Report: EU-China Cooperation & Climate-Green-Circular Actions

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Green Session Reports:

“from Policy to Practice”

★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Brussels Workshop, Partner Event of EU Green Week 2017

EU Green Week Partner Event 欧盟绿色周伙伴活动 2017


for a greener future #EUGreenWeek > May - June 2017

Partner Event

Green Session Report, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Green Session is a Partner Event of EU Green Week 2017: GREEN JOBS

for a greener future #EUGreenWeek > May - June 2017

Partner Event

EU Green Week 2017 takes place from 29 May to 2 June with the theme of 'Green jobs for a greener future'.

Featuring Speakers: ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This Green Session Report is a reading of

Green Sessions “from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy Time: 13:00-17:30 on 31. 05. 2017, Info-Point Europe at Schuman Roundabout, Rue Archimède 1 (1st floor), 1000 Brussels, Belgium *All references of the Green Sessions and quotations are allowed on the condition that the speaker, Green session and its initiator are clearly mentioned. *Green Session collect while not represent contributors’ views. *Each contributor is responsible for his/her used materials .

*UN Environment Brussels Office *European Commission, DG Clima *European Parliament *European Investment Bank *EU Committee of Regions *EU-China Research Centre - EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe *Sichuan University *Brussels-Capital Region *Clean Air Asia *Natureherit Design & Consult

Drafted and initiated by: Natureherit Design & Consult, The Netherlands Event / Media partners: *EU-China Research Centre, EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe *European Banking Federation 2

Introduction, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Location of the 1st Green Session on EU-China Cooperation:

EU Infopoint at Schuman, Rue Archimède 1 (1st floor), 1000 Brussels

Dear Readers, On 31st May 2017, during the EU Green Week 2017 themed “Green Jobs”, we held a special technical talk on EU-China Climate Cooperation and GreenCircular Economy in Brussels. With various speakers from UN Environment to Brussels Regions, the Green Session hosted various professional actors to speak, exchange ideas on and bridge gaps between policy and practice, between localities and cultures. This Green Session Report (English version) summarizes the main ideas and opinions expressed and additional information, including controversial opinions. It will be released online and connected to future Green Sessions.

Whilst looking forward to your feedback and opinion's I wish you much reading pleasure!

Yours sincerely,

Schuman Roundabout

Info-Point Europe

Xiaoying Liu Initiator of Green Sessions; Spatial planner for climate-green-circular economy and solutions

Schuman Roundabout area at European Quarter in Brussels. Above: Aerial view, image CC BY-SA 3.0, Author Zinneke;


Introduction, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Introduction -- A Discovery Dialogue from Policy to Practice with Multi-Actors

Above: Info-Point Europe at Schuman Roundabout, which is to raise awareness of the European Union and to Europe's citizens and visitors. (Images tNatureherit)

Global actions to turn around climate change are at a crucial turning point on this planet, where economies, technologies and lives are increasingly interconnected. The Green Session series “from Policy to Practice” discusses Climate action and Green-Circular Economies, designed as multi-actor dialogues and communication activities based on the idea of interconnection between geographic, spatial and social territories. Also called “The Breakout Events”, Green Sessions are not official or political, but designed to provide communication background and knowledge info for the various actors to understand, digest and discover the multifacet policy and practice. Through showcase of successful climate-greencircular solutions in spatial and technical scopes, accelerate key programs, upscale “from Policy to Practice” between different programs , transfer nature-heritage and social-economic values between Global Places, Localities and Territories. Just before EU-China Highlevel Summit in Brussels on 1-2 June 2017, the first Green Session: from Policy to practice was held in Brussels at InfoPoint Europe on the topic: EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions and Green-Circular Economy, as Partner Event of EU Green Week 2017. The initiative gathered a wide range of central, regional and local government level speakers, from international institutions, academia, regions and city networks from Europe and China. Experiences were shared and examples of innovative practices exchanged. Following the interesting technical outcome of the Green Session and the "Roadmap of Exchanges", this initiative is working on creating educational programs in the area of heritage knowledge and tourism, green investment and vocational training in Europe, China and beyond. It will continue to contribute with Multi-Actor Dialogues on selected focal sectors. 4

Briefing & Views Green Sessions “from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy


The following highlights from the speakers’ policy briefing and sharing views. Green-Circular Economy and Climate Finance, Clean Energy and City-Regional Cooperation are part of the Focus Areas which came out of the speeches:

Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Briefing & Views From the speaker briefing and views, key summaries share views, ideas and concerns regarding EU-China Climate Action and Green-Circular Economy in their global key role, reflect different roles, positions, opinions, expertise and backgrounds:

Claus Kondrup from DG Clima, European Commission, briefed the audience on “Implementing Europe's climate change mitigation and adaptation actions”,

Cities and regions are best placed to act together to reach the Paris Agreement. (Brussels, Paris, Barcelona, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, just to name a few.)

