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Teens 101 is a 13 part digital toolkit for navigating and understanding the modern teenage mind and making sense of the issues facing today’s youth.
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You’re not just a number in the digital age.
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e pisodes episodeone
episode eight
Multiculturalism prejudice, racism, ignorance, traditions, culture shock
Sexuality sexual identity, LGBTQ, experimentation, negative stigma, safe sex
Family divorce, abuse, high parental expectations, generation gap
episode nine
Stress Management stress coping techniques, meditation, relaxation, sources of stress, consequences of stress
Addiction drug abuse, alcoholism, sexual addiction, media addiction
episode ten
Environment media influences, body image, mixed messages, “copy-cat” behaviour episodefive
Careers lack of direction, academic pressures, difficulty choosing career path
Diet sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, importance of exercise, stunted development, impact of skipping meals episode eleven
Economics consumerism, current economic climate, eco-social background, monetary skills, importance of part-time jobs episode twelve
Peerpressure (cyber) bullying, sexting, the importance of belonging, consequences of peer pressure
Puberty physical changes, hormonal changes, acne, self-consciousness, not knowing who to talk to episode thirteen
Disability mental disabilities, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, discrimination, feelings of isolation
Societal Expectations adults stereotyping teens, expectations to carry out life a certain way, rebellion, feeling lost or outcast in society
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• 1 in 12 young people deliberately self-harm. • The number of young people aged 15-16 with depression nearly doubled between the 1980sandthe2000s. • The proportion of 15 and 16 year olds reporting that they frequently feel anxious or depressedhasdoubledinthelast30years. • 1 in 12 teens have attempted to commit suicide. • Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24-year-olds. • LGBTQ teens are three times as likely as non-LGBTQ teens to say that they do not feel safeatschool(22%vs.7%)and90%ofLGBTQteens(vs.62%ofnon-LGBTteens)have beenharassedorassaultedduringthepastyear. • 95% of imprisoned young offenders have a mental health disorder. Many of them are strugglingwithmorethanonedisorder.
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• Teenagers who associate themselves with the LGBTQ community are three times more likely toattemptsuicide.About30percentofallcompletedsuicideshavebeenrelatedtosexual identitycrisiswithinteens. • About 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood. • Teens are easily influenced by peers, with 1 in 9 teenagers aged 13 to 19 having tried crackorcocaineand1in8havingtriedEcstasy. • With the unemployment rate for youth being more than double the national average, pressurestosucceedinschoolareincreasing,leadingtoanxietyandrelatedissues. ••Over half of adolescents have been bullied online, and about the same number have engagedincyberbullying. • 13% of girls aged 16 and 19 are victims of domestic violence.
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What happens to teens living in a world where technology infiltrates almost every aspect of theirday-to-dayactivities?Doesmulticulturalismandcompetingculturesaffectyouth? Whyaremoreteensabusingdrugsandalcoholtodaymorethaneverbefore? Combininginterviewswithexpertsandpersonalaccountsfromyouthandtheirparents, Teens101willhelpguidethemthroughthesedifficultyearsandillustratesthemajorissues opposingyouthtoday.Frommulticulturalismandfamilydynamicstomediainfluencesand mentalhealthissues,Teens101willprovidethoughtful,informativeandvitalinformationto helpyouthandadultscometogripswiththetrialsandtribulationsassociatedwiththe teenageyears.
In2013,technologyhascreptintoalmosteverypartofourlives.Inthiscompelling thirteen-parttelevisionseriesabouttheworldofateenagerinthenewmillennium,we taketheviewerthroughthejourneyfromadolescencetoadulthood,examiningthehealth andwellnessofteenagersinCanadatoday.Thisdocumentary-styleserieswillexaminethe issuesfacingyoungpeopleastheyprogressthroughhighschoolandmakethedecisions thatwillaffectthemfarintothefuture. Thisdynamicandthoughtprovokingserieswillspeaktopeopleofallages,openingup newtopicsfordiscussionandaddressingthedifficultiesofgrowingupinthe21stCentury.
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tease penontheteenwhosestorywillserveastheanchorfortheepisode– they O shareemotions,impact,etc.thattheir“problem”ishavingonthem.The problemisthenrevealed(ex.mentalillness),andwillbeexploredthroughout theepisode.
titlesequence Athrowbacktothe70s(whenmanyparentswereteenagers),withappropriate music,showingthehabitsofteensinthosetimes.Wethentransitiontoteens today.Thisillustratesthesimilaritiesandcontrastsbetweenthetwo generations.
firstact Expertsdefinethesubject,exploringsymptoms,prevalence,demographic,and soon.Wehearfromthesufferingteen,aswellastheirparentandlovedones, intercutwiththeexperts.Wethenmeetour“youngadult”-theonewhohas sufferedfromthisprobleminthepast,buthassinceovercomeitorlearnedto cope.Shiftingbackandforthbetweentheteenandtheyoungadult,wegeta fullpictureofthisissue,inverypersonalterms.Theexpertstransitionto addressingpopularmisconceptions,stereotypesandoutdatedinformationthat mayinhibitunderstanding.Anarratorwillbeusedtoassistinconveyingthe storyclearly.
