2 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Jan rd
29TH Annual bull sale Monday
Musgrave Big Sky
Martin ranch
BW +1.8 WW +69 Milk +39 YW +112 $B +137.37 #16396531
Connealy Black Granite
BW +.1 WW +58 Milk +24 YW +98 $B +136.76
Ogallala Livestock • Ogallala Nebraska 1:00 MT Selling 100 Registered Angus Bulls
Musgrave Big Sky Connealy Black Granite BSF Hot Lotto 1401 Connealy Arsenal 2174 Connealy Guinness HF Tiger 5T RB Tour of Duty 177
Martin Ranch 3 year average sired Steer mates harvested Graded BW +2.8 WW +81 Milk +23 YW +137 $B +130.93
BSF Hot Lotto1401
Genomic Profile on all Sale Bulls 100% Proven AI SIRED Large Selection of Half & Three quarter Blood Brothers FIRST BREEDING SEASON GUARANTEE • Volume Discounts Free Feed Free Delivery Updated EPD’s, Weights, Scrotal Measurements & Ultrasound Data available sale day EPD’s as of 11-30-16
99% Choice or Higher 25% Prime 52% CAB® 92% PREMIUMS PAID
1361 Keystone Sarben N Rd • PO Box 260 Keystone NE 69144
martin@lakemac.net Office (308-726-2855) • Cell (308-883-2333) Find us on
www.thefencepost.com I 3
150 BULLS�
V� INCE�P� OPPE�308.763.1930 // J� AKE�P� OPPE�406.486.2967 // B� UTCH�B� LACK�308.760.6285� WWW� .B� LACK� RA �NCHES� I� NC� .C �OM�//
4 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
1 ¼”Round Tubing (14 Ga) 4-Bar x 20' x 4' Unpainted Inc. Posts, Caps & Clips, Splices, (1) 4’ & 12’ Gate
100’ x 200’ 120’ x 240’
$6,124 $8,818
$5,500 $7,900
+ Freight + Freight
2016 Spring Sale
March 18th-20th, 2017 ● Fort Collins, CO Six reasons to make your next bull a Leachman Stabilizer from our Spring Sale:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
NEW one year guarantee to protect your investment! Every bull tested for feed efficiency and scored on $Profit! Add hybrid vigor to your cowherd! Reduce your cowherd input costs! Make steers that convert and grade! Earn premiums on your Leachman sired calves!
“I only wish we had started with Leachman $Profit sires a long time ago… We would have been happier today with better cows. We haven’t had calves like this in years. Our Trinity calves topped the market at Platte Livestock..." ~ George Stahl, Beef Manager Spring Valley Colony Wessington Springs, SD
“Our goal is to be a low cost producer. In 2007, Lee recommended that we buy Stabilizer bulls selected for high $Ranch. It’s working– • Weaned calf crop percentage is up 5% • Pounds weaned per cow exposed is up 30 lbs. • Cow size is going down.” ~ Rich Roth, Vice President IX Ranch, Big Sandy, MT
450 Red & Black Stabilizer Bulls Sell Plus 150 Replacements – Angus, Red Angus, Stabilizer & Charolais
Sat., March 18th: Budweiser Social Sun., March 19th: Cowboy Church Cowman's Seminar Banquet & Concert Mon., March 20th: Bull & Female Sale
Lee Leachman, Partner • Ryan Peterson, Director of Sales 2056 West County Road 70 • Fort Collins, CO (970) 568-3983 • www.leachman.com 6 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
25 th
ry S
Saturday, March 18th, 2017
Centennial Livestock Auction • Fort Collins, Colorado SimAngus Bulls sired by...
Selling Bulls with Nuts, Butts, and Guts!
120 Black and Red Simmentals
and Super Baldy SimAngus™ Bulls Bulls are PAP Tested
40 Super Baldy Open Heifers
SAV Resource 1441 PVF Insight 0129 Eathington Sub Zero 758 Brown Redemption Y1334 ASR Longevity Y184 TNT 90 Proof Z401
Simmental Bulls sired by... ASR Augustus Z2165 BBS True Justice B10 Remington Lock n Load Hooks Broadway 11B LMF Revenue Z24 Koch Monte Gibbs Bullet Proof
Sale available on
For More Information and Sale Catalog, Contact...
Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC Willie and Sharon Altenburg ASR Longevity Y184
970.481.2570 • Fort Collins, Colorado Russ Princ, Manager • 256 254 9042 willie@rmi.net • www.altenburgsuperbaldy.com www.thefencepost.com I 7
Christopher Marona’s fine art photographs possess a captivating blend of sumptuous color, dazzling light and compelling drama that pierce the very soul of our cowboy legacy. The artist captures the very essence of ranching lifestyle, linking wranglers of today with those who rode before. When not shooting for his commercial clients he enjoys teaching photography workshops.
See more of Christopher’s work and learn about his upcoming workshops at: coloradophotoworkshops.com Visit AmericanCowboyArt.com to browse new work and purchase prints.
Marona Photography Christopher@maronaphoto.com 970-247-2415 8 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
www.thefencepost.com I 9
managing scours
By Shelli Mader
Round vs Square Bales
By Shelli Mader
Colorado horse racing going strong
By Rhonda Sedgwick Sterns
Reflected R RAnch
By Nikki Work
Vernon Performance Horses
Barstow Angus Ram Country Meats
C O N T E N T S Ready or not 2017 will bring changes to VFD
By Amanda Radke
Amen Angus & Lewis Limousin
By Amanda Radke
Larkspur causes issues for cattlemen
By Amy G. Hadachek
By Amy G. Hadachek
Dave Dillman Performance Horses
106 By Rhonda Sedgwick Sterns
By Amanda Radke
short-term cows longterm plans
114 By Savanna Simmons
By Tamara Choat
Winter Colic
118 By Kristin DanleyGreiner
copyright 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Advertising Deadline: 5 p.m. Wednesday. Published every Monday. The Fence Post (USPS No. 547650; ISSN# 0274-7308) is published weekly for $55 per year by Fence Post Co., at the offices of the Fence Post, P.O. Box 1690, Greeley, Colo., 80632. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Fence Post, P.O. Box 1690, Greeley, Colo., 80632. Periodicals postage paid at Greeley, CO., and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions outside the continental U.S. $81/year. ©Copyright Fence Post Co., 1990. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the publisher is prohibited. We advise anyone who submits material to the Fence Post that doing so constitutes a consent for the Fence Post to publish the material as it chooses, including but not limited to all print, electronic, and archival versions, without any further compensation to the author.
10 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
the fence post company 501 8th Ave. // P.O. Box 1690 Greeley, CO 80632 970.686.5691 • 800.275.0321 www.thefencepost.com Publisher
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Rona Johnson The Fence Post // rjohnson@thefencepost.com Digital & Sections Editor
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3rd Annual Bull Sale
Saturday, March 11, 2017 Ogallala Livestock Market, Ogallala, NE
Selling 100 Angus Yearling Bulls By these owned herd sires
Plattemere Weiqh Up K360
Baldridge Atlas A266
One of the breed’s best growth sires that ranks within the breed’s Top 2% for WW, YW, CW EPD, $Weaning, $Feedlot and Top 1% for $Beef.
A calving ease specialist that ranks in the breed’s Top 4% in WW, YW, CW, Marbling EPD, and Top 1% for $Beef.
Baldridqe Jennings Z064
KF Stonecutter 501
Proven calving-ease sire. Ranks in the Top 5% for WW, YW, CW EPD, $Feedlot, and Top 1% for Marb EPD, $Quality Grade and $Beef.
High selling bull of our 2016 Bull Sale and a member of the ST Genetics Sire Directory. He represents our breeding by adding pounds thru calving ease with ribeye strength.
Jason & Krystle Koberstein • 970-520-2385 29813 County Road 36 • Holyoke, Colorado 80734
kfangus@hotmail.com • www.kfangusllc.com
12 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Axtell Cattle Company
March 29, 2017
11:00 a.m. (MST) Sterling Livestock Commission—Sterling, Colorado Selling 65 Red Angus Yearling Bulls plus 15 Registered Red Angus Yearling Heifers Our bulls and heifers are backed by a maternally oriented cow herd that is run like area commercial cattle. The sale cattle will be in “working” condition, not over fat. The dams are udder scored, the calves are culled for performance, birth weight, disposition and structure. Check out our website and Facebook page for more photos and sale information.
Axtell Cattle Company Brian and Jamie Jo Axtell PO Box 21 - Anton, CO 80801 970-383-2332
M6 Series
Take full advantage of the M6 Series tractors’ performance with control, maneuverability, and clean engines that don’t sacrifice power.
www.bgequipment.com 1828 East Mulberry Fort Collins, CO 80524 877-935-2981
301 E 8th Street Greeley, CO 80631 800-382-9024
4100 S Valley Dr. Longmont, CO 80504 877-397-5984 www.thefencepost.com I 13
Managing Scours By Shelli Mader, The Fence Post Photos courtesy of Karla H. Jenkins
14 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
t one time or another every cattle rancher has had to deal with the not-so-glamourous side of calving known as calf scours. In fact, next to death from predators, calf scours is the most likely reason young calves die. Scours is a complex illness and is generally caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Infecting agents include E. coli, salmonella, rotavirus, coronavirus, cryptosporidium and coccidia. Bacteria typically attacks a calf by pumping excess water into its intestines or producing toxins. Viruses kill intestinal cells, thereby reducing nutrient absorption. Protozoa like cryptosporidium adhere to the cells that line a calf’s intestines and damage the microvilli. In addition to the infectious causes of the illness, inadequate nutrition and exposure to severe environments can also result in scours, according to North Dakota extension vets Dr. Charles Stoltenow and Dr. Lani Vincent. No matter what the cause, the result is the same and is equally unpleasant. Calves are most susceptible to scours in the first seven to 14 days of their life. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Dr. David Smith, extension veterinarian for the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, helped develop a method to minimize the amount of pathogens young calves are exposed to. In what became known as the Sandhills Calving System, the protection is two-fold. Calves are segregated by age to help prevent direct and indirect transmission of pathogens from
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Traditionally, cows that had calved were moved to a different pasture, but with the Sandhills calving system, expectant mothers are moved, leaving the older calves with stronger immune systems in the areas more likely to contain pathogens that cause scours.
older to younger calves. Pregnant cows are moved to clean pastures to reduce the pathogen load that their new calves will be exposed to. This system was first tried on two calving herds in the Sandhills of Nebraska. The first herd consisted of 800900 cows and was tested for six calving seasons. Calving for this herd began in early March. Cows typically calved in calving lots and the calves and cows were paired-out
16 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
into larger pastures after calving. In the three years prior to using the method, the herd had a calf death loss that ranged from 6.5 to 14 percent. After using the system, they had no calf death loss due to scours and only had to institute minor scours treatments. The herd owner estimated saving $40,000 to $50,000 per year due to greater numbers of weaned calves, improved calf performance, and reduced expenses for treatment.
The second Nebraska herd was 400 head and tested for five calving seasons. The owner of this herd used rotational grazing and early summer calving. Before using the system the herd had a 6.5 to 11.9 percent calf death loss. After using the Sandhills Calving System, their calf death loss was reduced to 2.3 percent, with none of those calves dying from scours. The Sandhills Calving System has been tested and successfully used to reduce scours in regions across the country. The method works by utilizing multiple pastures for calving and keeping together calves born within a 10-day to two week window. To begin, cows are turned out into the calving pasture as soon as the first calves are born. Cows calve in that pasture for two weeks. The cows with calves stay in that pasture and the others are moved to pasture No. 2. After a week or two in the second pasture,
the cows that haven’t calved are moved to pasture 3. The cycle continues until all calves are born. Pairs are comingled after the youngest calf is 4 weeks old. According to Smith, the system is effective because it avoids direct contact between older and younger calves and prevents later born calves from being exposed to an accumulation of pathogens in the environment. For ranchers using intensive grass management systems, Smith recommends that the number of groups be minimized. Cattle continue to be moved during the calving season for Karla Jenkins best forage utilization, but every 10 days, or sooner if 100 calves are born, the pregnant cows are pulled from the herd and moved to a separate pasture so that each small herd has no more than 100 calves in it and the calves are all born within 10 days of each other.
“One of the best things a producer can do is have a pre-calving conversation with their vet.”
YCC BULL & FEMALE SALE Featuring 35 Registered Angus and SimmAngus bulls and 15 coming 2’s 15 commercial Angus heifers synchronized and A.I. bred to low BW and proven calving ease Angus bull for 4/1/17 calving date
Feb. 25, 2017 1:00 PM YEAROUS CATTLE CO. 14711 CR 15 Fort Morgan, CO 80701
plus 15 Angus coming yearling replacement CONTACT INFORMATION: DUANE YEAROUS CELL: 970-768-4011 Email: d_yearous@hughes.net or duane@yearouscattle.com heifers ready for Spring breeding www.thefencepost.com I 17
However, even if a producer doesn’t have the resources to segregate their cattle into multiple pastures (it can take eight pastures to fully implement the original system), they can still use the method to help them manage scours. Grant Dewell, an Iowa State Extension beef veterinarian, recommends producers with limited pastures use three different calving areas. Instead of moving pregnant cows every week, they should wait to move pregnant cows until scours show up in a couple of calves. Moving pregnant cows at that time will prevent any new calves from being exposed to higher pathogen levels in the environment. He says that producers could start their calving in a calving barn early in the season, then move to a dry lot facility and then utilize a pasture if needed. In a good year, he said cattle might be able to stay in the first calving area for the whole season. According to Dewell, producers are better off moving pregnant cows to new pastures or lots instead of moving pairs whenever there is a scours outbreak. In addition to managing the flow of cattle during the calving season, Karla Jenkins, Cow/Calf Range
Ridder Annual Bull & Heifer Sale Thur. Feb. 2, 1 pm (CST)
at the Ranch sale barn & via Superior Auctions
Management Specialist in Scottsbluff, Neb., said prevention plays a big part in reducing the risk and effects of scours on a calf herd. “Good pre-calving nutrition boosts immunity in the cow’s colostrum, which is passed on to the calf,” she said. “Clean management practices are also important because they help keep the level of pathogens in the environment down.” Jenkins said vaccinations are also a tool producers can use to manage scours. Scours vaccines are killed viruses and are generally given to cows a month or six weeks before calving. “One of the best things a producer can do is have a precalving conversation with their vet,” Jenkins said. “A vet can help determine if vaccination is right for their herd and can help them decide what protocol to follow if a scours outbreak does occur.” According to Smith, some cattle herds can experience calf loss due to scours in the 5 to 10 percent range, so any method implemented to reduce its occurrence is worth the effort.
KUHN KNIGHT OF GREELEY Your Specialized Dealer for
Maternal. Efficient. Profitable. Proven. SELLING: ● 80 Bulls - POWERFUL YEARLINGS & 2-YEAR-OLDS ● 47 Heifers - TOP QUALITY, ULTRA FEMININE
Summered on grass only May through October. We rank Carcass & Calving Ease in our catalog. Disposition superiority. Breeding guarantee. Insurance. Delivery.
