Greenfleet News - Winter 2013

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IN THIS ISSUE • Greenfleet farewells CEO Sara Gipton • New insect species discovered in a Greenfleet forest • Fundraise for Greenfleet, fundraise for the environment • Supporter news • Ten tips to reduce paper use

News EDITION 21 | JULY 2013


CEO Sara Gipton

It is with regret that I am announcing that after eight highly successful years leading Greenfleet as its CEO, Sara Gipton has informed me that it is time for her to seek new challenges, and has tendered her resignation as Greenfleet CEO.

Sara remains very committed to Greenfleet and to its mission of creating a low carbon future for Australia carried out by the support of thousands of Australians and organisations. After eight years Sara feels it is time for her to seek new opportunities for using her capabilities to make a positive difference to the world in other ways. Under Sara’s leadership Greenfleet has grown in scale, in professionalism and in public recognition: all testaments to Sara’s skill and strategic foresight. Sara finished her employment at Greenfleet at the end of June 2013. I am sure that, although we are sorry to have Sara leave us, you will join me in wishing her well in her new endeavours. Ian Porter | Greenfleet Chairman


Sara’s message As my time at Greenfleet draws to a close, and this chapter in Greenfleet’s history is written I reflect on how important our collective efforts are exacting in lasting and meaningful change in tackling climate change. Thanks to the efforts of our hardworking Board and team over a significant period of political uncertainty and the amazing on going contributions of our supporters, Greenfleet has been able to celebrate many remarkable achievements. Over my time at Greenfleet, Australia has grappled with which mechanisms are best suited to tackle climate change, and we endure the inevitable delays that these debates have created. But in the last 8 years, Australia has also experienced the impacts of climate change, manifesting in many ways. Over that time, Greenfleet’s mission to restore biodiverse native forests in Australia to permanently capture carbon emissions became more urgent.

It is vitally important for the action on climate change to include approaches to improve the resilience of our landscape; which is why the work Greenfleet does remains so important and why the biodiverse revegetation work we have done to date has, and will continue to, make a real difference. I would like to thank everyone for the support they have provided to Greenfleet and myself. Though my passion for the organisation remains unchanged, I now leave Greenfleet to take time for myself and to rest. To paraphrase John Milton in his poem “On His Blindness”, it’s time for me to stand and wait.

Sara Gipton | Greenfleet CEO





Avoca lies within the traditional country of the Wiradjuri people. Prior to purchase by Greenfleet in March 2013, the property was used for cropping (mostly wheat and canola) and sheep production with around 500 hectares of poorer soils left as remnant vegetation. The surrounding region has been extensively cleared for cropping and grazing, with remaining native vegetation in a highly fragmented state. Adjacent to the property is the Buddigower State Forest due to become part of the nearby Buddigower Nature Reserve, an area of significance for its biological values 900 ha of the 1,700 ha property will be sown with locally native seeds in winter 2013. The 45 different species sown represent the local vegetation prior to clearing upon European settlement.


“Having a site that is fully owned by Greenfleet, gives us the ability to create a new forest more economically and efficiently, with 900 hectares suitable for direct-seeding. This allows us to continue greening Australia, one forest at a time, whilst creating connection corridors for wildlife,” Sara Gipton, Greenfleet CEO, said. The nearby Buddigower Nature Reserve is home to the endangered mallee fowl, shy heath-wren and southern scrub robin. Besides carbon sequestration, one of the objectives of the biodiverse reforestation project is to create much needed landscape connectivity and enhance the conservation values. As it grows, the native forest will provide habitat to threatened birdlife on the neighbouring reserve and endangered migrating species such as the Swift Parrot. We will keep you posted on the progress of the Avoca site in the coming newsletter issues. Make sure to keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for the latest updates.

We are proud to share amazing news straight from our forest at Battery Creek: Researchers from the Department of Zoology at La Trobe University, lead by Dr Martin Steinbauer, have uncovered a new insect species in the Greenfleet forest at Battery Creek, Vic. The team of scientists visited the site in 2012 to survey psyllids (tiny little cicada-like insects), and discovered the new species feeding on juvenile leaves of Bog Gum (Eucalyptus kitsoniana).

