Spring Car Care 2019

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Gear Up For

Spring Travel 2019 Car Care Edition

Map Out The Best Way To Navigate Spring Driving With Automotive Advice And Special O΍ers O΍ers From The Experts In Our Spring ... On The Road Special Section



What You Need To Know About Brake Rotors

Before Road Trips, Check Fluid Levels

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A Guide To Increase Your Electric Appeal To Cars Lenders Page 10

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Car Care Edition 2019

Protecting The Tools Of Daily Life: Our Vehicles


id you know that Greene County has more than 1,200 miles of road within its borders, near the top of the list in Tennessee per-county mileage? With that much roadway, the importance of the vehicles in Greene County’s garages and driveways is obvious. They are the tools of local life, essentials we

cannot function without. And tools need to be kept in top working order – it’s just common sense. In this special annual supplemental publication of The Greeneville Sun, we are pleased to bring you, with the support of numerous fine advertisers, information we motorists need to know to help keep ourselves safely on

wheels, and keep those wheels turning for a long time. We encourage you to read these informative stories and support the advertisers who make this edition possible. We deeply appreciate them, and we appreciate you, our readers. Safe travels and happy motoring.

Look At The Bigger Picture When Buying A Vehicle


hen buying a new vehicle, many consumers fixate on sticker prices. And that’s understandable, as the automotive resource Kelley Blue Book noted that, just months ago, the average transaction price for light vehicles purchased in the United States was more than $35,000. That’s a significant investment for most working Americans. And there’s not much the average car buyer can do about sticker price. But the costs of owning a car or truck go beyond the numbers on the sticker. Maintenance, insurance and fuel are some of the additional expenses that are part of owning a vehicle. That’s bad news in a way in that it is more expense to be dealt with – but good news in another, because those costs of vehicle ownership are far more flexible than the price on the sticker. There are things you can do to help advantageously manage those second-tier costs of having a car, SUV, or truck. For three examples: 1) Make a long-term commitment. Many drivers finance their auto purchases with loans from the bank. When loans reach maturity, or if drivers pay the loans off early, only then are they free from monthly payments. But over the years many drivers have equated the maturity dates on their auto loans with a time to buy a new car, essentially starting the process all over again. By resolving to keep their cars once their loans are paid off, drivers are making a long-term commitment to their vehicles and saving some money along the way. Even keeping a car that required a $400 monthly loan payment for one year after paying the loan off can save drivers nearly $5,000 in loan payments, and even more if drivers, with guidance and discretion, adust their insurance coverage once the vehicle is officially and fully their own. 2) Skip the bells and whistles. Today’s drivers may want their cars to be mobile offices and entertainment centers outfitted with all the latest gadgets and accessories. Though such accessories might be nice, they aren’t necessary to get you from point A to point B. When buying a new car, buy the base model or one step up from the base model, which could save you thousands of dollars right off the bat. You also may be doing yourself a safety favor, too. The more of those “bells and whistles” there are on your vehicle, the more potential distraction points there are. Keeping it simple can help you keep your focus behind the wheel, and that’s no small thing! 3) Downsize your vehicle when the time is right. Parents cart kids around town in minivans or SUVs that have the capacity to hold sports gear, musical instruments, etc. But if the kids are out of the house or still under your roof but now behind the wheels of their own car, consider downsizing to a smaller vehicle. They are typically less expensive to purchase, and they likely won’t cost as much to insure or fill up at the gas station.

Just What Does That New Car Sticker Tell You?


nyone who has ever visited a new car dealership has probably glanced at a new car sticker and felt like something has been lost in translation. Reading them can be akin to reading a complicated legal document. Drivers about to begin their searches for new vehicles may benefit from learning the following terms they might see when reading window stickers at their local auto dealerships.

• Vehicle description This is typically at the top left or right of the sticker, and it includes information about the vehicle you are looking at. This includes the type of engine and transmission, the interior and exterior colors, the make and model of the vehicle, and its passenger capacity.

• Destination charge Drivers who have passed auto transport trucks hauling new automobiles on the highway might not know it, but if they ever bought a new vehicle, chances are they helped to pay for the trip those cars made from the manufacturing plant to the dealership lot. That’s because window stickers typically list

a destination charge, which is the fee buyers pay to get the vehicle from the plant to the dealership. This might be listed as “Destination & Delivery” on the sticker.

• Fuel economy Many buyers understand this term when they see it, but they might not know that the figure listed next to fuel economy, which is an estimate of how many much miles per gallon a given vehicle gets in the city and on the highway, is determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

• MSRP The MSRP, or manufacturer suggested retail price, is the price of the vehicle before any additional charges, including destination charges, are added in.

• Standard equipment On a window sticker, the basic items the vehicle is SEE STICKER ON PAGE 3


Saturday, April 13, 2019



Your Brake Rotors:

What You Need To Know About The Component


raking systems are comprised of various components, including rotors. Rotors are large metal discs that can be seen behind the wheels of the car. Rotors can sometimes appear to warp, and many drivers may question why this occurs or if this is a significant problem. Rotors don’t really warp. Automotive experts note that rotors are metal discs that are cast under extreme heat conditions. It would take a similar application of heat by the braking system for rotors to actually bend. Other factors make rotors appear to be warped, so describing such rotors as “warped” is an easy way to explain the problem to vehicle owners.

For brakes to work correctly, brake pads must be applied squarely and evenly against the rotor. But friction can cause some brake pad materials to form residue on certain areas of the rotor, eventually contributing to uneven rotor surface levels. Some spots become thicker, while others may thin out. Drivers’ own habits, including their braking tendencies, can contribute to uneven rotors. The automotive advice resource Your Mechanic says that riding the brakes for prolonged periods of time can cause hot brake pads to “paint” the rotors. So constant braking should be avoided. Drivers also can shift into a lower gear

when driving downhill so that prolonged breaking is unnecessary. Also, avoiding frequent hard breaking may help. People who live in an area where they’re hard on the brakes either because of hilly terrain or traffic may find such environments can take a toll on the performance of their vehicles’ brake systems. Brake system issues, such as front brakes having to work harder than rear brakes, or over-torqueing when wheels are installed, also may cause rotors to warp, advise automotive experts at Kal Tires. Moss Motoring also states that new pads and brake pads need to be fitted correctly and properly “bedded.” Bedding is the initial transfer of friction

material from pad to the disc to form a smooth, uniform layer. Break-in instructions should be included with new brake installation. Warped rotors can cause symptoms such as squeaky sounds and lead to jittery feelings in the car when brakes are applied. Such rotors also can cause the vehicle to vibrate when coming to a stop. If warped rotors seem to be an issue, mechanics may be able to put thicker rotors into a lathe to smooth out the residue and restore an even surface – but the problem can come back. It is usually best to replace rotors if they are causing severe vibrations or issues when braking.


equipped with are listed as the standard equipment. This can include a number of items, such as AM/FM radio and heating and cooling systems. The standard equipment listed on the sticker is often broken down into categories, including exterior, interior, safety/security and warranty information.