At the start of the workshop, Duncan Freeman from the EU-China Research Centre - EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe, explained the relationship between the EU and China on climate change. “The positions of the EU and China will be critical to future developments: both have reiterated their commitment to the Paris Agreement, and to tackling climate change. The EU-China relationship is both cooperative and competitive. In this complex environment, the key question for policymakers and other actors is to move discussion to implementation and practice. The purpose of the event today is to explore how the search for practical solutions in the EU and China can be enhanced.” 6

Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017 Ulf Björnholm, Head of the UN Environment (United Nations Environment Program) Brussels Office, gave a comprehensive, in-depth analysis on global policy as well as implementation of climate actions, greencircular economy and EU-China cooperation with the role of UN and UN Environment. He said:

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

tentially through the Belt and Road initiative - provided that the right environmental and social safeguards are put in place. This will require hard work both sides, clear strategic thinking, leadership and a spirit of compromise. UN Environment and other UN organizations can assist, through providing convening power, know-how and best practices.”

“From a global perspective, humanity has never been richer, healthier and safer than today. Since 2005, over half a billion people have escaped from extreme poverty and hunger; many of them in China. But much more needs are to be done to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Inclusive green economy is an effective approach to meeting many of the targets, for example by promoting a tax shift from labour to resource and energy use, removing fossil fuel subsidies, greening of national budgets, reforming pricing systems for energy, water and land use, giving an economic value to “free” public goods such as nature, biodiversity, clean air and water, and redesigning employment policies. EU-China cooperation on Green-Circular Economy is already relatively well advanced – but the opportunity to do more is significant, as showcased by flagship initiatives such as “PAGE - Partnership on Action for Green Economy”. Given the many global challenges, arguments for a closer cooperation between the EU and China are compelling, with significant opportunities. This will not only be a bonus but a necessity, and it will create a win-win-win situation - for the EU, for China and the Planet.

Ulf Björnholm from UN Environment: “EU-China cooperation on achieving a green economy is not a bonus but a necessity to create the win-win-win situation, win for the EU, for China and the Planet.”

There are many avenues to make this happen, including through the EU-China climate partnership and the EU-China Summit, as well as po7

Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017 Claus Kondrup, Acting Head of Adaptation Unit, Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG Clima), European Commission, briefed the audience on “Implementing Europe's climate change mitigation and adaptation actions”. He started with the latest Climate mitigation policy in Europe: “EU tackles on climate as a whole region with nationally determined climate targets. The target in general is emission reduction at least 40% by 2030 in ETS (Emission Trading System) and nonETS sectors. For the ETS we will have a EU-wide carbon market with an ETS Directive. We work with complementary legislative proposals – share of renewable energy and energy efficiency, low emission mobility strategy. Besides ETS, a number of land use and energy regulations as complementary legal framework are imbedded in local decision making to tackle vulnerable sectors, such as the LULUCF sector (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) in the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Framework. EU is working closely together with China on a range of issues. The cooperation roadmap with China include emission trading system and taking actions between cities and regions. “Spreading worldwide, the Covenant of Mayors has merged with the Compact of Mayors to Global Covenant of Mayors. provides a framework where cities around the world can share experiences on adaptation and mitigation, starting up in China as well.” On the situation of EU-Canada-China cooperation, Kondrup: “Cooperation just started, further cooperation also on cities.”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

MEP Jo Leinen, Chair of Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China at the European Parliament, joined the workshop. “Circular economy and Climate (Actions) are out there. We cannot fail. EU and China have to reconfirm the commitment to decarbonize as the strategy. Then make it concrete. This is exactly what is meant ‘from Policy to Practice’. We know exactly what to do. It has to be done.” “The potential of EU and China cooperation is huge. We aren’t antagonistic. There are complementarity to build the world and shape the world. On Belt and Road, it is a keen idea. Kennedy had the idea to fly to the moon. Now we have the vision to connect Asia, Europe and Africa, which is good. Some colleagues have not exactly seen what does it mean at the end of Belt and Road. Are there many winners or only one winner? Are the projects sustainable in environmental aspects, economically viable? If yes, no problem to participate. On research and development, I hope that there is a good cooperation between both sides to look for the best ideas and technologies. The political will is there to have it on equal footing. City levels are so important, daily and practical. The chance in China is the new cities where you could do all the good practices. Our cities have to be remodeled, refurbished. But China as well. He supported the "from Policy to Practice" Green Session dialogue and wishes that this initiative will continue. “I think you touched already the main areas where transformation is necessary for climate protection, where China has to help Europe and Europe has to help China.” 8

Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

More important is change in the perception of green, i.e., green development, green consumption, green growth, and people's behavior change. Public awareness is improved, especially relating to the extreme weather events and pollution. A web-based questionnaire survey we conducted in Mid-West China showed that Climate change is perceived by 98% participants. Lessons to take away: - GHG reduction is associated with evaluation of government and promotion of officials; - Increased public awareness about GHG reduction, probably due to air pollution; MEP Jo Leinen, Chair of Delegation for relations with China, EU Parliament, gave his latest views after a China visit and supported the “Green Sessions” initiative.

- With very fast internet-based sector development (such as ECommerce and sharing economies), low carbon and GHG reduction will become substantial.”

Prof. Ya Tang from the College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University, is an expert on ecological-human impacts of climate change and action, Chinese climate related policies and practice in Chengdu. He joined by phone: “China has become the biggest GHG emitter. Policies have been set up in China with the 2030 target of 60-65% carbon density reduction from the 2005 level. Once a target is set by Central Government,all necessary efforts are made to achieve it. Carbon trade networks are set up to facilitate carbon emission reduction and to coordinate carbon reduction, e.g. reduce use of fossil energy, promotion of electric cars, improve green building standards.

Prof. Ya Tang from Sichuan University dialed in from Chengdu, introduceing recent progress of climate policies in China and actions taken in Chengdu city.


Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Filip Vandeputte conducts Climate-Environment, Energy projects for Central, East Europe and China at European Investment Bank (EIB). He said: “With an AAA rating, the EIB can access finance at low interest rates which are passed on to the borrowers. As pollution, GHG, migration, etc. doesn´t stop at Europe´s borders, EIB lending goes beyond these borders; this lending represents today 10 % of total. EIB is the biggest lender between all IFI´s in the world.

Projects that EIB supports comply strictly to EU Directives. The EU Directives are no policies neither laws, but general proven principles and standards / methodologies which are applicable everywhere and are transposed in legislation by the European member states.

The EIB as a development bank, differentiates itself from commercial banks by low interest rates and long lending periods. EIB provides lending to help EU (and the world) develop and prosper by working around 4 pillars: innovation, small businesses, infrastructure and environment (incl. climate, social, pollution etc).

He called in personal name for a new Marshall Plan for EU and China to launch extensive building renovation campaigns in neglected urban areas, which will significantly improve living standards of people while strongly cut emissions and reduce climate change.

Lu Fu, China Program Director of Clean Air Asia, explained from Beijing how Clean Air Asia (CAA) as NGO works for Chinese cities. Clean Air Asia was founded in 2001 by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and USAID. With climate actions, the priority goal of the organisation is in order to support Asian Cities in effective roadmaps to reduce or eliminate crucial air pollution. There are no signatories needed from the cities but there wills to learn and deliver actions. CAA connects to 7 country networks and about 1000 Asian Cities. “CAA conducted training in 111 Chinese cities so far. Air quality improvement delivers co-benefits: GHG reduction & green economy development. E.g. CAA helps cities to develop and Implement Sector Plan addressing Coal-fired Boilers.”

Filip Vandeputte from EIB called out a Marshall Plan to ensure green finace for building refurbishment, green jobs, EU-China climate actions.

When Fu showed a comprehensive framework of Chinese dealing with air quality. (CAA China Air Report 2016), she explained that bottom-up approach and good measures can help cities. “Specific policy meas10

Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

ures, technologies and emission quantification help cities to achieve both air pollution and GHGs reduction; Sector interventions help cities reduce air pollution while maintaining economic growth: and successful stories.”

Daniël Verheyden is International Relations Officer at Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium. He said: “As a Capital Region, we have collaboration agreements with Chinese Sichuan Province, Beijing City, Shenzhen City and Hongkong, some for more than 20 years. The topics have evolved with the time. E.g. we participated in the Guangzhou Urban Innovation Award and received Chinese delegations for exchanges of experiences in various fields. Climate Change came into picture in recent years. We try to have our contribution to combat climate change on the local level, which starts with economic development and employment initiatives, crossfunctional innovation, procurement and employment. Through local green-circular and climate action policies such as Be Circular Be Brussels, Good food Strategy, Smart Mobility Plan, key area plans like the Canal Zone Plan, many initiatives could be subsidized by the government. Not big changes, but attract local organizations to carry out the projects. Eat Brussels festival is a good example. We also work with small plans implemented through local associations. We use initiatives in the city. We try to support them.”

