diamond sired.........................500-650#............................Stump Cattle Co #4 130 ����Rd, rd-x (70s-60h) NI......................................................475-600..........................................47 Ranch Co 160 ����angus strs Baldridge genetics NHTC........................700#....................................Brush Creek Rn #4 120 ����angus & blk strs NI 1 ld @ 725# Risse & Nichols....625-725#......... Kevin & Diane Vandermey #4 140 ����blk & angus strs Risse Angus sired............................600-700#.........................................Leo Goss #4 80 ������angus strs NI..................................................................575-675#......................................Larry Titus #4 85 ������blk strs NI 1 ld, fancy....................................................625-650#....... Larry, Danny & Craig O’Kief #4 170 ����blk, blk-x, few rd (100s-70h) NI.....................................400-600#.........Kevin, Clete & Cort Scheer #3 www.valentinelivestock.net 119 ����blk, few bwf (74s-45h) NI...............................................550-625#..................... Hughes & Naprstek #4 Greg Arendt,few Mgr. 376-4703 or (402) 376-4701 Greg Nielsen, Fieldman Cell: (402) 389-0833 www.valentinelivestock.net 100 ����blk, bwfCell: strs(402) NI.......................................................500-550#....................John & Cort Hamilton # Listen to Cell: KVSH (940 AM) onorThursdays, p.m. Nielsen, for live Fieldman broadcast. Gregfew Arendt, (402) 376-4703 (402) 376-4701at 3 Greg Cell:Bar (402)11389-0833 80 ������blk, bwf Mgr. strs.............................................................550-650#........................... Ranch Co #4 live of on special sales 45 ������char-x &Watch blk strs NI........................................................625-650#........Rocking Arrow & Churchill #4 Listen tobroadcast KVSH (940 AM) Thursdays, at 3on p.m.cattleusa.com for live broadcast. 62 ������blk NI Baldridge genetics NHTC.................................550-650#.......Morrison, Morrison & Clark #4 Watch live broadcast of special sales on cattleusa.com 60 ������blk, few rd (30s-30h) NI on hfrs.....................................450-600#................................... Pearson L/C #4 60 ������blk NI..............................................................................550-600#................................Don Grunhaupt # 60 ������blk, few bwf....................................................................600-725#.......................... Justin Hammond #3 25 ������blk, bwf, few rd (11s-14h)...............................................425-525#....................Justin & Terri Albert #4 27 ������blk, bwf NI.....................................................................300-350#................................ Swensen Ranch 25 ������blk NI no grain May-June calves...............................450#.......................................Adele Alberts #4 UNWEANED CALVES: 110 ����blk, few rd strs NI..........................................................550-600#.................................... Duane Tate #4 90 ������blk strs NI.......................................................................500-625#.......................Steve Brueklander #4 70 ������char-x..............................................................................500-625#..........Richard & Becky Schrunk #2 YEARLINGS: www.valentinelivestock.net 320 ����blk & char-x strs(402) NI 376-4703 in 2014...............................900-1050#.................................... Leland Pauly Greg Arendt,(88 Mgr.hd)Cell: or (402) 376-4701 Greg Nielsen, Fieldman Cell: (402) 389-0833 Plus moreListen fromtoChurchill, Grunhaupt, and Swenson KVSH (940Pearson, AM) on Thursdays, at 3Hammond, p.m. for liveAlbert broadcast.
Market Report
1-800-682-4874 or (402) 376-3611 • 1-800-682-4874 or (402) 376-3611 •
1-800-682-4874 or (402) 376-3611 •
Watch live broadcast of special sales on cattleusa.com
1-800-682-4874oror(402) (402)376-3611 376-3611 •• www.valentinelivestock.net 1-800-682-4874 www.valentinelivestock.net
Greg Greg Arendt, Mgr.Mgr. Cell:Cell: (402) GregNielsen, Nielsen, Fieldman 389-0833 Arendt, (402)376-4703 376-4703oror(402) (402)376-4701 376-4701 Greg Fieldman Cell:Cell: (402)(402) 389-0833 Listen to KVSH p.m.forfor broadcast. Listen to KVSH(940 (940AM) AM)on onThursdays, Thursdays, atat33p.m. livelive broadcast.
