Greeneville Sun - 09-25-2012

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LIVING: Brown-Baggers To Discuss Willa Cather. A-4

GOLF: District 2-A/AA Golf Tournament Results. B-1

The Greeneville Sun

An independent newspaper celebrating its 134th year of service to Greeneville and Greene County TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012



Magnavox Building: New Site Of A Jail? BY KRISTEN BUCKLES STAFF WRITER

Greene County Commissioners found that the vast expanse of the onetime Magnavox Plant #3 building proved a sharp contrast to the confined spaces in the Greene County Detention Center in its largely boxed-in location downtown. However, owner Charles White’s proposed 20-year, $16.65 million lease followed by a purchase option of $8.75 million was more than the commissioners of the Courthouse/ Workhouse Committee were ready to tackle. The committee met on Monday morning with commissioners from the commission’s Budget & Finance Committee and Law

Enforcement Committee at the former Magnavox building, at the intersection of Industrial Road and Kiser Boulevard. The joint meeting was held in response to the Tennessee Corrections Institute Board of Control’s recent decision to decertify the Greene County Detention Center due largely to overcrowding. Decertification does not prevent the jail from operating but potentially threatens substantial revenues that the county currently earns from the boarding of state and federal prisoners. In addition, decertification increases the county’s vulnerability in the event of lawsuits filed PLEASE SEE JAIL|A-11


County Commissioner Fred Malone, at left, chairs a joint meeting of three county committees — Courthouse/Workhouse, Law Enforcement, and Budget & Finance — on Monday to address the county jail’s recent decertification, mainly because of acute overcrowding. Commissioner Rennie Hopson, at right, a staff member of the Sheriff’s Department, cautioned others at the meeting that a federal judge may force the County Commission to build a new jail if corrective measures are not taken locally to address the jail overcrowding.

Fire Took Away Couple’s Home, And That Of Katrina Victim, Too BY KEN LITTLE STAFF WRITER

Theresa and Ed Henry are just beginning the process of recovering from a devastating house fire. So is their friend, John Powell. The Henrys lost their house, two pet dogs and a lifetime of possessions in a fire last Friday afternoon. Powell, a New Orleans-area native whom the Henrys took in after his home in St. Bernard Parish, La., was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, finds himself in a familiar position. While the Henrys live temporarily in a camper, Powell, 61, is staying in a nearby workshop building constructed by the PLEASE SEE FIRE | A-12

Fire Results In $41,000 Damage To Mobile Home BY KEN LITTLE STAFF WRITER


Theresa Henry stands at the front door of her family’s house in the 7200 block of the Newport Highway on Monday. A fire on Friday destroyed the house, leaving Henry, her husband Ed Henry, and longtime family friend John Powell temporarily homeless.

‘Last Ounce’ Star Remembers Roots As Newport Native STAFF WRITER

The star of the new movie, “Last Ounce of Courage,” isn’t so different from his character in the film — nor is the small town in which the film is set so different from his hometown of Newport. Marshall Teague, who has been in the acting profession for more than 35 years, calls East Tennessee his hometown. He has played in numerous movies and TV shows, including appearing opposite Patrick Swayze in the 1989 film “Road House” and taking reoccurring roles in “Walker, Texas Ranger,” the popular TV series that starred martial arts expert Chuck Norris. Teague calls Norris a close personal friend, and “Last Ounce of Courage” carries the Chuck Norris stamp of approval. According to Norris, this is the only movie he has endorsed in which he does not actually have a role. “Last Ounce of Courage” opened in theaters Sept. 14, grossing $1.6 million and making it to the top 15 grossing movies for that weekend. In this area, it is playing at Carmike 14, at 1805 North Roan St., Johnson City; Capitol Cinema I & II, at 105 North Main Ave., Erwin; and Carmike College Square 12, at 2550 East Morris Blvd., Morristown. PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE SUN; VERITAS ENTERTAINMENT, 2012

NASHVILLE – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, RTenn., a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said Monday he will co-sponsor and work to make law legislation to cut off pay to Congress if it doesn’t pass a budget and appropriations bills by the beginning of the fiscal year, Oct. 1, as required by law. “How can you balance a budget if you don’t have a budget?” Alexander was quoted in a news release from his office. “You wouldn’t get paid at the Grand Ole Opry if you showed up late and refused to sing. The same should apply to members of Congress who don’t do their jobs.” Senator Dean Heller, R-Nev., introduced the “No Budget, No Pay” Act in the Senate last December. U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper, a Nashville Democrat, has introduced the legislation with 87 co-sponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives. The co-sponsors for Rep. Cooper’s bill include U.S. Rep. Phil Roe, R-1st, of Johnson City. The legislation provides that members of Congress may not receive pay after Oct. 1 of any fiscal year in which Congress has not approved a concurrent resolution on the budget and passed the regular appropriations bills.

This is the movie poster for “Last Ounce of Courage,” the new film starring Marshall Teague, a native of Newport.



Sen. Alexander To Back ‘No Budget, No Pay’ Bill Rep. Cooper Sponsors Bill In House; Rep. Roe Is A Co-Sponsor There



A fire Monday morning in a mobile home at 1275 Pates Hill Road originated in the kitchen, sheriff ’s Deputy Aaron Rogers said in a report. Damage to the mobile home and contents is estimated at $41,000. Owner Eunice Shehan told deputies she was in the kitchen when she saw smoke. Shehan called 911. “All occupants were able to get out safely,” the report said. The fire apparently started on a cooking stove and spread into the kitchen area, the report said. The Orebank and Caney Branch volunteer fire departments responded and extinguished the fire. There was smoke and water damage throughout the mobile home, the report said.



Tonight — Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid-50s. Wednesday — Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower-80s. Thursday— Partly sunny. Highs in the lower-80s. Friday — Mostly cloudy. Highs in the upper-70s. Saturday — Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid-70s.

INSIDE OPINION ..............A-2 LOCAL ..................A-3 LIVING .................A-4 MATURITY .............A-8

COURT REPORTS ..A-9 SPORTS .............. B-1 COMICS .............. B-4 CLASSIFIED B-6 P


THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012




Writer Defends Spradlin Letter On Several Points

Was Cairo Speech Obama’s ‘Munich Moment’?

Dear Sir: Concerning the Letter to the Editor of The Greeneville Sun written by M. Sgt. Arthur Thompson on 30 Aug. 2012, in response to a letter written by the Rev. Lanny Spradlin, Ph.D., on 21 Aug. 2012: In the second paragraph of this letter Mr. Thompson states: “When someone who has the letters Ph. D. after their name tells me that they are not a liberal, I tend to raise an eyebrow questioningly.” My impression of Mr. Thompson’s letter is that Mr. Thompson is of a conservative mindset and is not fond of educated or smart people. My question to Mr. Thompson would be “Why do you question what Rev. Spradlin says about himself?” Do you believe that having an education makes one a liberal? If so, does the lack of an education make one a conservative dummy? (Or maybe Mr. Thompson thinks that his common sense trumps a Harvard education.) Anyway, give Rev. Spradlin credit for his degree which he has earned and a break because, in my opinion, he has some good ideas probably mixed with some bad. Or could it just be that Mr. Thompson has a conservative ideology that requires everyone to be labeled? From my own experience, I am conservative on some issues and liberal on others and refuse to be labeled as either. People who allow themselves to be called “conservative, liberal, Catholic, Baptist, or any other label” may be relying too much upon their group to tell them how to think and what to believe. We live in a country where thinking for one’s self has always been allowed, and sometimes demanded, and I see no need for anyone to abrogate the civic responsibility to think for themselves by submitting to the will of any party, group or ideology. Someone once said “If everyone you know agrees with you, then maybe you need to make some new acquaintances.” Mr. Thompson also disparages President Obama and talks about “’socialism” as if it were a bad thing. I notice that Mr. Thompson is retired from the U.S. Air Force. Has he ever considered the fact that he has spent his career in the world’s largest socialistic agency (the U. S. military)? The government takes tax dollars from its citizens in unequal amounts, and then the military provides a service that benefits every citizen equally.

That is redistribution of the wealth any way you look at it. I received a tiny bit of the nation’s wealth while in the Marines, and I still get Veteran’s Affairs benefits so I am not criticizing anyone’s service to their county. I am making the point that a little socialism may be needed at times and that we should consider all the potential benefits of socialism and of taking care of our fellow man before we start on a rant against it. Another thing to consider — many people who call themselves conservatives cloak themselves in Christian cloth and then ignore the teachings of Jesus. Even Mitt Romney claims to be a Christian and would denounce socialism. I am not a Christian (or anything else that has a definable label), but I have read the Bible many times and I feel certain that Jesus was definitely not a capitalist, would not have elevated capitalism to a lofty status, and did not advocate that anyone should amass great wealth. Jesus might even have been a Socialist had the word existed way back then. After all, Jesus taught that we are all responsible to each other and should help those who are in need. I am also of the opinion that Jesus might not define making 20 million dollars a year as a “’success story.” I think that he would call it by its true name – pure unbridled greed. I believe that Rev, Spradlin, in a letter dated 11 Sept. 2012, touched on the subject of greed in his fourth and ninth paragraph and also mentioned “Scare Tactics” in the ninth. I personally think that fear and greed are the two greatest evils ever suffered by mankind. It seems that some politicians are always trying to scare the timid among us by suggesting some version of “The government wants to take your money and give it to those people and I am here to stop the government from doing that.” Remember the fear of welfare queens driving Cadillacs in years gone by? The “‘godless Communists”’ also were what we were supposed to fear in times past, and now it is “creeping socialism.” Evidently, fear works on some people because people such as Rush Limbaugh make millions of dollars for dispensing [it] to their listeners. What a shame that we listen ... Don Carter Baileyton Road

Writer: Lessons Learned, Or Not, From Sports Dear Sir: Americans tend to love their favorite sports, but often fail to apply lessons learned to their own lives and actions. Weekend before last my wife and I were in Pittsburgh, Pa., for a niece’s wedding, and I was moved to write based on an article I read in USA Today Sports Section C, “Replacement must be fired!” The sports writer was advocating that a replacement official for the NFL should be fired for not disclosing that he was a Saints fan before accepting replacement duty for a Saints/Carolina Panthers game. This official was replaced before the game when Facebook photos blew the whistle. However, the writer wanted him fired and not available for any future games based on his nondisclosed “conflict of interest.” How sad that his same “conflict of interest” penalty does not apply to American voters accepting government checks for their precious voting rights. Just as an NFL official cannot participate in a game whose outcome can benefit him, or a corporate executive/government representative cannot vote on an issue whose implementation can have a direct or indirect benefit to them, so American voters should not

be permitted to vote while receiving government assistance for which they made no prior payments. While Social Security and Medicare premiums were paid by future recipients during their more productive years for benefits in their later years, food stamps, IRS payments to lowincome filers, and any other “assistance” for which the recipients made no prior payments should result in an immediate waiver of voting rights, until the need for the assistance is corrected. Permitting what I consider to be this flagrant “conflict of interest” bribery to continue unchecked has, I believe, resulted in approximately half of voters no longer addressing the issues determining America’s future, but simply voting to directly reward themselves When our current federal administration even challenges a state’s right to impose picture identification to at least prevent voter ID fraud, can there be any other more direct proof of their desire to “win at any cost,” no matter whose freedoms and rights are curtailed and usurped? Ray W. Rowney Jr. Regency Park

IN HISTORY — BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Tuesday, Sept. 25, the 269th day of 2012. There are 97 days left in the year. The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, begins at sunset. Today’s Highlight in History: On Sept. 25, 1789, the first United States Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification. (Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.) On this date: In 1513, Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and sighted the Pacific Ocean. In 1690, one of the earliest American newspapers, Publick Occurrences, published its first — and last — edition in Boston. In 1775, American Revolutionary War hero Ethan Allen was captured by the British as he led an attack on Montreal. (Allen was released by the British in 1778.)

BY DR. MARVIN FOLKERTSMA In September 1938 the British prime minister had a problem. The Third Reich’s psychopath-in-chief was scorching the airwaves in one of his trademark rants, this time about the supposed oppression of Germans living in Czechoslovakia. He threatened war unless Western nations caved to his demands, which was the last thing the British and the French wanted, with torrid memories of the last European conflagration still burning in their thoughts. Thus, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and French leader Edouard Daladier agreed to meet with Hitler and his ally, Benito Mussolini, in Munich on Sept. 29, 1938. The rest, as they say, is history. But what a notorious hunk of history this was. On an earlier excursion to Germany, Chamberlain was greeted with flowers and gifts and a band playing “God Save the King,” which seemed to justify his departing comment that his “objective is peace in Europe. I trust this trip is the way to that peace.” The result was a short-term peace in exchange for a German slice of Czechoslovakia, now virtually defenseless after being forced to relinquish the Sudetenland to the Reich at a meeting to which they were not even invited. No matter; Chamberlain still returned to his homeland waving a piece of paper that fluttered in the wind while he declared that he had achieved “peace for our time” to relieved audiences in Britain. This was Chamberlain’s Munich Moment. What transpired afterwards has entered history books and international relations seminars on the object lessons of appeasing an aggressor. After promising not to demand any more territorial concessions, Hitler ordered his armies to absorb the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, after which the German Fuhrer made fresh demands for new territorial concessions in Europe, this time against Poland. And this time German armies invaded their isolated victim, instigating declarations of war by Great Britain and France, which had learned their lessons from a year earlier. Fast forward to the present era, with a different location and a freshly-minted Western leader, President Barack Obama, who declared in Cairo in 2009: “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition.” Fair enough, and we may suppose, approximately equivalent to achieving “peace for our time” between Islam and America. However conceived, Obama’s Cairo address may now be remembered as his Munich Moment.

Then in September 2012 things began to get sour, though it took a little longer than the Munich betrayal — but then, Hitler was a gangster in a hurry, whereas radical Islamists believe they have plenty of time on their hands and that history is on their side. But even history has to be pushed now and then, which in this case resulted in the death of four American embassy personnel in Libya, including the incomparable Ambassador Christopher Stevens in a premeditated assault, and flag-burning frenzies of antiAmericanism raging throughout the Muslim world, from Tunisia to Indonesia. Based on past experience, one could believe that events in the summer and fall of 2012 constituted teachable moments, just as German perfidy and aggression in 1939 convinced western leaders that Hitler was a fraud. Instead, the American embassy in Cairo responded with another Munich Moment, by issuing a statement of such breathtaking pusillanimity that one could wonder which side in the issue they actually represented. “The embassy of the United States … condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims,” it declared, referring to a video trailer produced in America that mocked the prophet Muhammad. So, that was it, declared an official organ of the American government — just like Hitler’s aggression against the Czechs and Poles was in response to German citizens being treated poorly. Even Chamberlain eventually saw through that. His Munich Moment had passed; recognition of reality set in. Which is not to say that America should declare war against some Middle Eastern country. But it is to say that the Obama administration must recognize, as the French and British did in 1939, that hurt Muslim feelings have no more to do with radical Islamic hatred of the United States than mythical complaints about Germans under foreign rule had for Hitler; both were merely pretexts, excuses for aggression that would have taken place anyway. It also means that anti-Americanism in the Islamic world is going to get worse, not better, and that the United States had better be prepared for it with firm respect for our country and American interests abroad. In this case, responding with a cut-off of foreign aid to countries that murder or abuse Americans is a good start; perhaps stronger measures should follow. But issuing gag-inducing statements of apology and adhering to an untenable policy is out of the question. In short, American foreign policy cannot be based on endless repetitions of a Munich Moment. The writer is a professor of political science and fellow for American studies with The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College, in Pennsylvania. Copyright 2012 by The Center for Vision & Values.

BILLY GRAHAM — Q: My parents always said there were two things you shouldn’t talk about – politics and religion. Well, they never did, but now I’m an adult, and I don’t have any idea what to believe. Where can I turn? — J.I. A: I’m sorry your parents never helped you discover who God is or why He is important. Perhaps their parents did the same – but whatever the reason, I hope you won’t do this with your own children. The Bible says, “Teach them to your children and to their children after them” (Deuteronomy 4:9). The most important thing I can tell you is that God loves you, and He wants you not only to believe in Him, but also to come to know Him as your friend. How do we know this? We know it because He has demonstrated it to us a multitude of ways. Have you ever thought about the gift of life that God has given you? Have you ever considered the beauty and glory of the world He created? He didn’t need to make it

this way – but He did, and He did it so we could enjoy it. But God has shown His love for us an even deeper way, by coming down to earth in the person of Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus, for He was God in human flesh. And when you do, you’ll realize just how much God loves you, for He gave His life to save you from your sins. Don’t drift around any longer in a fog of unbelief. Instead, turn to Jesus and invite Him to come into your life. Then ask Him to guide you to a church where you can learn about Him and His will for your life. (Send your queries to “My Answer,” c/o Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201; call 1-(877) 2GRAHAM, or visit the Web site for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: © 2012 Billy Graham, distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.

BIBLE—VERSE Prayer: Read Isaiah 41:8-13 Dear God, You are present in every If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, season of life to offer guidance, strength, even there Your hand shall lead me, and comfort. We praise and thank You and Your right hand shall hold me fast. that we are never left alone. Amen. Thought For The Day — Psalm 139:9 (NRSV) How do I experience God guiding me?

In 1904, a New York City police officer ordered a female automobile passenger on Fifth Avenue to stop smoking a cigarette. (A male companion was arrested and later fined $2 for “abusing” the officer.) In 1911, ground was broken for Boston’s Award-Winning Newspaper UT-TPA Press Awards 2012 Fenway Park. Gregg K. Jones Co-Publisher John M. Jones, Jr. Editor In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson John M. Jones Publisher Artie Wehenkel Advertising Director Rich Jones Assistant Managing Editor collapsed after a speech in Pueblo, Colo., Steven K. Harbison General Manager during a national speaking tour in sup- Ken Hood, Jr. General Manager Emeritus Dale Long Circulation & Printing Director Brian Cutshall Online Director port of the Treaty of Versailles (vehrUSPS 228700 Regular Business Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday SY’). Published Daily Except Sunday Telephone Hours: 7 7:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Telephone: (423) 638-4181 In 1932, the Spanish region of Catalonia 121 W. Summer St. Fax: (423) 638-3645; Advertising Fax: (423) 638-7348 Greeneville, TN 37743 received a Charter of Autonomy (howevE-mail: Combination of three Greeneville newspapers: Democrat (established er, the Charter was revoked by Francisco 1879); Combined with Searchlight (established 1905), May 1920; Periodicals postage paid at Greeneville, Tennessee 37744. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Franco at the end of the Spanish Civil Combined with Sun (established 1895), October 1920. The Greeneville Sun, P.O. Box 1630, Greeneville, TN 37744. All material in this newspaper is copyrighted by Greeneville War). CORRESPONDENTS: The Sun makes every effort to provide the utmost in Company and, with the exception of the Associated Press, In 1957, nine black students who’d Publishing local news coverage for our readers, and would be grateful for items mailed, can only be reused with the express written permission of the telephoned or e-mailed to the office by any interested party regarding any been forced to withdraw from Central newspaper’s management. region within Greene County or our readership area. High School in Little Rock, Ark., because of unruly white crowds were escorted to SUBSCRIPTION RATES class by members of the U.S. Army’s Carrier Delivery 1 year: $109.00 6 months: $58.00 3 months: $29.00 1 month: $9.80 Mail Delivery in Greene County 1 year: $132.00 6 months: $66.00 3 months: $33.00 1 month: $11.00 101st Airborne Division.

The Greeneville Sun

Mail Delivery elsewhere in U.S. 1 year: $213.00 6 months: $107.00 3 months: $53.00 1 month: $18.00


2 Tusculum College Students Facing Drug-Related Charges BY KEN LITTLE STAFF WRITER

Two men are charged with drugrelated offenses in connection with “a narcotics investigation involving several Tusculum College students,” Tusculum police Master Patrolman Dustin Jeffers said in a report. Desmond Raiford, 21, of Dudley, N.C., was charged with solicitation to commit the offense of sale or delivery of a Schedule VI drug. Dustin Lane, 21, of Lithonia, Ga., was charged with being a party to the offense of sale or delivery of a Schedule VI drug, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Raiford was taken into custody Friday. Jeffers said in a report that on Sept. 16, he obtained information that Raiford “had been dealing marijuana

on the campus,” the report said. Raiford “stated this by his own admission,” a report said. Text messages were found on Raiford’s cell phone “confirming his statement,” a report said. Lane, who was taken into custody on Sunday, was allegedly “involved in marijuana sales” with another student on campus, a report said. Lane had a “large sum of cash” in his car, which had a “strong odor about it that was very overwhelming like that of marijuana,” a report said. A pipe with residue was found in the car, a report said. Bond for Raiford was set at $10,000. Lane’s bond was set was set at $11,000. Both men appeared Monday in General Sessions Court.

Greeneville School Board Meets At 7 P.M. Thursday The Greeneville Board of Education will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, at the Kathryn W. Leonard Administrative Office. The Board will hear a report from a recent school trip to China, a report from the Greeneville Middle School, and a report on energy management program. Action items include consideration of: • approving additional Greeneville High School focus courses; • approving a maintenance position; • approving computer purchases at the high school and middle schools; • approving Highland School renovations; • approving GHS band room roof replacement; • approving the August financial statement; and

• approving board policy revisions on first reading. Items to be considered by consent are: • accepting personnel report; • approving extended contract allocations; • approving textbook certification compliance; • approving board policy revision on second reading; • approving school trips; • approving disposal of inventory; • approving agreement; • approving cooperative purchasing agreement with the National Joint Powers Alliance; • approving TML POOL grant resolution; and • approving report card revision.


Article On Sentencing Included Wrong Date Richard Kenneth Nelson, 60, entered a guilty plea Friday in Greene County Criminal Court to a charge of voluntary manslaughter and received a six-year prison sentence. Nelson had been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the fatal shooting on July 1, 2011, of David Ray Nelson, 50. The date of the shooting was incorrect in Saturday’s edition. The Greeneville Sun regrets the error.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



Fundraiser Auction This Saturday Includes Many Collectible Items Mailed Bids Due By Friday; Tickets $45 For Adults After Sept. 26 The Andrew Johnson Heritage Association will have a guitar signed by members of The Band Perry up for auction as part of an upcoming benefit to aid local history education. The third annual “Up, Up and Away” benefit will be held this Saturday, Sept. 29, from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., at the home of Richard Scull in the Afton community, located at 1595 Ripley Island Road. The guitar was donated by Korner Pawn, of Greeneville, and signed last week by Kimberly, Neil and Reid Perry, of The Band Perry. Those interested in bidding on the guitar, or other items offered at this history education fundraiser, may mail their sealed bid to: The Andrew Johnson Heritage Association, Box 5971,T usculum College, Greeneville, TN, 37743. Mailed bids must be received by 11 p.m. on Sept. 28 and include c omplet e add r e s s, phone, and e-mail (if available), and be signed. The highest sealed bid will be the starting bid, and attendees at “Up, Up and Away” will be able to make live bids. Call Da rlene McCleish, chairperson of the event, at 423620-1470, for more information. OTHER AUCTION ITEMS There are other unique items in the auction such as: • a collectible, framed

“Century of Baseball” first-day stamped and canceled envelope; •a single 3-cent postage stamp (not canceled), and unused four-stamp block with number, not canceled, from June 12, 1939, Cooperstown, N.Y.; • original art by Nic Hankins; • 18-by-24 wood block color print of Bill Monroe (#55 of 250) by Ken Bradley; • a framed collage of Andrew Johnson images by Joe Kilday; • heirlooms from the Doak family; • a railroad kerosene switch lantern; circa 1945; also • a framed print of the Doak House by Judith Plucker; cut glass; silver; Dollywood tickets; and much more, a spokesman said. TICKET INFORMATION Attendees at this history education fundraiser, a spokesman said, will enjoy fantastic food from Signature Catering, beverages, and live music from Route 66 and JB and the Honey Beans. In addition, plans call for there to be tethered hot air balloon rides with a spectacular view of the mountains, child

care, plus live and silent auctions. Advance tickets purchased prior to Wednesday, Sept. 26, are $40 for adults and $10 for children. Ticket prices after Sept. 26 are $45 for adults and $15 for children. Tickets may be purchased at the door, but space is limited, so purchasing in advance is recommended, the spokesman said. Proceeds will support the history education programs of the Andrew Johnson Heritage Association, which includes camp scholarships at the Doak House Museum, prog rams for Greene County 5th graders at the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, the National History Day Program in Northeast Tennessee, and other history education programs for the community. Tickets may be obtained at: The Andrew Johnson Museum & Library on the campus of Tusculum College, 423-535-7348; Main Street: Greeneville Office, at 310 S. Main St., 423-639-7102; or by mail to Amy Saxonmeyer, 455 Meadowbrook Road, Afton, TN 37616.

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THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Brown-Bag Book Group To Discuss Cather’s ‘Death Comes To The Archbishop’ Friends of the Library invite the public to attend a discussion of Willa Cather’s 1927 novel, “Death Comes for the Archbishop,” at the Greeneville-Greene County Public Library at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 17. Though born near Winchester, Va., in 1873, Cather spent her formative years in Red Cloud, Neb., in what was essentially the frontier at that time. The dramatic landscape and weather impressed her, and she was interested in the diverse cultures of European-American and Native American families that lived there. Interested in medicine, Cather intended to major in science at the University of Nebraska and become a doctor. After one of her articles was published, however, she changed majors and got a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She moved to Pittsburgh and taught and wrote there. In 1906, she moved to New York City and set about establishing herself as a writer. Cather became friends with Sarah Orne Jewett and regarded her as a mentor. On Jewett’s advice, she began the prairie trilogy (”O Pioneers!,” “The Song of the Lark,” and “My Antonia”), dedicating the first volume to Jewett. Her heart-felt descriptions of people and experiences she remembered from her time in Nebraska made the series a popular and critical success. Cather has been recognized with the Pulitzer Prize, the Prix Femina Americain, and a National Institute of Fiction Arts and Letters gold medal. During the 1920s, she rode the wave of success, writing “One of Ours” (1922), “A Lost Lady” (1923), “The Professor’s House” (1925), and “My Mortal Enemy” (1926).

MARRIAGE— LICENSES Marriage licenses issued recently by the office of David Thompson, county clerk, include:

Mexicans have blended superstition with their Catholicism, and the Caucasians are for the most part Protestant. The priest Father Jean Marie Latour has been selected by the cardinals in Rome to bring order to the new diocese, but first he has to cope with priests that have fallen into disorderly behavior. They have neglected the sacraments and become corrupt and promiscuous. Latour sets about restoring the rituals and the order that he and Father Joseph Vaillant bring to the diocese. At the same time, while respecting the traditions of the Indians and the Mexicans, he meets members of the diverse cultures sympathetically and helps them to preserve the best elements of civilization in the 19th century. WILLA CATHER Over the 40 years that he is in New Mexico, Latour gradually Her increasingly conservative brings order to the new diocese politics, however, lost favor with and sets about building a cathethe critics, and she decided to dral. change tactics. “Death Comes for the ArchNot a charismatic or gregarious bishop” represents her first effort person, Latour spreads his faith at historical fiction, and it was gently, although he must contend included on Time’s 100 Best Engwith an unforgiving landscape, lish-Language Novels from 1923cultural differences, derelict 2005, Modern Library’s list of the and sometimes openly rebellious 100 Best English-Language Novels priests, and his own loneliness. of the 20th Century, and was cho“Death Comes for the Archbishsen as the seventh best Western op” is a quietly powerful document Novel of the 20th Century by the of the power of religious faith to Western Writers of America. transform lives, to civilize people, In “Death Comes for the Archand to serve as a reconciling agent bishop,” the plot follows two wellbetween the physical and metaintentioned, devout French priests physical realms. traveling from Sandusky, Ohio, to The public is invited to bring New Mexico to take charge of the lunch and attend the open forum newly-established diocese of New at the library. Mexico, a brand-new U.S. territory. There they find an untamed The press release for this article land and several cultures that was written by Dr. Lindy Riley, exist side-by-side. The Indians president of the Friends of the cling to their spiritual beliefs, the Library.

October To Conclude Storytelling Live! Season JONESBOROUGH – Storytelling Live!, the International Storytelling Center’s renowned teller-in-residence series, concludes its 2012 season in October with some of America’s best-loved storytellers, one each week, a press release from the center stated. Each teller will appear in matinee performances Tuesday through Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Mary B. Martin Storytelling Hall. • Oct. 1-4 – Donald Davis of North Carolina will appear during the first week. Davis was born in a Southern Appalachian Mountain world rich in stories, surrounded by a family of traditional storytellers who told him gentle fairy tales, simple and silly Jack tales, scary mountain lore, ancient Welsh and Scottish folktales, and most importantly, nourishing, trueto-life stories of his own neighbors and kin. Featured at festivals throughout the U.S. and world, Davis is also known as a prolific author, producer of books and CDs, and as a guest host for National Public Radio’s “Good Evening.”

Davis is a recipient of the National Storytelling Network oracle Storytelling Circle of Excellence and Lifetime Achievement awards. • Oct. 9-13 – Mitch Capel of North Carolina will follow Davis. A teller, recording artist and author who has delighted audiences throughout the U.S. since 1984, Capel is the national interpreter of poet laureate Paul Laurence Dunbar. Described as “a word magician” and “unexpectedly powerful,” he has produced multiple award-winning recordings, a motivational children’s book, “The Jealous Farmer,” and a series of DVDs. Capel has performed at the Kennedy Center, the United Nations, and on National and International Public Radio. • Oct. 16-20 – The middle of the month brings Regi Carpenter, of New York, to the Storytelling Center. A fourth generation St. Lawrence “river rat,” Carpenter tells stories of growing up on a great river, folktales, fairy tales and musings of everyday life. She has shared her

work at numerous festivals including the St. Louis and the Ojai Storytelling Festivals. A recipient of the Leonard Bernstein Fellowship for Teaching Artists, Carpenter has also been awarded the Parents’ Choice Gold award, and the Parent’s Guide to Children’s Media award. • Oct. 23-27 – Closing out the month and the 2012 TIR season will be Michael Reno Harrell, from the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. In Harrell’s North Carolina world, where storytelling is as much a part of the culture as is music. He has spent a lifetime carrying that tradition across America and abroad. An award-winning songwriter and storyteller, Harrell is the consummate entertainer, performing his original songs and stories described as “Appalachian grit and wit.” In addition to his afternoon matinees, Harrell will also perform in an


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SEPT. 17 Michael Scott Dingus, of 41 Erwin St., Mosheim, to Jacqueline Marie Gregg, of 1660 Patron Loop; John Roger Bowers to Rosie Bell Stiltner Rasnake, both of 220 Unaka St.; Nicholas Drayton Greer of 2317 Ozark Drive, Morristown, to Holly Helena Trent Bullington, of 269 Moores Chapel Road, Bean Station. SEPT. 19 David Scott McGoldrick to Dawn Michelle Brunet Myers, both of 597 Scott Farm Road, Afton; Joseph Owen Metts, of 226 River Forest Drive, Boiling Springs, S.C., to Nellie Dean Fox Hunter, of 898 Beverly Drive, Spartanburg, S.C.; William Lee Shelton to Sarah Breanna Susong, both of 5280 107 Cutoff; Joshua Russell Gunn, of 245 Jones Lane, to Meghan Elizabeth Grinstead, of 108 Idell Circle, Afton. SEPT. 20 John-Andrew Jacob Hartness to Molly Erin King, both of 6920 E. Andrew Johnson Highway, Chuckey.