John & Mary Ridder, Callaway, NE 308.836.4430 402.450.0431
www.ridderranch.com mailbox@ridderranch.com
18 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Hay, Mixers, Spreaders, Tillage, Farm Equipment PROUD SPONSORS of 4-H & FFA CONTACT: Chris @ 303-618-1727 • Eddie @ 970-673-3256
701 Cherry Ave., Greeley CO • 1 mi E of Hwy 85 on 8th st
13TH 14THANNUAL ANNUAL Angus 9, 2016 AngusBull Bull Sale Sale
BASIN PAYWEIGHT 107S BW +2.8 $W +68.81
WW +79 $F +99.07
YW +129 MILK +20 $B +204.52 SAV PLATINUM EF COMMANDO 1336
28 BW 3.5 80 BW BW +2.8 $W +68.81
BASIN 107S WW 60 YW 101 PAYWEIGHT Milk 29 205 DAY 767 365 DAY 1505 WW +79 YW +129 MILK +20 $F +99.07 $B +204.52
WW +58
W +67.57
YW .98
F +53.70
MILK +26
B +135.98
11 ARROW ONE RANCHER 65 BW -1.7 $W +57.28 BW +.9
WW +53 $F +68.56
BW +.5 $W +82.33 $W +66.58
WW +73
BW 2.6 BW 78
WW 60 YW 99 Milk 29 205 DAY 767 365 DAY 1361
Son of Rancher
MILK +32
WW +54 YW +100 MILK +42 $F +91.63 $B +185.63 $F +47.24 $B +112.93 DELIVERY GUARANTEED
BW -1.0 will WWbe +56Pelvic YW +100 MILK +22 Bulls Measured, WAYNE DONA $W& +63.13 $F RUNDBACK +59.92 $B +125.25 308-534-0382 • 308-530-4859 Ultrasound, & CELL Fertility Tested 3453 BROWN RD. NORTH PLATTE, NE 69101 Firstwill yearbebreeding guaranteed Bulls Pelvic Measured,
Large Offering of Calving Ease Bulls
BW -1.7 $W +82.33 $W +57.28
WW +62
WW +53 F +91.63 $F$+68.56
YW +106
YW +129 B +185.63 $B$+100.16
MILK +21
MILK +20
WAYNE & DONA RUNDBACK FREE p: 308-534-0382 c: 308-530-4859 LotDELIVERY• GUARANTEED FREE WINTERING 42BROWN 3453 RD. UNTIL APRIL 1ST BW -0.2 WW 60 YW 89 Milk 28 BW 68 PLATTE, 205 DAY 850 365 DAY 1448 NORTH NE 69101
FREE DELIVERYwww.thefencepost.com
I 19
nt S Investme z it S — s Angu
Selling sons from the following AI sires and more:
Sitz Investment 660Z
Connealy Black Granite
Connealy In Focus 4925
Bruin Uproar 0070
LH UHaul 135U
SYES Best Buy 316B
Lim-Fle x—Am
en Imp a
ct 7234
Stop by and evaluate the bulls at the ranch at Iliff, CO View the bulls at www.amenangus.com or www.lewislimousin.com
Call us: Ken Amen (970)580-8211 or Mat Lewis (970)580-8209 20 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017 12:30 p.m. at the ranch north of Fort Collins, CO
150 COMING 2-YEAR-OLD BULLS Registered Black Angus PAP testing since 1991 at an elevation of 7500' BVD, Fertility, PAP, Trich Tested and Carcass Ultrasounded
100 Bred Commercial Heifers
Featuring Sons & Daughters of These & Other Weaver Ranch Bulls Sire
SAV Final Answer 0035
Sinclair Net Present Value
TC Thunder 805
Over 57 years of selecting for:
Easy Calving, Carcass Quality & Disposition Susan & Mourine Weaver Sheldon Emerson 3000 West Co. Rd. 70 • Ft. Collins, CO 80524 (970) 568-3898 Visitors Always Welcome Cattle may be seen at any time!!! www.thefencepost.com
I 21
Square pegs in round holes? Producers have reasons for their bale shape of choice By Shelli Mader, The Fence Post Photos courtesy of Holli Sollenbarger.
or years Justin and Holli Sollenbarger from P Diamond Livestock, located in the south end of the North Park area of Colorado, used round bales to feed their cattle.
“We were diehard fans,” Holli Sollenbarger said. “We never thought we would use anything else.” The Sollenbargers are no strangers to hay. They live more than 8,700 feet in elevation and like to joke that with their short growing season they are either putting up hay or feeding it. They bale about 5,000 tons of native mountain grass hay a year. They sell 1,000 tons and use the rest to feed their 900 cows and all the calves that they keep back to sell as yearlings. They were happy with the round bales, but a few years ago when the market for squares was better than it was for the rounds, they thought they would try the squares out. Their plan was to only use the squares for the hay they sold and continue using round bales for the hay they used to feed their own cattle. “We didn’t want to use the small square bales so we started using the 3x3x8 bales for our sale hay; and then we accidently ended up really liking them,” she said. The Sollenbargers don’t use any kind of bale shredder or processor for their fine-textured hay. They feed it loose. The land they live on is windy, so they were impressed that when they flaked off hay from the squares it didn’t roll away — it just stayed on top of the snow. “The more we used the squares the more we liked them,” Sollenbarger said. “We didn’t feel like there was as much hay that spoiled in the stacks and it seemed like the cows wasted less hay. The cows did a better job of standing around the hay when eating it instead of walking in it too.” The switch to square bales wasn’t easy, though. The cost of the equipment is
22 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
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Large square balers and the accompanying machinery have a heftier up-front price tag, but the costs can be recouped for producers putting up hay on a large scale.
significantly more than it is for round bales. “When we first started out we got going in it a toe at a time,” Sollenbarger said. “The first year we didn’t have a stacker so we had to try to push the bales on to trailers and then push them to unload them. It was nonsense. We eventually got a Farm King stack wagon, which made a big difference. It will stack 20 at a time.” The Sollenbargers also had to increase the size of their mower and rake. They got a tedder too because the square
bales are less forgiving about baling moisture levels. To feed the bales they purchased a Fodder-Feeder-Flaker machine that uses chain-driven arms to peel slices of hay off the bales. “I think the switch to squares was worthwhile for the amount of hay we feed,” Sollenbarger said. “In the spring, when we are dragging the meadows we are not dragging up all of that feed that the cows didn’t get. Between that and being able to sell the hay at a little better price it is a good
ANNUAL BULL SALE March 11th, 2017 • 1pm
S A V 004 Predominant 4438
13071 Yoder Rd. Calhan CO. 80808
40 Bulls Pure Bred Angus/SimAngus 20 Yearling Heifers Bred Heifers and Cows
1100 Ververs Lane • Calhan, CO 80808
(719) 659-9810 www.lawsonangus.com lawsonangusllc@gmail.com 24 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Connealy Combination 0188
Cattle are available for viewing at any time
“I think the switch to squares was worthwhile for the amount of hay we feed,”
Offer ends January 31, 2017
Holli Sollenbarger
Berthoud • Littleton • Elbert
3 1” to 1 1/2” thick polystyrene insulation 3 Stainless steel doors, hoods, bolts and nuts 3 Rugged, long lasting reinforced concrete 3 Easy access doors located on sides of unit 3 Easy hook-up of automatic temperature controlled water heater
3 Supplemental electric heat available
3 easy cleaning with self sealing funnel-type drain
3 epoxy coated high strength concrete
3 25 “ in height 3 110 volt heaters
EMPIRE INCORPORATED Marc & David Allard 5516 E. Cty. Rd 66, Wellington, CO
970-568-3900 OR 970-222-1245 www.thefencepost.com I 25
investment if you are in it for the long haul.” Greg Carpenter from Sorum Tractor Company in Alamosa says most of the producers who put up hay just to feed their own cows come into the dealership to get round balers. “Equipment for feeding round bales is about one-third of the cost of equipment to feed big squares,” he said. “But the
Large square bales are easier to stack and transport, and retain their quality longer than round bales, Holli Sollenbarger said.
26 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
people who sell hay really like the squares because they are easy to stack on trucks.” Carpenter sells balers that make 3x3, 3x4 and 4x4 bales. The 3x4 are the most popular because truckers can stack them three-high on a truck. The Sollenbargers chose to use the 3x3 so that they could put them in the back of a pickup and feed off of it if needed. Round balers come in two sizes, 5x6 or 4x5, with the smaller bales being more popular. Almost all equipment used to put up the hay is different. There are bale spears and forks that can be used for each and there are a few bale processors that can be used for both types of bales, but they are more expensive than the ones built to use for just square or just round bales. In his experience, most of the farmers chose to just use one type of bale or the other. For the Sollenbargers, switching to square hay bales helped them reduce their feed waste, but they had to look hard to determine if it was worth the extra cost. “If you are a cattle outfit that is just putting up hay to feed, I have to say that the round bales are probably the cheaper of the options,” Sollenbarger said.
Head quarters Annual Bull Sale JANUARY 30th - 1 PM At the Ranch - Dannebrog, NE
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Denfver b e Wher ee r a n d wa t e meet
Freestyle Reining, livestock sh more at N ows and ational W estern
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Rocky Mountain Horse Expo Schedule and Guide
Mane Event Art in the Park Select Sale Mustang Days Come Back Challenge Colt Starting Happy Trails Give Away Cow Horse Classes Extreme Trail Competition Packing Clinic Horse Experience Polocrosse Tradeshow Clinics Contests Competitions Presentations Working Equitation Cowboy Dressage Colorado Most Want Thoroughbred 35+ Clinicians Build an Amazing Horse Costume Emergency Clinics Vaulting Western Riding English Riding
Rocky Mountain
er m Sum s t n e Ev
Horse Expo
schedule & guide
March 10th to 13th, 2016
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo Schedule and Guide
Ultimate guide to
Mane Event Art in the Park Select Sale Mustang Days Come Back Challenge Colt Starting Happy Trails Give Away Cow Horse Classes Extreme Trail Competition Packing Clinic Horse Experience Polocrosse Tradeshow Clinics Contests Competitions Presentations Working Equitation Cowboy Dressage Colorado Most Want Thoroughbred 35+ Clinicians Build an Amazing Horse Costume Emergency Clinics Vaulting Western Riding English Riding
festivals, Fairs & Rodeos
“Stallion In Light” by Peggy Judy 2016 Equine Art in the Park Show
National Western Complex, Denver, Colorado www.rockymountainhorseexpo.com
March 10-13, 2016 National Western Complex, Denver, Colorado www.RockyMountainHorseExpo.com
Since 1980, The Fence Post has been revered as a trusted source for ag news and information. We don’t cover a certain city, county or geography. Rather we celebrate the farming and ranching culture, our western way of life, and the great folks within it. Our unique content spans from livestock production and grain farming to ag legislation and water policies, to stories about the region’s ranchers, farmers, and events in our ag community. You’ll also find regular comics, columnists, obituaries and the auction and event calendars in March 10-13, 2016 every issue. So, grab a cup of coffee and settle in to enjoy this week’s issue. And thanks for reading us! National Western Complex, Denver, Colorado www.RockyMountainHorseExpo.com
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Colorado Horse Racing Going Strong By Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns Photos courtesy of Coady Photography
30 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
olorado isn’t coastal, isn’t Kentucky and isn’t home to any of the top 18 horseracing tracks in the U.S. On the other hand, a glib prophecy of “all racing gone to the dogs” has not come to pass there, either. Actually, Shannon Rushton, executive director of the Colorado Horse Racing Association says this year Arapahoe Park operated 39 days with nine races a day, from the end of May to the second week in August, with their standard number of clientele from various states. Located near Denver, Arapahoe Park (dubbed by a local journalist as “Aurora’s far-flung sanctuary of equine athletics”) first opened in 1984; and celebrated its 25th
consecutive season of racing last summer. America’s concept of horse racing is changing amid a renaissance of excitement spawned by recently thrilling Triple Crown events, giving fans a yen to discover and indulge in authentic racing atmosphere. In addition to raising a broader fan base for live racing, this wave is also trending to celebrations of major races at real race tracks. Arapahoe Park spokesman and race announcer Jonathan Horowitz noted “a certain magnetism to horse racing stars of the last few years.” The public has begun seeking reality through watching famous races like the Kentucky Derby from a bona fide horse racing facility. Arapahoe Park got
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Bling On The Music, a filly, defeated the male field by a record-breaking 16 lengths in the six-furlong $100,000 Gold Rush Futurity on Aug. 14, 2016 at Arapahoe Park.
on board with that kind of hosting a few years ago, and more than 1,000 people celebrated Derby Day 2016 there. Attracting fast horses from various states and encompassing Quarter Horse and Arabian racing along with Thoroughbred events brings a lot of customers to Colorado horseracing. Rushton says, “Our handle numbers are pretty consistent. In fact we usually see a small growth; compared to some tracks around the country showing declines.” Horses, their entourage and their fans from mostly Idaho, Arizona, Nebraska, Utah and Wyoming populate Arapahoe Park during the summer months. “Tracks always look to improve the product that they have,” Rushton explained, adding, “We (the Colorado Horse Racing Association) have a good relationship with the track and the Colorado Racing Commission. We try to keep racing fair, drug free and clean for the participants, just so hopefully everyone can have a successful racing experience.” Aurora — home to 350,000 people — and the rapidly developing surrounding areas have people moving in constantly so Arapahoe Park engages in “concerted off-season activities to educate new residents of the track’s existence.” The hope is that they’ll come back during the racing season and become true fans. Memorial Day, Father’s Day and the 4th of July weekend historically bring larger crowds to the track. The Aurora Sentinel reported that Arapahoe Park enjoyed its “highest day of attendance ever” when 6,683 patrons ticked the turnstiles the final race day of 2015. The 2016 season sparkled with excitement, including a lot of firsts for the track. In the July 32 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
24 Columbine Stakes, Lady Jila (a $5,000 claimer in of Arapahoe Park’s richest Thoroughbred race, had his 2012) became Arapahoe Park’s first Thoroughbred to moment in the national spotlight as he ran in the $1 consecutively win the same stakes race four times. The million G1 2016 Breeder’s Cup Dirt Mile at California’s $35,000 1 1/16th mile stake was claimed by a neck as the Santa Anita racing complex last month. He was only the gutsy 9-year-old wrote her second Colorado-raced record at the finish line. Thoroughbred ever to run A gritty 4-year-old gray in the nation’s richest horse Arabian named Uptown racing event. Dannys Boy broke a fiveWhile the horse racing furlong, 15-year-old track industry in Colorado record in his first Arapahoe is healthy and growing Park start May 22. For stronger, it’s not without its a big bang on final race growing pains. day Aug. 14, Bling On Vaughn Cook is The Music became the deeply imbedded in the first filly to defeat male Colorado horse racing competitors over the six scene. Growing up in the Arapahoe Park jockeys Nathan Haar, Mike Ziegler, Dennis Collins and Arapahoe furlong $100,000 Gold southeastern part of the announcer Jonathan Horowitz join Koby Gruenwald at Children's Hospital Colorado for an event in which the racetrack partnered with the Arabian Horse Rush Futurity course. The state on his family farm Association in May. Photo courtesy of the Arabian Horse Association. unbelievable 13 lengths where Thoroughbreds she led them was also the biggest win margin in the race’s were raised, he lived with them until speed horses ran history. in his blood. After lengthy involvement with Colorado A 3-year-old bay colt called Texas Chrome, 2015 winner State University’s history-making Equine Reproduction
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Laboratory and a stallion reproduction consultation service, Cook and his wife Jill operated Fossil Creek Equine Services and later Royal Vista Equine, a nationally recognized premiere embryo transplant facility. Big players in Colorado’s Quarter Horse business, the Cooks bred, raised and campaigned a number of graded stakes-winning Quarter Horses. A past-president of the Colorado Horsemen’s Association and Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association, and National Director for Colorado with the American Quarter Horse Association, Cook has experienced fads and famines and every kind of equine ups and downs, ever maintaining the faith that the bubble always comes level. Cook's love of the “Sport of Kings” is deep and unwavering, but his eyes are wide open to the problems and issues that plague horse racing everywhere. “Those of us who love and enjoy speed horses are trying to come up with some new rules of racing to improve the integrity of the sport. We need a fair playing field for everyone, including the public.” Vaughn says. “Sometimes it seems the law of the land protects those doing wrong instead of those doing right – it’s called ‘due diligence,’ they do wrong and then appeal and keep working the system through that
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Father's Day is typically a popular day for horse racing at Arapaho Park. Quarter Horses, Thoroughbreds and Arabians all race at the popular park in Colorado.
maze, without ever getting penalized for the wrong they have done. We need to come up with some new laws, and those laws will need to be pretty stiff.” “We all have our personal thoughts about the tendency now in America to go to gambling instead of parimutuel wagering,” he says. “They want a crutch, and it’s been my experience – across the nation – that after a taste of casino money, our part of it goes to the back. I don’t want to be negative in what I’m trying to say, but there is a way we can improve our product and we’re obligated to find it.” Top owners, trainers and jockeys for Arapahoe Park 2016 included owner Donna Eaton, trainer Stetson Rushton and jockey Tracy Hebert for Thoroughbreds; owners Larry and Michelle Rice, trainer John Hammes and jockey Ramiro Garcia for Quarter Horses; and for Arabians, owner Jacqueline Kulow, trainer Ken Danyluk and jockey Tracy Hebert. Arapahoe Park’s shared their good fortune, donating more than $20,000 this year to three equine-related charities of the Rocky Mountains – the state’s equine voice, Colorado Horse Council; Nighthawk Ranch, which provides equine camp experiences for children recovering from cancer; and CANTER Colorado, which retrains retired race horses.