Daniël Verheyden from Brussels Capital Region explained interconnected local policies to manage and refurbish urban areas with social-economic upgrades.

Radim Dvorak represents the ENVE Committee at the Committee of Regions (CoR), replacing the Covenant of Mayors Ambassador Ms. Kata Tutto. “The EU Committee of Regions is the institutional voice of local and regional politicians – CoR members – and drafts opinions to influence the legislation of the EU central institutions (Council, Parliament, Commission). Cities and regions are best placed to act together to reach the Paris Agreement for various reasons: subnational actors are the most trusted levels of government. They can assert their visions, support behaviour and cultural change, enable stakeholders to work. Mayors are the first addressees of climate change problems: traffic jams, pollution, energy poverty, floods etc. 11

Briefing & Views, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Covenant of Mayors is being globalized, merged with Compact of Mayors, boasting over 7000 signatories, currently coordinating ways to align both models, emission reporting systems, climate and energy action plans etc. CoR is developing a partnership with the US Conference of Mayors.

We initiated Green Sessions as an interactive exchange to join different voices, circulate data and technical information. The divergent actors can bridge gaps between policy and practice, between localities and cultures, add up project efforts and accelerate concrete solutions.

How is China going to participate in the Covenant? We held discussions on city levels between EU and China incl. Urbanisation partnership and individual partnerships. The Regional Covenant will be opened in Southeast Asia. A Chinese city shall become a member of the Global Covenant Board.“

Xiaoying Liu, Initiator of Green Sessions, Director & Spatial planning consultant of Natureherit Design & Consult, imbeds communication consultancy into the climate-green-circular area developments. She said: “Our world of today needs better communication between policy and practice to achieve the global approach. Synergies and values of climategreen-circular solutions between global localities are still under-discovered and missing momentum. Planning, communication and investments on local levels are key factors, just as the following are essential elements for Green-Circular Economy: Carbon accountability and “nationally determined contributions” (NDCs) for Paris Agreement, green-climate investment readiness, design and technologic values and awareness building programs.

Languages, terminology and mindsets over climate actions are different. We need to exchange more between global and regional policy approaches, understand local values, situations and policies, discover and upscale comparable processes and solutions. As an example, in recent years, EU metropolises, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Copenhagen and Brussels established car-free city centers, nature-based solutions and circular systems with vigorous local policies and smart tools. Dutch cities with intact canal systems set urban-rural balanced approaches. In China, Chengdu developed pioneering climate awareness and action plans, as well as a green credit card system. Shanghai's urban-rural refurbishment, green innovation development and 2040 Masterplan for a “green and safe global city” compare well with the climate mitigation-adaptation plans in EU cities and regions. As a small and steady step for practical approaches, Natureherit collaborates with a research team from Beijing Tsinghua University to map climate impacts on vulnerable social groups, at the same time explore paths of urban refurbishments. “From daily life situations, we could share more workable experiences between EU and China, get successful local approaches into stable green-circular economies, scalable from EU, China to global localities.


Focus Areas Green Sessions “from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy


Several Focus Themes emerge out of the Green Session. Some of these are still controversial. The conversation can be continued in update version of Green Session Report or new Green Sessions.

Focus Area, version 18-06-2017

Focus Themes - A special feature of Green Session Reports

Clean Energy, Urban Mobility Technology and Market Breakthrough Ulf Björnholm: Things have changed quite rapidly. Interestingly investments globally are going down in renewable energy and the capacity is going up. This is a clear sign that renewable energy becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. You can have an employment policy that stimulates green jobs. Renewable energy already employs 1.1 million people in the EU and 3.5 million in China. In the US, it employs 800,000 people, the coal industry less than 5 times lower than that: around 180,000. So when the President Trump talked about saving job by saving the coal industry, it simply does not make sense. MEP Jo Leinen: We know that going electric in the mobility is a must for big cities. Covenant of Mayors is a wonderful process. Some breakthrough of development and investment are most possibly coming not from Europe, but from China and US. In the (clean) energy production like the mobility it looks like that China is at the top level and we are buying the products. It is good for global development if there are leaders who can do the job.

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Duncan Freeman: EU and China have extensive cooperation in the fields of energy and climate change. In their summit statements the EU and China have committed to closer cooperation. In 2016 they agreed the EU-China Energy Roadmap. Daniel Verheyden: The pedestrian zone in the centre of Brussels is the biggest pedestrian zone in EU at the moment. Therefore, our European partner city Oslo organizes a car-free centre conference in Brussels. Brussels-Capital Region has received various prizes for its mobility and urban plans from the European Commission and ISOCARP.