BIRTHS — LAUGHLIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (Alice) Depew of Mohawk announce the birth of a son, Mathew Edward Depew, at 8:05 a.m. Sept. 17, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces.

----Mr. and Mrs. Dusty (Stephanie) Foshee of Greeneville announce the birth of a son, Brantley Dale Foshee, at 4:56 p.m. Sept. 19, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces.

ANNOUNCEMENTS — COMMUNITY EVENTS West Pines Yard Sale Spaces Available The West Pines Academic Organization is renting spaces for its yard sale scheduled for 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6. The spaces will rent for $10, and vendors keep the money from their sales. To rent a space contact Melissa Grissinger at (423) 360-5779.


evening concert at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25. Storytelling Live! features 26 of America’s best-loved storytellers, one each week May through October. For more information about Storytelling Live!, visit www.storytellingcenter. net, or to purchase tickets call (800) 952-8392, ext. 222, or (423) 913-1276.

MorristownMasons Morristown Lodge No. 231, F&AM, will confer a Fellowcraft Degree at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, at the lodge. All members and visiting Brethren are invited. For more information, call (865) 382-1466 or (423) 587-9362.

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SEPT. 14 Michael John Bodary to Stacy Ann Jones, both of 2185 Horse Creek Park Road, Chuckey; Jason Ray Bennett to Tina Lashea Blazer, both of 700 Joe Johnson Road, Chuckey.

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HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS Any information submitted for publication must contain a telephone number in order for staff members of The Greeneville Sun to check facts. All editoral information on the Living pages is published without charge. Announcements are community and meeting events and are posted under ANNOUNCEMENTS. Other deadlines are in place for Anniversary, Birthday, Engagement and Wedding stories. Anniversary and birthday stories should be in the office about a week prior to your preferred publication date. Engagement and Wedding stories have very strict deadlines. Please call

for information. The following information applies only to Announcements. Items must be received no later than 2 days prior to requested publication date, i.e., an Announcement for Saturday’s page MUST be received no later than 5 p.m. Thursday; for Friday, no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday; for Thursday, no later than 5 p.m. Tuesday; for Tuesday, no later than 5 p.m. Friday; and for Monday, no later than noon Friday. No date is guaranteed, but every effort is made to honor requested publication dates.

To submit Announcements: • MAIL: The Greeneville Sun, Living Editor, P.O. Box 1630, Greeneville, TN 37744 • PHONE: (423) 359-3156 or (423) 638-4181, ext. 3156 •E-MAIL: • FAX: (423) 638-3645 (All other items on the Living pages may be submitted to the above addresses, however, different considerations apply for each category of news.)

1958, ‘59 St. James Classes Have Reunion and taking pictures. Archie Turbyfill gave thanks for the meal. Nine pictures of deceased classmates of the 1958 class and four pictures of deceased classmates of the 1959 class were placed on a black draped memorial table.


Frances Solomon Collins recognized the deceased classmates and lit 13 white candles in their remembrance. Dale Neas asked the group to spend a few moments in silence, then led the group in praying the Lord’s Prayer.


Members of the 1958 graduating class of St. James who attended the reunion were, from left: Josephine Bowers Davis, Carolyn Holt Renner, Jeanette Hawk Nease, Rita Beth LaFollette Lankford, Nancy Gammon Renner, and Frances Shelton Ricker; and second row: Kyle Easterly, Frances Solomon Collins, James Burton, Lewis Shipley, Dunk Neas, Ronald “Buzz” Collins, and Bob Winter.

Buffalo Trail Orchard is inviting the public to enjoy the fall season by visiting the pumpkin patch and getting acquainted with numerous farm animals Saturday and Sunday afternoons beginning this weekend and through October. The farm is open for visitors from 1 to 6 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday through October. Admission to the farm is free. Activites planned include a hay ride that will transport families and groups to the pumpkin patch to pick their own pumpkins. People can also choose from a large variety of pre-picked pumpkins, fall squash, and gourds. Chrysanthemums, straw, fodder, and other fall decoration items will also be

available for purchase. Children and adults alike will enjoy petting and observing the farm animals. Food will be available for purchase to feed the animals. Snacks and drinks will be available, and parents are encouraged to take photos of their children in the pumpkin patch and at other locations on the farm. Buffalo Trail Orchard is located in the Cedar Creek community at 1890 Dodd Branch Road. For more details call 6392297.

Stop by The Sun for your free wedding guide.

‘End of Watch’ Claims No. 1 Spot

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — The police story “End of Watch” has won a close race at the weekend box office. The Los Angeles cop tale starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena debuted with $13.2 million to finish as the weekend’s No. 1 movie. “House at the End of the Street” wound up at No. 2 with $12.3 million. “Trouble with the Curve” came in at No. 3 with $12.2 million.

Saturday, September 29

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Members of the 1959 St. James class who attended the reunion were, from left, first row: Lucendia Goins Davis, Carrol Fillers Lynham Eden, Iva Mae GeFellers Nease, Barbara Parman Neas, and Imogean Presley Kiker; and second row: Dale Neas, Archie Turbyfill, Carrol Allen, Floyd “Junior” Hawk, and Howard Bowers.

Exchange Place’s Fall Festival Is This Weekend KINGSPORT – The Exchange Place Living History Farm will be hosting its annual Fall Folk Arts Festival this Saturday and Sunday. Passing on the crafts of yesteryear to the next generation is always an important focus of the weekend, and scattered about the farmstead will be numerous “create your own” crafts and 1850’s “chores” such as turning wood or making knives or beeswax. As far back as the 13th century, guilds (associations of craftsmen) were formed to share knowledge and skill, and the festival continues that tradition with such artisans as the Overmountain Weavers Guild, basket makers, broom makers, a cabinet maker, and a blacksmith. The Friends of the Fire will be hard at work in the hearth kitchen, demonstrating Native American culinary influences. The grounds are always alive with music, such as Ken Watson, who plays Native American tunes on the flute; pennywhistle master Martha Egan; the Line Sisters; the Renaissance Strings and the Bays Mountain Dulcimer Society. All ages can create a wreath, and strong-armed stirrers are always needed around the kettle to help make apple butter. Lunch will be available, as well as kettle corn, funnel cakes, baked goods and “old-timey” snacks. The Festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30. Admission prices are $1 for adults and 50 cents for children under the age of 12. For more information, call (423) 288-6071.


Buffalo Trail Orchard Announces Fall Activities

REUNIONS — Members of the St. James High School classes of 1958 and 1959 met on Sept. 8 at the St. James Community Center for a combined reunion. Prior to the catered meal, class members enjoyed reminiscing about the “good ole days,” looking at scrapbooks

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


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A-6 THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 THE GREENEVILLE SUN A-7

North Greene High School Cheerleaders: Names? Marching Band: Top Row: Tracy Heck (cg), Lindsey Morris, Bradley Dennis, Faith Cooper, Diana Propst, Robert Cole, and Chloe Creel (cg) 2nd Row: Jessica Jackson (cg), Jacob Hughes, Robert Wade, Emmaline Brooks, Dakota Wilson (Drum Major), and Brittany Nease (cg) 3rd Row: Anita Ferguson (cg), McKenzie Wagner, Cheyenne Humphries, Samantha

South Greene High School

Chuckey Doak High School Cheerleaders: Front Row L to R: Makaela Bowman, Kelsi Banks, Ashton Morelock, Haley Ball. Second Row L to R: Taylor Cooper, Andrea Vazquez, Kayla Allen, Madison Buchanan, Summer Rose. Back Row L to R: Kailey Sanchez, Rachel Cox, Alex Swiney, Makayla Bailey Marching Band: Back to Front-5th Row: Lillie Blazer, Tanner Hengeveld, Kelsi Feezel, Lindsey Hetrick, Dylan Kesterson, Chris Fox, Julianna Kelly, Jacob Lewis, Tanasi Rice. 4th Row: Lindsey Hixon, Abi Freeman, Wesley Anderson, Marie G’Fellers, Dylan

Cheerleaders: (L to R) Back Row: Tyanna Davis, Keila Rollins, Taylor Reaves, Rhonda Dressler, Jaelyn Shoemaker, Sarah Wells, Alexus Haire. Middle Row: Tesla Dotson, Hannah Banther, Shelby Standridge, Angel Howlett, Haleigh Brown. Front Row: Caitlin Bowman, Gwyn Hixson, Annie Bowman. Marching Band: Front: Kaelynn Stewart (drum major), Second row, from left: Hayden Scott, Grady Tester and Tisha

Renner, Logan Taylor, Blaine Dykes, Heather Walker. 3rd Row: Canaan Taylor, Brooke Ramsey, Lindsey Richesin, Alisha Phillips, Cheyenne Gray, Kara Ricker, Zoey Castle, Band Director: Ms. Jamie Walker, Adrianna Gallagher. 2nd Row: Kenya Frye, Adi Belt, Austene Smith, Michala Fox, Katie Payne, Kellie Renfro, Sandi Castle, Kaitlin Johnson. 1st Row: Kayla Shelton, Eli Barbour, Allison Gefellers, Tad Norton, Drum Major: Dustin Cobble, Jordan Hope, Timothy Carter, Kori Smith, Shawna Martin: Guard Captain

Greeneville High School Cheerleaders: Front Row: BriAnna Allen, Alyssa Hamilton, Ashley Duckworth, Kaitlyn Bailey, Meredith Hull, Kayla Belcher, Annie Arrington. Back Row: Maci Felts, Kenedi Harrison, McKenzie Patterson, Chelsea Lawless, Phebe Peake, Hannah Starnes, Makenzi Bible, Olivia Rustin, Samantha King. Not Pictured: Krista Rose Marching Band: Megan Adams, SarahAkers, Brennan Babb, Dalton Bacus, Moneessha Bakshi, Josh Barnes, Charlie Boss, Mollie Bower, Luca Bretscher, Mckenzie Campbell, Joelind Castro, Siera Childress, Megan Cole, Morgan Cox, Blake Cutshall, Noah Cutshall, Brandon Darnell, Parker Darnell, Grace Duer, DeeDee Eggleston, Emily Hankewyz, Kayla Frank, Patrick Frank, Chris Gajardo, Grace Gass, Lily Ginder, Duncan Gregory, Kelli Grissom, Matthew Hagenburger, JT Hamilton, Javian Harris, Dyer Hendricks, Zach Holditch, Nan Hollenbeck, Annabella Hughes, Isabella Hughes, Faith Huskey, Kelsey Johnson, Steven Johnson, Taci Kea, Ryan

Kinnaley, Jacob Knipp, Jacob Lawrence, Avery Lewis, Lana Linebarger, Regina Lively, Jessica Luetjen, Haley Malone, Sydney Marshall, James McMichen, Holden Miller, Sam Miller, Cameron Moore, Jordan Moore, Spenser Moore, Alley Morgan, Haylee Motter, Jacob Myers, Jacob Norris, Emily Patrick, Jon Paxton, Tai Payne, Dillan Peek, Amanda Peryea, Miranda Rasnake, Olivia Schell, Rachel Schell, Brieanna Schermock, Selena Sellers, Kristin Serrano, Shayna Sharpe, Courtney Shelton, Kimberly Shelton, Dakota Smith, JaredSmith, Catelynn Snelson, Caleb Spradling, Megan Stell, Patrick Stell, Rachel Swatzell, Emily Thompson, Kaila Tipton, Alexis Tobie, Donald Townsend, Dustin Vance, RJ Vera, Tyler Ward, Alex Whitaker, Sydney Whitson, Lexy Wicks, Matt Wilkerson, Jonathan Williams,John Richard Wills, Kiya Wilson, Devin Ziehmer. Directors: Brooke Williams, Devin Lowe, and Stephanie Lawrence.

Cheerleaders: (L to R) Front Row: Miranda Ward, Taylor Seay, Lexi Wilson, Ashton Helton.Middle Row: MaKayla Edwards, Briana Dykes, Sharla Scantling, Janease Jones, Shelby Scantling, Sandi Inscore. Back Row: Hana Auchterloni, Caitlin Pwers, Kylee Drinnon, Whittney Heaton, Paige West, Erin Smith, Cassie Rucker, Brodie West. Marching Band: Director: Mathew R. Williams; Assistant Director: Jessica D. Hicks; Staff: Bobby Showalter, Joel Saylor, and Shaun Spurling; Drum Major: Savannah Baker; Flute: Elizabeth Miller, Cassie Rucker, and Sydney Sensabaugh; Clarinet: Tyler Bailey, Alyssa Gulley, Emily Harrison, Wil Knight,

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Ashley McCall, Shaina Madison, Courtney Payne, Chris Ricker, Morgan Simmons, Brittany Taylor, and Megan Westmorland; Alto Saxophone: Ashley Moore; Tenor Saxohone: Kendra Knight and Clarissa Smith; Horn: Jonathan Nicholson; Trumpet: Samantha Amos, Andy Bible, Jacob Hensley, and KC Robertson; Trombone: Robert Castleberry, Casey Gregory, and Amber Moore; Tuba: Daniel Ricker and Logan Shipley; Percussion: Katie Amos, Elaine Baker , Zack Goodrich, Isaiah Gray, DJ Hancock, Justice Janeway, Megan Kirk, Nate Knight, Kaleb Paxton, and Owen Puckett; Color Guard: Leah Harris, Erika Isaacs, Kaitlin Kirk, Kelsey Laws, Brooklyn Loptien, McKenzie Malone, Mary Jo Moncier, Nikki Rhodes, Cacie Skinner, and Tracy Solomon.


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Owens. Third row, from left: Sierra Gosnell, Sierra Holder, Konnor Donahue, Samantha Wallace and Megan McAmis. Fourth row, from left: Katie Inscore, Chris Johnson, Emily Summers, Tyler Warren, Emily Fuller, Randi Grant and Taylor Roberts.Fifth row, from left: Kayla Renner (color guard captain), Nick House, Ashley Reuss, Frankie Lunsford, Manny Alcantara and Danielle Summers.

West Greene High School


Graduation Invitations

Malone, Chelsie Jablonski, Kyra Carney, Matthew Fillers, and Irene Snipe (cg) 4th Row: Marina Montes, Alyssa McKay, Brandon Londeree, Emma Youngblood, Sabrina Hinkle, and Jennifer Loraine (cg mgr) Bottom Row: Holly Whipp (Cap. cg), Ethan Maltsburger, Jonathon Morgan, Aaron Walker, Kimberly Bowen, Michael Robertson, Daniel Price, Matthew Dawson, Rachel Branham, Joshua Wagner, Kristen Light, and Elizabeth Williams (Co-cap. cg)

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THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012


FALL PREVENTION Physician Offers Tips To Keep Seniors Safe She advised persons to take a home survey and check for any tripping hazards, such as loose rugs, clutter and cords. She also reminded persons to be aware of one’s pets since they can also become a tripping hazard. Be sure to watch out for wet, slippery surfaces and wear good, non-skid footwear. “Exercise is also important,” she said. This helps keep older adults stronger and more flexible – thereby reducing their risk of falls. The CDC offers these tips to older adults to reduce their chances of falling: • Exercise regularly. It is important that the exercises focus on increasing leg strength and improving balance, and that they get more challenging over time. Tai Chi programs are especially


Falls should not be an inevitable part of growing older. But, unfortunately, each year, 1-in-3 of persons age 65 and older experience a fall. The good news is that many falls can be prevented. On Thursday, Greeneville family physician Dr. Carla Nickle spoke about “Fall Prevention in the Aging Person” at this month’s Passport 55 program held at Roby Fitzgerald Adult Center. The monthly lecture is sponsored at the senior center by Laughlin PHOTO ILLUSTRATION SPECIAL TO SUN Memorial Hospital. According to the National Council on Aging, every 15 seconds, an older adult is treated in an This month’s program was emergency room due to a fall-related injury. held just prior to National Fall Prevention Day, which was good. fall, she said. use of alcohol, history of falls, and observed on Saturday – along with • Ask their doctor or pharmacist to These can include: impaired vision. the first day of the fall season. review their medicines – both prescrip• poor vision; A person’s gait can also put one at According to the National Countion and over-the counter – to identify • hearing loss; increased risk for a fall, Nickle said. cil on Aging, every 15 seconds, an medicines that may cause side effects or • decreased strength, or “As you get older, your gait may older adult is treated in an emerinteractions such as dizziness or drowsi• balance problems. change making you tend to take shortgency room due to a fall-related Also tell your doctor if you begin hav- ness. er strides when you walk,” she said. injury. • Have their eyes checked by an eye ing any pain, dizziness, weakness or These shorter strides can “put you In fact, falls are the leading doctor at least once a year and update numbness – all of which can increase off balance” and increase your risk of cause of both fatal and nonfatal their eyeglasses to maximize their vision. your risk of a fall. injuries for those aged 65 and over, falling, she explained. Consider getting a pair with single vision In addition, Nickle said it is also Because of this risk factor, Nickle the council says. distance lenses for some activities such said that she often sends patients such important to tell your doctor if you According to the Centers for Disas walking outside. gait issues to physical therapy, so that experience a fall. ease Control and Prevention, 30 • Make their homes safer by reduc“You and your doctor can investigate they can learn how to increase their percent of adults age 65 and older ing tripping hazards, adding grab bars the cause of your fall and hopefully stride when they walk. living in the community, and more inside and outside the tub or shower and Balance and dizziness problems can come up with a plan to avoid a future than half of all older adults who live next to the toilet, adding railings on both fall,” Dr. Nickle said. in residential care facilities or nurs- also increase one’s risk of falling. sides of stairways and improving the It is vital that persons be aware of Inner ear problems and other illing homes, fall each year. lighting in their homes. side effects from medications that can Falls are also the leading cause of nesses that cause dizziness and balTo lower their hip fracture risk, older cause dizziness or drowsiness. ance dysfunction can be a major fall hospital admissions for trauma in New medications should be used with adults can: risk. older adults. • Get adequate calcium and vitamin D caution – especially new blood pressure Also, age-related eye diseases, such There are several reasons why medications – until you learn how your – from food and/or from supplements. as cataracts, macular degeneration older adults have an increased risk • Do weight-bearing exercise to and diabetic retinopathy, can increase body will react to them, Nickle said. for falls, Nickle said. increase muscle strength and reduce Nickle also pointed out that it is the risk of falling. Risk factors for falls among the weakness. important for older adults to stay well It is important to talk with your elderly may include: poor health • Get screened and, if needed, treated hydrated since dehydration is a major doctor about any health condition you status, prescription drug interacfor osteoporosis. may have that can put you at risk of a cause of weakness and dizziness. tions, impaired cognitive function,

Poise Products Expands To Offer More Menopause-Related Products NEW YORK (AP) — Most moms have “the talk” with their daughters about their periods. Now the Poise feminine hygiene brand is initiating a “second talk” with women – this time, about menopause. In July, Poise rolled out a line of products that target 50 million American women who are or will soon go through menopause. Priced between $3.99 and $7.99, the line includes lubricant for vaginal dryness, panty freshener stickers and feminine wash for odor and cooling towelettes and roll-on gel for women having hot flashes. It’s a move by consumer-products maker Kimberly-Clark, which owns Poise, to expand the brand beyond its line of pads for incontinence. But introducing new consumer products is tough since most people tend to be loyal to brands for decades. Not to mention that some doctors say many of the products Kimberly-Clark is rolling out are not particularly useful to women going through menopause. Feminine washes are usually not recommended by many doctors, says Dr. Lauren F. Streicher, a gynecologist and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. And products that mask vaginal odor could cause people to not treat what is causing that symptom in the first place, she added.

“The idea of covering it up with a freshener is an inappropriate approach,” Streicher said. “I’m thrilled people are paying attention, but I don’t want to see people taken advantage of.” This isn’t the first time Kimberly-Clark, a Dallas-based company that also makes Kleenex tissue and Huggies diapers, has attempted to shake up feminine care. In 2010, the company launched U by Kotex, a line of brightly packaged tampons and pads, with tongue-and-cheek TV ads made fun of feminine care ad stereotypes such as a woman running on the beach and asked “Why are tampon ads so ridiculous?” The line was a hit and named one of SymphonyIRI’s 2011 New Product Pacesetters. For the Poise brand, the company created the term “light bladder leakage,” or LBL, in 2009 to avoid the stigma associated with the word “incontinence.” The company also hired actress Kirstie Alley to spread the word that one in every three women had experienced “light bladder leakage” symptoms. Now the company wants to build on that by expanding the Poise brand, which was first launched in 1992. Sales of Poise products have grown steadily over the past five years, with sales up 56 percent to $475.7 million in 2011,

according to Euromonitor International. Making a new product line wasn’t easy, though. Beginning in 2009, about 30 people at Kimberly-Clark, two-thirds of them women themselves, began to research what types they could offer new products under the Poise brand, aimed at women 40-plus. They interviewed 8,000 women in the U.S. and 3,000 people outside the U.S. during the process, asking questions about their needs and testing products and advertising concepts. They found that women faced three main symptoms of menopause – vaginal dryness, odor and hot flashes. But the company had to figure out how to appeal to women about a subject that’s not discussed often. Kimberly-Clark says that the campaign and the products – the company is waiting for Food and Drug Administration for the vaginal lubricant – are an attempt to open up a dialogue about menopause. That’s something the company says women say they long for. “There’s not a lot of conversation happening about menopause,” said Jay Gottleib, vice president of Kimberly-Clark’s North American adult and feminine care business. “Women very much want to have conversations but don’t have the forums,” he said.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012



COURT REPORTS/STATE General Sessions — Cases On Aug. 31 General Sessions Court Cases heard by Judge Kenneth Bailey Jr. on Aug. 31 included the following: Frederick A. Van Horn, of 2171 Pottertown Road, Midway, fined $700 and court costs and was sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 55 days in jail, with the balance on probation, required to attend DUI school, and driver license suspended for two years, for failure to appear and DUI (2nd); sentence to be served consecutive to other sentencing. Cory Ryan Mathes, of 1520 Nolichuckey Road, fined $200 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 30 days in jail, with the balance on probation, for failure to appear. Howard Glen Shipp, of 435 Oak Hills Road, Mosheim, fined $25 and court costs, sentenced to 30 days suspended to two days in jail, with the balance on probation, for leaving the scene of an accident. Leah M. Morgan, of 7301 Asheville Hwy., fined $100 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 25 days in jail, with the balance on probation, for evading arrest. Jason Wilburn, of 334 Locust St., fined $50 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 30 days, with the balance on probation, for theft under $500. Misty Black, of 930 Carters Valley Road, Mosheim, fined $25 and court costs for failure to make immediate noticeof an accident. Justin Kidwell, of 635 Hartshaw Drive, fined $50 and court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail for failure to provide title. Danny Ray Cutshall, of 3500 Gap Creek Road, Bulls Gap, fined $200 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 30 days in jail, with the balance on probation, for failure to appear. Deanna Stockton, of 350 Tyne Gray Afton, fined $100 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 10 days in jail, with the balance on probation, for failure to appear. Danny M. Baltes, of 256 Blackthorn Lane, fined $50 and court costs, sentenced to six months suspended to two days in jail, with the balance on probation, for driving without a license. Bobby Keith Fillers, of 1586 Carters Valley Road, fined $200 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to 60 days in jail, with the balance on probation, for theft under $500. Howard Glenn Shipp, of 435 Oak Hills Road, Mosheim, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 10 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Jason Earl Hickman, 535 Old Midway Road, Midway, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 10 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for

violation of probation. Oscar Ortiz, of Lazer Trailer Park, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 10 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Vickie Barnette, of 1721 Whitehouse Road, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 15 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. William Lloyd David, of 8375 Baileyton Road, Afton, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation; to be served consecutive to other sentencing. Jason Holt, of 1780 Culbertson Road, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Mary Doud, of 7070 Gap Creek Road, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Jessica Lawson, of 101 Armitage Drive, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Danny Ray Cutshall, of 3500 Gap Creek Road, Bulls Gap, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Robbie Wood, of 75 Anderson Loop, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Danny Whitson, of 390 Viking Place, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Jason Peters, of 810 Harmon Drive, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days at 75 percent service and probation terminated, for violation of probation. Cory Ryan Mathes, of 1520 Nolichuckey Road, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days at 75 percent service and probation terminated, for violation of probation; probation continued and extended 11 months on other sentencing. Leah Morgan, of 7301 Asheville Hwy., violation of probation dismissed and probation terminated. Shannon Paul Gibson, of 46 Lakeshore Park, was granted judicial diversion on a charge of evading arrest. Stephen Michael Hawkins, of 1460 Marvin Road, Midway, had a charge of failure to appear dismissed. The state declined to prosecute Marcus James McConnell, of 2209 Bright Hope Road, on a reckless endangerment charge.

General Sessions Court cases heard by Judge Kenneth Bailey Jr. on Sept. 5 included: Christopher Junior Penley, of 127 Cox Springs Road, Fall Branch, fined $355 and court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days suspended to two days in jail, with the balance on probation, required to attend DUI school, and driver license suspended for one year, for driving without a license and DUI (1st). William Henry Branch IV, of 6025 Kingsport Hwy., Afton, fined $25 and court costs, sentenced to 30 days suspended to two days in jail, with the balance on probation, and restrained from victim, for criminal trespassing; time to be served consecutive. Jeff Davis, of 622 Broom Factory Road, Mosheim, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 11 months, 29 days at 75 percent service and probation terminated, for violation of probation; probation continued and extended 11 months on other sentencing. Sheena Jones, of 107 Chapel St., ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. Colleen Briner, of 100 Heatherwood Loop, ordered to pay court costs and probation continued and extended six months, for violation of probation. Jason Mistele, of 240 Cumberland Drive, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 10 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. David Dingus, of 836 Wykle Road, ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 10 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation. William Henry Branch IV, of 6025 Kingsport Hwy., ordered to pay court costs, sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation continued and extended 11 months, for violation of probation; restrained from victim. Amy M. Riddle, of 1545 Tabor Road, violation-of-probation dismissed and probation terminated. Brandon Waddle, of 1866 South Highway 81, Jonesborough, violation-of-probation dismissed and probation terminated. Marvin Spencer, of 201 Locust St., Knoxville, violation-of-probation dismissed and probation terminated. Katrina Combs, of 1007 E. Church St., forfeited cash bonds of $423.01, $272, $298.04, $260.99, $252.13, and $248.77 for worthless check charges. Darrell Tolliver, of 4155 Afton Road, Afton, was granted judicial diversion on an assault charge. The following had charges dismissed: James Daniel, of 1255 Goodman Loop, for domestic assault; Chasity Daniel, of 1255 Goodman Loop, for domestic assault; and James Ellison, of 705 E. Stage Coach Road, for domestic assault. The state declined to prosecute the following: Katrina R. Combs, of 2995 Blue Springs Pkwy., for two charges of failure to appear; Bernard Johnson, of 801 Arnold Road, for a vandalism charge; and Christopher J. Penley, of 127 Coxes Springs Road, Fall Branch, for violation of implied consent charge.

Patriotic Pals

Fire Kills Grandparents, 2 Kids Outside Nashville

Tails of the Civil War


SHELBYVILLE (AP) — A couple and two step-grandchildren they were raising were killed in an intense fire in an old farmhouse that collapsed the walls. Family members identified the couple as 72-year-old Leon “Bubba” McClaran and his 70-year-old wife, Molli McClaran. The family said the children were 9-yearold Chloe Pope and 7-yearold Gage Daniels. Someone passing the McClaran’s farm in Bedford County saw the home enveloped in flames Sunday night and called for help in Shelbyville, about a half-hour southwest of Nashville. Sheriff Randall Boyce said by late morning Monday, investigators had found three of the bodies. He believed the missing remains were those of the boy. “We’re going to keep looking until we find him,” Boyce said. A request was made for cadaver-locating dogs. The fire pulled air up from the full basement, making it very intense, Boyce said. Family members drew a layout of the home, showing firefighters where the victims’ bedrooms were. Boyce said the three sets of remains were found near where their beds were located. Authorities believe the fire began around 10 p.m. — about an hour after the family would usually be in bed. Firefighters fought the flames until around 4 a.m. Monday and they had yet to determine a cause. Firefighters had to haul water and dump it into a canvas reservoir for the pumpers to draw from. Mary Lamb said Leon McClaran was her younger brother and the property was part of the family farm where they all grew up. McClaran was the secondoldest of six siblings. Lamb said her brother doted on the boy, who the family called “Buster.” “That little boy went everywhere with him,” Lamb said. Asked why the couple were raising their step-grandchildren, family members said simply that the children needed a home. Cynthia Sudberry, also a sister of Leon McClaran, said her brother helped anyone who needed it. She said he made sure she had enough money while she recovered from surgery.

General Sessions — Cases On Sept. 5

By Chris Stuckenschneider CHAPTER 3: Shanks, Loyal Hound to the End

Time flies like a Frisbee —here we are again— two chapters under our collars. I’m all yappy about us being palsy-walsy, which, by the way, is a word. I checked in the d-i-c-t-i-on-a-r-y, sniffing out nooks and crannies, conducting research right along with Walt. We left off in St. Louis, with the incident at Camp Jackson, a calamity that determined the city’s alliance with the Union. It wasn’t long before the entire state “Red Rovered” the Union right over. Missouri’s fate was determined. Too bad there weren’t any General Chucks commanding troops, at least none that Walt and I have come across.