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attend the Annual Please attendPlease the 35th Annual Ag Expo March 16-18, 2017 Please attend the32nd 32nd Annual Please attend the 32nd Annual Ag Expo March 19-21, 2015 SEED STOCK ROW INFORMATION Ag Vendors Vendors Everywhere!! Expo March 19-21, 2015 Ag Expo March 19-21, 2015 This is the place to get it all! As Producers this is Come get the personal one on one customer service that you
Nomination Fee: $100 per animal
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can’t get anywhere else!! “American Most an opportunity for$100 you to display and show off Nomination Fee: per FeaturingJohnJohn Lyons Nomination Fee: per animal FeaturingLyons “American Most Commission: 10%$100 of sale oranimal no-sale high bid Trusted Horseman” Live Demos your heard. To10% let surrounding people know that Commission: of sale or no-sale high bid Trusted Horseman” Nomination fee credited commission Jason PatrickWorking young horses on Cattle Commission: 10% of saletoward or no-sale high bid Trusted Horseman” Brandi Lyons “ No Limits!” there are excellent bloodlines right here in the four Nomination fee credited credited Jason PatrickWorking young horses on Cattle Consignors mentioned in toward all sale commission advertising and listed Watch Cathy Sumeracki & heryoung I.C.E. Trained Daily give a ways and live entertainment Nomination fee toward commission Jason PatrickWorking horses on Cattle corners area!mentioned Exhibitioninlivestock under separate Consignors all sale advertising and listed Watch Cathy Sumeracki & her&I.C.E. Trained C.A.L.F Partnered with Montezuma School to Farm.Trained on web Stock Dogs! Consignors mentioned in all sale advertising and listed Watch Cathy Sumeracki her I.C.E. contract; pen fees differ See Contract Terms and Ag summit education onweb web Stock Dogs! Catalog online, updated as nominations received Draft Horse Clinic &seminars Demonstrations By Lynn on Stock Dogs! Conditions for other important details. are Youth Education and&events Catalog online, updated as nominations are at received Draft Horse Clinic Demonstrations By Lynn Ag Expo floor to be announced; higher floor owner’s MillerWork draft horse Small Farms Catalog online, updated as nominations are received Draft Horse Clinic & Demonstrations By Lynn FFA & 4-H Livestock Judging &&&Beef Show Agdiscretion Expo floor to be announced; higher floor at owner’s MillerWork draft horse Small Farms Glenn RyanUS Forest Service Rocky MounHosting San Juan Basindraft Weedhorse Symposium Duel Credit Co & SALE INFORMATION Ag Expo floor to be announced; higher floor at owner’s MillerWork & Small Farms discretion Glenn Ryan- USSpecialty Forest Service Rocky MounPen: $25 eachFee: sale$100 animal, 2 animals per pen tain Regional PackService String NM. Nomination permax animal discretion Glenn RyanUS Forest Rocky MounPen: $25 each sale animal, max 2 animals penfees tain Regional Specialty Packeducation String Credits. workshop: Exhibition livestock under contract; pen BarApplicators D Wranglers live Continued on Friday Commission: 5% sale orseparate no-sale high bidper Pen: $25 each saleofanimal, max 2 animals per pen tain Regional Specialty Pack String Stock Dog Training Exhibition livestock under separate contract; pen fees Bar D Wranglers live on Friday differ Ag Summit Presentations! Nomination fee credited toward commission Exhibition livestock under separate contract; pen fees Bar D Wranglers onRyan Friday Forest service Packerlive Glenn differ AgU.S Summit Presentations! See Contractmentioned Terms andin Conditions for other imporC.A.L.F (Children’s Agriculture Learning FacilConsignors all sale advertising and differ Ag Summit Presentations! See Contract Terms and Conditions for other imporC.A.L.F (Children’s Agriculture Learning Faciltanton details. ity) listed web See Contract and Conditions forfloor other C.A.L.F (Children’s Agriculture Learning Facildetails. ity) Agtant Expo floorTerms to be announced; higher at important details. ity) owner’s discretion Book now for 2014, Booths are filling fast. (970) 749-7560 BookBook now for 2014, Booths are filling fast. now for 2017, Booths are filling (970) 749-7560 Nomination Deadline March 1 fast. rb@hayesranches.com 970-529-3486 and Book now for 2014, Booths are filling fast. Nomination Deadline March Nomination Deadline March (970) 749-7560 rb@hayesranches.com Catalog Deadline February 11 1 www.FourStatesAgExpo.com info@fourstatesagexpo.com Nomination Deadline March Catalog Deadline February 1 11 Catalog Deadline February 36 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017 www.FourStatesAgExpo.com rb@hayesranches.com
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Calving ease is a major consideration when the Russells are considering genetics.
38 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Reflected R Ranch finds successful business, reliable genetics in Simmental breed By Nikki Work
Photos courtesy of Reflected R Ranch
American Simmental Association. Along with other awards, this year, the family was recognized as the Honorary Lifetime Member of the Colorado Simmental Association for their involvement and promotion of the breed. After more than two decades, countless bulls and raising two children on the ranch in Sugar City, Colo., Susan said it's the strength of the Simmental breed and the ability to rely on sound science and breed leadership that has made them successful. The Russells also own and operate a feed store in nearby La Junta that offers AI service to customers. "Simmental is a very sciencebased breed, which is one of the things that we really wanted to look at when we were searching for what we wanted to do 25-30 years ago,” Susan said. “I think that that’s important, that the industry is moving that way.”
hen Susan and Curtis Russell were deciding which breed of cattle they wanted to raise together more than 25 years ago, they left the decision up to science. The Simmental breed won the day, with its already-large base of genetics research, which Susan said was ahead of its time. Even now, when genomics, EPDs and other research rule the seedstock industry, the Russells are confident in Simmentals, the breed which has not only made their living, but earned them recognition from cattle organizations around the state and nation. In January 2016, the Colorado Cattlemen's Association named the Russells' Reflected R Ranch Seedstock Producer of the Year. Both Susan and Curtis were chosen to serve six year terms as national trustees on the board for the The Simmental breed has been tracking data on cattle for decades, a factor that played a big role in the Russells' choice to raise Simmental cattle.
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Disposition isn't an issue with their Simmental cattle, Susan Russell says.
The Science So what is that science that the Russells wanted to fall back on? In fall 2004, the cattle industry’s first set of genomicallyenhanced EPDs came from the American Simmental Association. These reported Warner-Bratzler Shear Force, a measure of meat tenderness. Eight years later the association leveraged SNP technology to create GEEPDs for all other traits. The number of genotypes in the evaluation database jumped from 2,300 in 2011 to more than 50,000 in 2015, allowing producers to see the results of their breeding programs — and make adjustments — much more quickly, according to the ASA Annual Report for 2015. The association’s innovation goes further back, though.
40 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Since Simmentals are a breed known for not only beef, but also milking quality and — once upon a time — potential as draft animals, they are one of the oldest and most widespread breeds in the world. The American Simmental Association was founded in the '60s, and has been leading the beef industry on many fronts, like publishing beef’s first breed sire summary, creating a cow recognition program, developing a heat-tolerant and insect-resistant crossbreed, establishing a standard for proving carcass merit and developing the first EPD system for multiple breeds. That multi-breed evaluation system is still the largest in existence and allows producers to predict breeding performance and genetic makeup in calves no matter what breeds are crossed. In 2014, the association revamped this system by incorporating new technologies that allowed
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The Russels chose Simmental cattle for the data available, and for their moderate frame, heavy muscle, calving ease, fertility and disposition.
them to better analyze genetic data. According to the ASA’s 2015 annual report, the system synthesized genetic information from more than 16 million records from 12 different breed associations. The ASA predicts the database will continue to grow by more than 340,000 entries per year. In addition to keeping indexes for each of the traits the association keeps EPDs on, the American Simmental Association also keeps an $All-Purpose Index, which helps producers evaluate their bottomline in dollars-per-cow based on using a bull as a sire for the whole herd. Susan Russell said this is a very useful tool for producers and breeders. One of the herd sires at Reflected R Ranch, Nightforce, is in the top 1 percent of the ASA’s $All-Purpose Index, as well as in the top 1 percent of the calving ease and marbling EPD indexes. The Russells will be selling semen from him this year. He’s the star of their show right now, and Susan said he’s proof that the Simmental breed’s genetics work.
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For top SimGenetics, contact: Ahlberg Cattle Bulls & females for sale Rod: 303-775-1730 www.ahlbergcattle.com
Far Out Cattle Walsh • 719-688-0838 Wild, Wild West sale 1.17.17 All-Terrain Bull sale 3.20.17
Russell’s Reflected R Ranch Curt & Susan • 719-469-BULS High-Altitude Bull sale 3.25.17 www.ReflectedRRanch.com
Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch 120 black & red bulls, 40 heifers Sale 3.18.17 at Fort Collins Willie: 970.481.2570
Haynes Ranch -Holyoke SimAngus yearling bulls for sale Dale 970.520.2230; Randy 520.4561 Rudy 520.4232 • haynesranch.net
St. Vrain Simmentals Gary & Tina Bogott • Niwot 303-517-6112 • tbogott2@aol.com Red & black Sim bulls & females
Bridle Bit Simmental All-Terrain Bull Sale Red & black bulls Selling March 20, 2017
Mari Simmental Breeders Ron Mari • Holyoke 970-520-7333 Black & red bulls available
T-Heart Ranch 719-850-3082 or 850-3083 175 High-Altitude Simmental & SimAngus bull sale 3.25.17
Campbell Simmental Robert: 970-749-9708 Wild, Wild West sale 1.17.17 High-Altitude bull sale 3.25.17
Phoenix Cattle Co. Fleckvieh Fullblood and F1s Web: Phoenixcattleco.com Louisville, CO • 303-550-5592
Triangle 7 Cattle Co. Seven Mazzone 307-899-0529 Online bull sale 2-12-17 Free delivery in Colorado
Dilka Cattle Bulls for sale private treaty Briggsdale • 970-396-8791 thedilkas@aol.com
Rains Black Simmental Mike Rains family • Oakley, KS 785-672-7129 Bull sale on Thur. 3.9.17
Wild, Wild West Sale 60 lots ‘Bred to be Cows’ Sale 1.17.17 at Brighton During NWSS events
For sale dates, show details and event highlights, go to: www.ColoradoSimmental.com colosimmental@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook!
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“We’ve been very pleased with the EPD indexes like they him,” she said. “He’s something typically would. that we’re very proud of at the “The mountain customers, if moment.” they’re going to turn out a bull at The Practice that higher elevation, they want For the Russells, raising a one that’s going to maintain his breed like the Simmental means condition,” Susan said. “You’ve not only finding cattle that fit got to have a live bull doing his their needs, but those of their job. One that can’t breathe isn’t customers. going to do any good.” Every year, the Russells sell The strong science and their bulls near La Garita, Colo., genetics behind the Simmental at the High Altitude Bull Sale breed allows for this, she said. along with T-Heart Ranch and Without that, Susan and Chad Russell, the youngest son of Susan and Curtis Russell, shows at the Campbell Simmentals. Many be able to raise American Junior Simmental western regional in Montana. Curtis wouldn’t 26th ANNUAL 2015 PRODUCTION 26thAssociation SALE ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE of the Russells’ customers are cattle that fare as well in the high-country buyers, so they need to know their cattle can mountains as they do at home in the drought situations of Atthethe Kraye Sale Facility Mullen, At the Kraye Nebraska Sale Facility withstand pressures of altitude. southeastern Colorado.Mullen, Nebraska That’s why they develop their bulls at 8,000 feet for Some years, when Sugar City and the surrounding areas, months before they are sold, and PAP test multiple times to where the Russells graze their herd, have gotten little to no make sure they aren’t having heart trouble and aren’t at risk moisture, it’s that strong genetic research that has allowed for brisket disease, all while genomic testing and measuring them to thin their herd to manageable levels. They’ve
April 1, 2017
Selling 120 Performance Selling Bred 120 Performance Bred Registered Yearling Registered Angus Bulls Yearling Angus Bulls
ANGUS Featuring sons of Resource, Featuring KRAYE sons of Resource, 26th ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE South Dakota, Momentum, South Dakota, Capitalist, Momentum, Capitalist, April 1, 2017 At the Kraye Sale Facility Mullen, Nebraska KG Justified, Innovation, KG Justified, Hot Lotto, Innovation, Hot Lotto, Selling 120 Performance Bred Dollar Up, and more. Dollar Registered Up, and more. Yearling Angus Bulls
Featuring sons of Resource, South Dakota, Momentum, Capitalist, April 1, 2017 All Performance Data Available All Performance Data Available KG Commercial Justified, Innovation, Hot Lotto, At theselling Kraye 25 Sale Facility Mullen, Also Purebred Commercial AlsoNebraska selling Yearling 25 Purebred Heifers Yearling Heifers Dollar Up, and more. Selling 120 Performance Bred 26th ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE
All PerformanceYearling Angus Bulls Registered
All Performance Data Available
Data Available Also selling 25 Purebred Commercial Yearling Heifers Featuring sons of Resource, Also selling South Dakota, Momentum, Capitalist, 25 Purebred KGCommercial Justified, Innovation, Hot Lotto, Kraye Angus Kraye Angus Yearling Dollar Heifers Up, and more. 35791 Antelope Valley Rd 35791 Antelope Valley Rd Kraye Angus Mullen, 35791 NE 69152 Mullen, NE 69152 Antelope Valley Rd All Performance Data Available Mullen, NE 69152
John 308-546-2524 Also selling 25 Purebred Commercial Yearling Heifers Family Owned……... Nebraska Grown 44 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
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Susan and Curtis Russell were given the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Outstanding Seedstock Producer of the Year award for 2015 in January 2016.
been able to retain just the top production and disposition qualities in their herd. Even when they aren’t culling cattle, the research the American Simmental Association has already done with genomically-enhanced EPDs has made it easier for breeders to be accurate with breeding goals much more quickly and save several generations of effort. That makes both the Russells and their customers happy, Susan said. That’s not to say the Simmental breed has never followed the industry path of chasing traits. In the '80s, every breed was getting bigger at the expense of the quality of the animal, Susan said. But now, she encourages those in the seedstock industry to steer away from what she calls the “show ring trends” and focus on what matters most for the animal and for the industry. In the Simmental breed, she says that’s a moderate frame, heavy muscle, calving ease, fertility and disposition. “Sometimes we get carried away,” she said. ”Does it really matter if there’s more white feather going down the back of that Hereford than usual? It doesn’t change the animal.” One of Susan’s favorite things about the about 150 head of mother cows she and her husband run is that they are more mellow than many cattle breeds, and since the environmental limitations have prompted them to often cull deeply, the herd has gotten calmer and easier to work with over the years. When Susan and Curtis were raising their two sons, Jason and Chad, that was ideal, she said. Now that both boys are grown and live off the ranch, the empty nesters like some peace and quiet. Recently, a hired hand told her he had never seen cattle so quiet. That’s by design.
The High Altitude Bull Sale, featuring bulls from Reflected R Ranch, T-Heart Ranch and Campbell Simmentals, will be at 1 p.m., March 25, 2017 near La Garita, Colo. For more information, contact Susan and Curtis at 719-469BULS (2857), or via email at reflected.r.ranch@gmail.com. For more information about Reflected R Ranch, go to www.reflectedrranch.com.
American Simmental Association Genetic Evaluation Database
17.5 million
records in the Multi-Breed Genetic Evaluation Database Breed associations:
American Chianina Association American Gelbvieh Association American Maine-Anjou Association American Shorthorn Association American Simmental Association Canadian Angus Association Canadian Gelbvieh Association Canadian Limousin Association Canadian Shorthorn Association Canadian Simmental Association North American Limousin Foundation Red Angus Association of America American Simmental Association Database
5.25 million
Animal records in ASA’s database
Active cows enrolled annually in Total Herd Enrollment by ASA members
Active adult and junior members
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Vernon Performance Horses By Amy G. Hadachek
Photos courtesy of Valerie Vernon
ransporting his team of performance horses from Colorado across the High Plains down into Oklahoma City Thanksgiving week was an important trip for Guy Vernon.
Vernon owns Vernon Performance Horses in Kiowa, Colo., and it was the 50th anniversary of the National Reining Horse Association. The milestone coincided with the start of the 2016 NRHA Futurity & Adequan North American Affiliate Championship Show. “Nowhere else can you go and find the massive amount of talent, both horse and rider, that can be found in (Oklahoma City) from Thanksgiving until the first Saturday in December. There is everything from Million Dollar Riders to little kids that show up to compete, which is one of the things that makes this sport so great, as there is a place for every skill level to compete,” Vernon said. “I haul the horses myself with a good old-fashioned truck and trailer, and I attend the NRHA Futurity and NAAC almost every year,” Vernon said. “It’s an exciting time of year, as the reining world converges upon Oklahoma City every year at this time."
48 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
“It’s an exciting time of year, as the reining world converges upon Oklahoma City every year at this time."
Guy Vernon
Vernon performing in the Dodge Invitational Freestyle in Denver.
The sense of anticipation is large. “Our riders bring very talented young horses to compete at a very high level. During these next several days (around Thanksgiving) we award $2.2 million in prize money with a new NRHA Futurity champion announced by the first Saturday in December,” said Gary Carpenter, NRHA Commissioner. “You can’t win this with luck and you can’t win it with a good horse; it takes both. And, we have a strong group of open riders and non pros from Colorado, including Guy, whose horses are always well-prepared.”
