Just before EU-China Highlevel Summit in Brussels on 1-2 June 2017, the first Green Session: from Policy to practice was held in Brussels at Info-Point Europe on the topic: EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions and Green-Circular Economy, as Partner Event of EU Green Week 2017. As a special multi-actor talk, the initiative gathered a wide range of central, regional and local government level speakers, from UN Environment, European Commission, EU Investment Bank, Member of EU Parliament, to speakers of academia, city-regions administration and networks from Europe and China.
Following the interesting technical outcome of the Green Session and the "Roadmap of Exchanges" for climate actions, green and circular economy, this initiative is working on creating knowledge interfaces and programs in the area of nature-heritage tourism, green investment and vocational training in Europe, China and beyond. It will continue to contribute with Multi-Actor Dialogues on selected focal sectors.