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themindfulminute Aroundthemidpoint,wewillfeaturethe“mindfulminute”-thisminute-longsegmentwillillustrate,throughanimated typographyandvector-basedanimation,anaspectoftheissue.Forexample,inexploringdisabilities,theanimation couldshowwhatareasofthebrainareaffectedbyvariousmentalillnesses.Theclean,quirkyandbeautifulimagerywill captivatetheaudiencewhileinformingthematthesametime.
secondact Bythispoint,theaudiencewillhavearelativelycomplete,factual,andmodernpictureoftheissueathand.Returningto oursufferingteen,weseethemreceivingtreatmentbyanexpert,thentransitiontothemmeetingtheyoungadult.We intercuttotheexperts,whoexplainhowthisissueistreatedinaprofessionalenvironment,andnewtreatmentsthathave arisenrecently. Whiletheteenandyoungadultdiscusstheircommonissues,theexpertisconversingwiththeparentabouttheir difficultiesincommunicatingwiththeirteen.Bytheendofthesegment,theparentwillbetterunderstandtheirchild, andtheteenwillhavebeenofferedavisionofwheretheycouldbeinafewyearstime-happy,andhavingovercome theirissue.Bothteenandparentarecautiouslyoptimisticaboutthefuture.
thirdact/outro Theexpertsoffertheirclosingwords-anoptimisticlookonthefutureoftheissue,citingrecentbreakthroughs.Theyalso offeradviceonwhenandhowtoseekhelp.Ouryoungadultandteenreunitewiththeexpertandparent,whooffertheir finalthoughtsontheissue.Afinalcalltoarmsisgiven,dependentontheissue– toraiseawareness,todispelignorance, tosimplyofferahelpinghandtothosewhoaresuffering.
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Dr.RhodriEvans Dr.Rhodri(Rhod)EvansistheMedicalDirectoroftheChildandYouthMentalHealthProgramat McMasterChildren’sHospitalandanAssociateProfessorintheDepartmentsofPsychiatryand BehaviouralNeurosciencesandPediatricsatMcMasterUniversity.Dr.Evansisanaccomplishedchild andadolescentpsychiatristwhohasbeeninpracticeformorethan30years,20ofthemasa specialist.Hiskeyareasofinterestandspecialtyareincommunitychildandyouthmentalhealth,and forensic(legal)issuesinchildandadolescentpsychiatry.
Dr.VioletKaspar Dr.VioletKasparisanIndependentScientistintheSocialandEpidemiologicalResearch(SER) DepartmentatCAMH.Dr.KasparisalsoanAssistantProfessorattheUniversityofToronto.Dr.Kaspar's researchisfocusedonthepsychologicaladjustmentandhealthofracialandethnicminorityyouth. Herresearchprogramiscomprisedofseveralstudiesaimedatprovidingexplanationsfordifferential distributionsofhealthandadjustmentoutcomesinminoritypopulations.
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Dr.PeterSzatmari StartingMarch1st2013,Dr.PeterSzatmariassumedthecombinedpositionofChief,ChildandYouth MentalHealthCollaborativeattheCentreforAddictionandMentalHealthandTheHospitalforSick ChildreninToronto,aswellasDirectoroftheDivisionofChildandAdolescentPsychiatryatthe UniversityofToronto.Dr.Szatmari,holdsthenewly-endowedPatsyandJamieAndersonChairin ChildandYouthMentalHealth.Hehasworkedinthefieldofautismspectrumdisorder(ASD)forover thirtyyearsandhasbeenengagedinstudyingthelongitudinalcourseofthisdisorderanditsgenetic causes.
SueJohanson SueJohansonisCanada'sforemostsexualeducatorandcounsellor,recipientofthedistinguished OrderofCanada.Forthelast35years,shehasprovidedfrankandhonestsexualeducationto thousandsofCanadiansthroughherlectures,radioprograms,andthe"SundayNightSexShow"on television.