Vernon has been on the NRHA board for eight years, and he said he’s proud to not just be part of the association, but to be part of what he calls the “greatest reining horse show in the world.” The sport of reining is a western riding competition, in which horses are guided by their riders through a specific set of circles, spins and stops. Horses are guided through a moderate ride known as the canter, or speed is upped to a gallop. The biggest difference between performance horses
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Regarding his preferred bloodlines in the industry, Vernon likes to mix it up. “We've had so many different bloodlines, my favorite of all time was a horse named Endeavor Doc and he was by Hobby Doc, but we've had a lot of success with so many different bloodlines it's hard to name just a few,” Vernon said. He also acknowledged the most notable would probably be Hollywood Dun It, Topsail Whiz, Cuttin Colonel. But he said he doesn’t have a favorite. Vernon got started in the business right after he graduated from college. He’ll Vernon with his wife, Valerie. never forget the person who influenced and other horses is probably the level of specialization, him and propelled his zest and ambition according to Vernon. to thrive in the industry. “I'm not sure there's any difference in the beginning. “My biggest influences came from Terry Wegener You could probably think of it as some horses graduate who introduced me to reining horses, and my wife who high school and some graduate college, and then there are supported my dream. I had no idea what reining was those that go on to graduate school,” Vernon said. until I saw Terry give a clinic while I was in college and I
Maximize Your Rate of Gain continued use of the oiler, Pat's cattle continue to have virtually zero fly issues.
Pat Robertson holds many titles and holds them well! A Nebraska native. A savvy farmer/rancher/cattleman/businessman. A loyal man devoted to his family. Like most cattlemen, Pat has strived to achieve the ultimate. Higher rate of gain percentages, reduced mortality, healthier cow/calf pairs. What has been the formula to his success? Reduce stress, healthier grass, maintaining native grass at its ultimate potential by timely rotation practices. "Our best lessons come from our mistakes". This wisdom is what has brought success to Pat, over the years. Through trial and error, Pat has created a system that has proven to be successful and will allow his grasslands sustainability for generations to come. As Pat systematically rotates his cattle to maximize his native grassland, he also rotates the location of his Lewis Cattle Oiler. By attaching the water source, to the oiler, Pat then heads to the next grassland. The cattle follow the oiler, and their water, to their next grazing paradise! These cattle KNOW that by following the oiler, they are getting to go to greener pastures and are continuing to remain stress free. By the
50 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
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knew I wanted to do that. He gave me the opportunity to work for him and that's how I got started,” he said. Now Vernon trains actively each day, but enjoys it so much that he doesn’t consider it work. “I keep 15 horses in training. I usually ride about 12 horses a day, but I have assistants who help saddle and ride some of them too,” Vernon said. “We don’t really breed anymore, maybe one or two, but if they’re bred, we’ll specifically breed them to reining stallions or reining mares.” Vernon grew up riding horses but not show horses. “I rode ranch horses and rodeo horses. Growing up, my dad was a cowboy. Outside of 4-H, I never knew the horse show world existed until after college. When I was a kid, I grew up on ranches and feedlots where I roped calves, bull dogged and rode bareback horses,” Vernon said. His passion for performance horses quickly morphed into his lifelong passion. Along with assistance from his wife Valerie and from their daughter Lacey, the Vernons have been raising and training reining horses for over 25 years. Vernon’s ardent support of the reining horse industry is what he calls vital to trainers and the industry. “It’s important to support the industry that you’re in. The importance of belonging to different equine registries and associations is that it helps promote the equine industry. In this day, there is a tremendous misunderstanding by an increasing number of people about what is the role of livestock,” Vernon said. “It's very important that those of us in the equine industry have a voice and a means of educating the general public about what we do.” According to Carpenter, there is a growth in parareigning, and that opens up possibilities for riders who have physical or mental disabilities. And for Vernon, his biggest wish is for the industry he loves to continue for many others. “I hope that raising and training reining horses can be enjoyed by people for generations to come,” said Vernon. “It is a true labor of love.”
Vernon judging the High Roller Classic in Las Vegas earlier this year.
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Bartos / Frederick Angus Annual iums =Prem e c n a m r Perfo ion Sale t c u d o r P
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Cattlemen cash in at Barstow Angus By Amanda Radke
Photos courtesy of Barstow Angus
54 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
he Niobrara River may be a hot spot summer destination for tourists wanting to float the meandering waters of Nebraska, but for Neri and Patty Barstow, it’s home.
“Some people think it’s quite isolated here, but to us, it’s a beautiful place to raise cattle and a family,” said Patty Barstow. Tucked along the Niobrara River Valley is Barstow Angus Ranch. Located in north-central Nebraska, five miles west of Springview, the seedstock operation is a reputable source of Angus genetics for ranchers
throughout the region. “We try to listen to our customers and work with them to provide the genetics they are looking for,” said Neri Barstow. “It’s just like any business — you have to pay attention and be a resource to your customers. We don’t try to go to extremes. We prefer to breed for balanced cattle. We look for cattle that will fit this environment well and perform for us and the commercial cattlemen in the area, as well.” For Barstow Angus Ranch, consistently offering highquality, functional Angus genetics at the annual bull sale
www.thefencepost.com I 55
Lush Sandhill grass and solid Angus genetics have made Barstow Angus a household name in the Angus industry.
the family hosts each year on the ranch has been a key to their success. The operation celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Barstow Angus Ranch “Rock Solid” Production Sale in 2016, with a sale average of $6,000-plus on 85 yearling bulls. The high-selling bull, sired by Barstow Cash, brought $20,250, respectively. “Cash is a low-birthweight bull, and his calves exhibit an extreme amount of muscle and growth early on,” Neri said. “His daughters are proving themselves in our herd, and he’s been wildly accepted by the Angus breed, with several of his sons at major studs right now.” Appropriately named, Barstow Cash has been a top earner for the ranch. As a yearling, one-third interest in Cash sold for $108,000 in 2012. Cash sons and grandsons 56 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
averaged $7,500 at the Barstow production sale last year. And at the 2016 National Western Stock Show, a son of Cash sold for $20,000, more than double the sale average. A son of Sitz Dash 10277 and Barstow Queen W16, Cash has been dubbed, “the most popular sire in the Sandhills. This medium-framed, easy-fleshing bull has tremendous body mass and muscle shape that cattleman look for when breeding for calves that will have both low birth weights and exceptional weaning weights.” Owned in partnership with Krebs Ranch and Cash Investors, a limited supply of Cash semen is available for $100/straw at www.krebsranch.com. For the Barstows, Cash is the result of careful breeding and selection using ultrasound, EPDs and genomics.
We’ve been supplying commercial bulls for over 35 years. Our herd sires are selected for a balance of traits that will add value to a calf crop. This thick-made MAGS Y-Axis son had a yearling adjusted ribeye area scan of 18.4 inches and IMF of 3.05 He ranks in the top 4% of the breed for YW, CW and REA EPDs.
Homo Black • Homo Polled • Lim-Flex CED: 10 BW: 1.4 WW: 78 YW: 123 MK: 23 CEM: 9 SC: 1.10 Doc: 24 YG: -0.25 CW: 45 REA: 0.90 MB: -0.04 FT: -0.04 $MTI: 54.42 Adj. WW: 923# Adj. YW 1454#
Another top Y-Axis son, he scanned a yearling adjusted ribeye area of 17.2 inches and IMF of 5.03. He blends a predictable calving ease coupled with strong growth and marbling traits.
Homo Black • Homo Polled • Lim-Flex CED: 9 BW: 0.8 WW: 66 YW: 110 MK: 27 CEM: 8 SC: 1.4 Doc: 26 YG: -0.34 CW: 37 REA: 1.00 MB: 0.18 FT: -0.05 $MTI: 59.53 Adj. WW 754# Adj. YW 1338#
NO CREEP - Add hybrdid vigor to your calf crop & keep them black and polled. Most bulls in the sale will be Homo Black and Homo Polled.
Sterling, Colorado Selling 50 Black, Polled Lim-Flex Bulls, Hybrid Vigor Featuring the first sons of Browning and Brooklyn
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“We have access to more information now than ever before,” Neri said. “Genomics are playing a huge role in our breeding selections, and our customers rely on the numbers and data we collect to help make their purchasing decisions. We still rely on visual appraisal and balance it with the data that’s available to us, but we expect our cattle to be structurally correct with plenty of eye appeal.” Like so many in the cattle business, it’s a family CUSTOM BEHLEN affair for Barstow Angus Ranch. The ranch was CUSTOM BEHLEN POST FRAME established by STEEL Neri’s parents,FRAME Marlan and Shirley, POST FRAME BUILDINGSBEHLEN STEEL inFRAME BUILDINGS south-central Kanas. The pair purchased the STEEL FRAME BUILDINGS BUILDINGS Nebraska ranch in 1976, and in 1987, Neri and 80 Factory Road • Eaton, Colorado 80615 BUILDINGS Patty moved the operation north and established an (970) 454-2400 454-2407 (f) 80 Factory Road • Eaton, Colorado 80615 (p) • (970)extensive artificial insemination program to expand email: (970) 454-2400 (p) • (970) 454-2407 (f) clarkent@slbbi.com 80 Factory Road • Eaton, Colorado 80615 the genetic lineup they could offer their customers. email: clarkent@slbbi.com (970) 454-2400 (p) • (970) 454-2407 (f) In 2001, Marlan and Shirley, now retired from email: clarkent@slbbi.com the ranching business, moved to Nebraska to be closer to the ranch and to the family. Neri and Patty raised two sons — Wyatt and Austin — on the ranch, where they learned life lessons sitting on The data available to Angus producers helps the Barstows make decisions in their breeding top of a horse. Those lessons were applied to rodeo program that encompass all elements of production, from birthweight to ribeye size.
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competitions, as well, as the Barstow boys made a name for themselves in team roping, saddle bronc riding and calf roping. “Our cattle don’t know what a four-wheeler is,” Patty said. “We still exclusively use horses for working our cattle, and we’ve always enjoyed rodeoing. They go together hand-inhand.” Neri grew up competing in rodeos where he focused on rough stock events. At 13 years old, he was a Little Britches World Champion, and he later was a high school champion and the Mid-States Rodeo Association allaround champion. And he passed that passion of rodeos onto his sons, as well. Both Wyatt and Austin competed Barstow Queen W16 is the dam that put Barstow Angus on the radar of Angus producers nationwide, when she in high school rodeos and qualified for had a bull calf in 2011 they decided to name Barstow Cash. national finals. Austin earned a state championship in team roping, and in his collegiate years, he enjoyed success rodeoing for Vernon College in Texas and later on at Montana State University (MSU). A calf roper, Austin qualified for the College National Finals Rodeo. He recently graduated from MSU with a degree in agricultural relations. Meanwhile, Wyatt took his athletic abilities to the football field, and was a wide receiver for the University of Nebraska-Kearny team while he earned his degree in exercise science. In 2011, he married Amanda Fisher, and the couple traveled to Texas to complete her PROCEEDS BENEFIT studies in occupational therapy. In 2014, Wyatt, his THE COLORADO 4-H FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND wife Amanda, and their son, Wylie, moved back home PROPERTY DETAILS to Springfield to live and work on the ranch. TBD Highway 134 Kremmling, CO 80459 With three generations still involved in the ranch, Neri and Patty hope to keep the family tradition alive Expansive views from this 32+ acre property. Located on Gore Pass right off US HWY 134. This for their grandson. property has great meadows and lots of trees. In a perfect setting minutes away from Wolford “We would love to keep passing this ranch down Reservoir and public land for hunting, fishing and through the generations,” said Patty. “We hope the endless outdoor recreation. Not in a subdivision, no covenants. Proceeds from the sale will benefit ranching lifestyle will continue to be something that the Colorado 4-H Foundation Scholarship Fund. can support a family because it’s such a great way to MLS #: 13-1563 PRICE: $109,000 grow up.” Just two years into working alongside his son Wyatt on the ranch, Neri added, “It’s been a lot of fun to have Wyatt come back to the operation. We appreciate his input, and he brings a lot of new ideas to consider. Wyatt has many goals for the future of the operation, AMBER LEMON and he’s constantly working on improving pens
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60 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
404 Park Ave, Kremmling, CO 80459
and working on our efficiencies. We are currently expanding through a cooperator herd using our embryos, and we hope to be able to market a few more bulls and bring some high-quality genetics back to our herd that way.” The 26th Annual “Rock Solid” Bull Sale will be held on March 13, 2017 at the ranch. For more information on the bulls, visit barstowangus.com.
MODULAR & MOBILE HOMES The Barstow family is bringing aboard the fourth generation to raise quality cattle in the Sandhills of Nebraska. Back row: Wyatt, Amanda, Sierra and Austin. Front: Neri, Wylie and Patty.
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R eyeS eyeS / R uSSell uSSell R eyeS 26 S 26 A A/ R uSSell S th th
nnuAl Ale nnuAl Ale y a d on day 26th AnnuAl SAle M Mon February 27, 2017 • 1 p.m. y February 27, 2017 • 1 p.m. a d n o M At in At the the Ranch Ranch in Wheatland Wheatland February 27, 2017 • 1 p.m.
Selling 230 Coming 2-Year-Old Angus Bulls & 10 Yearling Angus Bulls Selling 230 Coming 2-Year-Old Angus & 10 Yearling Angus Bulls At the Ranch inBulls Wheatland
PAP 2-Year-Old TESTED • Angus BVD &Bulls DEFECT Selling 230 Coming & 10 FREE Yearling Angus Bulls
KMR UKON 1182 KMR UKON 1182 BW +1.6 WW +42 YW +73 Milk +21 BW +1.6 WW +42 YW +73 Milk +21 KMR UKON 1182 BW +1.6 WW +42 YW +73 Milk +21
WOODHILL GAME DAY U6-Y98 WOODHILL GAME DAY U6-Y98 BW +2.1 WW +60 YW +106 Milk +26 BW +2.1 WW +60 YW +106 Milk +26 WOODHILL GAME DAY U6-Y98 BW +2.1 WW +60 YW +106 Milk +26
GRANGER CASCADE 360 GRANGER CASCADE 360 BW +3.1 WW +61 YW +105 Milk +27 BW +3.1 WW +61 YW +105 Milk +27 GRANGER CASCADE 360 BW +3.1 WW +61 YW +105 Milk +27
BARTELS COLUMBUS 310 BARTELS COLUMBUS 310 BW +2.5 WW +71 YW +124 Milk +21 BW +2.5 WW +71 YW +124 Milk +21 BARTELS COLUMBUS 310 BW +2.5 WW +71 YW +124 Milk +21
PA FULL POWER 1208 PA FULL POWER 1208 BW +0 WW +65 YW +117 Milk +49 BW +0 WW +65 YW +117 Milk +49 PA FULL POWER 1208 BW +0 WW +65 YW +117 Milk +49
R B ACTIVE DUTY 010 R B ACTIVE DUTY 010 BW +1.6 WW +67 YW +123 Milk +30 BW +1.6 WW +67 YW +123 Milk +30 R B ACTIVE DUTY 010 BW +1.6 WW +67 YW +123 Milk +30
S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BISMARCK 5682 BW -0.1 WW +55 YW +94 Milk +21 BW -0.1 WW +55 YW +94 Milk +21 S A V BISMARCK 5682 BW -0.1 WW +55 YW +94 Milk +21
Jennifer Jennifer Reyes-Burr Reyes-Burr 5104 Hwy 34 • Wheatland, WY 82201 5104 Hwy 34 • Wheatland, WY 82201 Jennifer Reyes-Burr 307-322-1530 • 307-331-1530 (cell) • mrangusranch@gmail.com
307-322-1530 • 307-331-1530 (cell) • mrangusranch@gmail.com 5104 Hwy 34 • Wheatland, WY 82201 ANGUS • Juan Reyes KMR 307-322-1530 • 307-331-1530 ANGUS • Juan Reyes (cell) • mrangusranch@gmail.com KMR ANGUS ANGUS •• Keith Keith
MR MR 98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 MR • Juan Reyes 307-322-4848ANGUS • 307-331-1568(cell) • joreyes@wyoming.com 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568(cell) • joreyes@wyoming.com 98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568(cell) • joreyes@wyoming.com
Russell Russell 21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819•(cell) • kmrangus@gmail.com KMR21419 ANGUS Keith Russell 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell) • kmrangus@gmail.com 21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell) • kmrangus@gmail.com
64 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
www.thefencepost.com I 65
opportunity at CSU by Tamara Choat
Brady Rink graduated from Colorado State University in December 2016, and has already procured a job at Cargill Meat Solutions. He credits his career future to his work at Ram Country Meats and the relationships developed with faculty and in the industry. Photo courtesy CSU.
66 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
tudents at the newly rebranded Ram Country Meats can cut a mean steak and mix some tasty sausage – but in the process, they are also shaping their future with industry and life skills. Traditionally known as the “meat lab,” the educational facility at the Colorado State University Department of Animal Science is an integral component of a nationally reputed meat science program. Students assist with cutting edge research, develop highly sought-after industry skills, and earn an income, all while providing campus and local customers with quality meat at competitive prices. Students work on an hourly basis to break down whole and half carcasses of beef, pork and lamb into steaks, roasts, and other retail cuts, as well as create further-processed specialty products such as sausage, snack sticks and jerky. Their recently revamped website allows customers to place an order online, then come to the center and pick it up. What’s in a name? Meat eaters love their protein, but even die hard meat lovers don’t necessarily want to eat food from a “laboratory.” Joe Bullard, manager of Ram Country Meats, explained the rebranding of the meat sales sector at CSU.