• Optional equipment The special features available, such as leather interior and heated seats, will be listed separately in this category. These features may only be available as part of bundled packages, though some manufacturers allow buyers to add them a la carte.

• Total retail price The total retail price includes the MSRP and the standard and optional equipment, but it does not include taxes or registration and title fees.

• Safety ratings Safety ratings also are included on vehicle stickers, and these can shed light on how the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has rated a given vehicle if it has tested that car or truck. If you are unsure of what those terms mean or if the safety ratings are not listed (the NHTSA does not test every new model every year), visit the Insurance Institute for High Safety website at www.iihs.org. Prospective car buyers may not give new vehicle window stickers more than a passing glance, but these stickers are invaluable sources of information that can shed a great deal of light on a given vehicle and its costs and features.

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The Greeneville Sun




Saturday, April 13, 2019

Are Your Brakes Trying To Tell You Something?


rive a particular vehicle long enough, and you soon develop a “feel” for when things are running and working correctly, and when they are not. Vibration, engine sound, odors, noises, steering wheel stiffness … all these things are ways your car tells you whether things might not be going as they should. One aspect of your car that usually will give you signals that things are starting to go wrong is brake function. That pedal seems softer than it used to, perhaps, or there’s a vague screeching, rubbing sound, a feeling of roughness and inefficiency when you come

to a stop … and maybe that stop takes a little longer to complete than it did last month. Your brakes are trying to talk to you. And when brakes talk, smart drivers listen. Fully functioning brakes are an important component of automotive safety. In a recent crash stats report, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that brake-related problems accounted for 22 percent of crashes in which vehicular failure was cited as the cause of the collision. Bad brakes are particularly notorious for rear-end collisions. Faulty, worn brake lines, anti-lock brake system malfunctions

and worn brake pads and discs are some potential brake problems. It is important that motorists learn to recognize the first symptoms of brake trouble so they can address issues before they put drivers, their passengers and other motorists at risk of accident or injury. • Unusual noises: Screeching, grinding, rubbing, and highpitched sounds are common indicators that brake pads, rotors and other parts of the braking system need attention. Worn pads can cause damage to other vehicle parts, resulting in more expensive repairs if they’re not addressed

promptly. • Pulling: If the car pulls to one side when applying the brakes, this may indicate brake pad linings are wearing down unevenly. A brake adjustment may be necessary. Pulling also may be indicative of an object or debris caught in the brake fluid. •· Less responsive: If when pressing on the brake pedal the brakes just do not seem to be as effective as they once were, or it is necessary to press the pedal harder for the brakes to engage, there may be a brake fluid leak or an air leak. Check under the vehicle to see if any fluids are pooling. • Pungent odors: A burning

smell may be indicative of worn out brake pads and friction on the tires. Each of these issues require immediate attention. • Vibrations: Certain vibrations may indicate brake issues. Rotors can become warped from metal-on-metal rubbing, potentially leading to a failure of the vehicle to brake properly. Vibrations also may indicate tires are misaligned. These problems can be properly assessed by a trained mechanic. Do not let potential brake problems go unchecked. Keeping brakes in good working order helps drivers stop more readily and avoid collisions or loss of control.

Here’s What You Need To Change A Flat Tire


lat tires are a nuisance, but even the most well-maintained vehicles can be vulnerable to the occasional flat. Ensuring tires are properly inflated and in good condition can help drivers avoid accidents, but won’t necessarily make tires immune to flats. The following are essential items that all drivers should keep in their vehicles so they can quickly and correctly replace flat tires. • Spare tire: Spare tires are

typically located in the trunk beneath the carpet-like mat covering the area. SUV drivers may have their spare tires mounted on the back of their vehicles, but some are located beneath the automobile. Periodically inspect spare tires to make sure they are inflated. When buying or leasing new cars, drivers should always confirm if the vehicle comes with a spare. • Jack: A jack is necessary to change a flat tire. Scissor jacks are widely used and tend to be the jacks most people keep in

their trunks. These jacks are lightweight and won’t take up much space, and the handle is typically the tire iron that comes with the vehicle. Some jacks are specially designed to fit the vehicles they came with, so when shopping for replacement jacks, make sure any you are considering are compatible with your car or truck. • Lug wrench: A lug wrench is necessary to remove hubcaps or wheel covers. Drivers should determine if their vehicles require a special tool to remove

wheel covers. Such information will be indicated in the owner’s manual, which should be kept in the vehicle at all times. • Wheel wedges: Wheel wedges can be placed in front of or behind tires to prevent the car from rolling while drivers change their flats. When changing a rear tire, place the wedges in front of the front tires. When changing a front tire, place them behind the rear tires. • Miscellaneous items: While the aforementioned items

are all that’s necessary to change a tire, some miscellaneous items can facilitate the process of replacing a flat. In their cars, drivers can keep a small cloth bag containing a pair of gloves, a flashlight, batteries to go with the flashlight, a poncho to keep them dry should they need to change a tire in the rain, and a ballcap that can keep rain or sunlight out of their eyes so they can focus on the job at hand. It’s also a good idea to keep a blanket in the trunk of your car so passengers can stay warm inside while the flat tire is replaced.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Let Honest Abe Check Your Tire Tread

How To Lower Your Insurance Expenses


he cost of auto insurance is contingent on a host of variables. Such factors include the type of vehicle being insured and the driving record of the policy holder. While drivers may feel they have little leeway regarding the cost of their auto insurance, there are several steps motorists of all ages can take to lower their auto insurance premiums.

