www.valentinelivestock.net 1-800-682-4874 402-376-3611
Valentine Livestock Auction • Thursday, December 8, 2016 Market SpecialReport Bred Female Sale S.T. 12:00 Noon (No Weigh-ups) Expecting 2000 hd Dispersions & Liquidations: Market Market Report Report 200…blk, blk-x (3-10 yrs; 1150-1400#) bred blk balancer (Leachman CC); cf 3-10 for 60 days. 3-5 yrs sell in age groups (125), good disposition...................................Colby & Travis Smith (712-730-0440) 70…blk & angus (2’s coming 3 yrs; 1125#) bred angus; cf 3-15 for 35 days. Nice kind ...........................................................................................................................Jim Heath (402-322-9912) 25…blk (3 yrs) bred angus (B Impressive sons); cf 3-15 for 40 days...Randy & Chris Huddle (605-557-3394) 30…reg angus (3 yrs-short term; 1300-1400#) bred angus; cf 3-20 for 60 days. Big, broody. Liquidation of bull bred....................................................................................Joe Butler (402-376-4919) 90…rd angus & rwf (8-10 yrs; 1400#) bred rd angus (Gill); cf 3-15 for 60 days. Liquidation of aged herd. ..........................................................................................................................Larry Denke (605-462-6282) 70…blk & angus (8-9 yrs) bred angus (Howard); cf 3-10 for 60 days. Liquidation...................S & M Farms 25…angus & blk (9-12 yrs; 1350-1400#) bred angus; cf 1-28 for 60 days......................Stauffer Livestock Plus more including 350 short term breds
Bred Heifers & Internet/Video Bred Heifers: (1100 hd) see our website for video of internet/video hfrs A big offering of bred heifers (460 internet & 650 A.I.’d and bull bred) featuring top shelf kind of red angus, Hereford, angus, blk & bwf. Most of the blk & angus hfrs are 1000#, hand picked for kind, and origin from our two state area. Red angus from Denke are the power kind. Turner Herefords are long with structure. Good place to buy a good one! Look this offering over. Calving dates are mid Feb-April 10 and most have been ultrasound pregged & re-pregged. Vaccinated for scours. 1-800-682-4874 or (402) 376-3611 • www.valentinelivestock.net Check our website for details Greg Arendt, Mgr. Cell: (402) 376-4703 or (402) 376-4701
Greg Nielsen, Fieldman Cell: (402) 389-0833
Listen to KVSH (940 AM) on Thursdays, at 3 p.m. for live broadcast.
Watch live broadcast of special on cattleusa.com 1-800-682-4874 1-800-682-4874 oror(402) (402)376-3611 376-3611 • www.valentinelivestock.net •sales www.valentinelivestock.net
GregGreg Arendt, Arendt, Mgr.Mgr. Cell:Cell: (402)(402) 376-4703 376-4703 or (402) or (402) 376-4701 376-4701GregGreg Nielsen, Nielsen, Fieldman Fieldman Cell:Cell: (402)(402) 389-0833 389-0833 Listen Listen to KVSH to KVSH (940(940 AM)AM) on Thursdays, on Thursdays, at 3atp.m. 3 p.m. for for livelive broadcast. broadcast.