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SusanRaphael SusanRaphaelisanInternationallyCertifiedAlcoholandDrugCounsellor(ICADC)andCo-occurringDisordersProfessional(ICCDP)andhasbeenamember ingoodstandingwiththeCanadianAddictionsCounsellorsCertificationFederation(CACCF)since2005.Susan’shasagoaltoprovideeffectivecounselling solutionsforyouth,individualsandfamiliesrecoveringfromaddictionandmentalhealthdisordersthroughsensitive,supportiveandexperientialcare. SusanhasadegreefromYorkUniversity,agraduateeducationinAppliedPsychologyfromtheUniversityofTorontoandhasspecializedinAddictionand Recoverysince1999.
AliciaRaimundo At24yearsofage,AliciaRaimundoislivingproofthatyoudon’thavetowaituntilyou’reoldertomakemeaningfulchangeintheworld.Infact,Aliciaalready hastenyearsunderherbeltasamentalhealthadvocate,ajourneythatbeganwithherownbattles.Atage13,Aliciaexperiencedseriousboutsofsuicidal ideationastheresultofdepressionandanxiety,comingperilouslyclosetobeingpartofCanada’sgrimsuicidestatistics.In2012,shewasproudtobeoneof theFiveFacesofMentalIllness,takingpartinanationalmediacampaigncomprisingover80,000posters,commercialsandnumerousengagementsacross Canada.Alicia’sgoalistomakepeoplemoreconnectedtomentalhealthissueswhilehelpingtoeliminatethestigmaattachedtothem.
CentreforAddictionandMentalHealth TheCentreforAddictionandMentalHealth(CAMH)isCanada'slargestmentalhealthandaddictionteachinghospital,aswellasoneoftheworld'sleading researchcentresinitsfield.CAMHisfullyaffiliatedwiththeUniversityofToronto,andisaPanAmericanHealthOrganization/WorldHealthOrganization CollaboratingCentre.CAMHcombinesclinicalcare,research,education,policydevelopmentandhealthpromotiontohelptransformthelivesofpeople affectedbymentalhealthandaddictionissues.
HealthyMindsCanada HealthyMindsCanada(HMC)isanationalcharitableorganizationthatwasfoundedin1980andsincethistimehasfundedcloseto400researchprojectsat 42universitiesandteachinghospitalsacrossCanada.InadditiontofundingthebestmentalhealthandaddictionresearchinCanada,HMChostsworkshops andsymposiaacrossthecountryandpublishesresourcesandtoolstotranslatetheoutcomesofmentalhealthandaddictionresearchanddeliverthis valuableinformationtothosewhoneeditthemost.(ExecutiveDirectorKatieRobinetteisassistingwithcontactsforbothyoungpeopleandexperts)
KinarkChildandFamilyServices KinarkChildandFamilyServicesisachildren’smentalhealthorganizationthatprovideshelptochildrenandyouth,familiesandcommunities.
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The Teens101 television series will be accompanied by both an interactive website, social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and a mobile phone app. Unlike many digital “teen advice” outlets, Teens101’s digital media seeks to follow the show’s example in being open-minded, honest and bold in its approach.
website The Teens101 interactive website will function as an information database, as well as a community for teens to talk about the subjects covered on the show. Longer interviews with the experts and individuals from the series will be available, as well as quizzes and contests. Printable fact sheets will be available for teens and their parents, as well as educators, and individuals can opt in to receiving intermittent emails containing updates on content. Contact information will be available for counseling services and other teen health associations. A community forum will allow teens to share their experiences with others in a safe, monitored environment.
dia e m w e n
The mobile application will be available for both iOS and Android devices. The app will provide daily push notifications containing inspirational messages and motivational quotes. A daily writing prompt (ex. “The last time you experienced peer pressure, what did you do?”) will encourage teens to write about their experiences within the app, helping them organize their thoughts and perhaps consider sharing them with someone else. The app will also allow teens to access the information on the website, as well as the forum.
social media The Teens101 Facebook page will contain exclusive content, as well as prompt discussions between users by posting daily facts and questions. Weekly photo contests, powered by Instagram, will be integrated to encourage recurring participation. Twitter will serve to inform followers about upcoming episodes, expand on content covered in the show, and encourage discussion on teen issues.Teen101’s Instagram will post daily photos, as well as serve as the platform for weekly photo contests.
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Multiculturalism Multiculturalismisadefiningtraitof21stcentury,especiallyin Canada.Teenagerswhohailfromdifferentculturalbackgrounds oftenexperienceaninternalconflictthattheirpeerswhowere borninCanadadonotunderstand.Alongwiththepressuresof undergoingteenhood,teenagersfromadifferentcultural backgroundmustdiscoverwhatculturaltraditionswillultimately becomepartoftheiridentity.Butwhatoftheirparents?How shouldtheytreatachildwhojugglesthetraditionsoftheirnative countrywithcustomsfromtheirnewoneinanattemptto assimilate?Sometimes,thepressuresoftryingtobelongtomore thanoneculturecausesstresswhichcanleadtohealthand emotionalissueslaterinlife.Specialistsandresearchersshare theiroutlooksontheuniquechallengesfacedbyyoung immigrantstoday,andhowteensandtheirfamiliescanwork togethermakeanewcountryfeellikehome.