23,746 were casualties, either killed, wounded, captured or unaccounted for. A crossbreed from Illinois, Shanks witnessed the action alongside his owner, Lt. Louis Pfieff, who took Shanks with him when he left home to fight for the Union. We all know a dog is a man’s best friend, and Shanks proved that true. He and his master weathered cold, hunger and loneliness, as did other Civil War canines, dogs that shared their masters’ bedrolls as they sat around the campfire, sensing the men’s fear of what the dawn would bring. I come from good stock, but Shanks had steel blood in his veins. Shanks was courageous, but he wasn’t a handsome hound by any stretch of the dachshund. He was as speckled as a Plymouth Rock Rooster, had lop ears and a lumbering, crooked lope, the result of being kicked by a mule with Missouri bloodlines. But inside Shank’s narrow chest beat a hero’s heart.

But there was General Grant— Ulysses S., to be As the fighting at exact. Come the Shiloh intensified, spring of 1862, Shanks charged the Union general into battle with was encamped Lt. Pfieff, dodging in Shiloh, Tenn., Photograph of how Shanks may have looked. enemy fire and when Confederate keeping his wits troops burst out of the woods led by two about him despite the mayhem. Sad to Rebel generals. Some powerful fightsay, Pfieff fell at Shiloh, a battle that ing took place April 6-7, with the Union proved the war was far from over, that initially losing. But the tide turned the many more lives would be lost. second day when relief rounded a bend Shank’s master, along with the other of the river. deceased soldiers, was buried in an In the end, the Union was considered unmarked grave. Dog tags hadn’t been the victor, but was there really a wininvented yet, so many of the troops ner? Both sides were hangdog tired and shocked at the loss of men at Shiloh, one couldn’t be identified. of the biggest battles of the Civil War. Shanks, a hound born in the backwoods, lived to tell about it, but thousands of soldiers didn’t. About 110,000 Union and Rebel soldiers fought at Shiloh, and

Though his master was gone, Shanks remained steadfast. When Pfieff was buried, the hound stayed by his graveside, keeping vigil for 12 days, a sentry honoring a lost friend. If it hadn’t been for Shanks, Mrs. Pfieff, who journeyed

The Greeneville Sun Contact LuShep Baldwin at 423-506-5980 or for more information.

Illustration from 1862 showing the Battle of Shiloh. Library of Congress

from Illinois to take her husband’s body home, would never have been able to find his grave. After a day of wandering through the fields, she looked into the setting sun and spotted a hound on the horizon. Glory be, it was Shanks. The hound bounded to her, and the widow buried her tear-stained face in his fur. Shanks responded with slobbery kisses and a bark that said, “follow me.” Though the Battle of Shiloh didn’t have a happy ending, for Shanks and Mrs. Pfieff there was a thimbleful of solace. They were thankful to take their lieutenant home. I love this heartwarming tale, but it’s time to move on. There’s an important Southern general to write about and a dog that shares his name.

Paper Training

Chuck uses a dictionary and other sources for research. Help him find the meaning of three words in chapter three: calamity, alliance and mayhem. Use each of these words in a sentence. Look through your newspaper to find synonyms for these words.

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Life Care Center of Greeneville


THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012


OBITUARIES — Mary Pansy White Hearon Died: Sept. 22, 2012

nephews. The family will receive friends from 6:30-8 p.m. today at Weatherford Mortuary, 158 S. Jefferson Circle, Oak Ridge, with the funeral service following at 8 p.m. in the chapel. Pastor Donnie Bible will officiate. A private graveside will be held in Anderson Memorial Gardens. Memorials can be made to the American Cancer Society. An online guestbook can be signed at www. weath er fordm or tu ar y. com.

Rita Rees Died: Sept. 24, 2012 Rita Rees, age 46, of Plainview Heights Circle, Greeneville, passed away MARY PANSY WHITE Monday at her home. HEARON Arrangements will be announced later by OAK RIDGE — Mary Kiser-Rose Hill Funeral Pansy White Hearon Home. went home to be with her Lillian V. Lord Saturday. A long time member Richman of Robertsville Baptist Died: Sept. 21, 2012 Church, Pansy worked with preschoolers at the Lillian V. Richman, 73, church for more than 20 of Gautier, Miss., passed years. away Friday surrounded Pansy, a wonderful cook by her close family and and baker, loved making friends. new recipes. She was freMrs. Richman was quently finding and try- born April 1, 1939, in ing new recipes from the Greeneville, and was a Internet, and the Food daughter of the late Hazel Network was often on the Cornwell Collins. TV at her house. She enjoyed gardening, In addition to enjoying interior design and colcrafts and being an avid lecting antiques. She also reader, she was an accom- loved spending time with plished seamstress, hav- her family. ing made many beautiful She is survived by her things. husband, Bill Richman. For a number of years, She will also be missed by Pansy owned and man- numerous cousins, other aged the Manhattan relatives and friends. Laundromat in Woodland A celebration of life serand the 50-Minute Clean- vice for Lillian V. Richers on Illinois Avenue. man was held Sunday at Pansy retired from Heritage Funeral Home Methodist Medical Center in Escatawpa, Miss. in 1998, having worked An online register is there for 18 years. available for viewing and Pansy was preceded signing at www.heritagein death by her mother and father: Jake Eskel Jim Robinson White and Cornelia May Died: Sept. 23, 2012 Collingsworth White of Middlesboro, Ky., her former husband: William Seger Hearon of Greensboro, N.C.; her sister: Anna Ruth White Bingham, also of Middlesboro, and her brother: William Eskel White of New Mexico. Pansy is survived by her son: Michael Carlin Hearon of Oak Ridge; her daughter: Karla Lea Hearon of Greeneville; two sisters: Helen Marie White Shoemaker of Middlesboro, Ky., and Gypsy Jean White Harrell of Oak Ridge; her daughter-in-law: Kimberly Eubanks Hearon, her granddaughter: Mikayla Dell Grace Hearon, and JIM ROBINSON adopted grandson: Blake Owens, all of Oak Ridge; James H. “Jim” Robinand many nieces and son, 78, of Greeneville, passed away peacefully early Sunday morning at the Johnson City Medical Center, surrounded by his loving and devoted family, after a 26-year courageous battle with FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICE cancer. Family Owned and Operated Jim was born in CoalRex, Richard and Justin Jeffers wood, W.Va., on Jan. 12, 423-639-2141 1934, and had resided in Greeneville since 1966. He was a graduate of Big Creek High School in War, W.Va. Jim proudly served in the U.S. Army with an Funeral Home extended tour of duty in Germany. 423-638-4141 He received a bacheJIM ROBINSON lor’s degree in accountFuneral, 7 p.m. Tuesday ing from East TennesDoughty-Stevens Chapel see State University and Interment, 3 p.m. Wed. retired from American GreeneLawn Memory Greeting after 30 years Gardens of service. Mr. Robinson is survived by his loving and devoted wife of 55 years: Betty Mills Robinson; one loving son and daughterin-law: Ken and Danielle 415 Banks Street Robinson, and three very 423-525-4016 special grandchildren: Spencer, Presley and Sawyer Robinson, all of Greeneville; two sisters: Dorothy and Bill Wade of Arlington, Texas, and Catherine Norton of Day515 Tusculum Blvd. ton, Ohio; three brothers: Ronnie and Patsy son of Brooksville, Fla., Bobby and Barbara Robinson of Orange Park, Fla., and Charles and Diana Robinson of New Memorial Gardens Castle, England. Mr. Robinson was pre“Land of Beauty & Distinction” ceded in death by one son: Gary James RobinPhone: 639-7707

Doughty Stevens



son; his parents: Homer and Merle Robinson; and one sister: Florine Anastacio. The family will receive friends from 4-7 p.m. today at Doughty-Stevens Funeral Home with the funeral service following at 7 p.m. in the chapel. The Rev. Dr. David Green and Pastor Gerald Rudd will officiate. Family and friends are asked to meet at the funeral home at 2:15 p.m. Wednesday to travel in procession to GreeneLawn Memory Gardens for a 3 p.m. committal service. The Greene County Honor Guard and the Tennessee National Guard will conduct a military graveside service. Pallbearers will be Eddie Robinson, Scott Robinson, Chris Robinson, Brian Mills, Kim Mills, Larry Hamlin, Marlin Shelton, and Kyle Parkins. Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. A.K. Sen and staff, and the staff of Greeneville Urgent Care/ Industria Care Clinic. The family expressed a special thanks to the Renal floor staff at the Johnson City Medical Center for their special compassionate care. Memorial contributions man be made to the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, or American Diabetes Association. Condolences may be sent to the Robinson family at

Lynn Rollins Died: Sept. 23, 2012

Honorary pallbearers will be Donny Rollins, Dr. James R. McKinney, Dr. Dharmen Patel, the nursing staff at Wellington Place, the Amedisys Hospice staff, the members of Rehobeth UM Church, his friends at Ma and Pa’s Restaurant, and the members of Victory Church of God. Memorial contributions may be made to Rehobeth UM Church, c/o Robert Hill, 1315 Houston Valley Road, Greeneville, TN 37743. Condolences may be sent to the family at

Joseph B. Thomason Died: Sept. 22, 2012


Home Prices Rose During July In 20 Major U.S. Cities BY CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER AP ECONOMICS WRITER

WASHINGTON (AP) — Home prices kept rising in July across the United States, buoyed by greater sales and fewer foreclosures. National home prices increased 1.2 percent in July, compared to the same month last year, according to the Standard & Poor’s/Case Shiller index released today. That’s the second straight year-over-year gain after two years without one. The report also says prices rose in July from June in all 20 cities tracked by the index. That’s the third straight month in which prices rose in every city. Steady price increases and record-low mortgage rates are helping drive a housing recovery. Prices in the Phoenix, one of the cities hardest hit by the housing bust, have increased 16.6 percent in the 12 months ending in July. Prices in Minneapolis and Detroit have risen more than 6 percent. “We are more optimistic about housing,” David Blitzer, chairman of the S&P’s index committee. “Stronger housing numbers are a positive factor for other measures, including consumer confidence.” The S&P/Case-Shiller index covers roughly half of U.S. homes. It measures prices compared with those in January 2000 and creates a three-month moving average. The July figures are the latest available. Other measures of home prices are showing steady gains. CoreLogic, a private real estate data provider, said earlier this month that prices rose in July from a year earlier by the most in six years. And a federal government housing agency has also reported annual increases. Rising home prices are one of many signs that the housing market is slowly recovering. Sales of previously occupied homes jumped in August to the highest level since May 2010. Builder confidence is at a six-year high and construction of single-family homes rose last month to the fastest annual rate in more than two years. Even with the gains, home sales and construction remain well below healthy levels. Still, the broader economy is likely to benefit from rising home prices. When home prices rise, people typically feel wealthier and spend more. And more Americans are likely to put their houses up for sale, which could further energize the market. Home sales have been bolstered by the lowest mortgage rates on record. The average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage touched a record low of 3.49 percent last week and has been below 4 percent all year. A limited supply of homes has also helped drive prices higher. Home prices are still 30 percent below their peak in June 2006, according to Case-Shiller. That was the height of the housing boom.

MORRISTOWN — Joseph B. “Rabbit” Thomason, 75, of Russellville, passed away at his home Saturday evening. Mr. Thomason worked at American Enka from 1958 until 1995 when he retired. He was a member of Russellville Baptist Church. Mr. Thomas served as a Hamblen County Commissioner. table many amendments He was an avid NASthat need debate …none CAR (Ford) and Braves of that encourages confifan. Starts on Page A-1 dence in the ability of the He is survived by his United States to govern.” wife: Wanda Barbee Alexander said today: “I Alexander said, “I have Thomason; his children: Ricky (Jahala) Thomason tried every other means am fed up with the failure of Mountain City, Susie I know of to persuade of Congress to do its most (Marc) Carter and Cindy senators to do their work basic job of managing tax(Denley) Hines of Cleve- on time, and it hasn’t payer money, and am I am sure most Tennesseland; a brother: C.D. worked.” In February, the release ans are, too. Thomason; his grand“This is a serious prochildren: Josh Thoma- stated, Alexander helped son, Jonathan (Shawna) organize a bipartisan posal by Sen. Heller and Thomason, Lindsay and coalition of senators to Rep. Cooper. It deserves Taylor Carter, and Cole- encourage Senate leaders bipartisan support, and I man and Sterling Hines; to follow through on their will work to make it the his nieces: Sabrina Cagle announcement that they law.” Alexander continued: and Kay and Carole would try to enact all 12 “This is mostly a oneThomason; his stepchil- appropriations bills by the sided problem. The dren: Randy, Tim, and Oct. 1 deadline. The Senate Appropria- Republican House passed Gregory Barbee; his stepgrandchildren: Rea- tions Committee reported a budget on time in each gan and Jessica Barbee; nine of the 12 bills to the of the last two years. The a special friend: Shaun Senate floor by July 9, Democratic Senate has Cobb; and Mrs. Thom- but Majority Leader Sen. not approved a budget for ason’s nephew: Terry Harry Reid reversed three years. “Even though Democourse and announced Huff. He was preceded in that the Senate would not crats have been the prideath by his parents: consider any appropria- mary offenders, both parties have not lived up to Briscoe and Lucy Karr tions bills this year. In a Senate floor speech their responsibilities. It is Thomason; a sister: Marietta Mahan; two uncles: on July 19, Alexander time to enact new rules Roscoe and Esco Thom- addressed Reid’s failure to and make sure the job ason; a nephew: Joey bring up the legislation, gets done regardless of Goforth; and a sister-in- a right only the majority who is in power.” Alexander said fiscal leader has, saying: law: June Thomason. “By not bringing up year 2006 was the last The family will receive friends from 5-7 p.m. appropriations bills, by time Congress passed Wednesday in the East reverting to political exer- all of the appropriations Chapel of Allen Funeral cises, by leaving off the bills. Home in Morristown. The funeral service will follow at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Ricky Thomason and Reported By The Offices of Edward Jones Company At Prior Day’s Close of Business the Rev. Anthony Kiersey officiating. Dow Jones Industrial EXC Exelon Corp ........................35.51 Graveside services will Average................................13,558.92 FHN First Horizon Ntl ....................9.86 be held at 11 a.m. Thurs- Up ....................................................... F Ford Motor Co .........................10.30 General Dynamics.................66.07 day in Bethesda Ceme- Down ..........................................20.55 GD Rails .........................................+49.97 IBM Intl Bus Machine ...............205.07 tery. Utilities ......................................+4.25 JAH Jarden Corp ..........................51.21 In lieu of f lowers, KDN Kaydon Corp .......................19.65 please make donations to: NASDAQ Securities: PHG Kon Philips.........................24.22 Bid Ask Mountain Visions BuildLOW Lowes Companies...............29.78 CBRL Cracker Barrel Old..... 63.94 .....67.22 LUB Lubys Inc ..............................6.19 ing Fund, 15 Main St., FWRD Forward Air CP......... 32.50 .....37.15 MCD McDonalds Corp ................93.47 Mosheim, TN 37818. VOLUME......................... 1,695,969,504


LYNN ROLLINS William “Lynn” Rollins, 87, of Wellington Place of Greeneville, passed away Sunday afternoon at Wellington Place in Greeneville. Mr. Rollins was a farmer and retired from the Merchant Marines after 19 years of service and from the State of Tennessee. He was a member of Rehobeth United Methodist Church. Mr. Rollins was a board member of Farmer’s Mutual Insurance Co. Survivors include his nieces and nephews: Linda and Archie Moncier, Sandra and James “Buddy” McNabb, Brenda and Herman Tarlton, Nancy and Doug Presley, Karen and Mike Lewis, Donnie and Suzy Rollins, Mike and Gina Rollins, Danny and Donna Rollins, and Terry and Teresa Rollins; his sisters-inlaw: Viola Rollins, Neva Rollins, and Sue Rollins; and his great-nieces and great-nephews. He was the son of the late Lawrence and Hazel Rollins and was preceded in death by his wife: Audrey Rollins; a sister: Helen Fillers; and his brothers and sisters-inlaw: Edward and Trixie Rollins, Junior Rollins, Herman Rollins, Ray Rollins and Ross Rollins. The family will receive friends from 2-8 p.m. today at Kiser-Rose Hill Funeral Home with the funeral service following at 8 p.m. in the chapel. The Rev. Jim Fillers and the Rev. Randall Tipton will officiate. Family and friends will meet at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home to go in procession to GreeneLawn Memory Gardens for a 1 p.m. committal service. Pallbearers will be Terry Rollins, Danny Rollins, Mike Rollins, Ronnie Rollins, Mickey Tarlton, and Craig Shelton.


MWV Meadwestvaco Cp .............30.82 MLR Miller Inds .........................15.00 NL N L Inds Inc. .........................10.87 NSC Norfolk Southern ...............66.13 NOC Northrop Grumman.............66.56 OXY Occidental Pete ..................86.61 PH Parker-Hannifin ....................82.33 PFE Pfizer Inc..............................24.70 ROK Rockwell Automat ...............68.55 S Sprint Nextel.............................5.70 SUN Sunoco Inc .........................47.39 TEN Tenneco Auto .......................28.85 UPS United Parcel B ..................72.04 VZ Verizon Comms ......................45.58 WEN Wendys Intl ..........................4.57 WMT Wal-Mart Stores.................74.70 XRX Xerox Corp ............................7.71

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

missioners. QUESTION ABOUT HOUSING INMATES Commissioner Jan Kiker noted that the County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) tells commissioners that there is no money to be made in the housing of prisoners. Dulaney agreed that he, too, has heard this from CTAS, and he recommended the board have an impartial party study the issue to fully determine if this would be a possible revenue source. He also cautioned, and all commissioners and officials agreed, that this would not be a 100percent reliable source of revenue, since it would be dependent on maintaining a certain number of inmates in a local facility. Kiker also raised questions both about the county’s Debt Service Fund, which will be at a deficit next year, and about the appraised value of the Magnavox property, which she said was at $8.07 million. Commissioner Robin Quillen also questioned the timing of the notification to commissioners concerning the certification and overcrowding, saying that more notification could have helped to have potentially “dodged this bullet.” Sheriff Steve Burns, however, said that the commission was aware of the issue since 2007, when the TCI last threatened decertification because of overcrowding.

Starts on Page A-1 by inmates. A $3 million federal lawsuit was filed by a current inmate a few days before the jail was decertified. MORE REVENUE While most of the commissioners attending the joint meeting were enthusiastic about the possibilities of converting the massive former industrial building for use as a county jail, financial adviser Rick Dulaney, of Morgan Keegan & Co., agreed that the only way for the county to issue another bond is to increase county revenue. For the county, he said, that could possibly mean housing more prisoners in order to increase the revenue the county receives from the housing of state and federal inmates — or it could mean a property tax increase. In order to use revenue from the housing of more inmates to provide collateral for the issuance of a new bond, however, the county would need to use the method of “capitalized interest,” Dulaney explained. Under that approach, the county would need to defer payments on the bond issued until six months after the jail project is complete and revenue is being received from the housing of inmates. Such measures are usually best avoided because of the interest payments involved, Dulaney added. “There are no magic solutions,” he told com-

COMMUNITY SUPPORT The Magnavox building was brought before the committees on Mon-




day because the community has frequently suggested it as an option, County Mayor Alan Broyles explained. “If we could succeed in some way in having a Plan of Action [to present at the next meeting of the TCI board], something to be acted on by the County Commission, we do stand a good chance of having our jail certified,” the mayor said. “Of course, there are no guarantees,” he added. ”Many people know what a good facility this building is. We decided to bring the Magnavox building to you as an option.” BUILDING SPECS Although he is not currently employed by the county on the project, architect Dave Wright attended Monday’s meeting to offer his suggestions on the building and to help the committee as they recalled the many options explored when overcrowding became an


issue in 2007. Sher i f f Bu r n s explained that the commission thoroughly explored more than two dozen options at that time, many of which were hampered by the limited space for expansion at the current jail and workhouse. At that time, the Magnavox building was also one of those options, but in the end, the commission became overwhelmed and did not make any decisions, Commissioner Rennie Hopson said. ‘NEST OF BAD EGGS’ “The whole point is, nothing happened,” concluded Hopson, a deputy sheriff and a farmer. “We just went on, sitting on a nest of bad eggs.” He cautioned that to continue doing so now, without making any real decisions or progress on the matter, could lead a federal judge to rule against the county, forcing them to build a new facility and dictating the number of prisoners it

beauty of America and where his faith began. “I have traveled in 53 different countries, all 50 states, have been around the world twice, seen and met people from all religions, and have friends from all religions. “My personal faith, it is Christian, and the strength of my faith started as a child when living in that area,” he said, referring to his birthplace of Newport. He said the story of “Last Ounce of Courage” aligns with many of the ideals held dear by those living under the shadow of the Smoky Mountains. “Everything we did in this movie hinges on emotions, feelings, faith, beliefs. But it is based on small-town America … every-town America,” he said.

Starts on Page A-1 SEVERAL SIMILARITIES Unlike his past roles, Teague’s character in “Last Ounce of Courage” bears a striking resemblance to himself. His character in the film, Bob Revere, shares many of his own passions. Both love their country with an intensity that they followed into battle: The Revere character is a Vietnam war hero, and Teague himself joined the U.S. Navy at the age of 17. After first reading through the script, Teague said to the director, “I don’t know who is going to play his character. Whoever he is, he better bring his heart, and he better bring his ‘A’ game.” The similarities continue: Revere served his small town as mayor, and Teague was a deputy sheriff in Memphis. In fact, it was his early years in law enforcement that first introduced Teague to acting. He took acting lessons to help him do his job as a law enforcement officer more effectively, and in the process he discovered a new passion — acting. Even in Hollywood, where faith often seems rare, Teague kept Christianity at the core of who he was, even if that meant turning down a few roles. But that faith also led Teague to “Last Ounce of Courage.”



Marshall Teague, a native of Newport, stars in “Last Ounce of Courage.”

CHRISTIAN CHARACTER “It absolutely moved me to my soul. It was what the message was — what

we stand for: the Constitution, Bill of Rights, our ability to practice our faith … all faiths,” he said in a recent telephone interview with The Greeneville Sun from the Ft. Worth, Texas area, where he lives with his wife, Lindy. The character of Revere is unapologetically Christian. The plot hinges on this faith, but Teague says the core of the message is something that can be accepted by those of all faiths. In the movie, Revere’s son goes off to war, where he dies in battle, leaving behind a wife, and a son whom the soldier never met. It is this son, 14 years later,who challenges his grandfather, Revere, to

fight for the same thing his late father did: freedom. Revere takes the challenge to heart and begins by reclaiming Christmas for the politically correct town, where even bringing a Bible to school is punishable. Teague believes wholeheartedly in the fight his character takes on in the movie. “What we have as a nation is so much beauty and a great people. And to not stand up for that country, you are cheating yourself,” he said. INFLUENCE OF EARLY LIFE Despite the years he has spent away from his hometown of Newport, Teague said that’s where he first learned about the

RECOLLECTIONS OF NEWPORT, SMOKIES Teague loves acting and plans to continue in that profession, but he can’t help but remember his own small town. “Trips up there and watching the rivers and streams, the people, my friends. In a small neighborhood like that you know everybody. I take it with me everywhere,” he said. “I can look at the Rocky Mountains, but I can turn right around and see the Smoky Mountains.” Teague is a selfdescribed avid outdoorsman. He loves simply being outside and enjoying nature just about anywhere. However, he said there is one image that is imprinted into his mind like a photograph. It is East Tennessee in the fall.

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could house. Commissioner Hopson noted the $3 million federal lawsuit already filed against the county from an inmate who was severely beaten by other prisoners. Hopson suggested that a new facility could be part of a judge’s decision in that case. Such a mandate has happened to the county once before [in the mid-1980s]— and in fact prompted the building of the current jail facility, he reminded commissioners. Sher i f f Bu r n s explained that he was able to keep certification in 2007, thereby avoiding any such mandates, by reducing the number of federal inmates. Now, five years later, the sheriff said, even without state and federal inmates, pre-trial inmates and county inmates in violation of probation would crowd the jail. Wright estimated that the necessary facilities to house prisoners average about $45,000 per inmate. The county would likely need to house about 800 inmates to have the necessary increase in revenue, officials estimated. Starting with the Magnavox building rather than building a new facility could save about 20 percent of the costs, he said. The 500,000-squarefeet proposed in the lease could have growth potential to house up to 1,700 prisoners, plus Sheriff’s Department Offices and, with the 20 percent savings applied back into the facility, a justice center with offices and courtrooms, he said. Tentatively, without an

updated cost analysis, housing for 800 inmates, offices and a justice center would come with a $38 million price tag, officials estimated. Burns also noted, however, that this may not require additional deputies, since staffing would not be split between so many levels as it is at the current multi-level facility.

“It looks like a quilt God laid over mountains. That’s the Smoky Mountains,” Teague said.

marily in Newport, and Eutha Hagaman, whose son, Josh, is currently military active, my nephews Johnathan and Jason, are all inspirational examples of what my hometown encompasses to this day,” Marshall Teague said.

TIES TO THE AREA Teague still has ties to the area beyond his fond memories or occasional visits. He is a son of the late John Abe Teague, for many years a leading businessman in Newport, and his two brothers and his mother still call the area home, as do many cousins. John Abe Teague Jr., a brother, is a field representative for U.S. Rep. Phil Roe, R-1st, of Johnson City. Another brother, J. Tyler Teague, is a custom jeweler, metallurgist, and consultant in the jewelry industry living in Johnson City. Also living in Johnson City is their mother, Doris Teague. “My cousins the Proffitts that still reside pri-

NEGOTIATIONS TO CONTINUE Although all agreed some decision needs to be made, Commissioner Tim White offered some skepticism that the Magnavox plant, built in 1963, would ever be anything more than an old building, despite what Wright assured the commissioners has been “excellent” maintenance and upkeep. With all these thoughts in mind, the committees agreed that the price for leasing and then purchase of the Magnavox building is not something that they would recommend the county pursue at this time, although they expressed willingness to negotiate with the owner. “I think we’re sitting in the best-case scenario for Greene County,” Broyles noted, arguing that well-maintained steel, brick and cinder block is just as good now as in 1963. “Whether the financing could be worked out or not is another matter,” he added. Broyles agreed to continue discussions and negotiations with the owner and report back to the committee at their next meeting on Monday, Oct. 1, at 9 a.m. at the Courthouse Annex.

‘IT SPEAKS TO ALL AGES’ Teague Jr. said in an interview with the Sun that he took his wife and grandchildren to see the film. “It is excitinig to see your brother, who has worked a lot of years in the movie industry, in a lead role in a theater movie,” he said. “It speaks to all ages, and it needs to because we as a nation are taking for granted these things that people before us fought for and are continuing to fight for today. “I think we all need to have a last ounce of courage.”

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THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012


County School Board Set To Meet Thursday BY KRISTEN BUCKLES STAFF WRITER


John Powell lived through Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and lost everything in that historic storm. The Louisiana resident was taken in by Theresa and Ed Henry, whose home in the 7200 block of Newport Highway was destroyed by fire on Friday. Powell takes it all in stride and will help the Henrys rebuild.

Fire Starts on Page A-1 previous owner of the house. Powell’s home for years had been the basement of the two-story Henry house, which is located down a gravel driveway in the 7200 block of Newport Highway. The four walls of the house remain, but the interior is charred, and the roof is gone. Powell is a man of few words, but Theresa Henry said he is coping. “He said he has been through worse,” she said. After what he experienced during Katrina, Powell thinks he still “has got it pretty good,” Theresa Henry said. “He’s been a longtime friend of ours, and he lost everything in Katrina, and he’s on a limited income,” she said. “He has nothing and no place to go.” The cause of the fire remains under investigation. The Henrys were still waiting on Monday to speak with their insurance company. No insurance settlement will bring back the Henrys’ beloved pets. Coco, a 5 -year-old Yorkshire terrier, and Foxy, a 10 -year-old miniature collie, both perished in the fire. Powell became emotional speaking about them. “I lost the cats [in Katrina]. This time, I don’t even think about the dogs,” he said. Powell may have lost a cat in the fire, Theresa Henry said, although he prefers to think it is just “lost.” W hen the Henrys rebuild, Powell will also have a home. Theresa Henry said she and her husband like helping others. “I’m a firm believer of what comes around, goes around,” she said. The Henrys stay in the camper literally in the shadow of their burnedout house, and haven’t had much time to make plans to rebuild. “I don’t know. We’re in


Theresa Henry stands in front of the burned-out house off Newport Highway she and husband Ed Henry have lived in for about 10 years. John Powell, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, moved in with the family after the 2005 storm destroyed his home in Louisiana. Fire ripped through the Henrys’ house on Friday afternoon.

The Greene County Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m., Thursday at Central Office to elect officers and consider numerous agenda items. High School Supervisor Wayland Seaton will provide the board a report on the system’s last three years’ ACT test results. The board will also continue to consider various policy revisions recommended by the Tennessee School Board Association (TSBA) on second reading, including: • allowing school board members to attend school board meetings electronically for workrelated reasons or family emergencies, if a quorum of the board is physically present; • significant revisions to detail and define Charter Schools; • evaluation of the Director of Schools, adding minimum required sections to the evaluation plan, including job performance, student achievement, and relationships with employees, board members and the community; • suspension/expulsion/remand: adding a notice requirement in which parents and guardians may request within five days of receiving the notice an open appeals hearing (otherwise such hearings will be closed to the public); and, • a new policy, Safe Relocation of Students, which allows for the relocation of students for their safety or to intervene in a physical altercation between students using reasonable force. On first reading, the board will consider the following policy revisions: • editorial revisions to Assignment/Transfer and Procedure for Granting Tenure; • Suspension Practices for Tenured Teachers and Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers, detailing the holding of pay during a pending investigation, as well as other procedural details; and, • Student Wellness, adding language emphasizing the county’s commitment to the CDC’s Coordinated School Health program. In addition, the board will consider the following manual revisions: • a new procedure for Leave of Absence requests that are longer than one year; • editorial changes defining “bullying” to include communications by electronic means; • a new report form for harassment/bullying; and, • an added offense under Discipline Procedures addressing clothing exposing “underwear or body parts in an indecent manner” that could be disruptive to the learning environment. Other items for consideration will include: • budget amendments for Title programs, the 2012-2013 Extended Contract; • out-of-state field trip requests; • Adrian Sauceman as a volunteer coach for the boy’s basketball team at Mosheim Elementary School; • the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Preschool and Part B completion reports and carryover budgets; • the IDEA Preschool $75,000 discretionary grant for purchasing technology for 3 to 5-yearolds with disabilities; • a $9,999 purchase of a 2009 GMC one-ton box van to deliver paper supplies or a bid process as required for all items $10,000 or more; • the paving of the driveway to the ChuckeyDoak High School football field from unexpended funds from the new fieldhouse project; • A solar agreement with Terra Shares, allowing for the leasing of roof space for solar equipment; • the Safe Schools Grant; • a time change of the next meeting from 5 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; • reconsideration of the TSBA Convention vote from the August board meeting, in which the board decided to not pay for board members to attend; and, • discussion of broadcasting video recordings of the board meetings on cable television.