“Historically this has been known as the CSU Meat Laboratory. Our operations haven’t changed, but when we recently launched a new website, we renamed the retail portion to something that has a little better perception when it comes to selling the product.” Bullard said the majority of their customers are campus employees and students, and their busiest time of year is not during the normal summer grilling season, but instead during the school year when campus is full. “However, we do have some signage out front and get some walk-in customers off the street,” Bullard says. They also get a lot of sales through promotions in their weekly Ram Country Meats e-newsletter, and recently started offering “Fresh Fridays,” where they offer meat that has never been frozen. All meat is processed from animals purchased at market prices, with the goal to sell as much end product as possible to break even and recoup costs of the teaching component. Bullard says pricing is calculated based on market prices of the product and input costs, including work hours and ingredients, and most of their products are very competitively priced with local grocery stores. The center currently doesn’t have a full retail area, but instead most customers place orders online, then students
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(719) 784-0123
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Classroom work at the CSU Meat Laboratory includes carcass composition, quality, meat processing, microbiology, safety and nutrition. Extension activities communicate to the public the relationship of meat consumption to human health, as well as safe meat-product handling and preparation. Photo by Marin Jacobson, courtesy CSU.
assemble the products for customer pick-up. Bullard oversees the training and work of the approximately 12 student workers, who perform the day-to-day operations similar to any small meat processing facility — except with an added component of training and learning. He says the student work program mostly fills the need for extra hours required to process the meat products used in teaching and classroom work in the undergraduate meat science courses. “There’s no experience required,” Bullard said. “Some of our workers have an interest in the meat industry and want to pursue it as a career, others are just looking for a job.” But like the classic chicken and egg, sometimes the job creates the interest.
“Definitely working at the meat lab has opened up a whole new world for me..."
Holland Russo
68 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Holland Russo is a sophomore from Broomfield, Colo., studying animal science and agricultural business at CSU, and works an average of 8 to 12 hours a week at Ram Country Meats. Russo has a background in 4-H poultry, goat and horse projects, but when she came to CSU, wasn’t sure where she wanted to work. Friends of hers recommended working at the meat lab. “They said it’s a great job that provides a lot of life skills, opens up career opportunities, and gives you an idea of what you might want to do after college — it seemed like a really good option,” Russo said. She is now gearing her internship and career path toward working for a major meat processor with a special interest in poultry. “Coming in to school, I was thinking I wanted to be a veterinarian, and had no interest in meat science,” Russo said. “Definitely working at the meat lab has opened up a whole new world for me. I’m very interested in going into the poultry industry, working with meat birds or turkeys.” Cutting edge future The meat science program at CSU is widely applauded. However, that applause is set to get a little louder when ground breaks in late spring 2017 on the planned Gary and Kay Smith Global Food Innovation Center. The
9th Annual
“Performance with the Maternal Edge” Bull & Female Sale Registered Black Simmental, SimAngus and Angus
Friday, March 17, 2017 • 1:00pm
Imperial Livestock Auction Imperial, NE Featuring sons of Kappes Northern Octane and TJ Cowboy Nebraska
ANTED: Profit-Minded Producers... To Beef Up Your Calf Crop Russo is a sophomore with big dreams of working in the meat science industry. She says her work at the meat laboratory has shaped her career plans – particularly in the poultry industry. Photo courtesy of Holland Russo
ardinal harolais ardinal
TJ Cowboy Nebraska
WANTED: Profit-Minded Producers... WANTED: Profit-Minded Producers... To Beef Up Your Calf Crop To Beef Up Your Calf Crop
ardinal 20th Also sons and daughters of Connealy Full Power, www.cardinalcharolais.com harolais Anniversary Hooks Yellowstone, SAV Ten Speed and more harolais
Kappes Northern Octane
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Annual Production Annual Production Sale Sale
News Flash—Tim and Bonnie Downing won the champion pen overall for profitability in this years Sandhills Cattleman Association Performance and Carcass competition! Sired by Gengenbach Cattle Co Bulls we offer Congratulations to our long term customers
Annual Production Sale
Friday, April 2013 Friday, April12, 7, 2017 Friday, April 12, 2013 Friday, April 12, 2013 Selling Selling at at the the Ranch: Ranch: Selling at the Ranch:
100 “Sandhill Bulls Selling at theBred” Ranch: 100 “Sandhill Bred” Bulls
... 100 “Sandhill ... Bred” Bulls
Randy & Mary Jo Gengenbach
Performance, Performance, Ultrasound, Ultrasound, DNA, DNA, & & Fertility Fertility Tested Tested Performance, Ultrasound, DNA, & Fertility Tested
... .......................... ..........................
Blk & BWF 1st Calf Heifer Pairs rmance,30 DNA, & Pairs Fertility 30Ultrasound, Blk & BWF 1st Calf Heifer with Cardinal Charolais Sired Calves at side with Cardinal Charolais Sired Calves at side www.cardinalcharolais.com
Dr. Adam, Grant and Drs. Eric & Tori, Olivia, Bella and Abigail 75490 Rd 330 • Grant, NE 69140 •308-352-4975 308-352-6185 cell
www.gengenbachcattle.com mjgengenbach@hotmail.com
Ranch: (970) 847-3345 15488 Road Ranch: & (970) 847-33451st Calf 15488 County County Road 57 57 30 Blk BWF Heifer Pairs Ranch: (970) 380-1355 847-3345 15488 County 57 Pat: (970) Hillrose, CORoad 80733 Pat: (970) 380-1355 Pat: (970) 380-1355
Hillrose, CO 80733 Hillrose, CO 80733
h Cardinal Charolais Sired Calves at side
www.thefencepost.com I 69
True high altitude cattle.
T-H EART R ANCH 175 Simmental and SimAngus™ High Altitude Bulls
The FACTS about PAP at T-Heart • •
• • • • •
PAP tested by Dr. Tim Holt at 7,680 feet Tested Negative for Trich and BVD-PI Ultrasound Carcass Results available Sale Day Guaranteed for Fertility, Structure and Disposition Videos and photos available online prior to the sale
MARCH 25, 2017
We develop and PAP test our bulls at 7,680 feet. We PAP test our bulls twice, once at weaning and once at yearling, to ensure the best accuracy. If they pass twice in our elevation and environment, we feel more confident they will work for you. We are dedicated to being your trusted supplier for high altitude bulls.
Sire Groups Include:
1:00 PM (MT) • JOIN US AT THE RANCH IN LAGARITA, CO Shane & Beth Temple
T-HEART RANCH and L-CROSS RANCH Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 Garrett Thomas 936-714-4591 Clint Berry 417-844-1009 www.alliedgeneticresources.com
719-850-3082 • 719-850-3083 shane@t-heartranch.com Josh Staudt 970-227-0729
70 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
planned $14 to $16 million center, scheduled to be in use by summer 2018, will feature a complete livestock, poultry and meat processing center spanning harvesting and all processing; a culinary research and sensory analysis facility; an auditorium lecture hall and meat demonstration classroom; and a retail meat and dairy store and café. Although highly competitive on a national scale, the CSU Meat Science program lacks significantly in facilities compared to other major universities. The current meat laboratory is part of the Animal Science Building that was completed in 1959. In 1995 the abattoir for livestock harvest was moved off-site to make room for a carcass-viewing classroom. The planned 36,600 total square feet of the new facility will encompass — and significantly upgrade — the current 5,000-square-feet housing the meat laboratory. It will replace the current Animal Science Building that is on campus. For Russo, the center will only enhance her passion — especially the newly-added poultry division. She says with the coursework required of her double major, she will still be in school when the center opens and definitely plans to work there. “I am very, very excited,” Russo said. “Joe [Bullard] showed us Russo said although she likes all aspects of her work at Ram Country Meats, she especially enjoys making sausage and other further processed products. Photo courtesy of Holland Russo.
One of Nebraska’s Best Sources of Quality Two-Year-Old Angus Range Bulls 49th Annual Production Sale
Friday, March 3, 2017 • 1 P.M. CST ION THE TRADIT E CONTINU S
Sale To Be Held At The Ranch, Near Rockville
Selling Registered Angus • Big Stout 2-Year-Olds • Quality Yearlings • Bred Heifers • Open Heifers
Sires Include: Granite, Wisdom, Excitement, Tour of Duty, Angus Valley, Pursuit, Net Worth, Bismarck, Sportsman, 10X and Others.
Carl Dethlefs
& Sons
308-372-3200 • dethlefsangus.com Jerry and Gary Dethlefs 78119 S. River Rd., Rockville, NE 68871 www.thefencepost.com I 71
the plans, and I actually have a copy of them in my room!” The new center will be a help to future students, but for Brady Rink of Bristol, Colo., the existing facility and his experience at the lab were good enough to launch an enterprising career in meat science. With a background in production livestock and farming, Rink came to CSU knowing he wanted to pursue a profession in the beef industry. His work at Ram Country Meats honed his interest in the meat sector. “I knew I was interested in the beef industry,
Nebraska Bull Service Custom • CustomCollection Collection Facility Facility • Experienced Personnel Experienced Personnel
• Exceptional Semen Quality Exceptional Semen Quality • State-of-the-Art Storage & Shipping Services State-of-the-Art & Shipping Services • Facilities Designed forStorage Animal Comfort • Facilities NAAB Member & CSS Certified Designed for Animal Comfort
“ I was impressed with the way SAV Renown looked upon his return from Nebraska Bull Service. I thought he was just the right condition and we were able to photo him before we turned him out for breeding. It is one thing to put up good semen, but another thing to put up good semen and have the bull look the part that people want to buy semen. NBS has great semen quality and friendly, professional and courteous people. I have nothing but positives to say about Nebraska Bull Service.”
NAAB Member & CSS Certified
ska Bull Service
- Bob Watkins, Schaff Angus Valley
“ I was with the way SAV Renown “ I was impressed with the way SAV Renown looked upon hisimpressed relooked upon his return from Nebraska Bull turn from Nebraska Bull Service. I thought he was just the right Service. I thought he was just the right condition condition and we were able to photo him before we turned andhim we were able to photo him before we om Collectionout Facility for breeding. It is one thing to put up good semen, but him an- out for breeding. It is one thing to turned uppart good semen, but another thing to put other thing to put up good semen and have the bull lookput the rienced Personnel up good semen and have the bull look the part that people want to buy semen. NBS has great semen quality and ptional Semen Quality that people want to buy semen. NBS has Brady great Rink showcases his custom-made sausage recipe, friendly, professional and courteous people. I have nothing but whichand won him second place in a taste panel judged competition semen quality and friendly, professional e-of-the-Art Storage & positives Shipping Services to say about Nebraska Bull Service.” in one to of his meat science classes. Photo courtesy Brady Rink. courteous people. I have nothing but a division ofpositives Accelerated Genetics
ities Designed for Animal Comfort
say about Nebraska Bull Service.” “ I was impressed with the way SAV Renown looked upon his return from Nebraska Bull Service. I thought he was just the right condition - Bob Watkins, Schaff Angus Valley and we were able to photo him before we turned him out for breeding. It is one thing to put up good semen, but another thing to put up good semen and have the bull look the part that people want to buy semen. NBS has great semen quality and friendly, professional and courteous people. I have nothing but positives to say about Nebraska Bull Service.”
Nebraska Bull Service - Bob Watkins, Schaff Angus Valley
B Member & CSS Certified
Custom Collection Facility
Located in the Heart of but Cattle throughCountry working in the meat lab, I found my
passion,” Rink said. “This job sparked my interest, and since then I’ve absorbed everything I can.” Road | 308-345-2900 State-of-the-Art Storage38364 & Shipping Services720, McCook, NE 69001 | nebraskabullservice@accelgen.com Facilities Designed for Animal Comfort Rink said the relationships he developed working NAAB Member & CSS Certified - Bob Watkins, Schaff Angus Valley with nationally recognized meat science faculty, as BULL SERVICE well as becoming more familiar with companies that a division of Accelerated Genetics NEBRASKA conduct research through CSU, opened up doors for BULL SERVICE Located in the Heart of Cattle Country him. His supervisors, including Dr. Bob Delmore a division of Accelerated Genetics and Bullard, recommended him for an internship Located in the Heart of Cattle Country 64 Road 720, McCook, NE 69001 | nebraskabullservice@accelgen.com | 308-345-2900 with Cargill, which led to his current job offer. Experienced Personnel
Exceptional Semen Quality
38364 Road 720, McCook, NE 69001 | nebraskabullservice@accelgen.com | 308-345-2900
72 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Graduating with a degree in animal science in December 2016, Rink will start his work with Cargill Meat Solutions beef unit in January as a management associate, training for six to eight months in all aspects of the meat processing line, then taking the role of supervisor of approximately 35 employees and responsibility for a section of the fabrication line.
“I feel like I’ve really found my niche in the meat industry, to incorporate my passion of the meat industry and meat science to help benefit the beef industry,” Rink said. “Working with the meat lab definitely secured my career future.”
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
Select Sale Saturday, March 11, 2017 The Historic Stadium Arena National Western Complex Denver, Colorado
troyerauctioneers@msn.com | www.troyerauctions.com
Fort Lupton, Colorado www.thefencepost.com I 73
The Fence Post 35 Years Serving Ranchers, Farmers & Agri-businesses
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Rona Johnson Editor (970) 539-4466 rjohnson@thefencepost.com
Samantha Fox Reporter | Editorial Assistant (970) 392-4410 sfox@thefencepost.com
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Gay Dawn Rogers Account Manager Nebraska (970) 301-2190 grogers@thefencepost.com
Kelsey Snyder Classified Sales Manager 877-347-9109 kesnyder@thefencepost.com
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Trevor Bennett Classified Sales Specialist 877-347-9102 tbennett@thefencepost.com
The #1 Farming & Ranching Publication In The Region Since 1980! 74 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Deanna Levine Account Manager Foothills-West, Colorado (970) 590-0412 dlevine@thefencepost.com
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Jordynn Schmautz Classified Sales Specialist 877-347-9113 jschmautz@thefencepost.com
thefencepost.com 800-275-5646
Booth’s Cherry Creek Angus ANNUAL
Progress Through Performance Bull Sale Sale Date: Thursday, February 9, 2017 At the ranch in Veteran, WY Lunch: Noon • Sale Time: 1 p.m.
Selling 180 bulls including 100 PAP tested fall bulls
Selling over 50 sons of K C F Bennet Absolute including 34 with an average PAP score of 40.
These bulls were PAP Tested in Centennial, WY by Dr. Tim Holt after spending the summer at over 8,000’.
All bulls will be
K C F Bennet Absolute
CED: +12 BW: -0.8 WW: +63 YW: +116 M: +16 Marb: +.98 RE: +.87 $B: +153.54
Shawn & Diane 307-837-2994 • Michael & Lindsy 307-837-0164 Kacey 307-532-1532 • boothangus@scottsbluff.net
www.thefencepost.com I 75
Ready Or Not:
2017 Will Bring Changes To VFD By Amanda Radke
Photos courtesy of Jarvis Haugeberg
s of midnight on Dec. 31, 2016, the livestock industry better be ready for the Food and Drug Administration’s amendments to the Animal Drug Availability Act of 1996 pertaining to the regulation and implementation of veterinary feed directive (VFD) drugs.