• Address your credit score Policy holders’ credit histories is one of the factors insurance companies use when determining the cost of individuals’ insurance policies. In a recent-year analysis of data from Consumer Reports, the Insurance Information Institute found that drivers in Florida who had excellent credit scores received insurance quotes that were less than half that of drivers whose scores were considered poor. That’s because insurance companies see drivers with poor credit scores as more likely to be in an accident than those with excellent scores. Before shopping for new policies, drivers should take steps to improve their credit scores by paying o their consumer debts and having any discrepancies on their credit reports corrected.

• Continue your education as a motorist The III notes that non-driving factors, such as age, are among the variables insurance companies consider when determining the cost of their automotive policies. While older drivers can’t reverse the aging process and younger drivers can’t add years to their driving histories overnight, there are ways these drivers can lessen the impact their ages have on the cost of their auto insurance premiums. Advanced defensive driving courses can refresh older drivers’ memories with regards to safe driving techniques while also teaching them the latest techniques to stay safe behind the wheel. Younger drivers who

2195 E. Andrew Johnson Highway Greeneville, TN 37745



In such instance, the engine must expend more eort to move the vehicle. That eats up fuel. Pressure should be checked at ambient temperature before driving, states AAA. The recommended inflation pressure can be found in the drivers manual or on the tire. Check tire tread: Tires rely on good tread depth to maintain traction and shed water during wet conditions. AAA recommends checking tread with a visual inspection and with the “quarter test.â€? Insert a quarter into a tread groove with the top of Washington’s head facing down. If the top of his head is not visible, the tires have at least 4/32â€? of tread and are acceptable for continued use. If the top of Washington’s head shows, tires need to be replaced. Learn about tire aging: Tires are no dierent than the humans who own them. They get older each passing day. That includes the spare tire in the trunk, something that is easily forgotten when all is going well, but suddenly of vital importance when you find yourself on a roadside with a flat. Check the owner’s manual for specific recommendations concerning replacing the spare tire for the vehicle. Some manufacturers state after six years, while others say 10 years is the maximum service life for tires. While most tire centers will use newly manufactured tires when replacing tires, you can double check the age of any tire by looking at the sidewall for the tire identification number (TIN). The last four digits are the week and year of manufacture. Keep up on maintenance: Wheel alignment, tire rotation and tire balancing are all key to minimizing wear and extending the life and safety of tires. Each vehicle has specific recommendations, and drivers should consult their manuals to find those specifics.


1044 W. Summer St. Greeneville

• Adjust your existing policy Mileage is another factor insurance companies use when pricing their automotive policies. While driving habits change, few drivers think to contact their insurance companies when their habits change in ways that can save them money. If your daily commute is shorter than it was when you initially opened your policy or if you now take public transportation to save money on gas, contact your insurance agent and give a more up-to-date assessment of your driving habits. Doing so might save you a considerable amount of money each year.

• Combine your policies

Ride with the #1 car insurer in TENNESSEE. Lisa Crum, Agent

t would be interesting, and undoubtedly depressing, to know how many lives have been lost in Tennessee alone over the past decade just because motorists failed to pay suďŹƒcient attention to the condition of their tires, and as a result suered a tire-related accident that led to a fatality. To slant the same point more positively: How many people are alive today simply because they bothered to keep their tires in good condition, thus avoiding accidents caused by blowouts, skidding, etc.? The National Highway TraďŹƒc Safety Administration tells us that, as recently as 2016, 733 people across the United States lost their lives in accidents in which tire malfunction was a contributing factor. Did you know that roughly 70 percent of single vehicle accidents are tire-related? Taking tire maintenance seriously can greatly reduce the chances of blowouts, accidents and fatalities. So how do you maintain good tire conditions on your vehicle? If you live or work in Greeneville or Greene County, you can find expert answers to the question above at Rusty’s Tire and Alignment, 1044 West Summer St., Greeneville. In the meantime, below are some tips you can begin following right now! Maintain the right pressure: Caring for tires not only improves safety, but also it extends the life of the tires, saving drivers money as a result. Simply checking tire inflation pressure can make a significant dierence in how long tires last. For example, a tire that is consistently 20 percent under-inflated may see its life expectancy reduced by that same percentage. Tires that are not properly inflated also can have a high rolling resistance.

take such courses can be taught how to drive in emergency situations in controlled environments. Consumer Reports notes that a 2012 report jointly sponsored by the U.S. government, AAA Foundation for TraďŹƒc Safety and Manitoba Public Insurance found that there is no evidence that traditional driver’s education classes reduce crashes, highlighting the importance of advanced courses that can prepare older and younger drivers alike for what awaits them on the open road. Taking such classes can save drivers as much as 10 percent on their auto insurance premiums, and those discounts may even last several years.

Perhaps the simplest way to save on auto insurance is to combine your auto and home insurance policies. Covering your vehicles and your home via the same provider may save you as much as 15 percent on each policy. Auto insurance is a considerable expense, but drivers can take numerous steps to reduce the costs of their policies. State Farm agent Lisa Crum will be happy to assist you with your automotive insurance needs and can help you find discounts you are entitled to. Give her a call at 423639-5150 or visit www.lisacrumagency.com.

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Tire Condition Truly Can Be A Life-Or-Death Issue


You routinely should check the condition of your existing tires, including the spare, as well as the air pressure in each one. Firestone notes that many vehicle manufacturers recommend replacing tires at six years, regardless of tread wear. Tires that get heavy usage should be replaced even more frequently. To determine if tread wear is something to worry about, place a penny head-ďŹ rst into several tread grooves across the tire. If the top of Abraham Lincoln’s head is always visible, then your tires are shallow and worn and need to be replaced.


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Saturday, April 13, 2019



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Saturday, April 13, 2019



Before Road Trips, Check These Fluid Levels


or many traveling enthusiasts, few things are more enticing than the open road. Road trips have long been popular, and that popularity appears to be on the rise. Road trips represent nearly half the vacations taken by United States travelers. Road trips also remain popular in Canada, where vast, rugged terrain makes for idyllic journeys. Before embarking on road trips, motorists would be wise to inspect their vehicles to ensure their getaways are not derailed by car troubles.