Evergreen Life Services Inviting The Public To Open House Thurs.


A fire that tore through the Newport Highway home of Theresa and Ed Henry destroyed all their possessions. A Hurricane Katrina survivor who lived downstairs in the house, John Powell, also lost everything. such a fog about everything,” she said. The Greene County chapter of the American Red Cross assisted the Henrys and Powell with lodging immediately after the fire. But the

Henrys want to stay on their property to keep an eye on things. Theresa Henry looked in the front door of the burned-out house. “Everything I worked for is gone,” she said.

Gift cards from stores such as Walmart and Lowe’s to buy some basic items are welcome, she said. To help, call (423) 636-3213.

Evergreen Presbyterian Ministries Inc., now doing business as Evergreen Life Services, is inviting the public to a ribbon-cutting and open house from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, at 1017 Tusculum Blvd. Evergreen Life Services of Upper East Tennessee is a non-profit organization that has provided services to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities in a six-state region since 1959, according to a news release announcing the event. “Please join us as we celebrate Evergreen’s past and present where everyone matters,” the news release stated. The organization is a nonprofit whose mission is to serve, provide for and champion individuals with disabilities, according to its website,

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Co-Ed Hoops Event Set At West Pines A co-ed adult basketball tournament will be held Saturday at the West Pines Elementary School gymnasium. The tournament begins at 8 a.m. Call Richard or Melissa Guy for more details at 6208609 or 620-8611 after 5 p.m.

Free Hoops Clinic At Walters State Walters State women’s basketball coach Dave Kragel has announced plans for a free girl’s basketball clinic to be held on Saturday, Sept. 29, inside ‘Z’ Buda Gymnasium in the WSCC College Center. Kragel and his 2012-13 Lady Senators basketball team will be on hand to give instruction from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., and they will follow the clinic with a Red and White scrimmage. The clinic is open to girls in grades 3-12 and is for beginners to advanced players. For more information contact the Walters State athletics offices at 5856754.


MNF Ending Adds Fuel To Referee Rage Seahawks Edge Packers On Controversial Touchdown SEATTLE (AP) — Just when the anger and complaints from a weekend of contempt toward replacement officials couldn’t get any hotter, a disputed call trumps it all. Replacement ref rage peaked Monday night thanks to Seattle’s Golden Tate, and a bizarre touchdown call that will be debated, questioned and reignite frustrations over the locked-out officials. Tate pushed a Green Bay defender out of the way, wrestled another for the ball and was

awarded a touchdown on the final play to give the Seahawks a 14-12 victory over the Packers. The game wasn’t over for another 10 minutes after both teams went to their locker rooms and were summoned back to the field for the extra point. But that was just the cap to one of the most bizarre finishes in recent memory. “Don’t ask me a question about the officials,” Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy said. “I’ve never seen anything

like that in all my years in football.” “I know it’s been a wild weekend in the NFL and I guess we’re part of it now,” he said. Russell Wilson threw the 24-yard touchdown pass and the crew of replacement officials agreed Tate caught the pass. Wilson scrambled from the pocket and threw to the corner of the end zone as the clock expired. Tate shoved Green Bay’s Sam Shields out of the PLEASE SEE NFL | B-3


Officials signal after Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate pulled in a last-second pass from quarterback Russell Wilson to defeat the Green Bay Packers 14-12 Monday night.

The Pennant Chases Today BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Here’s how the pennant races look with nine days to go: HOLDING SERVE Four first-place teams were in action Monday and they all won. The White Sox stayed a game ahead of Detroit in the AL Central, Texas increased its AL West lead to five games over Oakland, and the Yankees moved 1 1/2 games in front of Baltimore in the AL East when the Orioles split a doubleheader with Toronto. In the NL East, Washington cut its magic number to five for clinching the division.

Horse Show Sat. At Fairgrounds There will be a horse show benefiting Children’s Miracle Network on Saturday, September 29, at the Greene County Fairgrounds. All proceeds will go to benefit Children’s Miracle Network. Gates will open at 9 a.m. and the show will start at 11 a.m. Concessions will be available. For more information or a class listing call 552-5969.

Golf Tourney Benefit For GHS Ball Teams The third annual Tournament of Diamonds Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, October 6, at the Nolichucky View Golf Club for the benefit of the Greeneville High School softball and baseball Teams. Entry fee is $40 per golfer. Lunch will be served beginning at 12:00 with the tournament to begin at 1:00. Cash prize for the winner along with prizes given for longest drive, closest to the pin, longest putt made and drawings for other prizes. A mulligan package will be available for $20 per person. Contact Coach Bob Fortel or Coach Jeremy Shepherd for more information at 787-8030.

C-D Hosting Two V-Ball Tourneys The Chuckey-Doak Lady Knights volleyball team will be hosting two tournaments: a women’s 6-on-6 tourney on Saturday, Sept. 29; and a co-ed 6-on-6 tourney on Saturday, Oct. 6. Tournament formats will depend upon the number of teams that enter. Deadline to enter is the Thursday before the tourney date. Entry fee is $10 per player. Call or text Coach Angie Beets at 3299090.

YMCA Soccer Tourney In Erwin A Fall YMCA Youth Soccer Tournament is set for Nov. 3-4 at the Unicoi YMCA in Erwin. This tourney is for 10/11 age division and there is a three-game guarantee with an $80 entry fee. Contact 7433361 or 341-0133, or email for information.



The Chuckey-Doak boys’ golf team captured the District 2-A/AA title at Clinchview Monday afternoon. Members of the squad, from left to right, are: Matt DiBella, Tristan Collins, Ben Gridley, Cory Swinney and Garrett Johnson.

A Knight’s Tale Chuckey-Doak Edges Grainger For District Golf Title BY DARREN REESE SPORTS EDITOR

BEAN STATION – With four scores in the clubhouse at the District 2-A/AA golf championships Monday, Grainger County clung to a two-stroke lead over the Chuckey-Doak boys. But even with only his No. 5 player, Matt DiBella, left on the course, Chuckey-Doak head coach Gene Ward was still feeling good about the Black Knights’ chances. Ward’s optimism proved to be spot on. DiBella turned in one of his best rounds of the season (84) to improve Chuckey-Doak’s team score by six strokes, giving the Black Knights a 319-323 win over the Grizzlies at Clinchview Golf Course. “I was keeping up with the scores, and I knew Matt turned in 43 and then knew what he stood after four holes on the back side,” Ward said. “I knew it was going to be really close, but that he had a good chance to cut (Ben Gridley’s score) of 90. He ended up bettering that by six strokes.” A trio of seniors led Chuckey-Doak to victory, highlighted by the three-over,

75 round turned in by Cory Swinney. Garrett Johnson added a 77 and Tristan Collins an 83. “They kind of all flip flop on who is going to be medalist each day,” Ward said. “All three of those guys can shoot even par on a given day.” Grainger’s top three players were Daniel Moore (77), Landon Cameron (79) and Tanner Jones (80). With three scores in, ChuckeyDoak led the Grizzlies by one. Then Grainger’s Andy Lichlyter turned in an 87 to Gridley’s 90 to put the host team out in front, albeit briefly. “All season long, there have been four teams up there fighting – us, Grainger, Greeneville and Cumberland Gap,” Ward said. “We were counting on it being a close match.” Cumberland Gap’s Garrett Tucker won medalist honors with a 74. Grainger County’s girls won their second straight district title with a 166 total, led by the medalist effort of Kasey Ankrom, who fired an 81. The Lady Grizzlies had three of the top individual finishers on the day. Celeste Stratton, last year’s district PLEASE SEE GOLF | B-12

DISTRICT 2-A/AA GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS At Clinchview Golf Course, Bean Station Boys’ team results 1. Chuckey-Doak 2. Grainger 3. Cumberland Gap 4. Greeneville 5. West Greene 6. North Greene 7. South Greene

319 323 333 353 384 400 506

Top individuals 1. Garrett Tucker (CG) 74 2. Cory Swinney (C-D) 75 3. Garrett Johnson (C-D) 77 4. Daniel Moore (Gra) 77 5. Landon Cameron (Gra) 79

Girls’ team results 1. Grainger 2. Claiborne 3. Greeneville 4. North Greene

166 181 207 270

Top individuals 1. Kasey Ankrom (Gr) 2. Celeste Stratton (Gra) 3. Kaleigh Cline (CG) 4. Kristen Ankrom (Gra) 5. Brittney Wine (Cl)

81 85 85 86 87

NEXT UP Atlanta can clinch a playoff berth with a win at home over lastplace Miami on Tuesday night or losses by both Milwaukee and the Los Angeles Dodgers. Kris Medlen (9-1) will start for the Braves. BREATHING ROOM St. Louis opened a 3 1/2-game lead over Milwaukee and the Dodgers in the race for the second NL wild card. Lance Lynn pitched the defending champion Cardinals past Houston 6-1 for his 17th win. YO, ADRIAN! The Rangers rallied past second-place Oakland 5-4 behind two big hits from Adrian Beltre. Playing with stomach pain caused by what doctors believe is scar tissue from appendix surgery more than a decade ago, Beltre tied the score in the seventh inning with his 35th homer and singled home the winning run in the ninth. SUN AND GAMES Jayson Werth wound up with a two-out, tworun double when Brewers center fielder Carlos Gomez lost a ball in the sun to spark a six-run fourth inning in Washington’s 12-2 win over Milwaukee. The day before, it was the Brewers who benefited when Nationals outfielders lost fly balls in the sun.

Big Plays Have Played A Big Part In UT’s Season KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee’s defense has a knack for creating big plays, both for itself and the opposition. One week after allowing four gains of over 30 yards in the final 18 1/2 minutes of a 37-20 loss to Florida, Tennessee gave up a 70-yard NOTEBOOK touchdown run to Quentin Hines that briefly caused the Volunteers to fall behind Akron. Yet the Vols also picked off three Akron passes to pull away for a 47-26 victory. Tennessee’s susceptibility to the big play could prove fatal Saturday at No. 5 Georgia, which has scored 40-plus points

in four straight games for the first time in school history. “That’s one thing we stress in the defensive meeting room every day, preventing the big play,” Tennessee cornerback Prentiss Waggner said. “That’s one thing we work on.” All that work hasn’t paid off the last couple of weeks. Florida broke away from Tennessee by scoring on Trey Burton’s 80-yard touchdown run and Jeff Driskel’s 75-yard touchdown pass to Frankie Hammond. Tennessee also gave up runs of 45 and 33 yards to Mike Gillislee. The trend continued last week with Hines’ breakaway. The long runs are particularly troublesome for Tennessee head-

ing into this game. Georgia’s average of 6 yards per carry leads the SEC, while Tennessee has given up 4.6 yards per rush. The only SEC team yielding more yards per rush than Tennessee is Auburn, which has allowed 4.8 yards per carry. “None of them are excusable,” Tennessee coach Derek Dooley said of the long runs. “You just can’t give up plays like that running the ball and expect to win.” Georgia, a two-touchdown favorite, has feasted on big plays. The Bulldogs’ offense has produced five touchdowns from at PLEASE SEE VOLS | B-3


Tennessee defensive player Byron Moore (3) had two interceptions vs. Akron.


THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012


FOOTBALL Middle School Tuesday, Sept. 25 GMS at Rutledge (6:00) Thursday, Sept. 27 McDonald vs. Northside (at WG, 6:00) Nolachuckey vs. DeBusk (at SG, 6:00) Chuckey-Doak Middle at Johnson Co. (6:00) Youth Football Association Saturday, Sept. 29 (at Burley Stadium) 10 a.m - West Greene Gold vs. South Greene (Pee Wee) 11:30 a.m. - West Greene Blue vs. Chargers (Pee Wee) 1 p.m. - Vols vs. Huskies (Pee Wee) 2:30 p.m. - Panthers vs. Greene Devils (Pee Wee) 4 p.m. - Cougars vs. Eagles (Midget) 5:30 p.m. - Titans vs. Bears (Midget) High Schools FOOTBALL Friday, Sept. 28 West Greene at Greeneville* Chuckey-Doak at Cumberland Gap* North Greene at Hampton* South Greene -- Open SOCCER Tuesday, Sept. 25 Chuckey-Doak at Greeneville (6:00) Elizabethton at West Greene (6:00) VOLLEYBALL Tuesday, Sept. 25 West Greene at South Greene (4:30) Greeneville at Chuckey-Doak (6:00) REC SCHEDULE Adult Softball Schedule Legion Field Tuesday, September 25 (Co-Ed) 6:30 - Roger Yount Body Shop-Darnell Builders & Electric 7:30 - Roger Yount Body Shop-Darnell Construction 8:30 - Darnell Construction-BRC New Field Tuesday, September 25 (Co-Ed) 6:30 - Mudcats-Healthy Beginnings 7:30 - Mudcats-TMC 8:30 - Uncle Jerry’s-TMC


AP STATE POLLS The Associated Press’ Top 10 teams in each of Tennessee’s six Division I non-financial aid classifications and in the combined Division II financial aid classification as selected by Tennessee AP-member sportswriters and broadcasters. With first-place votes in parentheses, records through September 24, total points based on 10 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 10th-place vote:< Division 6A Record Pts Prv 1. Maryville (18) 6-0 195 1 2. Siegel 6-0 166 2 3. Whitehaven (1) 6-0 149 4 (tie) Kingsport Dobyns Bennett (1) 5-0 149 3 5. Science Hill 5-0 113 5 6. Bearden 5-0 89 8 7. Brentwood 6-0 84 9 8. Mt. Juliet 4-1 48 10 9. Oak Ridge 4-1 39 7 10. Riverdale 4-2 22 6 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Dickson County 18. 12, Wilson Central 14. Division 5A Record Pts Prv 1. Beech (18) 6-0 198 1 2. Jackson Northside 6-0 154 3 3. Knoxville West (1) 4-1 147 2 4. Henry County 5-1 136 4 5. Lenoir City 4-1 114 5 6. Powell 5-1 82 7 7. South Doyle (1) 5-0 60 10 8. Ridgeway 3-2 58 8 9. Daniel Boone 4-1 49 9 10. Clarksville NE 4-1 22 NR Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Hardin County 17. 12, Knoxville Catholic 16. 13, Morristown West 12. Division 4A Record Pts Prv 1. Giles County (16) 5-0 194 1 2. Covington (3) 5-0 175 2 3. Knoxville Fulton (1) 4-1 151 3 4. East Hamilton 4-1 132 4 5. Livingston Academy 5-0 116 5 6. DeKalb County 6-0 100 7 7. Lexington 4-1 82 8 8. Maplewood 4-2 56 9 9. Greeneville 2-3 27 6 10. Dyersburg 4-1 14 NR (tie) Gibbs 4-2 14 10 (tie) Mitchell 5-1 14 NR Others receiving 12 or more points: None. Division 3A Record Pts Prv 1. CAK (11) 6-0 190 1 2. Alcoa (9) 6-1 184 2 3. CPA 5-0 155 3 4. Cheatham County 6-0 130 4 5. Milan 5-1 112 5 6. South Gibson 5-0 90 6 7. Tyner Academy 4-1 67 7 8. Sullivan North 5-1 61 8 9. Elizabethton 4-2 49 10 10. Polk County 5-1 20 NR Others receiving 12 or more points: None. Division 2A Record Pts Prv 1. Boyd Buchanan (14) 6-0 190 1 2. Dresden (3) 6-0 169 2 3. Grace Christian (2) 4-1 152 3 4. Friendship Christian (1) 5-1 133 4 5. Houston County 5-0 109 5 6. Oneida 4-1 89 6 7. Adamsville 5-1 88 7 8. Cascade 5-1 58 8 9. Hampton 4-1 47 10 10. Trousdale County 3-2 45 9 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Watertown 12. Division 1A Record Pts Prv 1. Greenback (14) 6-0 189 2 2. South Pittsburg (3) 4-1 163 1 3. Gordonsville (3) 4-1 151 4 4. Moore County 6-0 147 5 5. Huntingdon 5-1 114 6 6. Coalfield 5-0 103 7 7. Clarksville Academy 5-1 79 3 8. West Carroll 5-1 72 9 9. Union City 4-2 31 8 10. Copper Basin 5-1 26 NR Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Collinwood 15. Division II Record Pts Prv 1. Ensworth (18) 6-0 180 1 2. CBHS 5-0 146 2

3. Brentwood Academy 4-1 133 3 4. Knoxville Webb 4-1 112 4 5. St. George’s 6-0 91 5 6. MUS 4-2 90 6 7. Baylor 4-2 67 8 8. University-Jackson 6-0 66 7 9. Briarcrest 6-0 50 10 10. MBA 4-2 48 9 Others receiving 12 or more points: None. All Associated Press members in Tennessee are eligible to participate in the high school football poll. Those who voted for this week’s poll are: Chattanooga Times Free Press; The Leaf-Chronicle (Clarksville); Cleveland Daily Banner; The Daily Herald (Columbia); State Gazette (Dyersburg); Elizabethton Star; The Greeneville Sun; The Jackson Sun; Johnson City Press; Kingsport Times-News; The Knoxville News Sentinel; Marshall County Tribune; The Daily Times (Maryville); The Commercial Appeal (Memphis); The Daily News Journal, Murfreesboro; The Tennessean (Nashville); The Paris Post-Intelligencer; Union City Daily Messenger; WCMT, Martin.

EAST TENNESSEE SPORTSWRITERS POLL After Season Week No. 5 (records, total points, first place votes in parenthesis) CLASS 1A 1. Greenback (6-0), 59 (11) 2. Coalfield (5-0), 51 (1) 3. Copper Basin (4-1), 35 4. Cloudland (3-2), 24 5. Midway (2-3), 9 Others receiving votes: Harriman (4). CLASS 2A 1. GCA (4-1), 58 (10) 2. Oneida (4-1), 43 3. Hampton (4-1), 40 (2) 4. Rockwood (3-3), 23 5. North Greene (4-2), 14 Others receiving votes: Wartburg (3), Cosby (1). CLASS 3A 1. Alcoa (5-1), 56 (8) 2. CAK (6-0), 52 (4) 3. Elizabethton (4-2), 22 4. Sullivan North (5-1), 17 5. Kingston (5-1), 14 Others receiving votes: Polk County (13), Gatlinburg-Pittman (4), Chuckey-Doak (1), Cumberland Gap (1). CLASS 4A 1. Fulton (4-1), 58 (10) 2. Sequoyah (4-1), 46 (2) 3. Gibbs (4-2), 33 4. Greeneville (2-3), 26 5. Carter (3-3), 13 Others receiving votes: Claiborne (1). CLASS 5A 1. Knox West (4-1), 54 (10) 2. South Doyle (5-0), 38 (2) 3. Powell (5-1), 34 4. Lenoir City (4-1), 28 5. Daniel Boone (4-1), 12 Others receiving votes: Tennessee High (7), Catholic (4), Cherokee (1), Morristown West (1), Seymour (1). CLASS 6A 1. Maryville (5-0), 59 (11) 2. Kingsport DB (5-0), 48 (1) 3. Science Hill (5-0), 35 4. Bearden (5-0), 21 5. Oak Ridge (4-1), 9 Others receiving votes: Sevier County (7),


AFCA Division II Coaches Poll 1. Pittsburg State (Kan.) (29) 2. Minnesota-Duluth 3. Colorado State-Pueblo 4. Grand Valley State (Mich.) 5. Winston-Salem State (N.C.) (1) 6. California (Pa.) 7. Missouri Western State 8. New Haven (Conn.) 9. Humboldt State (Calif.) 10. Bloomsburg (Pa.) 11. Northwest Missouri State 12. Ouachita Baptist (Ark.) 13. Ashland (Ohio) 14. Midwestern State (Texas) 15. Minnesota State-Mankato 16. Saginaw Valley State (Mich.) 17. Henderson State (Ark.) 18. Wayne State (Mich.) 19. West Alabama 20. Washburn (Kan.) 21. Shippensburg (Pa.) 22. Indiana (Pa.) 23. West Texas A&M 24. Newberry (S.C.) 25. Sioux Falls (S.D.)

4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 3-1 3-0 4-0 2-1 4-0 3-1 4-0 2-1 3-1 3-1 4-0 3-1 3-1 4-0 4-0


National Football League AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF N.Y. Jets 2 1 0 .667 81 Buffalo 2 1 0 .667 87 New England 1 2 0 .333 82 Miami 1 2 0 .333 65 South W L T Pct PF Houston 3 0 0 1.000 88 Jacksonville 1 2 0 .333 52 Tennessee 1 2 0 .333 67 Indianapolis 1 2 0 .333 61 North W L T Pct PF Baltimore 2 1 0 .667 98 Cincinnati 2 1 0 .667 85 Pittsburgh 1 2 0 .333 77 Cleveland 0 3 0 .000 57 West W L T Pct PF San Diego 2 1 0 .667 63 Denver 1 2 0 .333 77 Kansas City 1 2 0 .333 68 Oakland 1 2 0 .333 61 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF Dallas 2 1 0 .667 47 Philadelphia 2 1 0 .667 47 N.Y. Giants 2 1 0 .667 94 Washington 1 2 0 .333 99 South W L T Pct PF Atlanta 3 0 0 1.000 94 Tampa Bay 1 2 0 .333 60 Carolina 1 2 0 .333 52 New Orleans 0 3 0 .000 83 North W L T Pct PF Minnesota 2 1 0 .667 70 Chicago 2 1 0 .667 74 Green Bay 1 2 0 .333 57 Detroit 1 2 0 .333 87 West W L T Pct PF

PA 75 79 64 66 PA 42 70 113 83 PA 67 102 75 75 PA 51 77 99 88

PA 54 66 65 101 PA 48 67 79 102 PA 59 50 54 94 PA


50 Years Ago Alabama was the No. 1 ranked football team in the nation according to the Associated Press poll. 25 Years Ago Glenwood, Mosheim, Ottway, Chuckey and Baileyton won Greene County Elementary League football games. 10 Years Ago Greeneville crushed Morristown West 5-2 in soccer. Keeper Mary McKnight was tough in goal, coming up with six saves. 5 Years Ago Greeneville’s soccer team scored five goals in the second half and romped past Jefferson County 7-0 in IMAC action.


TODAY ON TV MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. - FSS: Miami at Atlanta 7 p.m. - FSN: Milwaukee at Cincinnati 8 p.m. - MLB: New York Yankees at Minnesota 8:30 p.m. - WGN: Chicago Cubs at Colorado Arizona San Francisco Seattle St. Louis

3 2 2 1

0 1 1 2

0 0 0 0

1.000 .667 .667 .333

67 70 57 60


American League East Division W L Pct GB New York 89 64 .582 — Baltimore 88 66 .571 1 1/2 Tampa Bay 83 70 .542 6 Boston 69 85 .448 20 1/2 Toronto 67 86 .438 22 Central Division W L Pct GB Chicago 82 71 .536 — Detroit 81 72 .529 1 Kansas City 70 83 .458 12 Minnesota 64 90 .416 18 1/2 Cleveland 63 91 .409 19 1/2 West Division W L Pct GB Texas 91 62 .595 — Oakland 86 67 .562 5 Los Angeles 84 69 .549 7 Seattle 72 81 .471 19 ——— Monday’s Games Baltimore 4, Toronto 1, 1st game Detroit 6, Kansas City 2 Toronto 9, Baltimore 5, 2nd game Texas 5, Oakland 4 Chicago White Sox 5, Cleveland 4 N.Y. Yankees 6, Minnesota 3 Tuesday’s Games Cleveland (Kluber 1-4) at Chicago White Sox (Liriano 6-11), 2:10 p.m. Kansas City (B.Chen 11-12) at Detroit (A.Sanchez 3-6), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (Laffey 3-6) at Baltimore (J.Saunders 2-2), 7:05 p.m. Tampa Bay (Price 18-5) at Boston (Buchholz 11-6), 7:10 p.m. Oakland (Milone 13-10) at Texas (Darvish 169), 8:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (P.Hughes 16-12) at Minnesota (Vasquez 0-2), 8:10 p.m. Seattle (Er.Ramirez 1-2) at L.A. Angels (Greinke 5-2), 10:05 p.m. National League East Division W L Pct GB z-Washington 93 60 .608 — Atlanta 88 65 .575 5 Philadelphia 77 76 .503 16 New York 70 83 .458 23 Miami 66 87 .431 27 Central Division W L Pct GB x-Cincinnati 92 61 .601 — St. Louis 83 71 .539 9 1/2 Milwaukee 79 74 .516 13 Pittsburgh 75 78 .490 17 Chicago 59 94 .386 33 Houston 50 104 .325 42 1/2 West Division W L Pct GB x-San Francisco 89 64 .582 — Los Angeles 79 74 .516 10 Arizona 77 76 .503 12 San Diego 73 80 .477 16 Colorado 59 94 .386 30 z-clinched playoff berth x-clinched division ——— Monday’s Games Washington 12, Milwaukee 2 N.Y. Mets 6, Pittsburgh 2 St. Louis 6, Houston 1 Colorado 4, Arizona 2 Tuesday’s Games Washington (Detwiler 10-6) at Philadelphia (Hamels 15-6), 7:05 p.m. Miami (Eovaldi 4-12) at Atlanta (Medlen 9-1), 7:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Fiers 9-8) at Cincinnati (Cueto 18-9), 7:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (W.Rodriguez 11-13) at N.Y. Mets (McHugh 0-2), 7:10 p.m. St. Louis (J.Garcia 5-7) at Houston (Harrell 1010), 8:05 p.m.