- prejud
- racism - ignora
- traditi - cultur
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ce - divor - abuse l arenta p h g i -h ations expect ongap i t a r e - gen
Family It is said that family is always there for you, but what happens when the family is unhealthy or fractured? In this episode, we look into how negative family dynamics can have a detrimental effect on a teenager’s well being. Issues such as domestic violence, unrealistic family expectations and parental separations can have a huge impact on a teenager’s psyche. These issues can cause them to enter into unhealthy relationships or indulge in illicit substances in an attempt to cope. However, no family can be perfect, so how does a parent help their child handle an unavoidable, life-changing event? A team of experts come together to formulate an action plan to help vulnerable teens and their parents through these difficult times.
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- dru - alc
- sex
- med
Addiction The word “addiction” brings to mind drugs or alcohol, but teens can form unhealthy addictions to almost anything – from video games to social media to pornography. Counsellors stress that addiction is not isolated to the individual – it is an issue that requires action with the entire family. This episode stresses the importance of teen-parent cooperation when it comes to healing, and features an intimate look inside the lives of current and ex-addicts undergoing treatment. Psychologists lay out the dangers of various addictions, their physiological causes and introduces strategies to help parents in creating healthy, open dialogue with their children.
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External Influences As individuals, we are constantly absorbing and reacting to our external environment, consciously or unconsciously drawing conclusions about how we should dress, eat, think and behave. Teens can develop unhealthy and unrealistic expectations of themselves based on characters presented by the media. If left unchallenged, these opinions can lead to negative body image and related disorders such as anorexia, feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy, and confusion over what “normal” really is. In addition, teens are increasingly being taken in by social media, texting and instant messaging to the point where face-to-face interpersonal skills, which developed naturally amongst previous generations, are now being becoming scarce. Specialists, teachers and parents come together to discuss their concerns about the “skewed” worldview many teens have, as well as prevalent “anti-social” trends, and how they can be repaired for the sake of teens’ future health.
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Careers According to society, the teenage years are when individuals decide where their future lies. The discovery of a career perfectly suited to teen’s skills and interests will serve as a guide for many future decisions. The reality, however, is often never that simple – making such important decisions at a young age can be difficult if not impossible. Without a sense of direction, a teen may act destructively without regard for the consequences. Career counsellors and personality psychologists explore the pressures teens face in a world that not only expects good grades in school, but a post-secondary degree, and a wellpaying job soon after. These goals, long held by parents, are no longer sustainable. Our experts explore the future of the Canadian job force, and explore how teens can secure their future careers, without burning themselves out.
f cko on a l cti dire emic d a c -a ures s s e pr y cult i f f - di osing cho rpath e care
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Friends/Peer Pressure
- sexting - (cyber)b ull
- theimpo rtan
- conseque n
Friendships, while key to social development in teens can sometimes lead to unhealthy, destructive and even dangerous behaviours because of the desire to “fit in”. How do teens maintain a sense of their own individuality and moral limitations while assimilating with their peers? Experts discuss the importance of building an early self-confidence and the dangers of insecurity and vulnerability. Bullying can leave a lasting impression and can fuel mental unease and feelings of worthlessness or worse. With technology constantly at our fingertips, the opportunities to be bullied have been multiplied a thousand fold, and technology is directly responsible for the current “cyber bullying” trend. While teens of the past were able to escape the bullying and peer pressure after leaving school property, it now follows them everywhere – on the screen of their smart phone to their online Facebook wall. In this episode, we’ll explore strategies being used by teachers, psychologists and the government to combat the epidemic of bullying.
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Disability Whether a young person has an visible disability or an invisible one, it adds an additional challenge the already difficult task of growing up. This episode examines the stigma and hurdles faced by those with mental and physical disabilities. Teens candidly discuss how these issues affect their daily lives, and the discrimination that they often suffer at the hands of their peers as a result of their conditions. Acceptance and assistance from others is critical to helping these individuals realize their potential. Professionals provide practical strategies for parents, friends, and caregivers to create a supportive environment for these teens, and discuss today’s changing face of disability.