• Brake fluid: Squeaky brakes are not the only potential indicator of brake problems. Brake fluid, which should always be topped off before beginning a road trip, also might shed light on potentially serious problems. According to the National Motorists Association, brake fluid looks honey-like and translucent when fresh. A puddle beneath a vehicle that is clear to brown and slick indicates a brake fluid leak, which can ultimately lead to a complete failure of the brakes. The NMA recommends brake fluid be changed at least once every three to four years.

• Transmission fluid: When fresh, transmission fluid is red, darkening over time. However, transmission fluid should never appear brown or black, which indicates potential internal damage to the transmission. To determine if there are any issues with the transmission fluid, the NMA recommends drivers wipe a cool dipstick between their thumb and index finger. If even the slightest bit of grit is felt when wiping the dipstick, the transmission is likely in need of work. • Oil: Drivers should change their vehicles’ oil before embarking on road trips, especially if

such trips will be lengthy. The NMA notes that fresh oil is light to dark amber and translucent, and that is how oil typically looks immediately after an oil change. Oil darkens over time, and that is natural (black oil indicates it’s time for an oil change). However, oil that appears cloudy or milky indicates that coolant is getting into the oil, perhaps due to gasket problems. Drivers who are not getting their vehicles’ oil changed before a road trip should at least check their oil before leaving to inspect the color of the oil and ensure the vehicle has enough oil. • Windshield washer fluid: The

unknown of the open road is part of what makes it so appealing. While many road trippers plan their trips during the summer and fall when the weather tends to be both pleasant and predictable, there’s no guarantee inclement weather won’t rear its ugly head. Filling the windshield washer fluid reservoir before embarking on a trip ensures drivers’ visibility won’t be adversely affected by unforeseen issues that can soil windshields. Checking fluids before embarking on a road trip can help drivers avoid breakdowns and ensure a safe, fun trip.

No Garage? You Still Can Protect Your Ride


n a perfect world, all vehicle owners would be able to park their cars and trucks in garages. In such a world, automobiles would not be vulnerable to sun, storms and other natural elements that, over time, can contribute to wear and tear. But many drivers cannot or choose not to park their cars in garages. Some are content to let their vehicles brave the elements, while others look for ways to protect their cars and

trucks as much as possible. Drivers who count themselves among the latter group can take these simple steps to protect their cars and trucks from whatever Mother Nature has in store for them.

Consider a car cover For those who have no garage, or whose garage must be used for storage rather than parking, car covers are an inexpensive source of protection. You can usually find a

car cover easily at an auto supply house or even a discount market. It’s a small investment that can save you money in the long run.

Park in the shade Parking in the shade can protect both the interior and exterior of a vehicle. Shaded areas protect upholstery and dashboards inside the car from sun-induced fading, while also limiting the damage sun can cause to exterior

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paint. Faded paint may hurt the resale value of a vehicle, prompting prospective buyers to walk away or at least wonder if a vehicle with a faded exterior was well maintained.

Wash and wax Washing and waxing a vehicle helps to minimize damage that’s inevitable regardless of where drivers park their cars. Dirt and debris litter roadways, and over time cars can collect

a large amount of these unwanted stowaways. If dirt and debris are not removed, they can cause long-term damage to vehicle exteriors. Washing and waxing a car can ensure its exterior looks good and reduce the likelihood of rust and other corrosion from occurring.

Don’t ignore bird droppings Some drivers, especially those who do not park their cars and trucks in

garages, may write off bird droppings as an annoying yet harmless side effect of vehicle ownership. However, bird droppings are acidic and, if left to their unsightly devices, can cause permanent damage to vehicle paint. Tree sap is an equally formidable foe, potentially causing scratching because it can be very difficult to remove. Specially formulated sprays can help drivers remove bird droppings and sap from their vehicles.

The Greeneville Sun




Saturday, April 13, 2019

Don’t Become A Victim Of Distraction While Driving


espite the fact that automobiles are now designed with more safety features than ever before, the rate of traffic accidents and fatalities continue to rise. The National Safety Council says safety improvement like crash-avoidance technology hasn’t reduced accidents, and driver error is still to blame for many crashes — with distractions behind the wheel and impaired driving leading the way. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says distracted driving claimed 3,450 lives in 2016 alone. Distracted driving is defined as any activity that diverts drivers’ attention from the road. This can include everything from talking to passengers to eating to fiddling with the car radio. However, distractions from technology have become especially alarming, particularly texting or reading phones while driving. During daylight hours, approximately 481,000 drivers typically use cell phones while driving. The NHTSA says that removing one’s eyes from the road for a mere 5 seconds when traveling at 55 miles per hour is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. Reducing distractions should be a priority for all drivers. Here are some suggestions: • Store loose gear and other items that can roll around away from the driver’s seat so you are not tempted to reach for them. • Adjust mirrors, GPS maps,

climate controls, music, and more before you put the car in drive. • Use a mobile phone only for emergency purposes and only after pulling over to the side of the road. Avoid social conversations on the phone while driving.• Limit the number of passengers you

allow inside your car. The more passengers, the more distractions. This is especially true for young drivers.• Eat food before getting in the car. Snacking while driving makes you less attentive to the road around you. • Secure children and pets accordingly. Both should wear

harnesses and not be given free reign to roam around the car. • Try to focus only on driving while in the car. Leave the multitasking to when you’re not behind the wheel. Studies have shown people are limited in the amount of information they can process at any

one time. Driving requires focus and an ability to react to a host of potential circumstances. Distractions compromise drivers’ ability to focus. Reducing distractions can considerably cut down on the number of motor vehicle accidents each year and possibly save lives.

How To Protect Against Keyless Entry Hacking


uto manufacturers have long embraced technology that can streamline the automotive experience for drivers. For example, several years ago keyless entry and ignition systems were introduced, initially on high-end vehicles before they became standard on many other models. Keyless entry systems require a fob, which sends a signal to the receiver inside the vehicle. The fob transmits a low-frequency code to the car’s internal computer system, which engages the locks and will allow the driver to push a button on the dashboard or console to start the vehicles. The fob can be stashed away in a pocket or purse and still send the signal, which makes it convenient for drivers. Drivers with ar-

thritis or hand injuries also may find keyless systems an asset. Because fobs work on wireless systems, hackers potentially can intercept the fob-to-car signal. That enables a thief to not only open the vehicle’s doors, but also to potentially drive away as well. Even though the fob/car security pairing is unique and can create billions of codes, researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands and the University of Birmingham found that, by intercepting the wireless signal just twice, they could narrow down the possible combinations from billions to just 200,000. After that, a computer can figure out the code in just half an hour and unlock the car. Potentially, a thief can gather car codes as drivers enter their vehicles during the day,

then return later to steal a number of cars. Thieves who purchase signal amplifiers also pose a threat. These amplifiers magnify the reach of the fob signal so that a vehicle owner can be in his or her house with the fob, but the thief can walk up to the car and open it - even if the fob is far enough away that it should not engage. One way to circumvent this is to buy a signal-blocking pouch that can hold the key fob. Also, an old-school steering wheel or gear shift lock is an effective way to provide another layer of protection. Drivers also should be aware of their surroundings as they approach their vehicles. Thieves may count on keyless entry systems to be able to hop into a vehicle once the owner gets within range and drive away.