Check out today’s edition of

Chicago Cubs (Rusin 1-2) at Colorado (J.De La Rosa 0-1), 8:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Beckett 1-2) at San Diego (Volquez 10-11), 10:05 p.m. Arizona (Skaggs 1-3) at San Francisco (Lincecum 10-14), 10:15 p.m. Wild Card Glance AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct WCGB Baltimore 88 66 .571 — Oakland 86 67 .562 — Los Angeles 84 69 .549 2 Tampa Bay 83 70 .542 3 Detroit 81 72 .529 5 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct WCGB Atlanta 88 65 .575 — St. Louis 83 71 .539 — Milwaukee 79 74 .516 3 1/2 Los Angeles 79 74 .516 3 1/2 Monday’s Major League Linescores AMERICAN LEAGUE First Game Toronto 000 000 010— 1 8 0 Baltimore 000 211 00x— 4 10 0 H.Alvarez, Cecil (6), Frasor (7), Beck (8) and Mathis, Arencibia; S.Johnson, Patton (6), Tom.Hunter (7), O’Day (8), Ji.Johnson (9) and Wieters. W—S.Johnson 4-0. L—H.Alvarez 9-14. Sv—Ji.Johnson (48). HRs—Baltimore, Ad.Jones (32), Flaherty (5). ——— Kansas City 000 100 010— 2 9 1 Detroit 020 021 01x— 6 13 0 Hochevar, Adcock (8) and S.Perez; Verlander, Valverde (9) and Avila. W—Verlander 16-8. L—Hochevar 8-15. HRs—Kansas City, A.Gordon (12). Detroit, Fielder (28). ——— Second Game Toronto 220 001 400— 9 13 2 Baltimore 020 011 001— 5 12 0 R.Romero, Lincoln (6), Loup (8), Janssen (9) and Arencibia; W.Chen, Arrieta (6), Strop (8), Z.Phillips (9) and Teagarden. W—R.Romero 914. L—W.Chen 12-10. HRs—Toronto, Encarnacion (41), Sierra (6), Arencibia (17). Baltimore, McLouth (5). ——— Oakland 021 001 000— 4 8 2 Texas 010 010 201— 5 9 0 Straily, Blevins (7), Neshek (7), R.Cook (8), T.Ross (9) and D.Norris; D.Holland, Oswalt (4), R.Ross (6), Uehara (7), Mi.Adams (8), Nathan (9) and Napoli. W—Nathan 3-4. L—T.Ross 2-11. HRs—Oakland, Donaldson (8), Cespedes (21). Texas, Hamilton (43), Beltre (35). ——— New York 300 100 200— 6 10 0 Minnesota 000 000 012— 3 10 0 Pettitte, Chamberlain (7), Wade (8), J.Thomas (8), D.Robertson (9) and R.Martin; Hendriks, Perdomo (7), T.Robertson (8), M.Capps (9) and Doumit. W—Pettitte 5-3. L—Hendriks 18. HRs—New York, Swisher (23), Granderson (40), Ibanez (18), Er.Chavez (14). Minnesota, Florimon (1). ——— Cleveland 001 002 001— 4 13 0 Chicago 000 011 03x— 5 7 1 McAllister, J.Smith (7), Pestano (8) and Marson; Sale, Myers (8), Thornton (9), Veal (9) and Pierzynski. W—Myers 3-3. L—Pestano 3-3. Sv—Veal (1). HRs—Cleveland, Canzler (2). Chicago, A.Dunn 2 (41). ——— NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee 010 000 010— 2 8 2 Washington 100 620 03x—12 14 0 Estrada, Loe (5), Stinson (5), M.Parra (7) and Lucroy; Zimmermann, S.Burnett (7), Clippard (8), Storen (9) and K.Suzuki. W—Zimmermann 12-8. L—Estrada 4-7. HRs—Milwaukee, Hart (28). Washington, Zimmerman (24). ——— Pittsburgh 000 000 011— 2 8 0 New York 000 240 00x— 6 6 0 McPherson, Takahashi (5), Karstens (5), Ju.Wilson (7), Leroux (8) and McKenry; Mejia, Acosta (6), Hampson (7), Familia (7), R.Carson (8), Parnell (8), R.Ramirez (9) and Thole. W— Mejia 1-1. L—McPherson 0-2. HRs—New York, I.Davis 2 (30). ——— St. Louis 030 100 200— 6 9 0 Houston 010 000 000— 1 6 3 Lynn, S.Freeman (8), Rosenthal (9) and Y.Molina; Abad, Fe.Rodriguez (2), J.Valdez (7), Fick (8), R.Cruz (9) and J.Castro. W—Lynn 17-7. L—Abad 0-6. HRs—St. Louis, Kozma (2), Y.Molina (21). ——— Arizona 000 200 000— 2 5 1 Colorado 100 200 01x— 4 10 1 Cahill, Shaw (7), Ziegler (8) and M.Montero; Chatwood, Outman (6), Moscoso (7), R.Betancourt (9) and Pacheco. W—Chatwood 5-5. L—Cahill 12-12. Sv—R.Betancourt (30). HRs—Arizona, Kubel (30). Colorado, A.Brown

MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING—MiCabrera, Detroit, .331; Trout, Los Angeles, .323; Mauer, Minnesota, .322; Jeter, New York, .322; Beltre, Texas, .316; Butler, Kansas City, .315; DavMurphy, Texas, .311. RUNS—Trout, Los Angeles, 122; MiCabrera, Detroit, 106; AdJones, Baltimore, 101; Hamilton, Texas, 100; Kinsler, Texas, 98; AJackson, Detroit, 97; Granderson, New York, 95; Jeter, New York, 95. RBI—MiCabrera, Detroit, 133; Hamilton, Texas, 124; Willingham, Minnesota, 110; Encarnacion, Toronto, 105; Fielder, Detroit, 103; Butler, Kansas City, 102; Pujols, Los Angeles, 101. HITS—Jeter, New York, 207; MiCabrera, Detroit, 195; Butler, Kansas City, 183; AdJones, Baltimore, 181; Beltre, Texas, 180; AGordon, Kansas City, 178; Rios, Chicago, 173. DOUBLES—AGordon, Kansas City, 49; Pujols, Los Angeles, 46; Cano, New York, 41; NCruz, Texas, 41; Kinsler, Texas, 41; MiCabrera, Detroit, 40; Choo, Cleveland, 39. TRIPLES—AJackson, Detroit, 10; Andrus, Texas, 9; Rios, Chicago, 8; JWeeks, Oakland, 8; Crisp, Oakland, 7; AEscobar, Kansas City, 7; Zobrist, Tampa Bay, 7. HOME RUNS—Hamilton, Texas, 43; MiCabrera, Detroit, 42; ADunn, Chicago, 41; Encarnacion, Toronto, 41; Granderson, New York, 40; Beltre, Texas, 35; Willingham, Minnesota, 35. STOLEN BASES—Trout, Los Angeles, 46; RDavis, Toronto, 45; Revere, Minnesota, 38; Crisp, Oakland, 35; AEscobar, Kansas City, 31; BUpton, Tampa Bay, 30; JDyson, Kansas City, 29; DeJennings, Tampa Bay, 29. PITCHING—Weaver, Los Angeles, 19-4; Price, Tampa Bay, 18-5; Sale, Chicago, 17-7; MHarrison, Texas, 17-10; Scherzer, Detroit, 16-7; Verlander, Detroit, 16-8; Darvish, Texas, 16-9; PHughes, New York, 16-12. STRIKEOUTS—Verlander, Detroit, 231; Scherzer, Detroit, 228; Darvish, Texas, 214; FHernandez, Seattle, 207; Shields, Tampa Bay, 202; Price, Tampa Bay, 188; Sale, Chicago, 185. SAVES—JiJohnson, Baltimore, 48; Rodney, Tampa Bay, 44; RSoriano, New York, 42; CPerez, Cleveland, 36; Nathan, Texas, 35; Valverde, Detroit, 31; Wilhelmsen, Seattle, 29. TODAY’S MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING—MeCabrera, San Francisco, .346; AMcCutchen, Pittsburgh, .336; Posey, San Francisco, .332; YMolina, St. Louis, .321; Braun, Milwaukee, .318; Craig, St. Louis, .308; Prado, Atlanta, .305. RUNS—AMcCutchen, Pittsburgh, 104; Braun, Milwaukee, 101; JUpton, Arizona, 100; Rollins, Philadelphia, 97; Bourn, Atlanta, 93; Holliday, St. Louis, 93; Pagan, San Francisco, 92. RBI—Braun, Milwaukee, 108; Headley, San Diego, 108; ASoriano, Chicago, 105; Holliday, St. Louis, 100; LaRoche, Washington, 98; Posey, San Francisco, 98; ArRamirez, Milwaukee, 98. HITS—AMcCutchen, Pittsburgh, 189; Prado, Atlanta, 180; Scutaro, San Francisco, 180; Braun, Milwaukee, 179; SCastro, Chicago, 174; Reyes, Miami, 173; AHill, Arizona, 171; Holliday, St. Louis, 171. DOUBLES—ArRamirez, Milwaukee, 50; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 42; AHill, Arizona, 40; Votto, Cincinnati, 40; DWright, New York, 40; Prado, Atlanta, 39; DanMurphy, New York, 38. TRIPLES—Pagan, San Francisco, 15; SCastro, Chicago, 12; Fowler, Colorado, 11; Reyes, Miami, 11; Bourn, Atlanta, 10; MeCabrera, San Francisco, 10; Colvin, Colorado, 9. HOME RUNS—Braun, Milwaukee, 40; Bruce, Cincinnati, 34; Stanton, Miami, 34; LaRoche, Washington, 32; ASoriano, Chicago, 31; Beltran, St. Louis, 30; IDavis, New York, 30; Kubel, Arizona, 30; AMcCutchen, Pittsburgh, 30. STOLEN BASES—Bourn, Atlanta, 39; EvCabrera, San Diego, 37; Victorino, Los Angeles, 37; Reyes, Miami, 36; CGomez, Milwaukee, 35; Pierre, Philadelphia, 35; Altuve, Houston, 33. PITCHING—GGonzalez, Washington, 20-8; Dickey, New York, 19-6; Cueto, Cincinnati, 189; Lynn, St. Louis, 17-7; Lohse, St. Louis, 16-3; THudson, Atlanta, 16-6; Gallardo, Milwaukee, 16-8; AJBurnett, Pittsburgh, 16-8; Bumgarner, San Francisco, 16-10; Miley, Arizona, 16-10.

STRIKEOUTS—Kershaw, Los Angeles, 211; Dickey, New York, 209; Hamels, Philadelphia, 202; GGonzalez, Washington, 201; Gallardo, Milwaukee, 199; Strasburg, Washington, 197; ClLee, Philadelphia, 195. SAVES—Motte, St. Louis, 40; Kimbrel, Atlanta, 39; Hanrahan, Pittsburgh, 36; Papelbon, Philadelphia, 36; AChapman, Cincinnati, 35; Axford, Milwaukee, 33; Putz, Arizona, 32; Clippard, Washington, 32.


NASCAR Sprint Cup Points Leaders By The Associated Press Through Sept. 23 1. Jimmie Johnson, 2,096. 2. Brad Keselowski, 2,095. 3. Denny Hamlin, 2,089. 4. Tony Stewart, 2,086. 5. Kasey Kahne, 2,081. 6. Clint Bowyer, 2,081. 7. Dale Earnhardt Jr., 2,070. 8. Kevin Harvick, 2,065. 9. Greg Biffle, 2,063. 10. Martin Truex Jr., 2,062. 11. Matt Kenseth, 2,061. 12. Jeff Gordon, 2,051. 13. Kyle Busch, 831. 14. Ryan Newman, 807. 15. Carl Edwards, 797. 16. Paul Menard, 792. 17. Marcos Ambrose, 772. 18. Joey Logano, 751. 19. Jeff Burton, 696. 20. Jamie McMurray, 682. 21. Juan Pablo Montoya, 651. 22. Aric Almirola, 636. 23. Regan Smith, 604. 24. Bobby Labonte, 599. 25. Kurt Busch, 530. 26. Mark Martin, 522. 27. David Gilliland, 479. 28. Casey Mears, 479. 29. David Ragan, 475. 30. Travis Kvapil, 460. 31. Landon Cassill, 453. 32. A J Allmendinger, 400. 33. Dave Blaney, 349. 34. David Reutimann, 330. 35. Brian Vickers, 213. 36. David Stremme, 198. 37. J.J. Yeley, 141. 38. Michael McDowell, 134. 39. Josh Wise, 115. 40. Ken Schrader, 111. 41. Stephen Leicht, 107. 42. Scott Speed, 85. 43. Michael Waltrip, 75.


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — These Tennessee lotteries were drawn Monday: Cash 3 Evening 9-1-9, Lucky Sum: 19 Cash 3 Midday 0-1-4, Lucky Sum: 5 Cash 4 Evening 6-7-6-6, Lucky Sum: 25 Cash 4 Midday 0-3-4-1, Lucky Sum: 8 Mega Millions Estimated jackpot: $14 million Powerball Estimated jackpot: $200 million Tennessee Cash 04-10-18-22-25, Bonus: 1 Estimated jackpot: $200,000


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Greene Devils JVs Roll Past Happy Valley 55-0 The Greeneville High School junior varsity football team continued their run for a perfect season with a 55-0 victory over the visiting Happy Valley Warriors Monday at Burley Stadium. The Greene Devil defense caused three fumbles and held the Warriors to less than 100 yards offense for the night. The 6-0 Devils had four different players find the end zone while gaining 306 total yards of offense. Desmond Dabbs reached paydirt first for the Devils as he got behind Jalen Pruitt and his offensive line for a red zone score. After a quick three and out by the defense led by Noah Starnes, Jordan Crum, Richard Moore III and Walker Brown, Dabbs hit the ground for another 21 yard touchdown run. The first fumble of the night for the Warriors set

up another Dabbs rushing TD, this one from 10 yards out. Quan Harrison joined Dabbs in the scorebook with a 58 yard punt return for a touchdown set up by two huge sacks by Starnes and Brown. The Greene Devils then used their stable of running backs to march down the field. Nick Payne broke free behind a block from Jared Wilkerson for a 9 yard touchdown run. Dabbs finished his 130 yard performance with his fourth touchdown of the contest from 19 yards out. Lincoln Bowman went to the air and hit Chase Wagner for a 26 yard pass to start the next offensive series. Jalen Pruitt, who led the Devils in tackles for the night, capped off his 48 yards of rushing with a few stiff arms to the Warrior defense to get him to the end zone.

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40 65 39 78

——— Thursday’s Game N.Y. Giants 36, Carolina 7 Sunday’s Games Dallas 16, Tampa Bay 10 Chicago 23, St. Louis 6 Minnesota 24, San Francisco 13 Tennessee 44, Detroit 41, OT Kansas City 27, New Orleans 24, OT Cincinnati 38, Washington 31 N.Y. Jets 23, Miami 20, OT Buffalo 24, Cleveland 14 Jacksonville 22, Indianapolis 17 Arizona 27, Philadelphia 6 Atlanta 27, San Diego 3 Oakland 34, Pittsburgh 31 Houston 31, Denver 25 Baltimore 31, New England 30 Monday’s Game Seattle 14, Green Bay 12 Thursday, Sep. 27 Cleveland at Baltimore, 8:20 p.m. Sunday, Sep. 30 Tennessee at Houston, 1 p.m. San Diego at Kansas City, 1 p.m. Seattle at St. Louis, 1 p.m. New England at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Minnesota at Detroit, 1 p.m. Carolina at Atlanta, 1 p.m. San Francisco at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m. Miami at Arizona, 4:05 p.m. Oakland at Denver, 4:05 p.m. Cincinnati at Jacksonville, 4:05 p.m. New Orleans at Green Bay, 4:25 p.m. Washington at Tampa Bay, 4:25 p.m. N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia, 8:20 p.m. Open: Indianapolis, Pittsburgh Monday, Oct. 1 Chicago at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.

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NFL Starts on Page B-1 way then wrestled with M.D. Jennings for possession. It was ruled on the field as a touchdown and after a lengthy review, referee Wayne Elliott came out from under the hood and announced “the ruling on the field stands” before the crowd at CenturyLink Field erupted in celebration. “We both had possession of it. I don’t even know the rule but I guess the tie goes to the receiver,” Tate said. Asked later if he got his hands on Wilson’s pass first, Tate wasn’t so sure. “I think so. ... Oh, well, maybe he did. But I took it from him,” Tate said. Elliott told a pool reporter after the game that the play was ruled as simultaneous possession that was confirmed by the replay official. “They both possessed it,” Elliott said. The Packers were far from convinced that Tate had possession. Jennings said he had the ball pinned to his chest the entire time. A handful of Packers players began venting on their Twitter accounts right after the game, posting protest messages to their followers — many of them too profane to print. Offensive lineman T.J. Lang even challenged the NFL to “fine me and use the money to pay the regular refs.” Others took to Twitter to speak their minds. Hall of Fame quarterback Troy Aikman tweeted “These games are a joke,” while NBA MVP LeBron James tweeted “I simply just LOVE the NFL to much to see these mistakes. I’m sick like I just played for the Packers.” Wisconsin State Senator Jon Erpenbach even

Vols Starts on Page B-1 least 29 yards away in its last two games. Keith Marshall scored on a 52yard breakaway and SEC rushing leader Todd Gurley added a 29-yard touchdown run last week in a 48-3 blowout of Vanderbilt. Gurley provided a 38-yard touchdown run in a 56-20 rout of Florida Atlantic, while Aaron Murray’s two touchdown passes included a 67-yard connection with Michael Bennett and a 36-yard completion to Arthur Lynch. Georgia’s offensive line has given its skill-position players plenty of opportunities to deliver big plays. Even when defenders have been in position to make a stop, Gurley and the other Georgia running backs break tackles so well that they can turn any opening into a huge gain. “There have been some guys that have been in perfect position and they may have eventually gotten him down, but usually they’re on their back by the time he gets through them,” Georgia coach Mark Richt said. “I think Marshall’s had some runs like that as well. Ken (Malcome) is a very powerful runner. Our runners in general do a good job of, when they get to that


tweeted NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s office phone number, saying in a separate tweet that if the ending Monday did not spark an end to the lockout “this season will be a joke.” “Just watching in the back room, I think if you asked Golden Tate to take a lie detector test and ask him did he catch that ball or did M.D. catch that ball, M.D. caught that,” Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings said. “It was clear as day ... at least that is what my eyes saw.” Seattle instantly celebrated while the Packers argued with anyone in a striped shirt. Both teams were eventually shoved to the sidelines as Tate stomped through the end zone in celebration. Following the review, Elliott’s announcement sent the stadium into delirium and even more confusion ensued until the teams finally returned to the field for the extra point. “From what I understood from the officials it was a simultaneous catch. Tie goes to the runner. Good call,” Seattle coach Pete Carroll said. Green Bay should not have found itself in the position of watching Wilson’s final heave be open for debate. The Packers shook off a disastrous first half in which Aaron Rodgers was sacked eight times and completely controlled possession in the final 30 minutes. Green Bay ran 41 offensive plays in the second half, got field goals of 29 and 40 yards from Mason Crosby and Cedric Benson’s 1-yard TD run with 8:44 left to take a 12-7 lead. Rodgers finished 26 of 39 for 223 yards and no turnovers. He had quite a different opinion of the disputed catch. “It was awful. Just look at the replay. And then the fact that it was reviewed, it was awful,”

he said. “That’s all I’m going to say about it. “We shouldn’t have been in that position.” It was Tate’s second touchdown of the game after his 41-yard catch in the second quarter gave Seattle a 7-0 lead. He finished with three catches for 68 yards, while Wilson was 10 of 21 for 130 yards. Green Bay averted disaster when John Kuhn fumbled on the first play after Seattle missed on a fourth-down pass attempt from the Packers’ 7 with 2 minutes remaining. Center Jeff Saturday recovered the fumble, but the Seahawks held and forced a punt from the 4 with 57 seconds left. The 41-yard punt set Seattle up at the Green Bay 46 with 46 seconds remaining. Wilson hit Sidney Rice for 22 yards on a slant then went for Tate in the end zone, but the ball was batted away with 18 seconds left. He threw over the head of Evan Moore on second down, leaving 12 seconds on the clock, and missed Tate again at the 5. Wilson took the final snap with 8 seconds remaining. He appeared to be looking for Rice on the right side of the end zone, but rolled left and threw for Tate, who was in a crowd of three defenders. His shove of Shields was obvious and it was never clear in realtime who had possession between Tate and Jennings. “I was just trying to keep possession of the ball. The guy who was fighting me for it, he’s strong. I was just trying to hold onto it until our guys pulled them off of me,” Tate said. “I didn’t know if they called touchdown, interception, incompletion . I didn’t know what was going on. Couldn’t hear anything and I just tried to keep fighting for the ball.”

human equation at the end of the run, we tend to end up moving forward.” Georgia set a school single-game record Sept. 15 by gaining 713 total yards against Florida Atlantic. Murray averages 10 1/2 yards per pass attempt and ranks eighth nationally in passing efficiency. Gurley has rushed for 406 yards on 44 carries for an average of 9.2 yards per attempt, a figure that’s caught the attention of Tennessee linebacker A.J. Johnson. “We’re going to try to stop that, so there won’t be any nine yards per carry by him,” Johnson said Those numbers aren’t necessarily an accurate measure of how Georgia will fare against Tennessee. Most of the big plays the Vols allowed recently came when running backs headed outside and beat the defense to the edge. Georgia generally takes a different approach. “We haven’t played a team up to now that really wants to run the ball between the tackles,” Tennessee defensive end Maurice Couch said. “With Georgia, that’s pretty much their offense. They want to run the ball north and south. They’re not too much of a team that likes to run the ball on the outside like Florida or N.C. State. It’s going to be a tough and very physi-

cal game.” Tennessee’s players have emphasized that they must avoid biting on Georgia’s play-action fakes, which could allow Murray to throw for a long gain. The Vols would rather showcase their own bigplay ability when Georgia passes. Akron quarterback Dalton Williams arrived at Neyland Stadium last week tied for second in the nation with 10 touchdown passes, but he threw for no touchdowns and three interceptions against the Vols. Two of his interceptions led to 10 Tennessee points. “That’s something we expect to do, get turnovers,” said Tennessee safety Byron Moore, who contributed two interceptions last week. “It’s nothing we’re surprised about.” Tennessee has picked off eight passes this season and is one interception away from matching its total from last year. Mississippi State is the lone SEC team with more interceptions. “We dropped three Saturday,” Waggner said. “We should probably be in double digits right now.” The Vols may need to get that season total to double digits Saturday to have a shot at pulling the upset.

BCS Officials Target Sites For First Playoff Final BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BCS conference officials have identified candidate cities to host the first championship game in college football’s new postseason system, and the four current BCS bowls will be among the choices. The current BCS games

— the Fiesta, Rose, Orange the possibility of hosting and Sugar bowls — are the national championship about to enter an exclusive game in 2015. negotiating period. BCS Executive Director Bill Hancock said Monday that the commissioners will begin talking to those organizers from those games immediately about


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012




Takoma Golf Committee Finalizes Plans Takoma Regional Hospital’s golf committee is finalizing plans for the 19th annual Takoma Golf Classic, which will be held Oct. 2 at the Andrew Johnson Golf Club. Lunch and registration starts at noon, with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. To register as a player or a sponsor, call Renee Lowery, Foundation Director, at 798-8136. Registration is also available online at Pictured, from left to right, seated, are: Spencer Smith, co-chair; and Renee Lowery. From left to right, back row: Bob Windham, Lindy Riley, Bob Biddle and Khushboo Kataria. (Not pictured are W.T. Daniels, co-chair; Andy Daniels; Cal Doty; Sharon Folk; Jerry Fortner; Bill Isbell; Sam Miller; Darius Peedin and Bill Riley.

Kurt Busch Has A New Ride For 2013 DENVER (AP) — Kurt Busch is ready for yet another new ride. Furniture Row Racing hired Busch on Monday to drive for the Colorado-based team in 2013. Busch will replace Regan Smith in the No. 78 Chevrolet. Busch was the 2004 NASCAR champion, but he split with Penske Racing at the end of last season because of his many off-track incidents. He spent this season driving for Phoenix Racing in the Sprint Cup series and his brother’s Kyle Busch Motorsports in the Nationwide Series, where he won twice. The 34-year-old Busch has said his goal this season was to prove he deserved a chance with another top-tier team. With so few seats available, Furniture Row became the best option. Busch will drive for his third team in three years when he takes the wheel for Furniture Row. “Though we have made strides as a resourceful single-car Sprint Cup team, we are not where we want to be, which led us to the difficult decision of making a driver change as we move forward,” said Furniture Row Racing’s general manager Joe Garone. “Kurt’s exceptional driving talent has the capacity to take a team to another level. We look forward to having Kurt join our Denver-based organization and feel his racing experience will play an important role as we plan ahead to 2013.” Busch has won 24 Sprint Cup races, as well as the 2010 NASCAR Sprint AllStar Race. “Furniture Row Racing has the commitment, talent and resources to compete at a high level in the Sprint Cup Series,” Busch said. “I have watched with admiration on how this team has grown over the years and that is why I am excited about the opportunity as I eagerly look forward to a new chapter in my racing career.” Busch is 25th in the points standings and has only one top-five finish in the Cup series this season. He served a one-week NASCAR suspension in June after for verbally abusing a media member. Busch was already on

probation from an incident at Darlington in May — he was also fined $50,000 for reckless driving on pit road — and NASCAR decided his treatment to the reporter was in violation of his probation. Busch said he just wanted to have some fun driving the No. 51 for Phoenix while he rebuilt his image in the hope he could return to a top-tier organization next season. Busch parted ways with Penske Racing in the offeseason after six bumpy seasons. Busch was fired in the fallout of yet another embarrassing incident. A fan caught Busch on video verbally abusing an ESPN reporter during last month’s season finale, and Busch was fined $50,000 by NASCAR after the clip was

posted on YouTube. Smith, who is 23rd in the points standings, has no top-fives and only two top-10 finishes this season. He has Furniture Row’s only Cup race victory, winning in 2011 at Darlington Raceway. “As our team driver the past four years, Regan has represented Furniture Row Racing with both class and competitiveness,” Garone said. “He is a friend, and will always be a friend of Furniture Row Racing. We wish him all the best.” The 34-year-old Busch qualified for the Chase for the Sprint Cup championship six times in the last nine years and won his lone Cup championship in only his third full season in the series.


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THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012







Tall Man’s Big Heart Aches To Find The Perfect Match HI & LOIS



DEAR ABBY: I’m a single guy, 33 years old. I am 6 feet 9 inches tall, and defined as husky. I only need to enter a room and it gets quiet followed by a “funny” comment about my size. I smile and laugh to put people at ease. Then I’m forgotten, a gentle giant who is called on only when people want something. I’m sorry to say women either want nothing to do with me, or something to do with my wallet. I don’t enjoy spending my life alone looked at like a freak of nature. But morning comes and I carry on in pain while wearing a smile. I keep hoping to find that special someone who would hold me and tell me it is going to be OK. It would be nice to smile because I’m happy instead of doing it to hide pain. Do you think it will happen someday? Maybe? — HURTS TO SMILE DEAR HURTS: Yes, I do, and I’d like to suggest two things you can do to make it happen. The first is to contact a group called Tall Clubs International. It’s a not-for-profit social organization for tall adults (men



must be at least 6 feet 2 inches and women at least 5 feet 10 inches) that was founded in the late 1930s. It provides members with social activities and travel to cities around the U.S. and Canada for gatherings. The toll-free phone number is 888468-2552 and the website is Through this group you can meet people with whom you see eye to eye. I would also suggest that you talk about your self-esteem issues and sadness with a licensed mental health professional. You are not a “freak” — you’re a big guy with a big heart and the same need to feel accepted and wanted as everyone else. P.S. If you repeatedly encounter women who are only after your wallet, then you’re hanging around with the wrong crowd. TO MY JEWISH READERS: Sundown

marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. During this 24-hour period, observant Jewish people fast, engage in reflection and prayer, and formally repent for any sin that might have been committed during the previous Hebrew year. To all of you — may your fast be an easy one. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby. com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET—PG-13 5:20, 7:35 DREDD—R 4:35, 6:45 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE—PG-13 5:05, 7:30 END OF WATCH—R 4:55, 7:20 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION—R 5:15, 7:40 LAWLESS—R 7:15 ODD LIFE TIMOTHY GREEN—PG 4:30 EXPENDABLES 2—R 6:50 PARANORMAN—PG 5:10 POSSESSION—PG-13 5:00, 7:10 *Denotes special engagement is excluded from Bargain Tuesday. *3D has a $2.00 up charge to regular ticket price



CRYPTOQUIP BOOK 2! Send $4.50 (check/m.o.) to CryptoClassic Book 1, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, Fl. 32853-6475 The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. Copyright 2012, King Features Syndicate Inc.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Today is full of positive opportunities (especially when dealing with others, including members of the general public). You will truly enjoy hanging out with close friends and partners. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Let’s hope others at work listen to your suggestions, because you’re thinking like a winner today. Work-related travel is also possible. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) This is a wonderfully creative day for you! Take a mini-vacation if you can. Enjoy sports, movies, artistic events and playful activities with children. You rock! CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Look for opportunities related to real estate today, because they certainly exist. Others will explore ways to enhance family relationships in a meaningful way. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) You’re in an optimistic frame of mind, and this attracts others to you. Short trips will appeal to you. It’s a great day for writing, selling, acting, teaching and driving for a living. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Trust your moneymaking ideas today. Some of your efforts could lead to a better job or a boost in your income in some way. You also might travel for some reason.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You’re very excited about something today! You have high hopes for the future. These hopes are probably related to publishing, the media or traveling somewhere that looks adventurous. (Yay!) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You are in touch with your inner world today, and it feels good. Something is giving you a warm feeling in your tummy, which in turn, makes you were confident in everything you do. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Group activities definitely benefit you today. Form working units with others. Get out and schmooze! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Bosses, parents and authority figures will be impressed with your big ideas today. Basically, a good product just sells itself, and you believe in what you have to say. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) This is a great day to make travel plans for the immediate future or for down the road. You’re looking for ways to expand your horizons and learn something new. (It’s an excellent day for publishing and the media.) PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Keep your pockets open, because others will be generous to you today. This is an excellent day to decide how to share something or to discuss inheritances. Note: This column is published only as an entertainment feature for interested readers.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012



Nationals Bomb Brewers, Cards Win BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS son-high 16 games above WASHINGTON (AP) — Jayson Werth wound up with a two-out, tworun double when Brewers center fielder Carlos Gomez lost a ball in the sun to spark a six-run fourth inning Monday, and Washington beat Milwaukee 12-2 to cut its magic number to five for winning the NL East. Jordan Zimmermann (12-8) allowed one run and four hits in 6 2-3 innings, while delivering two hits and driving in a run as a batter. Ryan Zimmerman produced three hits and four RBIs for the Nationals, who improved to a major league-best 93-60 and increased their division lead over Atlanta to five games with nine to play. Marco Estrada (4-7) lasted only four innings for the Brewers, who dropped 3 1/2 games behind St. Louis for the second NL wild card. He allowed seven runs — six earned — and eight hits. METS 6, PIRATES 2 NEW YORK (AP) — Ike Davis connected twice and reached a careerhigh 30 homers, Jenrry Mejia pitched five effective innings for his first major league win and New York won its fourth straight. Davis had a career-best five RBIs and Mejia (1-1) allowed four singles and two walks. The righthander struck out four and only his last out was made by an outfielder. The Pirates lost for the 31st time in 43 games since improving to a sea-

.500 (63-47) on Aug. 8. They fell 7 1/2 games back in the wild-card race with several teams ahead of them and must win six of their last nine to avoid a 20th consecutive losing season. Pittsburgh’s Andrew McCutchen went 1 for 3 with a triple to keep his batting average at .336 — behind only Melky Cabrera, who is at .346 but has removed himself from consideration for the title. CARDINALS 6, ASTROS 1 HOUSTON (AP) — Lance Lynn pitched seven innings to earn his 17th win, rookie Pete Kozma hit a two-run homer and the St. Louis Cardinals strengthened their grip on a playoff spot. Yadier Molina added a solo shot as the Cardinals moved 3 1/2 games in front of Milwaukee and Los Angeles for the second NL wild card. Lynn (17-7) struck out nine and yielded one run on five hits. The righthander is 4-0 with a sparkling 0.89 ERA in his last four outings, including a relief appearance against Milwaukee on Sept. 9. Kozma extended St. Louis’ lead to 3-0 with his second major league homer in the second, a day after hitting his first one. Molina hit his 21st homer of the season to make it 4-1 in the fourth. Houston starter Fernando Abad (0-6) pitched 1 2-3 innings before leaving with a strained right oblique.


Washington Nationals’ Ian Desmond, left, reacts as he is tagged out at home by Milwaukee Brewers catcher Jonathan Lucroy with home plate umpire Marvin Hudson making the call during the fifth inning of a baseball game at Nationals Park Monday in Washington. The Nationals won 12-2.

Ageless Andy Pettitte Pitches Gem For Yankees BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ibanez and Eric Chavez slam, and the Toronto his 41st home run as MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Andy Pettitte turned in another ageless performance by pitching six scoreless innings and the New York Yankees hit four home runs to beat the Minnesota Twins 6-3 Monday night and extend their AL East lead. The Yankees took a 1 1/2-game edge over Baltimore, which split a doubleheader with Toronto. This is the first time since Sept. 2 their margin has been more than one game. Curtis Granderson hit his 40th home run and Nick Swisher, Raul

Blue Jays beat Baltimore to earn a doubleheader split and drop the Orioles 1 1/2 games out of first place in the AL East. In the opener, Adam Jones went 4 for 4 with a homer to lead Baltimore. But the Orioles lost a half-game in the standings to the New York Yankees, who won 6-3 at Minnesota. ORIOLES 4, BLUE JAYS 1, Arencibia, who came 1ST GAME into the game mired in a 2-for-36 slump, had BLUE JAYS 9, ORIOLES 5, three hits and five RBIs. 2ND GAME BALTIMORE (AP) Edwin Encarnacion hit — J.P. Arencibia broke open a tight game with a seventh-inning grand also homered as New York won for the 10th time in 12 games. Pettitte (5-3) hasn’t given up a run in 11 innings since rejoining the rotation last week. Swisher’s two-out, two-run shot in the first inning off Liam Hendriks (1-8) made it 3-0.

