Making Mincemeat of the Pantanal | Greenpeace

Page 38


Greenpeace has identified 15 current or recent (2018– 2019) suppliers of Brazil’s leading meat processors,

Greenpeace between the ranchers and the big

JBS, Marfrig and Minerva, that are linked to the

three meat processors predate the 2020 fires. As

devastating 2020 fires in the Pantanal, environmental

confirmed by the company responses to Greenpeace

violations resulting in embargoes and/or property

regarding the cases laid out in this report,193 the

registration irregularities.

meat processors deem that all of the ranches that


Although use of fire was banned by regional

at the time of purchase. Further, at least 11 of the 15

for a number of months,189 in total more than 73,000 ha

ranchers apparently remain tier-one suppliers – ie

– an area larger than Singapore and about half the size

have at least one property approved to directly

of Greater London

supply at least one of the meat processors.194


– burned within the boundaries

of the case study properties between 1 July and 27

In the case of JBS, three of its current tier-one

October 2020, and in many cases these fires appear to

approvals appear to violate its sourcing policy, as

have contributed to extensive burning far beyond the

does one of its historic trading relationships – and

property limits.

its assessment of the suppliers’ compliance conflicts with that of Minerva in some instances.195 One of

processors to ensure they have adequate due diligence

Marfrig’s historic trading relationships similarly

procedures in place to guarantee that dirty cattle from

appears to violate its sourcing policy,196 despite the

rogue ranchers linked to environmental destruction or

company’s assertions about compliance. Marfrig has

legal violations are excluded from their supply base.

not indicated that it intends to review these trade

Thirteen of the 15 ranchers identified by Greenpeace were tier-one suppliers: they directly


directly supplied them met their policy requirements

governments and presidential decree from July 2020

These cases expose the failure of the meat


The supply chain links established by

relationships more closely. As for JBS, presented with the summary

supplied one or more of the meat processors from an

findings of this report, the company confirmed

approved ranch in 2018 or 2019 (the most recent period

to an industry journal that for the moment it has

for which analysis was possible).191 In the majority of

no intention to exclude suppliers – tier-one or

instances, the links between the case study properties

third-party – that violate its policies. Instead, the

themselves and the meat processors were indirect –

emphasis is on getting Amazon suppliers onto a

cattle from those properties passed through one or

monitoring platform by 2025:

more other ranches before being sent to slaughter.

‘Right now, we’re not going to block them

However, in most cases, the intermediary ranches were

[noncompliant suppliers], we’re going to try to help them

owned by the same individual.

solve the issue. Sometimes it’s paperwork, sometimes they


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