Emission Trading System and Accountability, Green Finance / Climate Awareness Bonds Claus Kondrup: Since 2014, EU has supported China in building an emission trading system (to be rolled out nation-wide). Filip Vandeputte: The EIB wants to be a leading actor in the Green Bond Market working hard to develop Climate Action Investment. Although China is one of the main EIB bond buyers, only a small part of these bonds are Climate Awareness Bonds (CAB); a trend which EIB expects will change quickly. The Green Bond market is developing fast going through a steep learning curve in reporting and auditing, which are essential to build confidence in this new financial product. Xiaoying Liu: The joint initiative of People's Bank of China and the European Investment Bank was known in March this year to improve emission accountability and mobilise greater support for green finance. For EU-China cities and regions, this could help to effectively 14

Focus Area, version 18-06-2017 upscale climate actions, exchange and interact existing and new green-circular economy etc.

Belt and Road, Green Economy Approaches, Infrastructure Projects Ulf Björnholm: The Belt and Road initiative has potential to promote climate action and green economy, but this will needs very strong political guidance, from China, other countries and EU, to make sure that the infrastructure projects will have strong environmental and social safeguards. UN Environment has committed to support China and other countries in this. Sustainable Development and Green Economy must be at the core of all major future political visions, also including for example the “Belt and Road” Initiatives (from China) and the future of the European Union. MEP Jo Leinen: On Belt and Road, it is a keen idea. Kennedy had the idea to fly to the moon. Now we have the vision to connect Asia, Europe and Africa, which is good. Are the projects sustainable in environmental aspects, economically viable? If yes, no problem to participate. International standards, common criteria are fundamental for bilateral cooperation & projects. Filip Vandeputte: For projects in China, EIB´s latest mandate exclusively targets environmental and climate action projects; In addition to traditional energy efficiency and forestry projects, also river rehabilitation, waste water treatment, E-mobility etc. are considered.

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Green Building Refurbishment, Urban Regeneration and Employment Growth Ulf Björnholm: You can develop a green national budget. You can reform governmental economic incentives for energy, water, land use, discouraging over-use. You can provide economic values to free public goods, such as nature, bio diversity, clean air or water. Filip Vandeputte: Based on the Bank´s experience, regarding climate mitigation actions, thermal building refurbishment projects outperform most other investments, as CO2 emission / energy savings and investment potential are massive. Due to the energy savings, the projects pay for themselves over time, create comfort improvements and high quality employment as well as extend life of assets (circular economy). Recently refurbished buildings in Bucharest experienced a 30% increase in real estate value. As nearly half of all buildings in Bucharest went through refurbishment, people realize the advantages and consequently the demand for refurbishment has skyrocket due to which Municipality is organizing rapid renovation of the remaining buildings. Also in other places, interests in building refurbishment from residents, investors and contractors are high, however the long payback time doesn´t get easily financed due to lack of guarantee from local authorities, when the countries are poor. Many initiatives as e.g. Covenant of Mayors can help to implement the projects. From personal view, a “Marshall Plan” initiative for building refurbishment is needed that would provide financial guarantee to banks allowing them to lend for refurbishment investment to be paid back over relatively long period (15 years). 15

Focus Area, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

World leaders should realize that leaving these people behind in deteriorating housing without any perspective for improvement, is a much bigger social and political risk than providing financial guarantees to investments that anyway pay themselves back. This Green Investment Action might be implemented jointly by EU-China initiatives in cities and regions, e.g. in Central Europe, East Europe, Central Asia and China.

description of coordination or contrast, but a mixed new language with the old ones. It is a mix-voice and polyphony,”

MEP Jo Leinen: Greening in the sense of words are indeed happening, if you see that millions of trees have been planted from year to year. Especially where you have parks and allees where the trees are certainly good element of the green cities. That is visible. Chengdu is a perfect city to go green. I have been with the parliament delegation last year. I saw the plans for complete new city sectors that are bigger than any of our cities. Daniel Verheyden: The major development plan for the coming years in Brussels is the Canal Zone Plan, not primarily for climate actions, but to convert industrial areas in the city. Government decided to refurbish around the Brussels Canal to create jobs in urban areas. Various subprojects are being discussed, such as the district food market and culture centre Abattoir and Incubator Greenbizz. Xiaoying Liu: Urban-rural developments and refurbishments should narrate local characteristic places to preserve heritage evolution values, building traditions, local materials, technical and management etc. According to Prof. Shiling Zheng, advisor to Shanghai Municipal Government, “Urban regeneration will certainly meet the challenge of the insertion new building in the historical setting, it is not just a simple

To create best mix of values and increase feasibility for the urban refurbishment, EU-China cities and regions should be able to exchange their valuable “place solutions” on a “Global Towns” stage and along the “Belt and Road”. These could start from initial project phase to increase green finance by establishing trust, optimizing implementation process in international communities with sustainable interests.