Devils Bowl In NFL Fines Broncos Coaches For Arguing With Refs YORK (AP) — Patriots coach Bill Belich- — The Oakland RaidPreseason Event TheNEW NFL fined Broncos ick and the Ravens’ John ers had something more coach John Fox $30,000 and defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio $25,000 for arguing with replacement officials a week ago. NFL executive vice president of football operations Ray Anderson said “there is a longstanding NFL rule prohibiting verbal or physical abuse of game officials,” Anderson also said he is reviewing the conduct of

Harbaugh in Sunday night’s New England-Baltimore game. In the Patriots-Ravens game, Belichick grabbed the arm of an official as they were leaving the field after Baltimore kicked a winning field goal at the end of the game. He said he wanted an explanation of whether the kick was reviewable. ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP)

meaningful to celebrate one day after their first win under a new regime. Wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey was released from the hospital after being knocked out by a helmet-to-helmet hit early in the fourth quarter of Oakland’s 3431 victory over the Pittsburgh on Sunday. He’s expected to make a full recovery.

Toronto ended a sevengame skid. Ricky Romero (9-14) allowed four runs, eight hits and four walks in five-plus innings, yet stopped a 13-game losing streak over 15 starts since June 22. In the first game, rookie Steve Johnson (4-0) allowed three hits over five shutout innings to lower his ERA to 1.62. Jim Johnson, the fifth Baltimore pitcher, worked the ninth for his major league-best 48th save.

Trading Post Mon - Fri 8:45 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.

The Greeneville Sun TYLER LONGENBACH Greeneville’s teams travelled to Cookeville Saturday to take part in the first Clash of the Titans preseason bowling tournament. Both teams competed in a three game series along with two Bakerstyle games. The winners would be determined from the overall pin totals. The Lady Devils got the morning started off by rolling a 2210 led by Taylor Fox’s 496 series (178, 145, 173). Katelyn Yokley chipped in with a 126. Fox finished in sixth place within the individual portion. The afternoon session saw the Greene Devils come out rolling all three games in excess of 1000 pins and finishing runnerup to Columbia Central. Greeneville finished the day with a 3416, while Central topped out at 3738. Tyler Longenbach, who finished first in the individual portion, paced Greeneville with a 676 series (258, 191, 227), while Caleb Nunn came in with a 576 (164, 237, 175). Garrison King rolled a 198 and Zac Miller a 183. All teams from across the state have the opportunity to open their seasons on September 24 with a goal of advancing to the state tournament at the end of January. The Greene Devils will open open on October 2, when they host West Greene.

Business Card Directory is Coming January 2013! Each day The Greeneville Sun and reach more than 40,000 consumers in our market area. Reserve your space today! Supply us with your updated business card for reproduction in this booklet.

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Advertising Deadline is November 5, 2012

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Public Notices


Substitute Trustee's Notice of Sale


WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated November 9, 2007, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded November 16, 2007, at Book 439A, Page 377 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Greene County, Tennessee, executed by Dolores D. Drake, conveying certain property therein described to Charles E. Tonkin, II A Knox County Resident as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Mortgage Investors Group, its successors and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee.

WHEREAS, CHARLES STEVE MCCURRY and wife, HOLLY MCCURRY, delivered to Tommy Burns, Trustee, a certain Deed of Trust dated June 1, 2007, found of record in Deed Book No. 429A, page 732, Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee, to secure a certain indebtedness fully described therein; and WHEREAS, the owner and holder of the secured indebtedness and the beneficial interest under the Deed of Trust is Heritage Community Bank; WHEREAS, on September 4, 2012, the holder of the note securing the indebtedness, Heritage Community Bank, executed an Appointment of Substitute Trustee, nominating and appointing A. KEITH LIVINGSTON as Substitute Trustee, instead of the said Tommy Burns, same being found of record in Deed Book No. 515A, page 451, Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee; WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the same has become due and payable, and the owner and holder of said indebtedness has instructed the said Trustee to foreclose said Deed of Trust and to advertise and sell the property herein described upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that I will, on the 4th day of October, 2012, at 10:01 a.m., prevailing standard time, at the Courthouse door in Greene County, Tennessee, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, and in bar of the equitable and statutory rights of redemption, and subject to any and all taxes and any and all assessments, any and all prior encumbrances, if any, the following described real estate as set forth in said Deed of Trust, to-wit:

WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated June 30, 2003, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded July 3, 2003, at Book 338A, Page 756 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Greene County, Tennessee, executed by Randy G. Eastep a/k/a Randy Eastep and Keri L. Eastep a/k/a Keri Eastep, conveying certain property therein described to Arnold M. Weiss, Esq., 208 Adams Avenue, Memphis, TN 38103 as Trustee for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc.; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee.

NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on October 30, 2012 on or about 3:30 P.M., at the Greene County Courthouse, Greeneville, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR CASH, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Greene County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Situate, lying and being in the Tenth Civil District of Greene County, Tennessee, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake in the Southeast line of the right of way of Highway Number 70, corner to Lot Number 3, and running thence with the line of Lot Number 3 South 76 degrees 25 minutes East, 490.10 feet to an iron stake in the line of Reaves; thence with the line of Reaves, North 47 degrees 35 minutes West, 351.6 feet to an iron stake, corner to the property of Mrs. Minnie Cutshaw; thence with the Cutshaw line, South 20 degrees 35 minutes West, 84.4 feet to an iron stake; thence North 69 degrees 25 minutes West, 120 feet to an iron stake in the right-of-way line of Highway Number 70; thence with the right-of-way line of said highway, South 13 degrees 35 minutes West, 129.5 feet to the Beginning, and being Lot Number 2 and the remaining portion of Lot Number 1 after the conveyance to Mrs. Minnie Cutshaw in Deed Book 172 Page 476, in the Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee, at Greeneville, in the subdivision of the John Charles Reef Property, as blue print of Carl W. Rhea, Surveyor, dated November 13, 1945, and of record in said Register's Office in Plat Book 2 Page 71, to which reference is here made. There is specifically excepted from the foregoing description, however, that portion of the same previously conveyed by the previous grantors to Harold E. Carter and wife, Nancy Jo Carter, by deed of record in Warranty Deed Book 230 Page 349, which excepted portion is more fully described as follows: Beginning on an iron stake in Doty's line, a corner to Seaton, North 76 degrees 25 minutes West, 175.3 feet to an iron stake, a corner to the remaining lands of the grantor; thence with said grantor, North 41 degrees 06 minutes East, 84.5 feet to an iron stake, a corner to Blanton and Carter; thence with Carter, South 47 degrees 35 minutes East, 155.5 feet to the Beginning. ALSO KNOWN AS: 1001 Asheville Highway, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 The HB 3588 letter was mailed to the borrower(s) pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 35-5-117. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Dolores D. Drake; Wellmont Health System The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee's option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 700 199431 DATED September 11, 2012 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee FHA No. 481-2657641-703 DSaleNoticeTN-Shellie_msherrod_120911_1603 FOR SALE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.MYFIR.COM and WWW.REALTYTRAC.COM INSERTION DATES: September 18, 2012, September 25, 2012, October 2, 2012

Announce It in the Classifieds Take out an ad and save!


Contract Bridge

♠ ♥ ♣

By Steve Becker

SITUATE in the 13th Civil District of Greene County, Tennessee, and being Lot Nos. 30 and 31 of the Hickory Ridge Subdivision, Phase III, map of which is found of record in Plat Cabinet G, Slide 726, Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee, to which reference is here made for a more complete description. SUBJECT TO THE RESTRICTIONS appearing of record in Deed Book No. 392A, page 1721, Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee. SEE ALSO Certificate to correct acknowledgment of Ken W. Hartman, II and Robert J. Hartman of record in Deed Book 392A, page 2442, said Register's Office. AND SEE ALSO restrictions of record in Deed Book 424A, page 1658, said Register's Office. BEING the same property conveyed to Charles Steve McCurry and wife, Holly McCurry, by deed of Kenneth W. Hartman and Robert J. Hartman, dated June 1, 2007, of record in Deed Book 429A, page 728, Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee. SEE ALSO Limited Power of Attorney from Holly McCurry to Charles Steve McCurry, of record in Deed Book 429A, page 730, said Register's Office. The proceeds derived from the sale of said property will be applied toward payment of the indebtedness, including interest and attorney's fees secured by said Deed of Trust, and the balance, if any, to be paid to the parties legally entitled. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the SuccessorTrustee's option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the herein described real estate is the owner-occupied residence of the referenced Debtor, then the 60-day notice of right to foreclosure required by T.C.A. §35-5-117 has been timely given by the lender. The sale of said property is without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Dated this 6th day of September, 2012. A. Keith Livingston Substitute Trustee 114 South Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743 The address of the subject property is believed to be: 71 Grace Drive, Greeneville, TN 37745 (Map 100-P-C, Parcels 21.00 and 22.00). In case of discrepancy between the address and the legal description, the legal description shall control. 09/11/2012, 09/18/2012, 09/25/2012 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE

Public Notices SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Sale at public auction will be on October 11, 2012 at 12:00 PM local time, at the front door, Greene County Courthouse, Greeneville, Tennessee, conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Jerry Lynn Yates, II, and wife, Hollie Faith Yates, to Judy Robinson, Trustee, on August 22, 2008 at Book 453A, Page 1404; all of record in the Greene County Register's Office. Owner of Debt: First Horizon Home Loans, a division of First Tennessee Bank National Association The following real estate located in Greene County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in Greene County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described in deed of record in Book 453A, Page 1404; in the Register's Office of Greene County, Tennessee Parcel Number: 055 010.00 Current Owner(s) of Property: Jerry Lynn Yates, II, and wife, Hollie Faith Yates The street address of the above described property is believed to be 6225 Kingsport Highway, Afton, Tennessee 37616, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. 35-5-117 have been met. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 555 Perkins Road Extended, Second Floor Memphis, TN 38117 Phone (901)767-5566 Fax (901)761-5690 File No. 12-039578 9/11, 18, 25, 2012

Call Classifieds 638-4185

Default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by a certain Deed of Trust executed November 21, 2008 by Rita Malone and Ricky Malone to Real Estate Loan Services of Tennessee, Inc., as Trustee, as same appears of record in the office of the Register of Greene County, Tennessee, in Book 457A Page 2070, and the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in the said Register's Office, and the owner of the debt secured, LoanCare, a Division of FNF Servicing, Inc., having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness having matured by default in the payment of a part thereof, at the option of the owner, this is to give notice that the undersigned will, on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 commencing at 1:00 PM, at the Front Door of the Courthouse, Greeneville, Greene County, Tennessee proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: Situated in County of Greene, State of Tennessee. Situate in the 24th Civil District of Greene County, Tennessee, and being Lot No. 5 of Sunnyside Ridges Subdivision, as shown on record in Plat Cabinet F, Slide 362, Register's Office for Greene County, Tennessee, for which reference is here made for a more complete description. Notice of the Right to Foreclose has been given in compliance with T.C.A. § 35-5-117. Tax Parcel ID: 111P-D-004.03 Property Address: 141 Sunnyside Ridge Drive, Greeneville, TN. All right and equity of redemption, homestead and dower waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. ARNOLD Trustee




Weiss Spicer Cash PLLC 208 Adams Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38l03 90l 526 8296 File # 7168-096447-FC Published: September 11, 18, 25, 2012 LoanCare/Rita Malone




NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on October 2, 2012 on or about 3:30 P.M., at the Greene County Courthouse, Greeneville, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR CASH, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Greene County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a Chestnut, Boring and D.H. Rollins corner and running South 3 Degrees 30 Minutes West 19.4 Poles to a rock and walnut and poplar pointers; thence North 53 Degrees 30 Minutes West 9.37 poles to a stake in Shanks line; thence with Boring North 32 Degrees 17 Minutes East 16.3 poles to the beginning, containing 78/100 of an acre. And beginning on a set stone in Marion's line; thence North 2-3/4 Degrees East 234 1/2 poles to a set stone in Armstong's line; thence North 44 1/4 Degrees Eest 5 poles to a set stone; thence South 33 Degrees West 22 poles to a double chestnut; thence South 4 Degrees East 7 poles to a stake; thence South 28-3/4 degrees West 52 poles to a set stone on a hill; thence South 38 1/2 degrees East 15 poles to a stake; thence South 2 degrees West 138-3/4 poles to a stake; thence South 56 1/4 Degrees East 32 poles to the beginning, containing 36.57 acres, more or less. Less and except that portion of land conveyed in book 333, page 63. ALSO KNOWN AS: 445 Splatter Creek, Limestone, Tennessee 37681 The HB 3588 letter was mailed to the borrower(s) pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 35-5-117. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Randy G. Eastep a/k/a Randy Eastep; Keri L. Eastep a/k/a Keri Eastep; Bank of America; Bank of America; Bank of America The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee's option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 1286 215664 DATED September 5, 2012 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee DSaleNoticeTN-Shellie_tcrow_120905_ 651 FOR SALE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.MYFIR.COM and WWW.REALTYTRAC.COM INSERTION DATES: September 11, 2012, September 18, 2012, September 25, 2012 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE**NOTICE**NOTICE

PROJECT: Exterior Repairs to Greeneville High School and Niswonger Performing Arts Center Greeneville, Tennessee ARCHITECT: John Fisher & Associates and A. Dave Wright, architect CONTACT INFORMATION Phone number: 423-525-5093 Contact person: Dave Wright E-mail:

The Greeneville Sun Classified Department would like to remind our customers to beware of scams. Please do not give out any financial information to anyone that makes a follow up call on ads placed in our paper using The Greeneville Sun name. When placing an ad the sales representatives will complete the order with credit or debit card approval at that time. If the processing system is down, the sales representatives will inform the customer while on the phone. NOTICE**NOTICE**NOTICE

BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Scope of Work includes isolated exterior repairs to masonry-related items at Greeneville High School and the Niswonger Performing Arts Center located on the Greeneville High School campus; Tusculum Blvd.; Greeneville, Tennessee. Work included will encompass the removal/replacement of masonry joints between brick pavers, removal/replacement of expansion joint material at stone coping details, preparation and placement of water-proofing agent on existing stone coping details, removal/repair/replacement of brick coping detail and flashing at existing brick retaining wall and associated minor repair of existing limestone elements. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at the job site on October 8th, 2012; 1:00 pm standard local time. The purpose of this meeting will reference areas of the proposed Scope of Work, the site constraints associated with the Work, as well as discussion of pertinent logistics involved with the Work. Sealed bids will be received at the George Clem Operations Building; 312 Floral St Street; Greeneville, TN; until 2:00 pm standard local time; Thursday, October 18th, 2012; at which time bids will be opened publicly. A 5% bid security is required. The bid security is to be made out to the Greeneville City Schools. Contractors submitting bids are mandated by State Law to be duly licensed and representative of classifications pertinent to the areas of the Scope of Work. All bids must be submitted on BID FORM furnished by the Architect. Bidding documents may be obtained from the architect's office referenced above. Bidding documents may be examined at the following plan rooms: Associated General Contractors, 249 Neal Drive, Blountville, TN 37617 Knoxville Builders Exchange, 300 Clark Street, Knoxville, TN 37921 McGraw-Hill Dodge Plan Room, 622 Leroy Avenue, Knoxville, 37921 Owner reserves the right to waive any formalities or to reject any and all bids. 09/25/2012, 09/26/2012, 09/27/2012

Classifieds get results!

Give-A-Ways Free Kittens – To Good Homes Call 423-234-2582 after 6:00 PM. TO GIVE-AWAY: Older model 32” color TV. Still works. Not a flat screen. Call after 5:30 PM. 423-257-6355.

Lost and Found


FOUND DOG: small, young female dog. Reddish/Brown color. Very cute. Well mannered & house-broken. Found Thursday morning in Cedar Creek Rd. area. Call 423-525-2356. FOUND!!!!!#13484 Black tan shep mix Stray pick up PLEASE CALL 7981777 to bring your family member home! FOUND!!!!!#13492 Male brown white shep/beagle mix Male PLEASE CALL 798-1777 to bring your family member home! FOUND!!!!#13493 B-Tan pit Male Neutered Date 9/24. In danger of euthanization if not reclaimed! 798-1777 FOUND!!!!#13494 A-Black tan shep mix Female B-D Shep mix puppies 7 weeks PLEASE CALL to bring your babies home to you 798-1777 FOUND!!!!#13495 Red Tick hound dogs Female and Male PLEASE CALL 798-1777 to bring your loved ones home! FOUND: BABY CAT. Young white cat. Found Thursday in the Pinto Rd. / Schofield Dr. area. 423-639-5769. FOUND: DOG. Small red dog found in South Greene area. Call 638-2444. LOST CAT: yellow & white female cat. Missing since late Thursday, 9/13. Has special medical needs & needs her shots. If found, please call 423-638-5412 or 423-367-8096. Lost Dog: black Pug/French Bulldog mix. Has microchip. Missing from area near Co-Op. Please call 423-4705118.

The Sun Print Copy


5:45 PM

Page 7

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lost and Found LOST DOG: male, black & white miniChihuahua. Blue collar. Answers to “Rascal”. Recently moved to new home in W. Depot St. area, missing since Tuesday night. Please call 423525-4210. LOST DOG: neutered male, Yellow Lab / Chow mix. Approx. 50 lbs. Older dog. Brown eyes. Did have black collar. Missing from Main St., Mosheim. Reward offered. Call 423-422-9081. LOST DOG: senior male, Eskimo Spitz mix missing from Kidwell School Rd. since 9/12/12. Short-legged, has curly tail, all white, blue eyes. Has orange collar & rabies tag. Please call 423-639-4072 or 423-329-1231. LOST KEYS: Keys lost approx. 2 weeks ago. On keychain with purple beads. Please call 423-422-4391 or 423-278-2338. LOST YOUR PET? We may have found it! Call Humane Society Animal Shelter 6394771 LOST: DOG. Female yellow Lab, has stitches on leg, no collar, lost behind Laughlin Hospital. Call 423-341-9742. LOST: DOG. Male Jack Russell mix with blue collar, a scar on his right side, white coloring mainly with tan patches, named “Buddy”, lost in the intersection of the Newport Hwy. And Warrensburg Rd. Call 423-329-4629. LOST: KITTEN. Female kitten with gray stripe with orange down back, has three quarters of a tail, lost in Mosheim behind Capital Bank. Call 423-329-8898. WARNING: Ads for free pets. Your beloved pet deserves a loving, caring home. The ad for, your free pet may draw responses from individuals who will sell your animal(s), for research or breeding purposes. Please screen respondents carefully when giving an animal away. Your pet will thank you!

Of Interest

Medical / Dental Child Care Carolyn's Cottage Daycare offering safe, reliable & loving care for your children on 1st or 2nd shift at an affordable price. Ages 6 weeks – 12 years. Spaces are limited. 423-948-5269.

House Cleaning General House Cleaning. Very experienced. Can supply references. Call for free estimate: 423-257-2325.

General Help Wanted

CDL Wrecker Driver needed. Apply at Tony's Wrecker, 14055 West A.J. Hwy, Bulls Gap or call for interview: 423-235-7946.

Greeneville Area Job Equal opportunity employer seeking highly motivated person. 401K, health, dental, eye care. Insurance license required (but not to apply for job). We will help you get your license. Submit resume to:

or call Terry: 423-620-0668.

Hampton Inn now hiring for an Executive Housekeeper. Experience required. Apply in person:

3130 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745.

Now hiring full time. Goodwill Industries 3190 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. THE HOT SPOT Employee needed: Not afraid of heights /hard work /dirt, 40-50 hours a week. Pay starts at $10.00 an hr. Call 423-638-9261.

Wanted -Honest, energetic, industrious person to deliver newspapers Mon. - Sat. Self-employed position requires dependable vehicle to perform one, two, or three hour routes.

Call 423-359-3151 !!NOW HIRING!! $8-$11 PER HR See Jobs at

STAFF PRO “Staffing Professionals for Business and Industry”

Medical / Dental Best information on Sevier County tourism and the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina is in Best Read Guide. This little glossy publication is a free powerhouse of information. See our brochures and publications in racks at Interstate rest areas in Sevier County!

Garage / Yard Sales

C.N.A.'s *Current TN license required *Full time 2 pm to 10 pm *Positions available. Please apply in person at: Signature HealthCARE of Greeneville 106 Holt Court Greeneville, TN 37743 Phone: 423-639-0213 EOE, DFWP


No phone calls please.


Signature HealthCARE of Greeneville Has the following open positions:


Seeking Sports Writer The Greeneville Sun is seeking a Sports Writer. The Sun publishes Monday through Friday afternoon, with a weekend edition published early Saturday morning. The paper covers athletics at five local high schools and a regional college, plus a wide variety of other sports activity related to the community and the interests of its readers. The emphasis is strongly on local Sports. The paper operates with two full-time Sports staffers (a Sports Editor and the Sports Writer) and stringers as needed. Both full-time staff members are deeply involved in all aspects of the Sports Section, from reporting and photography to page design and the production of special Sportsrelated sections. Both staff members regularly work in the office weekday mornings; afternoons are freer for enterprise stories, assignments, etc. There are frequent events to cover on weekday evenings, and sometimes coverage responsibilities on weekends. Candidates for the position should have a high level of enthusiasm for covering local sports activity and be experienced at it, preferably for one or more community newspapers. The position calls for excellent people skills, and excellent ability in grammar and punctuation, reporting and writing. Skills in photography, video, and pagination are also important; training is available if needed. East Tennessee background is an asset. Applicant must have his/her own vehicle. Also required is experience with Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Applicants should have at least basic understanding of photo and video editing software and basic web technologies, as these skills will be needed in the position. Familiarity with integrating social media tools is highly desirable. The job requires the ability to deal with the time pressures of daily newspaper work, and the ability to work well with a wide variety of other individuals. Applicants need to understand and embrace teamwork. At certain times, such as during the Sports Editor's vacation, the Sports Writer will need to be able to produce the Sports Section alone. The Sports Writer's position offers a competitive compensation and benefits package. Please send cover letter, resume, references, and samples of writing, photography and page design to

Awake Shift Positions (30) hours $9.80/hr after probationary period working Friday through Sunday 10:30pm 8:30am Weekend Positions (30 Hours) $9.00/hr after probationary period working Saturday and Sunday 7:30am10:30pm.

Having A Yard Sale? Let Everyone Know Where You Are! Advertise Your Sale! Call For Details 638-4185.

Estate Sales PLACE YOUR AD 24/7 with us! go to and click on Place an Ad. We are always open to serve you!


ASBURY KIDS consignment sale. 1915 Snapps Ferry Rd. (formerly Five Rivers/Magnavox plant 3 building), clothing, toys & other baby & children's items September 26 8a-5p, September 27 & 28 8a-6p, September 29 8a-12p. (28 & 29 ½ price days!)

Weekend Positions (31 hours) $9.00/hr. after probationary period working Friday 2:30 pm to 10:30 pm; Saturday 7:30 am to 10:30pm and Sunday 7:30 am 3:30 pm Second Shift Sleepover Positions (40 hours) $10.80/hr after probationary period working Sunday through Thursday 2:30 pm to 10:30 pm and sleeping over in our home Sunday through Thursday nights Second Shift Positions (40) hours $8.80/hr after probationary period working MondayFriday 2:30pm - 10:30pm Applicant must meet age requirement, have a clean driving record and pass pre-employment drug test, TB test and FBI/TBI background check. Comcare is a Drug Free Workplace and we have an excellent benefit plan. Apply on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, OR FRIDAY from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and you MUST bring Social Security Card, Tennessee Driver License, Proof of Vehicle Liability Insurance, and High School Diploma or GED Comcare, Inc., 100 Pennsylvania Ave., Greeneville. Part-time positions also available. (EOE) No phone calls please!

Sell Your House Hunter Ridge Subdivison Sale

Place An Ad Today!

238 Bedford Circle. Friday, 8:30–3. Mediterranean décor, toys, old photo equipment, household items & more.


Technical CNC MACHINIST CNC lathe experience preferred for setup, operating and troubleshooting Swiss screw machines. M&M Specialties 906 W Irish St Greeneville, TN 37743

Apartment / Duplexes “The Community That Cares” 1,2, & 3 BR some remodeled, $350$490mo. Section 8 & pets welcome. Call 423-639-5731. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT: Stove, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Air Conditioner and Water furnished. Deposit required. Please call 423-823-2266. 2 Bedroom Apt. Ground level. $425 per month. Lease & deposit required. 402 Mt. Bethel Rd. Sun Valley Apartments. Please call 423-620-1788.


Houses For Rent

Mohawk TN. Beautiful country setting. Over 2000 SQ FT home with detached garage. 700.00 month first, last and security. NO PETS. 423-2359100

Mosheim area. 3BR, 2BA, sunroom, hardwood & ceramic floors, CH&A, appliances furnished, no pets, $850 mo. 1st month and security dep., 1 year lease, background & credit check required. Call 423-422-4496

DUPLEX: 2 BR, 1 BA. Recently remodeled. $400 per month + $400 deposit. No pets. References & 6 month lease required. In city limits off Newport Hwy. behind the Co-Op. Please call 423-620-1908. Laurel Gap Place: Apts for rent in Baileyton. Recently renovated. 1 & 2 BR avail. NO deposit req. w/auto draft monthly payments. 423-278-4913. Sunrise Drive. Apt. for rent. 2 BR, 1 BA. Kitchen, living room. Water & appliances furnished, W/D hookup. $550 per month + deposit. 423-639-6473.

4BR, 3BA, mother-in-law quarter in walk-out bsmt w/garage. Beautiful views, private country setting, no thru traffic. $240,000. ___________________________

3518 Blue Springs Pkwy Greeneville, TN 37743 1147 Timbers East. Newly updated! Great deal under $100k! 3 Bedrooms, 2 full Baths. 3 bedrooms include additional seating area, possible extra bedroom. Upstairs & downstairs. Spacious end unit with small, private deck and 2 storage areas. Shown by appointment only. Call 423-620-1698.

3BR, 2 full BA, one level brick ranch w/ brand new metal roof $79,999. Deelip D.Paithane (Realtor) Century 21 Act III Realty Inc., 423-741-3038

CONDO IN Timbers East, 2.5 Bath, 3 Bedrooms, 2000+sq.ft., Garage, Stainless Steel Appl., near Pool & Playground. Call/Text 423-416-0861 We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.

TOWNHOUSE, newly remodeled 2 bedroom, 1 ½ bath, appliances included, washer & dryer hookup. $500. mo. Call Jason 423-823-2042. TWO BR apartment, great location, stove, fridge, dishwasher, laundry mat in building $415 per mo., No pets! Hurry!! SEBB. Call 423-737-2376.

195 Hidden Meadow Lane Chuckey TN 37641

REALLY CLEAN: 2 BR. All appliances & water furnished. Central heat. Lawn Maint. Provided. No Pets. Quiet Area. $400. Call 423-639-4199.

2 BR / 2 BA apt. All appliances furnished. No pets & no smoking. 740 Sunnyside Rd. 37743. Deposit & lease required. Call 423-747-5042.

2BR, 1BA Apartment, all appliances, w/ washer dryer hook-up, $400 for the 1st three months with approved credit. 1 year lease, no pets. 423-753-3300.

1699 N. Wesley Chapel Rd. Completely Updated! 2 BD, 1 BA Cottage. Private & quiet with mountain view. $72,900. MLS #321846. Brian McAmis Century 21 Legacy 747-6833 / 639-6781


2 story townhouse, 2BR, 2BA, stove, fridge, dishwasher, W/D hookup, deck, heat pump, $475 mo. No pets!! SEBB 423-737-2376

Houses For Sale

Clean 2 BR, 1BA home, $600 mo. + dep., CH/A, appliances, drive-in garage, new paint & wood floors, Call 423-639-0517.

2 bedroom, 1½ bath, freshly renovated, appliances, several to choose from in & out of town. $485 month plus deposit. Call 423-620-1564.

2 BR APT. Located in Mosheim area. New appliances, W/D hookups. Storage avail. Special $395 mo. Expires on Oct. 1st . Gibson Apts. & Storage. Call 423-257-2811.


Houses For Sale

Upstairs Apt. for Rent in Limestone area. Garbage & water included. Large kitchen. No W/D hookup. No pets. No smoking. $325 per month + $325 deposit. Call 423-753-5979.

205 N. Hardin St. 2 Bed, 1 Bath Cottage. Completely Updated... a MUST see! $60,900. MLS # 321425. Brian McAmis Century 21 Legacy 747-6833 / 639-6781

55 Walnut Grove 3bd, 2bh, 2 car drive under garage full basement, Hardwood & ceramic tile floors, main level laundry, master suite. Beside Andrew Johnson Golf Course. $164,900 MLS#323097 Shannon Hinkle Action Real Estate 423-6382732 virtual tour:

Houses For Rent 1501 Ridgeview, close to Laughlin. 4 BR, 2.5 BA w studio apt. in basement. Centra H&A, hardwood floors & tile. Fenced yard, security system, tornado shelter, 3 car carport. No indoor pets. $1,100 per mo. 423-737-0588. 160 Hixon Circle. 3 BR, 1 BA. Completely updated. $800/mo. Deposit & lease req. Century 21 Legacy 423525-8500 or

100 Westbrook Dr. Great brick home close to Nolichuckey River on a treed lot and featuring 3 BR, 2 BA sunroom, landscaped nice deck and finished carport. Must See!! MLS 321328 $159,900 REDUCED!! Call Roy @ Olde Towne Realty 423-913-0114

EASTVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT For Sale By Owner - Skyview Dr 3 BR, 2 BA brick house & deep lot. Mtn view. Excellent neighborhood. Full basement & sunroom. Central H&A. $96,500 OBO. 423-329-0583

1st Mo. Rent Free! 2 BR, 1 BA. Newly remodeled. 160 Kathy Ave., Deposit & lease required. C21 Legacy 525-8500 or 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath in Rheatown. Storage, Washer/Dryer hookup. References required, Section 8 accepted + deposit. Please call 423-416-0021. 2 BR, 1 BA, ½ mile off 11-E By-Pass West, good community. $400 month, deposit & references required. No pets. 423-638-5162 or 423-638-6079. 3BR, 1BA, hardwood floors, fireplace, screen porch, heat pump, appliances furnished, West of Greeneville, $575 monthly, references, 423-422-4957.


BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED secluded 2 BR, 1BA home, $650 mo. + dep. Pet deposit. Near Fat Boys Restaurant. 423-639-3510 lv. mess.

General Help Wanted

General Help Wanted

Sports Writer The Greeneville Sun is seeking a Sports Writer. The Sun publishes Monday through Friday afternoon, with a weekend edition published early Saturday morning. The paper covers athletics at five local high schools and a regional college, plus a wide variety of other sports activity related to the community and the interests of its readers. The emphasis is strongly on local Sports. The paper operates with two full-time Sports staffers (a Sports Editor and the Sports Writer) and stringers as needed. Both full-time staff members are deeply involved in all aspects of the Sports Section, from reporting and photography to page design and the production of special Sports-related sections. Both staff members regularly work in the office weekday mornings; afternoons are freer for enterprise stories, assignments, etc. There are frequent events to cover on weekday evenings, and sometimes coverage responsibilities on weekends. Candidates for the position should have a high level of enthusiasm for covering local sports activity and be experienced at it, preferably for one or more community newspapers. The position calls for excellent people skills, and excellent ability in grammar and punctuation, reporting and writing. Skills in photography, video and pagination are also important; training is available if needed. East Tennessee background is an asset. Applicant must have his/her own vehicle. Also required is experience with Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Applicants should have at least basic understanding of photo and video editing software and basic web technologies, as these skills will be needed in the position. Familiarity with integrating social media tools is highly desirable. The job requires the ability to deal with the time pressure of daily newspaper work, and the ability to work well with a wide variety of other individuals. Applicants need to understand and embrace teamwork. At certain times, such as during the Sports Editor’s vacation, the Sports Writer will need to be able to produce the Sports Section alone. The Sports Writer’s position offers a competitive compensation and benefits package. Please send cover letter, resume, references, and samples of writing, photography and page design to

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Start your journey to a new job today.

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The Greeneville Sun 423-638-4185

The Sun Print Copy



5:45 PM

Page 8


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Business & Service Guide Antiques


East Tennessee Pickers





400 N. Irish St.


Buying antiques,

Larry & Vicki Jones Complete Real Estate & Auction Service Brokers-Auctioneers TFL #675 Evenings 423-823-0343

signs, military, jewelry, China, furniture, coins, etc., etc., etc.!


Call Classifieds 638-4185

Bush Hogging

Bush Hogging

A+ BUSH HOGGING We Do It ALL! Free Estimates

“No job too big or too small!” Free Estimates

Call 423-278-0423 Construction


DAN'S HOME REPAIRS Roofing • Fall Bush Hogging • Decks Dependable with References. Licensed & Insured. Call for FREE estimates!

Dan Wirt 423-470-2591 Contractor

Call 423-329-4398


Automotive Repair

Roofing All Types *Metal *Shingles *Rubber Complete Remodeling Builders

AAA DYNAMIC – 423-753-8761 Save 10% on Labor with this coupon Offer expires Sept. 30, 2012 1946 Hwy. 11-E, Jonesborough

*Licensed & Insured *Free Est. --References-638-4964 or 552-0167 (cell)

Carpet Cleaning


423-638-3978 or 423-329-3277


*Garages *Pole Barns *Metal & Shingle Roofing *Vinyl Windows & Siding *Decks Honest & Reliable. Plenty of References. Free estimates!

TENNESSEE CLEANING Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning We Specialize in Air Duct Cleaning Fire & Water Restoration Free Estimates 10% Discount for Seniors or Churches 423-620-9230 or 798-0100

Computer Services Mobile Tech In-Home Computer Solutions Repairs • Tune-Ups • Installations Virus/Spyware Removals Call or Text Garrett Wilds 423-972-5033 Affordable, experienced & insured. “I'll come to you!”

Concrete Services


423-329-2151 Always Free Estimates!

Excavating B&B EXCAVATING Jim Burdine

Concrete & Excavating Quality work... Excellent References

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All types of concrete work: • Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • • Slabs • Steps • Footers • • Poured Concrete Walls • • Stamped Concrete • • General Excavating • • Building Site Preparation • • Rock Hauling • Dirt • • Bobcat • Backhoe work •

Travis Cooter, Contractor Voted The People's Choice “Residential Contractor” Licensed & Insured Reliable with Great References!


Call today for your FREE estimate.

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423-823-8093 423-620-9370

Jack Goodman

Licensed Residential Commercial & Industrial All your site prep needs Including: clearing, farm cleanup & ponds 423-787-7775 MOUNTAIN VIEW EXCAVATING *Land Clearing *Septic System *Basements *Trucking *Grading *Water Lines * Driveways & Parking Lots *Track Hoe Work *Demolition & Removal. Free Estimates. Call 423-502-1195


Cooter Construction


Affordable Quality

Ray Barkley

Fencing BROWN'S CUSTOM FENCING & CONSTRUCTION All types Fencing & Materials Licensed & Insured 423-235-7400

DAVIS & COAKLEY FENCING Owner: Buford Davis Years Experience All Types Fencing 638-5031 or 552-5236

We repair Salt Damaged Concrete Lic. & Ins. 423-278-2428 Free Est.


Guns / Ammo


Newport Hwy next to Co-op.


Established in 1985 Local owner Drive On Scales

423-639-9344 423-552-6888 cell Driveway Rock 20 ton load, crush & run $400 20 ton load, ¾” rock $440 10 ton load, crush & run $220 10 ton load, ¾” rock $245 8 ton load, crush & run $190 8 ton load, ¾” rock $200 6 ton load, crush & run $160 6 ton load, ¾” rock $170


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"A-1" HOPTON'S ROOFING & HOME IMPROVEMENTS We stand behind our work with 30 Years Experience •Additions •Remodeling Siding •Windows Decks FREE Estimates Prompt Dependable Service. Call Pete 423- 552-1991 B & B HOME REPAIR & IMPROVEMENTS * Vinyl Siding * Decks * Windows * Doors * More * Mark Babb 423-470-4437 Nathan Babb 423-416-0948


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Lengacher Construction All phases of residential construction: Pole barns, barn reconstruction, decks, roofing, windows, siding, foundations & more. Honest & reliable. 423-470-6073

Home Improvements

Call Ray Brubacher 423-525-2249

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Shelton's Home Improvements Total Construction from the ground up & Home Improvements of any type

Open 8am-6:30 pm Mon-Sat. We pay competitive prices.

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Roofing MARK'S ROOFING Leaks stop Here! Free estimates Licensed & Insured 18 yrs. Exp. Owner/Operator

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423-341-9260 Martin Roofing & Pressure Washing Where Quality & A Good Price Meet. All types of residential roofing Re-roof & Repairs • New Construction Clean Gutters & Driveways All Work Guaranteed. 20 years experience. Locally owned. Senior Citizen discount. Free estimates. (423) 620-9620 ROSS ROOFING Metal & Shingle Roofing All Work Guaranteed 25 yrs exp., FREE Estimates. Licensed & Insured 638-5144 or 335-9251


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Guns / Ammo


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205 Asheville Hwy.

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As your local Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, we offer sales and installation on Residential and Commercial. Service all Manufacturers and Models. FREE ESTIMATES 24 Hour Emergency Service Commercial refrigeration, freezers & walk-in coolers Same day service in most cases EPA Certified / N.A.T. Certified Techs Never an overtime charge 38 years experience

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Reach over 27,000 potential customers with your ad in this space.

See Our Custom Designed To Fit Every Occasion! Prices vary depending on size

Call 638-4185

Classifieds on the internet

The Sun Print Copy


5:45 PM

Page 9

Houses For Sale

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Lots & Acreage



Open Houses

HOMES FOR SALE Mobile/ManufacturedHome Lots

Great Home - Only $89,900!!!

313 Oak Hills Parkway, Move in ready home with 3-4 bd and 2ba. Private fenced back yard. MLS 322786 Price $149,900.

New Listing! 160 Dinwiddie Rd., Chuckey. 3 BR, 2 BA. MLS # 324094. $69,900. New Carpet & Updated Kitchen MLS# 324248 Call Jamie Skeen 552-4663 423-639-6781 ______________________________

635 Brian Circle, What a Neighborhood! This home will qualify for 100% financing with Rural Development Loan. Full unfinished basement. MLS 319848 Price $98,000.

More VHS Remodels Must See Homes!

160 Hixon Circle. Completely updated! 3 bedroom. Stainless appliances, hardwood, and tile. Own it now for $79,900 or we are offering a "2-Year Lease Option. $5000 Down & $700/mo. MLS #319354. 100% Financing Possible! Remodeled 4 bd 2ba home with open floor plan. Fenced back yard with large deck. MLS 323405 Price $154,900 Offered by: Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy Greeneville TN 37745 (423)639-6781

Office Agent: Jackie Behymer (423)552-3586.

1890 Mt. Carmel Rd., Mosheim Completely updated! REDUCED!! $79,900 MLS # 321346


CENTURY 21 Home Team

552-2009 Call / Text 423-788-0111 Office Scan to visit online & browse the MLS freely and privately!

Looking for wide open spaces? This property features 27+/- acres. 2 ponds and lots of privacy. Great for riding Four Wheelers and Horses! Also located on this property is a four bedroom, two bath doublewide. Large great room with fireplace, kitchen, dining area. Hardwood floors in the Great room. Large deck to sit on and enjoy the views! Century 21 Pro Service REALTORS 282-1885 Sheryl Garland 895-1690

Open House Saturday Sept. 29th 4-6 pm and Sunday Sept. 30 3 -5 pm. 333 Viking Place, Greeneville, TN Owner Financing! 2 BR, 1.33 Ac. Lot 4 Poplar Springs Rd. MLS # 315991. $55,000.

Owner Financing! 3 BR, 1 BA. 3154 Hwy 321 Parrottsville. MLS # 324998. $39,500.

3 Bed, 2 Bath with basement. Over 1,500 sq. ft. In private, park-like setting close to town. Recently updated heat pump & roof. New deck in 2010. 1 year home warranty to new buyer. Reduced! Seller price $144,900. MLS # 316284.

Miranda Myers Hometown Realty 423-552-8496 Cell 423-639-2345 Office

For more information and other listings visit

Keith A. Reaves 423-638-5878 TFL 5373

Condo at Viking View for sale by owner. 2BR, 2 Baths, new hardwood floors, paint and lots of extra storage. Call 423-737-3574.


FOR SALE - 2BR, 2BA home, lg LR, lg kit. 403 East Cutler St., Greeneville. TN. Below appraisal, only $89,000. Will Owner Finance with approved credit and down pmt. Will discount for cash. Call Luke at 423-721-4205, Goddard Real Estate, 423-623-5055.

2351 Buckingham Rd. Greeneville OWNER SAYS MAKE AN OFFER Spring is Here, Time to Move into this home, located on Buckingham Rd. just outside the city limits. Brick ranch with some hardwood floors, excellent location on corner lot with carport and full basement. Interest rates are low and this could be your new address. Call for an appointment.

Mobile Manufactured Home Rentals (2) 2 BR, $375 mo. & $450 mo. + dep. CH/A, good condition, Sect 8 approved. Please call 423-360-2167. 2 Bedroom Mobile Homes for rent. Asheville Hwy. Area. Starting at $300. Deposit $300. Water furnished. Call 423-470-2452. 2 BR, on private lot, completely furnished, washing machine incl. No utilities included. No pets, No smoking. $300 per mo + dep. 423-639-3889.

625 Old Snapps Ferry Road. 3Beds 2 Baths All One Level, New Metal Roof/ Salt Water Above Ground Pool $133,900 MLS#320272 Regie Jones 470-3131.

3BR, 2BA double wide, appliances furnished, large yard, no pets, $650 mo. + deposit. Call Parrish Realty 423-798-0164. Nice 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home. 90 Buckingham Ct. No smokers. No pets. References req. $400 rent & deposit 423-232-4161 or 423-946-2441.

Jessica Lutz Charles Weatherly Regie Jones Realtor/Executive

Weekly rental. Deposit required.

Realty Executives ETR of Greeneville 818 Tusculum BLvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Office:423-639-3465

Mobile/Manufactured Home Sales

Ravenwood II 423-638-5148



Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

In The Classified Section of

90 Veldt Ln. – Near Tusculum College – Great Location!

Houses For Sale

For Sale By Owner All brick 3 Bed, 2 Bath, split level. Full basement, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces, atrium, double hung windows, deck with mountain view, large yard, on a dead end street. Asking $155,000. 423-329-8916.

Lots & Acreage 0.63 ACRE LOT FOR SALE. Level lot located beside 5850 Old Stage Rd. On paved road near Rheatown Crossroads. Has water line. Please call 423-823-0317. MUST SELL! MAKE AN OFFER! 21.47 acres in Cross Anchor Community. Barn, pond, pasture, woods & spring. For sale by owner. $79,500. Please call 423-639-3864.

Price Reduced

975 Old Snapps Ferry Road. Three bedroom one bath with full basement and one car garage. This home sits on almost four acres that is suitable for animals. This home is a must see. The seller is motivated. Price reduced to $84,900.MLS#321774 Charles Weatherly agent 620-2411

Open Houses


Each office independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Inside Remodeled! 3 BR, 1 BA. 407 Swecker Rd., Mosheim. MLS # 307401. $89,900.

Mountain View! 3 BR, 1 BA. 128 Kenneth Foster Rd., Chuckey MLS # 308434. $34,900.

1255 Robertson Rd. 3 Beds, 1 Bath, 1 Car Garage/Basement. New Roof, decking, heat pump, kitchen and more! Nice yard MLS#308609 $108,900 Jessica Lutz 470-4007

Reduced! 1206 E. Church St., Greeneville. 3 BR, 2.5 BA. MLS # 304790. $120,000.


Brian McAmis Century 21 Legacy 747-6833 / 639-6781

FOR SALE BY OWNER 15 Acres: 201 Piney Grove Rd., creek, barn, views, $99,500. 17.4 Acres, 979 Barren Valley Rd., pond, 2 barns, $129,900. ½ Acre: 7522 Greystone Rd., No restrictions, wooded lot, $9,900. 2.25 Acres: Jay Fanning Rd. Mtn views, $28,900. Call 423-620-1310

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.

Houses For Sale

AWESOME HOUSE – INCREDIBLE BUY! Beautiful Home in Sequoia Hills – For Sale By Owner 1088 Wykle Rd. Convenient & Close to Town

IT'S OPEN HOUSE TIME Don't miss your chance to see these fine homes! Call for your private showing!

1570 Chuckey Hwy. Move in ready MLS # 323810 $124,900 Call for your private showing!

1843 Old Shiloh Rd 3/2 with extra lot available MLS # 308941 $139,900 Call for your private showing!

For Sale By Owner 3 BR, 2 BA brick house w/partially finished bsmt, sunroom, den, carport, on approx. ¾ acres. In culdesac off Buckingham Rd. Market value $133,400, asking $95,000. Call 423636-1284 or 257-5176 to make offer. FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 Bedroom brick house w/ siding, large den Hardwood Floors, carpet in master bedroom & den. Enclosed garage could be converted into another room. Open carport attached to the garage. Mature, landscaped yard w/ lots of upgrades. Bean Station close to Grocery Store, across the street from the Golf Course, 8 minutes to Morristown. $105,000. Must Sell. Owner leaving State. Shown by appointment. 865-850-3733


Everything New! Completely remodeled 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath brick. Large yard, new appliances, new hardwood floors, new cabinets, new counter tops, new bathroom tile. Incredible value for the money. Reduced to $84,900. Please call 423-552-8410 or 423-620-2347.

Watch Your Business Grow! Place an ad in the Business and Service Guide

Call for your private showing!

1224 Tanglewood Dr. Georgeous! You have to see it! MLS # 323933 $259,900 Call for your private showing!

335 Whispering Rd. Extra lot included MLS # 324056 $192,500

Call The Greeneville Sun Classified Ad Dept. Today!

638-4185 FOR SALE BY OWNER: family home in Harrison Hills on 1 acre corner lot w/ split rail fence & large pines. Almost 3000 sq ft counting finished basement for this 4 BR 3 bath home with sunroom, workshop, exercise room, stone gas fireplace and garage with upper and lower patios in rear. Hardwood floors with new paint on the inside while the outside has new vinyl siding, soffit, and guttering with a new metal roof, ideal location and priced to sell at only $149,500. Call 423-329-5129 leave message.

502 Rayley Court New construction with open floor plan MLS # 310283 $179,900

Buy Direct from Contractor/Owner & Save Lots of Money! 609 Avery Lane in new Shiloh Shoals Subdivision

Call for your private showing!

135 Plainview Hgts. Great contemporary. Remodeled! MLS # 313134 $169,900 Call for your private showing!

3060 Jockey Rd 2 ac. with pond & gazebo MLS # 321028 $165,000 Open Sept. 23, 12 – 2 PM

6235 Snapps Ferry Rd. Immaculate! Better than new! MLS # 323939 $134,900 Open Sept. 23, 2:30 – 4:30 PM

7900 Erwin Hwy Granite counter tops MLS # 317898 $189,900 Call for your private showing

270 Stockton Rd 6 bedrooms 8.37 acres 40x80 workshop MLS # 311572 $445,000 FORECLOSURE IN GREENEVILLE! River frontage! 30.49 acres located on Bright Hope Rd. with Nolichucky river frontage. Property consist of pasture, woodland, mtn. views, electricity on back of property, restricted. Property subdivided into tracts so you could sell off what you want to. Old house and block bldg. County water available. $254,900! Call KRISTIE SUGGS at Scenic Realty, 423-6231200.

All brick 3 Bed, 2 Bath. 1,900 sq. ft. with full basement and extra large 2 car garage. Anderson windows. Hardwood, tile & carpet flooring. Very large kitchen with granite counter tops, custom cabinets, stainless appliances & open eating area. Master bath with jetted tub/shower. 2 large walk-in closets in master bedroom. Gas heat & electric air. Covered back porch. Plumbing available in basement. Asking $224,900. Call 423-638-6745 or 823-1860.

Donna Fillers

423-620-1957 423-639-6781

The Sun Print Copy



5:45 PM


Mobile/Manufactured Home Sales

16' WIDES starting at $14,995. Won't last!! Call Pam 423-625-0700. 1997 Oakwood 16x76. 3 BR, 2 BA. Many updates. Many new features! 10 x 12 utility shed. Great .46 acre lot in a great location. 225 Roaming Dr., Chuckey. $55,000. No Rent To Own. Please call 423-257-8471. Beautiful Scenic View

Page 10



Printer Hewlett Packard Deskjet 882C, with extra color ink cartridge, $60. 423-639-2000

ESTATE SALE: Oak Hoosier Cabinet. $700. Excellent condition. Please call 423-257-5346.


ESTATE SALE: Wood Cook Stove – majestic cobalt blue enamel. $900. Excellent condition. Please call 423-257-5346.

Antique refinished claw-footed table. $350. Please call 423-636-1066. COFFEE TABLE: made by Broyhill, with drawers, medium oak finish. $125. Please call 423-639-5856.

Estate Sale: Wood/Coal Parlor Stove. $300. In excellent condition. Call 423-257-5346.

Meco Loft Bed: twin size, industrial, black. $75. Please call 423-639-2908.

FIREPLACE SCREEN. Black in color, aged, 44x33, $8. Call 423-525-2712.

ROCKER for a porch, Bentwood brand, came from Myrtle Beach, $25. Call 423-234-8614. SET OF BAR STOOLS: Elegant, all wood bar stools. Very nice. Originally $300 each, will sell both for $100. Call 423-234-1730 or 423-552-6241. Solid Oak Queen Size Bed with rails. $250. Please call 423-638-9281.

2004 Clayton doublewide mobile home. 3 BR, 2 BA on 8.12 acres located at 550 Strange Hollow Rd., Del Rio, TN. Very private and peaceful. Above ground pool. Asking $99,000. 423-787-0300.

Solid Walnut Handmade Replica Antique Desk. $650. Please call 636-1066.



HOMES STARTING AT $14,950, 0$ Down to land owners or family land. Guaranteed lowest Price. 1st Time Home Buyer Programs, Financing Available

921 Hwy. 25/70, Newport, TN

423-625-0700. For Sale By Owner: 1996 16x70 Fleetwood Mobile Home with front deck. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Master with garden tub & shower. Kitchen appliances stay. Unfurnished. Must be moved. $8,500. Call 423-636-1075. LOOKING TO Buy a New Home? Never Owned a Home Before? New Financing program available. 2, 3, 4, & 5 Bedroom Homes. Clayton Homes Johnson City Superstore 423-2820343

NEED TO Trade in your Mobile Home, that you have lived in and loved for so long? We need Trade ins. Clayton Homes Johnson City Superstore 423-282-0343 NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath DOUBLEWIDE CLOSEOUT Call Jonathan 423-625-0700.

You pick up what you want. Call 423-257-6045

Jewelry 14K White Gold ½ Carat Cluster Ring with Band. Appraised for $800, will sell for $400. Excellent condition. Call 423-620-4573.


Merchandise Under $100 TAILGATE TIME 40 quart Coleman Power Chill travel cooler. Runs on a/c or plugs into vehicle accessory port. New in box. $45. 639-3282

Miscellaneous 2 AIR BEDS. Full size Beauty Rest made by Simmons with felt top, $60.; also a queen size felt top Intex brand asking $75, both are grey and never used. Call 423-783-8956. 2 Schwinn Bicycles: male & female. $100 for both. Call 423-639-5856. PLACE YOUR AD 24/7 with us! go to and click on Place an Ad.

3 Bed, 1.5 Bath on .76 Acre lot. You own home & land in 8 years, no interest! $495 down / $495 per month. Pet friendly. $250 deposit each. CH/A, new flooring, doors, decks, paint. City Water & Sewer. No appliances. Bulls Gap area, 3 miles from I-81. Stable income & rental references required. Hurry! Call 423-933-1576.

CAR TOP CARRIER HD: fits vans & SUV's. Like new. $120 OBO. Call 423-798-0723. Clock: 1800 Mantle Clock. $150. Call 423-639-5856.


Call us if you really want to sell the things that you haven't been able to sell on We'll help connect you to local buyers!

423-638-4185 Cross Fit Tower of Power: for pullups, chin-ups, dips, leg raises, and push-up bar. $75. Call 423-972-3618. Doll Collection: Heppadd Collector's Series. Approx. 20 dolls. $400. Call 423-639-5856.

Clothing Men's name brand shirts, size M & L. Excellent condition. $2 each. Call 423-620-4573. Women's Name Brand Clothing. Size L & XL. Like new. $3 and under. Call 423-620-4573. WOMEN'S SKETCHER SHAPE UP tennis shoes, size 9, blue and white, asking $50. Call 423-257-3593.

Computer Equipment COMPAQ COMPUTER COMPLETE WITH MONITOR MOUSE AND KEYBOARD $75.00 798-0027 Windows 7 Laptop 15.6" Wi-FI, New Battery Widescreen, Very Nice $275.00 (423)329-3990

GOLDEN COMPANION II Electric Scooter, Excellent Condition, Seldom used, New Battery, $1,200 OBO, New $1,900 423-638-8360

Hay, Feed, Grain Domestic Pets



Wheat Seed Certified & VNS

Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic Prices starting at $40 located at HUMANE SOCIETY Adoption Center Call for appointment: 423-639-7949 MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS several to choose from, newborns, 1st shots & wormed. Rabbits also available. Call Rob at 423-235-3540.

MOTORCYCLE HELMET: ½ shell with full face cover. Red or white. Size large. $30. Call 423-329-8527.


ELECTRIC BED excellent condition, $130. Call 423-525-2712.

2011 Springdale 26 ½ ft. Camper metal cover over camper, slide-out & porch, all like new. Loc. at Lakeside Campground, 1505 Slate Hill Rd. (276)328-2378 or (276)220-5009


Olympic Weight Set & Joe Weider Victory Bench with safety spotter hooks. Has 400 lbs of weights. $200. Please call 423-972-6942. Total Gym by Chuck Norris. Brand new. NEVER used. Popular total body work-out system, videos & more. Was $800, will sell for $500 or make an offer! Call 423-638-9992 or 972-6090. Various Items: Maytag Washer & Amana Dryer, both for $500. Whirlpool Freezer $200. Microwave, Kirby, 2 TV's, 2 end tables, coffee table, recliner, wooden rocker, 12 piece dining cherry, various bric-a-brac. Make an offer! Call 423-620-1850. WALKER has rollers, folds, $25. Call 423-525-2712. WHEEL CHAIR with foot rest, arms raise, very good condition, $50. Call 423-525-2712.

Musical Instruments Professional Drum Set: silver sparkle color, in fleece lined leatherette covers. Bass & snare drums, tom tom, floor tom tom, hi-hat & cymbals. $500 firm. 423-636-8739.


2006 POLARIS RANGER, 2 wheel drive, 4 wheel drive & All wheel drive, $4600. Call 423-487-9919.

Puppy Nursery, many different breeds registered poodle pups. All sizes & colors. Includes shots & wormed. $300 & up. 423-566-3647.

HONDA 250 New 2011. Looking for someone to take over monthly payments of $101 or payoff $5,200. Please call 423-5525399.



For a small adoption fee, which includes spaying or neutering, shots and microchipping. You can add a lot of happiness to your home and save a life!

Livestock GOATS FOR SALE Purebred Kiko Bucklings. Born spring 2012. Please call 865-322-1381.

your keyboard - Hammond SK, Korg M3 Triton, Radias, Yamaha Motif. Email to:

Sporting Goods

PLACE YOUR AD 24/7 with us!

Good stuff to sell to buyers in Greene County. We can help find buyers for your things. Contact me at 423-638-4185

Farm Equipment / Supplies

Boats & Supplies

2007 CLUB CAR, rear seat, lights, fold down windshield, new batteries, nice cart, $2750. Phone home 423487-2517, cell 865-322-1630. 50 caliber Muzzle Loader. Thompson Center Arms Tomahawk. 28” stainless barrel. Black stock. With sling. Never fired. $225. Please call 423-329-8527.

Want To Buy WANT TO BUY An industrial or professional, self contained, carpet extractor machine. Must be in good condition with all parts and attachments; 15" to 18" width coverage; 100 PSI; Brush Speed 2100 rpm; 7 to 10 gallons; for commercial carpet use. Preferred brand: Trusted Clean "Pro-7" Professional Self Contained Carpet Extractor. 423-359-3110


Good stuff to sell to buyers in Greene County. We can help find buyers for your things. Contact me at 423-638-4185

We are always open to serve you!

Automotive Parts / Accessories HARLEY TIRES Used large selection of different sizes. $20 and up. Call (865)850-3733

1979 RANGER BOAT 50 h.p. Evinrude Trailer. Will sell or trade. Call (423)272-6901 ALUMINUM TRI-AXLE, 30' boat trailer, disc brakes, near new, original tires, together with 1985 Bayliner 2855 with 10½' Beam, newer 5.7 Vortec engine & newer out drive. $8000 for all. 865-405-8281. TOURNAMENT READY! 2005 Champion 187 with Trailer, 150 VMAX Yamaha, Lowrance Electronics $12,000.00 OBO. Ph. 865-230-2213

1977 CORVETTE REBUILT MOTOR, transmission, brakes. Needs paint & interior work. $5800 (828)776-1465 1994 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 128,000 miles, fair condition, $2,500. Call 423-972-5586.

Campers & Travel Trailers 1998 JAYCO LITE HAWK CAMPER Pull-behind camper. Sleeps 4. Very nice. Must see. $5,500 Firm. Call 423-422-7598 or 423-972-6506

1994 PONTIAC BONNIVILLE, $1,695. + tax. Light House Auto Sales. Stk#404. Call 423-278-8818. 1998 CHRYSLER SEBRING, fully loaded, new tires, all leather interior, 140,000 miles, $2600. Phone 423608-8111.

New Holland 450 Round Balers. 4X5 bale size. Sept. Special Pricing. $14,500 + 3.5% APR financing w/a.c. West Hills Tractor - 423-753-4621 TRACTOR: International Farmall Super H Tractor. Good paint. Good tires. Runs good. $2,750. 423-335-0572.

go to and click on Place an Ad.

Autos - Domestic

ADOPT A PET FROM The Greeneville-Greene County Humane Society Animal Adoption Center Located on Hal Henard Road (up the hill from the Center for Technology) Open Monday – Friday 11:00 AM to 5 PM Saturday 11:00 AM to 4PM 639-4771 visit our website

2000 COLEMAN FLEETWOOD CHEYENNE Grand Tour, AC/Heat, Wtr. Htr., Fridge, Stove. King. Clean and roomy. $3600. Call 423-638-3502 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 Conversion w/wheelchair lift-new tires, 54,878 mi. $11,000 OBO (423)921-2589

Hay, Feed, Grain 10 ROLLS of high quality clover hay, 5X5, $30. each. Call 423-895-9519 leave message. CORN GLUTEN & PEANUT HULL PELLETS $13 per 100. C&S FARMS. 423-235-3583 or 423-823-1699

HAY. Round bales. 4x5 $15 roll. Call 423-257-2657.