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Saturday, April 13, 2019



Need Help With Oil? Fluids? Leaks? The Answer Is Here


ut on American roads, you’ll see many new or nearly new vehicles any given day. But the fact is, the average age of American vehicles is about a dozen years. Those aging vehicles need regular attention and treatment, particularly in the basics of car maintenance, such as good fluid levels and lubrication of moving parts. If your car is aging, you may begin seeing unwelcome stains appearing on your driveway. Those are never a good sign, as they all indicate something is leaking from some part of your vehicle. Some leaks are more significant than others, though. An untrained eye, though, may

not know just what is causing a particular stain or puddle, or where it is coming from. That is why it is good to check in regularly with the professionals at either of the two Lube X-Press locations in Greeneville to keep tabs on your vehicle’s fluids and lubrication needs and deal with any problems. A regular schedule of routine care in those areas may extend your vehicle’s road life by years. You can find a handy Lube X-Press center at 1370 Tusculum Blvd. or 565 Asheville Highway. Hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturdays, so people on almost any schedule

can find a time that fits their needs. If you’ve been negligent in identifying and remedying your car’s lubrication and fluid level needs up until now, you can get back on track. Bring your vehicle in for a check-over. Need an oil change? Lube X-Press can do the job with either a standard oil change or full service change that includes topping off any low fluids, checking tires, air filters, and inspection of the drive line, with fluids added if needed. If you’ve got a brand loyalty toward certain oil filters, Lube X-Press is likely to have what you want because most factory oil filters are kept in stock.

Identifying leaks is the first step toward fixing them. The pros at Lube X-Press can give you a definitive answer about any mystery leak, but you can often get an early idea of what is happening on your own. A simple way to determine which fluid is leaking is by its color. Red fluid suggests a leak in the power steering system or transmission, while black fluid typically indicates old oil or trans-mission fluid that has gone bad. If the leaky fluid is green or yellowish, then it’s likely engine coolant. Oil leaks will cause a dark, thicker stain than the thinner fluids in other areas of your car.

Whatever you do, do not ignore your oil level. If your vehicle develops an oil leak, you could easily run your car low on oil (a very bad thing to do) and not even realize it’s happening until that fearsome red light flashes on. If you are unsure how to check your oil level, Lube X-Press technicians are your answer and will be glad to help you. Here’s a Lube X-Press extra: The location on the Asheville Highway is an authorized Uhaul center. Call Lube X-Press at 798-1912 or 636-2669 and take a step toward improved maintenance and servicing of the vehicles you rely upon.

Does Your Emergency Kit Have The Right Stuff?


fter home and work, the next most common place people spend their time is in their vehicles. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says the average American spends 17,600 minutes driving each year. Statistics Canada indicates that most of the Canadian population averages 1.2 hours per day behind the wheel. Because they spend so much time behind the wheel, drivers need to be prepared for breakdowns. Packing an emergency kit in the car can help people make the best of such situations. A car emergency kit can help drivers get back on the road promptly. Without such

kits, drivers may be stranded for hours after a breakdown. Emergency kits also come in handy during weather-related events that can sideline cars until roads become passable. Getting caught in a vehicle during a snowstorm and failing to have the proper gear can be a life-threatening scenario under extreme conditions. It is always wise to plan for the worst and hope for the best. The Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Homeland Security note that these key items should always be included in a car emergency kit. • durable bags or crates to store supplies • complete first aid kit

• small fire extinguisher • jumper cables • rain ponchos • plastic tarp • flashlights and extra batteries • bottled water • small cache of nonperishable foods • wrench and pliers • local maps • rags • duct tape • multipurpose tool • ice scraper • automotive fluids • blankets/warm clothing • cat litter for slick roads

• tire-changing equipment • spare tire • road flares or caution reflectors • empty, refillable gas canister • cash for gas • phone charger cable Being prepared can make a difference when vehicles are sidelined. In addition to an emergency kit, cars and trucks should be regularly maintained to prevent breakdowns. This includes ensuring all fluids are at proper levels, filters are changed, batteries are in good working order, and tires are inflated correctly. Investing in a roadside assistance service also can help get drivers back on the road quickly.

Lube X-Press

2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! (This location is also an authorized UHAUL dealer.)



1370 Tusculum Blvd., Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 798-1912

565 Asheville Hwy., Greeneville, Tn 37743 (423) 636-2669

Kendall Synthetic Blend is our recommended brand, but we also carry most major brands of oil for gas and diesel engines.

• Knowledgeable and courteous staff. • Our services include: standard oil change or full service. Full service includes standard oil change as well as topping off any fluids that are low, checking tires, checking air filter, inspection of drive line with added fluid if necessary. • We carry most factory oil filters.





Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Beginner’s Guide To Electric Vehicles


lectric or hybrid vehicles can be smart additions to eco-friendly lifestyles. Although such cars were once science fiction, EVs are now increasingly more common and traversing roadways around the world. Thanks to several mainstream brands offering EVs and hybrid models, consumers are more informed than ever before about the benefits of a pluggedin ride. Still, even with the wealth of information available, some people still may be unsure about what owning an EV entails and how to make informed decisions when shopping for such vehicles. Going electric means thinking beyond the gas station. Here’s

how to navigate the ins and outs of EVs. • Type of vehicle: First consider that not all EVs are the same. Hybrid vehicles use a mix of gasoline and electricity and tend to have long fuel ranges. All-electric cars will only use electricity that is gained through charging the vehicle for a certain period of time. • Affordability: Consumers can expect to pay more for electric and hybrid vehicles than gas-powered vehicles. But as demand increases, costs may drop. According to a report from USA Today, estimates point to EVs as being as affordable as gas vehicles by 2021. Another consideration is there may be tax

incentives for purchasing an EV. Speak with a tax professional to see if this is applicable. • Environmental savings: Electric cars produce no emissions from the tailpipe and reduce dependency on oil-based fuels. Furthermore, EVs will not need oil changes or emissions checks that traditional cars require, further saving resources. The resource Plug in Cars says that EVs can also save on fuel costs, ranging at 2 cents per mile traveled, compared to 12 cents for gas-fueled vehicles. • Fill-ups: EVs can be charged at home using personal charging kits or at charging stations in the neighborhood. Charge times will depend on the size of the vehicle

and its battery. According to TheChargingPoint.com, an EV resource, the typical time for an all-electric car using a standard UK home wall socket is between 6 and 8 hours. Some new EVs can be charged in 30 minutes to an hour at rapid charging points. • Solar + EVs = savings: Consumer Reports advises that, when EVs are combined with home solar systems, “fuel” costs can be completely eliminated. That financial gain can be a big motivator for some consumers. • Short trips: Individuals who travel 80 miles or less per day may find pure electric vehicles advantageous. Those who have to go further should consider hybrids that offer greater range.

However, Tesla, Chevy and Nissan EVs have recently moved beyond the 200-mile range before requiring a charge. • Charging stations: A report from University of Michigan researchers using data from the Department of Energy suggests that there are now roughly 16,000 public electric vehicle charging stations with about 43,000 connectors in the United States. ChargeHub, with information from the Canadian Automobile Association, states there are a total of 6,473 EV chargers across Canada. Electric and hybrid vehicles could be the wave of the future as more people embrace the convenience these cars offer.

Safe And Fun Off-Roading Requires Good Preparation


ff-road driving is a fun hobby for many drivers. Such driving requires more than turning the wheel and seeking adventure. Knowledge of how to traverse unpaved roadways and having the proper equipment can help off-roading enthusiasts avoid pitfalls. Anyone new to off-roading should know the basics, but even experienced off-roading enthusiasts can benefit from brushing up on their skills.

still anticipate muddy ruts or slippery conditions in areas that might already have been traversed. Climbing hills can be tricky, and crossing deep water, descending hills and crossing ditches is also challenging. Knowing to cross ditches at an angle, avoid braking when descending hills and skip fast-moving water until you are more experienced comes with time and probably some trial and error.



A vehicle equipped to traverse unpaved roads is a necessity. Although many SUVs and trucks are promoted for outdoor living, many need some modifications to handle the rigor of off-roading. While aftermarket experts can help motorists prepare their vehicles for off-road excursions, drivers should know that the wheelbase and clearance of their vehicles may need to be adjusted. Modifying traction control, choosing the right tires (and possibly lowering the air pressure for more grip) and determining if axle strength is sufficient are additional considerations. Engines might need to be tuned for slower speeds. In addition, vulnerable parts under the hood and under the vehicle may need to be treated for muddy or especially dusty conditions.

One thing that can take some time to adjust to when offroad driving is slowing down. Navigating tricky terrain means slowing down considerably. Speed can be the enemy because reaction time is greatly diminished when off-roading. Slowing down means being able to guage obstacles and focus on surroundings - including wildlife - more readily. According to Popular Mechanics, much of off-roading takes place in low gear. Use four-wheel drive or, for AWD vehicles, lock the center differential early on for maximum control.

Skills Choosing the right off-road route is key, especially for novices. This means avoiding obstacles such as trees or rocks. The presence of existing tire tracks may help, but drivers should

Extra gear Off-roaders are bound to get stuck from time to time. Recovery gear, such as towing straps, mats to place under stuck tires, hiking survival gear, and flares, can help in emergency situations. A day off-roading on trails or in rural terrain can be an enjoyable way to spend time, but such driving requires skill and practice.

Motorcycles Have A Right To Roadways Too … So Share


otorcycle accidents can be deadly, and statistics indicate just how deadly such accidents can be compared to those that involve just automobiles. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, the fatality rate per registered vehicle for motorcyclists in 2015 was six times the fatality rate for passenger car occupants. While some people may be quick to blame rider error as the leading cause of multiple-vehicle accidents, the failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic also contributes heavily to motorcycle accidents. Nearly two-thirds of accidents involving motorcycles are caused by the other vehicle violating the motorcycle’s right of way. Drivers must respect the rights of motorcycle riders, and riders would be wise to acknowledge their own vulnerabilities to cars and trucks. In addition, motorists can heed the following tips to reduce

their risk of being involved in accidents with motorcycles. • Carefully check vehicle mirrors before changing lanes, as motorcycles are often obscured behind larger automobiles. • Drivers should be on even higher alert at intersections and turns, actively looking for motorcycles. Forty-four percent of two-vehicle, fatal motorcycle accidents in 2013 were the result of cars trying to turn left while the motorcycle went straight, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. • Allow for greater passing distance when passing a motorcycle. The gust of wind that results as cars accelerate and pass motorcycles could cause the bike to become unstable. Signal all intentions to pass and allow several car lengths before returning to the lane. • Direct Auto and Life Insurance advises drivers to give motorcycles the entire lane. It is not alright to pass a motorcycle in the same lane even though they take up less room. Many bikers ride tandem in

lanes for this reason. • Drivers driving behind bikes should increase the distance between the back of the motorcycle and their own vehicles. Increasing this safety cushion makes drivers more able to react to the unexpected. • Be mindful of changes in the weather. Driving in the rain or other adverse conditions can be challenging for cars and trucks, but inclement weather is even more hazardous for bikers. Allow for a little extra breathing room and drive slowly when sharing slick roads with motorcycles. • Check blind spots often, as motorcycles can be hard to spot, especially when attempting to pass other vehicles. • Exercise extra caution at night, when riding can be especially treacherous for motorcycle riders. Cars should refrain from passing and avoid using their high beams unless it’s necessary. All motorists, whether on four or two wheels can navigate safely when they are courteous to others.