Clean Coal & Alternative Solutions Filip Vandeputte: China is extending massively the power generation by renewables (wind, solar), but is also improving the quality and efficiency of existing and new coal firing infrastructure on a large scale under a new policy, requiring the power and heat industry to reduce CO2 emission at least 15 % by 2020. Additionally to efficiency increases, coal plants will potentially be able to overcome this constraint by the use of new developed production of Bio Coal as an renewable alternative to coal. EIB doesn’t finance investments related to coal utilization, indicating a fundamental difference between EU and Chinese policies. Lu Fu: With comprehensive framework and targets, various measures have been developed related to Coal Consumption Control and Clean Use of Coal of installed Power Capacity in China. Retrofit of Coal-fired Power Plants achieved Ultra-low Emission Standard.


Focus Area, version 18-06-2017

Green Economy, Trade & Sustainable Lifestyles Ulf Björnholm: To keep it simple, a Green Economy is about increasing economic outputs, while decreasing the use of energy resources and materials and cutting pollution, using new technology and innovation and promoting sustainable lifestyles. An economy that is low-carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. In the long run, we also have to tackle lifestyle issues, namely what we eat, consume, how much energy we use etc. Prof. Ya Tang: More important is change in perception of green, i.e., green development, green consumption, green growth, and people's behavior change. (Besides regional carbon trade system), the government tries to reduce public carbon consumption and reward people by giving credits. Sharing Bicycles Businesses and Green Awarding Systems (called locally green credit card) has been set up by some companies to stimulate institutions and individuals to make low-carbon transport choices, consumption and energy use. A lot of potential to develop this system has huge green economic potential.

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

cally initiated) can exchange regional, cooperative and local climate action projects, as well as sectoral practices on an open or even global stage. Filip Vandeputte: European and Chinese policies are sharing same goals but are different as people in both continents think differently although they want the same: Clean environment, health, happiness, safety and wealth. As both, Europe and China are sharing one world and one environment, cooperation is essential as we need to tackle the existential problems that we face today. This cooperation and joining forces requires us to understand the differences, to become complementary and more effective together than each on our own. (To be continued.)

EU-China Mindsets and City-Region Cooperation Radim Dvorak: We need to tackle issues linked with the democratic nature of city administration: Mayors come and go. Political courses change after elections; but we must make ensure that commitments are long-term and goals shared across political representations. Xiaoying Liu: A feasible win-win-win action for EU-China cooperations is to ensure that their cities, regions and networks (centralized and lo17

Useful Links Green Sessions “from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy


Most relevant policies, platforms, developments and knowledge sources from the Green Session. This chapter with latest updates after the Green Session is to grow links and sources for open discussion. See also Chapter 4: A Possible Roadmap.

Useful Links, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

United Nations & Global Platforms & Knowledge Source UN Environment (United Nations Environment Programme)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement from the 21st Conference of the Parties 23rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). UN 2030 Agenda: 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and 169 Indicators https://sustainabledevelopme The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) with 5 UN agencies, 7 funding partners and presently 11 PAGE countries incl. China. 5 UN agencies: UN Environment, International Labour Organization, UN Development Programme, UN Industrial Development Organization, and UN Institute for Training and Research

7 funding partners: European Union, Finland, Germany, Norway, Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland.

Green Climate Fund me

G20 Green Finance Study Group

G20 Green Finance Synthesis Report Guidelines for Establishing the Green Financial System G20 Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit presented in April 2017 in China here.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP): a global network of international organizations and experts, by the Global Green Growth Institute, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank. The United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS) i on voluntary sustainability standards TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity


Useful Links, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

EU-China Latest Related Processes and Developments

EU-China 19th summit 0102, 06, 2017, Brussels

Press release: EU-China Summit, 01-02/06/2017 European Commission China Daily

EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation docs/china/docs/eu-china_2020 _strategic_agenda_en.pdf

JRC and Chinese Academy of Sciences sign a research framework arrangement in the framework of the EU-China Summit 2017 press/index.cfm?id=1435

EU-China Trade project , Support China’s Sustainable Trade and Investment System

Covenant of Mayors go international: Global Covenant of Mayors http://www.globalcovenantofmayor

to combine policy and market bestpractice and strengthen the framework for green investment

EU and China agree on scope of the future investment deal

EU-China Climate Change Partnership ntries-and-regions/countries/china/

Joint initiative of EIB and PBoC Press release on 22.03.2017: New People’s Bank of China and EIB initiative to strengthen green finance,

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) addresses infrastructure needs across Asia. (80 country memAIIB Annual Meeting 2017, 16-18 06 bers so far)

China Europe Water Platform hina-europe-water-platform A pilot project on water and energy will be released soon.