Jarvis Haugeberg
Dustin Oedekoven
76 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
So what do producers need to be in compliance with the rule? It starts with a veterinarian-clientpatient relationship (VCPR). “If there’s an illness you need to treat with feed, livestock producers will need to talk to their veterinarian before heading to the feed dealer; relationships with a veterinarian are best built before a wreck happens on the ranch,” said Dustin Oedekoven, DVM, South Dakota state veterinarian and South Dakota Animal Industry Board executive secretary. “If producers are using antibiotics in their livestock feed now, starting Jan. 1, 2017, the expectation will be that they visit with their veterinarian and obtain a VFD to present to the feed dealer.” The new rules will go into effect Jan. 1, 2017, and there are two primary changes that will be implemented as part of the VFD rule. These changes include the need for producers to have an established VCPR and a written VFD from a veterinarian to purchase any VFD feed, which includes commonly used feeds such as CTC
Producers will soon need a Veterinary Feed Directive to obtain feed containing antibiotics.
crumbles, Tylan, Rumension or AS700, to name a few. Transitional labeling has already been underway with feed companies removing any references to “improved growth rates” or “enhanced feed efficiency.” As the rule is written, antibiotics in feed should only be used to prevent, control and treat and will be prohibited from extra-label use. Feed purchased before the Jan. 1 date doesn’t need to be disposed of, but a VFD will be required for continued use of the product. “The changes that will happen on Jan. 1 are really a culmination of a series of changes the FDA began making several years ago,” said Oedekoven. “The framework has been in place for a long time, but there have only been three drugs that have been labeled as a VFD up to this point.” Under the new guidelines, the list of VFD feeds is much
longer now, and Oedekoven said that record-keeping will be a critical component to following the new rules. “Any time there’s change, there’s fear of the unknown, and I understand the concerns about the level of records that will need to be kept,” said Oedekoven. “For producers, it will be pretty simple. All records need to be kept by the veterinarian, producer and feed mill for two years in case of an audit by the FDA. These changes are going to necessitate more cooperation between livestock producers and their veterinarians. They will have to talk more than they have in the past, and instead of veterinarians charging for products, they may have to charge for time spent at the kitchen table discussing options and offering advice to producers.” Electronic versions of the VFD can be filled out by veterinarians at sites such as www.globalvetlink.com. Per
www.thefencepost.com I 77
HF Who’s That 7A 1/10/2013 — Reg. #17850885
HF Tiger 5T x Duff Movin Up 874 CED +7 BW +1.5 WW +61 YW +122 M +33 SC +1.28 Owned with: Cedar Top Ranch — Stapleton, NE
HF Tiger 5T Reg. # 16526314 HF Kodiak 5R x TC Freedom 104 CED+12 BW+.7 WW +63 YW+122 M+31 SC+.97 ACC .83 .94 .91 .88 .78 .83
Sitz Top Seed 539X Reg. # 16559096 Sitz Upward 307R x Sitz Alliance 476P CED+10 BW+.3 WW +67 YW+122 M+36 SC+1.24 ACC .85 .85 .78 .75 .41 .46
Owned with: Joe Heiken, MT — Sitz Angus Ranch, MT
Stop by and see our 2016 calf crop by: Sitz Top Seed 539X AAR High Five 8563 SAV Pioneer 7301 HF Rising Son 13B HF Who’s That 7A HF Tiger 5T Barstow Cash BSF Hot Lotto 1401
February 18, 2017 J.W. and Cindy Simonson 83450 Hawley Flats Ave. Dunning, NE 68833 H) (308) 538-2548 C) (308) 880-0079
Carrol Minert and Wes Minert PO Box 68 Dunning, NE 68833 H) (308) 538-2676
www.minertsimonson.com 78 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
The Veterinary Feed Directive will require more paperwork from feed dealers.
the rules, it’s important to maintain printed records of these VFDs regardless of whether or not they were electronically submitted. At the feed dealer level, feed mills will also be experiencing changes. Jarvis Haugeberg, Form-AFeed vice president of marketing and nutrition, explains what is required of feed dealers in order to be in compliance with the updated changes to the VFD rules. “Feed dealers need to make sure they have filed with the FDA their intent to distribute,” Haugeberg said. “Letters of intent can be filed on the FDA website, and starting Jan. 1, 2017, they will no longer be able to sell any medicated feeds (Type B or C) unless that business has filed an acknowledgement to distribute, or directly to a producer with a valid VFD. Manufacturers are also not legally able to sell to any feed dealerships unless they have received that letter of acknowledgement. The letter simply states that the dealer is aware of the changes to the VFD and that they are accepting responsibility to comply with VFD regulations.” Haugeberg served as chairman of the Feed Legislative Regulatory Affairs Committee for the National Grain and Feed Association and had an
BULL SALE Selling 330 Registered Angus Bulls Saturday, January 28, 2017 At Lincoln Co. Fairgrounds • In North Platte, Nebraska
EF Commando 1366 74 Sons Sell
Baldridge Waylon W34 14 Sons & 54 Grandsons Sell
opportunity to have direct input with FDA, in making sure the VFD rule was not only effective, but easy to follow for producers. “The FDA worked hard to reach out to producer groups, feed organizations and the veterinarian community,” Haugeberg said. “They made every effort to make the rule as easy as possible for the industry to follow. For example, the NGFA submitted statements to the FDA, and virtually every suggestion we made was inserted into the final rule, almost verbatim. Now as an industry, we all need to pull together and make sure we are in compliance.” Public perception has played a large role in the implementation of these new rules. With growing concerns about antibiotic resistance in humans, the livestock industry is now being called upon to help reduce this problem and judiciously use antibiotics in meat and egg production. “The American public has been putting pressure on the FDA for a very long time for more stringent regulations on medically important drugs that are used in both people and livestock. The general perception is that continuously feeding antibiotics as growth promotants in livestock is unnecessary
Basin Payweight 1682 * 14 Sons Sell
LD Emblazon 999 * 21 Sons Sell
Selling 200 coming 2-year-olds and 130 yearlings * 190+ bulls suitable for heifers. Wintered & delivered free nationwide after March 15 * First breeding season guarantee * Satisfied customers are the foundation of our business Comprehensive performance data * Ultrasound & fertility tested * A wide selection in all price ranges
To request your free sale book or more information call:
Jud Baldridge Jeff Baldridge 5329 Rodeo Rd. North Platte, NE 69101 Home (308) 532-2100 Cell (308) 520-2221 Fax (308) 532-8269 • www.baldridge.net
www.thefencepost.com I 79
and dangerous to the public. The FDA and the public aren’t saying we can’t use these products, but they want to see these antibiotics used under the guidance of a veterinarian and only for the use of illness,” Haugeberg said. Oedekoven added, “The discussion of antibiotic resistance in human medicine has been a worldwide discussion that impacts people, livestock, pets and even horticulture. The recognition of antibiotic resistance is pretty evident. Any time we use antibiotics, we run the chance of some bacterial populations becoming resistant to these antibiotics. So how do we reverse this problem? It’s important to recognize that even in South Dakota, the state’s two major hospital organizations are paying close attention to antimicrobial resistance and trying to limit it in their practices, and on the livestock side, we must do the same. These changes have been inevitable, and we’ll have to reconcile with these changes in the way we do business and maintain animal health and immunity.” Both Oedekoven and Haugeberg agreed that prevention and management might play a key role in avoiding antibiotic use in livestock. “On a preventative level, the industry may have to
start paying closer attention to the timing and selection of vaccinations and other management changes that will promote a healthy immune status in livestock,” Oedekoven said. “In treating sick calves, it’s good to remind everyone that while feeding antibiotics may seem easy and appropriate, in some cases, it might not be as effective to feed. Sick animals don’t always consume feed, so if they go off feed and you’re hoping to get the drug in the animal, you might need to sort that one off and give him a dose with a needle. Nothing is changing in regards to the use of injectables, and your veterinarian can continue to prescribe medicine as needed in those situations.” Livestock producers may be looking for ways to stay ahead of illnesses, and Haugeberg explained how natural immunity boosters may come into play. He said, “We’ve been working hard to create and market various holistic products that will help our producers keep their animals healthy thereby reducing the need for antibiotics. There’s a big push for that, and it mirrors what we are doing in human health, too. Products such as yeast and chelated minerals help our animals nutritionally, so antibiotics and vaccines work more effectively. If we increase the nutritional
ERIE, CO • 2038 I-25 Frontage Rd. 303.828.4300 • 800.532.5113 • www.trailersourceinc.com 80 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
plane, especially on stressed animals, it will improve their immune function and reduce the need for antibiotics.” Ready or not, the latest changes to the FDA’s Animal Drug Availability Act are coming your way. If producers don’t have a good, ongoing relationship with a veterinarian, it might be time to stop in the clinic and say hi. “The sky is not falling,” Haugeberg said. “What seems cumbersome, awkward and impossible now will become second nature shortly. We just need to work together, and it will be just fine.”
Circle D Trailers Authorized Dealer! Contact us for your Special Order!
Circle D Pick-Up Beds
Beds starting at $1,675 SD Models Available Sideboards & Toolboxes optional
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Trailer Parts in Stock! Brakes • Lights • Brake Controllers Axles • Plus Much More 3602 Denver Street,Evans, CO 80620 M-F 8-5 • Sat. 8-12
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EVERYONE IS HEADING TO THE Tuesday, January 17, 2017 • 5:00 PM Wild, Wild West Simmental Sale Adams County Fairgrounds • Brighton, Colorado
AHLB 605B - Upgrade Open Heifer Oval F D619 – Open by All Time ASR C523 - Wide Track Bred Heifer During the Denver National Western Stock Show Simmental events. Bus transportation from the NWSS grounds will be provided to the sale.
Selling 60 Open & Bred, Black & Red Female lots! • Ranch raised “Bred to be Cows” Show Prospects Ahlberg Cattle Rod,Vicky and Cashley Ahlberg Longmont, Colorado 303-776-2342 IL
Catalogs sent on request.
Oval F Ranch Don and Marilyn Fischer Winston, MO 816-392-8771 Matt and Andrea Fischer St Joseph, MO 816-383-0630
Campbell Simmental Robert and Chris Campbell Ignacio, Colorado 970-563-9070
Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch Willie and Sharon Altenburg Fort Collins, Colorado 970-568-7792 Russ Princ, Mgr 256-254-9042
Bridle Bit Simmentals Erroll, Chad, Brent and Brad Cook Walsh, Colorado 719-324-5542
Look for our Wild, Wild West sale catalog on breedingcattlepage.com JA
01 Y 19, 2
40 Years 7 Generations 1 Goal Watch for our consignments at the 2017 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic
In 1976,
I purchased my first registered Limousin cows. 40 years later we were honored to exhibit the Supreme Champion Bull at the 25th Annual Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic! Big Shot’s pedigree traces back seven generations to one of those original foundation cows.
With seven EPD’s in the top 30% of the breed and a pattern that is hard to fault, Big Shot typifies the kind of cattle we are striving to produce. If you’re looking for practical, performanceoriented Limousin and Lim-Flex cattle with over 40 years of predictability, please give us a call!
Kevin and Julie Ochsner | Kersey, CO | 970.396.5525 (c) | tenderleanbeef@hughes.net 82 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
www.thefencepost.com I 83
84 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Wagner Charolais sixth annual Bull sale
MarCh 21, 2017
CoMMitted to Quality
Sterling Livestock Commission Sterling, CO 1:00 pm MDT 70 Fall Yearling Bulls Top Bloodlines
Bob & Jan Wagner 18025 WCR 128 Nunn, CO 80648 Four Aces in the field this fall. Several of his sons will be in the sale.
Call or email for catalog: 970-420-2336 bob@wagnerranch.com wagnercharolais.com
Forage for Stockmen 101 East 4th Street Road, Greeley, CO 800-421-4234 www.buffalobrandseed.com Forage half page BC.indd 1
High quality Forage Sorghum, Sorghum Sudan and Millet
www.thefencepost.com 12/6/2016 11:19:31 IAM85
Bulls at Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin graze rangeland and irrigated grass in eastern Colorado.
A Family Ranch United Angus and Limousin Pair Well Together For Amen and Lewis Families By Amanda Radke
Photos courtesy of Amen Angus & Lewis Limousin
86 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Customers and potential customers are welcome to check out the cattle anytime at Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin.
he rolling hills of the South Platte Valley near Sterling, Colo., is home to Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin. The centennial ranch was started by ranch patriarch, Walter Amen, age 94, who still lives in his 1914 farm house and keeps an eye on the generations of family members who manage the land he’s called home for nearly a century. In the early years of raising cattle, Amen preferred Herefords and kept baldie cows around in his commercial operation. But in 1960, the ranch took a new direction. At the time, Amen’s son Ken was in high school and wanted
to purchase 20 registered Angus heifers and a bull for his FFA project. Walter approved the purchase, and the foundation of what would become Amen Angus was built. Following high school, Ken attended Colorado State University, and upon graduation in 1967, he returned home to ranch with his dad, forming a partnership, expanding the herd and selling their first set of Angus bulls in 1978. It wasn’t just cattle the Amens were raising; it was kids, too. Ken and his wife Bonnie raised three girls on the ranch — Wendy, Heidi and Heather. The girls grew up learning the ropes on the ranch and all three later went
www.thefencepost.com I 87
An emphasis on muscle and marbling has made for a stout set of cattle at Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin.
WTC FEEDS a Division of Wickham Tractor Co. Bringing You Superior Nutrition
on to pursue agricultural careers. But it was Wendy who returned home to the family’s cattle business after college. She brought along her husband, Mat Lewis, whom she met through collegiate livestock judging at Colorado State University. The couple both received master’s degrees from the University of Minnesota, bringing extensive knowledge in beef cattle management, ruminant nutrition and agricultural business along with them when they moved back home in 1992. Of course, bringing in another family to the ranch presented its own set of challenges, and diversifying the business helped to support the growing Lewis family. The couple has four daughters — Kaylie (age 22), Rylie (19), Kinlie (15) and Hallie (9) — and Limousin was the ideal complimentary Continental breed to add to the Amen Angus operation. Mat Lewis grew up in the Limousin business near Kirk, Colo. In 2009, his dad Les leased Mat his Limousin cattle and moved them to the Amen ranch in Iliff, Colo., effectively combining the two operations into one.
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88 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Disposition is always a consideration when raising cattle.
“Leasing the cattle from my dad was a great way for me to get started and to disperse his herd out,” said Lewis. “I’ve always had a fondness for the Limousin cattle, and we’ve moved more toward the LimFlex cow. This cross offers some crossbreeding options for our Angus customers, and it works well in our operation, too.” Today, Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin sell 100 bulls annually with repeat customers coming back each year because of the consistency and functionality of the cattle. “Our philosophy is to breed for balanced traits,” said Lewis. “We focus quite a bit on the maternal advantages that Angus have, and although we aren’t trying to push any envelopes for growth, we select for cattle that will be productive and have big weaning weights for our customers.” Carcass traits have been a focus for the operation, as well, and the family has consciously worked to improve the ribeye scores in the Angus cattle and the marbling in the LimFlex cattle. “We try to place plenty of emphasis on muscle and
marbling,” he added. “As a result, we have a pretty stout set of Angus and LimFlex bulls.” The bulls are for sale by private treaty, which Lewis says offers their customers ample time to look over the cattle without the pressure of a fast-paced auction sale. Bulls are available for viewing in mid-December, and they have an open door policy for cattlemen who want to come view the cattle. “We try to make it a non-pressure buying situation,” said Lewis. “We want our customers to have plenty of time to look through the cattle and ask questions. We’ve developed a customer base that trusts our program, and we sell many bulls each year sight unseen.” The operation utilizes a very extensive artificial insemination (AI) program, with all of the cows going through at least one cycle of AI before being exposed to a clean-up bull. While they have many sires in their bull battery, Amen Impact is a standout for the operation. Out of Connealy Impression and a SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter, Impact has the right combination of pieces for progeny
www.thefencepost.com I 89
The landscape in eastern Colorado is perfect for raising bulls and a family, said Ken Amen of Amen Angus.
that have plenty of eye appeal and a strong balance of performance markers. “Impact is a really sound-moving, good-footed bull that offers a balance of traits and maternal characteristics,” said Amen. “He sires functional type of cattle that make great cows, and he works really well in a commercial setting, as well.” Among the Limousin lineup, Lewis Limousin owns SYES Best Buy, a bull they purchased from Symens Brothers Limousin in Amherst, S.D., Out of Wulfs Exclusive 2458X and Miss SYES Linebacker 317S, Best Buy boasts a powerful EPD profile, with above average weaning, yearling and docility numbers. All of the bulls are backed with ultrasound and genomic data, which Lewis said helps their business and their customers make more informed decisions. “These are very valuable tools for our customers,
90 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
particularly in helping ranchers identify the easiest calving sires we have available,” he said. “With the aging demographic of ranchers today, they are willing to spend more on a calving ease bull, so being able to accurately predict calving ease is very important to our customers.” Ultimately, Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin want to raise cattle that will be profitable and practical for commercial cattlemen. “Quality genetics are going to be of more value now to a commercial cow-calf man than even in high market times,” said Lewis. “One of the goals of our operations is to have the genetics in such a place where we can meet industry demand and ultimately help drive profitability for our customers based on the genetics.” Although the cattle are the primary focus of the operation, the Lewis and Amen families also keep busy planting a variety of irrigated crops, as well as selling seed
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Wendy’s sisters, Heidi and Heather, along with their families, come out to the ranch and help when needed. “It’s all about family for us,” said Lewis. “Ken grew up here, and he’s always had a strong desire to be a part of agriculture. He’s worked hard to keep the land in good shape to be in a position to pass it onto the next generation. He raised his family here, and we’ve had the chance to do the The Amen Angus herd started with 20 cows and an Angus bull, and has grown to one of the most reputable herds in the country. The addition of Lewis Limousin brought in new blood and ideas. same. It’s truly a family operation.” Bulls are now available for viewing for Dupont Pioneer. Additionally, Mat is known for his at Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin. To learn more about auctioneering and livestock judging, and the family has the breeding program, check out amenangus.com. spent plenty of time at cattle shows and sales over the years. “Showing cattle is a passion for us,” he said. “Our girls have enjoyed showing at county, state and regional events, as well as the National Western Stock Show. They get to be around other kids who share similar lifestyles and values.” Lewis says it’s been a good project for the girls over the years and has helped them get their start making breeding decisions for their own show heifers. They also enjoy when
Calf catching fork Amen Black Granite, one of the Amen Angus bulls, stands on the ranch in Iliff.
Makes catching calves faster and branding easier
Lewis Creighton, one of the Lewis Limousin sale bulls, stands on the ranch in Iliff.
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For more about Amen Angus and Lewis Limousin, go to amenangus.com or call Ken Amen at (970) 522-8211 or Mat Lewis at (970) 521-0545.
