Making Mincemeat of the Pantanal | Greenpeace

Page 37

OUT OF THE FIRE AND INTO THE FRYING PAN Previous exposés by Greenpeace186 and other NGOs have brought attention to the role of industrial beef production in the destruction of the Amazon and the need to ensure full visibility of cattle supply chains beyond direct suppliers


within that biome. However, significant destruction of other frontiers – including the

IBAMA publishes a list of farms that have

Cerrado and the Pantanal – continues, with

breached environmental legislation such as

little public awareness and free from the supply

Brazil’s Forest Code – eg by carrying out

chain monitoring/policy commitments of the

illegal deforestation – and that are prohibited

main meat processors. This lack of oversight

(embargoed) from producing in a specified

breeds lack of accountability for the wider

area of their landholding (which may comprise

impacts of the sector.

the whole farm or only part of it) until they

The purpose of the analysis presented in this

regularise their situation, for example through

report is to shine a spotlight on the destruction

payment of a fine and land restoration.

of the Pantanal. The first step was to identify biome in 2020, which officials in Brazil agree were


almost universally of human origin.187 The next was

A criterion of Brazil’s Forest Code is that rural

to investigate whether cattle from the affected

producers must register the boundaries of their

properties or others owned by the same ranchers

properties with the environment agency to aid it in

have historically entered the supply chains of

its monitoring and enforcement of environmental

Brazil’s largest beef processors, which trade

regulations. Irregularities in this registration –

internationally and supply numerous well-known

notably its suspension or cancellation – signal

consumer goods and fast food companies.

problems such as overlap with protected areas,

ranchers linked to the fires that devastated the

Indigenous lands or other registrations. An irregularity is indicated by a registration status of ‘pending’, ‘suspended’ or ‘cancelled’ in the federal (CAR website ‘Consultar demonstrativo do CAR’) or state (Secretário de Estado de Meio Ambiente de Mato Grosso website ‘SIMCAR portal público’) land registry.


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