Divorce Services DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT children $99.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE hundreds. Fast and easy. Call 1-888733-7165, 24/7 Health HEALTH INSURANCE FOR pre-existing Conditions / Affordable. *No Medical Questions. *All Pre-existing OK. *Hospitalization / Surgery *Doctor visits / Wellness / Dental / Vision / RX. Real Insurance - Not a discount plan. Licensed Agent 00763829. Call 1-877-323-0332. Help Wanted FOREMEN TO LEAD UTILITY field crews. Outdoor physical work, many positions, paid training, $17/hr. plus weekly performance bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling, company truck and benefits. Must have strong leadership skills, good driving history, and able to travel in Tennessee and nearby States. Email resume to or apply online at: EOE M/F/D/V LIVE - WORK - PARTY - PLAY! Play in Vegas, Hang in LA, Jet to New York! Hiring 18-24 girls/guys. $400-$800 wkly. Paid expenses. Signing Bonus. 1-866574-7454 Help Wanted - Drivers DRIVER: CDL-A VAN & Flatbed *New Pay Package! *Very New Trucks *Benefits After 30 Days *Great Miles, Pay *Dependable Hometime *Start Immediately! CDL Graduates Needed! 877-917-2266 DRIVER - DAILY OR WEEKLY Pay! $0.01 raise per mile after 6 months. Refrigerated & Dry Van Freight. CDL-A, 3 months current OTR exp. 800-414-9569 CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Regional or OTR 38-44 CPM, Paid Orientation, Paid from 1st Dispatch, Full Benefits, $1500 Sign On Frontier Transport 800-9916227 OWNER OPERATORS WANTED Southeast Regional, Class A CDL, Home Weekends, FSC Paid All Miles, $1500 Sign On Bonus Frontier Transport 800991-6227 OWNER/OPERATORS NEEDED ASAP! Tractors & Straight Trucks, $1,000 Sign-On Bonus. Great Pay, up to $2.10/mile w/FSC. Great Program. Team Drivers Needed! 800-831-8737 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED Now! Learn to drive for US Xpress! Earn $800 per week! CDL & Job Ready in 3 weeks! 1-888-407-5172 AVERITT IS LOOKING FOR CDL-A Drivers! Weekly Hometime and Full Benefits Package. 4 months T/T Experience Required - Apply Now! 888-362-8608 Visit Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVERS REGIONAL FLATBED HOME Every Weekend, 40-45 CPM, Class A CDL Required, Flatbed Load Training Available, Tuition Reimbursement 1-800992-7863 ext. 158 DRIVERS - TENNESSEE DEDICATED TRUCK Driving Jobs ~ Average $52k $62k Year, Guaranteed Hometime, Landair Transport, Class A-CDL & 1Yr Regional Experience Required 1-866-269-2119 TANKER & FLATBED INDEPENDENT Contractors! Immediate Placement Available. Best Opportunities in the trucking business. Call Today 800-2770212 or DRIVERS: NO EXPERIENCE? CLASS A CDL Driver Training. We train and Employ! Experienced Drivers also Needed! Central Refrigerated (877) 3697191 DRIVERS OTR DRIVERS SIGN On Bonus $1,000 - $1,200 Up to 45 CPM Regional runs available Pet Policy O/O's Welcome! deBoer Transportation 800825-8511 DRIVERS - CDL-A WE NEED TEAMS! 50¢ per mile w/ Hazmat Paid Loaded & Empty 1 yr. exp. req'd 800-942-2104 Ext. 7308 or 7307 DRIVERS/ CLASS A FLATBED Get Home Weekends! Up to 39/mi, Late model equipment & Big Miles! 1yr OTR Flatbed experience, 1-800-572-5489 x227, Sunbelt Transport DRIVERS - CDL-A EXPERIENCED DRIVERS: Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus! 6 mos. OTR exp. starts @ 32¢/mile New student pay & lease program USA Truck 877-521-5775 Real Estate 3...HUGE CABIN DEAL Great Rental History! Breathtaking Smoky Mtn Views, minutes to Gatlinburg. Fireplaces, Gameroom, & Jacuzzi's. All 3 for $595,000. Quick Sale 865-405-2220 EAST TENNESSEE IN PIGEON FORGE! Creekside RV Lots as low as $4,900! 50amp, Water, Sewer, Swimming Pool, Concrete Foundations! Liquidated on October 6th 1-877-717-5263 ext. 91

Non-computer users can call 423-359-3143

2010 PREMIER EVEREST 340I, 40' 5th wheel, 4 slides, duel air, excellent cond., $32,000 OBO. 352-895-1724.

Papillion/Terrior Mix Puppies For Sale: Small, beautiful bread. 3 litters to choose from. Daddy is papered. (865)850-3733

Order photographs of your family or friends from, Photo Galleries, any time of day.

Visit our Web site to order your prints from your computer.


Antique / Collector Vehicles


You can order prints or other products from these outstanding works at

Buy Direct!

Kirby Vacuum Cleaner: used twice. Shampooer & accessories never used, still in carton. Paid $1,900, will sell for $500. Call 423-620-4572.


Sporting and community events are captured by our photographers.

Campers & Travel Trailers

JAZZY POWER CHAIR. Electric, with keys, holds up to 400 lbs. $800 OBO. Please call 423-798-0816.

We are always open to serve you!

BEDSIDE COMMODE. Gray in color, new, $20. Call 423-525-2712. RENT TO OWN

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2000 PALOMINO, Maverick 1000 Truck Camper, has a new queen size mattress, air, heat, shower/toilet, 3 burner stove, 2-way refrigerator, sleeps 4, solid fiberglass sides. NADA $11,000, asking $7000 OBO. Have two campers only need one. Call before 9pm 423-623-7405. 2010 PASSPORT 28 ft. 2 slide outs. Electric awning. LCD TV. VCR-DVD. $16,000. Please call 423-639-3653.

1999 GRAND MARQUIS, 1 owner, 125,000 miles, runs great, 25 mpg hwy., $3,000. Call 423-329-0710. 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA, 4-door, 141,000 miles, Very good condition. $2000. OBO Call 423-608-8111 or 423-487-2295. 2001 Ford Escape XLT 4x4 Auto, V-6, fully equipped, only 98000 miles. Very nice. $3950 Call (423)231-4315

AUCTION SATURDAY, Oct. 6th, 2012, 10:00 A.M.


LOCATED: In the 15th Civil District of Greene County fronting on Pritchard Rd. DIRECTIONS: From Greeneville, take Hwy. 11-E North 5.7 miles from traffic light at intersection of 107, turn left onto Oakdale Rd., go 3 tenths mile and turn left onto Pritchard Rd., go 3 tenths mile to sale on right. LAND: Consists of 8.45 acres that has been divided into 5 lots from .67 acres up to 3.23 acres. Property lays mostly level to slightly rolling, offering mountain views and just off Hwy. 11-E making all of the Tri-Cities easily accessible. TERMS: 10% deposit on day of sale, balance within 30 days. WATER: Chuckey Utility Water is available to each tract. POSSESSION: With Deed. MAPS: Plats available on site. INSPECTION: Come drive by or walk over this property prior to sale. ZONING: A-1 AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL PROPERTY, OFFERING VIEWS CONVENIENT LOCATION, EASILY ACCESSIBLE, IDEAL SMALL FARM, IDEAL FOR LIVESTOCK OR JUST A WONDERFUL PLACE TO CALL HOME.


Harry L. Kyker, TAL #1809 J. David Hale, TAL #2738 Jerry Huskins, TAL #2749 Scott Wills, TAL #5169 Clay Kyker Apprentice Auctioneer #6593 Anthony Morrison Apprentice #5685 140 W. Bernard Avenue, Suite 1, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 TFL #351

(423) 639-0881

Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

The Sun Print Copy


5:45 PM

Page 11

Autos - Domestic

2002 GRAND PRIX SE, one owner, V-6, excellent shape inside & out, 229K (mostly hwy.), silver with light gray int., service records. $3100. 423-237-4004

2003 4x4 F150 5.4 liter XLT Towing package included-all power $7200 Call (423) 327-5899

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SUVs / Jeeps

1999 GRAND JEEP CHEROKEE LIMITED, 5 new tires, loaded, 10-disc CD changer factory, 4.0 engine, 4WD, 175,000 miles, moon roof, heated seats, exc. Cond. $3775. 423-608-4396.

Trucks - Domestic

Vans / Mini Vans

2012 Dodge 3500 Diesel, dual rear wheels, White, manual, 2 WD w/locking differential, AC, power options, only 26k road miles, cost $44k, asking $34k. Please call 423-639-4597.

2005 QUEST 2005 Nissan Quest White w/ Tan Leather Top of Line, DVD, All Power, Heated Seats Sunroof, Bose Stereo new tires, very clean $10,999 423-329-9601

ORIGINAL 1989 DODGE RAM 100, 4x4, short wheel base, 318 eng., 4 speed bulldog, new 31x10.50 mud tires, new Kobolt tool box comes with high top camper top. Great shape. Only 99,000 miles. $3500. Call 423237-2794.

Trucks - Imports









is a registered collective membership mark which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the National Association of Realtors® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.

Want To Buy GET PAID TOP DOLLAR For your junk cars, trucks or vans. Same day pickup. Call 865-556-8956 or 865-363-0318.

The Sandra and Late Donald Wilburn Property 14374 Asheville Hwy.

Autos - Domestic

Sat., Sept. 29, 2012 at 10:00 AM Home on Large Lot and Personal Property

2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING, 4 cylinder, automatic, loaded, Cold AC, Runs great! 168,000 miles, $2495. Call 423-532-7088. 2006 FORD FUSION, 4 door, loaded, looks like new, runs perfect. 75,000 actual miles. Excellent on gas. $8000. Call 423-608-1804 or 423-623-6864.

2008 CHEVROLET COBALT, auto, 36 mpg, 4 door, 58k miles, $6,995. + tax. No hidden charges. Light House Auto Sales. Stk#403. 423-278-8818.

2003 HONDA PILOT, White with Grey Leather, one owner, 210,000 miles, 4WD, auto, Power, CD/DVD, Good shape, $5500. 423-608-1120. 2003 SUBARU OUTBACK LL BEAN EDITION, V6, 163,00 miles. 88,000 miles left on extended drive train warranty. Very good condition. New catalytic converters & oxygen sensors. Weather band radio, good AC, $5995. Call 865-640-7409.

423-638-4185 Autos - Imports

2001 NISSAN SENTRA, 4-door, automatic, 58,000 on motor, stereo system, Gets over 30 miles per gallon, $3800. Call 865-322-2935.

2004 Toyota Camry LE, 188K miles (mostly interstate), serviced regularly, excellent shape, 34 MPG. $5,795, $4,995. Better hurry! 423-470-1270.

16 ft. HAULING TRAILER, 18” Sides with mesh on front, back & sides. 2 stands for weedeaters, tailgate. $1600. Call 423-237-1259. 2010 HAULMARK PASSPORT, haulstorage trailer, 24'x8.5'x6.5', ramp door, 5 door, electric brakes, like new, $5,500 firm. Call 423-552-4231.

TRAILER, 12' x 4', 2-gates, excellent condition. Can be seen at Keller Tool & Gun, Newport. $1200. Phone 423623-4990. 2005 YUKON DENALI XL, Fully Loaded, Automatic, Towing package, Sunroof, DVD, Black with Tan Leather int. $10,500 OBO 865-250-4225

Vans / Mini Vans

GRAND CHEROKEE JEEP 1997 Limited. $5500. or best offer. 90,000 miles. Must sell. Leather, etc. Call now 423-237-6577 or 423-3125845 MITSIBISHI MONTEROSPORT 1998. Must Sell. $2800 or best offer. Looks good. Red / Tan. Great 1st Car. Call now 423-237-6577 or 423-3125845

1999 HONDA ACCORD, Auto, PS, PB, Cd Player, White. $4200. Call 423-487-9919.

Utility / Hauling Trailer

2005 Lincoln Navigator 4WD, towpkg, luggage rack, power options sunroof & many extras, new crate engine. 127k miles. $10,000. 423-329-8527


Call us if you really want to sell the things that you haven't been able to sell on We'll help connect you to local buyers!

2003 TOYOTA TACOMA, V-6, Auto, PS, PB, Power windows & door locks, rebuilt history. $8250. 423-487-9919.

Trucks - Domestic

1998 FORD F150, 4x4, Supercab, automatic, 150,000 miles, Rhino bedliner, one owner, runs and looks great. $4995. Phone 423-623-6185.

1999 FORD F-150, blue, $3,400. + tax. Light House Auto Sales. Stk#406. 423-278-8818.

1998 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, Looks & runs great! Cold AC, keyless entry, 143,700 miles. $2350. Call 423608-1146 or 423-608-4108.

2000 DODGE CARAVAN, cold air, runs & looks good, $2,500. + tax. Light House Auto Sales. Stk#407. 423-278-8818.

2002 PONTIAC Montana, auto, air, power windows & locks, 150,700 miles, $3,850. OBO. Call 423-6388052.

Autos - Domestic

2006 NISSAN SENTRA, auto, 4 cyl., gas saver, $4,550. + tax. Light House Auto Sales. Stk#405. 423-278-8818.

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Directions: From Light #7 (intersection of Asheville Hwy. & Newport Hwy.) go toward 14374 Asheville Hwy. approx. 14.5 miles and home is on the right. Watch for auction signs. Terms: Real Estate - 10% Down on sale day with balance due on or before 30 days at closing. Not contingent on financing. Personal Property - Cash or Company/ Personal Check with valid I.D. Company or Personal Checks written for large amounts or large items must be pre-approved or accompanied by a Bank Letter of Guarantee. All items must be paid in full on sale day. All items sold as-is, where-is with no warranties or guarantees. All sales are subject to confirmation of seller. Possession: Real Estate - with warranty deed. Personal Property - with paid receipt. Announcements: All Announcements day of sale supersede all previous announcements printed or verbal. Items of Personal Property may be Added or Deleted without Notice. Auctioneer’s Notes: A 3 bedroom and 1 bath home sitting on a large lot with an outbuilding. Home has a large living area, kitchen/dining area, bonus room upstairs, and lots of curb appeal. Home has a heat pump, metal roof, and beautiful mountain views. Property joins the National Forestry, and has a trout stream running along it, and two beautiful porches along front and back of home. Property is close to the Pisgah National Forest and is close to both Greeneville, TN and Madison County, North Carolina. There will be lots of Personal Property sold - the complete contents of home (furniture, electronics, and glassware), tools, lawnmowers, and other yard tools. There are too numerous items to list. Visit our website or call our office for more information. Bring a chair and spend the day. Food service will be provided. Open House to be on Friday, Sept. 28th, 2012 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. for a private showing or more information please contact Keith A. Reaves. Items of Personal Property: Ashley Couch & Loveseat Coffee & End Tables Recliner GE Flat Top Stove GE Microwave Oven Food Processor NASCAR Items A/C Fireplace 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet Jewelry Box Leaf Blower Fertilizer Spreader

2 Self-Propelled Mowers Lenox Angels Yard & Hand Tools Christmas Items Oak Hutch Wall Clock Frigidaire Refrigerator Table with 6 Chairs Microwave Stand Whirlpool Washer & Dryer Steam Mop Bedroom Furniture

Silver Bowl Saw Horses Electronics 42” Craftsman Riding Mower Craftsman Wagon for Mower Outdoor Furniture Handmade Cabin Quilt Items Too Numerous to List!!!

Visit or ID # 14711 for more pictures or information.


The Greeneville Sun Classifieds

The Ladye Palmer & Late Wheatley Palmer Property


Saturday September 29, 2012 at 10:00AM Large 2 Story House * Shop Antiques * Antiques * Antiques In Town Location





1999 Ford F-350 Larriat. 7.3 powerstroke, 2WD, 230k mi., auto, tow pkg, gooseneck ball, toolbox, spray-on bedliner. $7,500. Call 423-329-8527.

Commercial / Industrial 1970 FORD F60 Dump Truck, less than 2000 miles on rebuilt engine, $1000. Phone 423-487-2616.

2002 RAM 1500 SLT, 4x4, blue, good A/C, 102K, sliding rear window, R.A.R.E. lid on bed, bed liner, $9500 OBO. 423-248-8442 or 936-661-4314 1997-2000 Model Toyota Warehouse fork lifts, Fleet maintained, 4000 lb. lift capacity, Propane, runs good, starting at $5000. Call 423-721-1198.


AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPT. 29th, 2012, 10:01 A.M.


2007 United Motors Hysung motorcycle GV 250 V-twin, 8.150 miles, maintenance kept, well maintained, orange & black, belonged to Steve Carter. $2,800. Serious inquires only. Call 423-620-3933 or 329-0099.

SUVs / Jeeps

1995 CHEVY BLAZER, V-6, 4X4, Excellent condition, runs great! Cold Air, CD player, 114,200 miles. $2495. Call 423-608-1146 or 423-608-4108.

LOCATED: In the 7th Civil District of Greene County at 205 Wisecarver Rd., Mosheim, TN 37818. DIRECTIONS: From Greeneville, take Hwy. 70 (Lonesome Pine Trail) North, 8.1 miles, stay straight onto Marvin Rd. 2.6 miles, turn left onto Wisecarver Rd. Go 1 mile to sale on right. IMPROVED: With brick and frame home, large open living area, porch on 2 sides, 3 bedroom, one bath, canning kitchen in basement, large all purpose stock and hay barn, hog pen, sheds, well house, and much more. LAND: Consist of 28.6 acres offering shaded homesite with ample yard, wooded areas and cleared pasture and crop land adjoining I-81 in the rear. CHECK OUT WEB SITE: TERMS: 10% deposit on day of sale, balance within 30 days. Sale subject to approval of chancery court. Well water to home. LEAD BASED PAINT: Successful bidder on home required to waive further inspection on day of sale. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This home sits nestled on a shaded lot in a peaceful country neighborhood, wooded surroundings, and cleared pasture and cropland to the rear of the property makes this an excellent place to live a more laid back home life. Come home to the serene surroundings and enjoy just being there. Come look this over prior to sale.


Located: 219 N Irish St. & 205 Britton St. Greeneville TN 37745 From Greeneville - 11-E Bypass turn onto N Main St. At Traffic Light #3 turn right onto Church St. Go approx. 1 block turn right onto N. Irish St. Watch for signs. DIRECTLY BEHIND FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 211 N. Main St. Greeneville TN. Terms: Real Estate: 10% Down day of sale. Balance on or before 30 days. Personal Property: Cash or check with valid ID. Payment in Full Day of Sale. All Items Sold As-Is, Where-Is with No Warranties or Guarantees. 10% Buyers Premium added to each successful bid. Possession: Real Estate: With deed. Personal Property: With Paid Receipt. Lead Base Paint: You will be asked to sign a lead base paint waiver. Groupings: 1- Large Corner lot with 2 story house. 2- Lot with shop (Wheatley Palmer’s Radio Repair Shop). Properties will be offered individually and as a whole Announcements: All announcements day of sale supersede all previous announcements printed or verbal. Auctioneer’s Announcements: Mrs. Palmer is in her 90’s. Some of the items are items that had belonged to her Mother. Many of Mrs. Palmer’s items are marked and she has written down when and where she got them. A large 2 story house with living room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 Dining rooms, Den and nice covered front and side porches. This house is FULL of Antiques. MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!!! TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST!!!! Items may be added or omitted without notice. Oak Furniture Chocolate RS Prussia Tea Set Cookbooks -Early 1900’s Floor Lamps Shelves -Several Old Scale -American Cutlery Co Antique Clocks Several Vintage Clothing Bible Tables WWII Mine Detector Set Stereoscope & Picture Cards

Hand Tools Walnut Furniture Royal Austria Dishes Greeneville Advertising Pcs Trunks - Several Dishes & Glassware Greeneville Flowers Manufacturing Co. Bottle Household Items Hats & Hat Boxes Glassware - Cut, Fire King, Ect WWII Items Electric Roller Iron Box Lots

Lawyers Cabinets Fostoria Approx. 40 Pcs Huntley Bedroom Suite Rotary Phones - 3 Rocking Chairs Several Addometer Adding Machine (Rare) Crocks Quilts Linens Clinchfield Pottery Crosley Model 655 Radio Old Books - 1800’s

Call Or Come In - Color Brochures In Our Office Or On The Property Lots Of Pictures House Shown By Appointment Only!!! ID# 4328 Sale Conducted by

Harry L. Kyker, TAL #1809 J. David Hale, TAL #2738 Jerry Huskins, TAL #2749 Scott Wills, TAL #5169 Clay Kyker Apprentice Auctioneer #6593 Anthony Morrison Apprentice #5685

1995 FORD EXPLORER, 4.0, V-6, 4x4, loaded, cold AC, new tires, runs great, $1995. Call 423-608-4108.

140 W. Bernard Avenue, Suite 1, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 TFL #351

(423) 639-0881

Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

Greene County Land & Auction Co. Col. Larry H. & Vicki W. Jones, Owners/Auctioneer 400 North Irish Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-5231 T.F.L. #675 e-mail: website:

We don’t want all the business...Just Yours! Announcements made the day of sale take precedence over all advertising.


THE GREENEVILLE SUN Tuesday, September 25, 2012


LMU Women, Men Hold Lead In TC Fall Golf Classic FROM STAFF REPORTS Lincoln Memorial’s women and men are in the driver’s seat after the opening day of the Tusculum College Golf Classic at Link Hills Country Club. LMU’s women shot an opening day 308 and holds a three-shot lead over Tusculum and UNC Pembroke following first round action Monday. The two-day, 36-hole tournament will conclude today. The Railsplitters were led by Brittany McCown as she posted an even par 72 and leads by two shots over UNC Pembroke’s Laura Bird, who is playing as an individual com-

Lawson is 44th following her 90. Freshman Kelly Horrell is in 36th place with 85, playing as an individual competitor. LMU MEN LEAD, TOO Lincoln Memorial’s Jamie Chapman and Connor Froning each fired a four-under par 67 to take the first round lead at the Tusculum Fall Classic. LMU has the first round lead with a oneunder par 283 and leads by six shots over LenoirRhyne and nine strokes over Tusculum and UNC Pembroke, who are tied for third with 292. SUN PHOTO BY DARREN REESE Tennessee Wesleyan North Greene golfer Tanner Collins putts on No. 18 during the District 2-A/AA golf tournament at Clinchview is fifth with 294, while Golf Course Monday afternoon. Catawba and Walters

Golf Starts on Page B-1


Tusculum senior Jill Corum tees off during the first round of the TC Fall Classic at Link Hills Monday. petitor. Tusculum and UNC Pembroke are tied for second after firing identical rounds of 311. Wingate is fourth with 319, followed by Catawba (323), North Greenville (325), Converse (325), King (337), Spartanburg Methodist (377), Mars Hill (381) and Brevard (389). Individually, Wingate’s Lucia Careaga and UNCP’s Meghan Moore are tied for third with 75, while Tusculum’s Jillian Corum and Anna Padgett each fired 76 and are tied for fifth place. TC’s Emee Herbert posted a 77 and is in a three-way for seventh place with Leslie Long and Shauna Walor. Tusculum’s Sara Howard is also in a three-way tie for 10th place at 78, along with Brandy Van Etten (LMU) and Elizabeth Hall (Converse). McCown’s 72 is just one shot off the 1st day record of 71, posted by Tusculum’s Shannon Palenkas during the 2006 inaugural event. Individually for the Tusculum women, Alec Cunningham is tied for 18th place with a round of 80, while rookie Calley

State are tied for sixth place with 299. Chapman is the defending medalist of this event as he posted a 34 on his first nine holes and followed with 33 on his inward nine. UNC Pembroke’s Parker Houston is in third place with 68 (-3), while John White of Lenoir-Rhyne is in sole possession of fourth place with 69 (-2). Josh Wheeler (Tennessee Wesleyan) and Joshua Hopwood (North Greenville) are tied for fifth place with 71, while there is six-player logjam in seventh place at 72, including Tusculum’s Nick York and Dakota Norton. Representing TC Black in seventh place are Derek Cantrell and Leif Ratliff, while Zane Price (Spartanburg Methodist) and Zach Burket (LenoirRhyne) round out the scoring in the top 10. Tusculum’s Nick Forsberg is tied for 13th place with 73, while Coleman Glick (75) and Warren Cheney (77) are tied for 30th and 45th, respectively. TC senior David Talley posted a 76, tied for 38th place.

medalist, finished second in a playoff with Cumberland Gap’s Kaleigh Cline. Both shot an 85. Grainger’s Kristen Ankrom came in fourth with an 86. “Our girls have had a good season thus far, and that’s about the scores they have been shooting, so I couldn’t ask for much more than that,” Grainger head coach Andy Wells said. “Anytime you win a championship it’s a good thing, so I’m certainly

proud of them.” The top three teams and the top five individuals not on one of those teams advance to next Monday’s Region 1-A/AA tournament at Woodlake Golf Club. On the boys’ side, in addition to Chuckey-Doak and Grainger, Cumberland Gap (333) moves on. So do individuals Tanner Collins (83) of North Greene, Noah Wagner (84) of West Greene, and Blake Kinser (84), Bryson Dennis (86) and Elliott Snelson (89) of Greeneville. On the girls’ side, Grainger, Claiborne

Cameron 79, Tanner Jones 80, Andy Lichlyter 87, Nick Diamond 90. 3. Cumberland Gap (333): Garrett Tucker 74, Gavin Burns 86, Jacob Blocker 86, Austin Ribley 87, Gage Barnett 101. 4. Greeneville (353): Blake Kinser 84, Bryson Dennis 86, Elliott Snelson 89, Peyton Gray 94, Lance Hatfield 96. 5. West Greene (384): Noah Wagner 84, Aaron Farris 93, Tristan Brewer 95, Dillon Morelock 112, Tanner Lambert 121. 6. North Greene (400): Tanner Collins 83, Trey Hall 97, Avery Weems 107, Evan Fillers 113, Ethan Harmon 120. 7. South Greene (506): Kenny Redmond 116, Trey Collins 121, Andrew Carter 121, Devyn Wilcox 148. Individuals: Tyler Overholt, Claiborne 97. Girls’ results 1. Grainger (166): Kasey Ankrom 81, Celeste Stratton 85, Kristen Ankrom 86. 2. Claiborne (181): Brittney Wine 87, Morgan Payne 94, Brittany Heath 100. 3. Greeneville (207): Grace Gass 96, Rachel Woody 111, Madeline Wood 113. 4. North Greene (270): Mendy McNeese 119, Hannah English 151. Individuals: Kaleigh Cline, Cumberland Gap 85.

(181) and Greeneville (207) advance as teams. Cline and North Greene’s Mendy McNeese (119) and Hannah English (151) also see their seasons continue. There were no other girls who competed in the district Monday, so five individual spots couldn’t be filled. Greeneville was led by 2011 state qualifier Grace Gass, who turned in a 96. Rachel Woody rounded out the team score with a 111. Boys’ results 1. Chuckey-Doak (319): Cory Swinney 75, Garrett Johnson 77, Tristan Collins 83, Matt DiBella 84, Ben Gridley 90. 2. Grainger (323): Daniel Moore 77, Landon

Captains Expect Friendly But Intense Ryder Cup MEDINAH, Ill. (AP) — The admiration Davis Love III and Jose Maria Olazabal have for each other started long before they were appointed Ryder Cup captains. Olazabal was locked in a duel with Greg Norman on the back nine of the 1999 Masters when he pulled away, only to discover that Love was making a late charge with a bogey-free back nine that featured a chip-in from 25 feet behind the green on the par-3 16th. Olazabal pulled away, however, and won by two shots. The next year after the Champions Dinner at Augusta National, Olazabal noticed there were a few extra bottles of wine. He had them sent to Love. “He felt like he had beaten me from the year before, and I should have gotten something out of

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The Greeneville Sun Salute To

it,” Love said. Love made his Ryder Cup debut in 1993 at The Belfry, teaming with Tom Kite against Seve Ballesteros and Olazabal, the most successful partnership in the history of the matches. The Americans handed the “Spanish Armada” one of only two defeats in their Ryder Cup career. Just his luck, Love had to face them twice more, both losses. “Kite and Seve were bashing away, and we were on the side trying to be friendly,” Love said. “We always had that respect for each other. There’s a lot of connections. I was very pleased when I found out he was going to be the captain.” Of all the details that go on behind the scenes in what Love refers to as a “very structured” event, he said there has

never been “one problem, one controversy.” “It speaks to what kind of guy he is,” Love said. One of the discussions was about clothing. The Americans wear a collection of red, white and blue, though it doesn’t have full ownership of those colors. All indications are that the U.S. team will have red shirts for Sunday, presumably so that it won’t clash with European blue. Olazabal is said to want blue for Sunday as a tribute to what Ballesteros typically wore in the final round. Ballesteros died in May 2011, making this the first Ryder Cup without the great Spaniard who was so responsible in reviving the matches. “He was very understanding of it, and I’ll say no more at the moment,” Olazabal said of the team

Elizabeth Doe of Doe Industries since Elizabeth Doe has been part Manager. She has held n ratio Ope y entl curr 1999. She is y, starting from entrypan com the in with various positions erials manager. Her mat and , ator level production coordin operations schedon ucti prod y responsibilities include dail materials ow. and g usin eho uling, shipping, receiving, war Science in of r helo Bac her ived rece Elizabeth ter t and has received her Mas Organizational Managemen t from Tusculum College. men age Man s ines Bus nal ity involvement, of Arts in Organizatio company through commun Elizabeth also represents her kforce Development Wor nty Cou ene Gre , ship tner including Greene County Par of Greene County Pillars Society. Way Committee, and the United very active in her time with her family, and is Elizabeth enjoys spending . dren chil kindergarten age church where she works with

colors and conversations with Love. Make no mistake, though. Both teams are desperate to hold that 17-inch gold trophy that Olazabal brought over on the plane from London. Europe has won six of the past eight times in the Ryder Cup, including a 14 1/2-13 1/2 win in Wales two years ago. Tiger Woods said last week that captains take on the personality they showed as players, and Love would be quick to agree with that, especially when it comes to Olazabal, a two-time Masters champion who fought through injuries. “You know he’s competitive, and it’s going to be competitive,” Love said. “But it’s organized, friendly, cordial, respectful. That’s how it should be.”

You may use this sample profile as a guide for your copy. The total cost is $79 per block. Please include your payment with your profile.

Doe Industries Address • 423-000-0000


Business omen W Week 2012

October 22-26, 2012 National Business Women Week 2012 establishes a day of special recognition of the role of the working woman in American society, the economy and the family. On Saturday, October 20, 2012, THE GREENEVILLE SUN will print special pages saluting our local women in business. If you would like to be included, please contact a Greeneville Sun Classified Sales Representative or return the form at the right.

638-4185–Classifieds or

Copy deadline is October 1, 2012

Please include me in the Salute to Local Businesswomen that will be publishing on October 20, 2012. I am enclosing $79 per block. No. of Blocks ____________________ I have a photo ___________________ Amount I will need a photo taken __________ Enclosed

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The Greeneville Sun P.O. Box 1630, NBW WEEK or 121 W. Summer St. Classified Department Greeneville, TN 37744

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