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Sexuality Sexual awareness and discovery can be very confusing for today’s teens. With societal norms, mass media and internet pornography to contend with, developing a healthy perspective of human sexuality can be difficult. This is especially true for those who discover they are different from their peers, as is the case with LGBTQ youth who find themselves having to hide their true identity for fear of bullying, social ostracism or even disapproval from their families. In this episode, we discuss how teens can explore and experiment with who they are in a healthy manner, and how sexual minorities can find their place amongst their peers. Renowned experts in the field of youth sexuality discuss in a candid manner what teens need to know about defining their own sexual identities.
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- exper
- negat
- safes
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Stress Management Stress can overwhelm a teen's life, with dire consequences. With homework, extracurricular activities, part time jobs, family commitments, and social pressures all weighing on their backs, it’s no wonder why people are saying that this generation is under more stress than the last, and at a younger age. While stress is a normal part of life, too much can have negative impacts, including anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Pros in meditation and relaxation speak alongside psychology experts to explore the science of stress, and discuss methods that teens can use to avoid becoming “burnt out”. Stress is manageable; we just need to know how to harness it.
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- import
- stunte
pment - impact ofskipp ing meals
Diet While juggling the many responsibilities of teenage life, sometimes it is hard to find time to eat healthy and exercise. However, this decline in healthy living is having an enormous impact on the overall health of teens today. Instead of opting for the healthy option of spending time outdoors, teenagers are instead spending their time in front of screens. Not only is the phrase “sitting is killing you” being touted by many experts, but many foods previously believed to be nutritious have hidden menaces lurking in the ingredients lists. These lifestyle habits not only have an impact on weight, but also mental ability, growth, quality of sleep, and mood. Our nutritionists and personal training experts explore how to easily integrate healthy foods into teens’ diets (without having to give up their favorites!), as well as ways to get moving in the age of six-hour social media binges.
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Economics With the economy in disrepute and many businesses laying off employees, jobs are few and far between. Teens might believe that the failing economy doesn’t affect them, but this type of thinking could cause financial problems when they enter the working world. In this economic climate, it is essential for teens to understand their limitations in regards to financial well-being. Not only can poor finance skills hurt your wallet, it can reduce your mood, stability and even cause health problems. In this episode, we address how a poor economic background can have a bad influence upon your belief in your own success as well as how an over dependence on being handed money can result in poor monetary skills. Teens must learn that no one is safe from financial hardship.
ism mate sumer n o c ccli i m o on ntec e r r s u - c skill y r a et d -mon roun g k c a alb e -soci o t-tim c r e a p eof rtanc o p m - i jobs
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- hormonalc ha - acne - self-conscio u
sness - notknowin gwho totalkto
Puberty is a confusing time for teenagers, with many changes happening to the body in rapid succession. These changes can be difficult to come to terms with, resulting in teens becoming self-conscious and unsure of themselves. In this episode, we explore the typical physical changes to expect, as well as the mental effects these changes can have on a developing teenager. From acne and pubic hair to hormoneinduced mood swings, our experts talk about the physiological causes behind these changes, and how they differ between genders. They also cover the questions teens might be embarrassed to ask about – penis length, breast size, and when it is “normal” for puberty to start. This is a no-holdsbarred look into the physical transition between child and adult.
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Societal Expectations Expectations instilled in us by peers, parents or even the media can blind us to new and innovative ideas and thoughts. Teenagers today find themselves with a “bad rap”, courtesy of mass media who often dubs them as “selfcentered” “uneducated” and “reckless”. Teenagers, hearing such things directed at them, soon believe that they are expected to act out just as the wild individuals in the media do. Many teens realize that Snooki, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber are far from perfect role models, but who else will teens emulate if they are always being told that they are from the same mold? Teens are berated for being rebels, but are they simply acting as society is expecting them to? Being forced into the clockwork of society into a niche career that may not be the right fit for their personality or abilities can cause a teen to flounder rather than flourish. The feeling of being lost and not belonging in society can instil anxiety and
s teen g n i otyp stere ut s t l rryo a c - adu o st ation way t c e p - ex tain acer e f i l n ellio b tcast e u r o r o st nglo i l e e - f ciety inso
sadness in teens, which can follow them for years. In this episode, experts look at how expectations implemented by society can have a lasting effect on an individual’s abilities, and in turn how to change these prospects to help teens find where they truly belong within society.
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MagicLanternMediaistheleading Canadianmulti-mediacompany integratingdistribution,production, televisionanddigitalapplications servingtheeducationandthe broadcastindustries. www.magiclanternmedia.com
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Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc. 2 Pardee Avenue, Suite 102, Toronto, ON Canada M6K 3H5 T 416.363.8683 F 416.363.7834 www.canamedia.com