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Fighting a deadly battle in the high country Producers and researchers seek answers to centuries-old larkspur problem By Amy G. Hadachek
Larkspur is an attractive, perennial forb that is both palatable and poisonous to cattle. iStock photo.
n the rugged Colorado rangeland terrain above 8,000 feet elevation north of Pagosa Springs, Colo., Lindner Ranch manager Randy Halls is increasingly worried about finding dead cattle. Cows and yearlings are struggling to survive in the patchy but dense thickets of poisonous larkspur plants, disguised
96 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
as slyly attractive purple flowers. Larkspur has been a continuous problem, especially the past two years, largely because of increased spring moisture. “When I lose several head of cattle, whether its cows, calves or yearlings, I attribute it to larkspur most of the time, because the animals are found in and near large patches of larkspur,” said Halls, who manages the large
cattle ranch. “There are about 2,000 cattle on our and neighboring Forest Service permits. We all have the same problem with cattle losses attributed to larkspur. I’m missing seven head of yearling heifers, and I’m assuming, at this point, that larkspur probably is the culprit. I’ve seen a few cattle that look like they’re drunk. I assume it affects their nervous system. They start slobbering real bad, and are usually near a creek or other water source.” Many species of larkspur are native forbs that can be poisonous to cattle. “You can’t ‘doctor’ for Meiman is an associate professor of rangeland ecology it, and you can’t keep and management at CSU. Photo courtesy of Paul Meiman cattle from eating it,” Halls said. He noted it’s on U.S. Forest Service property, and everywhere he looks. “It’s so prevalent; you can’t spray," Halls said. “It’s hard for us, as permittees to justify spraying and it’s Forest Service, and we don’t want to kill all the forages. We have one permit made up of five different pastures, and one pasture seems particularly bad. It’s not accessible by ATV so you’d have to Visit us at the thespray National Western Show backpack in. It just wouldn’t Stock be feasible.” Desperate for a solution, Halls and other affected Colorado ranch managers are anxious to hear results of a recent study on Geyer larkspur launched by a team of Colorado State University professors and researchers. In the first study in 2010, lead researcher Paul Meiman, CSU associate professor of rangeland ecology and management found herbicides led to some reduction in larkspur abundance, but only for a short time and the products reduced other types of broadleaf plants (forbs) that were desirable. Another CSU professor researching Geyer larkspur, Joe Brummer, instructed his students to develop a Colorado ranch management plan dealing with Geyer larkspur on the eastern half of the 10,000-acre ranch project. “My interest in Geyer larkspur comes from my work with the CSU Foundation Maxwell Ranch located north of Livermore, Colo. For a number of years, I used the ranch as a model for teaching
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a couple of courses in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management,” said Brummer, who is a forage specialist and associate professor in Plant Sciences at CSU. “Geyer larkspur is one of the first plants to green up in the spring, so it is risky to graze pastures from that time period until the plants set seed in August and dry up. It is toxic at all points, even the dried up plants. This made it very difficult for the students to suggest changes in the grazing program to the ranch manager. Basically, the eastern half of the ranch was only able to be grazed safely in the late summer, fall, or winter time period. Therefore, the pastures on the western half of
the ranch were always grazed during the spring and summer.” Now Meiman and his team are analyzing results of a second study about Geyer larkspur toxicity to Colorado rangeland cattle. Meiman referred to his PhD student Kevin Jablonski’s research, which tracked toxicity and focused on whether Geyer larkspur was consistently highly poisonous from year to year and throughout the growing season, or if there were opportunities to safely use pastures with lots of Geyer larkspur in some periods of some years. First, Jablonski and Meiman concurred recent estimates of larkspur death losses are about the same
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98 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
as estimates from a century ago. “Research in 1916 showed losses averaging 5 percent of a herd, with individual cases of up to 200 head. In 1999, another study showed losses of 2 to 5 percent, and up to 15 percent in areas with significant larkspur populations. Larkspur-caused death loss is suspected as being as tough a problem as it’s always been,” Jablonski said. Jablonski’s research also confirmed what studies by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Poisonous Plants Laboratory in Logan, Utah, found. Alkaloid concentration, which is a measure of toxicity, varies from year to year, but almost always reaches levels
capable of killing cattle for at least part of the year. Jablonski’s latest findings take a new approach, but instead of focusing on avoiding Geyer larkspur, his focus is on the alteration of grazing management, that allows cattle to graze with larkspur around, and eat the plants without dying. Jablonski said it’s possible, but only if the grazing is managed in a certain way. Jablonski learned cattle can eat lots of larkspur before getting sick or dying, although he noted that many producers don't realize this. “Studies have found that the vast majority of cattle that eat Geyer larkspur are fine, and only a small
Geyer larkspur in flower in mid-July. Photo by Kevin Jablonski
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percentage over-eat and become ill or die. Second, it appears that Geyer larkspur will respond to grazing by becoming smaller and less toxic and less dangerous, so by avoiding grazing it we may be causing it to become more dangerous,” said Jablonski, noting their study is ongoing, but early results are promising. Jablonski said his research involved a ranch in Wyoming that had regular losses to larkspur for many years. They drastically altered their grazing management practices in the mid-1990s for other reasons, but ever since, have had little to no losses to larkspur for 20 years, while their neighbors continue to. “As a former beef producer, it is my strong belief — there are many managers out there who have Geyer larkspur solved; we just don't hear about them because it is not a problem for them — who talks about a problem they don't have? Our research is working on putting together these pieces into coherent science and strategy recommendations, but it’s very much in the preliminary stage so I’m very hesitant to imply that producers change what they are currently doing,
Larkspur can be one of the first plants up. The larkspur is the plant taller than a few inches, taken in early May. Photo by Kevin Jablonski
Arapahoe Valley Angus Generations of Quality You Can Place Your Money On
BULLS & HEIFERS SELL PRIVATE TREATY. Disposition • Utter Quality • Pedigree Anita, Tracy, and Kelsa Erickson 6511 County Road 21 Fort Lupton, CO 80621 303-857-4410 100 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
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especially if it’s working for them. This is a big, difficult, persistent challenge so there may not be a simple answer, but we’re confident we’ll contribute new ideas for producers in the next few years." Meanwhile, Jablonski shared some of the less common, but very successful alternative approaches that some producers have identified. “Avoidance is the strategy that producers learned a long time ago — many people will not let their cattle around Geyer larkspur until the seed pods burst, which happens in mid- to late-July or later. By that point, toxicity is low enough that losses are unlikely. Some have found success using the ‘toxic window’ strategy, which says that early in the season may also be a low risk 'window' for grazing, because the cattle are less likely to eat it at that time of year. However, we’ve heard from producers who have tried grazing early in the season, and the cattle ate larkspur anyway; sometimes it is the only green thing out there early in the season, and some died. As Paul (Meiman) has noted, they are then unlikely to risk it again.” Halls said larkspur has been worse over the last two years, which he surmised is linked to the wetter springs, particularly in April and May. “We had a wet spring, which makes larkspur grow, especially in shady, heavily dense, wooded spruce, aspen area from about 8,000 feet to 9,000 feet — is where I see
it the worst, and especially on north-facing slopes, but all slopes,” Halls said. “The only thing that seems to help is what I was told at the place we buy mineral: to feed high-phosphorous mineral early in the spring, a month or two prior to turnout. “I don’t know if the phosphorous somehow helps keep them from dying when they eat the larkspur, or if the actual plant is high in phosphorous, so the cattle don’t crave the larkspur as much. It seems to help, but isn’t a cure-all,” Halls said. One of the basic principles of grazing management is not to graze the same pasture at the same time of year, every year, Brummer said. “The only strategy that I would mention until we have more data is — it seems producers grazing cattle at higher density may be less likely to have deaths due to Geyer larkspur, as there are more animals and less larkspur per animal, and individual animals are less likely to be able to wander off and eat a whole patch on their own,” Jablonski said. “However, we're working to figure out exactly why this is, and calculating numbers to exactly what kind of density may be needed.”
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SADDLE WOES: The Off-Side Cinch Strap BY HEATHER HAMILTON-MAUDE FOR TRI-STATE LIVESTOCK NEWS One late July or August day years ago, my brother and I were sent an hour south of our place to get the bulls out of our yearling heifers. As in years previous, we were prepared with our geldings, enough semi-heavy duty panels to convert the twopen corral into something you could load a bull out of, and the necessary trailer to haul the whole works home. We arrived, set up, cinched up and headed to the spring-fed creek in the middle of the 600-acre pasture of rolling hills, bad cross fences and exceptional grass we rented. As we eased into a slow, ground-covering trot, visiting away about which water hole the bunch was most likely at, I looked over and noticed something odd. My brother and his saddle were beginning to slip. I began to say, “Kyle, your saddle is slipping…,” when halfway through the thought and a fraction of the way through the words everything gave way and he unceremoniously slammed into the ground. We would later learn his off-side cinch strap had rotted through, quite suddenly, from my vantage point. This caused an immediate reaction in his horse, Otis, who had no idea what the heck was going,
but who has always had a strong flight versus fight mentality – if you can hang on he will take you to safety with him, if you cannot, that is a personal problem for you. I also knew that of our two horses, his was hands-down the faster, and my heart leaped into my throat at the thought of him being dragged and me not being able to do a thing about it, as, simultaneously, the situation gained momentum with impressive speed. His horse burst into a run in a nano-second, and thankfully a dazed and mad Kyle stayed behind on the ground to watch as his gelding did a beautiful arcing circle back toward the barn, which we were only a couple hundred yards away from. It was an impressive sight considering he was nearly breaking a land speed record, with a saddle hanging from the back cinch between his back legs. Pieces of tack rained behind him, and as each landed in the grass my brother’s color went up another notch. I wisely left my ticked off brother and went to remove what I expected to be only a back cinch from his horse – you learn when to offer assistance to the hu-
man or the animal after a few of these experiences. After gathering up his horse and completing the unplanned unsaddling process, I began to wonder how long it would take me to get three bulls sorted out and into the less-than-ideal corral by myself. I turned with the two horses to see much of the problem solved for me. There was my brother, walking in the arcing circle his horse had made, picking up pieces of his tack. In a curious, bellering, slobbering and dust-infused circle around him were our yearling heifers, acting as yearlings do. While this did nothing for his mood, I immediately saw the humor in the situation, and the three bulls they had graciously brought right to the corral for us. It only took a few minutes to corral and pull bulls that year, causing much teasing regarding my brother’s unique way of improving our average time for the task. The saddle required quite a bit more time to repair, only to be sent back to the saddle maker 364 days later for a complete rebuild following another bull incident…
This is one of the blog posts from our newly launched working horse blog, Cavvy Savvy. You can find it at www.cavvysavvy.com. Follow the Cavvy Savvy on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cavvysavvy.
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Dillmans’ Drive:
Work ethic, humility keys to arena success By Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns
Photos courtesy of Dave Dillman Performance Horses
ard work and good horses built the West, and continue to keep it going. That truth is obvious at Dave Dillman Performance Horses of Calhan, Colo. “We just recently purchased this place,” Dave explained, adding “now we ride all day and then work on the place in the evening, trying to get it like we want it to be.” Dave’s wife Reanna shares his work ethic, confessing that she has difficulty delegating basic grooming and routine care of their horses and client horses they’re responsible for. “We’re so ‘hands on’ with them, it’s hard to turn any of it over to the people we hire; I’d rather be the one doing it,” Reanna said. “I groom so much it’s hard to see the horses move on; we get attached to every one.” Both Reanna and Dave have deep roots in the work discipline, which brightly reflects in their shining success. Growing up in Roundup, Mont., Dave was bitten by the competitive horse bug through association with his horse-training sister and her
husband, Lisa and Steve Swarthout. “I showed a little with them,” he said, “but didn’t really start training for the public until I was in my mid-20s.” As for breeds, styles and disciplines Dave said, “I’ve tried a little of everything. You know how it is getting started – I took anything I could get, mules to Arabs to Appys.” Whatever Dave was riding, his never-give-up attitude held the reins. “This is a tough business to get into. I literally lived in a tack room and ate hot dogs from 7-Eleven — I mean, two hot dogs a day — that was it. I think it’s important for young people coming up to know that, because when we’re hiring it’s hard to find someone who wants it that bad. But when you do find them they’ll stick with you, and it’s awesome.” Dave smiled at his enthusiastic wife and partner Reanna as he said that, because she’s one of those. They’ve been working together for six years, with amazing accomplishments. “When you start into this, it’s a lifestyle you’re buying into,” Dave explained. The couple has been married for Reanna and Dave Dillman
106 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
two years and is happy to own their own place — Dave Dillman Performance Horses. While Dave dabbled in various disciplines, Reanna feels fortunate to have been involved with working cowhorses from almost the beginning. “I was kind of interested in barrel racing,” she says, “but this friend said, ‘Oh, let me show you something better’ – and I was hooked. I had a great youth riding career and was successful in cowhorses.” She started with an old rope horse. “My next step up was Peppy Nic Star. He taught me pretty much everything I needed to know, and that was a lot,” Reanna said. “This is by far the most humbling sport. You can have a great reining run and be boxing your cow real well, and then it all falls apart — in two seconds! It has helped me develop a lot more character, especially as a youth kid coming up.” In 2007, the stars aligned for Reanna and Peppy Nic Star to win the Youth Bridle Competition at the “Big One,” National Reined Cowhorse Association Futurity in Reno, a career highlight so far. “I worked so hard for it, and it finally all came together,” she said. “I loved working cowhorses, loved the lifestyle, loved all the horses and the people and their stories, but I tried to walk away,” Reanna said. “I tried to go to school, and do different things, but it just kept pulling me back into it. Then I met Dave and went to work for him, and the business grew and….” The rest, as they say, is history – but for the Dillman’s it’s historyin-the-making because each moment, each day, they continue to work, live and breathe cowhorses.
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Dave Dillman has worked with nearly every kind of horse in several disciplines, but found his niche in reigning and working cowhorse arenas. www.thefencepost.com I 107
Dave said, “I concentrated mostly on reining early, and only switched to reined cowhorse about six years ago. I love it! It’s by far the toughest thing I’ve had to train – without a doubt.” The humble guy credits many mentors, saying, “I worked for Guy Vernon for a while and he’s probably the biggest influence on my reining, but I worked with a lot of different people who all helped me. On the cowhorse, all my colleagues in Colorado have been super helpful. They got me going, and made me as successful as I am for sure. “These trainers are really a close-knit group,” Dave pointed out, “everybody helping each other. I’ve never had a problem that they weren’t right there with ‘What can we do to help?’ That’s what really attracted me to the cowhorse scene.” Switching disciplines and the entire atmosphere from horse shows to reined cowhorse competitions is major, and Dave credits Reanna for greasing the wheels through it all. “I rely heavily on her . . . she probably less on me.” he said. “I’ve been really successful switching, thanks to her. She’s very organized, motivated and competitive, keeps me lined out, and most important of all she tells me the truth about what I’m doing or need to change. That’s one of the hardest things, to have someone telling you the truth.” Reanna’s critical coaching sense never exceeds her cheerleader capacities
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though, as Dave said, “I get pretty hard on myself, and of course we defeat ourselves as much as anything. Reanna encourages me to stay humble and be happy if I draw a check at all in this kind of competition — be proud of that, and look forward to coming back another day for the bigger win. “Reanna’s right, again — NRHA and NRCHA are so competitive I think you should be pretty proud of yourself to get any win,” Dave said, going on to give a lot of credit to his horses. “I’ve had some really good horses. They always actually kind of amaze me, the things they’ll do for me in overcoming some of my faults in the show pen.” Endless road miles and time Reanna Dillman has been involved with working cowhorses since nearly the beginning of her riding career.
why not breed your mares to King Bijou or Two ID Boonerang?
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BLOOMER TRAILER DEALER Vist us at the National Western Stock Show
EXISS TRAILER DEALER After living in a tack room, eating hot dogs from a 7-Eleven to get by, Dave Dillman knows what it's like to work his way up.
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away from home come with the job, and the Dillmans say, “We love the lifestyle, the horses and cattle and people we’re around, and the traveling. Of course we’ve always gone to Reno, but now that event’s moving to Texas. We go to Texas all the time, but actually the Colorado Reined Cowhorse Association has so many approved shows that we can be within 200 miles of the house and show all year long,” Dave said. “They also have some approved shows we go to at McCook, Neb., and we show in Rapid City, S.D., a couple times each year.” Dave’s popularity in his world is evidenced by peer election as President of CRCA and he says, “Our shows are concentrated pretty heavily along the
Adams County Regional Park (Fairgrounds)
9755 Henderson Road, Brighton, Colorado 80601 18 miles North of Denver • 1.5 miles West of Hwy 85 on 124th Ave. Consignments taken on Draft Horses, Mules, Light Driving Horses, Ponies, Saddle Horses, Wagons, Carriages, Horse-Drawn Farm Equipment, Harness & Farm Related Antiques. All Horses & Mules must be pre-consigned. A $20 consignment fee per head - paid in advance. A negative Coggins Test & current Health Paper must accompany each animal. Brand state animals must have brand inspection in seller’s name. If selling registered, all papers must be in seller’s name with signed transfer.