New insect species discovered IN A GREENFLEET FOREST

As of February 2013, the Bog Gum Psyllid (or scientific name Ctenarytainabipartita) became officially “known to science”. We are very excited by this fantastic discovery! Greenfleet Forester Eoghan O’Connor said, “The Battery Creek site has been an outstanding site for Greenfleet since it was first planted in the late 1990’s. We have observed extremely high growth levels, many different species of birds and mammals, and now a new species of psyllid has been discovered.” This site has been transformed from a barren hillside to a flourishing forest. The ability of this new species to survive in a much cleared region, upon the Bog Gum in the Battery Creek project, shows how important these refuges of forest can be. Congratulations to Martin and his team at La Trobe University on this wonderful discovery, and thank you to the Greenfleet supporters, who choose to make a positive difference to the environment by offsetting with us! For more information and to read the description of the new eucalypt psyllid, please visit




The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) is a regulated system accrediting Australian land-based carbon offsets projects, including reforestation. The scheme includes: • Legislation to establish a carbon crediting mechanism, • Methodologies for offset projects, and • Information and tools to help farmers and landholders benefit from carbon markets.

Back in November 2011, we wrote about the introduction of the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) which replaces the Greenhouse Friendly Program. Here is a reminder about what the CFI means for you. The ability for Greenfleet to have approved projects and to create ACCU’s is an important part of demonstrating and recognising the reliability of Greenfleet’s program. Greenfleet will be able to generate carbon credits within the scheme, whilst remaining a not-for-profit environmental organisation.

Since its inception there have been a range of carbon projects listed and approved ranging from Emissions avoidance projects (e.g. capturing methane in landfill) to Sequestration (permanent environmental plantings of native species).

The CFI doesn’t change what Greenfleet does, or how we do it. It simply reinforces and showcases the real difference that our biodiverse, Australian native forests are making. The CFI helps us demonstrate that Greenfleet’s forests are permanent, additional and that the carbon stored is measurable and not double-counted 1.

What does it mean for Greenfleet?

What does it mean for you?

We believe that it is very important to provide assurance to our supporters, to the community and to the market, that the offsets we generate meet a recognised standard and that they can be independently verified.

If you are an individual... Greenfleet’s ability to have registered projects under the CFI will give you extra confidence in what Greenfleet does. Note that all donations over $2 will still be tax deductible.

We are currently undertaking an assessment of all of our sites to determine which are economically feasible to be registered under the CFI. The CFI requires a number of criteria to be met before a project can be approved and independent verification before the carbon captured in these projects is issued as an Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU).

If you are a Greenfleet corporate supporter... you can continue to make your tax deductible donations to Greenfleet to voluntarily offset your carbon emissions and strengthen your Corporate Sustainability strategy.


For those corporate supporters who qualify as wholesale clients2 and wish to purchase ACCU’s…Greenfleet’s projects approved under the CFI will enable your organisation to purchase verified carbon credits for use in either the voluntary or mandatory market. With carbon credits generated by Greenfleet, you will be able to reduce your organisation’s carbon inventory as the forests grow. If you are a farmer or landholder... the CFI opens the door to carbon markets. Once approved as a project under CFI, a Greenfleet carbon forest planted on your property can generate carbon credits for the voluntary and compliance markets, potentially offering an extra source of revenue which also benefits the landscape and environment. If you’d like to discuss any of these opportunities please feel free to contact our office on (03) 9642 0570. 1

Not all Greenfleet projects will be registered under the Carbon Farming Initiative and therefore not all Greenfleet sites will generate ACCU’s. 2

As defined in the Corporations Act 2001 S761G.

This article has been prepared by Greenfleet Australia (ACN 095 044 465) Corporate Authorised Representative 423103 of Greenfleet AFSL Pty Ltd (ABN 35 159 984 308, AFSL No 427552) for general promotional purposes only and is not an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any financial product. This article has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consequently, before acting on the information in this article, you should consider the appropriateness of the information in view of your own objectives, financial situation and needs.



REGISTERED PROJECTS We are pleased to announce that two of our reforestation projects have been registered under the Clean Energy Regulator’s Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), being the first organisation to have multiple reforestation projects registered. The first site, Old Gobur Road, Merton, is located in Northeast Victoria, and the other, Whirrakee Wedderburn, is located near the Mt Korong Nature Conservation Reserve, just east of Wedderburn in the Victorian Central Goldfields. Both projects are now eligible Kyoto offset projects.


Welcome on board!

Meet the Greenfleet team

Earlier this year, Greenfleet’s Directors welcomed Samantha Brignell as a new addition to the Board. Samantha is a General Manager of Sales Programmes within Telstra Corporation. Samantha brings with her over 15 years of experience in strategic business improvement and commercial programs in Australia and the UK.

Meet Justin Glass, the newest addition to our team!