EU-China connectivity Platform tes/transport/files/2017-06-01-jo int-agreed-minutes-second-chai rs-meeting-eu-china-connectivit y-platform.pdf

EU-China Energy Partnership Roadmap ites/ener/files/documents/FIN AL_EU_CHINA_ENERGY_R OADMAP_EN.pdf

2017, Jeju, Korea

From Hangzhou to Hamburg – Green Finance in the G20 oad/16330.pdf nternational/cooperation/china_en


Useful Links, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

EU Major Environment Policy, Mandates and Programs vironmental_policy_of_the_Eur opean_Union

EU 2030 Climate and Energy Framework /strategies/2030_en

© iStock

© iStockphoto/ FeelPic

Environmental policies of the European Union

The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) •

The EU ETS is the cornerstone of the European Union’s drive to reduce its emissions of manmade greenhouse gases which are largely responsible for warming the planet and causing climate change.

The system works by putting a limit on overall emissions from covered installations which is reduced each year. Within this limit, companies can buy and sell emission allowances as needed. This ‘cap-and-trade’ approach gives companies the flexibility they need to cut their emissions in the most cost-effective way.

The EU ETS covers approximately 11,000 power stations and manufacturing plants in the 28 EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as well as aviation activities in these countries. In total, around 45% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions are regulated by the EU ETS.

The EU ETS remains the world’s biggest emissions trading market, accounting for over threequarters of international carbon trading. It continues to inspire the development of other national or regional systems. Europe is looking to link the EU ETS with compatible schemes in other countries.

The European Commission presented in July 2015 a legislative proposal on the revision of the EU ETS for its next phase (2021-2030), in line with the EU’s 2030 climate and energy policy framework. The proposal aims to reduce EU ETS emissions by 43% compared to 2005.

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016 Climate Change and Major Projects One of world's largest funding programmes for innovative low-carbon energy demo projects on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and innovative renewable energy (RES) technologies owcarbon/ner300_en

NER 300 Programs

EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) ima/files/factsheet_ets_en.pdf

EU Covenant of Mayors initiative for Climate and Energy SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans

Climate Action

EU Green growth and circular economy een-growth/index_en.htm

International Urban Cooperation (IUC)

a package of measures and legislative proposals

EU Natura2000 Network EU Green Infrastructure EU Coastal and Marine Policy EU Biodiversity Strategy nature/natura2000/index_en.htm nature/ecosystems/index_en.htm u-coast-and-marine-policy/index_en.htm odiversity/strategy/index_en.htm EU Research cooperation with China p/index.cfm?pg=china 0-and-china/ Life Programme Climate Action sub-programme under LIFE Programme 21

Useful Links, version 18-06-2017

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

China’s Climate and Green-Circular Economy Policy, Mandates & Programs

EU-China City-Regions policy-practice cases (open local examples)

Chinese National Climate Change Program 2017

issued on June 4 by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) /environment/213624.htm


Local Policies / Urban refurbishment & development integration, Brussels

paYs-bas nederland

Zone-canal kanaalzone anvers antwerpen

belgique belgië

Brussesl Canal Zone Plan City Marekting

bruxelles brussels région de bruxelles-capitale brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest ring


région de bruxelles-capitale brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest

france frankrijk

ring 19

Chinese national carbon trading scheme Chinese Circular Economy Promotion Law 2009

(by People’s Bank of China, supported by UN Environment)

State Council 13th Five Year Plan, Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions Working Agenda Chinese description, China Climate Change Info Net (NDRC) China Green Finance Task Force Report, Establishing China's Green Financial System



Green Finance Working Group my/sites/ files/policy_brief-china_final.pdf



Shanghai page-countries/china

Clean Air Asia “China Air 2016– Air Pollution Prevention and Control Progress in Chinese Cities” report