Saturday, April 13, 2019


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Saturday, April 13, 2019


Automotive Service & Repair With ‘No BS’ – That’s A Parton Pledge


ant to hear a sentence never spoken by anyone in the history of the world? Here’s one: “I love it when I take my car in for a specific repair, and the mechanic does a bunch of unrelated additional work I never authorized, charges me a high price for it, then acts like he’s done me a favor.” Never said by anyone, ever. In Greeneville and the surrounding area, there is an automotive service center, opened only this past fall, that promises and delivers honest automotive service, with no tricks – no bait-andswitch, no sneaky distractions, no abusive or exploitive treatment of customers. “I look at every vehicle we work on like it was my own,” Frank Lunsford says of Parton’s Automotive pledges. “I treat that vehicle in the way I’d want mine to be treated, and the customer in the way I’d want to be treated myself. That’s just how we do things here.” Richard Anderson, a certified mechanic who works alongside Lunsford, shares the same values. He describes what Parton’s Automotive offers in a direct, succinct way: “Honest service, quality work and no BS.” Parton’s Automotive, 807 Baileyton Road, is owned by Ricky Parton and managed by Lunsford, who spent years in law enforcement in his native South Florida, where, like that guy in the insurance commercial, he “saw a thing or two.” Lunsford’s background in protecting citizens left him with little toleration for scammers, tricksters and cheats. He’ll have none of that on his watch. He grew up in a suburban part of Florida, and finds many similarities between the life, people and of East Tennessee and

Frank Lunsford prepares to run a Snap-On computer diagnostic on a vehicle at Parton’s Automotive. Computer diagnostics provide valuable guidance that helps mechanics know, among other things, precisely what work is needed and what is not, which can help save time and labor costs for customers.

the culture in which he was raised. Looking out at the land around Baileyton Road, he noted, “I grew up with all this – without the mountains.” How did a South Florida boy find East Tennessee? “We visited a lot in the Gatlinburg area for vacations,” he said. “I liked the region and thought this would be a good place to be.” He, like Anderson, is a family man who is, with his family, involved in the local community. The values instilled in him through his early life and his experiences in law enforcement today affect his approach to business and respectful interactions with customers. Parton’s Automotive can do just about any task involving a vehicle. Up-to-date computerized diagnostics help guide the process and make sure problems are accurately identified and targeted. Domestic and foreign vehicles are both welcomed, and repairs can be made for problems major or minor. Typical jobs include air

conditioning repair and service, brakes, tuneups, general servicing … pretty much the full gamut. And if there is a problem that needs to be handled elsewhere, they’ll say so. It’s part of the “No BS” approach Anderson cited. Businesses who have vehicle fleets are particularly welcome at Parton’s and given high service priority. Prior to joining Parton’s, Lunsford managed the vehicle fleet of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department. “If you’ve got a fleet, give us a call,” Lunsford said. “We like fleets here, and can help you keep your vehicles performing the way you need them to.” Traveling out of Greeneville on the Baileyton Highway, Parton’s Automotive is on the left in a metal building. If you reach the industrial park, you’ve traveled just a little too far. Contacting Parton’s is easy. The phone number is 823-9546. The email address is partonsautomotive@yahoo.com.


Mechanic Richard Anderson works on a vehicle inside the garage at Parton’s Automotive on Baileyton Road. Anderson says the businesses offers honest service “with no BS.”

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Saturday, April 13, 2019



From Transporting Classic Cars To Getting Your Daily Ride Out Of A Jam, Lynn Hope Towing LLC Can Get It Done


ynn Hope Towing LLC, headquartered at 207 Seaton Avenue, was started by owner/operator Lynn Hope in 2001. It remains a family-owned and family-operated business. Because of the company’s fast, dependable and professional 24-hour service, the business has grown over the years and offers light- to heavy-duty towing and recovery services. And now, Lynn Hope Towing is able

to offer safe transport of antique and/ or customized vehicles that merit special handling. On a recent Thursday, a gleaming customized Chevy Nova, restored to beyond-pristine condition, sat atop a roll-back in the lot of the Hope headquarters. The Nova, property of Lynn Hope’s brother Keith, looks like something fresh off a showroom floor, nothing about the stunning vehicle showing its approximate


half-century of age. If you have a treasure-on-wheels of your own and need it moved in safety, Hope can do the job and leave you with peace of mind and a fully protected vehicle. They also can help you get out of a jam if something goes wrong on the roadway in your day-to-day vehicle. If your situation is maybe the result of an accident and your vehicle is left stuck in a difficult spot, Hope has the capability of dealing

with it. Hope says, “Accidents happen, and the staff and equipment at Lynn Hope Towing LLC are ready to get you back on the road. Whether it’s an automobile stuck in a ditch or an overturned semi on the interstate, our recovery specialists respond quickly — day or night — to recover your vehicle. We also handle cargo load shifts at our location, or we can come to you.”

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

How Does Alcohol Affect Driving Capability?


ccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, alcohol and other drugs of impairment are involved in approximately 40 percent of all traffic crashes in which someone is killed each year. Men and women who drink as well as people under the age of 21 who consume alcohol illegally may mistakenly assume that consuming a couple of drinks won’t impair their ability to safely operate a vehicle. But the NHTSA points out that alcohol and other drugs reduce various skills drivers need to safely operate motor vehicles. Even a slight reduction in any

of the following skills can prove deadly to those who drive while consuming alcohol and/or the people with whom they share the road. • Judgment: The NHTSA notes that alcohol adversely affects areas of the brain that control judgment. Even the most experienced drivers may not judge situations like traffic or poor road conditions after consuming alcohol as they might when they have not had a drink. Momentary or seemingly minor lapses in judgment when behind the wheel can prove deadly. • Vision: Few drivers would willingly drive with blurred vision, but that’s

precisely what drivers do when getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, which can blur vision. Vision helps drivers determine the distance between their vehicles and objects such as other cars, medians and pedestrians. Alcohol reduces drivers’ ability to accurately assess that distance and also can adversely affect drivers’ ability to determine the speed of vehicles with which they’re sharing the road. The NHTSA notes that vision is affected for drivers whose blood alcohol content is as low as .02, which is well within the legal limit. • Color distinction: Alcohol can reduce

drivers’ ability to distinguish colors, which can put the lives of drivers, their passengers, pedestrians, and fellow motorists in serious jeopardy. In addition to compromising their ability to understand stoplights, alcohol can make it hard for drivers to see road markings, traffic signs and other vehicles’ turn signals. • Reaction time: Alcohol impairs drivers’ ability to process information quickly, which can make them especially vulnerable to sudden developments on the road, such as other drivers stopping suddenly or pedestrians crossing roadways outside of crosswalks