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110 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Dave and Reanna Dillman are working together to keep building Dave Dillman Performance Horses.
eastern slope and we are looking to move some of them around the state, get some on the western slope and such.” The happy horse is a goal at Dillman Performance Horses, and one of the most rewarding aspects of what Reanna and Dave do. “We get attached to every one that comes through the barn, whether they give us fits or are super stars,” Reanna said. “We’ve had some reiners kinda convert to the cowhorse, and they transition to loving their job. It’s great to see them come out of the stall happy, and watch them love their job.” While Quarter Horses are their biggest clients, Dave has coached some Paint World Champions and some NRCHA Champs and NRCHA World Champs. He’s hesitant to list his accolades, and that humble attitude is obvious if either Dave or Reanna is pressed to speak of their clientele and successes, but the “2016 News” page on their website is littered with names like Mary Boyd and Spook’s Sonic Boom; Metallic Cat and Mark Donner; Lot Forrest 1Purviance and Playinghardtoforget; Dun N Dry Jen5302 Smith Lot 1Boots - Lee’sand Cash Barstow Cash x Lee’s Dixie Erica 3030 and others . . . mentioned for racking up wins in Open BW WW YW 1.4 54 99 Bridle, Limited Open Bridle, LimitedMILK Open Hackamore, $B PAP Score $114.57 52 Non-Pro Limited events and Derbies.22
In any recipe for a working cowhorse paradise, “hard work” and “good horses” are bound to be key ingredients, liberally garnished with “right attitude.” As Reanna puts it, “I go out every day and try to let that horse teach me something. And if you don’t learn something from them, you’re not trying hard enough.”
"We get attached to every one that comes through the barn, whether they give us fits or are superstars," said Reanna Dillman.
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Short-term cows, long-term plans Story and photos by Savanna Simmons
eifer versus cow. Each has its benefits and risks, but the short-term cow is something to consider when a feed source is available.
“If you have feed that fits a short-term cow, it’s an option to consider,” said JD Williams, manager of Four Three Land and Cattle in Redbird, Wyo. “A short-term cow is like any other kind of fixer upper in that they’re sold at a discount. She’s discounted because of her potential to go downhill, but a lot of those cows are going to last three years.” Four Three Land and Cattle runs both raised and bought heifers and young cows, as well as purchased short-term cows and all stock is run on grass only, without hay or cake supplement. “A good cowman will not often buy short-term cows; she’s someone else’s cull. The good businessman is all over it. A cowman is real interested in the fancy long-term cow because he can build his program around her, but a short-
114 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
term is just purely business,” Williams said. “Take a lesson from a businessman, a good cowman is prone to leaving some money on the table.” “We lease our ground, so we can fluctuate our leases with bought cattle and keep that core herd pretty steady. When we have a lot of hay or a lot of grass, instead of running 100 cows, we may be able to run 120 cows. We use short-term cows to fill that void. We can’t create 20 mama cows, so it’s easier to adjust with short-term than fluctuate a traditional cow calf herd,” said Chris Veal, of Meadow, S.D., who operates a ranch that has pastures and feedlots available and farms hay and other crops. In order to figure if a short-term cow will fit your situation and be a sound investment, a few factors must be considered. “Figure your worse case scenario. If your best case scenario is break-even, don’t touch it. If the worst case scenario is break-even, then there’s room on the top side.
We ain’t ranching to break-even,” Williams said. “I figure Williams said ranchers running short-term cows need to them working for one year and to break-even in that first either wean a little earlier to allow for gain on the cow, and year. Half of the short-term cows you’re going to get more maybe a slight loss of gain for the calf, or keep the calf on than one year out of. We have a big string of cows we for the calf to gain, but the cow to lose a little. bought to run one year, so that’s working.” “Assume for your short-term cows, you’re going to wean Williams offered the situation of purchasing a bred as early as you can, so you can salvage that cow. You’re short-term cow with ample grass available. In order for the probably not going to leave the calf on her until November, deal to be worth proceeding, Williams figured the sum of until she’s a shell,” Williams said. “I’ll expose her and run the price of a calf, salvage value of the cow, and the price of her another year if she has teeth and can take it and that’s grass. gravy.” “If you’re honest on your numbers, you must consider As for this year’s moderately dry conditions in most of if the purchased short-term cow doesn’t breed back and the tri-state area, purchasing short-term, or any, cows may include the price of grass,” Williams said. “Consider the not be ideal this time of year. opportunity cost if you were to lease the grass, and that’s “If you’ve got some hay or grass, you can buy her. Any what to figure for your cow. It’s about $30 a month per of this dry country, unless that cow is really affordable, you head for us.” might be pretty careful. Veal purchases Chances are anyone short-term cows, when can winter them he is in the market, cheaper than the guy in by staying within the dry area,” Williams a window of the said. “You’ll pay more projected cost of an in the spring for a cow open cow. someone fed all winter, “I like to stay within but you’ll still likely be a certain price of the paying less than if you weigh-up animal, of winter her yourself in a the cull cow,” Veal said. drought area. If a guy “If you’re at $1,000 for has her locked up in weigh-up cows, I stay the feed yard, what she within $150, though costs in the spring is it’s a moving target. I still going to be cheaper stay within 10 to 15 than if you winter percent of the value of her and pay the feed A short-term cow is sometimes a cull cow that may have a broken or missing tooth but isn’t old. She may be 7 or 8 and was culled because of that tooth. Photo by Bree Poppe. a dry weigh-up animal. bill and she will be in If I can stay fairly close better shape, so you’ve to that money I can usually make them work.” got a bit of a cushion. She’ll be calving in better shape than Both Williams and Veal retain a large percentage of the if you wintered in dry country.” short-term cows for more than one year. “Recently we had some water issues, so we dry-lotted the “We’ll go through them and assess and I’ve had years short-term cows and threw feeders out for the calves,” Veal where we’ve bought big wads of them, and a lot of times said. “We had a shortage of rain and grass, so we’ll probably keep more than half of them for at least one more year,” put a lot of the cows in and finish them out as fat cows and Veal said. “Many times they just have a broken or missing sell them. I would rather feedlot the short-term cows and tooth, and they’re not necessarily old. They could be a 7- or save the grass for the heifers, so that works well.” 8-year-old cow with just a broken tooth.”
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Winter Weather Boosts Risk of Colic in Horses By Kristin Danley-Greiner
cool water for ice water and snow. These changes can contribute to an uptick in colic veterinarians have observed once cold weather hits. Though colic is a catch-all term for a bellyache in a horse, in the winter it’s most commonly caused by impaction. Contributing factors to winter colic include drier feed, less water and less exercise. Joe Stricklin, DVM, is a vet in Greeley, Colo. He’s practiced for 36 years and has noticed another factor that seems to bring on bouts of colic —barometic pressure. “I don’t know if there’s scientific proof, but when you get cold fronts coming through I think that has something to do with it. It increases pressure on the guts sometimes. It’s more than just a coincidence that When a horse has a belly ache, an indication of colic, he may try to bite or scratch at his when some of these fronts come through you see belly. iStock photo. horses with a bellyache.” Luke Bass, who teaches at Colorado State orses don't need much — food, water, a University’s veterinary hospital and specializes in equine little protection from the elements. Wild ambulatory care. said a fair 60 degrees in the afternoon horses can get by on old grass and snow all and a drop to 20 degrees at night can throw off a horse’s winter, without any help from automatic waterers or gastrointestinal system and cause colic to develop. heated barns. Though there’s not much a horse owner can do about But there's a difference between surviving and thriving, cold fronts, being deliberate and careful about the other and when you've invested heavily — both financially and environmental factors can help avoid a painful and emotionally — in an animal, surviving just isn't good potentially dangerous situation for the horse. enough.
Heading into winter, consider the changes that happen in your horse's life. They may trade their days grazing green grass for standing at a bale feeder. They may swap their refreshingly
118 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
Water Dehydration is probably the biggest factor in winter colic. “We’ll see horses with an obstruction or impaction in
their colon due to the colic. They have about 100 to 120 feet of intestine from one end to the other, so if they aren’t hydrated, the feed in their intestines hardens and doesn’t move, which leads to abdominal pain,” Bass said. It’s not enough to just make sure horses have access to water — it has to be water they’re willing to drink. “If the water source is not as warm as the horses prefer, they’re not as interested in drinking it,” Bass said. “I’m not a big fan of automatic waterers, because you can’t monitor how much they’re drinking. It’s nice to put heaters in the water tank, which helps you monitor their intake and keeps it warmer for them.” If you are bucketing water to your horses, be prepared to haul up to 15 gallons a day. Stricklin said in extremely cold weather a horse is going to drink at least 10 gallons a day, maybe more than that, maybe less. The important thing, he said, is to make sure they’re drinking each day. Unfortunately, there aren’t any warning signs that a horse is dehydrated. The first thing you notice is likely to be the signs of colic — wanting to lie down, kicking at their bellies, looking at their back end, Stricklin said. There are upwards of 40 different types of colic, but abdominal pain and impaction are common among all types, Bass said. Horse owners should look for such symptoms as decreased appetite, refusal to drink, lethargy, licking at its side because of the abdominal pain, pawing at the ground, ears pinned back and rolling back and forth on the ground. “If they aren’t passing manure, they’re really uncomfortable,” he said. “If they’re throwing themselves on the ground or are unable to stand, that’s a severe sign.” Another common malady, “tying up” can look like colic, and is also caused by dehydration, but the cause and treatment are different. “Tying up is muscles,
Rolling is a common indication of colic. iStock photo.
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The biggest contributors to colic cropping up in horses are dehydration, switching feed and stress from the weather. iStock photo
colic is the belly,” Stricklin said. A horse that is tying up isn’t likely to want to lie down, because its muscles are cramping. “Sometimes the two can look a lot alike, so you need to know what you’re dealing with to know the best way to treat them.” Walking is recommended for a colicy horse, but not for a horse that’s tying up. If a horse is tying up the recommended treatment is an anti-inflammatory, Stricklin said. “If you’re not sure which you’re dealing with, you need to get somebody there who does, and can decide the best treatment for them.” Feed The choice of feed and transition of feeds can also affect a horse’s chances of developing colic. The change from a high-moisture feed like grass to drier hay, or even changing from grass hay to alfalfa hay or vice versa can upset a horse’s stomach. “You’re going to have trouble with colic if you change the type or quality of feed too rapidly,” Bass said. “If you can’t get the feed you used to, you need to plan ahead, stockpile it, then gradually transition into the new feed over a two- to three-week period.” Stricklin recommends feeding a mix of alfalfa and grass hay so the horses get used to both. 120 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017
However, supplemental feed needs to be carefully considered. “If the weather is cold, plenty of good hay is fine. They get plenty of calories from that. They may sometimes need additional calories, but it depends on your overall feed program,” Stricklin said. “I think a person has to be careful with finely ground up feeds like sweet feeds and pellets. They’re more prone to getting compacted with those because they’re finer.” Stricklin suggests warm, wet, soupy bran mash when it’s extremely cold, so horses get more water in their system. Bass and Stricklin both recommended adding powdered electrolytes to grain or water to help reduce the risk of dehydration. Stricklin prefers adding it to grain so you can make sure they eat it all. If they object to the taste, it may actually discourage a horse from drinking water, so it should be added a little at a time, and the owner should carefully monitor the water intake. The vets also said a salt block can help encourage a horse to drink more, but can cause problems if sufficient water isn’t available all the time, Stricklin said. Atwood, Colo., is home to a horse breeding operation run by horseman Dale Schnee. Since 1989, Schnee has raised highly sought after horses from the Driftwood bloodline, but has never had trouble with colic, particularly in the winter.
Schnee agreed with the vets about the management practices to reduce the chances of colic, but he adds another element to his recipe for success — Mrs. Stewarts Bluing — a laundry additive he puts in his horses’ water. “I don’t have any problems with pneumonia, sickness, snotty noses or a tinge of any type of sickness,” he said. “If used properly, it’s terrific. I’m a strong believer in it.” “I’ve been so fortunate that I’ve raised as many as 115 head of horses at one time and never had a single case of colic,” he said.
+/- 125 Acres, Weld County near County Road 37 & 88, Pierce, Colorado, +/- 110 acres under pivot, Large dairies and feed yards are located nearby, excellent sugar beet farm. Property includes a huge 40 X 150 shop /out building with two overhead doors. Offering includes a 7 tower Valley pivot in excellent condition and one -half (1/2) share of Water Supply and Storage Company irrigation water and one and three -fourths (1 3/4) shares of The Collins Lateral company (running right). Additional irrigation water is leased. No oil and gas rights are available. Les or Greg 130 units of CBT +/- 111 acres, 6037 Highway 60 Johnstown, Colorado. Property is annexed to the Town of Johnstown. Modest improvements including 2 homes. The property is offered with 11 shares of Home Supply, and associated lateral and/or running rights, Les or Greg $6,700,000 153+/- acres 3+/- miles NE of Wellington. 105+/- pivot irrigated, balance grassland with lake front, great views and development potential. Irrigated with North Poudre water, no water rights included in the sale. $975,000 Call Les or Greg 50 UNITS OF CBT WATER +/- 78 acres on the west side of Milliken Colorado bounded by County Road 46 on the south and County Road 46 ½ on the north. Property is annexed to the Town of Milliken. The property is offered with 1.5 shares of Hillsborough Ditch Company and associated lateral and/or running rights. Les or Greg $2,785,000 5,800 +/- ACRES GRASS PASTURE NORTH WELD COUNTY, BETWEEN KEOTA AND GROVER. Fenced, cross fenced, improvements include a 3 bedroom 2 bath modular home, outbuildings, nice working facilities, +/- 160 acres of use pasture, no oil and gas rights available, excellent county road access. Good stock water distribution with wells, pipelines, numerous tanks and seasonal pond. Possible lease back on all or part. $2,969,000 Les or Greg 970-221-2607. +/- 14.29 acres, no HOA, no covenants minutes from Fort Collins, excellent mountain views of Longs Peak, beautiful Fort Collins skyline, and Poudre Schools in a beautiful rural setting. Just 1 mile east of I-25 and north of State Highway 14 (AKA East Mulberry) adjacent to County Road 5. Can be divided. $324,900 Call Greg or Les Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Weld County, Colorado located near Nunn, Colorado, or approximately 25 miles north of Greeley, Colorado. +/- 160 acres (County Roads 96 & 37). 159.6 CRP contract acres, expires 9/30/2023, payment $5,774 annually; Oil and Gas rights are not available. $200,000, +/- 80 acres under contract 80 acres available, asking $100,000. Les or Greg (970-221-2607). Grassland close in. 260+/- acres native grassland 5+/- miles NE of Wellington. $520,000. Can be bought in 35+/- acre parcels. Call Greg or Les +/- 5,000 head feedlot with 250 +/- acres farm ground with 122+ acre pivot, Yuma County, CO truck scale, CAFO permitted retention ponds, 4 wells for feedlot, leg, roller, and grain storage, indoor processing and load out facility. Working condition with complete reconstruction in progress. Tremendous area for feed availability. Les Gelvin (970) 214-6139
www.thefencepost.com I 121
Mrs. Stewarts Bluing
Animal / Fish / Bird Ingestion of Mrs. Stewart’s Bluing *MSB is manufactured and tested as a laundry whitener only. All other uses are "at your own risk". While we advertise MSB for some other uses, we try to remain clear that these other uses come to us from loyal customers and we pass the information on as a public service. Facts about MSB: MSB is basically a blue iron powder suspended in water and contains a non-toxic amount of a biocide and pH balancer. Even in it's concentrated form, MSB is non-toxic, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. MSB is manufactured under non-sterile conditions and is therefore, not generally recommended for ingestion by human or animal. Over the years, we have had many reports of:
diseases won't lay eggs on the water if it is blued. Farmers also use it to prevent disease in young chicks. Dog owners have used MSB to prevent kennel cough and other diseases as well as to keep the noses of their white dogs from yellowing — particularly with show dogs. Many veterinarians recommend it to their clients. It is put directly on sores, insect bites, ring-worm, etc. Since 1883, we have never received a report of a sick or dying animal as a result of using MSB in such ways. However, I must emphasize again that since we have not tested MSB for any such use, and because it is manufactured under nonsterile conditions, we cannot recommend it for ingestion. You are "at your own risk" in using it in this way. --From www.mrsstewart.com
MSB being used in fish tanks and fish ponds MSB being used in bird baths MSB being used by farmers in drinking watering troughs MSB being used by pet owners in their pets drinking water Customers claim that MSB helps to reduce the algae growth that occurs in fish tanks, ponds and bird baths, keeping them cleaner longer. Farmers claim that it reduces distemper and other diseases. They claim that the flies that carry these
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124 I The Fence Post I Breeder's Connection 2017