Brussels Circular Package “Be Circular, Be Brussels” Brussels Region Mobility Plan Brussels Good Food Strategy European Investment Bank (EIB) energy efficiency projects and green bonds EIB support investment to increase en ergy efficiency of residential buildings Chengdu Shows How Cities Can Turn Climate Commitments into Action ngdu-shows-how-cities-can-turn-clim ate-commitments-action Shanghai urban-rural renewal plans & green innovation development District of old Glorystill leads way in urban development and industry Chongming Eco Island Eco Tourism Urban climate influence and refurbishment approach in Beijing - Collaborative research: Left: Thermal Vulnerability Study for social groups, Beijing Tsinghua University / Right: Micro environment study, Sanlitun Area, Natureherit Design & Consult, The Netherlands


A Roadmap of Exchanges Green Sessions “from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy


To join up actions and dialogues relating to Climate-Environment Actions and the COP23, a possible Roadmap of Exchanges is drawn. Further more, this communication approach and reporting design could narrate and disseminate climate actions in reality spaces anywhere in the world.

A Roadmap of Exchanges, version 18-06-2017

A Possible Roadmap of Exchanges for Green Sessions (in consultation)

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Green Session Reports

* Integrate climate, green and circular place knowledge

into nature-heritage tourism, green investment, vocational training etc. with Place Knowledge Interfaces.


Green Session / Workshop Various speeches, discussions >> Collect and study data in Presentations, Recording, Outreach and Feedbacks.


Place Exchanges from Policy to Practice

with Heritage and Urban-Rural Places between West and East

NGR EU - 水上地理漫游 欧洲

Policy - SDGs


Green Session Reports Online & updated

Nau*cal Geographic Routes Europe

Place * Knowledge

Living Exchanges

GreenMagnets’ Routes ® as Reality-web instrument & open source with Circular Micro Environments (CME) Link Up Des*na*ons for Local-AXuned Green-Blue Economies •  From historic routes (Silk Roads and many others) to global places, special interface tools to spread eco-effec>ve, a@rac>ve and healthy Micro Environments, their characters, solu>ons and experiences; •  Link up nature-culture heritage places to disseminate local green solu>ons globally, Increase Green InvestmentsGrowth-Jobs with complex challenges by empower Nature-Culture Values for Social Cohesion / Compassion / Ac>ons. •  Economic-Social Connec>vity of exis>ng industries, projects, plaQorms and their global-local players (Nature-Culture Based Solu>ons, Responsible Investment, Circular Economy, Emission Trade System etc.).

GreenMagnets’ Routes ®

NGREU -- Nau*cal Geographic Routes Europe

© Natureherit Design & Consult 2015-2017 All rights reserved.

Proposal & presentaFon to Sardegne Region, 04. 2017

Mid-Mediterranean: The Heritage Secrets of Sardinia

Climate Knowledge Programs for Places web-reality based

Speeches Data Documents



Green Session Reports

Place * Knowledge Programs

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Green Session Reports: “from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Twitter account #Green_Sess

EU Green Week Partner Event 欧盟绿色周伙伴活动 2017


for a greener future #EUGreenWeek > May - June 2017

Partner Event

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Green Session Report / Summary -- ISSUU Document Sharing Youtube channel: Green Sessions Green Session Reports:

“from Policy to Practice”

EU Green Week Partner Event 欧盟绿色周伙伴活动 2017


for a greener future #EUGreenWeek > May - June 2017

Partner Event

EN CN SUM EN ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Brussels Workshop, Partner Event of EU Green Week 2017

More info: • UN Environment Caoacity4dev Channel ration-climate-actions-and-green-circular • Natureherit News • EU-China Research Centre - EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe (event notice, inter-disciplinary policy observer) To increase multi-actor and inter-disciplinary-territorial exchanges, Green Session’s related info and links are exchanging with the following platforms: • IUC-International Urban Cooperation (and Global and European Covenant of Mayors • SANDBAG, not-for-profit think tank for smart climate policy based in London and Brussels • Build Up Portal, EU Portal for Energy Efficiency in Buildings • Eltis - (EU Urban Mobility Observatory)

Brussels Workshop, Partner Event of EU Green Week 2017

Natureherit Design & Consult Ms. Xiaoying Liu

Initiator of Green Sessions, Director & spatial planning-design consultant, Netherlands Reg. Architect EU EcoAP Community / B@B Platform | Reg. Expert of EU-China Urbanisation Leadership Program Email:

EU Green Week Partner Event 欧盟绿色周伙伴活动 2017


for a greener future #EUGreenWeek > May - June 2017

Partner Event

Green Session Reports:

“from Policy to Practice”

EU-China Cooperation on Climate Actions & Green-Circular Economy

Natureherit Design & Consult 2017

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