Samantha said, “Greenfleet provides an opportunity to work with high calibre individuals and Board Directors on securing our environmental future for our family, friends and community. Sustainability is critical to our future, and we all have a responsibility to reduce greenhouse emissions, from how we live, to where we work. I look forward to sharing my experience and knowledge over the coming years, and being part of a journey that will influence the future of sustainability across Australia.”


Justin has joined Greenfleet to increase the scale, strategy and impact of our corporate partnerships. Justin has over 20 years’ experience in developing and implementing elegant solutions to complex environmental and social problems. Justin brings diverse experience to Greenfleet having worked in small and global businesses, corporate environmental management, sustainability consulting, conservation and natural resource management, chemical research, not-for-profit and government organisations. Justin has a Bachelor of Science (Honours); Graduate Diploma of Environmental Design; Masters in Environmental Studies (with a thesis on the impacts of carbon policy) and is currently completing a Diploma of Carbon Management. He has received scholarships and awards for chemical research, social and environmental leadership, and fundraising. Justin has served on many not-for-profit boards including Goodcompany, St Vinnies and is currently on the board of Peace and Diversity Australia and chairs a committee at Whitelion assisting Indigenous young Australians to fulfil local leadership positions.






A new survey of Australian workers, conducted by Greenfleet and Pure Profile, has revealed that over two thirds (68%) of respondents would feel more satisfied at work if their employer invested in sustainable practices, such as reforestation (planting trees) or offsetting pollution caused by vehicles. More than half the respondents (55%) said they would be more likely to choose an employer if they were invested in sustainable practices, such as reforestation. Greenfleet CEO, Sara Gipton, said the findings are a timely indication of the growing desire among employees to work for organisations that take environmental sustainability seriously. “Employees increasingly expect their workplaces to show leadership through investment in socially responsible initiatives, such as carbon offsetting. Investing in sustainability is not just an investment in the environment; it is an investment in the satisfaction and retention of your workforce.”

Greenfleet was very pleased to sponsor the postgraduate Sustainability Regulation award as part of Monash University’s Department of Business Law and Taxation Awards Evening 2013. During the semester, the students met with Greenfleet CEO, Sara Gipton, who presented some insight about the industry Greenfleet works in - its challenges and rewards. Top student Michael Collins received the prize for excelling in the unit in 2012 and shared his thoughts: “It is always important to ensure that business leaders come into the higher education classroom so that students are exposed to the real world and those theoretical subjects can be brought to life. Greenfleet’s guest lecture certainly helped to bring alive the subject of voluntary offset market regulation for the class. On a personal note, to be recognised by Greenfleet’s sponsorhsip was a great honour and reward for six months hard slog !”


Survey results Pure Profile conducted a survey of 1001 workers from a range of different workplaces across the country on behalf of Greenfleet with the following key findings:

• Almost 80% of respondents said they worried about the future of Australia’s natural environment. • More than 80% want to do more to increase Australia’s environmental sustainability. • 68% of respondents said they would feel more satisfied at work if their employer invested in sustainable practices, such as reforestation (planting trees) or offsetting pollution caused by vehicles. • More than half the respondents said they would be more likely to choose an employer if they were invested in sustainable practices.

As a charity, Greenfleet relies on the support of thousands of individuals and organisations around Australia to fulfil its mission: creating a low carbon future for Australia by turning carbon emissions into biodiverse, native forests.


coastline, in just 8 months, overcoming sickness, isolation and the occasional puncture!


Or like Chris Hayward who paddled down the Mighty Murray and became the youngest person to travel 2,600 km down the river from source to sea alone on a kayak, despite not having ridden a kayak before!

Every year, remarkable people take on incredible challenges, not only for themselves but also to raise funds for a cause close to their heart.

Or like a group of colleagues, who took part in a fun run for a physical challenge of their own and gathered support and encouragements from their friends and family through their online fundraising page.

At Greenfleet, we have been very fortunate to receive the amazing support of countless heroes whose passion for our unique environment and will to make a positive difference helped raised awareness and funds for our organisation.

Fundraising is easy, fun and rewarding!

We have been touched by the stories behind these people and their astonishing adventures.

Whether you are an athlete, a group of friends or a community group, whether you want to receive support for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, request donations in lieu of gifts for your wedding or birthday or pay tribute to a loved one, you can easily and in minutes start fundraising with Greenfleet.

Like this group of four cyclists who, without even knowing each other, rode unassisted 17,500 km along our mainland’s

So visit to create memories of a lifetime and make a difference to our planet.