Watch live salesononcattleusa.com cattleusa.com Watch livebroadcast broadcastofof special special sales
Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040
Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776 Shawn Madden: 307-532-1575
Wednesday, December 3rd - Feeder Special
FEEDERS PHIPPS SHEEP CO. 212 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 800-850#, Coming off grass CALVES • JIM HALL 225 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 500-575#, Fall Shots, Weaned • SCOTT SMITH 105 Blk/Bwf few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 500-675#, Weaned, Precond • CODY & CHERI THOMPSON 125 Blk few Bwf Strs, 525-575#, Precond. Shots, All Natural • TRAVNICEK & SONS 125 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 525-575#, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots • JOHNSON RANCH CO 120 Mostly Red Angus few Rwf/Blk Strs , 425-475#, Pre-cond. Shots • PATRICK ROGERS 100 Mostly Blk Strs & Hfrs, 450-500#, All Natural, Weaned for 45 days, Weaning Shots, Ivomec • JEFF WINKELMAN 96 Blk, few Red Strs & Hfrs, 600#, Weaned 30 days, Pre-cond. Shots • JEB HANSON 67 Blk Strs, 420#, Branding Shots • HAROLD & LINDA MARTIN 65 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 650-700#, Weaned 45 days, Precond • CHURCHES DIVERSIFIED 43 Mostly Blk/Bwf Strs, 550#, Pre-cond. Shots & Boostered, Weaned • PAM EHLER 40 Blk few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 450-500#, All Natural • TRAE SEEBAUM 40 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 450-480#, All Natural • KERN RANCH 34 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 500-525#, Precond, Weaned, High Altitude 8200’ • JOHNSON ROGERS 25 Red Angus Hfrs, 575#, Weaned • ABSOROKA CONSOLIDATED ENT., LLC 21 Blk/Char-x Strs 400-450#, Weaned, Pre-cond • JO RILEY 20 Blk Strs, 400#, All Natural • KURT WALTERS 20 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 450#, Weaned • DAVE & MIKE FRALEY 9 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 575#, Weaned
Friday, December 5th - All Classes Monday, December 8th - Bred Cow Special
BRED HEIFERS • CIRCLE B CATTLE CO, LLC 300 Blk, (10 Bwf) Hfrs, 1050#, AI’d to Absolute, Cleaned up w/ Sons of Final Answer, Approx 150 hd are AI Bred to CF: Feb 10th, Balance are Bull Bred to CF: Feb-March, few Later Calvers, Shots: Vibrio Lepto, Staybred & Dectomax Pour On, One Owner, Top End of Heifers, No Replacements Kept, Half of the Heifers are AI Sired, All Heifers are Sitz Background • PENDING 135 Red Angus Hfrs, Bred Red Angus, 1)CF: Feb 20 - 21 days; 2) CF: March 12 - 21 days; 3) April 5 - 21 days • H LAZY P CATTLE CO. LLC 42 Angus/Angus-x Hfrs, 1000#, AI’d Bred to Absolute a Black Angus Bull, (Low Birth Weight and excellent growth after calving), AI’D In One Day, CF: March 1, Bangs Vac., Shots: Preg-Guard, 8-way booster, Multi-min 90, Poured in Spring, On 11/12 received Guardian ScourGuard, Multi-min 90, Summered at 7000’ • GUY FARIS 20 Blk/Rd Hfrs, 2 yr olds, Bred To Blk Bulls, CF: March 1 for 60 Days • GREG & JANETTE STARCK 10 Blk/Bwf Hfrs, 1000#, Bred to Low Birth Wt Blk Angus Bulls, CF: April 1st for 30 days, Shots: Vira Shield 6 w/ VL5 PAIRS • RON BARRETT 4 Mx Cow Pairs, 2 hd—3 yr olds, Calves at side was Born: Nov. 11, 2 hd—5-6 yr olds, Calves a side was Born: Sept. 6/12 BRED COWS • GUY FARIS 220 Blk/Rd Cows, 20 hd are 2 yr olds bal is 3 & 4 yr olds, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: March 1 for 60 days • PENDING 80 Red Angus, Dispersal, Bred Red Angus, CF: March 10-60 days, BV, Mostly 2-6 yrs old, Balance 7-9 yrs old • PAUL ADAMS 70 Blk Cows, SS-ST, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: Feb 5th, All Shots, Poured, Preg-guard • EAGLE RIDGE 50 Blk Cows, 3 yr olds to 12 yr olds, Bred to Blk Angus Bulls, CF: May 20-45 days • GREG & JANETTE STARCK 7 Herf Cows, Bred to Blk Angus Bulls, CF: April 15th for 60 days, Shots: Vira Shield 6 w/ VL5 • FLAT IRON RED ANGUS 5 Red Angus Cows, Mx Ages, Bred to Red Angus Bulls, CF: April, Registered Cows, (These cows were kept as replacements as hfr out of GMRA Laramie Cow 962) The Following Brands will Sell @ Noon before Bred Cows Box I - WY RHC; LSH Quarter Circle Lazy F - WY RHC Oxyoke H - WY RRC; RSH
Hergert 3 Ranch 156 Blk, few Bwf Bred Hfrs, 1010#, Bred to LBW Connealy Bulls, CF: 3/54/15, Delivery: 12/2-12/10; Location: Harrison, NE Leachman Cattle 60 Blk Bred Cows, 4-6yrs old, Bred to Leachman Calving Ease Stabilizer Bulls, CF: 2/28-4/29; Delivery: 12/10-12/13
www.torringtonlivestock.com | 307.532.3333