Knowing Where You’re Going: Global Positioning And The Motorist


lobal positioning systems can now be found in many devices and have transformed the way that people interact with their environments. Navigation tools have evolved over the years, and the world has long been on the precipice of something more accurate and intuitive. Many people believe GPS started with the launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik. Scientists at MIT noticed that the frequency of the radio signals transmitted

by the satellite increased as it approached Earth and decreased when it moved away. Satellites could be tracked by measuring the frequency of these radio signals, and thus the locations of receivers on the ground could be tracked by their distance from the satellites. This is essentially the basis behind GPS technology. The United States Navy built the first real satellite navigation system in 1959. Known as TRANSIT, the system was designed to locate submarines and would pave the

way for the GPS systems that today are used in vehicles, aircraft, phones, and more. Satellites are necessary for all GPS systems to work. The Federal Aviation Administration says the baseline satellite constellation in space consists of 24 satellites positioned in six earth-centered orbital planes with four operation satellites and a spare satellite slot in each orbital plane. The system can support up to 30 satellites in orbit. The exact number of satellites operating at any one

particular time varies depending on the number of satellite outages and operational spares in orbit. Due to this constellation, the basic GPS signal is accurate at the worst to within approximately 100 meters lateral and 140 meters vertical everywhere on Earth. People may be surprised at just how far-reaching GPS technology is today. GPS sensors are used on objects to track them, as is the case for fleet vehicle management or finding missing persons.

Sensors deliver real-time data on horse races and military missiles. However, navigation GPS in vehicles is where GPS may be much more pervasive on the consumer level. These systems can not only provide step-by-step directions and mapping, but also they can alert us to traffic jams, provide alternate routes, help people avoid accidents, and even find others you know on the roads nearby. GPS continues to evolve and be a valuable navigation tool for people around the world.

Subscribe Today! 423-359-3185 The Greeneville Sun


Saturday, April 13, 2019



How To Increase Your Appeal To Car Lenders


t is common for consumers to spend months researching and saving for new vehicles. But many auto buyers do not put the same amount of effort into finding auto loans. That’s unfortunate, as Consumer Reports notes that those who do not have financing arranged before visiting a dealership may not get the best loan terms. Prior to buying a vehicle, drivers should give consideration to how they appear in the eyes of creditors. Few if any people pay for cars or trucks in full at the time of purchase. As a result, it’s key for buyers to make themselves as attractive as possible in lenders’ eyes. Improving credit score

Lenders use consumers’ credit scores to determine how likely they will be to honor the terms of a potential loan. Consumers’ FICO® scores are the type of credit score most often used to make lending decisions. FICO scores range between 300 and 850. The higher the score, the lower the risk to lenders. However, lenders do not necessarily use the same formula to assess risk. The first step potential borrowers should take is figuring out what their credit score is, and what information is on their credit report. For those who haven’t done so already, they can request a free copy of their credit reports from the three major credit monitoring bureaus.

Once credit reports are obtained, consumers can work to correct any mistakes or inconsistencies. Some of these may be simple fixes, while others may take some effort. A 2012 study from the Federal Trade Commission found that one in five consumers had an error on at least one of their credit reports. Consumers also can improve their credit scores by doing the following: • Make payments on time, as payment history can have the greatest effect on a bad credit score, according to Credit.com. • Reduce debt by paying off balances on credit cards or other loans. • Obtain a mix of different credit sources, such as those in the form

of credit cards, furniture financing, home ownership, and auto loans. This, too, can raise credit scores and make borrowers appear less risky. • Keep old credit accounts open, as they establish a strong credit history. Try not to open too many new accounts in a short period of time. Shopping loans Those with strong credit have more wiggle room in terms of loan negotiation. A person with a high FICO score may be eligible for better terms, including a low interest rate. Consumers should consider the length of the loan and how much they can afford before signing any paperwork. Lengthy loans will

cost buyers much more in the long run when factoring in interest payments. Still, Edmunds reports that, over the last 10 years, the length of the average car loan has risen above 68 months. Financial experts advise that buyers avoid relying on lengthier loans simply to buy more car than they can afford. Consider large lenders when shopping for auto loans. Such lenders may have better rates than going through dealerships directly. Other lenders include credit unions, local banks and finance companies. Borrowers with strong credit will be attractive to lenders and will have more loan options at their disposal.

Top Tips For Buying Teens Their First Cars


electing a first car for a teenage son or daughter can be challenging. Newly licensed drivers probably want something sporty that also looks cool, while their parents no doubt want them behind the wheel of something sturdy, safe and reliable. According to the experts at Edmunds.com, an automotive research and advice group, involving

teens in the process of selecting a car helps teach them responsibility and learn lessons about money that may help them make smart choices in the future. • Manage expectations. Cars are generous gifts and not something teenagers have a right to. Teenagers may not realize the expenses involved in acquiring, running and insuring a vehicle.

Parents can explain all of these factors. Unless the teen has enough money to buy his or her own car, the final call is up to the parents on how much to spend and which vehicle to choose. • Note that bigger isn’t always better. Some parents think their teens will be safer in a truck or SUV. While large vehicles may fare slightly better in a crash, they can be

more cumbersome to park and drive, especially for novices. A large vehicle may tempt teens to pile in friends for a Saturday night, but research indicates the risk of a crash increases with multiple teens in a car. • Choose safety over looks. Safety should be the top priority. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teen drivers between the

ages of 16 and 19 are four times more likely to crash than older drivers. Choose a vehicle with a high safety rating over one that looks stylish or comes equipped with distracting bells and whistles. • Pass down the family roadster. Teenagers may anticipate being handed the keys to a brand-new or previously owned vehicle off of a dealership lot. But giving him or her a set

of keys to a car already in the driveway may be more practical. Everyone involved already knows the history, driving capabilities, safety statistics, and potential quirks of cars that have been in the family for years. It may not be flashy, but cars already in the driveway will get teenagers from point A to point B just as effectively as those currently sitting idle on the dealership lot.




Saturday, April 13, 2019


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