Long-term Greenfleet supporter, Deakin University is ramping up its efforts to avoid carbon emissions with the construction of end of trip bike hubs on its campuses. The Bike Friendly Deakin project aims to deliver end of trip bike infrastructure across their campuses to encourage more people to ride their bike to work/study. The first standalone facility – solar-powered with showers, lockers, repair station and secure bike parking - was finished in January 2013 at their Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus this year. More hubs are planned across all Deakin’s campuses in the coming 12-18 months. Deakin University has also worked with Bike Safe Victoria and local councils to improve infrastructure. New bike racks were installed and are getting lots of use. Karly Lovell, Travel and Transport Manager said, “The bike hub at our Waurn Ponds Campus is hugely popular and very attention grabbing. We are receiving great response to the new installations; the bike racks are filling up quickly.” “The benefits of this project are multiple. Not only it has great environmental benefits by reducing the amount of cars on the road and the associated emissions, it also helps improve individual health and wellbeing, save costs for both the University and the users and create a great sense of community amongst cyclists,” she added. At Greenfleet, we think it is a fantastic project! We are proud to see our supporters reaffirming their commitment to sustainability. Through this initiative, Deakin University demonstrates how alternative means of transport are positively impacting the community in the University, and in the councils where the campuses are located.

In June, for the third consecutive year, Europcar staff geared up with wellies and smiles for an action packed tree planting day with Greenfleet. The Europcar volunteers kickstarted this year’s planting at the Devilbend Reservoir Park with 1,000 native seedlings planted on the day. Another 33,000 native seedlings are to go in the ground in the following weeks. This reforestation project helps transform previously grazed paddocks back into magnificent permanent forests. “The planting day is an opportunity for our employees to explore a beautiful part of the State, get their hands dirty and appreciate the hard work that goes into reducing carbon emissions – it really brings the entire program to life,” said Mike Warmington, Europcar Australia Director of Sales and Marketing. Europcar and Greenfleet have been working together since 2007 - offsetting their staff fleet’s emissions and implanting a donation program to help their customers support Greenfleet when they rent. To date, Europcar has trusted Greenfleet to offset over 38,000 tonnes CO2-e. Greenfleet CEO, Sara Gipton, commended Europcar for supporting the Greenfleet program and for encouraging employees to get involved. “Encouraging employees to help plant trees, as Europcar does, means they get to see the hard work that goes into offsetting carbon emissions and do their bit in protecting the Australian environment for future generations,” she said.



Visit for more supporters.




Did you know that Australians consume over 4 million tonnes of paper every year1? If you think of the repercussions: the number of trees logged, litres of water used, tonnes of waste dumped in landfill, and emissions created along the whole process from the forest to your desk; then you start to comprehend the impacts of our paper consumption on the environment. Here are 10 tips to avoid and reduce paper use at home and at work. AVOID & REDUCE


• Think before you print. More than 1.5

• Collect and reuse one-sided paper for

million tonnes of paper is used for printing and writing in Australia each year1. Do you really need to print or can you read it off the computer screen instead?

• Share documents electronically from wherever you are using cloud softwares (like DropBox).

• At work request the IT Department to default the print settings to doublesided.

• Did you know you could fit multiple

pages on a sheet when printing? Set your print settings to print in a booklet style (4 pages per sheet).

• Put a “No junk mail” sign on your

mailbox to avoid the clutter of unwanted, paper-hungry advertising.

• Use cloth napkins and towels in the kitchen.

• Ditch the paper plates and use durable washable ones instead if you need something for a picnic or at parties.

scrap (for notes, sketches, rough work, kids’ drawings, etc.).

• Recycle to extend landfill life and

reduce pressure on native forests.

• Support recycling programs by buying recycled paper and cardboard products. Producing paper from recovered fibre instead of virgin fibre consumes up to 60% less water and 50% less energy.2


Postal address: PO Box 16011 Collins Street West VIC 8007 Email: Web: Phone: 1800 032 999 Keep up to date


• For every tonne of paper and cardboard that decomposes in landfill, 2.5 tonnes of CO2-e are generated 3. So if you still use paper, think about offsetting these emissions with Greenfleet.

Let’s walk the talk If you would like to receive this newsletter and your renewal form electronically rather than by mail, email us at

Thank you to Fishprint for donating the printing of this newsletter, using waterless offset technology and non-genetically modified soy ink, on 100% post-consumer recycled paper donated by B.J. Ball Papers.

• Try and use only one paper towel to

dry your hands in public bathrooms. Watch this YouTube clip to learn how:



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